HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-12-28, Page 8Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday., December 28,172 potC leather shoes and VSs can be kept looking like "Standing too,m only" new by rubbing thein with a cloth Mpened with milk. New fgeF+R, Hope it tops every year yeti Thanks CALLAN SHOES a# Hawick Yule show Howick Central School primary grades more than packed the 'house Tuesday evening of last week when they presented their annual Christmas concert to an audience that filled the big audi- torium and created a "standing room only" situation. Visitors for this special occa- sion were handed custom‘made programs which had been indi- vidually colored by pupils for the event. The primary concert ' in- volved just about every one of the hundreds- of tiny tots ranging from kindergarten to Grade 4. Obviously a great deal of time and ingenuity went into the cos- • tuming, preparation of clever "props" and memorization of lines and lines of dialogue. Intervals between the 15 items on the program were nicely filled with brief piano offerings byya series of youngsters who in'some cases were hardly big enough to mount the piano bench. At other times a tape recorder furnished appropriate music. After opening with "0 Canada" the program proceeded with a Christmas variety package by Grade 1 under the supervision of Miss Edgar and Miss Harrison. Bright Program "The Night Before Christmas" was the offering of the kinder- garten kiddies under the direc- tion of Mrs. Underwood, followed by the primary choir directed by May all our loyal customers travel happy roads. Thanks for your support. ;Ernie, � ". Pt.! GULF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS extend a band to neighbors, friends ... welcome the New Year with friendship and understanding. To all, our warm thanks. H. KERR CONSTRUCTION Miss Wilson. A high spirited gymnastic display was presented by Grade 3, well drilled by Miss Schwartzentruber. "A Christmas Fable" was acted out with fanvel props and costumes by the young drama- tists of Grade 2 with Miss Mc- Dowell as director, and by way of variety Grade 4 presented' a colorful Irish folk dance directed by Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Evers. A bright and amusing playlet "The Bell that Couldn't Ring" was put on by the youngsters of Grade 1 directed by Miss Edgar and Miss Harrison, followed by another song session by the pri- mary choir. Miss Thompson's Grade 3 pre- sented "Santa Gets Stuck", which he well and truly did, then Miss McKee's Grade 4 group pre- sented "A Present for Santa". Mrs. McCaughan's Grade 2 group of boys and girls offered two poems, "When Father Carves the Duck" and "Peter's Pockets" which were well . re- ceived, and then the Nativity play was presented under the direc- tion of Miss Heighington. Another number by the pri: mary choir and a carol sing ac- companied by Mr. Robertson and Miss Wilson brought an excellent program to a close. Contest Winners A special feature of the evening was the presentation of prizes to winners of -the essay and poetry contests sponsored in the school by Howick Branch 307, Royal Ca- nadian Legion. More than 50 pu- pils had entered and many high calibre essays resulted. Winners of tie essay contest were Tena Versteeg, Karen Dickert, Linda Brears and Perry Bast in that order, and they received their cash awards from Alex Graham, president of Howick » Branch of the Legion. The poetry contest was won by Debora Small, followed by Bev- erly Telehus, Lynn Jillings and Lori Stafford, who received their prizes from Robert Harkness, chairman of the Legion commit- tee sponsoring the contests. Fordwich Christmas visitors with Mr. ,, ,,and .Mrs...Glenn Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Douglas and family, Miss Ruth Johnston, Mr. and» Mrs. Jack Ruttan and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Jamie. Christmas Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Koenig were Mrs. Eldon Koenig and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Baraid and family, all of Hanover and Mr. and"Mrs. Earl Koenig and family of Kurtzville. Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reaman were Mr. .and Mrs. Don Reaman and fami- ly of Wroxeter and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogg and two children. Saturday guests' with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanderson were Mr; and Mrs. Ken Jacklin and Ken= dra of St. Jacobs, Mrs. Mary Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dinsmore, Laurie and Caroline. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer William- son were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lenwood Edgar at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. David Schneider, Mark and Barbara of Kitchener were weekend visitors with .Mr. and Mrs Bruce Armstrong. Boxing Day visitors with Mrs. Pearl. Patterson were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson and family of Toronto. Weekend and Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ridley were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and Judy, Miss Karen Lynn and Paul Polterach of Orillia, John Bolander of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haverfield and Don and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Holt. t Mr. and Mrs. Clare Harris spent Christmas and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Les Watkins at Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parson spent the holidays with relatives at Knowlton, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Parker Eurig were weekend visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bott and family at Alma. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Demerling visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goldrich at Guelph and on Christmas they,were all guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Longstaff at Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. George Pitten- dreigh', Miss Minnie McElwain, John and Bill McElwain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ian Pittendreigh in London. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Duncan and children of Brampton were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrg. Robert Connell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack King and Roger of Guelph visited for a. couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Randy King. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Witmer of gt. Clements were Christmas guests with Mr. aid Mrs. Harry Bast. Our greetings and gratitude go out to all our many loyal friends and neighbors. WINGHAM nMsBODY SHOP sio novxov. IT WAS STANDING ROOM ONLY at Howick Central School Tuesday evening of last week when the primary pupils presented their Christmas concert. Naturally, it had great apL peal to parents and older brothers and sisters who literally turned out in hundreds for the event. The. auditorium was jammed for the lengthy show. (Staff Photo) Fordwich Personal Notes Mr. and Mrs. George Richards and family .of London, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heise and family of Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Stinson and family of Minto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Doig of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bride and family of Don Mills and Miss Irene Butchart of Clifford spent . Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connell visited Saturday with Mrs. Ruby Forester at Huui� nview. Christmas Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kennedy were Mr, and Mrs. Leon Schneider and family, Mr. and Mrs: Gerald Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs'. Russel Behrns and family of Gowans - town, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Keope and family of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Don Koenig and family and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bender and children of Montreal. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson were Mrs. James Cameron and family of London, Mr and Mrs. Morley Johnson, Brenda and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson and Tracy, Miss Lynn Johnson of London, Miss Eileen Johnson and Cliff Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirkby and children and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Mason and family, all of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. George Merkle' and family of Belmore were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh and family of Camp Borden,, » Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fletcher of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Huether and children of Galt were Christmas and weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper. Misses Lynn and Yvonne Welsh of Camp Borden and Mr. and Mrs. Hue- ther and family remained for a week's vacation. Christmas and Boxing Day guests with Mrs. E. A. Schaefer were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wendt and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs Stewart Schaefer of London. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harding were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood and family of Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Karges and family of Lis- towel and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wil- son. Weekend and Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Allan and Jennifer of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McEachern and fami- ly of Conn, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McEachern of Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Oakley and Bradley of Scarborough, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- gan Hubbel and family of Coburg. Miss Sandra Allan of Georgetown is spending this week with her Sunday school members stage yuIetICe ontert • WHITECHURCH Chalmers Presbyterian Sunday School and the United Church Sunday School held a combined. Christmas con- cert on Friday evening in the community memorial hail. The chairman, Karel de Koeijer, opened the meeting with prayer and remarks on the birth of Christ,, a time-honored event: He directed the thoughts of the audi- ence to this event. Opening chorus was "itudolph fhp Red-Npged Reindeer" and "0 Cone All. Ye Faithful" was sung. by the Presbyterian scholars. Nancy England gave the wel- come recitation. The audience sang "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks" and "Joy to the World" with Irene de Boer pianist. A film, "The Fourth Wise Man", was shown, with Victor Wybenga operating thea projector and Kathy Wybenga operating the sound projector telling the story. Leland' Parker then gave musical selections on the accor- dion and a recitation was given by Jackie-Whytock. Rhonda Gib- son gave a reading, "The Little Lamb" using the flannelgraph and pictures to tell the story. A second film strip, '"Peter and the Hermit" was shown. The village church was having a Christmas celebration and the preacher said to Peter, "If I were young I would go to the hermit on the mountainside whose smoke we see and invite him to the church celebration." Young Peter started off for the hermit's home on the mountain- side. 44 he went it began to storm and' snow So heavily that Peter tired and when a short distance from the hermit's home, fell ex- hausted and called loudly for help. The hermit, hearing the call, came to his assistance and took him into his home, gave him warm food and insisted he stay for the night. Peter did and ex- tended his invitation for the church celebration. The hermit said, ' "No, I shall not go, because tda not believe in Jesus and God as a man." Later a flock of birds lost in the storm settled in the hermit's yard. The hermit wondered why the boy, and birds had come; then he realized that God had to» be- come a man so man could believe in Him, The.next day the hermit, set off with Peter to attend the • • Christmas service 'in" the Village tLhurch": Linda Moore gave a recitation, "Open Your Hearts" and Cindy Moore gave a recitation, "Hang up the Baby's Stockings". Jane Laidlaw's class and Mrs. Irwin's class gave the story of the birth of Christ which included carol sing - parents. ` . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibson and ,family of Toronto were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haverfield • and Don visited Saturday with Mrs. Phoebe Haverfield at Wood- stock: - Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan were Mr. and Mrs. Don Fraser and family of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. John Jamie- son and . family, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Montgomery and family . and Mr.. and Mrs, Robert Mont- gomery , all of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gibson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ruttan. ing. Wayne and Wray Forster gave recitations - The offering was received by Earl Thompson and Barry El- liott. Another film was shown deal- ing with sharing, praise, love, peace, freedom and singing of carols. Irene de Boer's class with Barry Elliott as the preacher and the other five members as his audience, gave a humorous skit. The closing chorus, "Frosty the Snowman", was • given by the United Church Sunday School and "The First Noel" was sung with Mrs. Garnet Farrier pianist. The closing recitation was given by Kenneth Quipp. Mr. Wybenga .closed with prayer. Santa Claus then arrived to pass out gifts placed under the beautifully lighted Christmas tree and to give all children pres- ent a bag of candy and an, orange. Lunch was then served. Discuss party for Huronview BLUEVALE—Twenty-five la- dies and eight children attended the Christmas meeting of the Bluevale Women's Institute held at the home of Mrs. Jim Arm- strong last week. Mrs. Mel Craig presided for the meeting and Mrs. Gordon Mundell gave a Christmas message. The roll call was answered by each member donating a giftto the cancer cupboard. Business dealing with the Huronview birthday party was discussed and cards were signed for the sick and shut-ins. A note of apprecia- tion was read from Mrs. M. L. Aitken who is spending the winter months in Wingham. A musical contest of season- able songs was conducted by Mrs. Carl Johnston at the piano. Due to the absence of the district president, Mrs. Harold Wallace, Mrs. Harry Elliott gave a read- ing. • A penny auction was held with branch directors in charge. Many items sold such as yarn, home- made candy, corsages, bottled muffin rnix, .baking, hand lotion, linens, stuffed animals and many more, V Missq Elittibeth ng en -f tertained the, ladieeveral piano selections and all enjoyed a carol sing -song. A Christmas lun- cheon was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Murray Jenkins, Miss Emma Johnston and Mrs. J. J. Elliott. A fifew2arjHe and Peace Hopefully, this coming -year will see hope and harmony renewed, and peace throughout the world. For a great past year, we thank youl Hayes Family Clothing J4 toast to the brand New Year! May it hold many good things f or► you: Thank you for your loyalty. LEN CRAWFORD' and Staff as people from all walks of life celebrate the New Year's happen- ings in our community .. . we extend gratitude to all our patrons. JOHN KING GULF SERVICE STATION JOSEPHINE STREET DIAL 357-3860 .am