HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-21, Page 4ta is ed • QW.ZI:r4e BANXER, EXETE4, Transacte ao»ora1 banking 'busbies& Receives the accounts of Merchants And Others an favorable terms Offers every aeocanmodation consistent With Safs and conservative banking prineiples. Rive per eent.interest, allowed on dePosits. Draftsiseued payable at any eine° of the Merehauts Bank - NOTES DISCOUNTED, its MONEY TO LOA.N ON NOTES AND MORTGAGES TOke tutu THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1839. FAVORING FOREIGNERS. One Waite, an architect of Buffalo, appears, by the Ontario accounts of ' 1888, to be a great favorite of the- . Mowat government. This Yankee citizen has drawn frern the public, . treasury of this province the snug sum. of $12,500, as fees for his services at the new provincial parliament , although the ainount expended amounts to only n44,353. If We Multiply this by four times, we have about $50,000 in architect's fees on the work supposing it t� cost less than $100,00Q.. But Mr, ' Waite has authorized the statement to be made that the structure will not be finished.for less than $2,000,000, not 'counting extras. This will give •him not less than $100,000 as architect's fees in re Parliament Buildings. And this. is not ealled in question by the ,Mowat Government. They pay it without complaint. Why are Canedian architects to be put down and sat upon, while foreign architects are thus pro- moted? A KINGSTON paper describes a "hug- ging bee," held for the benefit of a church along the Upper Hudson. The would -be -huggers paid fifteen cents, and then were blindfolded and started to catch some woman and hug her in- definately. It was a sort of blind -man's buff, except that the hugging, and not the catching, was the principal feature. This is intended to "benefit" the church. Tan Montreal Star, in defending the g,erryinander of Mr. Mowat, states that he, at all events, respected the dividing lines between the counties. Possibly, but he did worse. We have in mind certain townships in the County of Huron which Mr. Mowat cut in half simply because the Conservative major- ity of the townships, if permitted to remain entire in any one of the ridings, would have been sufficient to return a Conservative Member, as the very next election proved. That is more con- temptible than taking a township from one county and putting it into an elect- oral divishin with which it may have no municipal interest. And it is a gerry- :;7i in'ander with a vengeance, and a gerry- mander perpetrated solely for the purpose of defeating the will of the people. By that move Mr. • Mowat got thee members, where anything like a decent re -distribution would have given the Conservatives one of the three ridirgs in the county. --- Tan Samoan controversy promises to be adjusted without a resort to violent methods. Prince Bismarck has pro- posed, and Secretary Bayard has con- sented, to a resumption, at Berlin of the conference which was suspended at Washington in 1881, and it is believed that, impressed by the display of popu- lar indignation in the U. S. over the German proceeclins in Samoa, the in- sistment of this Government will be ultimately acquiesced in by Germany and Great Britain. The arbitrary ac- tion of the German consul in proclaim- ing martill law and occupyina Apia with an armed force has already been disavowed by Bismarck, and there also areother indications that he is willing to consider a method for obtaining an orderly government for Samoa in which the treaty Powers will have an equal voice,Ivhile respecting the inde- pendence of the natives. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND'S decision to resume the practice of law after March 4th shows good common sense. He is to become a partner in a well-known firm of New York city, and although he has not practiced for seven years, his experience as Governor and Presi- dent has involved much legal study, in addition to a general sharpening of faculties. Whether or not Mr. Cleve- land is to be simply the consulting counsel, or to appear in court, is a mat- , ter which may be determined by ex- perience ; but he stands ready to un- dertake any work which may properly come within his province. This quiet manly return to hard work as a private citizen is in strong contrast with the propositions to pension ex -Presidents or make them Senators for life. Mr. Cleveland is yet in the prime of life, and his capacity for usefulness is fully developed. For him to resign himself to idleness at his age would be a shame- ful thing. There is no loss of dignity possible in doing honorable work, and oven if the change from a position of deference to one of perfect , equality ,presents some disagreeable features at first, these will presently disappear in • the healthful preoccupation afforded by , hard honest toil. • There are sixtrocue electric street -rail- ways in operatron in the United States and Canada MONTIttAt, has undertaken nim- mense scheme; of harbor intprovament ab a cost of $4,000,000. rt ie expected to secure four miles of wharfage and a still -water basin of six square miles. This Wrenn), together with recent deep- ening of the ehannel from Montreal to the Gulf of St. Lawrence to a uniform • depth of twenty-seven foot, will be in .the nature of a:stimulus to navigation, Sind will undoubtedly eontribute largely toward the development of the Dolma - ion. ' V9" 'PORT ON CAOWN LAMM - BY OR altilnal t'eport jlititt Submitted to the Legislature, it is found thet the area of Crown Lando" sold during the year Wasl 52,962 aeres, aegregeting in value $76‘453'. The collections, on account of thee() and former sales were $771071. The area of these lends sold during the year was 045 acre, aggreg- atinglid value $768.20. The cplleotion on aecount a these and former sales was $11,395. The total colleetion of ate department on aecount of all sour- ces of revenue was $1,450,089. •The total diantrsement of the department on aecount a all serviee anti, expendi- tures was $248,029. The collection from woods and forests was $1,310,139, including $748,805 paid on account of bonuses, leaving the uet collection on account of amber dues, ground rent, etc,, $507,273. The lumber trade has been healthy, a principal feature being the active demand and fair prices ob- tained for timber in the Quebec) market. About 70 bush fires had taken place,. the timber damaged being one hundred and sixty millions of reet, of which not more than 10 or 15 millions will be a total loss. In the matter of free grants, there are now 133 townships open for settlement. During the year 842 lo- cations were made in iop, 002 acres of land; 74 locatees purchased 2,797 acres; 523 patents were issued to locatees. AMERIOA$ papers are agitating for what they persist in calling the Aus- tralian mode of voting. They forget or do not know that the same system is in vogue in Canada. Or perhaps they think there is less of a shock to their self -pride in borrowing an idea from Australia than from Canada. -- Ma. ADAM BROWK, in She HOUSE) on Friday, replying to Mr. Mitchell, said he knew of nine companies in this country representing $3,000,000 and employing .2,500 hands, working full time, and who, on account of the tariff were able to Supply the Dominion 'from Halifax to Vancouver. Their prices were even lower than those of the im- ported material. THE Opposition have moved a resolu- tiondeclaring thatCaae.da should acquire the right to make her own treaties, with out consulting Great Britain. This is a polite way of bringing about a separa- tion from the mother land. Sir Rich- ard Cartwright's aim is to make a treaty with the United States, discrim- inating against British goods. The vote resulted 64 96 against the motion. THE work of civilizing the Dark Continent seems to be one in which all the great European Powers are anxious to take part. Those that have had a foothold in that benighted land for years, such as England and Portugal, are earnestly endeavoring to secure more territory ; while those that have only recently begun the work of conquest, like begun and Italy, appear to be determined to make up, by extraordinary efforts, for having been later in the field than their neighbors. Great Britain has thus far outstripped all her competitors. She has planted the Cross of St. George at the Cape, on the east and west coasts, on the Red -Sea, and in the Nile Delta. France follows quickly with Algeria, Tunis and Senegal. Ger- many, not satisfied with her possessions in the Cameroons and on the Orange River, has appropriated an immense tract of the coast -line on the Zanzibar Main -land, and is on the eve of annex- ing the Sultenate of Seyyid Khalifah. King Leopold of Belgium has been recognized as the protector and sover- eign of the entire basin of the Congo. Spain will, no doubt, soon resume her sway over Morrow°, now in a state of anarchy, and Portugal proposes to carve out for herself a magnificent transcontinental empire stretching front Mozambique to Loa.nda,, while Tunis still remains a dependency of the Sublime Porte. --- NOTICE has been given of a Bill to be introduced in the Legislature with the object of doing away with "plump- ing" at municipal elections and coin- pelling voters to mark their ballots in favor of as many candidates as their are positions to be filled. A contem- porary says the Bill asks for a near approach to compulsory voting by de- claring all "plumper" ballots bad ballots. While inclined to favor com- pulsory voting, this interpretation of - what compulsory voting means differs from that held by us, and is calculated to interfere with the liberty of voters. To compel voters to go to the poll at parliamentary elections and yote for either one candidate er the other, or wilfully spoil the ballot or not mark it, may be in the interest of purity of elections ; but in municipal contests to compel a voter to mark his ballot for more than one candidate, in many in- stances would mean robbing him of his franchise altogether. For instance : three candidates are in a field for Ridgetown ward. Only two can be be elected. 'A, voter thinks one of the candidates preeminently qualified for the position. He should have in a free country and under a free ballot, the right to vote, if he prefers, only for the man of his choice. To compel him to vote for one whom he thinks an un- fit person is to neutralize his true vote and often make him a party to the de- feat of the man he prefers. The pro- posal is so at variance with liberty and common sense that we cannot believe that it will receive much support in the House.--Ridgetown Standard. It is stated that Lord Sackville's suc- cessor at Washington is to be Sit Julian Paunceforte, who has long been eonnected with the British Foreign Office and for several years has held the post of Perma- nent Under-secretary of StittiOt 'Fre has never held 0 dip,oinatic offifi, but has devoted himself to legal matters, being a lawyer by profession. The appointment is said to have created intense irritation in British diplomatic circles as a depart- ure from the rule of sucoesslon in 0,0- pointmcnts according to rank in, the service, e the oartiage hQe eertie, litY omen, in spite OfTh The pr0Q111 StiO1g. and the Ballot To he aditor Of the ROter Tinte84 The qeestion of female suffrage has for seine the engaged ,the attention of cororal of the States of the neighboring union, and the reeent visit of n dePUtation to Frontier Mowat is an [indication that the question is one that must ere long he faced in Ontario, at lettst. That a considerable number of women in our midst tette advantage of the pewer conferred upon them by the ballot is shown by the promptitude with which the widows and spinstete turn out to vote at the municipal election, It is even pre - posed by the advocates of women's suff- rage to go further than the present law, and extend the suffrage to married wotnen, The utility ef this at least is questien- able, in view of the greet probability of a wife disagreeing with • her husband on geestious of 'national import; and thns creating additional subjects of discord which would not otherwise exist. It can not be denied that the introduction of the women voters has been the means, to some extent, of elevating the standard municipal politics At the settle time it is questionable whether it has not lowered the dignity of our sisters and our consults and our ants. In municipal 'natters, however, there is this excuse to be made, that they own property which would be unrepresented, but to have • these poor women dragged through the mud, mire and dirt, slinging of the average Parlia mentary contest, from which even the sensitive man shrinks in horror, is, we fear, asking too much. As to the "mar- ried women phase of the question, there does not appear to be anything whatever that can be said in its favor. The very fact of conferring the franchise upon the married women presupposes the possibility of is fruitful some of contention in the household unless the wife will consent to vote at the dictation of her husband, or vice versa'as is more probable, a con- dition of things which in itself shows the utter absurdity of establishing a duplex system of fran4hise. It might not infre- quently happed that the husband would reaklessly assert hit manhood, and refuse to vote for an Mr -acceptable candidate at the dictation of the broom stick brigade. And who of,mY „readers with a wife can contemplate the 'dire results of such a possibility? There is but one redeeming feature of this proposal.In the case of a boodle election, such as we often times witness under the auspices of the Reform association the clutil franchise will enable a man with one or more wives to at least double his revenue either from one or all candidates, admitting, for the sake of ar- gument only, that a Conservative 'candi- date would be guilty of such a base thing as bribery, P, S.—These are but arguments, not my fixed and unalterable views on this burn- ing question. They are advanced for the consideration of your readers, and are subject to modification from time to time to suit the piogressive tendencies of the age, or the exigencies of occasion.—Elect- Or, MOTHERS who have delicate children can see them daily imptove and gain in flesh and strength by giving them 'that perfebt food and medicine, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. Dr. W. 4. Hulbert,'of Salisbury, tile., says: "I have used Seott's Fniulsion in eases of Scrofula and Debility. Results most grat- ifying. My little patients take it with pleasure." Sold by all druggists, 50o. ` and $1.00, Exhibiti'n Free —OF THE- -PRODUCTS- -OF_ MANFTOBA The NOR? H -WEST TERRITORIES and BRITISH COLUMBIA 'MMEM anatlian Padig RAILWAY" E.-XHIBITION CAR 1Vi11 be at the undermentioned stations as follows :— PLACE DA.TE ARRIVE DATE 'LEAVE EXETER -..Feb, 25,9.00 a. in. Feb.p25. 6.00 P.m . CLINTON_ 26. 8.00 a. m. 26,7 00 pan GODERICH " 27, 8.00 a. In. 27, 4.00 p.m SEAFORTH:: 27. 5.30 a m " 27,0.00 p.m 28, . 8 00 ain. " 28, 2.30 p.m , MITCHELL " 28, 3.00 p. m " 28, 6 00 p.m All Are Cordially Invited. Don't fail to see the Products of 1888 FOR SALE. Any quantity of cedar posts and rails, swamped out on to a good road. Posts, 5410 per( 100; rails, 825 per 1000. Apply at his residence, Exeter. JAS. Rowell». LACK ASH RAILS FOR SALE. First-class, and split, Also cedar posts.—Cheap. SAM'L MARTIN, Exeter P. 0. Lot 15, eon. 6,Usborne ,• Febv. 8th 1889. -r,OST. A Pocket book contaaning cash,. notes and . Insurance Policies T4Soder will be suit. ably rewarded 'by returningsa,me to the ily undersigned at the Metho AV Parsonage, II ensall, Ontario. The publi (are also hereby warned against puchnsing or negotiating for lost notes as payment is stonPcd_. REV. E. A. FEAR, Hensel] • CAPE BRETON CANAL. ' Tenders for a Bridge at the Grand Narrows, 0.3. _...... SEALED T ENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and marked on the outside, 'Tender for Bridge," will be received until noon on Wednesdny, the 6113. of' Maroh,1839. Plans and specifications can be Seen at the office of the Chier Engineer of Government RailwaystOttawa. where forms of tender IntlY be obtained on and after Wednesday, 201h February in s tan t. . Each tender must be accompanied by a de- posit equal to 5 per eentuth of the amount of the tender. The deposit may consist of cash or of an accepted bank cheqUe made PaYable to the Minister bf Railways and Canals, and it will be forfeited if the person tenfiring no- gtects or refuses to enter into a con tract,when called upon to de so, or if after entering into a eontraot he fails to complete the work Satis- factorily according to the nlan, specification and contract, If the tender is not aecepted the &meg; t will be returned. 1 Tenders must to made' on the printed forms sormliect The Department Will tot be beund to accept lowest or any tender, A. I'. BRADLEY . .seerotary. 6 DePattOlOnt of Rai lwaYs and flatlets, • Otte,wee 7th February, 18,80, , When MAW wee eietr, we gaire het Casteria, wuet, she pets e eite cried f�' Csatmia, When she beeetne gkeeir 8110 41411".# $O Ca4oFia,,, WAten oho 1)a4 411,,, 0+0,44'0 them Caeteria, • • A USEFUL ARTICLE. "I Can certify to the greet usefulness of Flagyard's Yellow Oil. VVe use it for bents, Icruises, (lute, soPetP, rhuentatism, sore throat, croup, etc., and recommend it to all as an excellent remedy." T. W, ,Appleby, Cott. , niedieine dealers sell Yellow Oil. JOHN' 1V40CURDY, Iiirkton, Ie. P seer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Canada 'Life Assurance and other Loan Com- panies, Agent for Huron and Middlesex Vire InsuraneeComPany• Commissioner for Perth To:Let. STATION HOTEL T0 I,ET, Easy 'Terms. Apply to the undersigned. - June 14.— I. CABLING. 16 grand LOYS Stories, a package cll""s of goods worth two dollars to man- uffict ure, and a large 100p picture book, that will surely put you on the road to a handsome fortune, Write quieltlyand send Se silver to help Pay postage. A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N 8 FIA.RM FOR SALE. Ninety acres—Lot 6, con. 2, in Stephen township, Huron co., over 70 irons cleared, of which 50 acres are in grass and in first-class condition, 11 Of mile from Centralia, Good brick house and out. buildiugs, Must be sold. For further particulars apply to MATTIIbW MORLOCIC, 3 mos. Crediton P, 0, SZALESMEN Wanted.—Good L3 salaries or commission paici to the right men to sell our choice and hardy varieties of me nursery stook. Now is the tiof the year to engage. None but henest and uprig,ht men need. apply, do not delay if you deeide to join us. as delays are dangerous. Apply with re- ferences, MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen;• ' • Rochester, IT- Y. To Advertisers, A list of 1000 newspapers divided into States and Seetions will be sent on application— FREE. To those,Who want their advertising to pay, WO can offer no better medium for thorough and effeetivework than the various sections of our Select Lout List. GEO. P. RO1VELL CO.„ Newspaper Advertising Bureau 10 Spruce street New York. MIPPEN NEW IMPROVEMENTS. D. B. McLean in thanking his customers for their liberal riatronage, wishes to inform them and the public in geneml that he has re- fitted the Grist Mill and put in new improve- ments, and having secured the services of a thoroughly competent miller, is now better prepared than ever before to turn mita good quvlitY of Flour. Flour and Feed, Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept constantly on 'hand. Chop- ping only 50 per bag. Don't forget the old stand. I will also be prepared to attend to all Custom Sawing. D. B. MoLhAN. Kippen,‘ The Forest City Busin OH College re -opened January 3rd with the largest attendance in its history. This institution excels all of the rest in attendance, thoroughness and equip- ment. Young men and women desiring a first-class training should enter a college which attracts patronage by the superiority of its coarse, no by low fees or the payment of railway fare- Catalogue free. Eyes Tested - PREF, —By-- A. S. MiTREtA-Y, Practical Optician, Graduate Opt ic School N.Y. Eyes tested °; *defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass s. Large ^ assortment of the finest glits.ses on hand. A call solicited. _A_ S. 1WETRIi,..a.."2", 9,19 RICS110.7_,Tn.,:zsz, London. Dissolution o) Partners In the matter of Ge.orge Sam well and Richard Pickard, doing blisiness as gen- eral merchants, in the village of Exeter, • in the county of Huron, under the name • style and firm of "Samwell & Pickard." Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between us, ihe undersign- ed, as general merchants. in the said village of Exeter, has been this day dissolved by muslin,' consent. an debts owiog to the said partin, r - ship are to be paid to B, W. Grigg, at Exeter, nforesaid, and all claims against the said part- nership are to be preSented to the said B. ,W Grigg, by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Exeter, the 25th clay of Jan uary A.D.. 1889. Signed S GEORGE SA.11,11VELL. / RICHARD PICKARD. Witness Signed It, II, COLLINS • Noticeto Creditors In the matter of the estate of THOMAS WILSON, of the village of Exeter in the county of Huron, Gentleman, de- ceased. Pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, notice is hereby given that all reditors, and other persons having claims or demands against the said Thomas Wilson, de- ceased, are to send their Christian names, Sur- names, addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. to R. R • Mxeter P. O., On t Solicitor for Arai - bard Bishop, the Executor of the last will and testament of the said Thomas Wilson, deceas- ed on or before the let day of April, 1889; after which date the said Exectifer will distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties .entitled thereto, having regard only. to those elaims of which notice shalt then have been given, and the said Executor will not be responsible for the said assets or any part there 0100 any person :of whose claim notice shall not have boon received, at the time of the dis- tribution. It. II. COLLINS, 'actor, Ont., !Solicitor fox Executor. Dated Exeter,6th day of February, 1889. Notice to Creditors Pursuant to ch ap ter 110, section 36. 11, S 0 isse,notice is hereby given that alb, creditors and other 1)0).M -ins having claims against the estate of WILT,IAM AILDERS, late of the Village of Crediton, tn the (Joan tY of IIuren, gentleman, deceased, who died on or about 21s1 of September A f) 1888, at the said age of Creditor, are required to send 1.)3r 'post Drenaid to RieSsi one Macdonald tit Dignan, of the oily of London, in the County of svliddlo- Sex,solleitors for Sarni dei S the executor of She said deceased en or before the twentieth day of Mareh, A D 1889, statements of their names, addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their respeetive claims and de- mands duly verified, and of the securities, it any, Id by them. After the said twentieth ditY of March, A, 1).1899. the executor of the said estate. will Proceed to distribute the as= Sete of the said 1,VIlliain Gliders among the ntrties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims 51 which notice shall have boon given as skive resnired. And tile said exe- eater will 000 be liable for the Said aStkets or any part thereof to any Person Or persons of whbse clainas notice shall not have, been re- eived by thorn at the time of suoh distriba- doe , MAODOW bIGVAN Dated this seconartifIsfigir-itit141°1341t689` . Vote Tal$T1i14.1VS„ "ti • Illtiore 1/0 The cheapest Print; end Cottons, The best and cheapest 1)ress-goods, The best and cheapest Flannels, The beet and cheapest Corsets aud • (Hosiery The best and cheapest Boots '& Shoes, The best and cheapestTeas for the money IirroutranttheBestGoods —AT TI5E— • L LE PRICES • a P4RKIN80Y8 STOOK Ladies' andGentlemens' Underclothing at exceptional value. We are determined to sell our goods at RIGHT PRICES. • Everything marked in plain figures, NO OLD or TRASflY GOODS. Everythiug new and of First Quality. Our goods sell and we want you to know it. We want you to exame our stock and compare prices with quality, No trouble t°BstitlyTigandgoosellingds.for cash, as we do, defy competition. Ulster cloths and Jersey Jackets very cheap, Farm Produce taken at market prices Remember the place : First door north of •the Town Hall, Exeter, J. PARKINSON. loisio To rarrars —CALL AT THE— MOT/treal General Stait I an wanting any amount of turkey and geese tail and wing quills. —FOR SALE :--- Ladies' and Children's Boots .55 Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Rubbers, Ladies' kinbbers and Hosiery corn - nine& Ready-made olothing, Flannels, Underwear Top Shirts and Cardigans. Organs and Pianos, Saing Machines Dwelling house for sale or to rent, oppos- ite town hall. Give me a call Before purchasing else- where. T. DEARING; Elizabeth street, south of James-st Meth church. 'rflo Prevent rroonng 441c1 MIN+ ()king Tobcc0 1IN4P,TilAN See IN BRONZE. On each PLUG and PACKAGE. Ti N Xust Received at the • 'FAMILY GROOERY'; A. Fresh Stock of iP OYSTERS, HADDIES,7,SISQ0E, BOLOGNA, HAMS, BACON, • SPICED ROLL and LARD.. —Also a g,00d Stook of— TEAS, SUGARS, COPPERS, SPIOS,S, and all kinds of canned goods on hand. Flour (roller) for sale. Fresh bread and buns. G. A. flYNDMAN. —EXETER— pliFf..0 TOR For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes from small album size to 11x11 from life, try MINTIO1=2, He has also an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes : 8x10, 11x14 and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES It wi 1 be to the advantage of those. having pictures to frame te examine his stock of Picture Moulding. Get prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. SENIOR LTallery Opposite Post -Office, Stove and. Eardvtrare Depot And examine the Large Assortment of Cook, Parlor, Hall and Coal Stoves. As large and fine an assortment as is to be found in Huron Co,, and at prices slightlirJE above cost. , Tinware of All Kinds, Lamps and Lamp Goods, always oqhancl. Coal oil and Machine _tit at low prices. Sole agent for this locality for Lawrence's celebrated Speetactes. All grades ; all sights. It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day. Call and got a Surprise. Produce taken as Cash. 6701 -IN C. YOUNC 9 CREDITON. • OUR NEW —FALL AND— Holiday Goods Coming Ls. The following are a few of the lines in : Toy Books, Christmas Books, People's Edition Standard Fiction, Poets, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, • Stamp Albums, Playing Oards, • Checkers, Dominoes, Anthems, Combination Games, Chess, Wallets, Pocket Book, and the finest assortrneut of all the Very Latest S41es of Ledies' Purses ever Shown in Hiteter, BIBLES AND- -PRAYER BOOKS IN ENDLESS *VARIETY, And a Full //let of Miscellaneous Books, Writing Paper, Envelopes, • Ink, • Pons, • Pencils, ' Mucilage, Eubber Bundg, Metno. Books, &c., &a, • —And all kinda Stationer's •tinaries THE DOMINION LABOR&TORY, . W. I3R9WNIN ,G$'14?,rop. WILL CURE OR RE4..1g.Vg BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTEIIING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART; ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEAD eArrCeHrEy .• species of es jOs Fe a LHEanS.Ksil, neN And from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWEL.' BLOOD. MILBURN & Ca -.)r{ate4,t98,rog,i,mo, DR. Washington, Throat 8z Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will he at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, A.T. Feb. lath, All Day. Catarrh,Bronchitis, Astha, Consumption, etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures; Mrs.John McKay,. Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., catarrh, Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., Broncho ,Con tutu pti on. Mr. 33. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and throat: Read W. II, Storey's Original Testimonial, Catarrh. Throat Cured. Listen to W H Storey, Esq „ of the firm of W II Storey Br Son, Acton, Glove Manufactur- ers, also President Manufacturers' Association of Canada. DR, WAsifixoro0,215 Yonge-st,..Toronto, Dena Sin. -1 assure you I feelyrateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, and though I dislike having my name gmear in connection with the testhnonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affected as well arf having a desire to recognize th e resul ts e your trentm en t I make O departure in this 1st. Prior to my acquaint- anoo with yeu, ati suffered for two years from repeated," lacks of catarrhal sore throat each succeedir t,ttack being more prolonged and violet) t 4in n the former. A tthese times I had violent r ts (.1* coughing, and would cliff-, charge large litmutifies bf 111110011S. Feeling alarmed, I sought tbsbost medical skill avail- able, ineluding a much -noted Specialist, and took alitost everythieg known to medicine with ou t exporinne i n g a particle of relief. Last spring I wentte Eurooe, 'the change did me good, but on fey return the old troaKeps s re. nowed. Seeing you stivertised to visit this place, I though t I would consult you. although I confesSwith not much horse of re, ving any benefit, If ownvor, 1 w as fa verah? timressed with your candor. and reSolved ;titre Your treatment a trial, The reoult. happy to infortn yen, uSa corntlete e" t • nt.1 "line 00 marked in its chn rector; t ise hOth 003' seif and my friends, .1! rem ..st'veer wed', Ito Seemed adapted to tuly005osond gave re- ef. In two mos. i WAY s'a 5 italS, weil.tnirl have °continued through the most unfavorable season of year, Feu are'at liberty tc make at utle you please of Ibis I et ter, Wed j shall be el eeeed to anewerany enevieieer 010 4e.e OIY daNO, Yours Very "may D.STcRE A.ctori Jan, 19th1188'7, 1 . siirdONSHLTATION 44