HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-21, Page 1TO TlieC TEI-- Goldsmith .1. Hall! C.D13. WATCHES,— CLOCKS,— JIMELRY, SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES, UNEQUALLED VALU1. tilirTersonal attention given to repairing of watches, °looks Mid jewelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opposite the Market, PARKHILL. -1.191612091,3.4.1011121=51.0.......=0,141 LEGAL. 1 I. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli. • citor of Supreme Court,NotaryPublio Conveyancer Comm tosioner ,Sco. Money to Loan. °face in FallaOR'S mock, Exeter, R. H. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., METER, - ON T. :AND HURON & MIDDLESEX. GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY DIA.Y." VOL. XVI. NO 28. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 21st,. 1889. ATIMI11.1=113.0, ACII.=.BIMX12VSSCOIEIII.=n1911MXERIZZAEI.CVILINMWZIMMSMSM.....IISISIEIKIO=r $.11.92249..C.001141120(201111.11.11131•11e, JOHN WRITE &SONS publisher sandPropilAtors CLEARING ALL THIS MONTH. OfficeSamwellisBlock Ball's old office.) BA ARMOUR W. FORD, • Solicitor in Mae Supreme Court of Ontario, Vonveyanoer,Oommissioneri Am., 40. Special attention given to the collection of claims in *the United States'. Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. Odice : Opera, ,House Block, St, Marys, Ont. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, 'Notaries Public, Conveyancers dzo, &o. ia-money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. DENTAL. 11.1 L. BILLINGS, -I.JL • xnnisd"rxsw, OFFICE: ovel OVrElL'S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S SamwelPs Block, Illain-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Fllings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes to Bunion on last Thursday in each month.. je. •••••••illO.M.mkg MEDICAL LUTZ , D. • Ofaces,thisresidence Exeter JW. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 • r. s ,isr actuate VictoriaUniversity.0111ce -mattes idence,Dorc. inionLaborator v. Ex e ter T)RYNDMAN, coroner for the -Le" County of HUT011. Office, opposite Mr. s Carling's store, Exeter, "FIE • J..A: ROLLIN b , M. 0. P. S 0. office, Main SsAiseter,Ont.Residen ce houserecently occupied by P. MoPhillips, Esq. , AUCTIONEERS. AY EILBER, Licensed Atio- tiOneer foay,Stephen, and MISCH- ay;Townsh ip s Set es on ducted at moderate raves. 0tnee—AtPost-oillee,eiredit0n,Ont • JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for thl Townships of Stephen, Hay p.nd Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. MINIM VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, Graduates of the oratorio Veterinary College. Orr= : one boor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. 1V1ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6f -LYJL per cent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.E DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSURANCE . • T HE WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. • Established in 1803. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. Thim eoixtr.env has been over Eighteen yeitre in successful operation in western On- tario,andmlatinues to illBUF0 againstloss or damage by Loire , Bui1cUnge,Mercaudiso ,Man ufaotorioijand all othe r soriptiou sof 'insur- able property. Intending ininirers have the option of insuripg on the Premium Note or • cash Syetem . During the past ten years this company hae issued 57,006 Policies, covering property • ta the mot: nt o 3-40,872,088 ; and paid int oss )es alonee709,7`4,00 dissetS, 81.71,100.00, consisting of Cash tit i5ank, Government Depoeit ,an d tho un ass. ant:fa Premium Notes on handand in force, J, W, Wm./PBX M D. Presidei`t, 0. o,TArxoi, Secretary. Huortms,Inspeetor. CHAS. ivELL Agenttor P,xeter and vicfnitv. • Dress -Making. Mrs, Dickey, of erten toil, beg 8 infOrM the Public that she has moved her business, and will now be found no door wog ef Mitehell's Store, Dressonaking d�no lb tiro very latest styles. Cutting and Fittibg bsy the new tailor system. MRS. DICKEY, Creditor' CENTRAL ' Barber Shop rANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop Shaving and Rair cutang in the I atest styles Of the att. tveryattention Paid to cutting Ladies and Children's Hair — RED HOT GAINS ! For Every Buyer, Note a few of ourprices Tea, So 11,. up. Four 100 plugs of tobacco 26c„ Heavy shirting, 8e per yard Cotton, 30 per yard, up Men's suits, • 84.50, up coats, $1,50, up Fur caps, 25o, up Big Drives in all Depart- • raents. DOUPE & CO., Kirkton. Boots & Shoes CHEAPER THAN EVER. •Clearing Sale still cOnturued at A. Weseloh's The Cheapest spot in Town Oppo.site Reynold's - Hotel, Hensall. fbr Pelt Boots and Overshoes of all kinds. I am now offering the balance of my Winter Stock at cost price for cash. Men's felt boots for $ 1 50 Men's felts and rubbers 1 25 Men's felt overshoes 120 Men's felt gaiters 1 50 Men's felt socks 40 Women's skating bale ' 1 35 Women's overshoes felt butt. 1 15 Women's carnival overshoes 1 66 Gfrl's overshoes 1 00 Children's felt lined shoes, 6 to 10, 75 Girl's Cardigan overshoes 1 15 Children's Cardigan overshoes 1 00 Hosting yet quite a large stock on hand, now is Ithe time to get cheap Boots and Shoes. I have also on hand a large as- sortment of all kind of leather shoes, French and Dongola kids—men's, womens and children's of all description. Ordered work ot all kind promptly at- tended to. • Sewed work a specialty. All work guaranteed. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. A. WE SELOH, Jan'y lot THE CHEAP STORE Roai, Evoryllotly. Hensall Roller Mills. The above mills having been sold, I am now selling off a large stook of Flour, Bran, Shorts and Feed of all kind --AT-- LESS THAN COST PRICES. EVERYTHINTNITTST BE SOLD Gristing 8c Chopping will be Attended to as prompt- ly and courteo-usly as ever --AND--- GUARANTEE SATISFACVN TO ALL. A. E BANYARD, 11-22-6-m. ugNSALL, _sitoNEmAN,s— Jewelry Store HENSALL ONT. You are invited to ooine and aee Our Elegant Holiday StoOk —CONSIST/NG OF— Watches, Clocks, jeWelry, Silver, ware, Noveltiee, Fancy Goods, eso.. for Old Pang, ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. aepa,iri g Depax t We make a epedialty of watch and jeWbl- ry repairing. Jewelry mended and re - polished so SS to look like' new. ee..,Cl'evork gtutrante d. Our« « 'be; tlifillitskr"3pt and' Rome II a ai.„ vronaiieit &vv. S stotto• Dashwood. Broxes—Tne sleighing is good here at present and in coneequence large quanti- ties of saw -loge are being delivered at the Dashwood saw mine. Both mills have already a fair eupply and there are still many loge in the woods of the 16th and 17th concessions. There is also a oonsici, arable trade in the wood.—We ate pleased to see that Mr. Pope, our esteemed tailor, has recovered and ie able to resume his business.—Mr, M. Fenn has • received from Dakota, several orders for brass mounted harness. This speaks well for Canadian harnese makers, and for Mr. Fenn in particular. Re bas engaged Mr, Henry Dichert to help him through his present rush, of work.—In front of one of our stores may be seen a blackboard in- scribed "Oystere. There is a pleasant ring about the worcl that inspires one these ocld winter evenings. Cor bett. • Busers.—Our town has been kept very busy with drawling lumber and cordwood-. There are 4 or 5 bees every day.—We all notice that our Jimmy goes north very often. We should advise him to be very careful for Billy is sweet there tom—We hear that the Salvation Arnay has rented the little Methodist • Church for a short time. Good for them.—The revival meet- ings at Greenway concludes with this week. —The question was aeked in our town last Friday by the Rev. Mr. Carriere if Alex Laurie would take Miss 1V1aIntooh to be his partner for the residue of his days, and I guess he answeied 'yes,' for they took a trip to Forest looking very happy with the beat wishes of the whole COM- manity with them. 'Next.' --A very en-. joyable time was spent by some of the young folks of this section at the residence of Mr. A. O'Neil. J. P. has his house now completed, and we wonder how long he will live alone. Jim, take our advice and have the same question put that poor .Alex. had to answer. At the third quarterly meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Eliniville Method- ist church, the pastor, Rev. Win. Pathall. was heartily and unanmously invited to re- main for the third year. The invitation was accepted, subject to the action of the stationing committee of the conference. Barkes.—On Friday evening last Mrs. Josh johns was visited by seven. girls, members of her Sunday school class, who presented her with a beautiful large lamp. —The Bible Society meeting held in the church here on Thursday evening last, was well attended, and a very interesting lecture on Babylon andIsrael wah deliver- ed by the permanent agent of the sooiety, Mr. J. G. Manley. All the officers anu members of the coransittetwere re.appoint, ed, --No. 6 school house narrowly escaped destruction by fire a few days ego. The register was too near the joke and caught on fire one ' morning before school time. Mr.' George Powell was called, and by applying a large quantity of water the fire was extinguished.—Rev. W. Penhall's little girls had a sem() attack of bron- chitis. .Bayfield. Branrs.—The skating rink is being well patronized by the young people who greatly enjoy the exercise; the older ones too are taking quite an interest. Next Friday night another grand ca.rnival will be held ; there will also be some exciting races. The races last Wednesday evg. drew out quite a large number of specta- tors, First race between R. Erwin and C. Dresser, won by it E. Second race, John and Wesley Erwin, won by John. Final, all fonr won by John Erwin.—The much talked of tea meeting by the Methodists of Bayfield was held in the town hall on Thursday evg. last. It was largely at- tended and proved a financial success. The program of music and singing by the Clinton choir didn't amount to much. Good addresses were delivered by Rey. G. Rioliardson, Goderioh, Jas. Livingstone, Clinton, and. D. Forest and R. jetnieson, Hayfield.- Mrs. H. Beacom of Midland City, Mioh., is visiting her mother, Mrs, George Erwin.—Miss Tillie Birks of God. erich tp., is visiting MiSR Lizzie Heston, Sauble Line.—The Methodists intend com'Mencing on Thursday evg, a series of speoial Meetings. Thi e church should be •enlarged, as it is often very much crowded. Rev. Mr. Hart of Varna, conducted the • service on Sunday evg. last before a large and attentive andietice.—Mr. Pat Orley and family, who have been well-known residents of Bayfield for eeveral years past, recently removed to a farm in Bo. Banquet tp. We wieh Mr, C. every suc- cess in his new home. Brune—The annual meeting of the Blake butter and cheese Mfg, trio, was held Satur- day, Feb. inh at one o'clock in *14 factory, When the following officers were elected: President, D. R. Steckle; vice.pres,, H. Eicher. seeretary, A. Styles; trees; Leslie;'directors, .A Niue Murray, As Kipper and P. Johnston; auditors. Allan Douglas, Roderick Ross; salesmen, D, "le Stgolde and Jno, Leslie. After the electicih'is 01 officer% about 8300 worth of stook was dis- posed of, to shareholders anis patrons. It is expected that With a favorable season thie factory will de a large business this- season.—It is said that Mr. Dlitbar.intendg erecting a now store thie confing kinmer. Mr. Dunbar should be encon cehrells l , new enterprise, as oppoeiti • neetled.i-Mr John Rollini d his merehandise, here, at whole. —A huge eompany of people warn ea at the hone of Wm. Booker, Goehe Jose Stanley, on 'Amulet evening laat, tripped the light fantastic to their h contoet, *lttfing in the wee sant% sure with the impression that their lis, IA heetess only nowlow to entertain paity.--Onp mild winter hag obis 4 etcrueeknd has boon very so it stormy la ely, ll ine Snow ni the lculalban aa boon knower,' ' , Adare. Brinirs.—It nays to raise good norses. Mr. Geo. Miller of the 2nd con. lately sold a span of geldings for the sum of $390. They were purchased by Hon. John Car- ling to plaoe on the experinaental farm at Ottawa --Mrs John Neil, of this place, is at present very ill, She is a very aged wonian, reaching nearly a hundred years. Her daughter, Airs. Handl, is at present visiting her, She was formerly a resident of McGillivray but now lives in Muskoka. • BRTERTAINMENT,—A literary and music- al treat was Riven to the people of this vicinity on the evening of Feb. 8th, in the school house. The pupils of the school together with the young people and some outside talent, took part in the programme and with very few exceptions every part was rendered in good style, thus maintain- ing to a great extent the high reputation this section holds for amusement of this kind. The Chair was ably filled by Mr. Gilfillan of Mooresville. The proceeds which amounted to • nearly 025, are to be devoted to purchasing prizes for the children. Claude bove. ENTERTAINMENT:A grand dramatic and musical entertainment was given in the Forester's hall, Olandeboye, on Friday evening, February 15th, under the auspices of the St. James' Guild, the hall being packed to the doors. The play entitled "Money," • with a moral, was specially written for the occasion by Dr. Williams, and was received with unbounded applause, Mr. Elison Hodgins rendering the character of the "Old Miser,"and especially the death scene with great success. Mi. Elsie Hochesou in the dual character of "Charles Clinton" and "Ohippe" the peddler, was marvelously life -like. Mr. Thomas Young acted his part of "Clinkers," the servant boy, with great credit. Misses Hodgins and Hodgson sustained their parts remark- ably well. Dr. Williems as "Curley, the Villain' " it is unnecessary to say, rendered hie part in an able manner. • The pro- giamine, consisted of instrumental (violin and piano), reoitations and songs, was re- ceived with great applause, being rendered by Mrs. Hooper the Misses J. Downie and. Fox, Prof. Both, of Port Huron; Mr. W. Crawford, of London, and Metiers. Bawd'en and Anderson. Repeated enoores pro- longed the entertainment till a late hour. st-sces-ss Biddulph. Bninps.—The residence of Mr. John Quigley of the Gbh conceseion, Biddulph, better known as the Roman line, was consumed by fire on Wednesday last, leaving he and his family of ten children without home or clothing as all was burned up. • Mr. Wm. Haskett and T. C. Hodgins drove out on Friday laet with a subsorip tion list, and. collected sufficient to build another house. --The musical and literary entertaromeiat held at Atkineon's school house, No. 2, Bicidulph, on Friday night last was a success in every respect. The proceeds amounted to over 20 dollars. The quartette from Lunn deserve the thanks of the section for their assistance, The teacher from Eden rendered "Is that Mr. Riley" in good. style. The instrument- al by Kiss Nellie Latimer, was highly appreciated. All were good, but a duett by Clara and Heber McFauls deserve special mention. An seomed to enjoy the evening immensely. The pupilspresent- ed their teacher, Miss Maud Dempsey, with a sett of glassware and an address, which will be published next week. .4e Hensall. BRIEFS—INTL E. L Roberts, of London, general agent of the Economical Insuranoe Co., of Berlin. was here last week, sett- ling the claim for the loss by burning of the brick school in S. S. No. 10, Hay. We understand that the section received $1,130 in hill of their claim, The com- pany deserves full credit for their prompt- ness in the settlement.—The regular meeting of the Young People's Literary Society, was held in the Carmel Presby- teriau clinch here, last evening, and was largely attended. The organization of the Society has proved yery successful, greet interest being taken in it, and 11 10 well deserving of success the meetings affording a pletteant and profitable way of spending the evenings.—The concert by the Exeter Braga Band, announced for Monday evg. in McIntyre's hall, did not come off, the Bin of the audience not warran:ing the performance, This was much to be re- gretted as we believe some from Exeter who were unable to be present when the musical charade "High Life" was present ectthere, drove all the way here through eierni and bad roads to see it, We trust the band will try again and no doubt will ,be more successful as they were unfortu. ,nate in the night they had chosen. The few belecgons given to the few who did attend were euffieent to give the impres- sion that the performance would have been of a high order.—The miesionary meeting in &inflection with the church. of England was held M St. Paula" church here on Thursday evg. of last week; and was ad. dressed by Rural Dean Craig of Clinton', Mr, Bind of Exeter, and Messrs. Mitehell and klughea, of -.}temiall. There was a very good deflection tiiken up at the close of the meeting, --T1.1 lecture given in the Methodist church here on Friday evening „Ittst,by the Rev J. S. Henderson, subject, "Thellible' in Clijalizatien" was, listened to with very, great interest by theees present, .the Revs., gentleman being a very fluent feroible, speaker, and able to hold the etten- tioa of the andighoe.Rev. Mr. 'Magnum, ")of St. Fouls church hero, Mid Mr. .RECeey, of Goctricti township, exchanged *iyiljiiits. lad ,gabbath,—The carnival here, .annottneed, for Tuesday evening lest, was lidetponed on account Of the weether; will be hold this Thursday evg. se -The deliverance of Olin, Wood,, et°. hat el d e •t by tlw attneStsim- *Ails sore MO ain buyers', notwith- eteriny wenther keep dlestInsshbree '1,001tont, for the femme prodn eIteiter tfiatnb bo t*eSh players fro ilIa 'o ok4lace Tuet tvon •=1,13111111 • Iiiddulpla Council. Council met pursuant to adjournment in the Temperance Hall, Granton, on Feb. llth int,; the Reeve and the members present The following acoaunts were ordered to be paid:—J, E. Hodgins, error in dog tax, $I; D. McIlhargy, do., 01: T. Edey, tin box for Asitessment Boll, 8125; Collect. or, idenanity for oost in seizure for taxes, 810; express charges on Assessment rolls, and telegraphing, 400. It was ordered that tenders be invited fur the erection of abridge over the River Sauble, lot 5, concession 4. The Clerk was instructed to procure a letter pros and book for the use of his office, and a stamp for use of Auditors. 1VIoyed by Mr. F. Davis, seconded by W. McGee that the Reeve and Clerk sign and forward a petition to the Local Legislature, prayiug that no action be taken in initiat- ing or passing the measure asked for by the County Council of Middlesex, namely: To make counties liable for the building and maintaining of all bridges in local municipalities of a span of 100 feet and over. Carried. The Domicil adjourned to meet in the court room Clandeboye, on the first Mon- day in March, at 10 a. m. W. D. STANLEY. Clerk• . Hay. SUDDEN DELTH.—Mrs. Wm. Wilson, of the Zurich road, an aged and respected resident, who with her husband, was a pioneer settler, died very suddenly on Friday morning last. Thursday evening she retired in her usual healtb, but about 2 o'clock in the morning she felt unwell, and. aroused the household. A Are was made, and in a few minutes Mrs. Wilson expired. while sitting in her chair. She was aged 80 years, and it is supposed that the cause of death was apoplexy or heart disease Deceased was much respected being ot a kindly and sociable disposition, loving everybody as she • did her own family. She leaves a husband. and several grown-up children to mourn the loss of a loving wife and. affectionate mother. The iuneral took place on Saturday last and was largely attended. SERIOUSLY Alex. MoEwen, councillor, whom, it was mentioned in these oolcirans some weeks ago, &allaying, been severely bitten by a hog, and who was laid up in consequences is now in it precarious condition, blood.poisoning, it is said, having set in. The laceration at the time was serious, tlas flesh at the right knee being tornto some length. We hope soon to have the r Leasure of announcing Mr. MeEwen's recovery. F/RE.—The briok school house on the heoond of Hay, known as S. S. No, 10 was destroyed by fire one day last week. It was discovered early in the morning, to be on file, and before any assistance could be rendered the building was gutted, leaving the walls standing. Cause of fire is un- known, but some suppose it to have been the work of tramps, others assign as a cause the defective stove used in the school romn. The building and contents were insured for $1,200. The eohool will be rebuilt as soon as possible. - Os 4 Itirkton, PERSONAL.—Miss Spooner of Clinton, and Miss Denison of Mitchell, are the guests of J. Taylor, Esq.—Miss. Maggie Henry is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. W. Dulmage.—Mrs. 3. Robinson and children of Dakota, are on it Visit to friends in the vicinity.—The Misses Roadhouse of Strat- ford, were in the village last week.—Mr. George Roadhouee has left for Stratford where he has secured it situation in the car shops.—Mr. T. B. Worden wasin town on Monday last.—Alr. G. L. Money, comic vocalist, is billed for entertainments at Eden, Fat guhar and Molntyre's corners during 'the coming week. BRIEFS—On the evening of the 8th inst. at the residence of Mr. John Urqubart, at number of friends assembled on the cm- casion of the wedding of his two daughters —Teshie, to Mr. 'William Daily, of Toronto, and habella to Mr. Joshua Vivian, of Mitchell. The Rev. 0. Fletcher performed the double ceremony. The brides and bridesgrooms, dieptitising with the usual attendance of bridesmaids and groomsmeu, stood unsupported. After the ceremony the guests assembled in the dining room around the tables. These, beautifully de- corated with flower% were pleasing to the aesthetio taste as well as tempting to the appetite, and spoke much for the taste of those who had them in management After a few hours very enjoyably spent the guests separated, leaving bbhind t many handsome ad valuable presents which were evtdenoes of the hearty good- will of the friends for the happy couples. ENTERTAINMENT. --The entertainment given on behalf of the Organ Fund of the Methodist church, ou Friday last, realieed the sum of $26. Recitations by .A. 0. McPhee were given in splendid form, and Miss Rupert won the admiration of all with her rent:taint:45 of 'The Monk's Vision' and "The rnakinge of a Tragedian." "Sedond 'Thoughts are Best," a solo by Mies Watt called fel til 4 hearty encore to whim the responded with "Kathleen May, bee* 19 • be gu Irtette "therm" by Mine 5. , 'Albite and Measrs.,7oehrane and Gamier, Was highly appreciated, Miss Colley leading with it beentiftil soprano vidoe, and Mies White taking the contralto with a rieh natural voice Well adapted to her part. Miss Wilson atld 13,1418 Arm- strong acquitted themselves ereditably in the soled assigned to them in the tietheme. The college mange by the male portion of the choir wore Well received. Prof, an, Pollick presided at the °Ogee —his ie./elate in that direetion aro too well known to need bow/tient. At the eonolusion of the programme Rev. 31. Logean, a former raluister on Ibis eitbuitt Spoke on tbe MORS of the St. Metryel their, which had et) knidly given the entertainment of the evening (gratuitertely) hya Moved a vote of thanks to them which was scoonded:lby Mr, itoadhottse; carried tinanimortely,Nta tendered' tO thel 0horfait.oh 0;F01110k vdty. Appropriate 're; ltrtteeatitige were. bFauebt tA (The Molsons Bank (CUARTBEED BY PA BLIAME1M,1805) Paid up capital se,000,0 nest Fund 1,000,00 Head Mice. Montreal, P. WOLF„ERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL Magsong 20 branch oftiocia in the Dominion. Agene1g*e in the Dominion, IT, S. A. and Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from 10a. m. to 3 p, m se.TuRDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 . ni,• ' 3 Per Cent. per annum allowed fog money on Deposit Receipts and Savings Banls. R. H. ARCHER• , Xanager. Grand Bend. 13axers—On'hionday night a eleigh load of boys, with their best girls, went. out to an entertainment Shipka; but on their ap- proaching the town, when everybody seem- ed to be enjeying themselves the sleigh suddenly tweet and the contents took a tumble; and after scrambling for it while the boys ettch managed to find his own girl; but one of the ladies, who, to meet an appointment at the hetet, snoceeded m getting wetter than the rest, and who possibly also succeeded in getting warm internally. We hope she does not feel any worse for her experience. Moral.--Girle, when you go to it party try and have hnt one chaperon.—Miss Dark, of Pt. Edward. is in town visiting her relative, Mr. John Robt. Love and Miss Janet Love started for British Columbia on nri- day morning. The good, wishes of the people go withithem, as they were respected by all who knew them.—Miss Minnie Rowe is now yieiting friends in Zurich. -- A very pleasant affair occurred at the resi- dence of Mr. McIntosh, is being the mar- riage cf his daughter to Mr. Alex. Laurie, of Corbett. The matrimonial knot wile very securely and elegantly tied by the Rev. 5 A Oarriere of thie town. The leeppy couple passed through Grand Bend on their wedding tour.—The extremely frigid state of the atmosphere has suggest- ed to many of the boys, the advisability of following Mr. Laurie's example. We beg leave to express the wish that his married life will be as happy aseethe beauty ands- graee of his bride would nem to predict, • Shipka. BRIEFS—The entertainment at Shipka held in the Methodibt church was a grand SIICOBSS, although the night was stormy. The people did not forget to come and everybody enjoyed themselves well. There were some excellent readings and reci- tations, and everybody who took part' deseves much credit. We think that Shiplre, s is fast improving for , some time ago there was nothing like an entertainment talked about.—We under- stand that there was a big suprise party gotten up last Wednesday night, and. we think they intended going eastward when they were in Some way disappointed, and went west; but we understand they spent a very pleasant evemng until very early the next morning, It was rather late when they arrived at the gentleman's house and after knocking around for a while they were admitted.—The rain of Saturday last took nearly all the snow away.—We understand that Mr. Robt. Keys intends building a new barn next summers— IVe understand that Mrs. Finkbiner is very low; three doctors are in attendance.— A large crowd left Shipka on Friday night for the revival nseettngs at Boston, but we believe it was SO crowded they conld not all gat In.—We understand that Miss L. Keys intends going to Centralia for a while, •A very serious accident happened to one of our neighboring men last week. On go- ing to work and while riding with a man the sleigh was upset while passing chl load of bark, and he was dragged, a considerable distance before the horses could be Stop- ped. It has laid him up frora work for e, while.—Some of the grange brethren's attended the L. 0. L. 219 at Boston, on Friday nig/at last and they report having a large turnout ot brethren. Zurm.13. Braers.---Brick and other material is be ing drawn for Mr M Zeller's new blodk ; as soon as spring opens its erection will be begun.—Mr and Mrs Murner entertained friends from Sebringville on Menday.— Miss Edith Dyer of Exeter, was the guest of Mies Edith Steinbach, this week.—Mr.. John B Geiger of Dakota, is giving his old, friends in this vicinity a visit.—Mr, Jacob Geiger of Michigan, is home on a visit.— Several horse buyers were in town on Mon- day, sled purchased several ,fine beasts.— Wedding bells were muging on Wednesday the event being the marriage of Mr. Gott -- chalk to Miss M J Lehman. The cere- mony was performed by Rev Ortwein at the residence of the bride's father, Mr- A...Leh- ma,n, Bronson line. Dave is an energetio young business man of our town, and well respected by all who knew him. Dave, you and your bride have our hearty congratu- lations, and may you never know sickness poverty, sorrow or distreat. CONOERT.—The concert on Friday Yavg. last, under the auspices of Court Bismarck A. 0. F. Zurich, was well attended. The curtain was, raised at 8 o'clook, when the chairman, Dr. Bnchanan, gave a terse address, in which he briefly cited the benefits of the order to its membere—so- daily and naonetarially. Ile then intro. &toed the quartette of the evenieg con- sisting of Mrs. .Appel, Miss Zeller, Weser°. Derstene & reins. The selectione given by the company were good and justly elicited much applause. Next came the cornice drama, "Temptation, or the Irish Emigrant," which was produced very creditably by a east of eharacters purely local Eaoh member performed his or her part with pleasing aptness end sur- prising agility, winding the admiration of their audience. .Amongst those who took prominent parts in the drama, are : S. X. Latta, "Mr. Granite," 11, Ross, "Sterling," a wealthy merehant and his clerk ; T. E. Bancroft, "Tom Boholiult" ; Mrs. ;FL C, Doan, "Mrs. Bobolhalt" ; Dan Dyer,arish Emigrant." these parts are rnost difficult of the play, and were thoroughly mastered by different artiets. On the whole, "Teroptation, or the Irish Emigrant" was well preeented. Dining the intermin of the tWo plays "tr. Sutherland and Mr. *Wren, of Heneall, ,gave several Amiga and recitatioae in which they wore heartily encored. Master Nina sang two nice tongs, as did aleo Mr. Chu, DeWitt- of Montreal, in Irish character, for which he receiVecl reeincls of applause, The enter tainnient was coueleded by it laughable farce, entitled "Paddy Milos, the Limerick Boy." in this the ail/area eharacters were well brought out, more especially Paddy Mlles, Who was well and oiiginally represented in the portion of Mr, Dab Dyer. Mt. Dyer displays great drarriatie abilities, and is a whole entertaintheirtinhniolt,' 8p1endid IRRSie was furnished " by the &rich string band, who haVe gained A wide wiaftwocabto reontation, as rosicians of the first ode, '