HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-3-21, Page 54 STRICT DOINGS. Ocearraueee of the 'Peet week Through nut the Neisshberhoodl to a Couple*, Porto, I had.tried any dootOrs and was , given up by them as far gone into con- ebmption, but wee permanently loured by ming Everest's Cough Syrup, Jas. Socapson Aberarder, Mr, W, 3. Flutt, of Wingharo, W88 the recipient of a beautful gold ring, set with a dimend, the other day, on the,occasion of )16 leaving for British Columbia, A few clays ago a couple of , dog races were held in Goderioh, when abont 2,000 people gatheredito see the • fun. There were a large number of degarbntered and some good racing. Each dog drew a sleigh and driver, and the coorse one.tlaird of a mile. The old Board of Directors of the Middlesex Beekeepers' Association • has been re-eleted, and officers for the year chosen as follows: -President. Mr- Wilson, Parkhill ; VicePres. Mr. J. B. Aches, Poplar dill, Sec- retary.Treasurer, Mr. A. W. Hum. phries, Parkhill, reolected. • Fred. Saunclere, of Dunboyne, shot • and brought down a golden eagle a • a few days ago. The bird is a magnifi- cent specimen of the eagle tribe, measuring 6 h. 7 in. from tip to tip and 8 ft. from tail to beak. It has been mounted and set up in the re- sidence of Mr. Jos. Saunders, lot 6, con. 2. Malehide. • Kr. John Woken, who resided in Logan township about a year ago, re- moved to Kansas, wherehe has been residing for the past twelve months, was bought to Clinton about a week ago, charged with having forged the names of some good, responsible far- mers to two notes amountin'g to $400, and discounting them at the U. am. Banking Company there- Lie has been sent for trial to the Uoderich assizes. The Lucan Enterprise has -given up the ghoet. The editor's valedietory o says: -For four years we have stood it, and now having arrivedat the deep- rooted conclusion that as a newspaper publication the Enteprose is afinanoial failure, we decline to longer Scatter cash. This is not a smash-up bnt a shut -up, as far as publishing a local weekly is concerned We have a few more dollars that oould besquandered, but as above said decline with thanks.' Everest's Cough Syrup, is the best in the country -Duncan Puree]. Forest. Dr. Doan, of Zurich, took from a dow beloning to L, Rostiner, of 14th concession of Hay, the other day a curiosity in the shape of attwo-headed calf. Tbe heads are attached to the neck. Both heads were properly form. ed,anci about the ,usual size,and exact- ly alike, but entirely separate from each other- They branched out and separated a foot down the neck from ) the back of the heads. The animal •' had been alive, but had to be cut almost to pieces in removing it from the cow.• • A very sad death tobk place near Witigham last week. It appears that a small boy named Ross jumped on a • sleigh fbr a ride and went further than he intended. He seems to have lost himself at the Y","about 9p.m., and -went -crying to the door of Mrs. R. Hogg. She being of a very nervous temperament and just then in •a very critical condition, was very much frightened, thinking the noise •pro- ceeded from the cellar, the result be ing a premature birth, which resulted • in her death. At the time of har fright she was alone in the house. "Everest's Extract of Wild Black. berry neeer fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, &o." -the statements of • scores who have tried it. 25c per bot- tle. For sale by all druggists. • Hay Council. --- Tne municipal council of Hay met in the town hall, Zurich, on Saturday. March 16th. All the nernbers present. The Reeve took the chair at 10 a. •m. Moved by Mr. Heyr.ock, sec. by Mr. A. McEwen that the petition of the ratepayers of Sodom, requesting the formation of a union school sec- tion, be granted, and that Peter Douglass be appointed arbitrator on behalf of Hay. • Moved by Mr. G. Mc- Ewen' sec. by Mr. Hess, that the ac- countof H. Proudfoot, P. L. S., be left over until next meeting, and that giMr. Heyrook be instructed to go and see if the said • surveying has been • done. The treasurer was requested to hand in his securities at next meet- ing. The sum of $8.00 was granted to Mr. Jackson for boarding and lodg- • ing an indigent person. Moved by G. McEweo, sec. by Mr Hess that thr# auditors' report be adopted, and that 100 copies of the same be printed for distribution. Moved by Mr Geo. Mc Ewen seconded by Mr. Hess, that the council accept the offer of the Canada Company of 75c a day in Ecom - mutation for statute labor. Path - masters, pound -keepers, and fence- • viewers were, with few exceptions, the same as last year. The following road commissioners were appointed: - For center road, R. Oarlisle, 0, Smith F'. Schuettler, M.. Geiger and V. • Moue; North boundary, H. Gies and 0. Troyer; South boundary, J. Broderick and J. Wagner. The fol- • lowing accounts were passed. -R. Jetinison, statute labor refunded $5 ; J. Vtrillianag, flour for indigents, $6.; Weitnniller. 4.75;$reeve of Tucker - smith, $2.50 , charity for Mrs. House •$5,00 the auditors each $6.00 ; 1VIci Amine)! & Waugh, stone hammers $1. 75; J, Welting, blacksmith bill, $1.75. Thecouncil adjourned to meet as a • Court of Revision on Saturday, . May • 25th at 10 a. m, -S. Foater. clerk. , a Sued. Woonoarso, U. m .sarrey,saye of the resulte of elit011i0 malarialpoismning: "Disorder of the kidneys frequently dun - plicates the condition under conaidetation . Scanty, more or loss albuminoue urine is oftet: nbaerved, and thoee 58805 not infre. gliently terminate in chronic Bright's di - geese, with eonfil toed albrimiouria oedema or general anasarca." What at first is re- cognized as malaria is subsequettly found to he Btiglat'e disease, whieh Warner's Safe Core °wee. CNIldren (Iry tor PRrher's Castorla .Franlg Leslie'aSuriday Magazine Vest APRIL. The April Number of FRANK LESLIleS SUNDAY IVIAGAZINE is unusually rich in illustrated articles of present in- terost. Among them may be mentieued "Allwrioani.ingineers at Angola," by David Ner • "Duluth and Environs." by William H.' 13allou ; "r1irough the Al- leghenies on a :Locomotive," by 11, W. De Long ; "Eels" by W. E. •Nelson, and "lIernan Cortes and the Cooquest of Mexico ." In addition to the solid articles, the story, "Genevieve or the Children of Port Royal," is ceritinued, and Stephen 13onsall contribntes a short story, "Tessa, : A Tale of TWQ Bachelors." Easter coming in April, there are seine poeirs teferring to that festival, and on an article and illustration on "Lnly-culture in Bermuda." John B.33. Wood contri- butes a thoughtful essay on "The Study and History of the Israelitish Monarch- ies," and J. Bowles Daly, L L. D., relates some entertaining "Stories of $t. Patrick," Dr. Taltnage's sermon on "Easter Blossoms," and the music page is devoted to an "Easter Carol" by Arthur Henry Brown. The number also contains much interesting miscellany. A WONDERFUL FLESEI PRODUCER, This is the title given to Soutt's Eintilsion of Ood Liver Oil by many thousands who have taken it. It not only gives flesh and strength by virtee of its own nutritious properties, but oreates an appetite for food. Uee it, and try your weight. Scott's Erne' sion is perfectly palatable. Sold by all druggists, at 50s and 8100. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED To TuE EDITOR Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis eaSe. By its timely use thousands of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottle of my remedy rums: to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0, address. Respectfully, DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Toronto, Ont. • 37 Yonge street The Sugar Trust have seised the prices of all refined sugar cent per pound. A FEEBLE PAILURE Many persons become feeble and fall in health from disease of the blood, liver, kid- neys and stomach when prompt use of Bur- dock Blood Bitters, the grand purifying and regulating tonic, would quickly regu- late every bodily function and restore to per red health. IMPORTANT TO WORKINGMEN Artizans. mechanics and laboring men are liable to sudden accidents and iujaries, as well as painful cords, stiff joints and lameness. To all thus troubled we would reoommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the handy and reliable pain cure for outward or internal use. A LIFE OF EASE Miss Ltzzie Ratcliffe, writes from Sal. kirk, Ont., says: " I had such a cough I could not sleep and was fast going into con- sumption; I tried everything I could hear of without relief, but when I got Hagya,rd's Pectoral Balsam I soon got sem It is the best medicine I ever tried." Lizzie Rat- cliffe; Falkirk, Out. Parkersburg. W. Va., March 15 -The youngest couple ever married in this State were made man and wife on Wednesday night at h.eyser. Their names are Chloe Poland, aged 13 years, and Joe Snow aged 14. They had been lovers for four years, and after frequent entreaties, received par- ental consent to marry. The bride was at- tired in a short dress. EIGHTY PER OENT Of the human race, according to a high au. thorsty, Buffet from one or other form of blood taint. Never allow this latent evil to develop into serions disease while the blood can be kept pure and the system clean by proper recanting'such as using Bardook Blood Bitters, whenever any scrofulous symptoms appear. No medioine equals R. B. B. as a blood cleanser: TRY TO BENEFIT OTHERS "I had a very bad pain in my side, of which one bottle of Hagyard,s Yellow Oil made a complete cure. I hope that this may be of some benefit to those who read it." A. R. T. Walker. 44/ High St.,City. Hagyard's Yellow Oil is a specific% for all inflammatory 'pain. THE LETTER THAT CAME From Mr. J. Hayden, 139 Chatham St., Montreal, says: "I was troubled for years with billiousness and liver complaint, and I never found any medicine to help me like Burdock Blood Bitters, in fact one both° made a complete cure." BORN. Reynolds. -In Hensall, on the 13th inst., the wife of W. H. Reynolds, (contractor) of a daughter. Wood. -In Exeter, on the 13th inst. the wife of Wra: Wood ole daughter. Tne Grand Lodge. The annal meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario West was held at Hamilton last week. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election ot officers resulted in the re-election of the following: W. W. Fitzgerald, barrister, 298, R. W. grand master, London. Wm. Nicholson, 779, R. W. deputy grand master, Hamilton. James L, Hughes, school mapector, 140, R. W. jainor deptity grand master, Toronto. . Rev. Chas. E. Perry, 66, R. W. grand chaplain, Angus. ' E. F. Clarke, M. Promayor, 275 R. W, grand treasurer, Toronto. Robert Birmingham, 613, R. W.grand secretary, P. 0. box 208, Toronto. Wen. Lookhart, R. W. grand lectur— er'Everett. Charles Palling, 482, R. W. grand di rector of ceremonies, A Ilaticlale. William Lee, 4, R. W. deputy grand secretary, Toronto. James Keyes (St. Critharines),T. 0,. McEvoy (South Ontario), auditors of general accoilets, W. J. Parkhill (Paris). J. L. Hughes (Toronto), audttclra of insurance Counta, The grand lodge then adjourned to the portico Of the court liotzse, where the members were photographed, pre- viouis to adjourning, letliAellittlit atiPeAtal, BrO, James A. Keyes, JO absence of VfayorB. F, Clarke, grand secretary, presented the treasurer's report as fol. Iowa: --Recelpfa. 13 681, oxpenditoro, Ili IT OBN011iE? Probably thousands of people in this section of country, and this section is no exeoption to any other in this reeved in the 'United Staten, have read. the report sited to have beenwr ttto..i by Prof, 13,A Lattimore, Ph.D„ L'07 -Do Analet of Foods and medicins, York StateBoard of Health and profeesor of Obenaistry in the Ito. ehester, hT, X., University, etating that that all of the Safe Remedies manufootured Jy H, 11, Warner &Co. wc re pure and wholesome, nor diaa o01 them contain ineroUry or delreeioni substance, To shorten the controversy, however we will give Peer. Lattimore's report entire: 13EMIOAL TABORATORY. UNIVERSITY Or 011001IESTEE,} Mr. 11.11 Warner hoe placed in roY possessien the formulaa of the several med. icinee manufactureiereesle gold under the geneal designation of "Warner's Safe Rem- edies." I have investigated the processes of manufacture which az•e conducted wish extreme care and according to the best methods. I have taken fi om the Laboratory samples of all theQ,stes used in the pre- paration of these medMies, as well as the medicines in which they enter. 1 haYe also purchased from different druggists in this city "Warner's Safe Remedies," and upon critical examination I find them all entirely free from mercury and frompolson- ous and deleteristances. S. A. Lareitroue, Ph. D, LL D Analyst of Foods and Medicines,. New York State Board of Health, Professor of Chens- istsY, University of Rhohester, N. Y. We cannot that a firm of the standing of 11, H. arDOr r UO. would dare publish such a statement if it were untrue, and we now have that firm's auth- ority to say to our readers that it is ab- solutely and unqualtiedly true in every particular. ''SsT "Hnuounimen may take place from the kidneys or from the mucous Membranes, particularly that of tbe nostrils." So writes T. ' Granger Stewart, M. D., F. R. S. Ordinary Surgeon to H. M. the Queen iu Scotland, Professor of Practice of Ph 5 sic in the Uthversity of Edinburgh, ia an article on Bright' e disease. Hence the only natu- ral inference is that theskidney must be re- stored to a healthy condition before its ef- fects still disappear. Warner's Safe Care is the most efdcient agent for this purpose known to science. DEAR. Tires. -Some weeks ago a letter appeared in your columns advocating the celebration of Dominion Day in place of Queen's Birthday. Now, sir, I am just as good a Canadian as the writer of . that let- ter, and I beg to inform him he would be wofully mistaken in his calculation of a big day if he tried it. The let and the 12th of July come too close touethEr, and the Orangemen celebrating the latter the cele bration on the lst would surely be a fail- ure. The Sons of England B. Society I hear are taking hold of the Queens Birth- day celebration. It ought to be a good day and each man ought to work with a will for success if the name of the Society stands for anything and I believe a more loyal set of men to thaland of their adop. tion oannot be found on this side of the water. The good old Union Jack will float bravely beside the flag of our young Do- mini= and be honored by all true Canad- ians who love their Queen, their country and their God. I believe Canadians want a little stirring up. A little more love for their country instilled inithem for I have heard some laud the IL S. and run down Canada. Let me ask them did they ever find a Yan- kee do that, no never, they err m being too boastful of their country and in not giving their northern neighbor A any credit. In regard to our flag 1 will just give a short verse of poem written by a gentleman of this town an it. Then let it wave above the brave, O'er cottage. tower, and crag; May we defend, where'er we send Our young Dotninion flag. I am sir, yours truly A LOYAL CANUCK, Warner's Safe Cure cures both malarir and kidney disease by taking out of she blood the poisonouomalarial germe, and by putting the kidneys in a healthy condition. "It is a fact that many of the best prop- rietary medicines of the day," said the late Dr, J. G. Holland in Scribner's Magazine, "are more successful than manyphysioians, and most of them were first discovered or used in actual medical practiee. When, however, any shrewd person,knowing their virtue and forseeing their popularity, se- cures and advertises them, in the opinion of the bigoted, all virtne went out of them," Failure of eyesight,fiottle appetite,headache, extreme wakefulness, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, gradual failure of strength and dropeical swelling, --these are symptoms of kidney disease. If you r Wed the symptoms, you will eventually have Bright'a DiSease. Warner's Safe Cure is the only specific whinh has ever been discovered for this disease. The late Dr. Die Lewis, over his own,signature said: "if I found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble, I would use Warner's Safe Cure." Nothing new has developed in the na- tural gas Mita in South Esaex. The well that they are boring near the station is now about 350 feet deep. Oil stimulators are in the vicinity of Comber, and land hes taken a jump. Some years ago a party of capitalists from Toronto started boring at the above place and just as they struck oil the:boiler blew up, killing a couple of men. The project was then abandoned and since then, from pipes, a stream of oil has been continually flowing. The farmer who owne the land on which the oil is has been sell- ing it to different mill men, IIIIMMIAMIN101111110111 rr0 RENT.—Elirnville Hotel to rent, licensed in County of Huron. AnelY on preniises. TAIA11 FOR SALE OR RENT. 100 acres, lot 7, coneeseion 4, McGillivray, north boundary ; 80 acres cleared, 804 10 good state ; 14 wires fall /heat; 25 acres plonglied 25 acres seeded down, Good orekercl • 2 good wells ; 10 acres good timber • fair bhildings, thin, particulate appiy to J. &L. LEARY, il•Vii,11 be sold or rented. Term's' eitzt,gtExioror pfuro- s s BRICK AND TILE FOR° SAL. Any quantity of brick and tile of all sizes far Sale at the 410ATZ B8/C/( YARD, Credlton. First-olass brick, $4 per Thou- sand. Tile Correspondingly °heap. The oreditershavo empowered Mr. Moats to look after the sale of' the brick and tile, and he Will be fetinti in the yard at all tithee. , Next year the yard will bo run by Mr, UdatS AS usual. areditenJ buarY '150h ,1889. • ritAinglt aBrogss. rearma '. • Werreetedet5o'elookstms. Wednesday Frinwhea „.. .. a.. 95 to 1 00 Spring Wheat.. •RA PP. 9.5 to 1 09 narley .., . ... ... 40 to 47 Oarts ... ... ... 0 00 to 89 Clover a )ed ,., rat aoo o. ... A 90 bo 4 70 Timothy o ., .,.. ... 2 60 co 3 06 Peas' ,.. , .., 9 51 bo 0 50 Corn ... .. .. 0 40 to 0 00 Eggs ”, .,. .., 0 15 to 016 aottei ,.. .., .., le to fl 17 Plourperbbl . „ , .. ... 00 to s 50 Potato e a,p or buslel ... ... 25 to 06 A. lea e ba ... ... 58 to 050 DriedApplespr b .. 0 4. to 004 eeeese per lb. , 1, 0 06 to 0 00 Turkey per lb .1. ... 0 07 to 08 Ducks pe r Pr _, ... 0 50 to 0.66 Chickensperpr „, 0 25 to 889 Rogre0ressedpe019 ... 0 00 to e 20 , Beef .... ... 4 00 to 5 00 Flideerongh, „, ... 4 50 to 5 00 44 dressed ,, ,.. 6 00 to 6 00 Sheepskins eaoh... 0 40 to 75 Calfskins ,., 0 50 to 0 70 Wool peril) — o 18 to 0,20 llayperton .,. .,. 1000 to 11 00 Onionsperbush_ 0 50 to 0 75 Woodper cord ... ... 2 5 to 3 oo , ST; MARYS Fall Wbe .at. ..„... . ........... ,.. , . . . .„ . . . . , '. . . . .-.. a5t o 1 00 s:ringwhoa,t...::::....::::''''::: 100 naY40 48 ots...,.:....,...1::''::9% 29 ol.7.r §&;?I0g t8°Timothy 5 Peas Bg' 54 54 g - .. Butter , , .. .............. ---- lel g Potatoes per bag Wool perlb 131811F:ft F` ; °t'a°:n Apples per bush ' A 800 10 00 880° 43°0 0 18 Oatmeal per Uhl, LONDON. .. . 200: 0°0°00 017°4 000000 Wheat, 81.00 to 31.05* per bushel, Oats, 204 to 30c per bushel. Peas. 540 to 500 er bushel. Barley - malting,48c to 48e per bus Barley, feed, 384o to 4540 per bushel. TORONTO Tononro, Mar. 20.—WhnAm—fa,11, No .2, 31.07 to 3108; spring, No. 2, $1.07 to $1 08; rod win- ter, No 2,, 81.07 to 81.05; No 1, Manitoba hard, 31,31 to1.33 BARLEY. No. 1 56e to 57c No.2.530 to 54o, 49e to 500, PEAS. No 2, 56o to 58c. Oet3e's,° 2,33 e to 36'c. FLOUR extra,3. o 34.60; xNt roa. s t i‘r tio nu flcbetttkcjielril 0. t;3N115 n.; 30t, 0,11 :1550, too.s4117:01:.511 5;0.1. bard 02 anitoba, 81 29 to 31,31. and No. 2 do. at 51.31 No. 3 barley, outside, at 354c oats, on track; at 3130. TORONTO LIVE STOCK. ' The local market continues quiet, with little or no change in prices. Receipts mod- erate and there is 00 shipping demand. Choice stoers aro nominal a14 cents per lb. Bulls sold at 21 to 81,e. and milch cows fi rm at from $30 to $50 a head. Butchers cattle in moderate demand, prices weak; the best sold at 3 ; to 8*, ordinary, at 2c to 24 and common at 24. Sheep in fair demand and steady, with limited offering; the best sell at 354 to 36,50 per head; inferior to medium 45 3400 to 3e50 and rams 3e to 3Ic perpound. Lambs in fair domand and firm, choice bringing8 5.00 to 354, and inferior to medium 8400 to 8.150 Calves dull and steady. Choice beat, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at 70 to Po dressed weight; rough calves, 83 to 35. a heed, flogs are steady choice light fat scld at 50 to Ole, store hogs at 41c to 50. and stags at Sc to 340. ADVICE TO MoTRERS.-Are you disturbed aa night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup” for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willrelieve the pour Ilttle sufferer im mediately ,Uenend upon it, mothers ; there is uo mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and. Diarrbcea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic., softens the Ohms. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 911r s. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and. nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world.. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for"Mns. Wirmnow's P"olTuNd sItun "and no otherkind. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from praebice, having had. placed in his hands by an Bast -Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debiiityandall Nervous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to hie suffering. fellows. Actuatedby tills motive and a desire to relieve hum an Suffer4g, I wad send free of charge, to all who desirelt, this reeine,in German,French or English, with fulldirections for preparing and using. Sent mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this netper.W.A,NoTns 149 Power's Moak Rceliestet• 11 7 TO THE DEAF.- -A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it rano to any person who applies to Nornroasoo, 177 McDougal street, New York. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM s orNALL KINDS 1N•CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEETAS SYRUP AND QANNOT,HARM THE•MO;St. D 1...ICATE'CHILD rashionglo Stylo: 0 tiJ THE BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET Rav BIGGEST YET I' Overcoatings at any price; Suit - ins at any price; Pantings at any price. lent Ordered Clothing produced hi Exeter GeotleMen 1 leave yetir orders early, for with the test staff of Tailorai the beet etch* � hoe Triminiogs, and the best Ontting 181tookn, yort are Stift of iratisfrio. tied. l'•11,07„firo, TENTION • Just Received at the "FAMILY GROCERY" A Fresh Stock of OYSTERS, EADDIES,:SISCOES, BOLOGNA, 11A1VIS, BACON, •SPICED ROLL and LARD. —Also a good Steck of-- Thas, SUGARS, COFFEES, SPICZS, and all kinds of canned goods on hand, Flour (roller) for sale. Fresh breaa and buns. G, A. HYNDMA:N. -JOHN BRAWN UNDERTAKER IL CABINET-MAKBR„ Walnut & Rosewood Caskets A.tso COFFINS OF Emir Dasonireiosi. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings • Always on hand. FUNERALS .trURNISKED 4. CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. GIVE ME A. CALL II' A. C T S WORTH ,KNOWING. Where You Can Get THIS TEAR'S• ZUSTIltle OUT and PLUG rnoking Tobacco FINER TI-1:.A.N BYER. See T • IN BRONZE. On each PLUG and PACKAGE. $3 000.00 OF DRY -GOODS —AND— Boots shoes --TO BE— SLAUGHTERED R ©AS AT kIRKTON.. DO YOU - WANT TO BUY FIRST -OLA -SS The cheapest Prints and Cottons, The best and cheapest Dress -goods, The best ancheapest Flannels, The best and cheitpest Corsets and FU d. 13HE (Hosiery• AT LOWER RATES . The best and cheapest Boots & Shoes, The best ancl cheapest Teas for the money THAN SHAM GOODS IfYouwanttheBesteoods —ARE USUALLY SOLD -- -AT THE— LOWEST PRICES, — SEE— PARKINSON'S STOCK Ladies' and Gentlemens' Underclothing as exceptional value. We are determined to sell our goods at RIGHT PRICES. Everything marked in plain figures. NO OLD or TRASHY GOODS. Everything new and of First Quality. Our goods sell and. we want you to know it. We want you to exame our stock and compare prices with quality. No trouble to show goods. Buying and selling for cash, as we do, defy competition. Ulster cloths and Jersey Jackets very cheap. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First door north of the Town Hall, Exeter. J. PARKINSON. —TAEN CALL AT— GIDLEY'S --ONLY FIRST -CLASS -- Reliable Goods At Prices Lower that so-cal- led Cheap Houses can give Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to c_ & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW' BLOCK. Grand 30 DAYS' 'SALE! Having just finished stock -taking, we will sell for 30 days only, the following articles, CHEAP FOR CA.Sla X -Cut Saws, Axes and Handles, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. Etc Owing to a change in the firm, we must have all accounts settled by cash or note. I3ISSETT BROS.. JAMES PICKARD'S GRE IT CL KARING SALE N OF— Has cominenced and will continue a FEW WEEKS LONGER. Great .Bargains are being offered in Silks Velvets, Dress Goods, Hosiery, 13Iankets, Flannels, Quilts Table Linens, House Furnishing Goods, Mantles, Millin- ery, Underelothing, Etc Inspeetion invited. :JAMES P.I.p.KA917),