HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-02-01, Page 6tl
Personal Notes from Whitechurch
Miss Joann Laidlaw, Reg. N:,
of Goderich spent a few days last
week .With her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans of
Hyde Park were Sunday visitors
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bili Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sleight -
holm were weekend visitors with
their daughter, Mrs. Dalton
Noels and Mr. Noels of Huron
Mr. and Mrs. Ifirk Beecroft and
Allele of Exeter were Sunday
visitors with his parents,. Mr. and
Mrs, E. W. Beecroft an I Urea M
the. River sideroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Creg,
Mr. and Mrs. -Alex Vralg and
Lana on Saturday evening at-
tended a family gathering at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill, Pea-
cock and family to visit with
Hugh McBurney and view his
pictures of Quebec, Hugh spent
last week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon McBurney,and
left on Sunday enroute to Aus-
tralia with some stopovers.
Whitechurch UCW. will hold
Year-end business is
discussed at annual.
PATTI MANN will have her name engraved on this hand-
some'tpl6que as winner of the 1973 speaking competition at
Howick Central school in the Grade 5-6 division, and will
keep the trophy as a personal memento. She was adjudged
best of 10 competitors who were screened out of an original
field of 165 pupils who prepared material for the event.
(Staff Photo)
Rev. Glenn niopie
conducts annual
moderator Rev. G. Noble was in
charge,when the congregation of
Chalmers Presbyterian Church
held its annual meeting last Fri-
day afternoon in the Sunday
School room. Mr. Noble opened
the meeting by reading scripture
and leading in prayer. The
minutes of the 1972 meeting were
read by Archie Purdon.
The session report showed four
balitisnris, during the year. Two
me>rnbers were remdved by death
'and three by certificate transfer.
The nunnber on the roll now
stands >at.114.
Session members are Johnston
Conn, Ira Wa% Elroy Laidlaw,
. Ball Versteeg,.Doiald Ross; A+til
drew. Gaun>l, James Mcllrath,
Walter Elliott (clerk). Victor
Wybenga is the `student minister
and Rev. Glenn Noble the interim
The 'Children of the Church
leaders, Mrs. H. Simpson. and
Mrs A. Purdon, heldeight meet-
ings during the year. The mem-
' berslup is, 14 with cwith an average
. attendance of 11. Used stamps
were sent to the leprosy mission
in Toronto.
The Sunday School had a very
' successful year and a good at-
tendance each Sunday. Super-
intendent is Walter Elliott, secre-
tary -treasurer is Mrs. John
Gaunt and teachers are Ruth
Elliott, Cecil deBoer, Jane Laid-
law, Mrs. Orland Irwin, Mrs. Vic-
tor Emerson and Irene deBoer.
rhe WMS held 11 meetings;
active members are 16 and home
helpers 12: The meetings were
held in the homes, with the ex-
ception of the July meeting when
the COC were guests; and Octo-
ber, the fall Thankoffering, when
Miss Lavonne Ballagh of Wing -
ham was guest speaker and the
guests were Langside, Calvin -
r) Brick United and Whitechurch
UCW. The Ladies' Aid meetings
were held after each WMS meet-
The financial report showed the
expenses had been met, with a
balance. Four new members
were appointed to the Board of
The ushers are to remain as in
the previous year; Elroy Laid-
law, Neil Rintoul, Bill Purdon,
Bill Versteeg, Douglas Ross and
John deBoer. The trustees are
John Gaunt, Robert Mowbray,
Don Ross and Bill Purdon.
A budget was set for 1973 and
Mr. Wybenga closed the meeting
with prayer.
it l 412 ",7; t).,.1'1,,Vet'
The CKNX Hawks got back on
the winning Isiah .last Tuesday
when they defeated the Canadian
Tire Canadiens. 4-1.
. On Friday the Brophy Bruins
edged the Police -Maple Leafs 5-4
to tighten up the standings.
In the Hawk-Canadien game,
Brad Gerrie gave the Canadiens
an early lead on a pass from Gor-
don Nevery. However the Hawks
got untracked to score four
straight goals "by Leo Kinahan,
Reuben Jacklin, Tommy Foulon
from Greg Storey; and Brian Hay
from Stephen Nicholls.
In the. Bruin -Leaf encounter,
Mike Rintoul _ scored . with 15
seconds remaining to give the
Bruins the win. The Bruins had
built up a 4-1 lead by the end of
the second only to have the Leafs
tie it upat4-4.
Goal scorers in the game were
for the Bruins, Mike Rintoul and
Mike Hull with two each. Blair
Bushell scored the other one. Hull
and Rintoul also added an assist
each. Peter Goodall scored twice
for the Leafs and added one
assist. Scott Cornwall and
Vaughan Passmore picked up
one goal each.
nual meeting . of the United
Church was held Tuesday eve-
ning of last week in the Sunday
school room with Karl De Koei-
jer, pastor, presiding ' and open-
ing the meeting with prayer. El-
mer Sleightholm, secretary, read
theminutes of last year's meet-
The session members are Mil-
lan Moore, Garnet Farrier, Clif-
ford Laidlaw, Elmer Sleight -
holm, Russell Chapman and Car.\
man Whytock. The session
reported resident members 54;
non-resident members 20; wed-
dings 2; new members 3.
The stewards are Mrs. Elwood
Groskorth, Charles Thompson,
Russel Ritchie, Mrs. Fred Tiffin,
Dave uaibb,. Mrs: Garnet Farrier,
Clifford Laidlaw, Albert Coultes,
Carman. 'Whytock, Fred Tiffin,
Gary Chapman, Mrs. George
Thompson, Mrs. Dave Gibb,
Garnet Farrier and Elmer.
Sleightholm. Secretary -treasurer
is Millan Moore; auditors, El-
wood Groskorth, Clifford Laidlaw
and Ivan Laidlaw; organist, Mrs.
Garnet Farrier; Observer, Mrs.
Millan Moore.
The United Church Women,
made at UC
with a membership of f9, meet
the first Tuesday of each -month.
They had a very active year, sent
bales valued at $118 to Fred Vic-
tor Mission, Toronto; Angola,
Africa and 81 lbs. to overseas re-
The Sunday School, with super-
intendent Clifford Laidlaw and
assistant Garnet Farrier; • secre-
tary -treasurer, Elmer Sleight -
holm ; and teachers, Mrs. Gary
Chapman, Charles Thomson,
Mrs. Cliff Laidlaw, Gary Chap-
man and Cradle Roll, Mrs. Ivan
Laidlaw, experienced a very re-
warding and interesting year.
The Messengers, with 25 mem-
bers, held 11 meetings with an
average attendance of 44. They
also had a successful year:
Th I showed a
Thy ��c..va as fund showed a
most encouraging year. ending
with a balance.
The meeting closed with
their f~ emery meeting ora Tu 00 04 $44011.7 With bill, moths*,
day, thedth, at 2 p.m. at the home Mrs. Robert Roser and ° ber
of Mrs. George Thompson.. ` mother, .Mrs. Earl Caslick. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrrs. Jolla'hoorson, Ross was able tO drive the car.
Michelle'and Colleen of Bluevale Ruaisel sus to go back to Low
were Sunday visitors with his hospital Feb..8 for cbeck-up. The
bThomson andfamily.Bruce mson; . • commtlifiluck on t�h t trip. .hifn, bit of
On Thursday a surprise p?arty Ke taeth Morrison of Alberta,
came to the home of Mr. and i. who visited a couple of week
Robert Mowbray ,t0 celebrate, with his Parents' Mr. and Mrs.
with Mrs. •A, E. Pardon her sSth Tom Morrison of Lucknow, left
birthday. Birthday Bakes were On Tuesday for the West and
brought by the McIntyre family hopes in the near future to go to
and Hector Purdon family. the Northwest Territories.
Among those present were Mr. Mr, and Mrs, Rae Lewis and
and Mrs. Athol Purdon and fain- Michael of Wingham were Satur-
ily of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Ow- day evening visitors with Mr, and
tor Purdon and family.. of Strath* 1VIrs. Wallace Conn.
roy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntyre <* . From Whitechurch and conn»
and family of Wingham, Mr. and
Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow,
Mrs. Lester Falconer of Culross,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Falconer and
Tony. The community extends
congratulations to Mrs. Purdon
and best wishes for good health.
Mr. and Mrs. Relison Falconer,
' Paul and Lynn of Sarnia spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Mowbray.
Mrs. Eva Cameron of Brant-
ford and Kenneth Morrison of Al-
berta are visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Morrison, Lucknow.
On Wednesday they visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morrison and
family and called on Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Emerson.
Mrs. Herb Hunter and Trevor,
who had visited, a few days with
her parents, Mrs and Mrs. Wal-
lace Conn, returned home to Lon-
don on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Casernore
of Brantford visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison
and family. Mrs. Eva .Cameron
returned to, her home in Brant-
ford with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel ROSS visit-
munity, congratulations to David
Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Johnston, St. Pauls, and
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
sham Johnston, on being a mem-
ber of the whining Mitchell team
playing Jockey at the Wngharu
tournament on Saturday and.
Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Henderson
and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Henderson, Schantal and Chris
all of London visited Sunday with
Mrs. Henderson's mother, Mrs.
Young of Dungannon, and wit'.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley"...,.
Mr. and Mr^.. ' ...trace Milligan
and 0- ..tiers,. Mary Lou and
Clara of Streetsville, spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alan
Falconer and Tony. Mrs. Fal-
alconer is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Milligan.
The wet snow which fell on Sun-
day and then froze, covered the
ice and greatly reduced the risk
of accidents. Last weekend Mrs.
Dawson Craig slipped on ice, fell
and fractured her left wrist which
had to be put in a cast. The com-
munity wishes her a speedy re-
A HUNDRED VOIC E$boomed as Llo Russ Zurbrlgg led
the singing at a special meeting of Wingham Lions here last
week when members of neighboring clubs,oWingham Kins-
men and Legionnaires more than doubled attendance to
hear guest. speaker George Finstad of the CBC. (Staff
Chartered AccOuntant
Wallace Ave. N. LISTOWEL, ONT.
BLUE. VALE — There was a
good attendance for the annual
meeting held at the United
Church on Sunday, which fol-
lowed a noon lunch.
Pastor Karel de Koeijer was
elected chairman and opened the
meeting with prayer.
Mrs. William Peacock, secre-
tary, read the 1972 minutes. All
organizations of the church
reported a very prosperous year.
Some suggestions were given for
anniversary speakers.
Some offices `ieft oien from
resignations were filled. Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Fraser were elected
Sunday School superintendents;
Jack Thompson was appointed
caretaker; Charles gathers and
Ross Smith were appointed to the
board of stewards and Robert
Fraser was named to the session.
Keith Johnston was elected to
the board of . trustees and Harold
Johnston has taken over the
duties of treasurer, succeeding
Charles Johnston who has serve'il`-
for 40 years.
Robert Fraser thanked Mr. and
Mrs. 'de Koeijer for their in-
spiring work.
Mr. de Koeijer closed the meet-
ing with prayer.
Multiply this scene by 4500 and you have the
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CARE tea.tns spread through 62 villages with
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Donor invetni lit -- less than $300, per house.
Millions of people are still holneless and CARE
will intellsify'its efforts when the.monsoon ends.
Your contribution will provide sheljer and save
Send your dollars to
,L...,._cAyE Canaria, Dept 4,
63 Sparks SI., Ottawa KIP 5A6
Ross Mann returned home
from Victoria Hospital, London,
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent
were visitors in Belgrave on Fri-
day with his brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Vincent.
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STRANGE HI -.LINKS AMUSED the meeting when a couple of "lucky" contest whiners
were involved in a sewing°and tie tying contest as part of the fun at the meeting of Wing -
hem Lions her last week. While fellow dub members roar, Em Stuckey and Bruce Mac-
Donald get ties applied by pretty Manor Hotel waitresses Linda Wall and 15renda McLeod,
at the same time frying to sew a button on a piece of cloth. Everybody won, principally the
audience. (Staff Photo)
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