HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-3-14, Page 5:Karr
Occureences ofsthe .Past weide Through
out the Isiehihheriteed in a COileiRO
Benjamin „Logan was the first per.
son to utak° maple syrup in Muncey
this year. One gallon in one day was
' the record.
A child of IVIiclieel Williams, of
Hilabert, felt off the 'door step and
broke his left collar bone on the 4th
inst. ,
Mr. Donald McICenele, of Parkhill.
has been able to satisty his creditors,
and re.opened business in hisold
stand, .
Ono day recently,. Mr, l'homas
Thomson, of 131anshard, disposed of
a brocCinare for $220 and a colt for
$120. r
• Ever'es's Cough Syrup is the best
in the country. Duncan Purcel, For-
'Mr. D. Rolston, of Blansharcl, sold
to Mr, W. Dunseith, two live months
old dressed hags which weighed 190
pounds each,
Early last Friday morning the
building known as the Metropolitan
hall situeted on the 8th concession of
Blanshard, was burned to the ground.
Mr, James Markin, a prominent
fernier living on the rith concession,
Bicidulph, died on IVIenday morning
from inflammation of the lunge.
I had tried many doctors and was
given up by them as far gone into con-
sbmption, but was permanently cured
by using Everest's Cough Syrup. -Jas
Simpson, A berarder.
Near Watford, on Sunday night, a
young woman named Mary Marshall
wes shot dead by •Albert Wilson be-
cause she refused his escort home from
church. The inurderer is still at large.
The 9 -rand frank fast express from
Chicago to Montreal, met with au acc-
ident near Lucan on Monday, one
: coach falling down an embankment.
Cause a broken rail. Four passengers
were injured.
Ibero died in Kincardine on larch
4th Mr Richard Vanston, in his 85th
year. Deceased was an early pioneer,
and his!remains were interred on Wed-
nesday afternoon, the funeral' being
largely attended -
No tidings have been heard of Alex.
Glendenning, the blind poet of Pe-
trolea, who wanderegi away from home
last fall and was last seen in the neigh-
borhood of Parkhill. His relatives
have abandoned hope of ever finding
him alive.
r. 14. Plows, a well-known miller.
haatfisued an open letter to the r faren
ers Of Ontario. in which he recomr
mends them not to SOW SO much barley
the forthcoming season. tie recom-
mends the "sowing of early spring
Wheat, avoiding the hard variety.
Rev. W. C. Henderson, D:D., for-
' ,merly pastor of the Methodist Church,
t, Mary's, who accepted the position
tne time since of Principal of Stan.
stead Wesleyan College, Qubec.
desirous ot retiring from thet office,
and expects to return to the active.
work of the ministry.
. Mr. ,.DevedPatton, at one time
Reeve. of Gederieh township, but for
time past non est, and who was sup-
posed to have been killed in the west,
turned up alive and •well the other
day, having been employed on the
Panama Canal.as overseer, and having
come direct from there.
The annual meeting •of the Ontario
Egg dealers' Association was held at
the Walker House, Toronto, the other
day. About 25 members were
present. Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Sea -
forth, was re-elected president ; Mr.
J. D. Moore, of St. Mary's vice-pres.
John Alexander, while cutting wood
out in Ellice on Saturday,' cut his foot
badly with the axe, taking clean off
two toes of his right foot,. and nearly
severing the rest. This accident will
disable Alexander from work for some
months. ,
1Vir. Orme, of Lendon township, was
last fall convicted by squire Peters of
assault and tre.sspass. Or me appeal
ed and the conviction was quashed.
He is now taking action againet squire
Peters for false arreSt.
We are pleasect to learn that the
representations made by the Birldulph
Township council to the Local Legis-
lature in regard to bridges in local
municipalities has borne fruit, and
that Mr. John Watters M. P. tor
North Middlesex, has been compelled
to withdraw his obnoxious measure.
Hotel matters have been quite
lively in Parkhill the last week or so.
The `Putter Housb was sold to Messrs,
McCall and Harrison, of Lobo ;• the
Central was bought by Mr. Simpson,
of Senior th, and Mr Dignan intends to
build on the old Vanwyk House site
on the north Main street.
Mr. Frank Nichol, of the 4th con.
of Westminster, met with a serious
and painful accident the other day,
vvhicli is likely to leave him a cripple
for life. Mr. Nichol was using a
. drawing knife for the purpose of cut-
ting sorne kindling wood when the
knife slipped fronn the stick and came
across the knee of his left leg; split-
ting the knee cap in two.
A report is in circulation at Lucian
that it is probable owing to the delay
occurring through a Counter petition
t being presentectagainst the repeal of
thescott Act in IVIirldlosex that a
"deciaion will not be :undyed at in tone
by the Minister of J ustice to siibmit
the case to a vote 01' the elee,tore
April, vIedoli 0£150 it Cannot come
up again Tor snother eerie,
DaShWOOd. '
R. Cook was the
victim of a severe accident on Monday
last, She had the misfortune to fall and
break one of her ribs end she also received
other lemma of minor importance).
e sacrament of the 1 eturned on T
T„ueedity,-Mr Denean
Lord'e Supper wee administered in the Walker left for Wiunipete, Seturday
Eyangelicel Church here on Semen, last, On Thursday last the rernatee of Miss
Rev, Mr. Umbaeb presided over the fieryiee IsYllah were intarre0 in Oralld Belld OOLT10.
and was assieted by Roy. Alessi's, Ortivein. tofYi Sho W55 °DIY 22 yeers pf age,-.MrJ.
and Much, The morning service was SPROltillarl of Exeter paid our town a' visit
la Cerium) and a very nuenessive eermou Monday lest .--Capt.',11ntton and wife of the
was deliVerea ill the eyeeiog in English by Salvation Armare here on a visit to Mrs,
Idr ortwein. Milligan, and while visiting they are not
BRIEF:4. -Mr. John j11-10(10 is nhc'ut to move very idle for they led the meetiugs at the
from Yaaersvillo to Dashwood. Ile is en- 'Methodist Church last Wednesday night
gaged as toeunster for Mr. Cook. -Mr. j. and Siudny niglit. They aro very nice
Willert of the 14th Wu. who has been nPankois•-Tlie presbyterians of this plea:),
very DI for some time) ie recoverieg.-On are holding meetings at their church every
Sunday last, Mr. Then, ens of the /simmers night to get some of the new inemeeIrs for
of thie place, passed away to ioln the greet Sunday, which is Saoramoet, Sunday. -We
mejority.-e Mr. William OM and his bride think it would look more ladylike if some
left fur Dakota on the 12th inet. The young girls who go to the alothoilist revival
night Wore their departure they were meeting would sit still arid behave them -
presented with en album as a token of selves while they are in ohnrcle. We think
remembrance from the young people of that the Boy. Mr. elouston would havo
the ueiglibeebood, Mrs, Gill's brother, done perfectly right it lie had given their
&fella 11„Irls accompanies them, names out to the audience) es he threeteued
to -r0 -4-d for some young people have no respect for
`hie Brompton Hoepital for Cousemp- themselves or their parents.
fives, London, Eng.. published a stateniset
that tifty„two (52) per cent. of the patieuts
of that institution hese unsuspeeted ltithicy
disorder. Prof. Win. H. Thompson of the
University of the, City of New York, says;
"More adults are carried off in, this country.
by chronic) kidney disease thau by any other
one malady except isoustunption" The late
Dr. Dio Lewis, in speaking of Warnotes
Safe Care, says over his own signature; "If
I found myself the victim of a serious kid -
nee trouble, I .would use Warner's Safe
remosneeesioematemeeemerie :
Ewers and Mrs Siniesoe of Pack-
paul our town a visit a few days
Mr George Alexander iS oer cheeselneker
now. -Mr Dayid Berke of Brander], Mane
who has been visiting friends aromni here,
Raixes..-blr. Charles Greb intends
• building an addition to his hotel. Mr.
Greb wants to accommodate the public as
best he can. -One day last week Rev.
Theo. Harrell met with what might have
been a very serious accident. It appears
he was driving through a lane when the
cutter oapeized, throwing Mr. H. but.
The only injery however, being a alight
Scalp wound. -On account of the Quar-
terly meeting in Dashwood, there were
no services in the Evangelical church
last Sunday.-Antimber of per80118 fret)e
the village and vicinity left last weelgfor
Dakote.- Air Sanniel Heist bas returned
from his eVeddiug tip, and left for Da-
kota on Tuesday. -On Thursday of last
week Mr. J. E. Tom, I. P. S. for West'
Huron, visited our public school. Mr.
Tom expressed himself as being highly
pleased with the library in -UM school and
urged the pupils to take advantage of this
splendid opportunity to add to their store
of useful knowlege,e-Mr. Dan Dyer•who
has been engaged for the last seven or
eight years as clerk in Mr. D. Steinbach's
store, has given up his positson and in -
tattle seeeing bla fOttllne "across the line."
During Mr. Dyers stay in Zurich be has
been a credit to his employer, epainsteking
and inclustrious-laboring at:all times
for the advancement, of the business. Mr
Steinbath epeeks very highly of bim as
a young men who is sues)._ to succeed.'
Dan leaves many friends in Zurich who.
wish Mtn success end happiness wher-
ever be, in filter; may reside. He was
preeented with an address Which will
,appear ?text week:
"(Prom another source.)
Prtntes..- Mr. John Kothern was
around, Monday evening, shaking hands
with bie many friends, pider to his de.
parttere for Dakota. -41.r. John Cdele and
family also left for Dakota on Tuesday. -
Fred Hees has returned to his natige
village once more, Welcome home Fred.
-*Miss Diller, ofBright, was the guest of
Mr, Fred Signer for a few days. -Mr. Ei
L Painewhowas at Hartiourg for a
few days, has'retarned.-The other day,
while drawing cordwood, C. Either's
horse managed to get away from him and
came dashing into town minus the wood„
having distributed it along the mad side.
No damage done.-L•We are pleased to
notice that several of our citizena. have
been investing in organs. Who next?
-On.Tuesday the 517h inst, the A. 0. F.
•of Zutich,.gaveean oyster supper, prior to
the departare of two of their members
to the far West, namely, Mr. John Koch -
the and wir. Dan Dyer. Some 30 ladies
and gentlemen met to do justice to the
good things provided for the occasion by
the proprietor of the Commercial hotel -
H. Peine. After tbe oysters were
dispensed with, Dr.-. Brichltean, as chair -
Man, spoke a few words,. While an ad-
dress to each.- one was read and presented
to thein by H. C. Doan. Messrs. Dyer
assd Koeb.em were taken completely by
surprise and each mode a Saitable reply.
Mr. Kochem 15 ono of the oldest mete -
bei s et the lodge and has been an earnest
woelter for the ordet, always eeady tend
willingto help them along 10 apy way.
It is with regret that we see him depart
beit belie it is for the better. A.Gr Dyer
has not beee a, member very loriglnit ,evas
one ever ready to take a hold and help in
e•nything. Your. correspondent wishes
.1)fte success in whatever state ha Mee,
enter. The State of Michigan or the state
of matrimony. Good luck Dan.
The salt filen of Canada haves foi tn.
SCI et combine in the) Pelt uninnese,
Sortie few years since Iliese 111(11
anceeed Oil ili Clanging together ;en el
put rite the peleeis, Isitt Ilio 4 I-rat/dere of
the tiot ebe priee
oi ;„11.:4') per ; 117 was too 111,e);
1,,hey thought, rhey leeger, to It 1, 11-
t;totitto salt il)enieeltese at Mooar(1.
110. 1)1131 50141 it 11 t ()nit pep 1‘,0,1,01,
ThiS bUrSt ho onnetiene; •A few dei s
ado0 nose conalehie etnatecl, end put,
e11) t 11 p idea 30 1;if 1.25 per tin rrei,
which ;IS the price now, arid the
Grangers were tile first to enter into
Ilia cembitiesallel are now rejoicing in
tile tact of' being the itteans ()ti
10 (1 their brother f';trrnere pay 75c pep
eartiel More for ealt Hien terinerly.
TIM late Dr. Die) Lewis said; The truth
is, the medical profeesiop stands dazed., end
helpless in the rresenco of more thao one
Ridoey malady." He also said; "If I found
myself the victim of is Rations kidney
trouble I would We Warner's Safe Cure."
Fleeter on the 10111 inst, the
mite of Mr. Joseph Senior of a son..
Vnenee.--In Exeter; on -the Sth inst. the
wife of B. H. Verity, qf a sou
T1ZrkiNllTJLL--EAORETT.-In Eeeter on the
lath lust, at the residence ofthe bride's
father, by ItOV. Mr. Wilson:, Air.
Turnbull, to Miss Tery 3. Eacrett eldest
*.daughter of Ur. M. Rama; all of Exeter.
William Crane!, a farmer of the
township of Ellice, made a desperate
attempt to kill himself on.baturday
about noon,at his own house. He
went to hisroom and locked the door
and there committed the act, cutting
his throat from ear to ear. His
daughter, who suspected his inten.
tion broke in the door and discover-
ed her father's body prostrate on the
floor bathed in blood. Hens recover-
Woodstock: `finees; -"Rxactly five
years ago ex -mayor Ii'rancis and Grant
werer,on the same trade ett route lor f)t-
tawa, beities appointed a deputation to
solicit the' erection in this town of
ft 11(1W post oilic.e and custom house.
130111' St. George the piston rod
of' the engine broke, arni iti a flasli
the erain wee off the tracts., itod rttn
for over a Inile10 tlutt mariner. When
tile omen e seelljeett it, vene just thee()
feel, frotn tlid .bridge, rniseetise,cire
1'OCeiVe(4. Ft fri!,31111111 allfiltinf.t up, flov
,,trengc• that 311', (117111t should linvc
heel 11(1ar ft( (1(1)11 1)+, 111(100; ,ktr,
:1r 170114 cm bas 1111111 1131.'
A 1 1<,„
1; of
ierei ; P Ifsse„..,1
ekel t 11401 of 11 sh;Se dieense
io Coo labie ;du ri nreelinent
evnesien, ;eel 4 <ieeiti ;tesetireit, Thie
(1)01,101,,,,, 11; rliNt tnr on 1;1 csiptre
OPOP 1(1(11)4131' 117 11 itiot 415 0, therefore, 5o
ergne that von }oleo not 11)4(0137 (1)5(5111 bee
eidiee you .119,V0 110 110341 1(4)11 011131 Of it
rally en re plan iS 10 111,7
Gore es (1001) 14,4 1110 Most 1 or'l 11,1443 (03 4401'!
Scientific men see no reason why the
span of human life may not be extended to
a round hundred years from the present
litni1; of seventy to eliilltY Years.
From Adam's time .to that of Alethu-
tn.or 1000 years.
selah and Noah, men a.r.eszcordecl as at-
taining to welligh the a
The Psalmist David, aowever, says; "The
days of our age are threescore years and
ten; and thongh men be so stroeg that
they come to fourscore years, yet is their
strength then but labor and sorrow; so
.soon passeth it atvay, and we are gone."
This wide margin of longevity, together
with proper observance-ei_nieental, raoral
and physical laws, leads investigators to
• believe it posdble that human life might
be made to increase in length of days to a
full century at least.
Moderation and regularity in eeting,
thinking and sleeping are couductive to
longevity, and those who ebservo proper
habits and use pure ani3.0,1Thcacious reme-
dies when sick, may accomplish immense
labor with no apparent injury to themselves
and without foreshertening their lives.
Hon. li, H. Warner, President of the
Rochester. N. Y., Chamber of Commerce,
and manufacturer of the celebrated. War-
nor's Safe Cure, has devoted much time
and research to this se ' t of longevity,
and bas arrived at the satis a. ory conclus-
ion that life may be prolonged by 'rational
and natural means.. Thousauds of persons
are living to -day --enjoying the blessing of
perfect health mid visor -Who will testify
to the almost rnagioal efficacy of Warner's
potency and to the norm , of consti-
Cure in restoriu them to physical
rater they had athio.t given up
hope of life.
After middle age, many begin to lose
their wonted vigor of body, and thereupon
give way to inertness aud useless repining.
Yet all such have within roach that which
both reuews youth and contributes to the
prolongation of life Warner's inarvelous
Safe Cures are an eves rug stor
now regarded as standard specific
, out the civilized world.
The serong desire to attain
meantime retaining the virile
body and mind -is necessarily
with the respect paid to eged p
people would scarcely desire to e old,
were the aged nealected o% regarded With
mere stfferance.
(Corrected at5 o'clochp.m,Wednesdal.
0" lo 1, '
spring Wieea t .- ... 00 to 1 ee
tiarley , ., - ... 40 to 46
°Kt 8 ... 0 2810 80
Clover S )ed , ... 4 00 to 470
Tim othy " .., 2 50 oo 3 00
P0a6 r. 0 Iji tO 0 64
Coro ... 9 40 to 0 09
0 15 to 5 15
Butte3 ,... .,. 10 to 0 47
Flour p exhhl . ... - 00 0 5 06
Potato e s,por bunliel ... 25 to 85
Appies,per bag 00 to 0 50
DriedApplespr h ... 0 4 t'o 01)4
(seeae p01710. ... 0 06 to 0 06
Turkey per lb , ... 9 07 to 08
Ducks porpr ... 0 50 to 06)3
Chickens per pr ... 0 25 to 0 130
Hogs,clressedper10 ... 6 00 17c6 26
noef ... ... 400 to 5 00
rlidosrouph, ... ... 4 50 to 5 OG
" dressed ... .. 6 00 to 6 00
Sheepskins each ... ... 0 49 t o 76
Calfskins .,. 0 50 to 0 70
woo] perlb ... .,. 0 18 to 0 20
Hayporton ... ,.. 1000 170 12 00
()mon snerbush 130 bo 0 743
Wood!? er cora ... „. 25 to 3 oo
Fall Wheat es to 1 01
Spring Whoat,.., ... . . . . ..,....„„.... „, 04 N1 01
Bar,ey. ..... .„.... .... . . „„ .... ....„,„`. . . ... 46 47
pate •- 28 29
(never 500,10 4 50
, „. .... . . .....4 (
Timothy.... . . .... „ 1..„1 60 2 Oft
Potts. ............ ......„„,„.„,„,„.„,„„.„., 54 51
Puttee ..„........,.. ................ ,......,.,. 10 1
Potatoes or bag ....,,, . . ....... ....,... 135 40
k Apples per bush...,..... ..... . . . . . . ....„. 25 . 00
Wool porlb.. ... , . ..... .... .....„ . . ......... ... VO 16
Ray pe(tou 10 00 12 00
Bran per ton ,..., ....... ... ......, 14 00 14. 00
• Shorts " " ., „. ....,.. 20 00 20 00
Oatmeal per lib). „ . ,.., 6 00 7 00
wheat, $1.00 to $1.02* per bushel,
Oats. 2917 to 800 per bushel, Peas. 54e to 56o
er bushel. Barley - malting,48e to 48e per bus
• Barley, feed, 383ie to 43,,le por bushel.
Tortoe.ro, Brar.13.--1Vunae-fall, No.2, 31.07
to $1. Os; spring, isle. 2, S1.07 to el 08; red win-
ter, No 2. 31.07 be $.1.03; No 1, Manitoba
bard, 31 33 to $1.34 BARTOW. No. 1 57e to 58e
No, 2. 5.to 170 1150; No. 3,40e to 48e; No 3, extra,
47e to 51e, Paas, Is.To 2, 56e to 58c.-. OATS, NO.
• 2, 73 c to R8O. FLOUR extras $4.55 to 34.60;
strong: bakers. 36.00 to 090.
Market quiet and easier. Sales 'No.l. bard
er aniroba. $1 29 to 31.34. and No. 2 do. at $1.31
No. 3 barley, outside, at 3sio oats, on track, at
d are.
e -
s of
s, for
Wig. T. BOLFIELD, M, Stirgeon to the
.genito-urinary department, Cautral Dis-
pensary, Chicago, says "The diagnosie of
Bright's disease is often erroneously made
where there exists no inflamma'tion, but
simply venous congestion of the kidneys."
Neglect in these cases' of congestion allows
organic changes to take place, thus Bright's
disease is developed, which result may be
avoided by the tithely use of Warner's Safe
cure. This remedy removes the obstruction
and equalizes circulation.
When Baby was sick,, we gave hor Castoria,
When she was a Child. she cried for Castoria,
When pho became Miss, she clang to Casteria,
rhon she had Children, shogavothemCastoria,
"If there was only one bottle of Hag.,
ya Id's Yellow Oil ia Manitoba, I would ed.:Jo
the hundred dollars for it," writes Philip
H. Brant, of Monteith, Manitoba, after
having used it for a severe wound and for
frozen ffngers, with, 118 he eaye, "astomeh-
lug good results."
I was swollen from heed to fool, from
di.oesey of six iiihLii11)41 standing, and my
health was filing fast, bat after talting
ono ;Bottle of 13naleel 13lood Bitters, I am
quiti) well, and t•Ilinle tilers; is 110 11)0(11(311)5
5(10351 14 13. B. 41,, ant) h) ilil rem 101i1 11
true friend." Joseph lierie, Linwood, Out,
T'AllTf,Y GA VT-il (Tn.
t110 year 1 lidi, 1 oorigheet for 3137
rnonthe, aiel having te)snemiesfelly tried
111a11:',1 1,111011 107r, 1 111111 1}% g/14,0 Up, 4 11111 31111g
b.i,(1(;(rn At leeb 1 tried 11,1e;
37171d1 1418.1 b'eur 011..
111,41171 tvideli cured 1110, It111371114 111)) 0,4
15121 /0 (0'),1' teAlry 1V. G5)111:1,
GO 141.3TON 01101341
, •
in of; a .; /.1411i W11(111. 11 )31; 1e1701(110(1 1'11 tiene,
1), Nieled IA) 1\7,1 IN1loy AVO.,
ri"oterit ;a save; "As it ()Mee gale 1'or,: soli
()We, reeve throat, etc., 141411
reeounnetid 119 g37) 1111 Yitlie'/W ()IL" 117 15 a
(Mr,' ;nue. Diree11014 nee•ttepany emelt
4)4)0Q,75370 373,
. ,
By 00)4 40 ;ley 11143 aondinie 751' 0054 OffiCO '
address; Volts, iliena ;son & fle,t (1111)334)11,
'The local merket continues quiet, with
little or no change in priees. Receipts mod-
erato and there ls no shipping demand.
Choice steers ere nominal at4 cents per lb.
Bulls sold at2 to 34e, and utileh cows firm at
from $3010 $50 a head. Butchers cattle in
moderate demand, prices weak; the best sold
31.1 told, ordinary at 3e to 34 and e,ommon.at
217. Sheep in fair demand and steady, with
limited offerine; the best sell at $5 to $6,00
per head; inferior to medium at $4.00 to $4.50
and rams 3e to 3.1c peepound. Limbs in fair
demand and Orin. chore° bringing$5.00 to $4,
and inferior to ateclium $400 to 04 80 Calves
dull and steady. Choice beasts, of 125 to 150
lbs., soll at se to Oci ,dressed weight; rough
calves. $3 to $5. it head, Hogs are steady!
choice light fat 851(1 51 6o to 51e, store hogs at
Ile to 5o. rod stags at 3e to Sic.
AnviOn To MOVIEBS.-are you disturbed as
night and brokeu of your rest by a sick child
sufferingand crying -with pain of Cutting
,Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
o "Mrs.Win8 low's Soothing Syrup" for chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will volitive the poor little sufferer im
modiately tem:wild upon it, mothers ; there
Is no snistake about it. It cures Eyseutery.
and Die.rrheea, regnlatee the Stonittch and
:Bowels, cures Wind Colic,. Rotten s the sums.
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system( Biz s.winsloves
Soothing, Syrup" for phildren teething is
pleasant to the taste and iR the prescription
of one of the oldest and 'hest female
physicians and nurses in the 'United
States, aud is for sale by all druggists
throughout the world', Price twenty-five
cents is bottle. Be sure and as for"Mas,
WiNstoW's g"OTITING. S"'"arP "and. no
other k ind
00118113.111.PTION 017RED;
An old plevsician, retired from praceice,
having had'placecl in his hands ay itn East
Indian missionary to formulaof a simple
vegecebiy+ remedy fof the speedy and pe rnia-
n out cure 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca-
tarrh, Aethina end aOl throat and lung
affections, also apositive andralical cure
for Nervous Debility andall Nervous Com-
plaints, atter having tested its wonderful
ourative powers in thousaads ofeases, has
felt it his duty to =keit known to his
suffering fellows. Aetuatedby tnis motive
and a desire to relieve num an suiferine, I
wed Bend free of eharge, to all who ciesireit,
this reciine,in German,French or English,
with full directionsfer preparing and using.
Sent . mail by addressing w ith stamp,
naming this vapet.W.A .NOTAA 140 Power's
MOO, Rtehester IN 17
ri-lo THE DEAF.- -A person cured of
Deafness and noises in the head of
23 years' standing by e simplexemedy, will
Benda description of it FREE to any person
who applies to Nrcnoasox, '177 McDougal
street, New York.
rashionglo Stylo;
Just Reccivcd'at the
A. Fresh Stook of
----Ala() a pod Stock. 00--
30E85, SIJOABS) COFFEES, umcs, and all
kinds of canned goods on hand. Flour
(roller) for sale. Fresh bread and buns.
Smoking Toba.cco.
T dt,
On each PLUG and PACKAGE
,000 00
Walnut &Rosewood Caskets DRy..GooDs
A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Boots & Shoe6
Always on hand.
l‘ly stock of Furniture is un-
• excelled.
WORTH KNOWING. Combillatio
--TO BE--
Where You Can Get :
The cheapest Prints and Cottons,
The best and cheapest Dress -goods,
The best and cheapest Flannels,
The best and cheapest Corsets and
The best and cheivress Bootsle Shoes,
The best and cheapestreas for the money
TouwanttheBest Goods
Ladies' and Gentlemene Underclothing
at exceptional value. We are determined
to sell our goods at RIGHT PRICES.
Everything marked in Plain figures. NO
OLD or TRASHY GOODS. Everything
new and of First Quality. •
Our goods sell and we want you to know
it. We want you to exarne our stock and
compare prices with quality. No trouble
to show goods.
Buying and selling for cash, as we do,
defy competition. Ulster cloths and
Jersey Jackets very cheap.
Farm Produce taken at market prices.
Remember the place : First door north of
the Town Hall, Exeter.
Usefulness !
Beauty. and
Durability !
• An &tick of Furniture
Carries the largest gTock of Furniture in
Huron Countyend.has just added to
his assortn4ht a great many
pieces admirably adapted for
the boudoir, sitting -room
dining -room or kitchen
An. Inspection of Goods will ef-
, feet a purchase.
Undertaking in all its
(Successor to C. dz S. Gidley)
Having just finished stock -taking, we will sell for 30 days
only, the following articles,
X -Cut Saws, Axes and Hand es,
. Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc
Owing to a change in the firm, we must have all accounts.
settled by cash or noirt.
(iilEAT OLV:Aji:ING- • SAL.K.
BELS1 YET:1.. • .
YEE C311-112'• -71-1 IT as. co in menCed and. will
io•T r
'THE BIG•GES11 'YEP • • .
LO.NGRJR., Gnat 134u'ga;ins, aro 1)e1.. -1g cflo.und 3111
-Velvets, DreSs Goods, Ifosieyy 31,•a1kot,53
Linens, lions() Fnruisliil
dVy Ete. Inspetion 5111373
Ovorcoatings at any price; Suit-
ings anyplace; PantingS
Ai) any price,
Bosh, Ortiored BlotliiiiP piodunod ill Exetei,
Gentlemen I leave 370111' Ol'ORTS e1y, for
with best steff of Tellore ; the best
stook of Pine Trimmings, and tho beet
'Getting, hi Town, you are eine of satisfec-
0 07
(7111 0