HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-3-21, Page 8ceeeeesersesseaseesseeteeer INSUBANCE. E EN $5:`. liAJLIOT, AGE N FOR a Se qniE WESTEEN ASSURANCE COM. PANT, of Toronto; adso for the PE(ENIX EIRE ENSUES-NOE COMPAYX, et 1.4ondon, Rngland,the ROYA.1.4 CANADIAN, of. Mon- treal, easel the BRITISH 3.11s1PIRE LIVE A.S. SERANOE 0 OMPANX, of Tiondon, England. establiehed 1847, Assets over $4,000,000; claims and bounaes Paid, over $10.000,0Q0, r. °adz NOWS.---Ire 04a/4e/taps/ to re- ve at all 'times, front anv part of the County, items of local news, sttch d8 idents,or arty ateres One inciden t w14 1- eve,frorn any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public atom. Ohl fa* Et THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. oysters, Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the quart, or served up by the plate, smoked or raw, Just look at our stock of con- fectionery, and sporting goods. All fresh, new and first class. Dunaway. On the 16th hist , a team of horses be- longing to Mr. Will Down made it lively on William -et, for a time. Mr Down left the team standing on the road at Mr Evan's whilst lie went hist& the house. In the meantime, some one carne along with an Irish jaunting mut and the horses not liking the appearance of the vehicle nor appreciating the noise erninating from its screechiag wheels, took fright and merle off. They had not one far Nvhen they ran into Mr. A. Hicks who was riding in a sulkey, knocking horse, aulkey, and rider intp the ditch. They continued but were caught before doing further damage. Mr. Hicks was slightly hurt, as was also his horse ; but Mr. Down's team escaped with one of the horses receiving slight injury. What They Think of Us. TH calling at the office and paying their subscriptions numerous subscribers have highly complimented us on the improve- ments in THE TIMES. It is gratifying to know that the efforts to turn out a newsy and 'well printed paper are meeting with such hearty approval. Additions to our list of from ten to twelve each week lend us encouragement. Read what a few of our subscribers have to' say: --Mr. Shier Kirkton—"The Times is a first-class local paper—far ahead of any of the st. Mary's papers," Mr. Oreery, Winchelsea, —"Your paper each week shows signs of continued improvement; it abounds with local news.—Mr. Harrah, Usborne.— "Your paper is well panted and you give pure local news, Aside from polities it is the best paper I take," In fact, hundreds who have callei at the office. attest to the superiority of Tem Triune in words simi- lar to the above. ; l'exsonat. 'Miss L. R. Weir of Detroit, is visiting friends in town.—Mr. John Knight, of Clinton, spent Sunday with his parents and friends in town --1VIiss McIntyre, late of Barnwell and Pickard's, has gone s to Essex Center to take charge of a mil- linery business there. --Miss Tillie White has returned. to Sarnia and will take eharge of an extensive millinery business in that town. --Mr. W. J. Bissett has again engaged himself with the firm of S. Elliott & Son of London, He has al- ready made many sales this season and s hopeful of a good season's trade.—Sev. oral more persons in this locality are pre- paring to leave for Manitoba haat few days.—Chief Gill, one day last eireek while on official duty in the country, broke his cutter while passing over the pitch -holes which at that time were very bad. He was in a degree, disposed to enter an action against the 'township in which the accident occurred, for damages, —Mrs. Pincombe and family leaVe for the North West in a few days.—Mr. A. Cottle held an auetion sale the other day to dis- pose of his chattel property, preparatory to his moting to London. In the even- • ing he threw his house open and a large tartmber of young folk gathered and i "whiled away" the hours n tripping the "light fsntastic". Mr. Vasey has taken possession of the property purehased of Mr. Cottle,—Mr. Harry Samwell who has been ill for some time is able to be out— Mr. D. McColl, of Hay, who, last fall ac- companied a consignment of sapples to the old cosnatry, has returned ehotne. He re- ports the apple business s being very poor. ---Miss Brock, of Elimville is the guest of Miss Brunacombe.--Thos. Bissett amongst others, left Exeter for Manitoba on Tuesday. The special train was crow- ded with passengers for Manitoba. --On April 7th the Sons of England will attend seivice in -the Trivitt Memorial church at 2:30 o'cloCk,when a sermon will be preach- ed by Rev. Dr. Mockridge, of Hamilton. —Mr. James Down is slowly recovering, —Mrs and Miss Annie Levett visited Parkhill last week. The station hotel has again been rented. All winter goods 1011 be sold regardless of cost at Richard Pickard's. Messrs. Acheson and Christie ha ve ex- changed propertiea, on Huron-st. Mrs, I). Steinbach, of Zulu i is the guest of, Mrs. AG. Dyer. es, The spring fair will be held on April 30th. The 15th of March wee the last day for rabbit shooting. Remember the great fifteea days sale now in progress at Richard Pickard's. Mr. John. Gould had a horse die on Monday night. Shareroak buttonieres were wool, by many her on the "17th of old Ireland' If eon want a cheap suit of clothes and a first class fit, try Riehard Pickard's, It is expected that the -Niel' and Globe newspepers will amalgamate at an early A meeting of the checker, players was called for Monday night, but owing to the presence of one person only, a regular club was not organized. Ready made clothing for men and boys and boots and shoes for men svomen and children for just about half price at the big bankrupt store, - / Mr. John Shipley of this place has pur- ehaeed VI, Gunti'e Aare in a general store busitiess in Ailsa draig, and the new firm will be known as Grant & Shipley, Ladies of Exeter and vicin,' in thanking you. for the very liberal patronage in the past would be pleasepl to see you int to inspect our Millinery Operiing, 6orateiencing 'Wednesday, Mara& and three fellowing 3AIVIES PtcltARD. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoriz Are Yon intending to Build a Hon10 ? If so, send ms your addreSS end 50 cts, in lOot. silver pieces at my risk, for oise new boek coutainiug over 1-ifty Different Styles and Pans of Houses,00sting from $200 to 3,500, suitable for city, town or couutry, arranged by the best arclutecte in tlse United Stetes and Europe. The book gives pictures and plans of each house, showing just how they look when completed. Any carpenter cao build from these plans. If you ever intend to build. a house, write at once, as this ad- vertisement will not appear again in this paper. ' Address, F. C. SKEPA,Rn, Eavansburg, Pa., 'U. S. A. Gents furnishings of every description awey below cost, at the big barekrupt store. Next Sunday morning the Revs. Martin and Clement, respectively of the Presby terian and James -et. Methodist churches, will exchange pulpits. A wholesale stock of carpets and lace curtains to be sacrificed at the big bank- rupt store. A couple of horse buyers from 'Reading, Pa„ have purchased several horses in this neighborhood, during the past few days. The S. & U. AO, society are nego- tiating tor the purchase of the church of Englund property, recently vacated, with the view of converting the buildieg into a horticultural hall. Ask to see the beautiful mantle cloths for spring wear at the big bankrupt store. They are just beauties. Soxnething new, The sports are taking advantage of the fine weather, and with fire.e.rins are daily after the early bird. The birds will not appreciate their reception back to our forests. Some of the farmers in this neighbor- hood have commenced seeding. This may seem Rider • Haggarty but it is a fact. Building operations have also been commenced. Gents dont •forget that the big bank- rupt store has the choicest and nobbiest selection of spring saltines and printings in town, at unheard of prices. A per- fect fit guaranteed. Fine pants to order for $3 50. It is expected that within a couple of weeks the •eminently successful revival- ists, Revs. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, will visit Exeter and engage in the good work for a time. The 24th of May will be celebrated. in Exeter this year as usual by a monster demonstration. Every preparation is be- ing made by the Sons of England under whose direction the affair will be carried out. The place to buy your spring dress goods at the big bankrupt store. All the new shades with trimmings to match. The cheapest and largest and best stock in town to select from. gar LADIES—Grand display of Millinery at our opening on Wed nesday, March 27, and three fol- lowing days. JAMES PICKARD. The Old Established The enterprise and taste displayed by Mr. P. Ba,wden is to be commended. Last fall he very much improved his resi- dence, while this spring he has had erect- ed a beautiful fence in front of the same. Altogether the property has been improv- ed beyond recognition. Change of business.—As Mr. R. Hicks is about to move to a more commodious building, will offer for the next thirty days at a discount, his entire stock, con- sisting of watches, clocks, jewellery, silverware, spectacles, etc. Give him a call as he means business. -3t Any of our town subscribers who do not receive their paper regularly will confer a favor upon the publishers by ac- quainting them of the fact. A change of caiseiers may result in some being over- looked. The lamp lighter will soon require to - enter upon his duties for the spring season. The nights are beginning to get dark and light is much needed. Though they be dim. concerns, the oil lamps are better than nothing. When shall •a system of electric lighting be introduced. Mr. John Hawkshaw of the •Commer- ial, has purchased • another "Tontine" colt—a good one—more like the noble sire, symmetrically and in action, than any we have seen. Mr. Hawkshaw has had good luck with blood stock, and we wish him every luck with those he has now on hand. At the next meeting of the Council a road commissioner will be appointed. ' We undeistancl that the applicants will be numerous. It is high time the corn- missioner was appointed. With the die - appearing of the snow there will be nu- merous jo as of repairing. Mr. Creech, for some months bas creditably filled the position. •, At a largely attended meeting of the Liberal -Conservative association, held in the town hall on Tuesday evening, the following officers for the current year were elected:—Pres Dr, Rollins ; vice- pres., D. Mill ; secytreas., M. Ea.crett. Several persons were delegated to Attend the annual meeting of the North Middle- sex association at Ailsa Craig, on Friday. Mr. John Speakman and lawyer Collins of Exeter, attended the Irish concert at Gocierich on Monday evg. Mr. Collins took part in the programme and we learn fairly 'brought clown the house" in one of his Irish songs, Mr John Specks -nen although an Englishman (we think he should be an Liebman.) says the concert, as above mentioned, was one of the bist he has ever attended. Will the postal authorities please explain why the TIMES does not reach Farquhar post office Thursday evening, same time as London papers arrive at that office? They are deepatehed from Exe- ter oo the semis train, and should retail Fel quhar together. Is it that the Traies is mailed on Witighem and the London papers on Clinton? If so ;0 change in the regulations would, suit us as well as please our many reeclere at Farquhar. • Mr, joint Lankin has sold the Wood- ham hotel to Mr. Sand Riordan, of Blenshard,0 for a handsome sum. He bee hi turn leased the Stand to Ma Wall- ace Browe, of St Marys, for a number of years, The building is to be thoroughly renovated and greatly improved. Spec - lel arrangements ars to be Made for the accomodation of horsemen durieg the ap- proaching season. Mr, Brown takee possession on the first of May text -3t A young man came into our office one clay and said he was eompelled to plant a grove to obtain the girl he loved, This ettrietie geoce he must compose of 19 trees in 9 straight Tema in every tow 5 treee, he must place, behne be is ever allowed to gee her pretty face. So young men of art corne and lend him your aid to satisfy this curious nittid—Please show its that We may heve the pleaspre of another wedding in town. guron Presbytery. Th p Presbytery of Huron mot in Willis' Church, ,Cliriton on the 12th filet. Rev. Mr, Martin, of Exeter, IVIochator, in the chair. Session militates were called for and examined and found with few exceptions to be•correctly kept. Rev Mr. Stewart of Cliaton reported on behalf of the Sab- bath Observance Cernmitte. Rey, Mr, McDonald of Sea.forth read the report on the state of religion A confereace was held oos thie report which proved to be very interesting and elicited much Mies: - nation SS to the modern hindrances to religion. Mr. Simi:emu of Brucefield read the report on Temperance. In connection with this report the following recommen- dations were adopted. 1.—In view of the unanimous expression of opinion ou the part of the sessions re- porting, that intemperance is greatly'on the increase since the.repeal of the Scott Act in this county, the Presbytery earn- estly urge all its mioisters to bring the subject of temperance prominently before the pecmle from the pulpit and otherwise, We further eall upon all our elders, teach- ers and members to use their utmost en- deavor against the deadly evils of intem- Peramoe. 2.—That the Presbytery re - o numend the fommtion of Temperance organizations in each congregation, under the oversight oe Sessions, having for their objeet the propagating of temperance views and the adoption and practice of total abstinence on the part of members and adherents within bounds of the Pres- bytery. • The following members were elected as commissioners to the General Assembly. —Ministers—Messrs. • -Carrier Martin, Forest, Dr. Ure and Stewart, with elders from the following congregations, Bruce. field, Clinten, Hullett, Bayfield and Kip - pen. Rev. Messrs. Hart and Edge of the Methodiet Church, being present, • wei% milted to sit as corresponding members. The report from the Womans' Foreign Missionary Auxiliary of the Presbytery was read, setting forth that the auxiliary had.nowfnoow a menibership of 446 and that the su §1,107 had been raised during the past year for foreign tnissions, an increase of 1230 over last year. The Presbytery. congratulated the Society on its progress .and appointed Messrs. Ramsay, Anderson a,nd•James Scott elders to • convey their assurance of sympathy with its object. The remits from the General Assembly, on acant congregations and the payment of corn missicners' railway expenses to the Grand Assembly which had beenpartial- ly discussed at the last meeting of the Presbytery, were adopted, with slight changes . Messrs. McMillan and Scott (elder) were appointed on the committee of bills and overtures for the approaehing Synod. The Presbytery adjourned to meet in Gwen church, Exeter, on the second Tuesday of May, at half past ten. All the latest novelties in dress goods at Richard Pickards. Ladies keep in mind the great millinery opening at Richard Pickard's, to be held on the 9th and 10th of April. The grandest display of pattern hats and bonnets ever -made in Exeter'will be shown at Richard Pickard's on the 9th and 10th of April. • , Rev. Mr. Ireland, of Eirkton, preached in the Trivia Memorial church last even- ing. A special children's service will be held in the church next Sunday afternoon. Read Messrs. Carling Bros. ; Sam'l Gidley's ; John G. Young's • change of advs. Also the new adva of Brown igt Rieder, Crediton. Each contains good • A sure indication that spring has opened is, that the small boy reveliasin the sport ofmarble playing. Witfihe boy it breaks the monotony of the 'winter weath- er. On Tuesday evening, while Mr. Sheere was leaving his house he closed the door too soon, and the night being dark, step- ped over the edge of the verandah and sprained his ankle. It is with diffi- culty that he gets around. gar LADIES.—Don't forgetthe dates of the Grand display, of Millinery at the Old Established on Wednesday, March 27, and three succeeding days. JAMES PICK.ARD. On Monday evening an open meeting of the Royal Templets was held in the base- ment of the Jaines-et. Methodist church. There was a good programme, °insisting of speeches, readings, singing etc., pre- sented, and all who took pert did credit- ably. The chair was ably filled by Robt. Pickard Sr., whose pleasing remarks were mueh appreciated. The collection$a10. Mr. Bishop's (Huron) Bill • respecting live stock insurance, which has had its first and second readings has passed •the Special committee to which it was referr- ed. it is possible that it will become law. in which event the projected live stock insurance company, a Meeting in the in- terests of which was held here recently, will necessarily be compelled to withdraw from the scene. Mr. Bishop's 13i11 in- vests fire ineurance companies with power to establish live stock branches in connec- tion with other insurance. On Sunday last the membere of the C. 0. F. , Of Exeter, visited their brethren in Ffensall, and attended service in the Methodist church where an eloquent and impressive sermon was preached by the pastor, Rev. J. 8. Cook. It was with difficulty that the visitors reached Hen - *sell, the London road, having been almost impasgeble with Snow. W hile en mute several accidents to the Vehicles ocatirrecl, and so disgusted were some of the com- pany that they walked. borne OR the rail. Way track. The Rev. Father KettlY, of the French eettlement, Hay, Is about to leave his present charge to accept smother, Nut where we have not heard. Next Sunday he will preach hie farewell sermon in St. Peter's church, French settlement. The Rev. gentleman has had charge of the above parish for upwards of six years, and was universally esteemed. His parish - Otters and the pee& generally regret his looting, but such changes meet take place, Re leavesoa friendly terms with all classes. During the lest week and the fore peas of the present week, the people of this section of the eoantry „have ex- perienced very five weather—beautifel beyond the remembrance of the oldest 'inhabitant, We have had, no rain, the rays of the sun beihelauffitiently strong " to dispel the eupetaabenclance of Snow Vesbrusay left behind; —and now the roads are dry arid duety, Nearly al) the summer birds have returned, and their eavect svarbliegs in the morn we host. Shottld the weather not take a change, we might say for the benefit of those Who live in distant ferule that eve lieve had a very short winter in danada, the first snow IFTEEN 111 s' GN00171S ]EllteltiAlt3C0 Groo NEW Has decided on holding a GRAND CLEARING- Sale, for the next fifteen days, during which time he will offer TREMENDOUS BARGAINS in the following lines :— - Black and Colored Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, aad Satin Mervellieux, Ladies and Children's Gloves and Hosiery, Men's,and Boy's hard and Soft Felt Hats, Men's Ordered and Ready-made Clothing, Carpets, Curtains and all kinds of House Furnishings, Boots & Shoes of Every DesCription, Ciockery, Glassware, Silverware, Cutlery, Etc. This is a bona fide clearing sale, and persons wishing to secure bargains, should Act fail to inspect our stock. VS* J. ).— ')ia) Sanawell & Pickard's old stand, VS= Corbett Deere ED/TOR.—Allow me to take a small space in your valuable paper for I think it is high time for somebody to speak about the presumption of some per- sons. Any stranger I am sure would think that our town had a wood market, and that the Presbyterian Church was the market building by the large quantity of wood piled all mound it, by pet SOnS of different congregations who would not make a wood yard of their own church frontage. I think that if I was one of the church members I would give notice to have it removed at once, not only for the look of the thing but the only piece of bood walking to churoh from the wed is covered up by the wood. I should files to know where our pathmaster is and what is his business. Come T. G. give tue guilty parties notice to remove it at once. • FAIR PLAY. Mai -eh 9th 1889. . WILLIAM ROBERTS, u. D., F. It. O. P., "Pleynaney is a fruitful cause of Bright's disease. The relative proportion of oases between the ages 01 20 and45, are 80 women to every 100 men, while alter this period the mortality falls to 59 women to every 100 men." Women during pregnanoy are especially liable to csoutrect kidney disease, which if neglected will terminate in Bright's disease. Keep the kidneysi active, and maintain a healthy flow of urine by the frequent use of Warner's Safe Ours during tne period of pregnancy it will keep the kidneys healtey and aotivh. The eleven- collieries operated bp the Lehigh and Wilkosbarre Coal Cempeny in the Wilkesbarre, Pa., region, which have been idle 811308 February 28, will resume work tcaday. • Tile will again give employ. lo nearly 6,000 men and boys. ensomideatie eseermem ROYAL Ilt,t411 asourrEL POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A. marvel of par- ity, strength and wholesomeness. More °con- omioal than the ordinary kinds end cannot be sal d in competition with the multitudes Of low test, short weight, alum, or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans.—BoYaG BAR- INGPOWDtB CC .106 Walletreet 17 7' NEW FIRM. Davidsor. Eros., Builders ce Contractors Shop one door oast of Parsons' Black- smith Shop . ,Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds, Buildings con treated for. Plans, estimates and specifications furniehed if re- quired, - From their past eapoyience in the building lino they guarantee satisfaction. All work dono with promptness and clisoatola • Season- edluMber always en hand.N WM. DAVIDSON. DAVIDSON.--.l0FI Market Square General Store The 'undersigned would inform the pub- lics that ha hag jug received his 811 A4 11/1 ER :b." STOCK A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Cape, and Crockery, Beate arid Shoes. Those wiehing anything in my line will find it to their Advantage to call and, aped tiy goods and /niece. Highesi t,prices pad for But- ter atid Eggs and all falling hi Vehritary awl leaving again in kinds of produce, Nfarehe CalifOrniatia had better rettirn. P. Ross. Exeter Lumber Yard The Undersigned wishes to inform th °public in general tha he keeps —constantly in stock— DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL A. large stock of Hemlock alwaps on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding, dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c. • • SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. The best and the largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles 41. • All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned. and ready for use. No shrinkage assured. • .A. call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas 'Willis Main -s MUM MUM IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY Through X-mas and New Years, ' BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE -Cheap Store, Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, • BOOT &SHOES, HATS. CAPS, ETC., At lessthan actua I Cost -1-=x=x=± Sale to commence lst Jan., and continuo until all is cleared out, as I am going out of the abovelines. TERMS -- CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled 1st January. J. MITCIIELIN, -CEN TRAL Drug Store A. full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, • constantly o4 • . hand. Winan's • Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and • always fresh. Family recip- es Carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. he Lar est THE BEST TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST —Assoi knout of— C011feetiOnerir IN TOWN. JUST IN, & FJESH, Away down in Price. POIALICI-C'S • ' read, Buns, cakes, and all kinds a Past- ry, still too the laid. Headquarters for (jonfectiori- • ery at ' E. A1 FOLLICTS, EXBTEIR. Ott One Door South of Post Office •HE FEAST . -- A 1NTEw AND COMPLETE *--STOCK OF ---- Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. G -EO. MANSON, 0. CAN GET 20 POUNDS —OF— Raw . . Sugar POR$1.O0. 12 bar, White Sugar FOR $1.00. —AT -- S. ANNUS, POST OFFICE STORE, Exeter North. TJIE ' INTERCOLONIALI I WAYr OF CANADA, Tao royalmoul, passenger and freight route botwoon Canada and Groat Britain, —and— Direct route between the wegt and all the points on the Lower St. Um/rends, and Bale de °headily, also ±Thw Brunswick, isrova acotistSPrinee leclaverd Telerid, Otipe Breton au d,Newfoundlan d, New and elegant buffet gleaning b,nd day cars run on thren Oa express trains. r.tssongers for Great 13 distill or the conti- nent by leaving 1.: OkOti to by 8 p.m. train on Thursdaywill jain outward mail ateamer ttt ttalifax Saturday. - • Superior elevator, warehouse and dock ac- tommodation t Ealifax tor shipment of graimliand gemorttl mereliandise, • llea±sof experleuce hams nroved the Inter - colonial,. in 0011110(11.40n with, steamship line to and from London,' Liverpool and alas- gow to. Halifax, to ,botho quiekeet freight Metebetwoan Ca,iadrt end Greet Information es to passenger and freight kateii can be had on application tcl , Wrs e'latIBSTOlsr, Westornrreight&passonger Agent OSItossinEouse Bleek,York 51 Term:it° E.POTTINGER, • Chiof Soperintond ont. itttilway eine°, ,884