HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-01-11, Page 8filitatifit$ from
Th. World of Wotn�
Ross Errington married in $ou
Clancenor Reformed Church,
Chancellor, South Dakota,, was
tliesceneof the ceremony uniting
in Marriage Roes J. Errington of.
Viinghanl and Ellen J. Bungei of
*Davis, South ,Dakota, on^.tur-
day, December . 23, at it a.m.
Rev. Gerard DeLof officiated at
the ceremony, assisted by Ronald.
Bier, Miss Jact Mikkleson-
"Whither thouGQ t",
accompanied by Mrs. Lester
Wiebe ek on the organ..
The bride's the daughter of Mr.
and. MPS. Henry Bungee of Davis,
S.D.; pants of tbe'•groem are
Mrs, and Mrs, William Erringteni
Of Wixsrharcn ,
Given in marriage by her
father, the 'bride wore a fl4or.-
length gown of white crepe,
featuring, fitted empire waistline
and long puffed sleeveo, The
dress was trimmed with lace and
Pearl buttons. ,Her. veil was el-
bow -length and she carried a
bouquetof red moos and white
carnations on a white Bible.
Miss Mary Jo Hilde o Billings,
Montana, was maid of honor. Sbe ..
wore a ' floors -length r gown of
brigkit mint crepe fashioned after
the bride's dress, She carried a
single red rte,
Dan Kamp, of Coltmbia,°South
Carolina, was groomsman and
guests were by. tee
Schriever of Hurley, S.D. 'and
Darwin Wiebesiek, of Davis;. S.D.
A luncheon reception 'followed.
in the church parlors. Tables
were decorated with alternating
blue and green streamers and
For travelling to Sioux Falls,
SIszth Dakota, the bide wore a
dark blue knit dress with red vel-
vet ',abstract design, The dress
featul long sleeYes, high neck'
line and .higlybelted waistline.
Both Mr: and Mrs. 'Errington
are members of i•ilycliffe Bible
..Tran tors and will be in further
training during 1976.
Guests who attended the wed..
ding included the Gilbert Hilda
-family of Billings, Montana; tbe
Howard •Milddeson fatuity e
Newton; Iowa; the Marlyn Bung-
er family o Minneapolis, Mime,
sett; Mr. ;Mit.
. Dan Kameil
of Voltu ia, South Carolina;
Miss Marilyn Menninga of Monti+
cello, Minnesota; Rev, and Mrs..
Leon Draayer of Woodstock,
Minnesota, and Rev, and Mrs.
Harold Sieglaff of• Cleghorn,
51..Mdrew's WMS holds`
for 1973
cott Clarkson
heads Fordwich'UC
Mrs, Scott Clarkson of RR 1,
F'ordwich, was elected pit
of the .Fordwich 'united Church
Women when they.hed their first,
meeting of the new year in, the .
Sunday School room' of the
Church. She succeeds Mrs.
Gibson who was named honorury
pre eident.
Other officers were named as
'First vice president, Mrs, El-
mer Harding; treasurer, Miss
Minnie McElwain; recording and
corresponding secrearY, �.
UCW meetlng
GORRIE Mrs. . tyle. W ftsin
presided for the December meet-
ing of the United Church Women,
Mrs,. Kenneth Galbraithread the
scripture, SaAdra Carson and
II,, _ Karen Hyndman played piano
' eittiti
The initial meet nig for:U w
year of the Wo eiis Missionary
Society of St.. Andr'ew's * y.
terian Church was opened'
. president, Mrs. ' R berth, ' , strong, with .a: tholughtf '
and prayer. ThiSViaivi'eilowed, by
the. hymn, "'St and ng ,' at vale
Portal of the 9Penint Year"A
44014 40 friendship 04. service
'calls road .been` n'iefie since the
previous eeting.
p:uring-the,b ine perld; the
• secretary, MISS Myrtle. Deans,
snbnitted a very interesting' and
taiiled.'sumniary• of the year's
work, of the society and its vari-
ous' Undertakings. lid. Gpoldn,
r iris Mier
:treasurer's report, also
gave vett fine -summary of the
finances of the preceding year.
Various arrangements were
fin: lized for the. annual meeting
of Maitland Presbyterial Society.
to be beld in: Sty Andrew'se Vlihr`ch
in Wingham on Tuesday,. Jan. 9,K
with sessions sit 10..a.M "and 1:30
Paul Wank-
s Ani
oi. Achim
�iy�rQ ry ft�y
In �19I3'�a a apish 7icer.,- ..,r
�... -fir.. (,, �...
t l iS'►. E. Powell; sees, ..
idea, Mrs. ;W� .Ausitift seem
storey J. Brydge� treasurer;
olin�es;i program com
solos and carols weresung.
pose of doing all the workof mist Mrs. Clifford Tyke, president,
• siona through one administration. conducted the business. Success?
In the last three years, patio-- ful.reports of various,committees
wrd the formation of the Board were recDayad.
of ands World of Prayer will be
World Missions of which Rev. held in the Gorrie. United Church
'George Malcolm is the head. r this year, A hale was sent to Fred
T The AVMS is still having a vital Victor Mission ander Salvation
part In the operating of . the Army. Mrs. George Hamilton re -
church. Missionaries both in ported for theprogram commit.
Canada and other countries will tee. Mrs, Glad Edgar read the
be under the Board of World Mis- b slate of officers. for 1973 and the
sidns. Resource people from this installation will be held at the
Board are available for assist- . January meeting.
lance in any of the problems that The highlight of the meeting,
might be encountered by the was the pictures and cowmen-
CGIT, -COC, Explorers and other, tary given by Elmer Farrish an
groups. Due to thework of former his trip to. the Yukon and Alaska
missionaries, the people of those in the summer. These interesting
countries have been trained and and informative-_: pictures were
are thus enabled to work anion < much enjoyed. .
their own. The idea is to help Mrs. L. Watson presented a gift
these" people to help ..themselves to Mr. Famish and lunch was en -
in such,things ae agr�ictilture In- joyed.
eluding ,� farming, raising of live-
stoc, irrigation,' . etc. and in
many other •spheres of work as S w slides (it
i Miss Myrtle Hears 'selected Themission work of our church
caps etbutits �owii way � ,.
and based here meditation. -oil 'and there are many.ways of pro-
-: f is � t'
wisp w ti
Idler dies his sword is placed on
b Psalms for the 'scripture read- ' = is still an important challenge, C
olmeswaa.hoste as' we,
eld its January. �meetiing,
was; assisted in serving.deik
lunch,. and tea by Mrs. M.
Powell' a nd Miss
Johnson. l r e onnell read
mbers'rprayer and Aires.
rn and Mr`s. Austin eon -
the* devotiot . period.,
,Rawthorrilecl,lita prayer` for
re Year;, and read script `e.
tim ,St. fey
�. Austin gave an'4inspiring
Meditation, She told first of a
lovely old tradition, In certain
,countries when a shepherd 'dies, a
wisp of ,wool is clipped from a
sheep and laid on' his coffin. This
*done to show his Maker that he,
too, Was a shepherd and .knew .the
of finding: a lost sheep. When a
king is borne to rest, his. sceptre
is, laid on his coffin; when a
Wallace Dillon; fr�ad and
visiting, Mrs. Harold Dolg l'
Christian citizenship, Mrs• Clare'
Harris; Christian education,
,Mrs, Jack Wilson;, finance, Mrs.
Ken Graham; flowes, Mrs* Ana.,,
tin Stinson; literature and -
city, Mrs. Crest( Sotheran;
manse, Mrs. G. Wim; Pro-
gram. Mrs. Jolueropham,.,Mrs.
Warren, Zua�- and Mrs.M.
Graham+; Supply, Mrs. Alex Redd
and Mrs. Jack Reid; steward,
ship, �. M. Taylor; nomina•
tions, M ..Harry" Wirrrkeend
Mrs, Bob' Eelly; .social - con-
vel ; MrsGlenn ohpston and
Mrs. Wray Cooper; arnoon
leader, Mrs," B. Asia; evening •
leader, Mrs. J. Timperley.
Mrs. Verna Galbraith, assisted
by Mrs. Elmer, Harding, was in
charge of the worship service
based on a New Year's theme,
Mrs. Galbraith read the scripture.
while Mrs, Harding read 'the
topic, "The New Year's Task of
the United Church—Key 73" -
which was prepared by Mrs. A
Moil Call was answered by a
card for a shut-in. Mrs. Gibson
presided forthe business session.
Mrs', ,
Crosby Sotheran and
ri,i M.,Mw..1wi..t.Al,A I►,R�/� �,n�
dames, ,£ U,,IApe Xv,y 1ti N„ Yi ?F wWA
as auditors to examine., the 1972
books, thetreasurer reported a
successful year for the organiza-
Rev. Charles Forrest con-
ducted the electionof officers for ,
WI euchre
The Women's Institute euchre
party was held Friday evening in
the council chamber, Seven
tables were in play. •
High lady was Mrs. Haselgrove
and high man was Mr. Bosman.
High lady playing as a man was
Mrs. William Taylor.
The next euchre party will be
held in two -weeks,.
. ': ,, nerveassistance. L M•
necessary 9
e t' r►'Y'
f' tv e w
" th firs
e ars a d
,Mr..q,Austy'�„� a`n r .to the
late”' f Westar earson and - Presi-
dent' 11:1Tri n . `Mee' .Pearson
was, the first; Canadian Nobel
prize, winner. for .bringing peace
in settling.the Suez Canal dis-
pdte fie continued his role in in-
ternational affairs as . well. as a
quiet; diplomacy at home. .Press-
Pied -
dent Truman,. a man of ''humble
origin and deeply' religious, and
(n,whom fell, the responsibility of
,dropping the atom bomb, did so
In order to bring peace to' his na-
tion;and save lives. He also intro-
duced the Marshall Plan to assist
'needy nations.
1.1 w' Mrs. Austin's, talk,
'Ftev T. K. Hawthorn led in Pray-
er and Mgrs., D. Farnell conducted
The: Circle of- Prayer'. The roll
call was answered with a :New
Year thought. Letters of thanks
were read and Mrs. J. King gave
a report on the` birthday box. Mrs.,
If. King read the treasurer's :re-
port and; Mrs. O. Holmes reported
for the banquet committee:
Mr. Hawthorn closed the meet-
ing with prayer. The February
meeting 'will be held at the
Rectory. has been developed with the pur-
.. . r
A Tito, ,a eeting ofhit 'i,Y
in � ss�ef3 �” �''ost�'�i The etectivn..lndrmstirlla�hoxi -of )
Catholic Women• s Lea ue was
High shall abide tinder .'the officers for the ensuing year was g
B • „ .: held `Monda� y in the: Sacred Heart
shadow of the Almighty We conducted by Rev. Robert Aran
stand at
year. We .'know not _ what the ; Gospel, chapter 15. Miss `Verna
future holds for us. Life's• unser McLaughlin read the' names of
tainties remind us of our many those nominated. for the various
weaknesses: In times of trouble positions and they were duly, in -
the threshold of a� new . afro who read from St, ,John's l i h heli .th 11 rs Sh " . -
and adversity innumerable
stalled. •
people have turned to this .be- Mrs. Armstrong, 'in her presi-
loved Pslam for comfort and dential • capacity,expressed' her
strength. No matter what the " gratitude to the members for
year may bring taus, we can face their' fine .co-operation during the
it if we have faith and courage: preceding year. Mrs. William
Let us. then: accept' the strength Ford closed the meeting with
socialhour was en-
and comfort which God provides, . prayer
facing the future with trust, and joyed, with lunch being served by
confidence. All our life is shaped the committee in charge. •
by God's hand. Miss Deans con-
cluded with the verse of a hymn.
Prayer was . offered by Miss
Verna° McLaughlin anct 1Virs. W.
Congrarn presented the offertory
prayer• who Is stilt a patient in the local
Mrs: Robert Armstrong pro- hospital.
vided interesting and informative _M•, and Mrs. Elwell Webster
material i her topic, "What°Has are spending the next few months
Been Happening in the ' MS?" at Lakeland, Florida.
Throughout the ,;years the'''WMS —M•• and Mrs, Alvin Moffat of
has operated on its own. More Patrick Street entertained all the
recently the idea of co-operation members of their family over the
holiday season.
—Mr. and Mrd. Jack Johnston
and family. of St. •Paul's visited
over the weekend with Gershom
Johnston and with Mrs. Johnston,
LAYING PLANS FCR AN H ' ` YEAR Of activity are
tib members of The ' exereutivee of the Wirrgharn
Association for Mentally Retarded who Meld their inaugural
r aetinQ of the Golden Ciecie' Schtmi qday evening. Left
right are Mrs, Willie Van:4ei Weude, home care
shah n an. Mrs. John , ngrYl+ ei supervisor, Sliver Oki.
• ,Nursery; Bill Millen, 2nd vice-president; Jack Reavie, past
president; 'till Stephenson:, president; -Mrs. Crawford
Douglas, lit.. viee.pi'esldentt Rick Tysick, treasurer;
Mrs,Nelson Frank, secret/WV')Miss Connie Burke, YACMR
president. Staff Moto.
r s wt ar n
Skinn presiding in the absence of
the president, Miss
Themeetingopened withpray-
and reports were read, includ-
ing one showing 24 hospital visits
during the month of December.
Fifteen gifts were given to senior
citizens and i shut-ins for Christ-
The meeting then adjourned
and the 12 members present en-
joyed slides of. Lourdes, Fatima
and other interesting• places
shown by Rev. M. S. Kaminski.
•• :Mr-, and Mrs. George Turn..
bull Of Diagenal l
grandchildro Mr, and . -
and Mr,'and
.ger Poona(
lirra.Robert alimk of
.borne visitingJoir the
-Dr.arid ,>W"i? B
llt''�aad � Roy Black of Luckw,
Year's lay at tborne efMr,
DiaoMrs. George a TrTurnbull.
�rr lid,
, - Mr, and Mrs, Fred:Davidson
left on Saturday]jby bus for
da,. They`. b T' *voiding the
negt Month at Dayton* Beaeb...
and Mrs. Elmer Furdon
have • left for .Daytona Gems,
Floridan wbeie they will
the remainder of the *inter, •
—Frances Street neighboOri
inet on M ►y a ren at the
home ,of Mrs. 'George • Galbraith
for a farewell party to honor $frai
Hill Hotchkiss prior to ber mov-
i to Kincardine with her family
tris weekend.
• --Mr." andMrs.,'Gauthier
and son of Shannon, P.Q.,visited
recently with Mrs,' -Jean Alte hi -
of the
'17 , 'visited at
the bonsat rr.And Mrs. 0, R.
_..Madiarsie for tom'' Cltrifitmas
lar,and-. .
Alteraspent the NewNimes holiday at
the ham Mr. . of
Robb,- AR UxbrSundayidge. thel
a patient In Toronto's Weey
Vital, love . from sur-
gery't .OnNew Year''sDay a fam-
ily dinner was held at the Robb
homed. ,Mins DOPline mo,' who is
attending; Dalhousie University
ax wAs m bollboll-
ine for the
days. David Nichols of Halifax,
Mlle 'Kathie Davis of .'Willewrdale
and Ivan•.Mr.ROrney were also
New Year's holiday gum of the
Robb fly,`
f _ t
tr .:
spent the weekend'with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Elliott and family' at
Richmond. Will,
Miss Pat Pritchard of St.
George spent a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. George Fischer and
,Denis Freeman was in charge
of f he service at Bluevale Pres
byt"erian Church Sunday. The
Mission Band and Explorers Met
with Mrs. Keith Moffatt as leader
for Mission Band and Marie Wal-
ker and Norma; Willitts as assist-
ants. Jack .illitts leads the
.Mrs e
, W a
Explorers, assisted by Mrs. Alex
MacTavish. .
6 � n
Wingham Kinmt Clul
will conduct a
Tuesdoy Evening Jan. 30
Residents of Wingham
will be asked to purchase
In 25 Ib. Bags: $4.O0 - 100 Ib. Diving $15.25
will be used to aid in the battle against
Goal for 1973 - $S00.00
Ice. Melter will make life a bit safer
for you - and your dollars
will make lif. more hopeful for fibrosis *t3rrw,