HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-12-21, Page 20a • i Riverview0 Drive -min + WILL BE CLOSED FROM DECEMBER 24 AT 1 A.M. ,# f UNTIL • o JANUARY2SAT11A.M, , ' . WE WILL THEN BE OPEN #: Thursdays,Fridays, Saturdays s r , , . and Sundays. i, UNTIE. FURTHER NOTICE r o rWe wish all our friends and customers a very, Merry Christmas and a s Happy New Year S t .Don. and Florence Delma e # +9 �..,....._ ... ..........'....��__. —. + Jere -'s wishing you lots of joy and laughter to remember all year. PETROFINA PRODUCTS NORMAN DEYELL AND STAFF ffie greet Christmds joyfully, with good- will ood-will to all .. and we greet you warmly,± with our wishes that health, happiness and .good cheer may be yours. N: D. CAMERON. LIMITED Tobaccos Confectionery Sundries We hope the Christmas promise of a bright future is fulfilled for you and your family. For your valued patronage, we thank you. HANNA'S MEN'S & BOYS' WEAR OBVIOUSLY IT'S FUN keeping fit in - the evening classfor ladies at the high school Wed- nesday evenipgs. Caught in this action tableau from left are Millie Lewis,Pat Hunter, Yvonne Coulfes, Joanne Gorrie and Joyce Coultes. (Staff Photo) Two special British. stamps honor Royal silver wedding For many months stamp col- lectors looked forward to a rare philatelic treat. The event was one to gladden the hearts of many people - the Royal silver wedding of Queens„Elizabeth YI and Prince Philip on November 20. The British Post Office honored the event with two stamps issued on the anniversary date. Both feature the same profile photo- graphic portrait of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh taken by Norman Parkinson. The setting for the portraits was chosen by Jeffrey :Mathews, who has sen- sibly allowed simplicity to be the key note of ` his design. The 3p stamp is printed'. in steel blue, black and silver, while the 20p is in purpl, black and silver. Such Is the interest which the Queen takes in stamps that on May 30 she, together with the Duke •of Edinbur.'gh and her two younger sons, Prince Andrew and Price Edward, visited the fac- tory of Harrison and Sons Limit- ed in High Wycombe to see the silver wedding stamps , being printed. It had been nearly twen- ty years since the Queen last visited Harrisons', on that occa- sion to see her Coronation stamps being printed. • Stamps . which commemorate Royal events have always', been particularly popular, notably the Coronation stamps for Queen Elizabeth II issued in 1953, and more recently the series to com- memorate the Investiture . of H.R.R. The Prince of Wales on July 1, 1969. 'Britain is far from being alone in honoring royal occasions. Dur- ing i November over thirty mem- y Christmas Wishes Our holiday mail call -- Joy to our friends. Bruce Machan Hardware 357.2370 bers of the British Common- wealth released stamps to cele- brate the silver wedding. The first territory to issue stamps was the Channel Islands of Jer- sey, whose four values, 22p, 3p, 71/2p and 20p, were issued on No- vember 1. The four stamps f . - ture portraits of the Queen w Prince Philip, Princess Anne, Prince Charles, and the Royal Family. 0 0 0 All the portraits are the work of Desmond Groves,- who was also responsible for the portrait which is being used as the central fea- ture of the design for the other Commonwealth territories. Each released two stamps with the common portrait, but in its own pictorial setting. 'This varies for each territory and is representa- tive of the territory concerned. Other occasions on which many • countries have honored "a royal event have been the Silver Jubi- lee of King George V in 1935, the Coronation of.King George VI in 1937, and the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. Of course, one must not forget the previous Royal silver wed- ding, that of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1948. On that occasion it was decided by most territories to issue two stamps, one for their standard local post- age rate, and the other for the highest denomination for which stamps were issued. At the time this move did not meet with great favor from stamp • collectors. Nevertheless, later, the 1948 Stamps gained considerably in popularity. It would make an interesting study to try and form a collection 2O , 'of stamps celebrating Royal oc- casions. One obvious choice would be Royal visits, such . as that which took the Queen and Duke away from Britain from Noveriber 1953 to May .1954. On that,' occasion they visited `Aus- • titlia,= Which alsoreceived' fur- ther 'visits in 1963 and 1970. On earn, occasion stamps have been released featuring delightful portraits 'of the couple. it is in teresting . to note that Australia also commemorated the , mar - Hage of Princess Elizabeth on November 20, 1947, as did Cana- da, although in this case the stamp was not released until 1948. Canada has also 'enjoyed several visits from the Queen in- cluding one in 1949 when she was still Princess.. The subsequent visits to Canada have beet, in 1957, 1959; 1964 and 1967. Such Royal visit stamps offer a wealth of portraits of the Queen from such notable -artists as •Karsh of Ottawa, Annigoni and Anthony • Buckley. The list of Royal visit .;stamps from other countries could go on and on. Anyone wishing to start a col- lection of Royal occasions on stamps could obviously do no bet- ter than to begin With the latest British silver wedding set, maybe buying the stamps in the special souvenir booklet being sold by the British Post Office. This includes. illustraftions from the reign of Queen 'Elizabeth II, and is avail- able from the British Post Office Philatelic Bureau, 2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, EH1 lAB. . Old -Fashioned Christmas Wishes Shore in this holiday's jOys with Oe folks you love best. McGlll RADIO & TV SERVICE iting, prinks r winter fun 47 Wt coldt vid snow on the ground, it's timeI f y�`,alcatia .h backockey. YOU can construct..a. yard • skating rink on lawn areas withoutidamage, if you're careful, says. R. F. amine. horticultural specialist, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. after rank and v n each. nkl be bee ur n . It is preferable that the ground be frozen to the locati you choose, Start the rink. a ter the first heavy "sno`+ all, Select a level area and outline the by mounding. extra. snow around the Perimeter. Be sure to tramp the. area around the rink to prevent water from draining away. Boards placed on edge willmake ideal hacker°cushions. Le del the rink surface by dragging. with a snow shovel ora toboggan. Spray light layers of w. ter to build a base, letting ea , layer freeze before.adding the next. A garden hose or lawn. spri er is excellent for this,. • Sometimes large plastic sheets can. used to help retain the water. Holes in the rink or rough . areas can be patched with snow, then soaked with water. Once a good base has been es- tablished, each layer of water will begin to level the ices face. When the ri`k is in perfect condi- tion, the only upkeep is to brush off light snow and apply another other fine spray of water. Hard times were when hitch - bikers were willing to go. either, r way. Warm and hearty dre, our wishes for all loyal friends now that it's Christmas. ADAMS HAIRDRESSING SHUTER STREET With thoughts of the want, beautiful. things connected with thisseason, we send wishes to .evermone for a peaceful, blessed Christmas and a Happy New rear. PERCY CLARK 366 Edward St. PLUMBING & HEATING Wingham Our wish is simple but sincere ... May you enjoy a Merry Christmas. ' HARDwAALEXANDERS .GIMCN.rRE To all the messages of good cheer that' ring out during this holiday leason, we'd like to add our own, wishing you a very merry Christmas. May you find an,abundance of the real joys of Christmas filling your heart and home, bringing you peace and contentn ent. Wingham Public Utilities Commission