HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1973-01-04, Page 1JO.' 1' It r:,p 1 ft I Major demise ensued from a 141004,01441,0 accident when , a promtruck went out ofr control and rolled into a ditch on Huron: County Road:25 in Rowicic- ap, Dimber, with estimatedcosts find at. ML000. - tutely '' drWilliamJ. Delude D, of Walkerton was tmburt when he rdt ` end. by Superior Promo Ltd.;, of Don Mllls. The. accident took plan north of HuronCounty. Road 7 on Road,* with :d,rofd conditiotirthe p?ie factor., Another Walkerton mima T' W. Weber, received only minor n � !, total of$0,T011ett:carr g: the Chrh tma a Seal ine+ a have,. bss forwarded 'to Huron and Berth I omes. Toin Leiiper,of'lion- . deaboro, co-chaairrinan .of .the .Christmas Seal Cas mpaign .of the Huron -Perth TBRD Association told a recent mneeting in Seaforth "that ' to date $21,752.65 has been received int gifts -still f ar short of ; the objective 01.05009o- Tlie ob- jective provides only enough funds to `cover already commit ° ted programs, in the fight against respiratory, disease. po Other routine reports rtss. 'were ' 'William' given by Mrs. Green; screening;;, Rev. Garbutt. Smith , rehabilitation and patient serv- ices; Eileen O'Brien, education and E. E.' Walker, financial. Mr. .Smith said one asthmatic conditioning course for children had been completed in Stratford and one would begin in Clinton in the ..near futa re. Monday ' g1 conditioning for a adults is'contiisi that ail ei -week exercise course °for' Children would begin in the near 'future:' Mrs. Green said some indus- tries in Huron recently had been ,pulmonary function tested . for respiratory disease. - The sorrow of the Association was. expressed by a silent period in the passing :+ f GeorgilArett of Blyth, a former president and: valued member of the Huron- Perth TBRD Association. MILD WEATHER CREATES PROBLEMS WHITECHUE CH —On S stur- day evening when Chalmers Presbyterian Church caretaker Mrs. Walter Moore cleanedthe church and turned on the heat there was no trace of water.any- where. On Sunday morning when she opened the basement door to the Sunday school rooms there. was water up to the bottom step and she waded in to the furnace room and shift off the furnace as the water was up to the bottom of the motor. She notified the church officials •and they had a busy time pumping the water Out with. sump pumps. The heavy rain on Saturday and mild weather created a lot of water which found its way into many house basementss putting the sump pumps to work. ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The PeALMtel�n Pedi�trian injuries in a sinnom. on Huron County` R Um* Road 7 in How* when the.ve- he was driving d into the east ditch and- rolled over, Dam age to his ear wags meted at $1,000.Hca driving con- . dit , � prevailing at the time. ° • , George T. P ar of Ethel and Kenneth R. Camp °t, 00114v/ere involvedin a two r collision. on Con. t Side - rood road. 20-2 Grey Township, There 'were no , jn ° and damage* were estimated at $500. Last Thursday Dorothy M. Fortney..of. 'London suffered Minor'in'when the car she ;was °v went into the east t Monis Tow�p R ;� qday. of Damage we estimated .at. $100, A two -car collision on Deceni- ber 20 on Victoria Street,.'meat pf. :the Maitland River* Bridge, 'ca►ed -dame amounting about w driven by 'Harry J.Gerrie Of W and F. RR2,Wi baro were involved, .No one was hurt. A Car :parked by Walter .mak- °art, of B as Street there w.,dogged i>n minor 'way When struck by car driven by Ward .Sell s. of B sa s. • Robert W, ,Fischer of .Listowel. received minor**les wthe the was drifting was in iel" lision with one driven by Brae W. subject' of :Min,: Decem- ber 31, on'County Road 12 south of itch. 00, of ' of Blyth •CBR''oros to her vehicle were meted at * aanRel�'R�ies .R of ton of RR 2,Ludo**, were involved in a two -car collision on Victoria Street at' the Maitland River Bridge, Turnberry Township. T1ere were . no injuries . and damage, totalled only: $2/5. Four Hurt ' Four persons were injured and damage amounted to $3,300 lest Friday ..in as two -car .col fon on 'Huron ty Road 12 north Of Con. 6-7, Morris Township, when cars driven by ,Edward S. Gaal- ;braith ,oft Richmond, .Virginia, and Karen Mary Cardiff of Brus- sels were in collision. Injured wereMrs. Cardiff, Dale Wheeler, Alma Wr,a, ., �a`i Watson, . of BitiuSSels3, and Helen Cardiff of Richmond. Walter H. Ilei of" . sae ltd 3,Faalstrr- . �' ars on . wait uihh r when involved in°a single -car accident on Huron County Road 12 north of Con. 8-9, Driving drinkers of Wingham cooled it sufficiently this year that:.. no impaired charges were found necessary, reports Police Chief Jim Miller. Police observed parties breaking tfp here and there about town and there was obvious gaiety, but a number of checks- reieaaled no driversin a dangerous state and the holiday passed quietly forr once, male le- gal front. Sometime between Dec` 22 and 29 the residence of William Lee was entered bythe back door 'which was forced, and the bulk of a' collection of. 50 -cent . pieces taken. A juvenile has been appee- headed in connection with the at, fair and restitution made. On Dec. 20 some over -enthu- siastic caller:e at an apartment over the North End store damaged an apartment door, and County Road 11 at Ihrissesis. Damages were esus .at ;? .55o Ch Stemma 01 Ethel struck the Font of a velsicie Patted and owned, CNa>N Wes*, of RR 2,1610tOlrel, on Cava. 5-4 east of County Road 12, Grey T►lp. There were no balms: but damage amounted to Mme. CLW In the course of the pee week the Wingham ` nenit OPP :called out'.nv Liquor�the Control Act with six persons chargedanti also d 11 charges. under the sway Traffic Att with 14 waw. issued. Fifteen investigations were carried out under,t e a - inal:ade of Canada, rep . .� C. R. Croak'''. No last inbiute rus to t� ° There was no great rush to clear up municipal . taxes at W ata, , n haann m order to benefit by 'the o. tax -credit pn,.'Town Clerk Bill Renwick reported last week as the final deadline passed Friday.. Tax."Collections are in., good shape and iness has been goingon pretty Much a. s usual. SiJrne taxpayers may ,benefit ;by as much`. ass $100 ormore On the plan when. they ;submit.'their 1072 income taX returns. Families and individuals whose incomes are lowenough that they . do not pay income tax, will receive the pro- vincial. tax credit refunds; of at ast $100- . . the "culprits" are having the -'door. repaired: ° Under the heading of 'vanda- lism must come the reported case of someone cutting loose the Canadian flag Irom the post of- fice Mast, ,reported -alit 10 a.m.. Friday. On „the whole, it was a quiet week, crimewise. =Mr. and M'r's. Rowland Sal lagh and Lavonne 'were, guests Friday evening at thePoole- Wolfe wedding in Harriston Pentecostal Church. They also attended the reception which fol- lowed at the Blue Barn, Listowel. The bride is ° the former Myrna Wolfe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wolfe of "Harriston. —Mrs. William Brytlges spent the holiday with her son and fam- ily, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Br'ydges at Brampton. 1� Need‘Recelpts The Ministry of Treasury for the province has issued a bre- chure for homeowner* and ten- ants ani ` explaining: "each WPM fill :a tax return must calculate the value of the tax credit entitled to, and must sigh;a de claration of the amount `.of prep- erty► tax or rent he actually paid in 1002. To prevent abuses, tax- payers must also be prepared to substantiate; this declaration upon r quest by the department of national revenueiv submitting a ta* receipt or a rent receipt. For 'the, 1 72 tax year, any;, fonw. ine receipt or cancelled cheque: will -"be sufficient evidence. In subsequent years,: standardized official 'will be provided; for .this purpose." Middle income taxpayers wBye�tj'$'approximately the,; sane ,r elief ; as and r .the fornnaer tax:., � r `r ch °credit, aaccor to tjte b R' a e, will be a 0 for a single peri' Solt ea ruing 17, , a couple with Ith an income of 19,400 or a family of four living 'on $10,800. Those earning approximately $20,000 or more, are to receive no benefits from the provincial plan. Kinda sad, isn't it?_ 1nfant baptized at Sunday service At the last service ' of , the old year held in the United Church punday morning, Rev. Barry Passmore administered the sacrament of baptism to Patricia Leanne Daer, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daer. The choir sang an anthem, "A Flemish Carol". w Mr. Passmore based his medi- tation on the beatitudes,stressing the real meaning of happiness. HELP TO FIND, TOE OLD GANG— ' ' Wingham Kinsmen Club is con- tinuing the search for past mem- bers who may wish to attend the, 25th anniversary celebrations next Civic Holiday weekend. Anyone who has any information Which might help the search is 48 10 to contact Cal Burke, Wingbam. To date, the club has T 11 'lost' members they can't seem to track. They are Bruce Baron, ? Chalmers, Jack Cook Bob Fletcher, Al Forberg Grey, Ron McKnight, Ray -Nepal, Gerrie'Ney, Ed Palmer and Ross Turner. If you,can help, call Cal,' QUIETLY JOYFUL— New Year's Eve was cele- brated by a group of diners and dancers at the Minor Hotel this Aar who enjoyed the Mush; of Doug Wicken and hit groups The number of couples was Hinged but a good time was enjoys by all, as the saying goes. Other p - vaate parties were enjoyed by the Legion, Kinsmen and other Io and er ' ti r 4 .+r FIRST Piz* WINNER' ire the window A orafi"n competition at Winghnm and Drat last Hospital th is year was Mist Theresa iBruyn' with her Angel with Lamb 'ih+srne delpie:ted, herei topping the Wtior division, The tOntIst is;sponsored, by the.Ladjaa' Auxiliary te,the hospital. Staff January 4, Onto is slough*, Is hila Moat Peolge are haPOS et lu ; some of« them y NIPPY right- ugh .New *Years, Most people thapt, ext. the.ones Who take pictures for The A.dvance-Tinies. Art guiott, our hard -Worms. photographer,photograpiterfwent all out forth, y to find that porgyOf t sour in the .oar`, Ri a *-o picture*. 'Back he went .to his victims of prevk* s week and re -shot most of the pictures Al he prof* fired his apologizes,. What ;hap- relied? You guessed it. The gremlins had returned to the *dews of . the darkroom and :many of the second routed .fib is Were a total WagbOat. Yes, We're checking; , we're testing --rand we're awl. As for poor old Arthur,his fate is still uncertain, He. his ripped Wit all bat two :small tilts of hair over his,ears as he ponders the problem tor whether he should *boot himself . or• the boys in the ,darkroom. Seriously, folks. We are sorry. ''phis happens Once in a long time and we do regret .theabsence of expected photos. —Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ware= ing and family of .Heiman were holiday guests at tits home of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Campbell. —Miss Edith Austin of Althouse College, London, :and. Miss Mary Austin also of, London sPent the holiday *their home on Frances —Miss Yvonne • McPherson spent the holiday with friends in Toronto, ... n.r �.l Miss D or3aReed of Ottawa and G Reed.,of Windsor spelt the holiday wit b theirparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilhain, S. Reed. It was "business better than usual" " along' Wingham's main -street this year, instead of the customary "butiness as usual" and business was generally bet- ter for the year too, not just the Christmas surge, an informal survey of localstores indicates., It iS still too early to know to the last percentage point how things wentiin December, but local mer- chants who have been in business for some time can assess pretty accurately how things are going from the traffic and buying trends, Men's clothing Continued an upward trend in volume that started a few years ago. It star- ted with radical changes in style and color, including suits which had been conservative to the point of stodginess for years. -Then there were the brightly col- ored shirts which are still very much "in" and on the scene everywhere, despite a substan- tial comeback by the classic white shirt, which is now coming • .,y .>i • IiNINGHAM. SEW N YEAR CHILD waa : s a baby girl deliu erxa'0/Ingham' an Hospital toMrs.:Tr p� pp and her husband Stanley(Steve) Trappof I*sr acid. t ��'1. „ S t"eat,,;'1�Ifii of 5:42 a .m., January -2nd. Dr.'J. C. . � i. , . • - . .yaliliCK t'rt of LuCkrio�+r. �deli�►ered the si�c,p�, 1,Q girl, a sister for two-_ ar-ol. � ye ei son Charles. Mrs. Trapp Is an X-raytecbaosan .and.m ` of the hospital staff. (Staff Photo) ` in special ,weaves and patterns and collar shapes. A • Men Spending One merchant expressed the view that in men's clothing the tendency to change styles and colors will slow down a bit, as there is some' resistance to hav- ing expensive suits outmoded by ° the stylist's decree in six months or so. The cuffless look is still the• thing on men's trousers for any age bracket and almost any color goes. Men have been spending more, on the average, for clothing In the past several ' years, as interest -seemed to pick up with the selec- tion of colors and consciousness of style that has swept the coun- try- In the shoe trade, frequent price increases have been worri- some to dealers reluctant to pass them on, but business was very good. One merchant told The Ad- vance -Times he was confident this year was well up on previous 1 years, not so much because of price increases 'but on the unit volume as well. What: economists refer to as the "real" increase was there. Department, store type opera, tions did very well, and this seems part of an overalltrend ins , Canada as reported by Statistics Canada. There seems , to be a swing to the "one -stop -slop" sys- tem of buying and some sof it has applied here. Added Value .1n ladies' clothing changes In the types of merchandise seemed to bring up the dollar volume. In one store here it was pointed out . that a coat of similar quality to one last year was longer, using more materia, and had fur collar and cuffs added, naturally adding to the cost, rather than the price ;going up for an identical item. Generally speaking, the buying, public seemed to 'be in a good mood to speed this year, and' if it keeps up, Wingham merchants can look _forward to a , truly "happy New Year". Winter conditions bring bad accidents ° Jim Cardiff of Brussels a patient at Wingham Distric Hospital suffering multiple injur les received Dee. 28 when the which she was driving was in lision with one driven by E. S Galbraith of Richmond, Virginia Mrs. Cardiff was admitted wi spinal injuries, multiple contu sions and injured left arm. was reported Tuesday aftern to be in ``satisfactory" condition Passengers in the Cardiff car Dale Wheeler, 17, son of Mr. an Mrs. William Wheeler, suffered only abrasions to the left hand Murray Cardiff, 15, son of th driver, received whiplash injur ies. Both injured passengers were treated and permitted to g home. Unlucky Day Wednesday of last week was an unlucky day for nine-year-old Peter Reinhardt, son of Mr. an Mrs. Wilbert Reinhardt of RR 2 Teeswater, when he^fell down trap door in the barn. He receiv injuries to his back and abrassio to his back and forehead. On the same day Edwi Haines, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Haines of RR 4, Wing - ham, had his face lacerated in the right cheek by a skate at the Kin- cardine arena, and was brought h for treasatrnent. No less thin eight persons were inured more or les seriously as the- retWt of *lipping falling, in slnost+ ase, on icy steps or side - is Home Falls car co th She son d e 0 d / a ed ns n Say Thank You Thursday of last week Ron Hospital patients • were most Schistad, seven-year-old son of appreciative for the tray favors Mr., and Mrs. Erik Schistad of made by. the Auxiliary to the Wingham lacerated his lip in a hospital and for candy donated by fall at home. Little Pamela Jo N. D. Cameron which was placed Barfoot, two, daughter, of Mr. on each tray. and Mrs. Ken Barfoot, also cut The Salvation Army provided her face in a fall at home. baskets of fruit and candy, and the United Church children's choir, escorted by members of the Lions Club of Wingham, the Mennonite choir from Ethel (Christmas Day) and the hospital staff choir sang Christmas carols. Carl Bondi donated delicious apples for the staff. The pediatric department was most fortunate to receive the gift of high chair from a donor who wishes to re- main anonymous, and two ladies donated slippers. The children are enjoying the new toys do- nated by the Nursing Assistant Training School.. On Friday William David Mc- Clory of RR 1, Ethel, received severe lacerations to his right hand when he fell on broken glass. Eleven -year-old Albert Rawn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Rawn of RR 1, Holyrood, fractured his left arm when he. fell at home. On Satm°day Robert Sangster Jr., 19, RR 1, Wingham, was in- jured when he fell off .a snowmo- bile north of Whitechurch. Robert Fischer, 31, received abrasions' and lacerations to his face as the result of a car acci- dent at Brussels. John Wayne McDonald started off the first day of 1973 at his home in Brussels by falling on icy steps and suffering facial injur- ies; On the same day Donald Mac- Lennan, 41, Wingham, suffered a fractured foot in a fall in the driveway at his home. His condi- tion iss reported satisfactory. Daniel Kelly, 25, RR 2, Blue - vale, Suffered a fractured right leg when he slipped Oh ice in Blusevaalt, and is also Iap ioxtod in 1'M •hi.I 11 Il i u —New Year's guests with Mrs. and Mrs. G. Simmons were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons of London. —Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods and Shelley of Pembroke spent the Christmas holidays at the homes of their parents, Mrs. Wal- ter .Woods, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Moffat, Luek- now. They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Forler and fonn- tip One of thee, moot ambitiouse menical projects . undertaken the., Wingh u *listeria Asso- ciation ciation will get.updenvay''next Monde .et/ y ening when a nightly series of evangelistic services • will begin in St., Andrew's. Presbyterian Church. The serv- ices, to run for a week; every • evening, except Saturday, at 8 p.m., will all take glace in St.'An- drew's; and will feature outstand- ingr` speakers from Western On- talo,along with special music supplied by local and area talent. Each evening the service will be conducted by one denomina- tion. The Pentecostal Tabernacle will be in charge Monday even- ing; the speaker will be Rev. Al-' bert Vaters of Toronto. On Tuesday evening, Rev. G. L. • Royal of Goderich will speak sit the St. Andrew'•s .service. Music will be supplied by the $t. An- drew's choir and belrringers.. With ' the United Church in charge Wednesday evening spe- cial speaker will be Rev. F. Foist of Stratford and music will be supplied by a massed choir from area churches. Thursday evening St. Paul's Anglican Chtirch will be in charge. Speaker will be Rev. Terry Finlay. of London and music will be provided by the Belgrave Men's Choir. ° On Friday, Major John Irvine of Toronto will be guest speaker and music and service are in charge of the Salvation Army. The series will end Sunday evening with an ecumenical rally. Brigadier A. MacCorquo- dale of Toronto will be the speak- er and a massed choir from Wingham churches will provide special music. • Each evening prior to the serv- ices, a hymn sing will be enjoyed. These services mark the open- ing activity of "Key '73", a conti- nent -wide evangelical outreach program in which more than 130 denominations in North America are participating, including every area of Christianity. "Key '73" is initiated with a half-hour color production being shown this Saturday at 6 p.m. on Channel 0 television. The film,. entitled "Faith in Action", is to be shown nation-wide in Canada and the U.S. as preview to the ecumenical movement which it is .hoped will unite brothers of all faiths in a stronger bond of love and service. Members of the local Minis- terial Association urge the corn- 'niunity to watch this program and ,participate in the Wingham