HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-3-28, Page 1tomiFol,„iitseamswoosemasalialsomosiesssousamov —GQ,TO W3ECX11— Goldsmith Hall! WATCH-1ES,—, CLOCKS,— JE WELRY, SILVERMARE,--- -AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE, learPorsonal attention given to repairing of watehes, °looks and. jewelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opposite the Market, PARKHILL. LEGAL. II. DICKSON , Barrister, Soli- -LA • (liter of Supreme Court,NotaryPublic Conveyaneex CommiatilOner.&o. flioney to USD. Die.sin Pausen•ii Block, Exeter , MB COLLINS, Banister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,1 IhIETER, - ONT. OfficeSamwell'aBlock flan% old office.) ARMOUR W. FORD, Solieitor lit the supreme Court of Ontario, Conve pine er, Commi ssioueri „ ecc. Special attention given to the collection of claims in the 'United States. Patents proomed, money to loan at lowest rates. Office : Opera dlouse Bieck, t, Marys, Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Banisters, Solicitors, Notaries 'Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. ll"Money to Loan at Lowest Ratee of lutereet. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. .uENTAL. 11L. BILLINGS, simisT•xxsT., OFFICE: oyez 07.1rELEAS Dant: Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. HKINSMAN ,DENTIST,L.D.S • Sat:well's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth 'without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings mud all other dental work the hoot possible. Goes tO Zuni= on last Thursday in each month. • - *see, MEDICAL rI LUTZ,D. M., 'kJ • offices,t hisresidence Exeter T W. BROWNING NI. D., M. • P.8 ,GraduateVietoriatiniversity.Office madfresidence,DorainionLaboratoz v.Exe ter ELYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLIN MO PS 0. Mi S.J..0...i,..r,ont.-ao.ia.n 0 e houserecently occupied by P. MoPhillips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. 11ENEY EILBER, Licensed Auo- JItioneer for Hay,Stephen, and McGilli- vray:Townships: Salesconducted atmoders.te rates. Office—At Poo t-offiee.Crediton, Ont TOHN Auctioneer for the U Townships of Stephen, Hay Etna Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, kiraduatee of the Ontario Veterinary College. OFFICE : One Goor South of Town Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. /[ONE / TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 - per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE. rilliE WATERLOO MUTUAL 1 FIRE INSTJRANO E CO. Bstabilshed in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. ' This conax.anv has been over Eighteen Years ins uccessful operation in Western On- tario,andeontinues to insure againstloss or damage by Piro ,Buliclings,Meranandise,111an- ulactoriesoind all otherdescriptionsoflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or ash System During the past ten years tbis Company has issued 57,096 Policies, covering property o the ausou nt of $40,87S,038 ; and paid infami- es a,10114se700,752,00 Assete, 81/00.00.00, consisting of Cash n Bank, Go vernmentDeposit,and the unasa- essedPremiumNotesonhandandin force. J, W. WALDEN WI D. Pr esicleLt. 0. &E. Texmort, Secretary. J.B. Hrteurns,Inspectov. CHAS. NNLL A.gentkor Exoterand vicinity . Dress -Making. tIee. Dickey, of Crediton, begs to inform the ,x, lio that sire has moved her busineso, and "4„ now be found one door west of Mitchell's Store, Dress -malting done in the very latest stylesl Cutting and Fitting by the now tailor system. MRS. DICKEY, Orediton CENTRAL Barber Shop, FAN SON'S BLOCK, A. Hastings, Prop ShaVing and Hair cutting in thelatest styles of the art. EVeryattention paid to witting Ladies and Children's Hair. 1, 'SWITCHES MADE TO onznn AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. HEW TO THE LINE, LET 'THB OF/IFS FALL WHEliB THEY MAY." VOL. XVI. NO: 28. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAT MORNING, MAR. 28th 1889. ,yoarr WHITE alc SONS PublieherEaudProprietore WE ARE VERY BTJSY New Goods .Arriving Daily. Splendid Assortment. MISS SIMMMIVI/ Has taken possession of our Millinery Department, and will be pleased to receive a call from every ladyin the neighborhood. "W"..A.,1\TIMID Five tons of well -cured and dried Bacon and Ham. Also Two Thousand dozens of Eggs, and One Ton of Butter. Farm Produce taken in exchange at highest market prices. Ro— Our Hardware Department is full in every line. Special offers are being made. BROWN eze4 itunDEB.. Crediton. March 21st, 1889 CLEARING ALL THIS MONTH. RED HOT* BARG AINS ! For Every Buyer. Note a few of our prices : Tea, 8c lb. up. Four 10c plugs of tobacco 25c. Heavy shirting, 8c per yard Cotton, 3o per yard, up Men's suite, 84.50, up Ladies' aide, - 81.50, up Fur caps, 25o, up Big Drives in all Depart- ments. DOITPE & CO., Kirkton. —STONEMAN'S— Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. You are inyited to come and see Our Elegant Holiday Stock —CONSISTING OF— Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, dzo„ fifes for Old ming, ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. Repairing Depax trn't We make a specialty a watch and jewel- ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re - polished so as to look like new. All work guaranteed. Our motto : Neateprompt and reliable. Remember the stand, opposite MoDonell & Waugh's Hardware Store. J. C, Stonerna.n, HENSALL, ONT. ChtnEe of Buinoss hT 0 IX DS' a. yarma, Having taken into partnership, W fl KERR they have deoided to extend the business by adding a full stook of : Staple Hardware! PAINTS, OILS, Ete. FULL LI1VES of TINWARE BARE AND OTHER WIRES, 14,41.0IIINE OILS Remember we buy for cash and will give our customers the benefits 61 the die. eounte. A trial will oenvinee that we tell obeaper than the same goods oan be bought elsewhere for. SOLO agent for thie locality for letwrenee's celebretedSpectecles. All gradee all sighte. It is tb e Beet Speotaele in the Market to -day. A call solioited. YOUNG 84 KEI1R fauton, talcoh 21st, '80 .00111:46111MiZ71•11•11111.01101.311.11ER • Blake. --- Minn.—Mr. Henry Reose has sold the hotel property to Mr. William Niciaolson for $1700. Mr. Reose purchaecd this prop- erty about six weeks cigo for $1510. This property has exchanged hands four times since last September. Mr. Nicholson gets possession on the first of April, we believe. He intends to have the house thoroughly renovated and improved .--Mr , William Muldren has leased his farm to Andrew Kippee for a term of years and disposed uf his stook nd implements and is intending to locate at the "Soo." We wish William the greatest of success,—The fall wheat in this vicinity although not far advanced with fall growth looks well, and with a favorable season may yet be a splendid clop. Hensall. Buiers.—Changes continue to be, the order of the day here. Mr. W. C. Charters butoher, who for some years has catered to the public here, has sold out his bus- iness to Messrs. Cook it Johnston of this village who purpose carrying on the same in the premises adjoining Mr. Geo. In. gram's furniture store. We wish the new firm success.—We learn that Mr. George Weston who carried on the buoinees of but- chering some years ago purposes re-engag- ing in that line. Mr. Weston is well and favorably known here and will doubtless do a fair share of business.—Mr. John Reith who has been carrying on business in Blake for some time past has purchased half interest in the grist mill here lately owned by:Mr. S. Rennie ex -reeve. We veelcome Mr. Reith to our midst as he is an enterprising man and. will be likely to take an active interest in neatters pertaining to the welfare of the village.—The, Annual meeting of the British and foreign Bible Society will be held in Carmel Presbyterian ehurch on this Thursday avg.—The Dir- ectors of the Hensall Spring Show Associa- tion have decided to hold their annual show on Tuesday April 9th next. THE OUNCE OF PREVENTION. Under the above heading the New York World of Feb 10th, contains an editorial, of which the following are a few extracts: "Physician and unprofession men of sense agree that if people would take a little of the pains to prevent disease that they do to have it cured that the civilized world would be muoh less like atiaoleliospital than it is now. * * * * But the idea of a regular and stated physical examination, even of persons who are apparently well, is an excellent one. The approaehes of pul- monary complaints, kidney troubles, and many of the other ill that flesh is heir to are so insidious as not to be apparent to their victim * * * nothing is it truer than in disease that 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure., " There is it great deal of wisdom in what the World remarks. Individuals, as a rule, do not give theirphysical welfare attention, and it is only when alarmed by the pres- ence of disease itself—the consciousume of failing strength—that attention is given to such matters. Much has been said and written in recent years concerning the extreme and often- times fatal danfier which reeults from delay in the treatment of kidney diseases. Physicians admit that they eannot con- trol advanced disease in those organs, and it is doubtful whether they can conteol it in an stage without the Wisisbeetree of War- ner's Safe Cure, which is established as the only knowe means which will reliably pre- vent and cure this class of disease, Besides, it has been definitely asbertained that kidney disease is the real cause of ill health it most cases where consumption, heart, brain or nervous disorders are imp -- posed to exist, and in conveseuence of such belief many fatal raietakes have been com- mitted by our beet phyeichins in treating such disordere, whioh are but the symp- toms of the climates, vtliilet they have al- lowed the real disease—dimes° of the kid- neys, to escape their notice until to late. a Jimmie avert - There ie DO safer or s%ee,rteli .v.2y by whie health can be preserved J ed then the occiteional tee of Warter'e Safe Cure whioh will benefit the "engines of kkIneye, even if they are in a normally heelthy etate; while the good that will remelt in eam disease le threatened, or is already present, eaunot be overestimated. Children Cry for Pitchar's Castork S• t. Alanye. Thum—White k Co are having a plate glass front put in their store building.— Some 25 persona left here on Monday and Tuesday for Manitoba, among whom the following :—John Irwin and family; Hugh Wiwi and family; Samuel lelanning and family ; James Wilkinson and Miss G. Bell. Also four car loads of atook and implements—Mr George Anderson drop- ped deed on the street last Wednesday. He was buried on Friday with military honors —Mr Wm Mossip of the 8th of Blanshard has purchased of ..p.fr. Wm Grehara, a half interest in the horse "Good Luck." 11111110.4.* Corbett. II/toes—We think spring has come. At any rate the store -keepers are showing their new stock of straw hats.—Quite it few farmers are busy making maple auger. —Mr. Chas. Hall of this place and a few more boys left on Tuesday for the North West. We all wish them a pleasant jour- ney and success ---We notice by the P. G. that their correspondent gave some fam- ilies of his vicinity a very hard "dig" about lieing and tattling fever and recom- mends as a preventative one or two "mind your own busineos pills." I think he had better take some himsslf and then pass it around. Green -way. — BRIEFS.—Mr Mellin of Crediton has de- cided to go to Washington.—Mr Walter England has rented Mr. A Pollock's house, and moved into the same last week.—Mr. John Baker and John Sherritt, attended the Conservative Convention at Craigs last week.—Mr R L Wilson has decided to give up fanning ; he has let his place on shares to his brother, C H Wilson.—Mr Thomas Whiling and bride arrived here last week from Mitchell ; the boys celebrated the oc- casion by a parade around his house, and discoursing very discordant musio.—Mr Wilson intends to sell his team of some horses.—The man who asked to have the Greenway correspondent gagged, for reporting the truth, better wake up and do ao he would that others do unto him ; then he will Lave no fear of newspaper report- ers. • MANY of therecognized authorities in eivil as well al- military circles say! "The malarial diseass is moat dangerous in that the kidneys are most liable t� break down." Such men' as Dacosta, Atkinson and Pepper, professors in our leading 'medical schools, and Soldation, Sur..g.Gett. in the Russian army, Woodward, Surs. Gen. in Our Armed- mildew:1y, speak of malaria m a keep corn,. plication of chronic Briget's '1'h`e". kidneys must be kept free from disease and the poisonous germs of malaria; they must act normally in cleansing the blood, for 65 gallons of it passer: through them every hour. People in alarial localities recover frora both the ca effect of malaria by using Warner's Safe Cure. Every per- son, in the spring or fall, who has either kidney disease or malaria, should use War- ner's Safe Cure so e, precautionary measure. Grand Bend. • Bantirs.—Mr. James Ingram of this place leftfor Calgary N. W. T. on Monday. Success to you Jim.—Mr. Joseph Brenner had a good wood -bee on last Tuesday. • The boys turned out well and soon out up a good pile measuring over 60 cords. After which the boys and girls spent a pleasant time tripping the litiht fantastic toe.—Mr. Muster has left his farm and become a res- ident of our town. Our village is fast im- proving. Should the out go through I think this place would soon be incorpora- ted.—Mr. Will Tapson left for that land (Mich.) of the pure and blest where people go when they cannot go any where else. IN MEMoRIAAL —It is our painful duty to have to reeord the death of Mr. Robt. Love of Sl con. of Stephen, who advised by medical aid went out to British Columbia for purpose of recruiting his health; but in vain. Thst dreadful disease consumption had too firm a hold on him. Death put its cold hand on him when he reached Vic- toria, where he died on Monday the 18th of March, The deceased was of quiet, reserved and. unassuming demeanor, he was highly reepeoted and beloved by all who knew him,—His bereaved friends have the sympathy of the entire community. - Clandebove. Bainrs, —Well I guess we are going to have spring at last, all the summer birds have returned.-1VIessrs 131ackwell c.S4 Son of this place are getting ready for gather- ing eggs, they expect to be on the road this week. --Mr. Adam Neil of the 2nd con. of McGillivray has sold his splendid yearling stallion "Young Sandy" bred from "Sandy Scott" to Mr. 17, B. •Staurt of Mason City, Ohio, for the sum of $200,— Mr, John Armitage of the firm of Blackwell & Son, is at present very sick from inflam- ation of •the lungs. Last Sunday, few hopes were entertained for his recovery. -- Mrs. B. Blackwell has returned from a months visit to her sister, Mr& J. Wickett of Toronto.—She Young Peoples' Guild intend having a debate next Friday night, subject,Resolved that the Indian has suffer. ad more at the bands of the white man, than the negro.—Mr, Ellison Hodgina had the misfortune one day last week to fell a tree in snch a way that it broke the tele- phone wire running from Lubim to Exeter, thereby incurring an expenee of 815.—Mr, John Dixortis makieg preparations for erecting a handsome brick reside= on his farm and they have everything now ready for building. As Um is both handsome, weaIthyond incleetriono, we may 000n hear of some one of our village belles than - ging her haine, —We are bappv to 150. 000500 the marriage of Mr. Richard Wen - tell of thie place to Mrs. Cobbloy, realm - ted widow also of this pekoe.. The happy coaple speet several &eye in vienthig Mr, Weestell's reletiees 10 elichigen. They re, tut/m.11mi week end 8 erenade by the yoling bloocle of the villacto was acoorded them, Mr. Weastell making them it do- nation of fifteen dollers after Whieh their yonthful admirers returned to their Oyer. al homes. Ehmville. Balm—Rev. B, Clement, of Exeter lec- tured in the church here about two weeks ago on "Society" and all preeent were de: lighted. The lecture IS both instructive and entertaining and affects the everyday life of the people. The choir rendered excellent MUSIC as they do at almost every church gathering. By the way our choir has done coneidereble singing during the past winter and we think that they well, deeerve a little publio recognition, in fact the people of Elimville are becoming proud of their choir, especially, since the infesion of new blood. • The members of the ()heir come oat to practice often in inclement. weather and altogether their unselfish labors which add great interest to the church services are worthy of commenda- tion and should be highly appreciated.— There is some talk of having some one to deliver a lecture here on the Jesuit Ques- tion at an early date, and the idea is a good one as it is high time old party preju- dices were broken down and the people led to see that our country is being ruled by Rome, A great many no nothing of the character and record of the Jamie Soeiety and a good rousing leoture would open their eyes considerably , —Mr. nouns Johns whose arm was taken off in. the gearing of a machine is entirely recovered and was able to be out toSunday Sohoolemd church last Sunday.—Mr. Thos. Minera left for Manitoba on Tuesday in conapanv with many others. He goes first to Vir- den. We wish him MOMS. Others are to follow. Warner's Safe Cure removes defective vision of sight. Why? Because it gets rid of the poisonous kidney acid circulating in the blood Impaired vision is caused by advanced kidney disease. another name for Bright's disease, which "has no symptom of its own." Warner's Safe Cure removes the cause, when normal vision returns. Dashwood. -- BBIEFS.—Mr Henry Kellerman is prepar- ing to build on his property in Shipka.— Mr. Henry Willed has tern down his old stables and is about to build a new one.— Mr Jacob Kellerman is also erecting a stable on his property,—Mr John Winkenwider, jr., is engaged as clerk for Jacob Keller- man.—Henry Kroft left this week for Dakota.—Henry Deichert has removed to Hensall, where he is engaged at his trade, harness-making.—The first plowing your correapondent noticed last year was on April 12th '• this year Mr Birk began on Sat. March23d.—Mr. Beaker is vicovering from his attack of rheumatism—AT. °bets Weimar, of Elackbush, bas sold his farm on the 15th conoeseion, to Mr John Winken wader, sr. Mr Weimar intends to go to Dakota and work there this summer, as a carpenter, and if the country suits him he will take up :land and settle there.—efr Marous Wilt is about to build a dwelling house on his lot in the southernipart of the village.—Master Emanuel Kellerman is laid up with a severe attack of rheumatism. —Mr Henry Calfas with his 'wife and fam- ily left for Dakota the other day.—Mrs A Ball has received the contract for the build. ing of the Lutheran school -house. Two THINGS NEEDED , —TWO obstaeles are in the way of Dashwood's becoming a city. It want* better mail connection with Exeter and London. Our business men experience great delay in getting Qom- munications from the wholesale houses. A letter for London must go by way of Park- hill. A more direct route would. be by Exeter. We believe a stage line to Exeter would pay ; besides it would be an inestim- able conyenience.—Also, as your corres- pondent mentioned in a previous issue, our village needs telephone or telegraph con- nection with Exeter. Should the telephone company refuse to give us this :line, might not a special private companyundertake it? Let us have the mail and telephone con- nection with Exeter by all means. Why, just think of it! It would freshen up the Dashwood itema in the 'IMES. Your scribe must always send his sheets a day earlier na order to have their contents printed. This causes our news to be somewhat more stale than it would be if we had another mail route. (Nora. --Some months ago the mail ques tion was taken up and strongly agitated by the Exeter people. We went to consider- able expense and were getting along nicely until the Dashwood people, if we remember rightly, began to wane and become indiffer ent about the matter. However, if the Dashwood people are now ready for the change, we will again set tbe ball rolling, and with their united aid accomplish the desired end. It is nothing less than it dis• grace to have the Dashwood mail despatch- ed via Parkhill. We trust that our corres- pondent voices the sentiments of the Dash- woodites generally. --En.) Ara, competent authorities, prominent among them being. F. P. Roberta M. D., Professor of Chenneal Medicine at TJniver- tity College Hospital, London, Eng., say "I3right's disease hail no marked symptoms of its own,but takeo the symptoms of other (so-called)diseases," If you have headache, &dile appetite, failure of eyesight, tube oastslin urine, gradual loss of flesh and dropsical swelling, extreme waltefullneso, distressing nervousness, do not neglect sueh eyniptoms, or you will eventually have Bright'e disease or smile other effect of ne- glected kidney disease, Take Warner's Safe Cure, the only recognized Speeifie for tide diseme. A dharge of Scott Act violation against Thomas Culburt of Granton, was dismissed on Saturday, Carlee Foster paid a fine of fi50 and mats, R. A. Gnaw, M. D, Dean and Profemor of Suigery, of the United State e Medford College' said: "I am willing to acknowledge and command thus frankly the Value of Warner's Safe Cleve." The late Dr. Dio Lewis, writing to the proptietore of War- her'(0 Safe Cure, said, Over his own eignatttre VIDALIA inyeelf the victim of a eerioue kid - see trouble I would UM Warner's Safe Cure, aluico i,ry for Pitollorls r',4storia The Moisins Bank (OFIAATBAED DX FA HLTAMFNT, 1815) Pale up Capital $2,000,0, ROSt r411,4 !.. ,000,cto Head Office, leonteeal, WOLFERSTAN THOltf,AS, Beet., ChOMBALIVI411,1GRI • 20 beancle °Mims. in the Dominion. A.genciee, ititho Dominion, V, S. A. end Bureme- Exeter 13rap,o1a, 'Open every lawful day, from 10 a. el. to 3 p. m • SATURDAY'S, 10 a, in, to 1 p, m, 3.Per0ent. per annuni allowedfor money on Deposit Reemets and Savings Fen IE• R. 11. ARCHER, Ma,nagep. Crediton. Memers. Brown & Rieder are getting in a case of youths reedy -made suits from A. B. Storey Montreal. Bineneelefr. A. EL Geiser of Sarnia is paying his parents a eltort visit,—mr. John Feist and family of Huron Co. Miele. era visiting relatives in the neighborhood.— Mr Geo. Holtzman left last week for Miehe to timer° work.—Mr, James Vernon who hes been afflicted with a cancer had an oPeration perferrned on him which will likely rid him of the troublesome growth. —Rev. Mr. Fite has returned after a num- ber of weeks rest, we are glad. to Flee him looking so well.—Messrs. R. Heck and August Ewald sr, and families removed on Wednesday to Mich, where they have bought land.—Mr. Wm. Mangnus and family will be leaving for Dakota this week. A great rus,ry froth this neighborhood have • lately gone West.—What delightful weath- er! we hear this expression on every- side and the oldest settlers can not remember of ever before having such a beautiful • spring, surely if the old adage that 'tape& of March dust is worth a king's ransom" we aria have a year of blessing and hap- piness; we await it with pleasure.—Several flocks of geese have been seen passing over the -village lately but vre have not heard of any of our sports securieg one, --The boys of the east end have organized a rifle club and are practieing to go to " vVimbleton" with tbe Canadian club next year.—On Friday evening last a goodly number of young people paid Mr. Fred Eilber jr. a visit. They were given the freedom of the house and enjoyed them- selves until the not wee sma) but it little larger hours.—We congratulate the editors of your cotem on their Merely taste in publishing the "Sons of Rest" articles from different quarters. If this sort of journalism is intended to advance public interests, surely they must feel they are acting in a good cause. Warner's Safe Cure removes headache, deafness, nausea and convulsions. Why? Because these troubles are symptoms of malaria (arid acid poisoning). "Reynold's System of Medicine" says of the symptoms of uraemia: "They generolly begin insid- iously, with headache and vomiting followed by heaviest, indifference and. somnolence, succeeded by general convulsions and coma. • Gideon Tackle, a farmer living on lot 26, cone': 3, Dereham, while riding one of his horees to waier the other evening, and go- ing through the gate it swung shut, fasten- ing the horse and rider. Mr. Tackle in trying io open the gate got his right arm fast, and the horse getting ugly it partially threw him off and he was so unfortunate as to have hie arm ground elmost to a powder. Medical sia was procur, " the doctor gave it asThis opinic*, amputation would probably be nee 4* ltie'ree - An competent any; disease has nosympi ors.S5'' . Bents the symptom, •a. Warner's Safe Cure ,3g- nizecl as a specific .110,t's I ,sease. That is why it cures so rangy other disease, which are mused by the kidney jeffeoeion. It restores the kidneys to Melee{r action. Mariam. Bninrs.—Mr, Joshu4 Pe toolt his de- parture for Manitobt e'kenday last where he intends seem g e eituetion aa book-keeper.—We are sorry 1 o ehronicle the departure of Mr. John Fa-rh• end frenily to Manitoba which took piece on T. eeday last, Mr. Kirk and wife 71 -Ore CIalt--Z th earliest settlers in this pale 1 tiebue;i a end have ezporienced ell tne toile and h. ships of of those who have hone:el 1.3 tee- e. form this section of flee connteY tvilderness of bush jt o one of a, fertile farming districes of 01'e:ie. wish them sumess in nail' DPW heneo they carry with them the la:st t• entire neighbc _mod fez tlaair fnr, N., faro and prosptrity.—Ta leeeelelecoa whilst cutting WOOd. on Tut adtia the misfortune to infliat milts vaza. on his foot. At Irst reacate bc- gressing favourably.—gaz. T. ,va. is seriously ill at tha thus et Convention of Conservetivca of Sa Perth will be held on Thursday I' 4..*•t• at Fullerton Corners when fiar artant, ' 17. illeSS will be transaoted Lza • will be selected for the pr',.; if do nenessary.—Mr. Geo. Viokeee Les fen eze,i 02 15 new organ to the Meth. Cheecii ee.` this place. It has a epleridid tU rcend tone and possesses all the -eociem L.prc manta of thiestyleveit ore:ante,. neeee.A Aele,e are Soribnere patene tabee, below 1 '.r cn It is illuminated with a bee etilal pep.: top and the instrument mrtarl'lly tab o ti beauty of the ohoir 1:8,7.0118.—The beethi of L. 0. L, lero 591 held an oye',:er eveeee on Friday evg. laet, the oeceeion beme on account of Brothers David a:, d nevi Kirk leaving for Manitobn. A veey plea- aut time was event, the evering befee en- livened with songs and specohee fr.- enf- ferent brethren, after whioh the bieerett all bidthe departing members, 'ben veneee' and best wishee for their momes en the great lone Wed.—Moors, Dollen and Co. our well known enterpriming rnonehante report busineee ea booming end bargain seekers would do well to pay thera it visit. Wm. Ronems, M. D., Physician to the Manchester, Eng. Infirmery end Vitali() Hospital, and irofesocir of Medieide in Owen's College, gays; "Deep sleep, naryoue or rapidly -failing eye -eight, dropsy of the lungs, or a vielent inflammation, any one of them, lo a symptom of kidney trouble." Warner's Safe Care is the only reliable and guaranteed remedy for kidney dieorders„ GLADSTONE The Grand old Gentlemen Mole to grow younger as the yeetrs go by. Whet( breed for the red secret he finally told tis. (Not expeeting it would be published, but here 10i.) Mrs. G. never allows any Other kind but Imperial Cream 'Fetter Baking Powder used. Ite the Only relieble. Sold, by tin gromrs. LADIB8,--Dote't fOrgot the dates of the Grand display IVIillinery at the Old Established on Wednesday, Marsh 27, and three stioeeediipt days. • JAMES P1:01r.,•