HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-21, Page 8Ca.c4aNtetesseeerietse*, teecrese=isa INSURANCE. 17i1,111INST ELLIOT, AGENT FOIt A VIE WESTEBN ASen7BANOle Com. PANT', of Toronto . also or the IsBgENIX KBE ENSUltele0E' COMPaleY, ox leoeclon, England, tho 11.0 Vats 04NAD14N, of Mon- treal, and tho BRITISH EMPIRE LdrE 48 SITBANOE COMPANY, of liondon, England, Nito.bilelied nee, eseeets over 0,000,00; elaims and bouuses paid. over S1e.00040, ds_e_ LOCAL ATE lirS.-Ide s hat/ ehappy to re- , csive Oen times, front any part of the County,iems of local nem, such, 48 ao- cidents,or any Interesting incident what- ever ,front any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public ation. Ste Oxtteir Einisegi. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1889 LOGAL HAPPENINGS. oTsters. Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the quart, or eerved up by the plate, cooked or raw. Just look at our stock a con- fectionery, and sporting goods. All fresh, new and firsteclass. _...-- selling at Cost. Good bargains in Boots and Shoes and Harness, con now be had at C. Eas3rett's, ts he intends givine up business and will sell at cost or under for the next 30 days. ?eople would do well to call and see him 3efore purchasing elsewhere. 0, Boomer. --e— Cheapest carpets in Canada at the Big Bankrupt store. Mens and boy's clothing, an immense ,ssortment at very low prices at he 3ig Banglernpt store. - Several loads of 'cattle were shipped rom this station on Monday, for Toronto. The village council met on Monday evg. Last. We find that purely local items are carce this week. Division court- was held at Cla.ndeboye n Tuesday. Several cases came up, in which Esteterites participated. The assessors of all imetacipalities cone- eenced work on the 15th, or are supposed o do so, according to statutes. LI the weekly report, of aesignments, ve notice the name of J. F. Ottwell, reit canner and pickier of St. Marys. Rev. Mr. Thompson of Centralia, ex - hanged chargee with Rev, Mr. Harris, of 'arkhill, on Sueday last. Special values in black satin mervs. and lack dress goods, at the. Big Bankrupt tore. • Special drives in boots and shoes at lichasel Pickard's. Tailoring a specialty, good fit guaranteed. • The Rev. Geo. Webber, will lecture e the James St. Mothodist church on diesday eveniug next. Subject "Fa - us 88's, or the Triumphs we Celebrate." A crow was seen last week flying south- 'excl. This indicates a late and backward pring, which is generally the result, and ; an old time prediction. ' Messrs John Essery & Co,. on Monday, aipped a -car load of draught horses to ;hio. They are equal to any selection dr Essery has yet made. A checker match between North end oieth. Exeter, was played on Friday evg. tst, resulting in the defeat of the North sane by nine games. Some plumes, and good ones, too. 'ol'd kid gloves all shades, 48c. 6 papers 1 ins for 10c; good all wool tweed for 35c; 1 6clies rubbers 35c, at the Big Bankrupt ] bore. \ . It is reported that Mrs. John Vail of : onclon, formerly of Exeter died at her usbands residence in that city on Satur- 1 ey last. She had been ailing for some ' me. We regret to learn that Mrs, Wm. ( ickarcl of Seaforth, had the rnisfortuue to 1 Al on the ice at the carnival on Puesday 1 'ening laid and break the small hone of 1 er right arm 1 While Mr. John Hayes was passing out ' the door of the Metropolitan the other 1 ter he slipped and fel', owing to the a ep being my, and injured his shoulder e iry badly. As yet he aannot move the i nb. ' s A couple of residents, the other day, aded horses at sight asnA unseen. One 0 the parties got the better cif the other t such an extent that the unfortunate an totem his horse to a suitable place and d' lot it. r The "High Life" performers went to a ensell on Monday evening to give an r ,tertainment, under the auspices of the v ,nd, but owing to there being a very 0 pave ettendence the charade did not n,e off, s According to the auditors' abstract as iblished in another colemn, the total ex- 1 nditure for the year 1888 was $10,212.- d . total receipts fromall sources) $12, t 1,25. thus leaving a belegice 'on heed of d 808 97. The balance carried from 1887 h le $2703.67. '1 The rent for the grounds used last fall 11 • the foot and base bell clubs, has not as .6 been paid. Those interested had bet. 1 r attend to the matter at once, as the e mer is going to take proceediegs a ;mind the club.'t Ed, Bissett, Secretary. tS. For some days past ice packers -of Exe. v r and of the surrounding villages, have 13 en very busy cutting and !hauling hie h ma the 'Sattble. Large quantities have en stored away. The quality of the ice P excellent, being about 14 inches thick tl ,d perfectly clear. a The rain storm of Saturday and Sun- 3 ly, which it was feared ewould deprive 41 of the goolidsleighing enjoyed foe SOM8 ,t1 ql,ts, abated, Sunday; and with a good a I of snow on Monday, the sleighing has a an again rendered good; although some the country roads are still well filled el ith snow. lu Mr, R, T -L Archer, the affable Manager IT the Eiceter blanch of the IVIodsons bank d d. stiperiutendebt of the Trieitt mem- fe al chereh SS S., entertalhed the et telars and others on Thureday evg. st t, to an exhibitioia of magic lateen ei tnes. There was a good attendance tc d all seemed highly pleased, Dil Saturday last, tui avalanche from 411 e of the businees delacee in town, fright. tl a colt belonging to a 1V1r, Martin a Pt ighboring farmer, causing it to run di ey The animal ran spiritedly clown tl" tut st., creating intense excite- 01 at, and wall; brought to 6 iniddeie halt p, corning in contaet with et telephone IL le, little darnege resulting 01 Refriember it is latterly inepoesible for te V regular house to conipete with the it e Baeltrupt gore. We iced every time. g4 relearn eur geode aaid pekes with those P old fashioned, high priced dealers, 41 dies' Mut childratde glovers, 2 pair for al ; ladies' corsets 1.6c; grey ebtten 21o; mS felt boots( neav goods) $1.40; mete ,00 inset coats for $2.00; $5,00 Poreian h ab ceps for 2 50; lege etirtains 350 Par d tr. flon't forgot the plate, The Ilig s, nkreloe etore-tho ehertneet :mot en ' 11 te be fr be is of d., R41$03141. !tars. Burritt of Mitchell, is the gneetdor her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Verity of Exb- ter.-The Misees White who have been in Sarnia on a sr:sit 2 ...burned hume on Monday. -Mr. Whiinster of St. Itlarys wits in town,1st week. --Rev. mr. Lock of Melhorne preached two very accepteble sermons on Sueday last m the Main 'St. Methodist church. Rev. Mr Wilson preached missionary sermons for Mr. Lock. -Mr, John Kodcly of Braudon is in town on pleasure and business. -Mr, Geo - ',Puke, who has been in Iowa for some months retureed home on Thursday. village Counsel The council met pursuant to adjourn - men on Monday evg. last ; all the mem hers present exeept Mr, Pickard. Mints: tes of the previous meeting read and approved. The Auditors' report presen. ted aud examined. Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec. by T. B. Calling that the Auditors' report be received and the ab- stract published as formally. Carried, Moved. by W. G. Bissett sec. by T. IL McCellum that orders be granted for the following sums viz: -Jas Willis $2 00 for lumber; Ross & Taylor $L'25 for work at DAVE Hall; Jas. Creech $4.00 for selec- ting jurors riv. Court to date: Do. $11.16 wood for Town. Hall; Do. $L25 meals for tramps; The clerk $4 00 postage; L. IL Dickson 68.00 services as auditor; Jos, Senior $8.00 do. Carried. Petitions to remove tnarket and Town Hall were z ead. Moved by T. H. McCallum see. by T. B. Carling that no action be teken in the matter by this council. -Carried. The Reeve to see to insurance of town pro. perty. By law No, 4 1889 to appoint a pound keepardwas duly read and passed on motion of W. G. Bissett, see. by T.Er. Mc011ting Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec. by T. B. Carling that the council adjonrn for one week. Carried. Checker Match, An interesting and exciting game of checkers was played at Hensall on Tues- day evening between the Exeter and Hen - sail clubs. Mr. N. Dyer Hurdon was the . referee, and acted in a fair awl impartial manner. The following is the score and names of men six games being played by each contestants. Exeter. 1. A. Walters, won 2 games & 2 draws. 2. J. H. Hyndman "4 & 1 draw. 3. C. Prouty " 3 " & 1 draw. 4, J. Walters " " 5. R. Terry " 3 " & 1 draw. 6. T Biesett, jr. 2 " & 3 draws Total 18 ensall- 1. J McDougell " 2 " & 2 draws 2. C McDonell " 1 " & 1 draw. 3. T Murdoch " 2 " & 1 draw 4. W Charters " 2 " 5. R Bonthron " 2 " &1 draw. 6eR Reynolds " 1 & 3 draws Total 10 Exeter won by eight games. The Hen - sail men after the match treated their p.onents to oysters, and a return match vasarranged for next Tuesdayin this town All wool dress goods 15cts a yd and upwards at Richard Pickard's. The Big Bankrupt stote can boot any an in town, at prices that will astonish you. just try. . Messrs W. H. Verity & son, on Satur- day received from Manitoba, an order for 2 car loads of plows. The firm is so pushed already with orders placed some ime ago, that an effort is being made to put on a staff of night workmen. Big bargains in hosiery and gloves at ichard Pickard's. Considerable grain is being , marketed, IOW that the townspeople are supplied with wood. .A. change has taken place in the firm f Bissett Bros. The hardware and tin - are business will be carried on by fears Geo. and Ed. Bissett, while -the very business will be conducted aolely y Mr. Wm, G Bissett The otherSunday evening the Rev. r. Clement gave the boys in the gallery sharp reprimand for their unbecoming ondiect during the service. A fair warn - ng has been sufficient for the lads' as the ervices have not been interruptedsince. Richard Pickard is clearing off his stock f crockery and glassware at big reduc- ens. A piano tuner says that pianos frequent - deteriorate because they are allowed to ecome too dry. To , counteract this he dvises keeping a growing -plant in the om. Another way is to keep a large ase or urn with a sopping wet sponge in nder or near the piano. Remember the great dissolution sale ill in progress at Richard Pickard's At a meeting of the council on Monday vg, the market question again came up largely signed petition praying to have e market moved to the town hail, and a uch longer one requesting that the hall el moved to the magket wore presented. o action wig taken and there is not kely to he for some time to come. Mr. ViT: J. Clarke will shortly leave for ondon. Ile has for some years been ngaged With Mr. J. P Clark of Exeter, cl his leaving town will be regretted by e members of the James St. Methodist . S. as well as other organizations with hich he has beet closely identified. He much respected; we join all in wishing 'in every suecess, ' A circular issued by the Education De artment announces that the next en- ance examination for the High Schools' d Collegiate Listitntes will be held on uly 4411, 5th. fith. It is also aenounced at after the December examinations sis year there will probably be only one trance examination per year, namely, at idsernmer. The Registrar general requires the mes- sier to enter in a colimm provided in the sessrnent roll all births and deaths dur g the aesessinent year. Those whose tty it is to do it must be prepared to 11 the assessor if such have been register - or. -not, if they are not prepagad td Ly, they are registered, they will be tared as not registered, and they must Ire the risk of being fined.' , A nether wishing to give an .equal ke- no to each of hie two daughters, bought ene a wedding cake in the shape of e rfect cone. It measured 20 inches in atneter and 50 inches in height. New 6 girls wanted to etit it across instead • lengthways, end the father being Very or at calculation, thought he would Iso that seine of the Mathematical readers • the Exeter Trents Would be kind enough let him know how . far from the top list it be co, t e same uatitity of the bride's cake. irl will off, so that eaele g the case solve and seedin eater aeswers to ie office. ' All anewere will be pebliehed. a the correct oho given, ' LOOK OUT FOR IT. If you ere troubled With 4 cold or cough, o Never light the attack, look ont for it, do et allow it to settle on the lunge: break ilp )0 eon& bydoesenteg the totieli phlegm Crerellt011. PelisoNaso-M187-7W7ndserr of Rotor, paid her friends in Clrecliten a short visit during last week.-Alieees 11080 and Mary Finkbeiner have returned trom Berlin, Bose having been suffeling from an atteek of scarlet fever. We 6)611 her a speedy recovery. -41r. Josh. Brown, of Tevistook, is paying Oreditou a short visit. -We are glad to hear that Mite Louisa Morloek, who has been ailing for some time, is pro- gressing nicely. -Mr and Miss Amos and Misses Glendenning atd Fraser, of West MoGilliviay, spent Friday in the village and took in the entertainment in the evening. Aseneene,-On Wednesday? 1.3th inst., a youug gentleman from Morriston, nameol Wertz, who has been visiting friends het °about fur some time, met with a very painful accident which will confine hire to his room foe some time. While the peke of Mrs, B. Feist, he and one of the boys were passing time by a friendly wrestle, stud in so doing the young inau 1811 10 such O manner as to wrench hie leg and the consequence was ai broken ankle. Dr. Autos was at once summoned and treated the injured member, and we are glad to beer that the young man is progressing very fevorably. Baxees.-On Friday _last the ratepayers luld a meeting for the purpose of nomina- ting police trustees. . The meeting was not very largely attended and was not as enthusiastic as it should have been. A great deal of nonsense was indulged in, and not much business done. This ie a wrong spirit of affairs and unless the ratepayers sympathize and go hand in hand with this movement we will be no nearer to having order established than belore, as unless the trustees have the ratepayers to back them they can do nothing and we may as well be without police protection. This has since been clearly demonstrated by actual experience. About a dozen parties were eominated, and all but three resign- ed ; the three remaining being eleoted by acclamation, viz ft. Kilpatrick, F. Wuerth and 0. Kibler. It is as yet not definitely known, who of the three will receive the office of polioeman, but we trust thab who- ever is appointed, lee will do his duty faithfully and that the people of the village will assist him in every pessible way. -Mr. Balkwill of St. Karts, has opened out a barber shop in part of the premises tem. pioa by Messrs. Sines .rgt Brokenshire and is prepaied to do any work ie the tonsorial line with satisfaction. -We return our thanks to our generous friend, Jno Young, the eggman, for his kindness in maeip- ulating the snow plow for our benefit. ENTERTAINMEET.-The entertainment on Friday evg. last, was a decided bUCCeSS. Long before the hour of starting, the largo capacity of the town hall was fully occu- pied and seats could not be had. The baud discoarsed some selections, after which Mr. V. Betz took the claair and the programme was dispensed with. The 'first part was taken up by the school children, who did admirably and deserve great praise. Their dialogues were inter- spersed with violin and organ selections by Metiers. John Grant and George Zwiker, which were greatly applauded. The died logne, The poisoned Darkies," created a great deal of laughter, and the chairman had considerable trouble in keepmg order while it vvas being rendered. The Moder- garten Seep were also a very pleasing feature and arealways well received. The seeond part was a stereoptioan exhibition by the headmaster of Parkhill high school which lasted about three quarters of an hour, and duriug which a great deal of disturbance was carried on. The views displayed were both amusing and instructs ive, carrying one from the wilds of Amer- ica to the Alps of Switzerland. The views were, without exoeption, the best ever exhibited here, and were alone well worth the price of admission. The pro- ceeds were about $41.1)0, and will be ap- plied to the school library. To the Editor of the Exeter Times DEAR STR.-1 notice in several news- papers, published in this comity, the starting of, a new society called the "Sons of Rest." No doubt the writer of said articles thinks he has done something clever, but the more intelligent portion of society cleetn such productions very in- sulting, and whilst they ate not surprised that there may be some person in every society who may have so little self-respect or respect for the feelings of their fellow creatures, as to inn the articles in ques- tion, they feel astonished to think that the editor of any respectable paper would allow space for such scandals, s As the only object the writer of those articles had in view was to put contempt on those whose natnes are mentioned in connection with said fictitious society, the whole statement is falsehood, and I must say that it is a lamentable state of Society, that allows any pergola who con- siders himself sufficiently mean to malign henget and respectable pecsple through the columns of a newspaper, merely be- cause he can do so and no person will know who the writer is, except the editor ; and when the editor allows such an article space in his columns and with- holds the, writer's barna, he must be con- sidered as endorsing the statement made ; and in refusing to give the writer's name,' he ;should be held responsible for the writing. The objet of the writer as before stated, 18 to lower the sociel position of those whose names are mentioned. For example (asappears in (oclerich Star) the tout "the queen and royal family" which (gays the writer) was drank in silence hereby wishing to make out that those persons identified with said society, are not loyal. Agaih, George Edworthy was (says the writer) eleeted most worshipful vagabond and as a consequence all the members of said eociety and thoee desir- ing admission are vagabonds alio, Now as those papers containing those artioles tietvel hundreds of mike in Ali directions and read by thousand e people,of many of the parties whose names are mentioned inalconnection withthe Sons of 'Rest will be reectly recognized LI those distant readers, who will be arstonished to tee said names mixed up witlissthise who would not drink a toast to the ueen. Agein "CentrEtlitt, Sops o Rest." Quito a number of Cettralia's respectable in- habitants are identified as belonging to said fictitious SOciety. The person ap- pointed 013,..imad of said society, is one who for some time past, has not beet', no' is novv "compus nzentes.3' Thie appointment is designed to ehow that ail the other menibers of said society aro in a lower mental conditimi than the chairman ' Again 1 s The secretary (a very tg*thy person) noser hed the arleantages of an eclueittiori, arid coneequently could, not fill the office to which lie Waft appoitited, showing Oust the appointee wed the moat fitting person 16 the society for the office, Both appointments go t6 elloW that the Other members lied neither' edlieetieri hoe boles in the cetimation of the writer of the "Sons of Rerst" fit Centralia , ite 50011 hi the Eteeter A ClvOetite. EAT VS.a.0.1.0TION, SAL SA WELL lit PI CIE AR Do Having dissolved partnership, the business in the future will be continued by 0 1-1A.R,D0 PIO l<A.IR-3D 7 Who, in order to reduce the stock will offer' /2213:1103:1Se Bargains for the next 30 aa...srs, rices aralyz Don't fail to see the UNPRECEDENTED VALUES offered in Dry -goods, Boots & Shoes, Liantles, Ready-made Clothing, Rats, Caps, Furs, Groceries, Crockery, &c. Ladies and Children's Gloves from. 5c npwards Ladies Corsets from 20c upwards. Grey Cotton 3ots and upwards. Men's Pelt Boots (new stock 1 55 Lace Curtains 45 cents per pair Boy's tweed suits 1. 50 Heavy all wool grey flannel for 20 cents Allwooltweeds, 35 cents upwards 12 lbs Tea for $L 00. Fine colored 44 piece Tea Setts 2,50 BIG REDUCTIONS will be offered i11 all departments. Come and see for yourselves. & Pickard's old stand, 11913•11111.12EIBULTIMICITEX are, and, as one might imagine, from the tenor of the communications, they are both worthless beings, with less self.re- spect than characterizes the life of a wallowing beg, and scarcely eligible to join even a "Son's of Best society. The writers are cowards, they are lazy, and their osefulness in life (if it ever availed much) is all but gone. They are indeed in e pitiable plight, especially the leader of the gang who furnishes the fiction from Exeter, who, if he were to turn his talents or hands to Romething more elevating, and remunerative, there might bea, chance of the public generally, and severally getting what rightfully belongs to them in the matter of unpaid store accounts &c. Yours truly, Exeter, Feb. 19th, 1889. CITIZEN. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomeilass. More ecou- omical than the ordinary kinds and can.not be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold only incans.—ROYAL BAK- INGPOWDER CO ..106 Wall street N "it The Largest TAE TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST --Assortment of- COnfeetiOnerV IN TOWN. JUST IN, Sc FRESH. Away down in Price. FOLLICK'S Bread, Bane, (lakes, and all kinds of Past- ry, still take the lead. e Headquarters for Confection- ery at E. A1 FOLLICK'S, MAIN -ST., EXETER • CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and, package Dyes, constantly on hand. 'WI/Ian's' Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Fami y recip- es carefully in epared 06ntvii tgf byo 118E71 MOITY! IF YOTJ WANT TO SAVE MONEY Through X-mas and New Years, BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store, Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stook of DRY GOODS, 1300T & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., At less than actual Cost ad= x = x = Sale to commence 184 Jan., and continue sintil all is clearedout, as am going out of the above lines . TERMS - CASE N. B. All accounts Insist be settled lst January. „ J. ZNICITOZEIM, 1VI arket Square General Store The undersigned would inform the pub- lic, that he has just received his WINTER PM: STOCK -INCLUDING- A full line of Dry Goode, Hats & Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shoats. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to oall and in spect my goods and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. J. P. Ross. Oeio* One Door South of Post Office —HE HAS— A NEW AND COiVIP.LAETE :---STOOK OF --- I Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality: Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Railway office, UnnetoInn. N. BoNov. 20, '88. Chief Super' tendent. NEW FIRIVI. Davidson 73x.0s., Builders ce Contractor's • Shop one door east of Parsons' Black- smith Khop, Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plans, Froratheir pest eaperieno estimates and specifications furnished if re- quirede in the building line they guarantee satisfaction. All work done with promptness and dispatoh. Season- edlumber always on hand. WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON... YOU CAN GET 20 fOUNDS Raw Sugar FOR $1.00 . Lbs. White Sugar FOR $1,00. 3, ATHEOX 31 POST OFFICE STORE, Exeter N THE INTERCOLONIAL AILWAY OF CANADA, The royal moll, passenger and freight route between Canada and, Great Britain, —and— Direct route between the West and all the pointa on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baia de, Chaleur, also New Brunswick, Nova ecotia,Prinee Edward island, Oape Breton and Newfoundlan d. New mud elegant buffet sleeping and day cars run on through express trains. PleS0 agora for Great Britain or the conti- nent by leaven/ Toronto by 8 p. m. train on Thursday will 30111 outward mail steamer at Halifax Saturday. Superior elevator, warehouse end dock ao- commodation :it Halifax for shipment cf grain and general merchandise. • Years of experience have proved the Inter - colonial, in connection with stetiraship lines to and from London, LiVerpool o.nd Glas- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Canada, and Gre at Britain. Information as to passenger and freight rates can be had on application to ROBERT B. lifUODIE, WesternPreight & Passenger Agent 98Bossin Rouse Blook,York St. Toronto D. POTTINGEB ook-takin 17S7-.A.Ti II loon rgain -sxr:mm 1