The Exeter Times, 1889-3-14, Page 1mcb
Goldsmith .++, Hall!
ger Personalattention given to repairing of
watches, olooks and iewolry:
Opposite the Market,
, B-• DICKSON, I3strrister, Soh -
IL 4 • citorof Supreme Court,Notary Public
Coaveyancei Commissioner, eso, monoy to
°Mee in Pansen's Block, Exeter ,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.4
lesKETER, e- ONT.
OiliceSamwe1l's1310ek nalrB cdci °Ma')
Solieitor the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyaneer,Ocaximissioneriiece itc. Special
attention given to the collection of claims in
the United States'. featents procured, money
to loan at lowest rates. °Mee : Opera ,House
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers c, cte.
Sa"Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of
B. T. B14/10T. at. mum.
E IsT T A L-7—.
OFFICE: ovey 07.4tE1ILIS Ilan&
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Samwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Bilings and- all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
Go Denton onlast Thursdeyin
doh month.
C1 LUTZ , ,
‘._.1 • Onlcoat hissesidence Exeter
ejW. BROWNING M.•D.., M. 0
aliomteV' OtIT
1-)R. HYNDMAN, ooroner for the
A-- County of Ruron. Oellee, opposite Mr.
, Carling's store,Exeter.
„TAR. J. A. ROLLIN b , M0. P. S
0. Ordoe,Main Se.lexeter,Ont.Besiden
P e le ons er e °featly occupied by P. McPhillips,
ITENRY 'EILBER, Licensed Atm-
Um:Leer foay,Stephen, and MeGilli-
eeleY:Townships: Sales con ducted atmoderate
rates. Oleo e --At P os t-olTioe.Orediton , Ont.
JOHN GILL, A.uctioneer for the
Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All setae promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this oilier).
Tennent & Tennent
Graduates of the, Ontario Veterinary tlollege.
Oxman : One door South of Town Hall.
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds'. Best
Loaning Conmitnies represented.
Barrister, Ex ete r,
Established in 1863.
This comeadiv has been over Eighteen
Yeare ineuecessful operation ill Western On-
tarioesndeontinuee to insure agaiustloss or
damage by Pire ,Buildings ,Merchaudi se ,Man-
uf name es,end aOl othe e description oflineur-
able peopeety tiatending insurers hey° the
optionof insuring on the Premium Note or
0 ash System.,
rinsing the past ton years this Company
has issued 57,006 Policies , coverin g property
o theeinountote40,872,038 ; auclpaicl lnIoeS
es a lone $ Y00,7'52,00
Asset% 9110)100.00, eoneisting o f Cash
n isn't, Go vornnaentDeposit, d tli e Rundle,
essederomittra Note:ion hanclanein,force,
W Wersonstle D. Presideet 0, al. TeereCee,
Secretary. 3,I.eloonne, tusnector. . 0AS.
NEILL agentf or esloteritudaretinite,
mts.Dielcce, of Crediton, begs to Inform the
public that she) has moved her business, and
w ill now he found pno door west c,f
Store. Drees -making done in tho very lateet
styles: Cutting and Fittitig by the new tailor
system. M1t8. DICKEY, Crediton
ar er Shop,
A HastingsProp
3h,Lti1, and II:dr:ratting in the le.tost styles
of the art.
Evoryattention paid to outting
Ladies ana drenHair,
For Every Buyer.
Note a few of our prices :
Tea Sclb. up.
Four 10c plugs of tobacco 250..
• Heavy shirtiug, 8o per yard
Cotton, 3c per yard, up
Men' e nits, • 64 50, up
• Ladies' coats, $1,50, up
• Fur cape, •25o, up
Big Drives in all Depart-
• ments.,
Jewelry Store
You are inyited to come and see
Our Elegant Holiday Stock
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver-
ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods, dna
fifis Pr Old (6 iioungt
Repairing Depar trn't
We make a specialty of watch andjewel-
ry repairing. ,Jewelry mended and re -
polished so as to look like new. All work
allataieteeds •
-,...Oniernotto t Neat, prompt and reliable.
Remember the stand, opposite MoDonell
Bs Waugh's Hardware Store.
J. C•, atcittertzmax,
Cotiax MBETING.—The municipal
council of the township of Blanshard met
on Monday. • All members present.
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the pre-
vions meeting were read, approved and
signed. by the reeve. A deputation con-
fiding of Meesre. Smith arid Leslie ap-
peared before the Board in reference to the
widow of Mr. Haynes, the said Mrs. Haynes
on account of her hnsband • meeting • with
sudden death in Somer's gravel pit was
left in very destitute circumstances. The
deputation urged the council to give a small
grant to &flay the funeral expenses. The
council after considering the 'neater agreed
to take no action at present iu reference to
the same. Mr. Beatty and Mr. Sinclair the
committee appointee to secure estimates re-
garcling bridge tops in reference to Fish
()reek bridge, reported as follow : We,
committee, have communicated withthe
following companies and have received the
following estimates :
1 From the Dominion Bridge Company
eoffeting to furnish an iron top for tield.
-bridge 14 ft roadway for $589.50; 2 From
W. W. Cowan. Stratford, offering to put on
au iron top .14 ft roadway for 6600; 3 From
• Jaie B. Bear, Doon, offering to furnish wood
and iron top for 66 per foot. Tenders for
the construction of abutments of Said
bridge were then opened as follows: No 1,
F. Standeaven $659, if ally extras at rate of
$5 per cubits yard. No -2, Jas. Dunn, $535,
if any extras atrate of $4,50 per cubic yard.
No. 3, Jas. Clyde, $536. No. 4, C. D.
Swanson, 6489, if any extras, at rate of 67
per cubic yard. No. 5, John Elliott, $4.16,
if any exti'as, at rate of 0.50 per cubic yd,
Moved by Mr, Berry, seconded by Mr.
Johuson: That the tender of Mr. John
Billed be acceptect—Carried, Moved. by
Mr. Sinclair, seconded by Mr. Berry: That
• Mr. Patiick Hardy be appointed bridge
s pector.— Carried, Moved by Mr, E. et eh -
hags' seconded by Mr. Sitclair: That the
hey of hall be loft at McIntyre's hotel for
the accommodation of Board, but in case of
public meeting; or ontertainaionts Mr.
Pherson to furnish key as before, ?Pim
reeve granted following orders: Ruth tiehie,
charity, 67; Win, Amos, gr ave1,64,50.
)Yhrenearcx T ROBERT Al DePhysician to
and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Uni-
voreity College Hoepital, London, Eng,,
save: "Bright's Dimino lute no symptoms
of ite own, and may long exist without the
knowledge of the patient or pratitioner, as
no pain will be felt in the kidneye or that
vicinity," This accounts for many people
dying with Bright's Inseam, or Advanced
lcideey malady, The disease is not swiped -
ed Until it readied t fatal peeiod,If War -
tier's Safe (Jure is used at the privet Ware,
the fatality from that tetrible disease WO•ala
Ii a greatly decreed& Dr., Thompson also
says "Moro adults are carried off in this
country by chrouie kiciteey didase than by
'any othee one Malady except cousainption.
cI was troubled with Ifver complaint for
a good many yettre, but was cured by ono
bottle 61 Butdook Blood 'littera. I have
never found any medicine bo help mo like
B. 13. B., in foot ono bottle meth) a cene-
plate dere," W. J. West, ParklAill, Ont.
• Biddulpb..
• Banses.—Mrs, John Dagg, of the 5th
eoncession, last week sold her farm, con-
taining 60 acres, for the sum. of 61,100, to
Mr. Fallen.—Mr William Simpson of Sea -
forth has purchased the Central hotel,
Parkhill, paying therefor $5,750.
Burnes —The funered Berman of the late
Mrs. St. John was preaohed on Sunday
afternoon last to a large congregation .—
Idr Griffin of Milverton will preach in the
Methodist church next Sunday evening.—
The Zion Sunday school, on the Woodham
circuit, are purchasing a new library,—
The Rev. David A Moir, will next Sabbath
preach on the Granton
services are now going on, on the 10th of
Blansiaar•d, under the charge of the Rev. 0.
• Eluxtv3.11.e.
Belem—The cioncert given in the
church hero on Friday avg. last was very
suoceseful, if success may be gauged by the
attendance, collection, and length of pro-
gramme. The church was nicely filled
with an appreoiative audience. Rev. W.
Peuhall kept the chair firmly in its place.
The readings and recitations were mostly
well chosen and well giveu and it is injus-
tice to no one to say that the young lady
reciters carry off the palm. The collection
amounted to 612,65, perhaps the largest
ever taken up in the church, and god to-
ward. the organ. fund.—Rev. Be Kenner of
Rhatton preached • excellent anniversary
sermons at this appointment on Sunday.
last.- -Two young leas lead a narrow es-
• cape from being run over on Sunday.—
They were knocked down bv a Lorse but,
ninably scrambled out of dn.nger.
St. Marys.
Bnines.—Illessrs. Moir and White are at
Hamilton attending the Dominion Gland
Lodge of the Orange Order .—Mr. George
Carter the lading grain dealer of this town
is at present dangerously ill. On Friday
he received a paralytic, stroke, which the
doctors fear may prove fatal.—The farmers
of this oounty held their semi-annual meet
ing in the town hall on Thursday and Fri-
day last. Many prominent speakers, in-
cluding our member for the Local House,
gave addresses, and on Thursday evg. a
grand concert was given in the Opera
House, in which malty talented persons of
the county took part. The teachers of the
Collegiate Institute intend giying a concert'
in the Opera House, on Friday evg. 15871.—
Mr Charles Hyde, of Anderson, passed
through St. Marys on Weclneeday het on
his way to Thorndale, where he took unto
himselt as a wife—Mies Julia
daughter of Charles Holmesville, of that
place. We join,their many friends in wish-
ing the young conple joy, peace and pros-
perity.—On Tuesday, the 5th inst., Mich-
ael Payne gave Ellen Handrohan his name
in exchange for her heart, After the mar-
riage cerenaony had been solemnized by Rev
Father Brennan, the happy couple drove to
Stratford to spend the first day of their
It is a privilege every newepaper reserves
to itself to criticise, adversely if needs be,
for the public's benefit anything in which
the publics is deeply interested.
It is the custom of E. H. Warner ce Co.,
proprietors of the renown Kidney and Liv-
er Cure, better known se Werner's Safe
Cure,' to flood the country with medical
pamphlets. The writer has taken the
liberty to examine one of these liTtle books,
and finds food for criticism, but before in-
dulging in it, will give our readers some
quotations therefrom, from the highest
medical authorities, which we believe
worthy of consideration. Under the head.
of "NoDistiective S,yraptoms Apparent,"
we fi
First —More adults are ornate& of in
this country by chronio kidney disease
than by any other malady except constunp-
Second --Deaths from mach disease are
increasing at the rate of 260 per cent a
decade , —E d wards .
Third—Bright's Disease haze symp-
toms of ite own, and may long exist with-
out the knowledge of the patient oi prac-
titioner, as to pain will be felt in the kid-
neysor their vicinity.—Rborts,
Fourth—In the fatal cadet—and most
oases have hitherto been fatal—the symp-
Mins of dieeased kidneys willeeriesate appear
in extremely different organs of the body
as dated above. —TholnPsell.
Fifth—Only when the disease has reach-
ed its final and fatal stages may the usual
symptoms of albumen and tube taste
appear in tile water, and will great vain
rack the diseased meths.—Oven:peon.
Sixtb--Brights disease, which Usaally
has three stages of development, is a
universal cllsease in England And A.metion.
—Roberts and EdwArds.
Thompsen is anthority for saying that
more adults are carried off in this conutry
by Iticluey disease than any other malady
except oonsumptioo. Under Warner's
"Safe Cure" artiele on coletternaption, we
find a paragroph claitnieg to be a quotation
from a pa blication issued by Bronapton
Hospital for constnaptivesi, London Eng-
land, which dates that 52 per oent. of the
patients of that institution have utimispeci.
ted kiduey dieorder. Dr. Herman Rreli-
roar, all imminent Germemeteeettrority ILISO
says that coneemption it alwaye due to
deaceent nutrition of the lunge, because
of bad blood.
Medioal Wend eau no longer diepute
the fact that the kidneys aro the principal
blood nurifying organs of the human wetl-
and if they tiro diseased and thus Mil to
expel the thee acid pois or the wake
matter of the blood, as the 1 o d proms
through the Iwo great Orgene, Inc "Safe
Cure" claire is correct, and the reasoning
of its proprietor holds good
There is no doubt but Wet in two many
instands the medical fraternity doctor for
syniptensta indeed of etrilting at the toot
of the disease, and that 'under this forth
of treatment many patients dia.
• Grand Bend.
• Hamra—Miss Jennie Plows of Parkhill
is visiting her grandma (Mss. Baird) of
thie plaon—Mr. James Mallard had a
sawing bee on Saturday, • at which place
they sawed a goodly amount oftvooch—We
have good reason for believing that some
of the bens and belles, in the vieinity of
hPoltertown" have been agitating on the
question of Union (not Commercial) and
having decided in the affirmative have
adopted resolntions lavoreng the speedy
• conimunioation of the, same.
, ---
33mnrs.—Another grand carnival next
Thursday night at the Daisy Rink. Ms
this will likely be the last of the • season
everybody should come. —The Salvation
Army were here again last Sunday .—Mr.
Sam Eayleson and wife, who have been
spending the winter here returned last
week to their Dakota home accompanied
by Mies Lizzie Higgins.—Mr. and Mrs.
Gilbert Thonipson and son, for many years
well known residents here left this week
for Manitoba, Fred Mandl' went with
therm We wish them every euceess hi
their new home.—Mr. John Wilds and
' sister also left for Dakota this week.
— —
BRIESS.—Messrs McPherson cts Son have
put in a circular saw.—A large party at
youncfollts drove oat to Mr. Thomas
Stewardson's, near Parkhill, last Thursday
night. —Our county constable, R Wilson,
and out J. P., were in Goderith last week.
—Mr 'James Shaddoce has rented the
Sherron farm, near Grand Bend, for a term
of five yeers.—Mr. Reuben Wilson was of-
fered $165 for his horse, last week • he con-
siders him worth raore money.--2The tea-
• meeting held fir Bethel church on Wednes-
• day night was a decided success. The en-
tertainment was gotten up by local talent
and delighted the audience: proceeds 621.
Mr. A. Polio& has engaged to work W. J.
Wilson's two farms ; he moved onto the
English farm laat Thursday.
DR. T. Hewn Bnnernen, an emin-
ent German authority, says: Coneuraption
is ahvays due to deficient nutrition of the
lungs'caused by bad blood. At the Bramp-
ton Hospital for consumptives, London,
England, a statement has been published
that 52 per cent of the patients of that in-
stitution have unsuspected kidney disorder.
This explains why alte-peoprietors of War-
ner's Safe Ohre claim that they have reciv-
ed many testimonials which they have not
liliblittlandrioecattee of the increduIrtv wih
which they would be received were it claim-
ed. that Warner's Safe Cure cures consump-
tion -But the fact is akat if your kidneys be
cured and put in a bA14,14.4 audition they
expel the uric acid and poisonous waste
matter, and prevent the irritation of the
delicate substances of the lungs, thereby
removing the cause. When the effect is re-
moved the symptom of kidney disease,
which it, called
and with it the hritation' which caused it.
oo._._..._4nsumption disappears,
Mestontem.—Mary Armstrong beloved
wife of Thomas Miller Ray Esq., Reeve of
Usborne, in whose memory this brief obit-
uary is written was born in Ireland in the
year 1839, thus indicating that before her
earthly pilgrimage closed she had reached
her 50 year. With her father's family she
emigrated to Canada when in her ninth
year and settled in the township ofUsborne
where in 1858 she was married to her
bereaved partner who now mourns the loss
of a most affectionate wife. Six children
two daughters and four sons, all of whom
survive her, have been blessed with the af.
fection, guidance and kindly counsels of
this noble mother, whose constant and
vigilant care seemed ever exerted to .make
home what it should be --comfortable,
happy mad attractive. Of a quiet, reserved
and utiassurning demeanor she was highly
respected and beloved by all who had the
pleasure of the slightest acquaintance.
Sarno three years ago she was taken ill
with a peculiar and very painful disease
which proved an enigma to her medical
advisers, who did all they could to stem ite
course, but in vain. Though racked al-
most constantly with pain she ever bore np
bravely aud submitted to the chastening
hand of Providence with ohriatian patience
and fortitude, until the 6th of March 1889,
when the immortal spirit took its flight.
The remit of it well lived life is a happy
death, and such was the experience of her
whos9 exemplary life cannot fail to leave
an impress for good 011 811089 who were her
associates in life. To her, deAth was a
welcome meseenger, opening up a means
to an end, • The end of the pilgrimage had
been reached, one stage of life had ended,
and another happier one gloriously begun,
The funeral which took on the Friday foll-
owing het- death was largely attended thus
testifyieg the esteem in which the deceased
lady was held. • The.romnins were interred
Roy's Cemetery and the fttneral services
concluded by the Rev C. Elevation Much
sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband
and. family, among whom family ties and
bonds of love are exemplified to a marked
degree. Deceased wag the only deughter
of John and Edith Armstrong. Pout
heathen and the aged mother still survive
her, her father having died in Usborne
predate to his daughter' e marriage. A
revered memory is all the tribate the liv-
ing oat pay the departed.
Thus do they walk With lier, ard ieep
The bond whith natere gives,
Thineing that their remembrence,
though unepolcen,
May roach her whore elle lives'.
A Woreenaeur, Frisian PRODTICSR,
This Is tbe title given to Seutt'e Etnuleion
of Cod Liver Oil by many thousands who
have token it, It not, only gives ileeh and
strength by virtne of ite own nutritiotre
ntoperties, but creates an appetite for food.
Ilse it, and try your Weight. sootvs nimai
siou ia perfeetly paletable, Sold loy oll
druggiets, At 50c and 8100.
„..a.a. I len 1orNtcher's Castdria
• Centralia.
BRIBPS.—Surprise parties Are the order
of the evenings • here,—The air is . full of
farewell portiugs 08 meuy are hurrying off
to Manitoba.—Our village ie in need of a
lively constable to keep better order in our
atreets.—Mrs, Quance 10 bore frem Mani-
toba visiting her many old friends of (Jentralia.—When are we to have another
pan cake social? Our boys are anxious for
a little more fn —.The new organist of
the Methodist Church naeets with the
hearty approval of the congreeation in her
playing.—Afessrs. Manning arid Hill have
had. a very busy season this winter with
their clover thresher and grain crueller.—
A. number of splendid horses passed
through here last Satutday, on their way
to Lunn for shipment.
FOOT Bt.—The return metol between
Fairfield and Eden Schools was played
last Friday afternoon at Eden. The game
commenced about 8 o'olock and lasted an
houri. During first one half time our boys
had the wind againet them and no goal
was scored by either aide. On changing
goals for secend one half tirne, our boys
felt sure of scoring a goal or two, but ow
ing to Eden club tilling the goal detence,
they could not get the ball through, al-
though it was kept towards Eden goal the
greater part of the half hour. Time being
called the game stood it tie, neither side
getttitig a goal. Our boys say they were
not treated fairly, owing to the umpiring
on the opposite side being not in conform-
ity with the Wes. Our poys are sure
they would have beaten Eden had they
had justice, and are willing to try them
any time on 3 doe s notice. They may
bring along their senior team if they
choose as their Junior and Senior are about
equal. They may expect fair play at Fair.
field as nothing but fair dealing is culti-
_ea -
Wen Reiman, M. D.' Physician to the
Blanchester, Eng.,Infirmary and Lunatic
Hospital, Professor of Medicine in Owen's
College. sayst"la a great majority of cases
Bright's Disease begins slowly and imper-
eeptibly." This is sufficient warning, an,d
juetifit s you in using Warner's Safe Cure
before your kidney trouble beconaes oh, onio
or pronounced Bright's Disease,
0, 00.11
BEIBPS.—The mild weather of the past
few days has had the effect of greatly re-
ducing the quantity of snow upon our
streets here, in fact rather too much has
gone from our Main Street for good sleigh-
ing , —Considerable grain is being brought
111 dailY;theilite tideance in the priee of
wheat haft caused an increased delivery of
that grain here.—It becomes our painful
duty to reeord the death of Mr. John
Corbett of this township. The deceased
lady had been ill for about three years and
her death was not unlooked for. She
leaves a husband and a lame family to
mourn her loss, Her remains were in-
terred in the Sernetery at Exeter on Tues•
day last.—Mrs. E. A. Wilson and family
on Saturday last returned to Walkerton
where they again purpose taking up their
residence.—We regret the departure of Mr.
and Mrs, Wilson and family from amongst
us as during their short dim= they made
many warm personal friends who will at
all times be pleased to here of their success
nd welfare, and trust at some future time
to have the pleasure of meeting them
again.—The regular meeting of the Young
Peoples' Literary Society was held In par -
met Presbyterian Church here on Monday
evening last when it very large number
were present to listen to the pronaieed de-
bate "Woman's Rights". After a spirited
debate during which very able arguments
were brought forward "for and against"
the Judges pronounced a draw, not being
able to award, the victory to one side or
the other.—Now that we have entered
neon the spring season our merchants are
making grand displays of new spring goods.
Intending purchasers shorthl not overlook
ttensall when casting their eye around for
the best place to spend their money or ex-
change their produce for goods. Keep
your eye 011 the advertising columns of
Ole "Trues" for announcements froin this
enterprising eity,--We notice our genial
liveryman Mr, T. Murdoch is handling
and breaking a year old colt eirell by his
celebrated horse, "Joe Gales". Tom says
it is showing a very fast gait and will some
day throw dust iu the eyes of some of the
fast ones.
The above was received too late for last
week's issue.
Beeents.—School niattors form quite a
topic for dismission. On Wedneenay, week
a meeting of the ratepayer% of 8 S No, 10,
Hay, was held here to coneider the selection
of a site •ot sites for the oreetion o6 school
accommodation, to take the place of that re-
cently destroyed by fire, After consider-
able discussion it was decidect to build one
sonool house at the westerly limit of tbo
villego and another at Mr. 11, •Tliempson's
corner, les miles north of the Zurion road.
A vote was taken which resulted in ri latge
majority in favor of the sites above alluded
to --On Tuesday last quite a number loft
our station, here, for Manitoba, trtaing with
them horses, implements, etc. We wish
them teurcest—Miss Robson of Ailsii Craig
haat predet visiting at Mr. H. Arnold'e, of
this place.—Mr. W R fIcelgins, late prom ie
tor of the Heesrul Heed Mayne next week
for Kincardine to Wm possedion of the
hotel, knowa as the 'Walker House'.—Wo
regret the departare of itlr. lIodsties from
our toidet, as he wee one who Was ever
,ready to aSsist in anything tending to the
adveneentent or welfare of uar %/Mao, 'WO
WiSIC him every 81180853112 his new miler-
taking.—Whilst announoing the departure
of one eitizen, we Must also =loam the
incoming of another, We refer to Mn Ed,
Bossenberry, who, we iinderetericl, teltee
possession of theCenternital hotel very goon
Odd does not comet ernongst us it stranger,
being well known here as an affable, oblig-
ing person, AAA outi who ei11 doubtless
make an °delimit landlOrd,—Regttlar meet,
lug of the Young Peoples' Literary Society
next Monday evening, Ont new MillineMi.
Ceole, litte moved into the village, 11r. T.
Berry ships a car -load, of horsos to-day,—
llosgrg. McArthur &Oo, porpose tweeting it
newt bank this Metier.
The Molsons Bank
Paid up 0 apital $2,000,0
ItestIsund 1,009,00
Head Oillee, Montreal,
20 breech ofeces in the Dominion. Ageneies
in the Dominion, U. S. A. and Buren°.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day, from 108. an. to 3 p. ra
SATURDAYS, 10 o,m.ta 1 p m,
3Por Oen t, per annum allowedf or moues- on
Deposit Reeeipts and Savings Junk.
Bnuers.—The directors of 131anshard
Agrio. Society met on Saturday last to
disenee the advisability of holding the awl -
UM fair in the corning timing. It WAS R-
nally decided to hold the fair as utival,
though no prizes in money will be given.
Diplomas will be awarded the best horses
dec. in each class, and those obtaining
adond and third plasses will obtain tickets
of merit Under this arrangement 18 13
hoped the fair will mace with the Same
SaCCOSS as usual as the publie Dala owners
of entire horses,dzo. will understand that
the directors wish to curtail expenses as
much as poesible, owing to the large
amount of money it will necessitate expond-
ing this year for the purthase of lands,
erection of buildings etc, as reported by
your correspondent last week.—Services,
will be lseld riteSt. Paul's 'Episcopal church,
throughout the Lenten season. The Rev.
R. Seabourn of Thornciale officiated on
Ash Wednesday, Rev J. Taylor of Mitchell
will occupy the pulpit this evening (Thurs-
day) and tlae Bev, O'Meara of St. Marys
and Rev. Hill of London will preach the
two following Wednesdayu evenings, --A
pleasant event took place at the residence
of Mr. .A. Eirk on Wednesday evening
last, the occasion being the uniting togeth'-
er in the holy bonds of matrimony of Miss
Martha Ann, daughter of Mr. -A. Kirk, to
John Hanna Esq. both of this plaee. A
large number of relatives and friends \vit.
nessed the ceremony. The presents were
numerous and costly and fully showed the
estimation in which the couple are held
by their many friend& A few hours of
ani0Yment were spent and all partook of a
sumptnoue repast which was provided for
the occasion, after which the newly maaried
couple left for the residence of the bride-
groom where we hope they may be spare&
for many years of happiness and prosperity.
Five vale—The Methodist Church at
Woodiram will undergo a thorough renov-
ation during the next two months. Mr.
F. Montgomery of Woodham has secured
the contract for carpenter work, and the
Painting and decorating is to be executed
by Mr G. L. Money of Eirkton.—Miss
Brownlee of Exeter is visiting friends here.
ROTA. Gnaw, M. D., Dean and Pro-
fessor of Surgery of the United States Med-
ical College. Editor of Medical "Tribune,"
Author of "Gunn's New Improved Hand-
book of Hygiene and Domestic Medicine,"
says over his own signature in addressing
the proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure: "I
cannot be tine to my convictions unless I
extend ft helping band and endorse all I
know to be good and trustworthy. Your
graphic deierintion of diseases of the kid-
neys and liver have awakened thetneeditial
profession to the fact of their omit in-
crease. Physicians hays been experiMen-
tally treating this disease, and while casting
about for an authorized remedy, their pa-
tients have died on their hands,"
PrinsoxAre—Miss Merrier of Zurich is
visiting friends in the vicinity --Miss Eil-
ber left on Wednesday for Detroit.—Misses
Sweet left on Wednesday for London.—Mr.
J110. Finkbeiner of Haron Co. :Mich. is
visiting relatives and friends in the vicin-
ity. air. F. formerly lived here but mi-
grated to Michigan during the boom.—Mr.
Math. Morlock Jr. who has been attending
college at Napierville, Ills. for the past
four years is home on a visit. We under-
stand he has xeceived au appointment to
the ministry in Michigan. He preached
a very able sermon in the German church
on Sunday evg last.
Basnrs.—One day last peek Mr. Win.
Harvey iret with what might have proved
O fatal a.coident. Mile doubling tin teams
with a neighbor one of the horses kicked
him striking him on the head inflicting an
ugly gash. Fortunately he was not ser-
iously injured.—Mr. V. Betz, reeve, and
C. Prouty, clerk of the township were in
Toronto last week on municipal business.
--Combines seem to be the order of the day
and we now have one 10 Crediton. We
think that this combine lestead of being
a detriment will be a help to .the village
and more directly tothe parties themselves.
The combine in question is one between
the brick manufacturerswbo have combined
to hold all their this season's brick at 55.00
Por thousand at which price they can make
a reasonable prbfit, We hope they will
carry out their agreement if they
do so for one season they will continue it
for Altura years.—On Saturday evg. last
Rev. Mr. Staohlor tvan greatly surprised by
Ole number of visitors he received, each
carrying a basket. turned out to be a
surmise party of the raembers of his con-
gregation who desired to show their appree-
iation of his sorvioes. Mr. Staohler was
on behalf of the congreeation presented
with an addreqs to whioli lin suit ebly re-
plied, autl also with a hauclsonic purse
(1108 110 empty oue) for winch he very
kindly thanked" the donore. A very en-
joyable evening was event, --Tee boys
have secured a sett of boxiug gloves and
ere praotteing, the manly art. Ahnote-,
every day we tee some one with a bleek
eye or a sore nose in coesequence of their
inability itt hail d ling the gloves propel 13,
with an experienced oppotiout.--We should
advise SUMO of them to were' a mask.
One Beer PIITSIOTANS AND Crintttsre
Certify that Imperial Cream Tartar Baking
Powder is made from pure Crystal Cream,
Tartu. mid English Soda and is by far the
beet known som by all grocers.
To be imable to eatisfy hunger without
JAME distressed with heartburn, indigo. -
bon, sick stomach, dizziness or faintness,
seems a dremifill doom. All who stiffer
thus tvill fina prompt /Old and permanent
(sure 10 Burdock Blood 13itters, 13. 13. 13,
positively cures dispopsia to any form.
TO TIM aBrP011
Please inform your readers that I have ti
positive remedy for the ebove named die
MSC, liy ite nee thetteetide of
hopeteEs cases beam been permanently
eared. I shall be glad to send two betties
of my remotb runt to stv of your readers
who have fonsutriptien it they will send
mo their Ilgpress and P. 0, address.
Respectfully, 'Dn. T. A. SL00I111,
:Poronto, Ont., 137 YOugc fittea