HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-09-21, Page 10Iro
Page ltd -The Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, Sept. 21, 1972
Te> members attended the
meeting held at Mrs. Jacklin's
home. The group has been chosen
to exhibit dairy fare at the Sea -
forth Fall Fair September 21 and
The girls were shown how to
make food suitable for a patio
party, including salads, garlic
bread and shishkabobs.
GORRIE — , A joint meeting
with the Gorrie I club was held at
the home of Barbara Thornton.
Carolynne McMillan opened the
meeting and Betty Ann Brown
read the minutes.
Barbara Thornton demon-
strated the making of chicken
salads with Cindy Brown as'ist-
ing. Mrs. N. Fairies led the dis-
cussion on fish, flesh and fowl and
members of Gorrie 4 made Wes-
tern sandwiches.
Miss Catherine Hunt, home
economist for Huron County,
attended the meeting.
GORRIE — Officers elected for
the Gorrie 3 club at 'the home,of 7 P
the leader, Mrs. Everett Zur-
brt were president, Nancy Zur-
brigg; vice president, Tena Ver-
steeg; .press, Aileen Versteeg.
Other members of the club are
Connie Hutchison, Dianne and
Shirley Noble, Alfretta Versteeg
and Debbie Zurbrigg. Mrs. Ralph
see us
When you want money to
build or to buy, come
directly where money is.
Come to your .friendly local
branch of Victoria and
Grey Trust:
Eighty years of training .
and experience in serving
people like you are behind
the sage counsel and advice
you'll get at Victoria and
'trey — thc:satne .plaFe.
O``get the •mof cy you
need. Come in today —
direct to Victoria and Grey.
Lee is the assistant leader.
• Ancient meal requirements
were discussed. Connie Hutchi-
son and Dianne Noble made
The second meeting was held at
the home of Mrs. Lee. Alfretta
Versteeg read the minutes and
picnic lunches and patio parties
were discussed. The meeting
ended with a barbecue lunch for
which Shirley Noble and Aileen
Versteeg made hamburg patties;
Alfretta Versteeg made the
salad; Nancy Zurbrigg made
shishkabobs and Connie Hutchi-
son made Tang. Debbie Zurbrigg
prepared the barbecue and when
all were well stuffed the presi-
dent adjourned the meeting.
Members of this club express
deepest sympathy to Mrs. Zur-
brigg and family in the sudden
loss of their daughter Nancy who
was president of the club. May
God comfort and sustain you.—
The Girls.
N.Q.P. plans.
Paul Carroll, Goderich
teacher, will act as campaign
manager for the New De nocratic
Party in the riding of Huron for
the up -coming federal election.
There had been some speculation
that Mr. Carroll might seek the
party's nomination, but accep-
tance of the campaign post ore -
eludes his nomination.
The NDP has set September 27
as the date of their nomination
meeting, to be held at Brucefield,
when Ted Bounsall, MPP, Wind-
sor-Walkerville, will be the
At a weekend executive com-
mittee meeting the Canada Elec-
tions Act was discussed and
points were raised about the diffi-
culties of student voting proce-
dures. The members cited prob-
lems where students will be away
at school on election day. It was
.explained that such . students
could, vote by proxy according to
Section 46. The riding vice-presi-
dent, Herb Klopp of Zurich, has
been instructed to acquire addi- -
tional proxy forms. from the re-
turning officer.
Mrs. Jim Taylor of E. Waw-
anosh visited Saturday with her
gra.ndparen s.,, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes
visited Sunday.with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Scott of Ripley.
'Simon deBoer of Toronto spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter deBoer.
Goderich Power Squadron
(7.30 p.m. to 8.30. p.m.)
Learn. Navigation, Seamanship and Safety in the Handling
of Boats . . . Invaluable Training for every BOATER and
GREY, MORRIS AND BRUSSELS Progressive -Conservative election machines were
tuned up at a meeting in Brussels Public Library Monday evening when party workers for
the area met with Bob McKinley, MP for Huron, He is seen here being greeted by chajr-
man of the meeting, Roy Cousins of Brussels. From the left are Jim Cardiff, chairman of
the Brussels committee; Carl Johnston, re-elected' Morris Township chairman; Robert
McKinley and Murray Cardiff, who succeeds Harry Bolger as Grey Township chairman.
A sin�'llar meeting was held for Wingham, Howick and Turnberry Townships at the town
hall here Tuesday evening. (Staff Photo)
set" campaign date
Performing their annual com-
munity health -services project,
members of the .Kinette Club of
Wingham are again sponsoring,
for the fifth consecutive year, the
local drive for funds in support of
The Canadian Arthritis .and
Rheumatism Society. They will
be assisted by their Kinsmen hus-
bands and "other volunteers in a
door-to-door canvass of the com-
munity on Monday evening next,
September 25. Mrs. William
Hanula is the campaign ,chair-
"We are pleased to be able to
help the Arthritis Societyin their
important work and are thankful
for the wonderful support given
•by our fellow citizens in past
years," Mrs. Hanula said, "but
the Society's need is greater 'this
year than ever if it is to attain its
immediate goal of the best arth-
ritis control program in the
world:" She added, "According
to the Society's scientific investi-
gators the prospects for success
now hinge directly upon the funds
available from governments and
the public."
Arthritis is a major health
problem in Canada. More than a
million and a half Canadians are
affectedby this disease. It strikes
about one family in every five.
About 428,000 are limited in their
c i •. cz., .b.. t„ , 1
activities in some way, with close
'to 100,000 of that group who. are
Four drivers
escape injury
Donald K. Murray of Goderich
and Joseph 'L. 'Phelan of RR 2,
Blyth escaped injury when the
vehicles they were driving colli-
ded on County Road 25 west of
Highway 4 Sept. 17. Damages
were estimated at $350 by Wing -
ham Detachment OPP.
In another two -vehicle accident
on the same day, Levi J. Carter of
Bluevale and Jeffrey. G. Thornton
of Wingham collided on Sideroad
30, south of Bluevale. There were
no injuries and damages were as-
sessed at about $600.
During the week Sept. 11-17
Wingham "Detachment OPP
made four investigations under
the Liquor Control Act with four
persons charged; 15 charges un-
der the Highway Traffic Act with
12 warnings issued; 23 investiga-
tions • under the Criminal Code
with seven charge laid, reports
Prov Const. W. R. Bell.
The public is invited to attend the first
(Former Clinton CFBase)
Thursday September 28 1972
at 7p. m.
Visitors will be welcomed by Professor James W. Church,
President of Conestoga College and by Hon. Charles S.
MacNaughton, Treasurer of Ontario.
unable to work, keep house, or
carry on their usual major activ-
ity. The social and economiCcos'
)f the disease is staggering. An-
nually, they account for an esti-
mated 13 million days lost work
and about a $457. million loss to
the. Canadian 'economy.
While the Society continues to -
provide prof.. sional services to
home -bound victims of the dis-
ease from its regional offices in
London upon referral from local
physicians and at no cost to the
patient, the focal point of its ac-
tivities will be found at its net-
work of Rheumatic Disease Units
for specialized diagnosis, treat-
ment, research and medical edu-
cation. Strengthening these
RDU's and expanding ,the so-
ciety's fellowship program which
attracts young scientists and
wedicai mien to the _field of artl►-
ritis are the critical needs.
Funds collected locally help to
maintain the society's patient -
care services and will support
and expand facilities of the Rheu-
matic Disease Unit located in
London which is designed to
serve this area, some patients
having already benefitted from
its high standards of care and
treatment. The Lond*n Unit has
been temporarily located at
Westminster Hospital but is be-
ing transferred to more spacious
and modern accommodation
within the new University Hos-
-pital on the university campus
early in October of this year.
The Kinettes do ask the citizens
of Winghamto be as generous as
possible in their support of this
vital collection.
ATTRACTIVE CONTESTANTS in the Luck ow Fair Queen
competition were Jane.MacArthur of Arth red .Lou Core
of Kincardine. The winner was finally selecte late Satur-
day night. (Staff Photo)
James' Gardens,. Etobicoke, was the setting tor true wed-
ding of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ellacott. The bride is the daugh-
ter of Mrs. Laurel Hewitt of Cayuga and Jack Hewitt of Kin-
loss. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ellacott of
Wingham. Miss Nancy Irwin of London and Chris Quirey of
Toronto were the attendant$. Following a reception at the
Valhalla Inn, the couple left for" a honeyn1bofn in Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellacott are presently residing in Toronto.
W. O. Juekern oym t
taairio Ministryofficer ��► � ���
of Labor's London
*Wm held meetings at the town
halt Monday and Tuesday ou►tlin»
ins provisions of the mploy'
meat Standards Act and conduct-
ing interviews.
Mr. Jucher clarified, the mini.
mum wage legislation, pointinag
out that the minimum rate is
$1.99 per hour in the construction
industry and that no student rate
applies in this field, Otherwise, in
general industry, the $i.65 rate
stands and the student rate is
$1.30 an hour.
in connection with the equpi
pay issue, the Act states that em-
ployees (male and female) "be
paid equally while performing
like work in the same establish-
Under the heading Hours of
Work, the Act stipulates a 48-hour
week, after which overtime per-
mits may be obtained, and other
exemptions are set out in the Act
and regulations. Overtime pay
must beat least time and one-half
after 48 hours in a week, and time
and one-half must be paid for
hours worked on a holiday.
Regulations for vacation pay,
notice of termination, keeping of
records and wage statements
were also discussed.
Clinton Centre to.
bold open house
The first Open House for the
people of Huron County to view
Conestoga. College's newest per-
manent centre will ° be held on
Thursday evening, September 28,
at 7 o'clock.
Visitors will be welcomed by
the president of Conestoga Col-
lege; Professor James W. Church
and the treasurer of Ontario, The
Honorable Charles S. MacNaugh-
The Clinton facilities were ac-
quired by the college earlier this
year and formal classes com-
menced on April 3. Clinton Centre
hasa full-time enrolment of
approximately. 100 students with
an extension enrolment of 225
part-time persons.
The public response to the es-
tablishment of a permanent Cen-
tre has been extremely gratifying
and has presented many challen-
ges • to Ross Milton, Administra-
tor, Clinton Centre and the teach=
ing staff.
Nuclear centre
closes to
casud'1 'visitors
The Bruce Nuclear Power De-
velopment 'Information Centre
will discontinue the 1972 tour pro -
gran for casual visitors on Sun-
day Oct. 8, 1972.
The centre will remain open
weekends only from Saturday,
Sept. 16th to Thanksgiving, be-
tween the hours of 12:00 noon and.
5:30 p.m.
Grol'ip tours for civic, educa-
and*ay .beim ed to
ing the information office1
1� . .addition, gra may ar-
range for ,speakers to addros
their meetings on eub octi '+I at- •
ing to. the nuclear development,.
sed Iar
".7$ DODGE Polar* 4•D!ogr
swum, 8, auto,' power
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10 DODGE Coronet Station
Wagon, 8 cy1,, auto., pow.
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6' auto, radio
'0 GATE[ 2.•Imor
Hardtop, 8 auto,, Pomp
steering 5broker, . radio
'08 PLYNOVIII, OR auto.
matfc with Power end
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'68 RA1 3LrElt $•Door
top, n 8„ auto., radio
PHONE 357•31162
Saturday, October 7th at 1.30 p.m.
850 HEAD
Consisting of 500. Steers, 200 Heifers and 150 Calves
482-7511 Clinton 237-3431 Dashwood
237-3576 Dashwood
Auctioneers: Hector McNeil, Larry Gardiner
Plus a few '%2 Leftovers at Discount Prices.
PHONE 3574460
PHONE 887-6246