HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-07-20, Page 7Eggs contain so rn " t that
eglli are fed to yam' :babies to
supply iron for the prevention of
goon catnip .go ►d for '
ivy, ' Most every 1.004 haa.
natural enemy a green catnip
is poison to poison ivy.
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Shower bei in
Whltecb�rch hill
streamers and bell, bowjuets of.
flowers and..a three-tier wedding
cake were used as decorations at
the community hall Saturday
evening for a shower for Carolyn
The bride -elect, her sister
Mary Lou and friend, Jane Smith
were ushered to seats of honor
after receiving corsages.
Mrs. Millan Moore was master
of ceremonies. She announced
that the gifts would be opened
first. Little Colleen Adams, sister
of the bride-to-be, inade several
trips with a small red wagon to
deliver the gifts which included
cusps an& saucers, trays, , tea
towels, aprons, bowls and pie
plate,, casseroles, plaques,
vases, etc. Community gifts in-
cluded bathroom scales, an iron,
ironing board and cannister set.
Assisting with the gifts were
Miss Irene DeBoer and her sister,
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.
Carolyn thanked the gathering
of around 40 for their gifts and the
sponsors for putting on the
A duet was 'given by Irene De-
Boer and Jane Laidlaw, with
Mrs. Garnet Farrier as pianist.
Mrs. Robert Ross gave, read-
ings, "Origin pf the Wedding
Cake" and "The Hospital".
A bingo, passing the parcel to
be unwrapped and contests were
Mrs. Moore gave a reading,
"The Highway Man", and told a
humorous story.
Lunch was then served by the
Jr. Auxiliary
BELGRAVE — The Junior
Auxiliary held their meeting in
the Orange Hall on Saturday
The meeting ,opened with
games led by Bonnie Walker. The
president, April MpBurney, led in
the opening exercises. Sheila An-.
derson had charge of the roll call.
Minutes of the last meeting were.
read by Bonnie Walker and the
treasurer's, report was given by
Dianne Scott.
Leaders for the next meeting
were: games, Cindy Campbell;
sing -song, 'Lisa Thompson; to
help with worship, Dianne Scott;
clean-up girl, Sheila Anderson.
Patsy Scott helped with the
worship service. Bonnie Walker
and . Karen Scott collected the
offering and April McBurney re-
cited the offertory prayer.
-The Auxiliary, was .honored [to
have'little Pamela Shaw Of Lon-
don as a visitor. Dianne Scott
moved that they send a sympathy
card to Miss Mary Isobel Nethery
in the loss of her uncle, Gilbert
Nethery. The older girls worked
on books of the Bible and the
junior girls worked on their
second stripe which is learning to
knit and embroidery:
The meeting "closed with the
hymn followed by a prayer. •
Mr. and. Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw
and Jane on Sunday afternoon'
attended the Straughan reunion'
at Goderich. .
Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and
Gayle,' Mrs. Bill Rintoul and
Doris last Tuesday evening at-
tended open house at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron of
West Wawanosh, where the
shower and wedding gifts of her
daughter, Mrs. Glen Weatherdon,
were on display.
Miss Mary Lou . Wall has an
office position 'in London .and be-
gins work this Monday.
Misses Janette Johnston and
Joyce Tiffin of London spent the
week with their parents. Miss
Irene DeBoer of Stratford also
visited with her folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt of
Kitchener are holidaying with
her parents, Mr,nd Mrs. Bill •
Purdon of West W' wanosh.
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Carl
McClenaghan were at London's
Victoria Hospital to visit,with his
father, Beni dMcClenakhan, who is
recovering fromsurgery• and ex-
pects to be home soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Verbeek
called on Friday. on Mr. and Mrs.
V. Emerson while on their way
for a weekend holiday.
bars attend
snf�ren c�
Six members of the WingiuM
Business and f'rofessie ' W •
men's Club spent Tuesday of
week in Toronto where they .fit"
tended the day's, sessi! ?!
the week-long Biennial."!
ince of the Canadian rederaf t t .
of B & PW Clubs. .
Guest speaker was Mrs, -race
McInnes, federal mefber
Parliament from Vancouver.
spoke on the work being Om tO
implement the Royal CO MIs-
sion report on the Status of Wei"
men. Of particular interest t0 .the
Wingham women, were' ham. ref'
erences to Day Care Centst
which are being founded through-
out the country. These centres,
one of which will soon be in
operation in Wingham, will offer
new opportunities to women -I/41'0
wish to take their place in the
working world.
Tuesday was set aside to speci-
fically honor the International
'Federation of Business and Fro-
fessional Women. The guest
speaker in connection with this
was Miss Nazela Dain of Toronto,
president of the International
group. ,She talked of the work of
the group in many countries
throughout the world. A cocktail
party was given in Miss Dain's
honor by the city of Toronto. She
was presented with a maple leaf
Those attending from the local
branch were president Mrs. Mar-
ion Scott; Mrs. Robert Ahara,
ice -president; Mrs. Daisy Con-
nell, Miss Yvonne McPherson,
Mrs.. Fraser Forgie and Mrs.
George Scott,
Donnybrook News
Miss Becky Shaffer of BronsQii
Mich., has been a `guest at,`tlh
home of Miss Barbara Chainn04
all this week. Barbara was a
guest at Becky's home last, week
as she was one of several young
people chosen from Huron
County to go on a 4-H exchange.
Miss Minnie Dutnkie of Guelph
visited several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and other
relatives. Miss Mary Jefferson: of
London has been spending her
holidays at the same home and
Miss Sharron Jefferson is taking
a six weeks' course of study' in
London. -
Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Mc-
Cl"inchey of Auburn visited last.
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs,. Charles Jefferson. Mrs. J.
McNabb of Lucknow and Mrs.
Don Robertson of Purple Grove
visited this Sunday evening at the
same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leddy
and Mike of Oshawa visited
friends around St. Augustine re-
Bill Robinson of Stratford spent
the weekend at his home.
Miss Susan Thompson of Lon-
don sent the weekend at her
Miss Donna Chamney of Strat-
ford spent the weekend at her
home. William Webster of St.
Helens also visited there Sunday.
Mrs. David Nevin of RR 2, Au-
burn, visited the past 'week with
Mr. and Mrs. William Hardy.
David Holden of Goderich has
been helping. at the Hardy home
while Keith Hardy went on a trip
to the West and to the Calgary
Lakelet Personals
Last week Mrs. Norman Har-
per and Mrs. Magee of Goderich
;spent several ' days visiting with
relatives at Meaford, Tobermory
and Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs:
Jack Fraser of Toronto visited
Monday to Thursday with Mr..
and Mrs. Harper and weekend
visitors were Del Hickling and
daughters Sandra and Debbie
and a friend Kathy,and Norm
Hickling of Toronto. The girls are
having a camping holiday in
Lakelet. -
Mr: and.Mrs. Ken`l ett`hhaan'anc�
family attended a family picnic
at 'the park in Kitchener on Sun-
Mr: and Mrs. Arnold Kreller
entertained nieces and nephews
of Mrs. Alex Sangster on the
occasion of her .80th birthday.
Relatives came from George-
town, Greenock, Mildmay, Bel -
more, Clifford and area. -
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Greenlet'
and family attended an Ersman
family picnic at the home of. Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Ersman on Sun-
There was a good turnout to the
opening of son's Campsite on
Sunday. Music was supplied by
Lang's orchestra and there was,
step dancing by young people. A
booth supplied cold drinks and
hot dogs. There are 16 camplite
Mrs. Gordon Wall and Mrs.
• Gertie Tiffin of Wingham on Fri-
day evening attended the shower
at Langside for Miss Carolyn Mc-
Gilivary, bride -elect.
Mr. and Mrs. Collier of Grand
Rapids, Mich., ,on Saturday
called at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Emerson while look-
ing for theiq friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Wybenga, who were
in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. °Collier
and Mr. and Mrs.' Wybenga were
neighbors at Grand Rapids.
Lori Schwichtenberg of Port
Elgin was a holiday visitbr last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Craig and Lana and her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson
were Sunday callers on Miss Lila
lots this year. Many attended
from Hesson, Kitchener, Water
loo, Clinton.and Mildmay as well
as many from the immediate
Mrs. Hugh McNally of Toronto
spent several days with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Wallace. Weekend
visitors at the Wallace home 'in-
cluded Mr. McNally, Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Wallace of Lstowel
and�Harold of Kitchener .-I
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harkness
of Huntsville spent the weekend
- with Mr.'s i Mrs'. Harvey•Dem-
erling. 'Sandra and , Kimberley
Harkness, who had spent' the past
two weeks with . their grand-
parents, returned home with
their parents. Micba'el and Den-
ise Demerling of Dundalk spent
last week with ' their grand-
parents and Andy Demerling
'stayed with them while Mom was
.at Guide camp and Dad was at
Scout camp.
Shower held
for July bride
DONNYBROOK — A miscella-
neous shower was held in the Uni-
ted Church on Friday evening for
Marion Armstrong, July bride -
elect: A large crowd attended.
After some games Mrs. Hil-
liard Jefferson read the address
and Miss Armstrong was pre-
sented with many beautiful gifts.
Her sister, Mrs.-Leischman and
Linda Snowden assisted her in
opening them. '
• Marion thanked ' everyone
fittingly. A dessert lunch was
served and a social time enjoyed.
The Wingham Advance -T 'Thu aYA July 2s, m?—__Pajce,
A MAJOR BUILDING PROJECT started four years ago by Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Street at '
Blyth is approaching completion, overlooking a small lake which they created from a
springy swale on a Targe lot there. The Streets and their five children now occupy the
home which is at an advanced stage. It is their own design, embodying some clever and
intricate pl ning a►)d fine correlation. of materials, textures and colors. Extensive use
has been me of field stone masonry, brick, cedar shakes and cedar decking which will
be allowed to weather to blend into the overall appearance. (Staff Photo)
Mrs: Wheeler conducts
Bible study at meeting
- BELGRAVE — The hymn
"What a Friend We Have in
Jesus", opened the meeting of the
afternoon unit of the UCW held an
the SundaygSchool room on July
11 with 13 members in attend-
Mrs. Harold Procter led the
worship 'iservice using as her
theme "What 4s Christ to You?
Jesus the friend, Jesus -the
Master, Jesus the teacher, Who is
this Jesus of Nazareth? He is
Jesus the Christ, son of God".
Mrs. Procter followed with pray-
er and the hymn "Take Time to
Be Holy" was sung.
The minutes were read, offer-
ing received and visits to sick and
shut-ins recorded. It was decided
to cancel the August meeting.
Mrs. Walter Scott introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs.. Kenneth
Wheeler who gave an inspiring
report of the weekend spent at
Westminster College, London,
June 2, 3 and 4th. •
Mrs. Wheeler conducted . a
Bible Study as they did at the col-
. io •,rtt�,
lege, comparing those who are
wonder-ful with those who are
wonder -empty. Members read
passages of scripture to show the
wonder -empty to be doubtful, sel-
fish,:` hateful, self centred,
jealous, rigid, irresponsible, etc.,
and the wonder-ful or alive per-
son to be sincere, patient, sym-
pathetic, loving, kindly, humble,
forgiving, etc.
Mrs. Scott thanked the speaker
and spoke for all present with the
comment that Mrs. Wheeler's re-
port made members realize they
had missed a glorious weekend of
inspirational study and leader-
ship. -
Mrs. Stanley Cook continued
the Bible' Study as outlined by
Professor William Barclay in the
Observer. The gospel of John, the
mind of God, in human form, was
the July study made very in-
teresting by. Mrs. Cook.
Mrs..Earl Anderson thanked all
rwho took part and closed the
meeting with' the Mizpah Bene-
—Weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Fisher and Doris
were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fisher
and family of Guelph and Mr., and
Mrs. Carman Machan of Kit-
chener. They also attended the
Collins reunion at Purple Grove
-Mrs. Roy McArthur and Mrs.
Tom Metcalfe have . returned
from -a fortnight's holiday in Cal-
gary. They were accompanied by
another sister, Mrs. Percy' Gray
of Toronto and Mrs. McArthur's
daughter, Mrs. Jim ' Roberts of
Oakville. They visited with rela-
tives and attended the Calgary
-Rev. V. L. Callaway, Mrs.
Callaway and 'family of Three
Bills, Alta., accompanied by R.
Callaway of Elora visited with
the former's aunts, Mrs. A.
Stapleton, Mrs. H. j"1iergatrth and
Mrs. G. R. MacKersie of Wing -
•--Mr. and Mrs 'R. O. MacKer-
A Red Cross Leaders' Course
Will. Be Conducted at The
Wingharn Centennial Swimming Pool
If we have sufficient registration
by August 10
MANY YEARS of farming in Turnberry Township evidently
gave J. J. "Jim" Elliott of Bluevale a green thumb. Since
his retirement six years ago his flower beds have been
abloom from snow to snov, giving rise to riiany compli-
ments. Here some particularly fine lilies and poppies make
a display in a roadside location. (Staff Photo)
sie, daughters.. Wendy and Joanne
of Edmonton, visited last week
With Mr. and Mrs. G. R. MacKer-
sie. The former is a son. of Mr.
MacKersie. Also visiting at the
same home were Rev. J. W. Bax-
ter, Mrs. Baxter and son John R.
of Philadelphia. Mrs. Baxter is
Mr. MacKersie's daughter.
—Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred French for the
past three weeks have been his
sister and her husbband, Rev.
and Mrs. G. P. LaRue of New
Port Richey, Florida'.
—Mr. and Mrs. Percy Caslick
visited last week`with thea otter's
mother. 'at Lion's Head.
—Mr. and Mrs. George Pagel
of Waterloo visited Sunday with
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. William Keil.
—Mrs. Esther Norman of Carl-
ing Terrace spent last week with
her son and hisi family near To-
Eggs are good food at any age
but they are especially useful for
expectant -mothers and for older
people • because of high protein
content and good digestibility.
Harem -Perth Id.
Mears reports of
regular sessie'
V. Young, chairman of the
building and property committee
of .the Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic 'Separate School
Board, reported at the July 10
general meeting of the board that
his committee hadeceived a
favorable reception from Wing -
ham's town council on July 3.
Mr. Young, Oscar Kieffer and
other members of the committee,
had met with/the town conncil to
discuss the paving. of . Cornyn
Street. Council is investigating
the cost of the paving, Mr. Young
reported. He said . that when
,asked if the.board would be pre -
wed to pay the cost of paving
the driveway at Sacred Heart
• School the answer was , in the
affirmative. Mr. Young said the
committee will check in October
to determine if any action has
been taken by Wing lam Town
Council. Wing!
a delegation'from the St. Josephs
School Association atKings-
bridge was introducby Board
Chairman J. Morris. Oscar Kief-
fer .distributed, copies of the asso-
ciation's" presentation mut Mr.
° Van Osch detailed his delega-
tion's proposal concerning kin-
dergarten facilities at Kings-
bridge. The proposal was that a
portable classroom be installed
in order to free another .class-
Mr. Morris stated that the
board will investigate the situa-
tion and make a report to the St.
Joseph's Association as soon as
Oscar Kieffer, chairman of the
• ad hoc committee appoipted to
make a recommendationl on the
Lanark, Leeds and Grenville
County Roman Catholic School
Board resolution said his com-
mittee recommended the resolu-
tion be supported in its original
form and thatthe "Dayl, 2 and 3
Agenda" be recommended to the
OSSTA program planning com-
mittee for consideration.
Brian Garratt of Kyles, Kyles
and Garratt presented the sketch
plans for the proposed building
projects at Holy Name School at
St. Marys and St. Aloysius
School, Stratford,which were
accepted by the board. .
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Thomp-
son, Dale. and Donald and Miss
Ruth Gingerich spent Sunday at
Port Elgin,•
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