HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-09-21, Page 6ros from The World of Women d des, Thursday,. Sept. 21, 1972 Baskets, of gladioli adorned the sanctuary of St. Andrew's Pres- • bytei ian Church, Wingham, for - Hastings wedding rites the ceremony uniting in mar- Thomson of Aylmer on Saturday, riage Linda Anne Hastings of Sept. 9, at 4 p:m. Rev. R. H. Arm- Wingham and Malcolm Francis strong officiated and wedding music was supplied by Crawford Douglas at the console of the church organ. The bride isthe daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Ross. Hastings a Wing- ham and parents of the granum are Mr. and Mrs. John D. Thom- son of Chesley. Giten in' marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a gown of Ven- ice lace with standup collar and tiny covered buttons marking, the front scalloped mock . o ing. The long sleeves were sheep rand cut with a ruffle and the full skirt swirled into an attached chapel - length train. She carried a spray of yelow roses and ivy. Miss Carol Hastings of ,Wing - ham was maid of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. Karen Thomson of Chesley. and Mrs. Penny. Hastings of Owen Sound. They were gowned alike in dress- es of green brocade with a lily -of - the -valley interwoven, pattern. They carried baskets with dainty floral arrangements of shasta daisies, mums and roses. Alex Thomson of Chesley was JUST LIKE NEW! f. Clothes Expertly Cleaned, finished To keep _the glow in your clothes, "bring them to. us. We'll dean them spotlessly and then press , them to perfection. Fast service and efficiencyeeur policy • pro >ihim .�t�l 'to t°�<�� .nen READMAN „ t CLEANERS AND MEN'S "WEAR 318'JOSEPHINE WINGHAM e � 1 groomsman and guests were ushered by David Thomson of Chesley and Don Hastings of Owen Sound. Following the ceremony guests. from Coe.,l-lill, Aylmer, Kitchen- er, Owen Sound, Chesley and Wingham attended a reception in the church hall. Honored guests were three grandparents of the bridal couple, Mrs. D. Cameron of Coe 1011, Mrs,. M. Hastings of Wingham and David D. Thorn - son, Chesley. For travelling to Bruce Peri,, insula the bride wore a figured . dress and tunicrensemble with a corsage of white carnations. Oh their return they . will reside in Aylmer. The groom is a graduate of the University of Toronto, Forestry Division. The bride is a graduate of the Owen Sound Regional School of Nursing. Showers for the bride were held at Mrs. Karen Thomson's home in Owen Sound. She was onored by friends at. the Owen SI nd Re-" gional School of Nursing and friends in Wingham held a shower at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church. SACRED HEART CHURCH, WINGHAM, was the scene of the ceremony uniting in marriage Margaret Ann McKer- cher and Ronald Howard Larsen on September .1. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKercher of James- town and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Donald .Lar- sen of Walkerton.. They are residing in Sarnia.. ( Photo by Snyder Studio) Kinettes seek peaker telis members of ACWW work local project Wingham Kinettes are looking for any challenging service pro- ject within the capability of the club and would welcome sugges- tions from local residents as to worthy causes they might serve in the community. It was decided. to ask for' sug- gestions at the first dinner meet- ing of the new. • season ' held at Lee's Restaurant and Tavern Monday evening, and anyone with an idea should contact any member of the club executive. President Mrs: Alex Strong opened the meeting and called for reports from the various commit- tee heads. Past President Mrs. Bill Hanula announced •.the Ar- thritis and Rheumatism Canvass will be held on Sept. 25. . . Eleven members were present, 3s 1.1p1us threeguestsv Mrs Andjn Mc- ' 'Bride, Mr's: Don Carter and Mrs. Art Clark. —Rev. Glenn Noble of Lucknow. was guest speaker at the worship service in .St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church Sunday morning. His sermon title was "Who is My Neighbor?".. Rev. R: H. Arm- strong was preaching at anniver- sary services` at Dungannon. WINGHAM ONTARIO ' 3 PIy in a Rainbow of Colors All BOYS' PANTS SIZES 7 to 18 Reduced by SAVE "WHISPER" PANTY HOSE All Sheer - One size fits all Reg. Price 99c S�t Blue Enameled Roasting P�ns o79c EN SIZE Fits to 225 Lbs. Reg. Price 1.49 NOW $119 9 LB. SIZE 15 LB. SIZE _ $199 _ $298 _ $419. "McCormicks" Cello Bagged ASSORTED CANDY Mints Jubes Jelly Beans $'100 Grand Slam A bag $1011 SAVE SA VE KNOWN FOR BETTER VALUES WHI.TECHURCH- — Mrs. James Kirkpatrick, president of the Bruce South District of the Women's Institute, was guest speaker .when the Whitechurch branch members met in the com- munity hall Monday'of last week for their Grandmothers' meeting. Theme of the. meeting, was "Family and -Consumers' Af- fairs". Mrs. Kirkpatrick was intro- duced by Mrs. Russell McGuire. She spoke on the work of the ACWW and told of a one-year contributing membership: in ACWW, a five-year membership or a life membership' for $60 to honor faithful years of service where a member has not been a continuous member for 25 years. She told of the Aberdeen Scholar- ship and stated that the Federat- ed Women's Institutes of Ontario Trousseau tea dor Corrie bride -aleft GORRIE — Mrs. William Ben- nett entertained at ,a Trousseau Tea in honor of her daughter, Margaret, who is to be married September 22 in St. Stephen's Anglican Church . in Gorrie. Mrs. J. W. Hyndman, grand- mother . of the bride -elect, Mrs. Harold Hyndman and Mrs. Hart- well Strong, poured tea in the afternoon and evening. Serving. the tea were: Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Roland Bennett, Mrs. Clifford Brewer,• Mrs. Fred Brewer, Mrs.. Bradley Galbraith, Mrs. Bruce Bennett, Mrs. Carl Dinsmore, Mrs. Stew- art Strong and Mrs. Harry King. Displaying the gifts and trous- seau were:. Mi•s. Frank Wet- tlaufer, -Mrs. Paul Voll, Miss Kathy Bennett, and Miss Brenda Bennett. 1"he beide-elect has been honor- ed at several showers. Mrs. Lou Hutton, Win'gham, held a miscel- laneous shower in her home. Mrs. Ronald and Mrs. Roland Bennett, sisters-in-law of the bride, were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower in the St. Stephen's Sun- day School room. They were assisted by Mrs. Paul Voll and Miss Kathy Bennett. Another miscellaneous shower was given by the Evening Guild 'of $t. Stephen's Church in the Sunday School room.. wish to increase their member-' • ship by 20 per cent. The WI national convention is to be at Banff in 1973 and the next ACWW conference will be held at Perth, Australia. ' Mrs. Kirkpatrick was thanke by Miss Merle Wilson and r'- ceived mileage from treasurer .Mrs. Russel McGuire. President Miss Wilson opened. the meeting 'with a fall poem and welcomed visitors and members. Mrs.: McGuire read the minutes, gave the financial report and read the correspondence, includ- ing the Bruce County rally pro- gram and by-laws; letters from Miss .Annie Kennedy, the Home Economist regarding a training school; and Athlone WI suggest- ing October 5 as a day to visit Whitechuuch branch. Appointed delegates to attend Bruce County rally at Allenford were • Mrs. Georg Asher and Mrs. Victor Emerson. White- church branch also presents a skit. Roll call was answered by presenting'" a picture of "each member's grandmother. The motto "Are Changes For The Better?" was read by Mrs. Victor Emeron, who -cited ad- vantages and disadvantages of the . automobile. She also stated that tourism, enjoyed by so many - beside lakes, can destroy man places of beauty. Medical advances was another feature studied. "The advances CoupIe honored at hospital party Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gardner were honored by their family on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary last weekend. • With Mrs: Gar"dner a patient iin the Wingham -and District Hospi- tal, members of their family and Mrs. Gardner's mother paid her a surprise visit. The family then moved to 'the solarium where they enjoyed cake and ice cream and opened their gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner have a family of three sons and one daughter, Terry, Paul, Nancy and Murray. Terry, who is em- ployed at London Life Insurance cu., London, was home to share in the celebration honoring his parents. in the use of drugs .mean that many diseases =have been wiped out, making for happier, longer lives," said Mrs. Emerson in closing. Mrs. Bill Gibson, accompanied by Mrs. Garnet Farrier, sang "Memories". • • The topic, "How to Save Money on Appliances and Furnishings", was prepared by Mrs. Ed Walker and given by Mrs. Elgin Johns- ton. Mrs. Russel Ross- gave two readings, "Other Fads of Grand- mother's Day" and "Modern Grandmother": Mrs. Robert Ross won a grandmothers' con- test conducted by Mrs. Wallace Conn: Miss Wilson was in charge of another contest. • The meeting closed and lunch was served . by Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. t Itrlin`aiid Mrs. i Ben — McClenaghan.: %Mrs... Fred Tiffin, in ' the absence of Mrs. Dave Gibb, was hostess and received the 25 in attendance. Auxiliary speaker tells .home care be.eefiis The Auxiliary to the Wingharn and District ' Hospital metin the dlinic, building Monday afternoon with President Mrs. K. M. Mac- Lennan chairing the., meeting, Guest speakerfor the afternoon ,was Mrs. Elizabeth Cardna of Seaforth; Hoine - Care ,Adminis- trator for Huron County. The Rome Care program is compara- tively new to this area and serves all age groups. Under the plan patients are provided with care services in the home under the direction of the attending physician. Patients can leave hospital earlier and convalesce at home, or they may receive care at home instead . of being ad- mitted to the hospital. Mrs. Cardno cited the ad- vantages, cost, and services of- fered, some of which include professional 'nursing care, phy- siotherapy and homemaker ser- vices. This program also pro- vides drugs and medical sup- plies, dressings, sick room equip- ment, laboratory and x-ray ser- vice as well as transportation. !One. hundred per cent of the Home Care services are paid by the Ontario Department of Hearth. The patient's physician's fees are paid by O!.tP, „ Delegates were chosen to at- • tend the fall conference to be held in Clinton on Sept. ?5, and a mo- tion to send two'delegates to the annual, convention in October was approved. T The -fall rummage sale will be held October 19 and 20 in The Wingham Armories. Hospital bridge with 14 tables is ail set to start the new season. , Of interest to everyone in the ' community will be our November meetingwhen a. cancer film will be shown. ."The Winner" is an outstanding film and worth see- ing. —Mr. and Mrs. John Langridge and Jim spent Saturday at West- ern Fair, London. —Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw and sons were weekend visitors at Western Fair, London. —Walter itenson of Victoria, B.C..visited last week with his sister, Mrs. C. Tofting. During the week they also visited,, Mrs. Tofting's daughter, Mrs. Mary Lowes in Kitchener. 1 $ 1 1 1 / / Fri.,uSept. 22—Bake Sale ale in IOOF Rooms ooms a t 2 rp .m.S .RuBrlholiw raccea ursday Evenings / Juniors 7-7.30, Seniors 7.30-8.30 St. Paul's Church (ANGLICAN) WINGHAM- REV. T. K. HAWTtIORN, Rector MRS. HARRY BRYDGES, O►ganG}t and Choir Leader Sunday, Sept. 24 Trinity 17 11.00 a.m.—.Harvest Thanksgiving Guest Minister, Rev. G... H. Parke -Taylor, Dean of Theology, Huron' College 'Meetings and Events Mon., Sept. 25 -Teen -Age Girls meet at the rectory at - • 7 p.m. • Ideal for upholstery ° cleaning using the same deep steam extraction unit,, with a special hand. attachment - no brushes. This unit is thorough and gentle and soil is extracted, not scrubbed deeper into fabric. The same attachment can be used for cleaning mattresses and box springs. It is also handy for stair carpets and hard to reach carpet areas. In one operation soil is penetrated, suspended and extracted. No brushes, No Powder, No Scrubbing with de- tergents. Modern, efficient W= the ultimate in carpet cleaning equipment, and no brushes. Saturated steam breaks up soil particles which are held in sus- pension andthen is instantly ex- tracted into a stainless steel contain- eryou actually see the extracted soil. The results are amazing! Soil. is Etracted... That is the Difference Gentle and thorough, economical be- cause carpets stay cleaner - 'longer. PATTERN RESTORED -PILE RESET MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WALKER, lifelong residents of East Wawanosh, were honored by a host of friends Saturday evening at a reception at the Community Centre hall at Bel- graNie on the occasion of their golden wedding day. More ti 200 attended. (Staff Photo ) �► i. 0 0 it 0 0