HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-12-21, Page 1641 A -Times, Thursday, Decernber -21. 1973 FROM ELLA'S Beauty Lciunge Phone 357.-3&16 VUSVINUMEXCMIIKESIIMSNITSDiSCOMMISSIINCVSKSIti. Carolers raise their voices in song, and we raise ours in thanks to all of you, our customers, for your \ patronage.. \s , 4". s':0 ''.44 ., ,,.•? ,HIM t110.04 .,,,,, 1,1;01Kw. _.., ,,.N. , , , ; . _ -- - -... •••• • Rg8eFINGS May the joys of Christmas ... peace, serenity and goodwill . . . bless you, your family and your loved ones. Thank you for your support. McGEE AUTO ELECTRIC Fred, Grace and Bob McGee, Ralph, Jim, Doug, Farrish, Cam and Phil • HERE'S A POT PARTY in progress but the names are witheld to protect the innocent. Actually, these mind -blowers are amateurs, and are only acting out the part as a skit for a "lit" program held recently at F. E. Madill Secondary School. It's good training for the . Drama Club members. (Staff Photo) Student participation big thing in dramatics Student participation is the big thing in 'dramatics as studied at F. E. Madill Secondary School. Somewhere between 150 and 200 students are involved in varying degrees through the school drama club or in more formal classes in which possibly 45 are taught by staff member Paul El- gi e . The Advance -Times reporter - photographer attended dress re- hearsals for a recent series of skits being prepared for a "lit" meeting and found Mr. Elgie.di- reeling the session from lighting effects to getting the right ex- pressions on the faces of pseudo "pot" smokers. Paul was in a number of high school plays himself and hasn't forgotten what it's like on that end of things. It encouraged him to study drama at Pasadena Playhouse and he has been in- volved with Little Theatre groups in Ontario, notably at London where he directed and also took part in one of the. Northern On- -tariO ,drama festivals. He also was involved in the "Purple Patches" activities at University of Western Ontario and has maintained his interest in theatre since high school days. Enthusiasm of the participants has got to be the big .thing, and here the students themselves are given as much scope as possible, and encouraged to write their own creative ideas as they ger- minate. On top of formal studies, club activities and seminars, a major dramatic production, possibly a musical involving the maximum number of students, taking in all the on and off-stage jobs will materialize. Children told giving rodentandsi- self sacrifice BELGRAVE — White Gift, Sun- day was observed in Knox United Church on Sunday. George Proc- ter, superintendent, gave the call to worship. - The members of the intermedi- ate. bpys' and girls' class read the Psalm in unison. Three of their members, Doreen Taylor, Clif- ford Branton and Marjorie Nixon read scripture passage related to the Christmas story and gifts. The envelope 'contributiens, which this year are being sent through the United Church for a • needy cause, were collected in two small decorated baskets by Howard Roberts and Gary Hop- per. Rev. John Roberts spoke main- ly to the members of the school who were seated in the front pews. He chose "Gifts" 'as his subject, comparing those given by prospectors of the Klondike Gold Rush, when gold was so plentiful that its true value was lost, to gifts which demand true sacrifice. He chose three men of the gold rush as examples of real sacrifice: a surveyor, a police- man, Sam Steele, and a Roman Catholic clergyman, William Judge who were outstanding in honest and sacrificial giving. He stated that to have real meaning a gift must make demandson oneself. The large choir, with Miss Brenda Johnston as organist, contributed a fine Christmas number "Ring, Bells of Christ- mas". 1 The service was much appreci- ated by the congregation. A reformer is someone who wants his conscience to be your guide. XVMVXVX.XIXVXVXV&VXVXVX-VXV OLD ROYAL T GROCERY Closing Down Sale )1 OFF ON EVERYTHING aratagavammi3mumvougugemmoM Cub News By Christine Foxton There was a fair turnout Thurs- day for the weekly Cub meeting leading off with the Grand Howl by Akela Kaa (Mrs. Beim). They had their game for the evening, called "British Bull- dog". Phillip Foxton received his Guidance and Skater badges. Akela Kaa invested the follow- ing boys: Brian' Hoy, Laird Cur- rie, Bradley Gerrie. A new Cub, Richard Daugherty, was intro- duced to the rest of the pack. A discussion of the Christmas party was held and plans were made for a rousing -party and ex- change of presents.. The meeting was closed with the Cub Prayer. Don't forget next week, Cubs! • We.% Ogre .1 at as tioqtr•.f • ot ra sit,so rot Azi , , • RICH CURRAH AND FRAN EXEL played the parts of the "Walter Mitty" type and his wife in the recent production at F. E. Madill. True to type, Rich, burns the ironing board while daydreaming. The skits are part of the training pro- cess for nearly 200 students interested in the school's drama club. (Staff Photo) Tile Christian Women's Club Song Service was held in the Ow" pel on Sunday ,evening led by Mrs. Luther of ffensalLt ,Taking part in the service were Mrs, Cliff Britton, devotions; Mr. Luther, organist; readings by 4,rs. seH Erratt; vocal duets by Mr, Luther and Ws, Britton, with everyone joining in the singing of Christmas 'carols. There were. nine table's of euchre and cFokinole played on Wednesday afternoon, which is games day at liuronview. • Talent for the Family Night •program this week carne from the Clinton, Londesboro and the Summerhill. area Susan Van Eg, mond and Karen Farquhar sang several duet numbers acconi- panied at the piano by Gladys Serving fruit demonstrated, VVROXETER — Several ladies of the community enjoyed a de- lectable luncheon at the home of Mrs. Mac Allan on Thursday when Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Allan held a demonstration fol- lowing a course on Ontario fruit. As Vineland in Ontario is the source of quality fruit which fanks with the best insthe world, we are very fortunate and should not lack the vitamin C which it supplies in our daily diet. Hot mulled cider was' served, an applesauce meat loaf was demonstrated and served with spiced peaches. A salad of cab- bage, pineapple chunks; raisins and apple,. plus a special dressing, was enjoyed, as well as an attractive fruit salad sur- rounded by cheese balls. The dessert was apple strudel served with a lemon sauce and cherry coconut delight. The new recipes proved very popular with the ladies who were most appreciative of the efforts of the two leaders. Wroxeter . Mr. and Mrs. William Wade, accompanied by Mrs. Michael Telehus, Mrs: Hilda Bolt and Miss Mildred Henning.of Wing - ham, visited 1VIrs. Gavin Muir at Huronview_on Sunday, .,. Mr. and Mrs. Bria i/1„ Seaforth,• were Sundanti` with their aunt, 'Kiss Hazel Sparl- ing.' Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark were in Bramalea for the weekend where they,visited Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Pollock and Todd. Mrs. Michael Telehus spent g few days in Toronto last week. Friends of Rev. H. Jennings will be pleased to hear he is im- Oroving satisfactorily and hopes to soon be Out of intensive care. Mrs. H.. Jennings spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Char- les Lawrence, in Gorfie this week. Concert, service at 'United Church BLUEVALE — The United Church Sunday School concert was held Friday evening, Dec. 8. Mrs. Walter Willitts was MC. The program was in the form of a cantatawhich included everyone in the Sunday School, "Twas the Night Before Christmas". Mrs. Harvey Edgar's class presented a play. SUCCESSFUL TEA GORRIE — The Gorrie-Wroxe- ter Hi -C held a tea and bake sale in the United Church Sunday School rooms. Approximately $50 was raised with proceeds to help support their adopted orphan in Eastern Asia. , Van EPROM'.M Saeli contribu- ted vocal Solos with Louise Lovett providing the piano accumpani- mein fur Ann as Well as piano instrumentals.y.re. VOn, Egmeild played Ciyistmas carols with the four girls leading the. singing for the audience. Recriatios ,loothro BLIMVAIX recreatiOn euchre Party was bead Thursday with Mr. And Mil. George Fis- cher and. Mr. and gra. Mingo MacFarlane, in charge. There were seven tables playing. High lady,. Mrs. Alex Mac, Cracken; /OW lady, Mrs, Fraser Haugh; high man, George Brew- er; low man, Gene Porter; lucky draw, Bill Taylor. The next euchre will be held December 28 with Mr, and Mrs. Murray MacFarlane and Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Timm in charge. yitsvososmasossaxasossoismessoararossa,assfsvasosso SHOES • LUGGAGE SLIPPERS The- Family Store with a wide selection for your individual. taste. MEN: si LADIES: DACK, JARMAN, GREB, g SUNBEAM, CROSBY SQUARE, AIRSTEP, WHITE CROSS, I • ROSITA, WOOLLEY. KAUFMAN, LYONS, g F SLIPPERS: PETER BLACK, DR. SCHOLL'S LUGGAGE ° g BY g SAMSONITE CARSONS 1 0% OFF ON LUGGAGE HILL'S SHOES 10 e Wingham LysttlsZitgsatugsgroacginsaceurenotacouistawsraysacivacrsamsli: NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF,J,TURNIBERRY - It" 4 At" AA: 5 Linder the new Ontario etoperty rta)i'redit Plan, residential and farm property taxes levied and due in 1972 must be paid by December • a - the payment of these municipal taxes will enable you to receive full credit under the Ontario 'plan on your 1972 income tax return. Signed: W. B. CRUZ HIANK, Treasurer LOCAL INITIATIVES. PROGRAM Your Canada Manpower Centre is still accept - (1 ing applications for the Federal Government's Local Initiatives Program. BUT HURRY! THE DEADLINE FOR MAILING • PROJECTS IS DECEMBER 31, 1972 . If you have an idea for a project that will bene fit your community_and create new 'jobs, talk to a Canada Manpower Centre Counsellor today. Canada manpower Centre Department o' -1, t',,.,., 125. Argyle- Avenue North LISTOWEL, ONTARIO NEW OWNERSHIP Effective January 1st, 1973 Ownership of WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT WINGHAM Will be assumed by HARKtMA EXPRESS LINES LTD. BRAMPTON, ONTARIO Bill and Ronnie Walden will continue with the new firm as Wingham managers. They also extend their sincere appreciation to their customers who have been so loyal in their patronage over the past 20 years, and, solicit your continued support for the new owners. Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 1