HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-21, Page 5pisinuoir DOI1108,
Mr, Jere Graham bee bought 40acree
' ---- s , fro tle Ur, W. elerinsOre and Mr. gee.
Theitsseaktr-Vstiereiart ll'il'eh7itieili Middleton has bouget 120 aeres, the
inrilie farm of Mr, Kirk, Fellerton, prioe paid being $47 an Rene
They reelized between $8.00 and $9,00. At Lueane on the 13tti 'Mae e Kr:
leeise Alice fleWitt eit Welton hatejust VVilson naerohant of ' Heren Bay waa
00.enPleted a patch-wee:lc eleilt, ciett. , Married to Miss Annie Jackson, dough-
taining 5,626 ineoese ' , ter of Mr, John Jackson, iron -founder
Bayfreld village counoil intend ,to of Lucan. They will take a ehort wed -
submit a by-law for a bonus to a grist ding toile before settling devvre
Mill, to the extent of $2000. A petition is being largely signed in
The shooting metals at Parkhill lest Lucre) requesting the Council to sub -
Week Was not a success. The Weather rait a Bohm° to the ratepayers to
was too cold, The winners are:- make previsions for the eetaelistineent
Manes, Ward, end Hodgies. aft High School in the village.
The Grand Bend people want a Two young men of Leetm, E. Collies
branch of the O. P. IL They should' and F. Qnigley, have returned from
be satieeed with tbe canal to be eon- the Western States, and from exper-
etructed next summer. , ince Bey partes living in Canada and
1 had tried =laxly doctors and was having any kind of employment ' had
given up by tbein as far gone into con- better stay here,
sbroption, but was permanently cured It our painful duty this week to
by using Everest's Cough Syrup. -Jas chronicle the death of Mr. Jas. Million
Aryoung lad 8 years a rise, the son of the 6th, con. Colbourne, who died
of Mr. Geo. Strange, of Wyoming, was last Thursday, after only a few days
killedMonday by falling under a illness. Ile was 35 years old. Infiam-
sleigh loaded with wood on which he =story rheumatism being the cause of
had Wined to have a ride. his death.
1Y1z'. Thomas Lerner hassold his farm The marriage of Mr. Richard H.
of Waeres to Mr. Wm. Davis, of the Modeland, son of John Modeland,
8th con,, flibbert, for the sum of $3,-- Esq., of Tuckersneith, to Muis Susan
000. There is a log house and a frame MoConnell, youngest daughter of the
stable on the NM. Mr, Davis has late Wm. McConnell, clerk and trees
ueer of the township, took place at
Father Corcoran who has been par- the old homestead on Wednesday
ish priest in Parkhal ter the past four- last.
teen years, has been Appointed by the A celittien drareafie eompany had
Bishop, toethe Tilsonburg and Lasa- their posters up to visit Wingharn on
tette pariah, a certain date, The day came with it
Rev. John Downie, of Lucan, paid the company, but they said they had
his Ridgetown and Morpoth friends a not been in the habit of holding forth
visit last week. The rev. gentleman in a "hen coop," consequently there
looks well and speaks highly of his were many disappointed hearts in
present parish. -Standard. • town that evening.
Mr. Oliver Hodges, of Mitehell has Last week a deputation waited on
sold his confectionery business to Mr. the Ontario Government, asking that
W. R. Davis at 80 cents on the dollar. a new county be carved out of the
Is the newspaper business not sweet northern townships, with Listowel . as
enough tor Mr. Davis? • the county seat. Hon. Mr. Mowat
Mr. A. H. Watson, and family, of promised to give the matter his most
Blyth removes to Port Elgin this week "serious" consideration.
where Mr. W. intends going into Mr. A. Forsyth, of Tuckersmith,
another business. The Standard will who a few days ago was arrested on a
in future be under the supervision of charge of attempted fraud, and placed
Mr. Curuner. . in jail, has been released, having sat.
Mr. John Skinner, of Mitchell, has isfactorily settled one of tbe heavy
ben obliged to make an assignment claims against him. iminedietely
of his affairs and effects for the benefit after his release, he took to the tram
of his ceeditors. Mr. Skinner's habil- for the other side. It is said that he
Ales are put at about $1,600 over and leaves a number of creditors.
above a mortgage liability of $1,300. Tuesday night John James, who
1 eThe people of the neighborhood will lives about half a mile from Sarnia on
learn with sorrow of the death at his the cemetery road, was burned to
father's residence, McGillivray, of Mr. death in his own house, the house
Henry Long, barrister, late of Wmni- being consumed. James was a beets.
peg, at the age of 34 years. He had elor of about 55 years. He was a
been ill for some time. cripple and lived alone.
The Other day a gentleman while in "Everest's Extract of Wild Black -
the Ingersoll post -office pulled out his berry never fails to oure diarrhoea,
knife from his waistcoat pocket, when dysentery, sec." -the statements of
suddenly their was a report as of .ex• scores who have tried it. 25e per bot
, eding gunpowder and his clothes for sale by all druggists.
/ere on fire. He had been carryine An 18 -months old son of Mr. Alex
hlorate of' potash loosely in his poc- F. McLaren, of Stratford, while play•
it and it became ignited by a match. ing with a knife the other day, swall•
Belleville ea.n now doubtless lay owed it. The knife ErS8 about two
Lure to the oldest Mason in America. inches long and contained four blades
,Ilis natne is J. P, feenek. He first and a cortscrew. Dr. 1). 13. Fraser
saw the light of day in Albany, N. Y., prescribed an emetic, but it failed to
nu March 4, 1793. He became a produce the desired effeetand through
Mason in 1819, being ,then initiated the knife is still in tbe childs stomach,
in Moira Chapter, Belleville. no serious results are expected.
Natural gas has been struck in Pen The Atlantic House, St. 'Chotnas,
kering in paying quantities. A cone- was Monday the scene of what may
pany with $50,000 of stock es being prove a serious affray. Two of the
formed and intend bringing the gas if servant girls got into an altercation
it proves a snceess, to Toronto, a dis. and after hot words it came to blows.
-fence of 18 miles. Experts from the One of them gettieg holci of a large
U nited States declare the prospects saucepan or dippee, dealt the other
elteeelass,' a terrible blow on the head, inflicting
A teport reeched Mitchell this week a terrible wound, from which blood
that Mr, John Switzer, of Dakota, flowed freely.
formerly of that town, had met with Mr. M. C. Catneron, of Goderich,
an accident while moving his house, ex -member of Parliament for West
that resulted in his death. 'Che in- iiuron, was stricken down with inter-
feernation came in a letter from a nal hemorrhage on Thursday last, and
Cahedian settler out there to a friend. at present lies in a precarious condi-
Mr. Slade representing theReliance tion. fie rallied somewhat, but his
Electric Lighting Co.., Waterford, is in physicians, though hopeful of his, re -
Parkhill at present for the purpose of covery, are not over confident. Mr.
gettiag fee plant placed in Parkhill. Cameron's poetical friends and oppon-
- Ifesullioient subscribers are secured ents alike extend to hirrt their syra-
the power will be furnished by Baird pathy In his affliction.
& Son's foundry and the light, will be S. P. Halls, 13. A., Science Master in
ready in about three weeks. Goderich High School, has been ap-
At it meeting of the Fullerton pointed convener of a comrnitte to
cheese factory, the other day, Mr., arrange curriculum of the liierai:y de -
Stacey was appointed salesman, and partment for entrance examination to
secereas., for the year; Messrs. Port- the Canadian Soelety of Musicians.
eous, Currelley and Bain were ehosen H's associates are Dr. Sippi, of London
a committee on sales; Messrs. Lever- and J. C. Morgan, Ai. A., Barrie. Mr
sage, Roxborough and Gill were named Halls is a welt known authority in
a committee to investigate any cow. musical circles, and his selection to
plaints which might be made. his present pesitien is an appreciation
It is our painful duty this week to of hia worth by the Canadian Society
ehronicle the death of Mee.. Jas. John. of Mnsiotans.
aton, of the 16th con, of Groderich During the terrible storm and cold
township, which event tetek place on of Monday night, the dwelling ofJohn
;Ian. 23rd, after an innese 'Of only nine 'Quigley, con. 6. Bidclulph caught fire
days., The deceased was Inher 'tor- and was wholly destroyed. The fame
tietle year. She leaves a heisband and ily, consisting of the parents and nine
'eleven children, six boys and five girls children and Mr. Quigley's aged fathee
to meurn her loss. barely escaped with their lives, saving
The white elephant seder, forinerly little else than a few articles of eleithe-
owned by Mr. Paul McInnes of Kin- ing and two beds. One little thild
eardine, which recentlt &fine into the made its way to the next neighbot'airi
possession of Mr. re, A. McKay, near its night clothes through 'unbroken
Port Elgin, is improving en weight drifts and Mr. Quigley himsell on:relied
and appearance .speedily. 'Recently his infirm father across a lot to
this monster tipped the beam at 2470 shelter.
lbs, an increase of MO lbs in lour Mr. Wm. Ironsides, an •ole eileident
weeks. Mr. McKay 'proposes feeding of London Township, died at the rese
him for some time yet and expects to deuce of IliA son, in Ilderton, ehe other
get him considerably beyond :e000 lbs. day. He was a native df Aberdeen -
Geo. Swarte has disposed of the shire, Scotland, and ic awe to this coure
hence or Wales hotel, Clinton, to try some 45 years ago. He resided in
Richard 13e11, of Seaforth, for the sum Dundee for a tense and-ailso in London,
or$4,300.-John Mason, of /Juliet has and then went to farming on ,the 7th
traded his well known stallion, Bore- con. of Lobo. After a few years he
land Osier, with D. Erwin, of Blyth, removed to the ll'th icon. of London
giving the bore and other considera- Township, where he eraccesefully foll-
tions for Erwin's hotel. Mr, Mason owed agriculturttepursuits for 25 years.
will probehlseeiVe the management of For the last six years he resided with
his Sarni over to his son, and take hie son in Ilderten. Deceased had
• charge of the hotel bueiness,-The reached the advanced age 01 73.• '
Ferraer's Hotel, Clinton, runiby (:). Mr. GeOrg0 Taylor, the well known
Spooner, has been rented by lle. Ken- horse breeder and importer of Kippen
riedy who tale& possession the lat of recently sold to an American buyer,
April. his Canadien draught colt, "Days
l'he Warden 'est Wellingtee ,Connty Marks,'' one year and six meths old,
asked the opinion of the °Minty So. for the stun of $290. This colt was
goiter in regent to the meaning of the sired bye`leennilworth," and out of
Act foe assessing farm inspletnents, Mr. Taylor's bay prize Winning mare.
Oto. He resd the opinion Which is as On the same day he Was offered and
follows: -In Answer 10 the question refused $420 for a filly foal, foaled on
'submitted for my Opinion I beg to say the 28th June last, and frotn the
thee in my opinion farm implements same mare. A year ago Kr, Taylor
'and the carriages and buggies end sold a two,year•olii colt from this mare
ghillie!' artieles helediging to a farmer
are hot exempt undeteithe amendment
to the assessment actin the Revised
' 'Statutes. 1, of eoureri do hot refor to
exemptions under f•lub•Sections 21 and
22 ofSections 7 of the assessment act.
• Concha Cry for Pitcher's Castoria rising threoyeara old,
now 167 acres.
fer $575, thus making foe the three
colts $985, and the Mare is now oar -
eying it fourth colt and is only seven
veers old. kr. Taylor Was also ()floret(
last week, by a gentleman from the
teninship of Hay, $1,660 in rash ter
hiseneperted colt eCannie Seetehmatt'
Dr, Hodge of London narrowly es.
gaped death reeently from blood -pois-
oning. ft appears that a man named
Zennedy heti been subject for a long
time to disease of the hip, 'been an
injury received from playing while a
lad, A eensultation was bad with his
medical advisers, ,Drs, Hodge, Miff -lea
and Eccles, who dsided to try the
experineent, of an operation as a last
resort. Dr, Hodge inserted a finger
into the bone cavity ha which the dis-
ease was seated, and ran it againat a
spicule of the bone, which punctured
the finger, carrying with it a poi tion
of the poisonous part. The result
was that blood poisoning set in, and
the doctor GM for some days very ill,
and his life appeared to be in jeopardy
but at lest accounts, we are pleased to
learn, he was improving, and he is now
out of danger, Kennedy, hovveyer,
never survived Mee operation,
MeIecosa-STEWIRT-At the residence of
the bride's mother. on the 7th inet, by
Rev, J. Anderson, Mr. Robt. McIntosh,
to MiSS Mary 3. Stewart, all of Nairn.
,Tacasoat-Reens.--In Fullerton, on the
Gth, at the house of the bride, by the
Rev. J. W. Taylor, James Jackson to
Maggie Byers, both of Fullerton.
Waal:a-01.mm, -In Mitchell, on the 5th
inat., at the Trafalgar st, parsonegs, by
the Rev, W. CaSSon, Mr, Thomas
Wald, of 71111arton, to &lies Mary Clarke,
of Logan.
WaeT,-Berat.--In Fullerton, on the 13th,
at the residence of the bride's father,
by the Rev, W. Cauca', Mr. Samee Watt,
of Waterloo, to Miss Mary Ann Beer,
daughter of Chas. Boer, Esq.
Sooec-Straan.-Iu London, on the 30 ult„
Mr, James Scott, of London, to Miss
Mary E. Smale, formerly of Exeter.
IRVINE—SALMI:W.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Mitchell, on the 12th
inst., by the Rev. A. F. Tully, Mr. Alex-
ander Irvine, of Fullerton, to MiSS
Alice, fourth daughter of Mr. Sylvester
MODELAND—MCOONNELL.—At the residence
of the bride's 3:mother, in Tuckersmith,
on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Joseph
McCoy, M. A., Mr, Richard 'Harman
Modeland, to Miss Susan, youngest
daughter of the late Wm McConnell,
Esq., all of Tucketsmith.
Tuesday Feb 2 6th -Farm stook, imple-
ments and hoasehold furniture, the pro-
pertp of George Baladen, lot 32, son. 2
tp. of Usborne. Sale at one o'clock.
Jas. Oke, auctioneer.
TUESDAY, Ens. 26. -Farm stock, imple-
ments, eta , the property of Henry Cook,
lot 12, lake road east, Hay. Sale at 12
o'clook, sharp, E. Bessenberry, atm
quarterly conveulion of the Sabbath school
alesoeiation of Stanley, •Tuckersmith
Hay, met here on Wednesday last, and
was largely attended at all sessions. The
forenoon and afternoon sessions wore held
in the Methodist church, and conducted
by the Rev. 0. 11. Bridgetnan, president,
Hensall. The evg. session wae held in
the Union chinch, ancl presided over by
She vice-president, Rev. 3. H. Simpson.
The singing Was of a high order snd con-
ducted by J. B. Jameson, Esq., with
Miss Maggie Fotheringhtme at the organ.
Evening subject was ably introduced and
dieeussEd with grt at earnestness. The
addreeeea of the RSV'S. B Clement of
Exeter, and P. Mnsgrove of McKillop
were very instructive, and closely listened
to by a large andienee
Bniers.-The lecture given on Thurs-
day evg. in the Methodist church by the
Rev. J. Edge of Clinton, entitled "Bring
back what you borrow," was truly a treat,
being racy and instructive, The singing
by the quartette club of Clinton, under
the leadership of Mr. McKay was simply
grand, -Rev. J. Simpson preached in the
First Presbyterian church, Brantford, last
Sabbath. His pulpit was supplied bv
Rev. J. Manly, of Deer Park, in the morn-
ing, and Lawyer Manning of Clinton, in
the eyening.-Mr. Wm Rattenbury has
sold his gray horse to Mr Pepper for a
good sure, -Wo he;ir Mr. Jesse O'Neil
intends leaving for the west next week.
He will be missed, as he was it general
favorite with both the girls and boys.
May sticcess attend hire. -The return
checkermatch between Brucefield and
Granton, was played in the Oddfellow's
ball, here, last Ilifonday evening, which
resulted in favor of Brucefielcl by a scoro
of 14 to 12,
To /ern nniron
Please inform Venr readers that I have a
positive remedy Tor the above named dis
caeca By ite timely use thousands of
hopeless 'eases have been permanently
cured, shall be glad to send two bottles
of my remeda FREE to any of your readers
whet have consumption if they will send
nie their Express and P. 0, address.
Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM,
l'orouto, Ont. 37 Yongo street
From this histiric ground Mr. Frank
Curotte writes nhat he was greatly afflicted
with constipation, together with •n, pain
and swelling of his body'. . tried bur-
dock Blood Bitters, eaad it gave me im-
mediate relief. I can now sleep well, and
heartily tviliout any 151 effects."
For poison ivy emptier and for all burns
sore throat, rhuematism, eta, Mr, C. W.
Wood, of Hall's Bridge, Ont., advises the
use of flagyard's Yellow Oil, which has
been in use in his family for years. He
regards it as a perfectoure.
Erorn a letter by Mrs. 'Sullivan, 124 West
Ave., HaEs'ilton, Onit.•:-" Af ter trying a
number of medicines for liver complaint,
from which I Suffered for years, I bought
two bottles of 'Burdock Blood Bitters and
fonnd it a complete cure. My house is
never with ottt at,"
Tho Empire's Ottawa correspondence of
last Friday contained the following item
"Meters. P. Kcffly, of Blyth, Dr. HOIMOS,
17. 3OIHIS011 arul Joseph Hook, of Goderich
had an in teaview with the Minister of Gus,
toms today to wk for an lectrease in the
duty on fletir. The present duty is fifty
dents n barrel, and the dagation coutend-
ed that it was inoongruone thet there
should rho a differeece in the duty on wheet
and floUr reepectively "
• • ,
Mre, Fleury M. Kitehen, r ,George,
Ont., says: "I lied it bed bold which
settled, to my throat, ottueing ,t1 coetrunal
14116 1 toughed all ti' . time. I
, got' Hagyardla, Pectoral Balisarti end itt
three days was getting better; ' and lin ten
• days I went to chureli. Otte neighbors
letleoW this to he true,
... 100 to1 00
Spring Wheat., • e, ... 90 50 .1 00,
thirley „. „, a. ... 40 be 00
Olovex B >ea .., V4 . ... ... e9 to 0 00
iroot y ,.. ..,,, .,,,,, 20 50 $Oso 03 0056
Ootkotran ,... 0 80 to 80
e. 1)39 to 300
111508 - ... 0 15 tO U )5
... .., 0 07 to 08
„., ... 0 00 to 0 00
. ., : . ... 00 U0400 ,t5t 000 800 8005:
„ 60 to 0 50
95 to ' 38
' • dressed „,
:.:„ ....: :. „: •544O60 0°42:10( ) troi 5880 2700°8:585
EtFihiae ee 4p sr:ill:she' a c"b‘
Calfskin e „. ... 0 50 to 0 70
Wool per lb .„, .., .„, 0 18 50 0 2
y 1 ... ,.. ... 1000 50 13 00
OnionsPerh,uari .,. „, 0 50 to 076
Woodper cord ... .,. 2 5 to a oo
Fall Wheat 06 to 98
Spring Wheat , 90 90
Sar,ey, . . . ........... . • ..... , ...... ..,...., . . . 40 400
Oats 282
Clover Seed,- ............ ......... ....... .„4 60 5 06
Timothy . .. , .,.1 6004 2 Om(
nrogagss , .
10 10
. 15 15
PBottitroes per bag 35 10
Apples per bush. ........ -,.. ........ ,25 80
Wool peril) 00 18
Ray pee t o n.... ..... . ........ ....... ..... „., 10 09 11 00
Bran per ton„. ...... , ...... ..... ...... .. 14 00 14 00
Shathaortesa`i p`e`...0020
r bbl..L,.O.N..D..O... ......... 00 7 0 00
N 0
Wheat, 97o. to sld., per bushel,
Oat, 20i to 30e per bushel, Peas, 57o to 590
Per bushel. Barley, ma1ting,48o to 550 per bus
Barley, feed, 33e to 453c per bushel.
Tot -torero, Feby. 01,-Wirese-fall, No .2, 1.0. 05
to 31.08; spring, No, 2, $1.06 to 81 08; red win-
ter, No 2, 81.05 to $1.08; No 1, Manitoba
hard, $1 29 to S1.31 13,inurr. No, 1 60c to Ole
No, 2.520 to 50c; No. 8,450 to 46c; No 3, extra
49e to 51e, PsAs. No 2, 55c to 57e. OATS, No.
2,33 c to 36e. FLOUR extra, 34,60 to $4,70;
strong bakers. 35.00 to $5.40.
Market quiet and easier, Sales aro.l, hard
at smitoba. 31 29 to $1.31, and No. 2 do. at 51.27
No. 2 barley, outside, at 5ao oats, on track. at
Potatoee,per bushel
Apples,per bag
Drietla.ppleepr b
eteeee per lb,
Turkey per lb
Duclie per pr
Chicken per pr
Roes atressedperi 0
The receipti of cattle to -day were largo at
the local market, there being over uhiry car
loads. There was a moderrte demand both
from shippers and butchers, and most of them
were Sold. Prices are about the same as at
tbe latter end of last week Best steers 4 to 4e
els. per lb., the latterfor few picked lets,
Bulls sold at 3i to 33e, and mil oh cows firm at
from 330 to 855 a head. Butchers cattle in
moderate demand, prices firm; the best sold
at 33 to 1c, ordinary at 3o to 31 and common at
23. Sheep in,fair demand and steady, with
very fair offering; the best sell at 35 to 36,00
per head; inferior to medium at $4.00 to 34.50
and rams 3c to 330 per pound. Lambs in tair
demand and firm, ()hove bringing$4 50 to 85,
and inferior to podium 33 75 to 8425 Calves
dull and steady. Choice beasts, of 125 to 150
lbs., sell at 70 to 90 dressed weight; rough,
calves, $3 to 35. a head, Hogs are steadY•
choice light fat scld at 5e to 530, store hogs at
4tc to 50. and stags at 30 to 34.c.
ADVICE TO MOTELERS.—Are yeti disturbed as
night end broken of your rest by it sick child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once, and get a 'bottle
of"Mrs.winslow's Soothing syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will rolieve the pour little sufferer lin
mediately _,enend upon 11, mothers ; tbere
is no mistake about it. It °tires Dysentery
and Diarrl,cett, regulates tbe Stomach and
Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums.
minces Inflamoistion, and gives tone and
energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and is the prescription
of one of the oldest and best female
physicians . and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by al] druggists
throughout the world, Price twenty -live
cents it bottle. Be sure and ask for Mils.
Wirmr,ow's S"orrazzo. 1-9ttrP ",ind 110
other k
Anold physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands dy an East
Indian missionary the formula of a simple
Vegetable remedy I or the spoody and perma-
nent cure Tof Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung
affections, also a positive and radical cure
for Nervous Debiiityanclail Nervous Com-
plaints, after having tested ite wonderful
curative powers in thousa,ads ofcases, hat;
felt it his duty to make it known to his
suffering follows. Acturttedby tuismotive
and it desire to relieve num an suffering, I
send free of oh ergo, to all who desireit,
this recipe, in German,French or English,
with frill directions fer preparing and using.
Sent mail by addressmg iv ith stamp,
naming this nap er.W.A , Nelms 140 Power's
Bloole Rcattester N
MO THE DEAF. - person cured of
JL Deafness and noises in the head of
23 years' standing by a simple remedy, will
send a dent iption 01 35 ritgg to any person
who applies to NICHOLSON, 177 McDougal
street, New Yotk,
A,t• .7,1-1CATM CHILD
rashinaillo Stylos
Crvercoatings at any price; Slut-
ings at any price; Pantirigts
At any price.
-Best Orderea Clothing Fanned in toter
Gobtumn 1 leave your orders eroly, Thr
with the best stilt/ of Tailor e ; the beet
stock of Eine Trimmings, and the best
Catlett iu Town, you are sure of satiefee.
tiliDERTAZERF 111°13'
z: k and tile of, all 833e'
0413INZT7MAZER, f°r4..041:at the A TZ BRICK YARD, Crealton.
Walnut a Rosewood Caskets
Awe Comes or Eveux Deseareeme,
A Complete Stook of Robes ee Trimmings
Always on hand,
My stock of Furniture is un-
$3 000.00
DRY -90
Boots & Shoe3
--TO BE—
First-olaSs briok $4 Per Thou. -
sand. Tile CorreSPondingly
The creditors have empowered Mr. hfoatz to
lopk after the sale or the briels and tile, and he
will be found in the yard at all times,
Next year the yard will be run by Mr,.
Moatz as usual,
Crediton, Jnugry 15tb, 1:18,
Beauty, and
Durability I.
A.n. Article of Furniture
Carries the largest stock of Furnitnre in
Huron Cannily, and has just added to
his assortment a great many
pieces admirably adapted for
the boudoir, sitting -room
dining -room or kitchen.
An Inspection of Goods will ef.
feet a purchase.
Unclartaking in all its
(Successor to C & S. Gidley)
Abstract ot Receipts and Expenditures
--OF THE —
Municirelity of the VILLAGE of EXETER
For the Year ending Met December, 18SS, prepared by the undersigned. Auditors,
under the direction of the Council of the said Muffleipality, and pursuant to section
263, (S 8 1 and 2) R S 0, 1887.
By paid Co Trees, Co rate , 3 005 43
Trees School Board 2751 00
Streets, bridges, parka, et 1562 99
Town unit imprc,vem't fleet 869 40
Salaries, commissions, ete 526 00
Water sunply and fire protcc'n 202 75
Election expenses 29 00
Taxes refunded 27 24
Co Trees non-resident taxes 10 11
Charities 195 69
Printing, postage, etc 92 78
Registrations 8 90
Lew fees, costs and administra-
tion of justice 12 45
Board of Health 10 00
Lighting, oil, eto 10 30
Miscellaneous 385 65
Street Watering 50 70
Paid notes owing by corpor-
ation 1o0000
Interest on same 36 77
Stanlake consideration' of inort-1
gage from him to corp'n 1000 03
Rail road Deb coupons 600 00
Town hall deb. coupons 325 00
'Balance to date 1808 al-
- —
$10212 28.
To bal on hand from 1887, $ 2703 67
arrears of taxes for 1887 14 70
taxes coll'd for Municipal purposes 6374 86
interest on taxes for 1887. collected 17 21
in 1883
license fund
Poll taxes
Legislative grant
fiues, fees, etc.,
32 00
218 00
rents, 14 00
non-resident taxes pr Co Treas 23 71
miscellaneous 182 65
money borrowed on premis'ry notes 1500 00
int. on deposit of $1000 in Saving's
Bank 1 month. 2 50
312021 25
ASSETS. By balance ca.sh on hand of Treasurer 31008 97
investment on Stanlake 5fortgage 1000 00
uncollected taxes 68 60
traving just finished stock -taking, we will sell for 30 days
only, the following- articles,
01-1EAP FOR OASici
X -Cut Saws, Axes and Handies„
Hardware, Tinware, Etc., Etc
Owing to a change in the firm, we must have all accounts
settled by cash or note.
Has commenced and will continue a FEW WEEKS
LONGER. Great Bargains are being, offered in Silks,
Velvets, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Blankets, Flannels, Quilts
Table Linens, House Furnishing Goods, Mantles,
ey, Underclothing, Etc, Inspection invited.