HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-10-05, Page 21)1. Supplement Th1_050Y, October 5, 1972 Carpets and Rugs Now Way To Choose. Them For Your Home Carpets and rugs in the Seventies. . . a whole new world of excitement, glamor and liveability for you... the Seventies woman. Underfoot is where it all begins in decorating your home, in expressing "you", not just for beauty and 'lux- ury and warmth but for the • whole matter of mood. Cre- ate excitement or serenity, be brazenly bold or gently subtle. For, when you choose your carpet or rug, you can have the color and texture you Want in the fibre you need. Today's choices are that wide.. . and that practi- cal. Your concern can be fa- shion and durability, not fa- shion versus durability. All you have to do is know enough to ask the right questions. Carpet in the Seventies, designed for the Seventies' woman. It's beautiful, so durable, practical and, as * never before, the very best .flooring buy you can make! Choose Color First - .Because carpet color can be your most versatile friend. when decorating, take time out to refresh your memory about the wonder- ful way that color works for mankind. . . and the Seven- ties woman. . Contact your carpet re- tailer, obtain a simple Color wheel and start planning. The warm color—yl- lows, oranges, reds and the rest move towards you and wrap right around you. They literally make you glow.' Use ' them to make a room look *smaller or to make a sunless room cozier. Or, choose the . warm colors simply to give you a tremendous sense of bubbling vitalifk,,. The cool colors—the 'greens and blues and lilacs—seem to recede and make a room larger and more spacious. Use them to tool off a too sunny exposure ' 111/ or, because you like to feel Two Carpet Booklets Now Available For consumers who would like to have detailed and ac- curate information on the selections and care of carpets and rugs, the -Canadian Car- pet Institute has produced two very informative book- lets. Tie first— "Choosing Your Carpets and Rugs"— lists everything you need to know to select the "just- ' right" soft floor covering for your home. It contains full color. illustrations to help you with choice of colors and textures. The second booklet— "Carpet Care is Easy"— contains full information and sketches on basic carpet tare; spots and stain re- moval; cleaning tips; and a general section on carpet characteristics such as shading and fluffing. Both booklets are avail- able' free -of -charge from many carpet retail Stores across the country. Or they may be obtained by writing to: Booklets, The Canadian Carpet Institute, 1080 'Beaver Hall Hill, Suite 1002, Montreal, Quebec. Please specify as to whether English or French booklets are desired and en- close 25c to cover the cost of 'handling and mailing both booklets or 15c to cover the cot of mailing only one ' bo klet. serene, poised and relaxed. Feel free with color, re- membering that the bolds get bolder when you put two or more in the same room. For instance, blue and red can create a hot dramatic effect, bled( and white an intense vibrant mood. Or plan a restful room evolving from tints and shades of a single color. Don't ignore the powerful pales which can give surprising extra strength to deeper tones nearby. If you're doing the whole house from ceiling to floor, pick your carpet color(s) first and co-ordinate the rest of the furnishings with your choice. There's no problem in finding just what you want in carpet colors. The range today is spectacular. Next Choose Texture • Texture. . . use it with the same freedom nature does. Your carpets and rugs will give you the opportunity be- cause Canadian carpet mills make every type and style within the reach of every, one. You have only to choose the ones you like. They'll be in your colors. . . in carved or scylptured effects. . plain, plush -,or velvety.' . . flocked or shaggy. • Shags continue to be among the most -wanted to- day for a.number of reasons. They come in a wide range of style's and colors and are generally moderately. priced. They lend a casual look that' goes well with to- day's furniture. . . and yes- terday's too. They're com- fortable and look great. Available in different pile heights. . . in two-tone, multi -color and prints. . . even different pile heights in the same carpet, shags are in for the Seventies. The functional one -level looped pile carpet is great for high traffic areas... in a much -used recreation room, family room and in the kit- chen. In halls, too, this ver- satile carpet is excellent, es- pecially in a tweed or pat- tern which shows no shad- ing, preciOus little soil and hides the traffic pattern. Don't underestimate the beauty power of plush or cut -pile carpet that reminds one Of fur and makes any room look rather luxurious and rich. Think about using differ- ent carpet textures in the same or. adjoining rooMs. You can forget about such terms as informal, tradi- tional or contemporary. Carpet effectiveness de- pends upon how it is used and with what. You'll really enjoy choos- ing your .carpet texture. After you do, use texture in every room. Then Performance Basically, all carpet‘qual- , ity is determined by.tbe skill of the carpet mill which manufactures the carpet. In judging carpet quality, per- haps the three other key fac- tors are the type of con- struction, the density of the You and yo fibre in the carpet and the . . . unl characteristics of the fibre made itself. There are a number of underl other factors as well but, if Choo r carpet need it s your carpet is ith a satisfactory y attached. - e a reputable re - you remember one phrase, .itailer. Make sure the sarnp- it will guiaryou towards the - les you see when you visit quality you want. It is "The - ,the store are identified by denser, the deeper, the bet- the name of the, carpet ter". manufacturer. Ask yourself what you can spend on carpets and rugs. . Then buy the best you can afford for assurance of _satisfaction,. Sort out your Ideas about what you want in carpeting. Then discuss them with your retailer. The two of you can then find exactly what's best for you.. . the Seventies wo- man.. . and for your home. Think Carpet Everywhere Don't restrict your carpet thinking to the usual areas. Imagine carpet used as a wall covering. . . indoors and out. . . in area rugs as well as wall-to-wall. . . ifl smart little scatter rugs on top of wall-to-wall broad- loom or in the bathrooms, kitchens.. practical carpet tiles for do-it-yourself In- stallation and easy replace- ment. Before You Shp Before you shop for Car- pet,- consider:. , Consider' the amount of traffic In the rooms you'll be carpeting, the number of children and pets in your household, the amount of entertaining you do, how much and what type of light- ing y‘kiu have. Think about your color preferences, the furniture sfyle you fav'or; colors of walls, draperies and uphol- stery. . : the type of decora- tive spell you want to weave. Remember what a good* carpet underlay will do— add luxury; a more enjoy- able feel underneath; sub- stantially longer carpet life; reducenoise in the home. OUTDOOR CARPET turns up everywhere these days. This particular use—on a large landing dock—has been applied with no glueing or seam sewing. Installation was easy and the difference the carpet makes imeearkable. II remit BEAUTIFUL bedrooms with carpet. Here a lush carved pattern ,briOadloom has been usecf throughout the sleeping and bed-siffing room area for, beauty-andf warm com- fort underfoot. What's Here and Ahead r -N4 AI • for You? . uarpeting • tor ioppOrtunity of bringing many consumers' is thein - more color and pattern Into dustry trend towards "do -it - the home," he concluded. yourself" carpeting that can Printed Carpets . be easily installed without ' The Canadian carpet any professionel .help. In industry agrees and, new carpet tiles and broad. though the use of printing, loom of various widths, this Is introducing a range of ex • newbreed of carpet carries citing patterned carpets in a its own underpadding tight - multitude of colors, styles ly affixed. It makes it pos- decorating mood, plain or every room in the house in a ' faanndc"yq.ualities to match any sible to custom decorate variety of finishes and col - According to one ors . . . including shags. leading industry source, the The Shag Revolution new techniques for printing Shags _ are ano-ther big carpets open entire new Storyin today's carpeting. concepts in interior home The fastest growing style on decorating. Previously re-. the continent, shags have ' stricted to only highly ex- literally gone _wild . . . are pensive "custom" qualities, busting forth With a new patterned carpet in up to six freedom of expression that color combinations is here matches the Seventies and now at a price to fit the mood. Shags . . . tall and averege budget. All thanks - short, fat and skinny, of any ' to printing. and all fibres, multi -color or And, you can relax. solid, printed or dyed. How Colorfastness, depth of color come? Because they're so and overall beauty of print- beautiful, practical and ed carpets equals—and in what other carpet can you many cases surpasses—that bring back to lie with a of carpets produced by rake? many other methods. Indoors and Outdoors Much like the early shags, indoor -outdoor car- peting wascconsiderd a bit of • a novelty jest a 'few short years ago. But consumers FOHOW These Points really didn't think that and, .last year, 12 Canadian car - When Shopping forCarpet 22 different versions of thg.,)* * pet mills offered no less than new 'anywhere" carper The figure is 'even higher now. Easy to install, easy to take care of, "indoor,:out- door" carpeting is .here to stay, improving alithe time. Made entirely of synthetic materials, both the pile fibres and backings are fully weather resistant, prac- tically impervious to spots, fading and siniiiar prob- lem. Interestingly enough, the majority of these tightly packed carpets have found .their way indoors in rec rooms, dens, kitchens, and basements. It's Up To You Put it all together . . . a new fashion image; free- dom of decorating schemes; carpets on walls and furni- ture; excitin/ colers and textures; new printed pat- terns; do-it-yourself tiles; indoors and out. It's the Canadian carpet scene to- day . . . a scene you should be part of. There was a time, not long ago, when decorating was either formal or infor- mal., when furniture and furnishings were either tra- ditional or modern. It was considered almost sheer de - ,rating blasphemey to try te be neither. • No longer. Today there's a wonderful new freedom Of choice in de- corating. The scheme is mixing and not Matthing. Chippendale can sit next to Italian plastic and both look and feel comfortable. Louis XV ' is compatible with a Scandinavian neighbor. ,Things have changed and carpet is one of the big reasons why. It no longer fits a single Category . . . it's donned a newfashion im- age. In keeping with the vital new spirit in home fur- nishings-, carpet has shrug- gedoff any feeling of stuffi- ness and is moving with to- day. A New Fashion Image Do you remember when nearly all carpet was beige ...when pattern and texture were secondary Or non-exis- tent? Remember when styl- ing excellence was available only in the higher -priced ranges of carpet? . 1 hose,days are past. Today carpet has burst forth with a new fashion im- age combined with quality performance. "Equally im- portant, exciting design and quality.are available at good old-fashioned, down-to- earth prices. -Canadian car- pet has never been a better buy than now. Look around you and you'll discover that carpet is making startling inroads— outdoors and in, climbing walls and undulating over furniture, appearing in kit- chens and bathrooms, on boats and in boutiques. In today's terms, carpet is really making the scene. One of the big reasons, pure and simple, is color. A Palette Of Colors Top Canadian carpet manufacturers .certainly aren't skimping on their color offerings. In plush car- pets alone . . . in one man- made fibre . . . there is vir- tually a palette of Colors from_platinum grey to red hot red, with lemon peel and citrus orange in-between. With the arrival of many new "second generation" fibres—greatly improved versions of the original man- made yarns—lustre has be- come a big feature, adding a new sparkling color rich- ness and definition. And, the increasing' use of multi- colored yarns are helping to produCe color combinations that were unthought of a fevo years back. Carpet Color Trends Asked recently to com- ment on what's likely to de- vetOp In carpet color,' .One leading designer had this to. say: "Greens and golds will continue to remain strong sellers. However, greens will be clearer and less olive; golds will be brighter and will move more towards the red side. , - "Oranges, ranging from clear bright to spice and rust tones will play an in- creasingly important role," he said. .Asked .about fashion notes in color, he cited two and three -color -combina- tions, using such hues as "plum and .bittersweet; red, white and blue; brown and blue,greater use of white. Look to the new neutrals in solid and heather blends. greys, off-whites) earth tones, he advised. "Printing of carpets will also offer the consumer the Do- It- Yourself Equally interesting to The surest way of being satisfied with yeir carpet purchase is to select a re- liable retailer... a man who is proud of his store's repu- tation and the interlocking sales that satisfied custom- ers bring him. Then, take the followingk steps: 1. Visit the showroom. Final selection of (arpet is often best in the home but be sure you know your re- tailer's place of business. It tells a lot about him. 2. Select carpeting to suit your pwn decorative tastes. Don't accept substitute colors or textures if you are not completely satisfied with them. 3. Carefully consider durability keeping in mind heavy wear areas and dif- ferent carpet grades. Be realistic about cost. Re- member that heavytraffic areas require better quality carpets which may cost more. 4. Know the total cost be- fore making the purchaselt is called "installed cost" and should. include any charges for delivery, in- stallation, underpadding, etc. Make sure the under - padding being supplied is of -a satisfactory quality and type. 5. Read and understand your contract with regard .to your responsibilities as well as the dealer's. Understand the terms of any guaran- tees. . . what's covered and what isn't. 6. Your carpet sales slip should state the carpet name, color, quality num- ber, manufacturer's name, unit price, total price and describe the carpet, i.e., "shag of nylon". 7. Watch the installers at work in' your home if the carpet is wall-to-wall. Check to see that the carpet is stretched properly and that seams are almost unnotice- able. When they're finished?, keep any small pieces of carpet that are left over. They make useful Color swatches when shopping for items to match the carpet at a later date. (Large left- over pieces can be trimmed, edged and used for door- mats or in front of fire- places). Carpeting represents an investment. To make sure your investment gives you full returns in beauty, en- joyment and durability, car- pet with care. Broadloom is not a kind of carpet. It doe t not define any particular quality or type of construction but is simply a term used to de- scribe carpet made on a loom broader than 6 feet.