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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-01-18, Page 15
task Saturday the es. Hew Heuw *an 110y1d #k Belgrave and lost d�ir k game in five exhibiticnsi 41. The locals were down yFo star the firit period, made it 4-2 at the end of the secondand then gave early in the up two Sc Rick Steve MOICary Thie Ovine grave, with .a for Winitheln were BPI LeVon and series with )34i - win e -wl,.e .and*t+;a c Selection of Quality FISH, AQUA PLANTS AQUARIUMS AND _ EQUIPMENT Lucknow 395-5443 i� cavo InIa'medM n two go es, lose one Be rave Intermediate hockey team had ° a busy schedule last we, home and two on the road, *Wog up two ivins and one loos In the pro.. MO.. The Belgrave sharpshooters turned it on last''ly night end roiled t an impressive score agate the Fordwich team. Gibson of Far ah opened the *coring at 2 ot the first period, assisted by Chick Gibson. ing - for Belgrave were Larry Robinson from Edgar and Bie- man ,and. Brian Black from Blair and Tom Black, During the first period the Fordwich goalie in- jured his arm and was replaced in the net for the start of the second period. Belgrave took advantage of the change and. outscored'.p'ordwich 5-1 in the second period, Scoring for Belgrave were Neil Bieman with three goals and Grant Coultea with two. Fordwich marksman was Chuck Gibson. In the third it was Brian Black with two and , Tom Black and Grant Coultes for Belgrave, while D. `Gibson and J. Gibson replied for Fordwich. Follow the Sun This Winter With SUNFLIGHT From Iucludlag Airflight, S119 sod Accoolmodotioll S'.. PETERSBURG - FREEPORT MlAiyll 1E10 - NASSAU " JAMAICA - dAitfA OS HAITI - HAWAII ACAPULCO - MEXICO DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED - BOOK NOW For more Information contact Jim Courtney 163 Main St. W. -Phone 291.4100 -THE ffLE.R 11 LIFETIME i11ARAN1'EEpI MUFFLERS SHOCK ABSORBERS "YOUR SILENT PARTNER" WHERE QUIET BEGINS OPEN INSTALLATION AND 415 MIN. SERVICE MON.-FRI. 8 - 6 SAT. 8 - 3 738 Ontario St. 271-5560 Stratford Congratulatio0 to Brian Blatit, Neil Blemsn and Grant Cool i on their three al per- formances, and to the Gibes boys who got all the Fordwicb Drayton 5,Belgravet Belgrave travelled to Drayton Wednesday night far their first away game and were defeated at the hands of a fatly improved team over former years. 'the Belgrave sharpshooters of the previous night must have left their scoring ecat home, as the only player r to. hit the mark was Tom Black with an assisiPfrom Brian Black. Wayne Coultes, in the Belgrave net, played a superb game, and if it hadn't been for his many stand- out save, Drayton could have run the score up much higher. Begrime 4, Monkton 2 Last Friday night Belgrave got back on the winning track by downing Monkton, This was a fast, close and rough game with an abundance of penalties ,and worse than poor officiating, the Belgravers contend. Monkton had been out to re- venge the 9-1 thumping ° suffered by them earlier in Belgrave, but fortunately the Belgrave players were up and ready for them after their poor showing. in Drayton. Also to Belgrave's advantage waa the large b and enthusiastic group of players' wives and fans that travelled to Monkton to cheer the boys on. Once again Belgrave got stand- out goaltending from Keith Els- ton. The team is lucky to have two above-average goalies in Keith and Wayne Coultes. • Belgrave now has four wins and two losses but comes up against the traditional rivals in Kurtzville Wednesday, Jan. 17, then on to Listowel Jan. 19 to battle Atwood. Q. What is the most peculiar animal? A. A writer, because his tale comes out of his head. Cub news By Brenda Foxton Hello again. Here we are back for another night with the Cubs. To' start the night, the Grand Howl was said. Billy Ste. Marie was in charge of the games. The game for the night was "The Tiger and the Rabbit" which was enjoyed y:. 1.... The Blue _ Sixers: put � a ` skit which was entitled Peantllt But- ter Problem"; this also went over • well with the Cubs. After the boys were settled down, Akela Kaa (M, Heim) and Chil (K. Foxton) taught the boys how to tie a reef knot and a sheepbend. Chil then told about some things he brought. Brian Deyell „gave out the badges. The following boys re-' ceived badges: Bruce Maclntyre got his toymaker's badge; Richard Dougherty his first aid badge; Stephan. Nicholls his handyman and skater's badges; Robbie Grove his team player's badge and Darryl Holmes his house orderly badge. . After that Darryl Holmes was invested. The Cub Prayer was said and all the Cubs ran for the doors. See you next week, Cubs. SUNDAY, JAN. 21 Mr. Fr�nk Gorsline Missionary from Brazil, Director of NOW Corps (novice overseas witness) graduate of Seattle Pacific College, former Minister of Music in churches in Michigan, Washington, and California, Recording Artist. Mr. Gorslino has an .xecptional tenor voice and will sing PLUS Mr. Frank Gorsline Rev. John hlcHardy Former Irish Evangelist and professional rugby player in British Isles, President of O.M.S. in Canada will speak Ravi John McHardy WES1FIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR - 2 P.M. HURON MEN'S CHAPEL Auburn - 8 P.M. You aro as welcome as the flowortis in May EVIL PREVAILS WHEN 6000 MEN DO NOTHING DAD TERRY NETHE°RYput in along night when he and his daughter Esther teamed •up to cop the YBC father-tjaiighter bantam division, then followed' through with son Keith to top the senior father -son contest. Crests for these exploits were presented last week. Staff Photo. Wingham Novice sextet third Wingham Novice team in the WOAA Minor Hockey loop was in third place as of January 11 with one game' unreported at that time for a total of 16 points, 10 behind league leading Lucknow but 16 above the hapless Ripley squad which had posted a 0-15 record for the season so far. Brussels held down second spot on 18 points, with Belgrave in fourth just behind Wingham with p pPoiA -.� 1yJn81 - _ and place honors, .stf •.set •. can ,#te called that, In the penalty depart- ment with 50 Minutes along with Brussels. Lucknow breads the league in that division with 56. Second Spot Tom Remington of Wingham is second in scoring with 14 goals and 12 assists and 26 points,, just behind Paul Hamilton of- Luck - now who has amassed 29 points to January 11. Scott McGregor is sixth with 20 points. Several games hard not been reported at the time the figures were com- piled, so some minor changes maybe made. Teeswater heads the PeeWee > ague with a 94.11TR'r the sea- son so far for 18 points. Brussels leads in penalties with 102 min- utes, while Mike Pollock of Rip- ley is top4corer with 51 points. Juves clobber Brussels lose to Stratford six Wingham Juvenile Hockey team travelled to Brussels Fri- day night and handed them a 9-2 pasting, holding control of the game most of the time. Scores for Wingham were two each for John Henderson, Bill Hilbert and Cliff Hetherington, with single goals going to Bob Johnston, Doug Leitch and Steve Casliyck. This was an exciting game, with the Wingham team skatin;.; and checking well both ways o the small ice surface in the Brussels rink. There was out- standing goal tending by both Wingham's goalies, Paul Heffer and Denny Blackwell. Classy Team Saturday the Stratford All Stars came to Wingham and de- feated' the local boys 6-2. Wing - ham started out on the right foot, scoring two picture goals by Steve Ste. Marie andat the endof the first period Wingham was in charge by 2-0. In the second period Stratford tied up the scoring at 2-2 but really came to life in the second half of the third, firing in four un- answered goals. This was a well played game with both teams playing some real good hockey. There were nine penalties, split five for Stratford, four for Wingham. The next Juvenile game will be Saturday, January 20 at 8:30 when Harrist6n will play here. On Sunday, January 21, Wingham will play host to Hespeler at 8:30. These boys are playing good hockey and would like to see more local fans out to cheer them on. Good entertainment for half a buck! CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Preposition 24. Poison - 1. Pine Tree 4. River (N.Y.) ous State 5. Even (poet.) shrub 6. Serenity 6. Moccasin 25. Malt 11. Tennessee 7. Island, Ford N.Y. 12. Brass or 8. Mr. Ladd bronze 9. Napoleon, 13. The devil for one 14. OirI's name 10. Needle 15. Plod aperture 16. Those in 18. Walks office lamely 17. Assumed 19. Inactive name 20. Harmonize 21. iridium 22. Rave (sym.) 23. Medieval 23. Flying tale 26. River ( S.A. ) 27. Star football player 29. To the right! 30.Oift 81. Latvian river 32. Mr. Refsyer 33. Fre elr 38. Western state S0. Snake 41. Mendes,' instictpfttent 42. Man's name (8p.) 43.Netsts of boxes (Jap.) 44. Rub out 48. DOWN 8. meal Inland MI bever- age26. st 28 Publish ing 82. Pitchers 34. Old Norse work 36. Noxious 39. Mimic weed (Bib.) 40. Spawn of 37. Soon • fish 88. A great 41. Brain num bit* membrane A.nrer fI ©F E I MUM F-,IC•.DtuO maim c']larJor•] iJIEJrJUCJ MORE UM] fr3HMO uCi malmanmm WPB outmoommum WHO OMMOUNU OU MUM NMU 7L•]IJE9 f`:)Dk7fi7EJ ©L7PL7© G1 C±] J Kd f O M i`1 f:1 UEQU O (E lWI1C1w AMMER fiiiiiliii���■ AHEM 1111111111111111111111111111111 1i111111%iii■1111111111111■ fit■%Ai1111111111■'//,%% /,iii111i''//,% % 111111111111 111111111111111A111111111111111111111111 ., In the Bantam section Tees - water is in a three-way tie with Blyth and Milverton with 14 points, with Luckngw and Monk - ton tied for the next spot with 10. Lucknaw has a good grip on the penalty championship with 174 so far. Brian Dale of Milverton is top point getter with 33 closely followed by Bon Plunkett of Blyth. leu/AY is' �ttte �+fin , _� 1 �4f��my e point ahead of Lucknow and also boats the scoring leader, Dave McDonald with -36 goals and 11 assists. Industrial curling long in Pee Wee -Bantam loop Lala Thursday IGA squeaked by Mars Bros. in the MB house 'league, scorings vic .tory^ with two minutes left on the clock. And who scored the ; al? It was Doug y again. IG Vullt up an early lead bore4Warks Bros. fought back to tie it up. Marks were ahead 5-4 with 10minutes left. Other scorers for IGA were Mike Beat OP, David Rae,, Dave Gulley and Jim Ste. Marie with two. BOUNCE KINGS On Monday Marks Bros. had little, sympathy for the Staunton Kings as they bounced them 7-1. David Penny opened the scoring , for Markalate in the fin period. However, the game was broken wide oPen in the latter half pf the second period when Mike Marks, Ken Tervitt and Richard Har- court with two, scored in rapid succes8ion, Steve MacKay tallied for Stain - tons only in the third, while Steve Readman and Ken Tervitt round- ed out the scoring for the "jolly green giants". Statistics Scoring leaders in the league are as follows, first number goals, second assists,, third, scor- ing points: Intsrnationsi Developmont needs your help... hrro tw p OXFAM SHAREPLAN < For Information contact: OXFAM IME 1wrENJAflONAL DEVELOPMENT PEOPLE 97 Egiinton Aim, East Toronto 315, Ontario Brian Leader (Walden's) IP, 0,. 24; 'Teal Anger, Maiden's) 5, 13, 18; P (Wal- den's) a, 5, 17; Jim Ste. Marie (MA) 14, 3, 17; a Ma tWalden' 6,S,`14,'Richard Hat - cowl (Mariu0 11, 8, 14; Paul Aitch (Said) 10, 2, 12 Doug Willey (1GA)10, 0. 10. Teem stttn : Walden Bros. won 7, loilt Of tied 0,1001as 14; Renungton's IGA, won 3,,, Jost 3, tied"; poi$s 7; Marius Bros., won 2, lost 4, tied 2, points 6; Stain- ton's Hardware, won 1, lost 6, tied 1, points '3; �,- MOW 'mac -- . Friday an ' tirday M 7:15 015. 44.11 other dayI Base thew. at 1140, exec where Rioted so the per: 1t`BilRs. - SAT JAN. 18 .1 t Adult, Entertainment "THE KANSAS CITY . BOMBER" Colour - Starring • Rafuel Welch This is the story of the melo- dramatic world of a roller der* queen. SATurn AY MAT. JAN. 2. "SUPER ARGO VS, DIABOL1CUS" 1.„ .4/ .ROBERT REDFORD "THE CANDIDATE" Fraser Forgie took over for Jack Gillespie to skip the CKNX team who was playing the Hospital team. Apparently Fra- ser was watching something other than the rocks and the girls won. 9-4. • George Foulon had a full rink of local law out to help .him and came through with a tie against Burke' Electric. Their skip, San- dra Jamieson, must have been afraid to beat the policemen! George says next week he'll quit 'foulon' ! Roy Bennett skipped his CKNX rink to a 7-3 victory over the men who look after Santa's reindeer all year 'round (Ministry of Nat- ural Resources) . n When it comes to doors, appar- ently -Stan Vanstone's crew from Stanley -Berry have it all over 'Mac Ritchie's Lloyd. Door build- ers, with a score of 9-5. Tonight (Wednesday) at 8 p.m. Jack Gillespie's CKNX team takes on one of the teams on a winning streak, Stanley -Berry. Burke Electric, with a tie under their belt, will be looking for a win when they meet Lloyd Doors and Ministry of Natural Re- sources play the Police Depart- ment who also have a tie and are out for a win this time. Bill Ste- phenson's CKNX team had better watch the rocks when they meet with the Hospital team. Denture wearers smile. Rttsodent is the denture cleanser that lets you smile with confidence. Special whiteners and brighteners clean dentures fast -in minute's . without brushing br overnigin soaking One capful removes stubborn stains helps keep your mouth fresher, longer. anso ent it gives you a lot to smile about. ,x...18 x,.19 se.20 RAQua WELICH.. TRTh1 Urate -• KEVIN McCARTHY SasfolatteliMIG FOSIM� awl QEbENTS Sm, a aS/IRr s.iwnw. p ,,.a E�ewue Polon ILES tEvr aro AMA NEO &R flao.ea a WWT'Y ELM» Noe/ , y .ER70.1) MEOW N ?Ex Ui+ • e PARA' G ODERI CH, ON T. 524-7811 sun. 2 I Mon. 22 lr.o. 23 Bane wanted women in the wont Way ' And brat's the wdv he got thEm. oft Red Hot Lovers" Mal ofrom enn Ok it==.24= = t tc 0 Saturday Matins: 20 . its scrumdkily jnptiousi CliGe* 4:fif 0 NoruRE SHOW PETER 1300DANOVICH xic = 14K t Sitting is believing. Visit the b.ig new beautiful interior of the '73 Volkswagen. Few things in life work as well as o Volkswagen. R 81 W MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE Phone 881.0835 Walkerton, Ontario •