HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-3-21, Page 1ci-o
001dsmith 4, Hall!
liblirPersonalattention'given to repairing of
watches, decks and jewelry:
-Olitgic;Site the Market, PARKHILL.
L• cDICKSON, Barrister,
• um, of Supreme Court ,Notary Public
Conveyancer Cominicsainner dto • Money to
,0111cse u Fansen's Block, Exeter,
-no 4. „I:30141,1N s,
Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer Etc.
OfticeSarawell'enlook Hairs old office.)
Solis:Rorie the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Congo yam er, Comnii ssioneri Bto. Special
attention given to the collection of claims in
the United States: Patents procured, money
to loan. at lowest rates. 0 dice : Opera ;House
Bfook, St, Marys, Out.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Piblic,
Conveyancers &o, &o.
stta'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
3. V. graaoa. J. ELLIOT.
OFFICE: ()MN 07..WEIL7S liank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
SamwelPs Block, Main-st, Exeter,
. Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Fllings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Bunion on last Thursdey in
each month. .
ri LUTZ, D. M.,
kJ • ofaceat hisresiden ce Exeter
1.1 • P. S ,GraduateVictoriaIInivers ity.Office
412dIreeiclenceaa oxeinionLaborator v, Exeter
-1) J
E: RIN.D,MAN, coroner for the ,
Clogrityof Huron. Oce, opposite Mr.
. CarlingWatore,Exeter.
J. A.. ROLLIN M. O. 2.
kif,lbffice, Main Se.Exeter,Ont.Itesiden
eaeuli/aptigesteteently peoupied by P .MaPhthips,
J'ENEY EILBER, Licensed Auo-
tioneer foy Ha.y,Stephen, and McGilli.
Fr ay:Townships: Salesoonduotcd at moderate
,rates. Ofece—At Post-oillee,Crediton,Qnt.
• TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
ei Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
OFFICE: One door South of Town Hall.
Per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Beet
Loaning Companies represented,
Barrister, Exeter,
Established in 1863.
This comeany has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tario,andsontinues to inure againetloss or
damage by Tire ,Buildings,Morchandise,Man-
u.factories,and all otberdoscriptioneoflinsur-
ahle property. Intending insurers have the
' option of insuring on the Premium licit° or
Cash Systeme.
, During the past ten years this Company
bas issued 57,000 Policies, covering ptoper ty
o the a at ou nt of $40,872,088 ; arid paid inloss-
e e a lone$700,752,00
Assets, s1l6,i0o.oes, consisting o f Cash
u crank, GovegumentDeposit,an the unstss-
e wed Premium Noteson han.dandin force. J,
W.WALDEN M D. Pr esideat 0. P1. TAYLOR,
SeCtetary. 3.B.Hosione,Inspector. CHAS.
. .
NEILL Agonteor Exeter and viemity.
•Dress -Making.
Mrs. Dickey, of Orediton, begs to inform tho
public that deo has moved her business, and
will how be found one door west of mitehellis
Store. Dressonaking 41ono in the very latest
styles., Gutting and. Pitting. by the new tailor
system. MRS- DICKEY, Creditors
arber Shop,
Hastings Prop
Shaving and Hair cutting n the I Most styles
of the art,
Evoryattontion paid to cutting
New Goods Arriving Daily.
• Splendid Assortment.
Has taken possession of our Millinery Department, and
will be pleased to receive a call from every ladyin the
• neighborhood.
Five tons of well-oured and -dried Bacon and Ham,
Also Two Thousand dozens of Eggs, and One Ton of
Butter, wanted, within one Week, at the highest priees.
Our Hardware Department is full in every line.
Special offers are being made.
Crediton. March 21st, 1889.
° 13110177N & RIEDER,
For Every Buyer, °
Note a few of our prices :
Tea, , •'8o lb. up.
Four 3 Qo plugs of tobacco • 26e,
•Heavy .phirting, 8o per yard
Cotton, 30 per yard, up
Men's euits, , $4.50, up
Tlediesgiants, $1,50,,up
•Farniatia, • .:950, tip- •
Big Drives in all Depart-
JewOlry Store
You are inyited to come and see
Our Elegant Holiday Stock
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, de.
gifts for Old 1 Romig,
Repairing Depar trn't
We make a' specialty of watch and jewel-
ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re -
polished so as to look like new. All work
guaranteed. '
Our motto : Neat, prompt and relie.ble.
Remember the stand, opposite MeDonell
St Waugh's Hardware Store. -
J. 0, Stoneman,
Irloingo of BI:ino:g
trOIMINT C. Totrzta,
Having taken into partnership, W H HERR
they have decided to extend the business
by adding a full stock of :
Staple Hardware!
mAcraxzfn 0 XL
03-"" ReMetlibOr We buy for oath and will
give Mir euetomers the benefits of the die.
°ornate, A trial will eonvinao that we sell
cheaper than the same geode win be bought
elseeshere for. ,
Solo egesit Lot tile Ideality for Laiennee's
eelebteted Snectao es. All gentles ;oll sights.
11 10 the Bost SPeettiole in the Markettoday.
A call eolielted.
oVVVDOXIVS MADV, TO onl)1p-.I10..tiodioii,,1'tittohlitt,!8'
Every student knows that in close rea-
soning parallel lines of thought are laid
eown and deduotion educed.
We have drawn the above visible lines
simply to bring them prominently before
your eye and to ask.what they represent
ad man to whom we showed them
said, "Ti me those four lines represent a
double -track railway.''
A doctor replied to the same internee -
tory, "The lines are to me the larger ar-
teries and veins laying alongside each other
in the human body."
As every intelligent man or woman
knows, the blood of edffinteeng person
flows with almost • railroad speed through
tlae arteries'forced by that wonderful
engine, the heart. From the arteries,it is
side.traoked through the capilliaries and
veins, and every drop of blood goes through
the kidneys for purification no less than
2500 times everytwenty-four hours. If the
kidneys be diseased ifrftreilf of the blood
containing the wornout tissues, and dele
terious acids and not drawn out ore ex-
creted as nature intendee, but continually
passing and repass through every fiber of
the systim, carrying death and decay with
every phlsation. Ucless remedied the
heart becomes weak ed lungs trying
to do dublework brei=oVY the liver
becomes congested, the stuneaCh iefuses to
digest food and the result is ageneral break
i down.
Because the kidneys, the sewers of the
system, are foul and stopped up, and the
entire blood becomes nothing more nor
less than sewage.
Now is it not climinal, nay, suicidal, to
allow such a state of thinigs to continue
when a simple remedy is within your reach,
known for a certainty to do as represented,
which will open the closed pipes of the
kidneys, allow the effete matter to escape
relieve the overwqrked heart' lungs and
liver, cause a hea=r1rpetite, put the
bloom of health in your cheek the dove
of hope in your breast and the light of life
in your eye?
Do not allow prejudice to blind you to
your best interests, but to -day procure
Warner's safe cure and be put on the
straight road to rude health and correot
Our parallel and closing lines to you are,
take our advice and your experience will
justify you in thanlcing us for bringing un-
der your notice a remedy without a parallel.
Biddulph Council,
The council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in the Coart room, Clandeboye,
Mieroh 4th inst. The reeve and all the
members present. The following accounts
were ordered to be paids—Advocato • adv.
tee ders for bridge $1 00, J. E. Mitrrav
stamp for auditors $1.50; 'Banc Letvie rep.
road div, 3 .50; Riehard Neil building
pound $5,00; T. Kineela 8 days keep otOVI
Kehoe, Indigent (and attendance) 000; W.
McGee coffin and hurrying of M. Kehoe
11 00; R. D. Stanley salary ep eolleotor for
1888 $60.00; P. Breen euditor $12.00; W.
.7. Smythe auditor $12.00; ,Tno Kent error
in dog tax $1.00: Jno Flanagan letter press
$8.00; C. C. Hodgins 1 day under ditches
and watercources Act $2.00; B. D. Stanley
collector, iiidennuty lot P. liarrets dog,
no ohattele the dog wee orderodto be killed;
Jno Quigley $L00 township tax refunded
bid place having been destroyed by fire,
The Auditors' report was read and g00"
copies ordered to be pritted in pamphlet
form. The tender of George Lewit for the
erection of Bauble bridge wee aeoepted,
There were three tenders received vie,:—
L, Hardy $270; t'attereon 86 Pearson $320
and George Lewis $250- F. Davie We ap-
poieted oversee); at $1,00 per (ley. A
s coreinunioation from Jae. Toohey askingto
1 have his property taken from P. S. S. • No.
3. and attached to?, 8, S. No, 4, was read
and reteiyed and that the Clerk give the
necessary notice Mat a by-Iatv for thet pur-
pose will be considered at the next Meet-
ing of the commit. A. corninttnieetioe from
the truatees of P. S. S. No'd 3. •and 4, in
re-application of Jas., Toohey Was reileived
dna Med. & by4aw Appointing road rime -
tors, foneeviewors and poima itoopdeg Wag
duly pained, The council Adjourned to
tied en Monday April lat in the Temper,.
mice Hall Gratten dt 10 0, In,
W. D. Stanley, Clerk.,
Brfreess.--The carnival on Thursday evg.
last, was very largely attended, and great-
ly enjoyed. Not quite so many costunses
as on former owasions. The musks was
yery nice, appreciated by all, Prime were
awarded as follows :—Beet lady's fancy
costume, Lily Elliott '• Best gent's fancy,
Thos. King ; Comic, A W Stalker ; race
(00 laps) John Gemeinhard ; barrel race,
John VVhiddon • Hurdle race, W Stalker;
best Lady and Gent skaters, Mr. George
Erwin and Mies Hattie Fordon.—Sleighing
is used up,—Miss Mary Walwin who has
been ill IS able to be around again,
in University College, London,Eng., Exam-
iners in Medicines, Royal College of Sur-
geon's, says in reference to advanced kidney
disease: "Complications are met, such as
consumption, heart disease, morbid condi
tions, liver affections. Warner's Safe Cure
cures these affections by putting the kidney
in a healthy condition, thereby enabling
them to expel the waste ea poisonous matter
from the system.
St. Marys.
BrunFs.—The sickness of Mr. George
Carter which was announced in last week's
issue, resulted in :death on Saturday eve
lest, The funeral which took place on
Tuesday was largely attended, all ;business
places being closed from 1.30 to 2.30. Mr
Carter had bought grain ha St. Marys for
over 30 years, and was respected by every-
body. He was aged 63 years.—The death
of Mr. Jacob Oddy, who has been ailing for
several months past, occurred on Monday
morning. Mr. Oddy was formerly:proprie-
tor of the Garnet house in this town, but
lately he has been workiug his farmlwhich is
situated within the corporation. He leave
O large circle of friends who will miss him.
--Messrs Atkinson and Henry left town on
Wednesday with a car load of horses for
the western market.—The Bell 'Phone Co.
will shortly locate their main office at T G.
Riley's Drug Store.
Baraes.—The Fairfield Church has been
closed for some time and ere • many weeks
pase away Devon Church will share •the
same fate. Some firm adherents of one
church think that the Messers •Crossley
and Hunter would do a great deal of good,
by. way of reviving it up -r ---Mr. Joshua
lauxtable is on the sick -list, we hope soon
to mention his recciery.—Miss Minnie
May is at present visiting .elatives in the
:vicinity of Winchelsea.—Some of our
.-yotingstnen are leaving Devon, we wish them
God speed wherever they go .—Last week
O young child of Mr. John Handford fell on
the stove and seriously burned one eye and
side of face.—Many of thcs neighborhood
of Devon are engaged in the sugar making
business and say it is a good season. --Last
week among the names who went to the
great North. W&t were Mr. Lathe Downing
and wife, see being a •daughter of Mr.
Jeremiah Heaman, and in order to give
them a good send off an oyster supper was
served at Mr. meaman's home in their old
time stlye, we wish them prosperity.
R. A. Guest, M. D., Dean, and Professor of
Surgery, of the United States Medical Col-
lege; Editor of "Medical Tribune;" Author
of "Gunn's New Improved Hand -book of
Hygiene and domestic Medicine," in refer-
ring to the use of Warner's Safe Cure in a
ease of Bright's disease said, over his own
signature; "I was greatly surprised to ob-
serve a decided improvement within a
month. Within four months, no tube oasts
could be found, and only a trace of albumen:
and, as he expressed% he felt perfectly well.
After this demonstration of its power, I
prescribed it in full doses in both acute and
chronic Bright's disease, with the most
satisfactory results."
• ' 4
Bantrs.--Tue annual meeting of the pat -
rens of Crediton cheese factory was held in
the Town Hall at that place on Wednes-
day March 6th. After the usual routine of
business, a statement of the paet season's
work was read, which was quite satisfac-
tory. The auditors' reported the account
as baying been kept in a correct and proper
manlier. The following officers were then
appointen for the coining season:— Chas.
J3rown and Duncan N, MeXellar Salesmen;
Chase Brown, Treasurfr; Tobias Wartz,
Tins: Chapton, Wm. &All, Wm. Dixon,
and George LaWSOD, Directors; Henry Eil-
ber and Wm. Lewis, Auditors. After the
appointment of officere, the following reso-
lution wag then passed:--eThat when
cheese are to be delivered at the station'the
teams alien be hired, the patrons to have
the privilege of hauling the cheese, a load
to consist of not leas than 50. --Mise Mer -
net of Zurich who has been visiting friends
here for a etiort time, left for her heti° on
Tuesday last. --Messrs Sarni Either and R.
Essery ere at Goderidi attending the
Spring Arming, as juryrnera—Miss 13ertha
Gebauergsf,London ie paying lisle parents
here a short visit,—Mr. Schweitzer of KU-
managh, Michigan is visiting Moods Isere-
about.—Messrs. Eilber and John NVerca
tee have sold their teem, the north half to
Mr. Wm Hill and the south half to Mr. G
Clarke. The price paid is very good, con-
sidering the low prise of land at thei pre.
tent time, —Mews 3 0 Yottng and Wm
Herr have entered bile a partnership to run
tin and gonoral hardware business, They
intend eArrying a full and well -assorted
stock , —Mr, Rich 13aker is extensively to -
pairing ono Of hie hewn, on William street
and will soon have it ready for habitation,
—On Prides, deg last, a number of yOung
people assembled at Mr, Jos Bainee' and
spent en enjoyable evening, --,The Crediton
spring fate will be held on Thursday, April
•Toaosto RASO BALT, Ntigh
probably will net aceept Ottawa,si Obeli-
onge,00 M. Gillett of Toronte, the mann.
lecturer of leaperial Cream Tartar' Baking
Powder, ie very short of help and thinks
playing hall a waste Limo when they could
got work, Imperial is seM by all grooms
anp is the test.
•.701/N WRITE alc $0118
Publisher sac aProprletose
Dzeanauisc.—Nearly every week we hear
of some from tho villege or the surround
in country leaving for Dakota. Quite a
nunther are off again tbia week, araong the
number is Mr. Jacob Deichert, blacksmith.
For quite a king time Jake has been work-
ing in his fathers shop, and being =Andes -
thous and hard working boy we expect to
hear of him doing well in the West,
Good luck Jake. May we see yon return
for a — in the near future. •
Nave PAPER. —Zurich has a paper! The
Publio School Times is published monthly.
This little paper is edited by the children
of the sabool containing items of interest tu
school children. It is priuted on a lith-
ograph and is a fair specinaen of that fort
of work. While there is a corner of the
paper for rising artists (which affords a
great deal of amasement for the boys and
girls), there are also other articles of great
benefit to the young mind. It affords an
excellent opportunity for the pupils to dal-
tivate a taste for comppsition. It is also a
benefit to the parents as the monthly
school report is published in it. You ask
Independent in every senseste," of the
toefronoturse, "What side of politics does it
Bruers.--Miss Rau has returned and is
daily found at her post.—Mr. Simon Met-
ter intends putting a foundation under his
stable. After Mr. Metter gets this place in
order it will be one of the best and most
convenient pieoe of property in town.—H
C. Doan, V. S. has a curiosity being the;
of a two headed calf.—The Council met in
the town hall on. Saturday last.—Mrs. G.
Kastner and Miss Schmidt from Sebring-
ville have been the guests of 1VIr. E. Mer-
ner.—On Monday evening when the stage
was but a short distance from the village
one of the axles broke. No serious results
followed e however.—The mail bags were
carried to the Post Office. --Roads are very
bad, and as a consequence buseiness is very
dull. Miss Morrison formerly a teaeher
here visited the school one day last week.
The children were very much pleased to
see her smiling face again, she being a
great favorite among them.
berry our constable and aaotioneer has ren -
ed for a term of years the hotel belonging
to Mr. Coxworth of Hensel'. Mr. Bossen-
berry has already taken possession and
will we are sure keep up the good reputa-
tion of the lionse. As a public man he
has been successful and we with him quite
as much prosperity in his new enterprise.
We are sorry to see him leave the village
but hope to see him again occasionally.
Success and prosperity.—Mr. C. Eilber our
obliging baker intends removing to the
stand lately vacated by Mr. Lippert, where
he has material to builk a new oven as
soon as the weather will permit work to be
done This is a good' and convenient place
amorist as nauch so as if Mr. E. had built
it for himself. We are pleased to see him
get into slush a comfortable stand, not only
for his own good but for the good of the
public at large. He also intends to open
an ice cream saloon for which the shop
affords excellent facilities.—Mr. Moore
has opened a new shop in the old butcher
stand and has in nook a full assortment of
toys, school books &c., Opposition is the
life of trade.
ADDRESS.—Previous to his leaving
Zurich, the members of Bismarck Lodge,
A. O. F., of which society he is an esteem-
ed member, Mr. Dan Dyer was presented
with the following address:— -
"Me DAN DTR.—Ag the time for your de-
parture is drawing. near, we, as brethren of
Bismarck Lodge wish to express to you our
sincere regret in losing a brother; also to ex-
press our regard for you. All friends must
part. some to that bourn whence none return,
while others go to the far west to seek their
fortunes.• As the latter is your next destina-
tion, allow us to wish you all prosperity, which
you so richly deserve. As a brother we have
found you upright and honorable, while as a
friend YOR have proved sincere. We ask you
then to accept this address as a token of our
esteem and good -will towards you. Hoping
ydu may hold in fond remembrance the many
days you have spent in Zurich, and among the
members of the lodge ,we wish you success itt
whatever business you [undertake. May the
Giver of all good be your guide and director
henceforth. Signed in behalf of Bismarck
Lodge, A, 0,1'. by
Parse, C. R
11. C. DON, P. 0.; R Beaawan, S. C, R
Dated Zurich, March 6th,1080.
Mr. Dyer, although taken by surprise,
in his pleasant manner, made elnee.t and
terse reply, thanking the membersj heartily
for the kindnees shewn him :on this oc-
casion as well as during the eeason since
he had associated himself with the noble
order. In bidding them adieu he said he
cherished tho hope that all would
long be spared to enjoy each other's
fellowship ; and that he at some distant
day would have the pleasure offeiseeting
them all again. A ecry pleasant evening
was spent, the hospitable ond amiable
landlord of the Commereial, leudiug
material aid to the success of the
Quatii°n. (Froth 'another source.)
Bines.—Tho weather is fine, snow al-
most gono'the eousequence it the nada
are very hed, but will soon be dry. Every
clay some one is leaving for the WeSt. Louis
Weber left for Rochester on Tuesday morn-
ing. John Foose and Louis Winne left at
tile Same time for Dalvota.—The many
patrons of /slim Minnie Ran will be pleased
to know that elm has returned to her place
of beet -Imes, where she will be pleased to
eater to the wants of her old lady parents
crud many more,
Detint,Ta Sunni/wt.—The other evening
a number of the young people met at Tit 0.
Doen's and pre:meted Mrs. D. with a hand
some silver cruet, in beho-if of the A. 0, P.
ssociety. Mr Pelee made a few remarks
mid Dr. Buohanan preeeitted the ereet.
Mre Doan was very much stirprised, as suoh
was unlooked for, and thanked the Order
for the good -will shotvn hot and the ap-
preciation of bor time and trouble in getting
hp their concerts some time ago. After the
preeentation was over the crowd proceeded
to Mr. Boesonberty's, whore there was
another stirprise. Everything passed off
Oleasatitly, and after partaking of the good
thinge reofided by the erowd in general
and wiehing Dd, mid his Wile istmeeas itt
their preSent Undertaking they all retired
to their homes well Pleatied With their
eveeings enjoyment, Air. Dossonberry
moved to normal to take poseeetden el Mr.
The.. MolsOnSliatt:
fQ114.1tAl1iED ll 1'411,121AM,OTi101341,
4'044UP 04P4t4.1 •"" 02.0°00q
Beetrund 1.009.1/0
geed Office, Mentreal, ,
' 20 branoh offices in the P:raEsin2:04:. XAAgN:aPO:nee
in the Dominion, T7, S, A. and 'garepe.
°Pcn e$vAel.TYUIRA l'irDfAuYi (IS! Y' 10fromiem.1i°0 pm:mt°. ih M
Exeter Branph *
3 Per Cent. per annum allevredfor coney orr
Deposit Receipts and $avings
Ooaworths hotel and the best wishes o
every one goes with hina. They will be
sadly misaed by the young folks as they
were always welcome there.
T. &UNGER Szetwecr,M. D., F. R, 8,E.,
Ordinary Pbyeiolan to H. Id„ the Queen in
Scotland, Professor of Practice of Physic in
the University of Edinburg/a, writese"Acute
bronchitis is common espeeially in the ad-
vanced etages ef Bright's diseitee,and tends
to pass into the chronic state. Phthisio
(consumption) in its various forms is lotuid
ocoasionalty associated with these renal
eidney affections. It usually broves fatal
while the renal malady is yet in its early
stage". It thus beoomes evident that con-
sumption "and bronchitis are intimately
associated with kidney disease and Warners'
Safe Cure shoulp be teicen early. in the
disease to prevent the damaging influence
the kidney malady exerts upon the respira-
tory organ.
BRIEFS. —D. W. Dulniage our post mas-
ter and merchant has a $1,000 stock of
first-clase and well assorted Dry Goods
which he is offering at the wholesale prices
in order to make room for' the incoming
stook. If you want bargains Dulniage's
is the place to get them.—The sacrament
of the Holy Eachariet will be administered
D. V., on the third Snnday in Lent at St.
Paula Episcopal Churoh.—The Rev. S. F.
Robinson of Exeter will conduct service at
St. Paul's this Thursday evening, --We are
again called upoa to chrorsicle the death of
one of the late residents in this vicinity.
On Saturday last, Ann, wife of Mr. John
Stephens, and daughter of Mr. David Kirk,
shook of this mortal coil and left for a
happier shore, At the time of her death
deceased hau attained the age of 41 yams,
6 months, and for some months previond to
her decease had been suffering from cancer
in the throat, which however she bore with
sublime fortitude and great patience till the
hand of Providence was laid upon .her.
The subject of our sketch was highly es-
teemed by all who knew her as was evineed
by the large number of friends who follow-
ed. her remains to their last resting place
in Kirkton cemetery. We tender to the
sorrowing husband the heartfelt sympathy
of the entire community. The funeral
sermon will be preached on Sunday ramm-
ing next at Woodham by the Rev' 110. A:
Moir.—Mr. Robert Vickers intendsleaving
for Lapeer, Mich. during the incsoraing
week.—Mrs, J. Bryans is indisposed at the
time of writing.—The inauguration of the
new choir for the Methodist Chards is ex-
pected to take place on Sunday next.—A
slight difficulty has arose regarding the "
purchase of Agricultural grounds, as
seems the deed cannot be exemited till a
voice of the members has been obtained
and the secretary has called a public:meet-
ing of all members for the 26th inst.—Sir
Knight Companion in Command, W. Rob-
inson and Sir Knights G. L. Money and J.
L. Switzer of the Scarlet Chapter, St.
Marys district and L. 0. L. No. 591,
attended the Provincial Grand Lodge of
Ontario west held in Hamilton last week.—
Mr. E. Callender of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, returned home on Satur-
day last.—Mr. David Kirk of this place
has taken unto himself a wife in tho person
of Mrs. Conn. The ceremony was held
in St. Marys and the Be. J. Charlton, late
of Kiritton was the officiating minister. --
Mr. W. Somerville of Exeter was in the
village on Sunday last.
Mande hove.
Beines.—Mrs Simpson, wife of Richard
Simpson, was buried on Friday last in St.
Jaraes chuola cemetery, the funeral being
largely attended. She leaves six small
children and a bny a few weeks old.—
The red -breasted robin has made its appear
ance, which is an old•time indication of
spring. Take care lest you have put your
foot in it.—Edwards and two of the Lewis
boys left a few days ago for California.
They go to see the golden gate. They in-
tend sending the writer an ample supply of
good things. —The Messrs Flanagan are
making preparations for the banding of 300
fanning mills for the North.west trade, this
sumnier.—Mrs. tVni. Flanagan presented
her husband with a handsome baby boy on
St. Patrick's deg.—Dr. Sutton'g child is re-
covering from a long and severe attack of
whooping cough.—Our looal fisherman are
watching the river for the arrival of the
"sackers".—Our court of Foresters are
making a steady advance, they had two
initiations last meeting night,—The young
peoples' Guild. of this place had an inter-
estieg debate lash Friday night. The sub.
ject was, "Rosolva that a Monarchial form
of government is preferable to a Republic".
The Captains were Mr. P. Carrie, for the
affirmative and j. W. Blackwell for the
negative. After much discussion the ref.
erees decided in fayor of the affirmative.—
It is our sad duty to have to record the
death of Mrs, Simpson, wife of Richard
Simpson, blackenaith of thie plate. The
deceased passed away after a, 'short but
painfullillness from inflammation, leaving to
tho °are of het hnsband seven small child-
ren the eldest being but nine years of age,
Mr, Simpson has the sympathy of the et -
tire community in his sad' bereveneent.—
Mrs. Graham'e eldese daughter had a hod
attack of bleeding at the now, 0E0 day last
week, but has almost recovered now,—Mr.
Janos Carter, nochine agent of this place
is getting in a largo stock of spring iniple.
relents, end is prepared to enpply hie many
customere. —There was quite a livoly time
at Clandoboyosstation laet Saturday oven.
It gowns that as the eveoing train
coming from London was nearing Glenda-
boye one of tile ooeuptuite netted Meet -demi
alias Colin IVIeKetizie of Strathroy bafng
ander the influenoe, began to act disorder.
ly , When the train ,stoppod at the 8Ltlott
constabto Mori nation attornptod to handouff
him, McGuigan however defied arreet, and
in the melee whish ensued got o ewer° eut
on the Iger. After ninoh diffietilty Maati.
dctt mioceeded in getting the handcuffs on
him and teek LIM into London on the next
train. A rininhor et the prisoners' friends
tehe won on hend attempted to rescue him
but without smogs.
'.'hildrott Cry for Pitcher's Dastorti