HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-10-12, Page 7-471-4�R T121lMlISHMI'3 7TH ANNUA{,
7 Miles .N.E0 of Godsrl 'tl. on Huron Couny Road 25
SATURDAY, OCT. -21, 1972
10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Continuously Free Admission
Tea - Sales.of Local Arts and Crafts - Bake Sale
The Assessment Department will not be sending As-
sessment Notices this year unless there are changes, ad-
ditions, or deletions to last years figures. Unless a Notice' of
Change is received by you, your Assessment will remain the
same as 1971, unless appeals and changes are orderedy the
Review Court.
As in the past, the assessment roll may, be in • ected
during business hours, at the Municipal Office located in
Any complaint with 'respect to an assessment on the
assessment roll may be brought to the Assessment 'Review
Court pursuant to section 52 of The Assessment Act, R.S.O.
1970, c.32 as amended by section 10 of The Assessment
Amendment' Act, 1971:
Notices of Complaint must be made in writing either by
letter or on forms available at 'the Municipal Offices.
For purposes of identification, please include your name
and postal address, Ind the reason.(s) for complaint. If pos-
sible, note also the assessment roll number, the street adi
dress, concession and lot numbers, and the municipality in
which the property under complaint is situated.
Any Notice of Complaint shall be mailed by ordinary
mail to the Regional Registrar named below, and, in ad-
dition, by registered mail to any Person whose assessment is
complained of,' not later than the 31st day of October, 1972
J. L.M . Harbinson, Signed:
Regional Regisztrar, Ivan Haskins,
Assessment Review Court Clerk -Treasurer,
713 Davis Drive, Municipality of the Townshi/
Newmarket, Ontario of Howick
TEESWATER FAIR had excellent classes in the horse division, both in heavy draught
and riding and driving. Here a class of carriages lines up before the grandstand while
judging proceeds at Teeswater Fair Saturday afternoon. (Staff Photo)
Capt. Cameron speaker at thankoffering
BLUEVALE --.. The October
Thankoffering meeting of the
WMS of Knox Presbyterian
Church was held ib the church
schoolroom. The president, Mrs.
Glenn Golley, gave the call to
worship followed by a hymn.
Mrs. William Robertson read
Psalm 100 and the comments
were given in the form of a poem.
Mrs. Harry Elliott offered
Visitors from Belgrave WMS,
Bluevale UCW, and Belmore
WMS were welcomed by the
Don Vair, from the staff of
CKNX, played a selection on the
piano which was very much en-
joyed by the audience. Mrs. Gol-
ley thanked Mr. Vair. The roll - period, followed.
Mrs. Alvin Smith thanked the
. speaker for his inspiring topic
and presented him with a small
gift in appreciation.
A hymn followed with Mrs.
Hoggart at the piano. The Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison.
Lunch was served by the ladies
of the church.
call was answered by the mem-,
bers and visits to the sick were
A short business period fol-
lowed. Offering was received by
Mrs. Ross Gray and Mrs. Joe
elker. Mrs. Golley gave the
o ertory prayer.
The guest speaker, Captain
Cameron of the Wingham Salva-
tion AFmy, was introduced by
Mrs. Golley. Captain Cameron
spoke of the work of the Salvation
Army. He said all who sought
help were shown how to first find
God and through prayer and
trust, a new way of life would be
the reward. He also showed a
film. A question and answer
Maybe the war on poverty
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Now Is the urnc to ,nail equip (,nnA
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,y•at,in ,nrllyd. ,tel..,.,0',I • VI
I 1,,nc( 3 Ir,ei eIVi' With (V i.. S. n 1. df. ketal, I,ia,.
twin lull I,P tram y �.I.,.,�:�
niir speed i- �t, •
lt ierc>rrl park „Intl , �I�I' t.
allkJnr hided
AM FM leaf type illurmmated
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They slack buy 101 3
Belgrave Personal Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Sarnia spent the weekend at the
Burney, Hugh McBurney of Dome of their parents, Mr. and
Northern Quebec and Ronald Mc- Mrs, George Mccee and Mr. and
Burney of Hamilton spent Mrs, Cliff Logan.
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gradon of,
Alex Robertson and family. Burlington spent a few days last
Reeve Mr. and Mrs..William J. week with Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Elston, RR 4, Wingham, Warden Logan, et their farm • in East
Elmer and Mrs. Hayter of Varna, Wawanosh.
Engineer James and Mrs. Brit- . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor and
nell of Goderich were in Winnipeg John of Sarnia, Miss. Judy Taylor
from Sunday to Thursday last of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
week. The men were delegates Dusky of St. Agatha, Mr. and
from H u i on County to the Cana- Mrs. James Kellar and Sharon of
dian Good Roads Association, Kitchener, Ronald Taylor of
held at the Winnipeg Inn. Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. J. H. Anderson of London Taylor, Steven and Kevin were
was guest speaker at the UCW . Thanksgiving visitors with Mr.
autumn Thankoffering meeting - and Mrs. Jack. Taylor.
on Thursday evening in the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
United Church and renewed ac- attended the Howick Fall Fair in
quaintances with many friends in Fordwich on Saturday.
the village. Other guests attended Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
from Blyth, Bluevale, Brussels, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Calvin -Brick , UCW and the Mrs. Roert Campbell and family
Presbyterian and Anglican of Winthrop.
Churches of the village. Albert Coultes and Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse Procter are patients in the Wing -
visited on Sunday evening with ham and District Hospital.
Mrs. Russel Walker of Goderich Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Olsson of
and with Mr. Walker, a patient in. White River visited on Friday
the nursing home on Nelson with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch
Street. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc -
Reeve William and Mrs. Elston Guire.
of RR 4, Wingham, Warden El- Mrs. Joseph Dunbar, Mrs. Vic -
mer and Mrs. Hayter of Varna, tor Youngblut and Mrs. Garner
Engineer James and Mrs. Brit- Nicholson attended the W.M.S.
nell of Goderich were in Winnipeg Thankoffering meeting in Blue -
from Sunday to Thursday of last vale Presbyterian Church . last
week. The men were delegates week.
from Huron County, attending Mr. and Mrs. Grant McBurney
the Canadian Good Roads and family of ®Bay Ridges spent
Association meetings held at Thanksgiving weekend with his
Winnipeg Inn. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hamilton McBurney.
and'family of Lucknow visited e:: ;;s; and Mrc Robert Hihtwrd
Sunday evening with Mr. and visited on Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Wightman. Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg and ac -
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman companied them to Elmira to pay
and Mrs. Marshall Stonehouse respects to the 'family of a rela-
visited on Sunday afternoon with tive at the funeral home in El -
Mr. and Mrs. James Wightman of tnira. .
Listowel. Mrs. Norman Hill of Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. Americo Arruda, spent a couple of days with her
Maria and Michelle of Toronto, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc -
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Logan and Guire and attended the annual
Michael of Oakville spent the turkey banquet in the Belgrave
weekend at the home of Mr. and Arena last Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Cliff Logan. The(6October meeting of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan of Women's Institute on World
Affairs will be held in the com-
munity centre, TI y, October
17 at 8:15 pm. The addre ' wRi
be on United Matic. Music wili
be supplied by the Coultes sisters,
Mr. and Mrs, John Spivey and
family spent Thanksgiving week-
end with her parents, Mi. and
Mrs. Harold Procter and Miss
Margaret Curtis. ,
Miss Verna Johnston of Sarnia.
spent Sunday evening with Miss
Nora Van Camp,
Mr. and M'rs. Keith Rock and.
Jeannette of Walton were week-
end visitors with Mr, and Mrs,
Hugh Rinn.
Thanksgiving day visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rinn and
John were Mrs. Frank Storey and
Mrs. William Campbell of .Sea -
Jr. Auxiliary
BELGRAVE -- The Junior
Auxiliary met Saturday morning.
in the Orange Hall with 17 girls
Lisa Thompson led in the
games. 'April McBurney, the
president, led in the opening
exerises which included the pro-
mise, member's prayer, motto
and Junior Auxiliary hymn.
Sheila Anderson had charge of
the roll call.
Minutes of the last meeting
were read by Connie Meurs. The
treasurer's report was given by
Audrey Scott.
Leaders for next meeting are,
games, Bonni Walker_; sing-
song, Cathy Shiell; to help with
worship. service., Betty meurs
clean-up girls, Lisa Thompson
and Melanie Scott.
Kelly Lougheed helped with the
worship:service. Karen Scott and.
Judy Carmichael collected the
offering and the offerto ry ,prayer
was recited by Kelly Lougheed.
The girls worked on their handi-
craft badges and made curler.
bags and some girls made invita-
tions for the graduation service
on October 21 at 7:30 in Belgrave
Anglican Church. Sheila Ander-
son led the sing -song:
Hundreds of
seen setting
E LARGEST fowl suppers in the area, the big annual event held at Beigrave
Centre Wednesday of last week called for a big team of expert servers.
pounds of vegetables were prepared and served. Some of the volunteers are
out food buffet' style. (Staff Photo)
BE LGRAVE COOK S are so good that even a child of twc can demolish three desserts. At
least that was the record of little Patrick Cull who polished off a plate 6f turkey before
starting into the serious business of dessert at the big supper in the Belgrave Community
Centre Arena last Wednesday night. With him are parents George and Chris of RR 1, Bel-
grave..(Staff Photo)