HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-7, Page 8INS3RA.10E,
SaitlnY of Toronto ; pee() for the
larfelaR le18ttneetT0111 O0MVA111S, tit iondoe,
Nemlend,the ROXAL.taetsrAIWAN, af Mon-
ar d the tliuTisa zooms Wens AS
fa,THASSOF. QOANW, of x eaudow, Raglan&
etiltabliehed lee7, etscate over $0,000,0Q0;
%Waiters and boneses eaid, over e1Me00,000.
ZOCAL NO/VS.—Wes hat behappy tQ
ve t el/ tintee , front any part of the
aeunty, items of local news, such as ac.
dents,or any interesting incident what -
aver, from any of our subscribers or read.
ors yenerally for the purpose of public
Fresh oysters at Geo. &Aden' by the
eguart, or served up by the plate, cooked
en- rase just look et one stook •of con -
lectionary, and sporting goods. All fresh,
=wand first-clasa.
Salina at Cost.
Good bergains in Boots and Shoes and
Harnees, cen uow be bad at 0. Eaorett's,
as he laterals giving up bueiness and will
seal et cost or under for the next 30 deys..
ateeple would do well to call and see lam
%afore parchasing elsewhere.
Mr. C. Senior, of Port Diver, formerly
eaf Exeter, is in town, the guest of his son
Mr. Jos. Senior.—Mr.• and Mrs Hugh
Ross left yesterday for their home in
Winnipeg.—Mr. A. M. Todd of the Clin.
ton Newa-Recotd was in town Tuesday
Attending the annual meeting of the Loyal
'Orange Society.—Mr. Jones of Toronto,
Manager of the Provident Life and Live
Stock Association was in town Friday
looking after the interests of the Company
and enquiring into the master whine
'brought aunt the arrest of one Skinner of
Mitchen.--Mrs. lGeo Knight, of Ethel,
-spent 'met week with friends in town. —
allies Maggie „White is visiting friends in
Sarnia, ,
malicious Rumours.
For the past two months ugly rumours
lave been afloat concerning the financial
standing of one of the most respected set -
tilers in Fullaeton. Having some personal
knowledge of the untruthfulness of tbe
scharge we on mote than one occasion were
ander the necessity of contradicting the
weport, but we are now in a• position to
mositively give the charge a flat denial.
_Hew is emers are in better circumstances
AMa if he should be owing anything to his
snalicious libelers or their sympathisers let
them present their bills forthwith and
they will get their cash. If those who
busied. themselves spreading the report
-were in circumstances half so good, the
4courts would know less about them than
they do. In this world men find it hard
,enough to get alone without having their
warnes scandalized. and their credit jeo.
mardized, by men who pretend to be Maud'
but who are wolves in sheeps clothing.
As a report we understand has got as far
.as Exeter, and St Marys, the Times and
Journal would be doing the gentleman a
laver by copying this notice.—Mitchell
The concert given under the auspices of
the guild of the Trivitt Memorial Church,
last . Wednesday, was a grand success.
Among those who rendered their part well
=ay be mentioned the names of Mr. Mc
Callum who mix° two readings in first
OT.te style, particularly his readings from
Sheridans "The Rivals". Miss Reid also
rendered her selection, in a manner pleas-
• ing to her audienee. The quartettes were
well stung, "Call John" being given in a
eery laughable manner. But the gem of
the evening. was the rendition. of 'High
• rife,' a mustcal ;charade. in ,N hich Mrs.
Fairbairn, Mrs Kemp, Miss McDonell, Mr
,Coaine, and Mr. Gipidy were the charac-
-lees. in their parts Miss McDonell and
, Mr. Gundy acted so well that they aston.
_althea and pleased the audience who signi-
-fied their pleasure by their continuous
*Treatise, Miss elcDonell bearing off the
,palm of the evening, in her part of the
-disobedient daughter asking forgiveness
• at her father's hands. Mrs. Kemp, Mrs.
Fairbairn and Mr. Collins well sustained
L•,-theircharacters The net receipts
Amounted to over $50.
Twelve lbs. of tea, for $1.00 at Richard
Chaplain Searles of Auhuni Prisms. will
-give a lecture in Main Street Methodist
Church sometime in April.
-Remember the great clearing sale at
Richard Pickards.
Mr. ASCottle has sold his factervito a
Mr. Vasey, who has taken possession.
Wm K. Rose, W. D., is to be assistant
-surgeon of the thirty-third Huron Battal-
See vice Wm. ,T, Young, left limits.
Don't miss the great bargaies at Rieh.
at& Pickards.
Sleighing has been good for a couple of
.weeka, and the citizens generally are now
well supplied with wool.
Revival meetings are still being carried
an in the Main street Methodist church,
with fair seccess.
St. Marys defetieed. Forest in a curlesg
%latchat the latter place on Monday, by
ecore of 48-24.
House ited Lot for Sale or to Rent, at
mice. • Apply to Wm. Grigg Jr.
Messrs. Gidley, Grant and Denis of
Exeter, supplierl excellent music for the
• Foreeter's ball at Seeferth, tes Frinq
seveiting last.
Xhe annual meeting of the Loyal Orange
SAssoolation of South Huron, was heal in
%fie lodge room in Exeter on Tees lay,
I'he attendance was large.
Ina, few weeks Mr Alex Colmthoun
re.til family, Thos. Bissett, jr. an 1 several
others leave for Menitoba, Mr. Ed. Mom
-wan left the other day for the prairie
Almost nightly our constable bas callers
.weekiteg a night's lodghig Tfe oonducte
item i
to Weassait quarters n the biteetneet
ef the tewn hall. a
44 pleeee eolorecl tea eat foe $2,50 at
-Richard Pie k Mete,
,Ledies' and childeen'e gloves from 5e
natiwearls, at Ricludd Pielrarde; filen car
mete *ore 20c tipwerds.
Inert of Mondey night end Tattday, we
iti thie neighborhood experienced the
eatoet aweerely cold weathee ef the season.
'The epring aseizea for the county of
Antoci will commence at aode,ich on
rgerolay Modell lOth; Middleseit, at Lett-
alon MOrebty, trito oh 5th; Perth, at Strait -
S Tuesday March 12th.
The Ilecter of the Trivitt :Memorial
Meech will hold. e /medal service for
44111dt-en h the Mardis next Sunday
afternooti et 3 o'clook . The offertory
evill be ia Aid of thesorgem itth
shildrOrt urv fo ph
Men* felt boot, reduced from $1,75 to
$1.55 per pair at Richard Picemels,
AlOGGI'S W H. Vetity et Sou here the
geeeter number of the 200,000 briek ne-
oessaly for the ereetiell of their new
foundry, es well as other material, on the
emblee. Week will be begun early in
the spring.
Parkineoe is offering speeial bargains
ea winter geode,
Messrs, W, H. Verity & Son's new
engine is eow i geed running order, and
they are highly pleeeed with it. But halt
the steam is required to run it, that was
accessary with the ota (me to drive all tbe
Boots end shoes yery cheap, at the Big
Bankrupt store. Exeter Ladies kid 'soots
$1.35; ladies' oiled goat boots $1.85, worth
2.50; oiled goat slippers, 65c, regular price
80e. And all our other lines just as
While standing on ase'clutir in the hotel
the other day pulliug, down the blincl, Mr.
T. W. Ilawkshaw, owing to the chair up-
setting, fell havUy on its back, injuring
his side severely.
Boy's fine tweed auies $2,00; Boys over.
ooat, $2 75; all wool fiennel 100i grey
cotton 3c; white cottcut 411),o; good feather
ticking 9c, and six papers of plus for 90,
at the 131g Bankrupt store, Exeter.
Tu. "Bootjeck's" communication last
• week, where it read that more work was
done by statete labor than when mo
were paid by the Council, should read
vioe verea.
Parkinson is clearing out his stock of
winter goods at reduced prices, to make
room for spring goods, now eoming for-
John Russell, of Goderich, who styles
himself as the excommunicated and who
was to have lectured here WeduesdaY
evg , week, did not fulfill hiessengagement,
owing to being unable to procure a chair-
man. We fear Mr. Russell will realize
thia drawback wherever he goes.
• A question often asked: Where to buy
the cheapest goods in town? We can tell
you. The 131g Bankrupt store, Elitater, is
the place. The cheapest spot on earth.
• The rir. Jekyll and Mr Hyde Company,
who appeared in Exeter the other weak,
but who did nut perform, disbanded on
Thursday, in consequence of poor success.
When is the Board ofTrade to be organ
ized? Other towns are going right ahead
in the matter. Be on the alert gentlemen.
The sooner such organization is brought
into life the better for the town. There
are many anti important matters which
require attending to.
Colored silks, all shades, for 50c pet yd.
worth 75c. Colored satin rnerves War 65e.
regal a- price 90c. Beautiful black silk
xneeve for 8213-, worth $1.15. All at the
Big Bankrupt store. .Exeter.
Mr, Wm. Burnatord is the guest of
his encle, Mr. Wm. Grigg, sr. He was
a resident of Exeter 18 years ago
and observes a very great change in its
appearances. He thmke it has greatly im-
proved. His present home Li in Nanticoke
Luzern() County, Pennsylvania.
See the great bargains at the BigsBank-
rept store. We will oontinue our rattl-
ing, roaring overcoat sale for two weeks
longer. Come and see and We will surprise
you. Mens overcoats from $3.75 up.
Mr. James Creech wishes us to state
that he will not be responaible for the
breaking of gates in handling the snow
plow, that are swinging out on the side
The Exeter salt well Co has under con-
sideration an offer from an Englieh Co.
for the purchase of the Exeter well.
This Trust has purchasea all the wells in
Eastern Canada, and are on a feir way to-
ward securing all wells bathe West.
Some time ago the Hensel' cheeker
team received a challenge from the
Exeter team. They accepted it, and are
doubtless expecting a visit from. the Exe-
terites The Exeter team has had no
practice of lateancl the members' attentions
at the time for, practice, have been di-
verted elsewhere. However they intend
mustering a team, and will possibly visit
Hansall at an eatly date.
The instigator of the "Sons of Rest"
society, when he attempts a joke on some
indefensilne person heartily laughs and
smirks in his sleeve; but when he is the
victim of a "lark" his heart is so jolted
that it takes years for his feelings to be.
• mime normal. Ingrowing toenails some
times are invaluable incentives to the
origin of titles and the discovery of an in-
culpable wag. --Com.
A grand ball under the auspices of the
Exeter band, was held in the town hall on
Tuesday evening. The attendance, not-
withstanding the inclemency of the weath-
er, was good, guests heing present from
far and near. The Exeter string band,
which is associated with the brass band,
furnished excellent music, and sustained
their reputation as musicians of the first
For the past two weeks, daily, brick and Dairy So., was held at the factory
have been drawn thtough Exeter in in at Corbett on Monday, Feb. 4th, for the
numerable quantities. The various bees purpose of, receiving the auditors' report
at different times have endeavored one, to and electing officers for the ensuing year.
out do the other in hem ing the largest The meeting was a very successful and
quantity at given times. On Saturday the same officets 'were re-elected viz.
several leads containing 2,200 blicks pass- Mr. J. Corbett ptes. and. treas.: A. Nichol
ed through town, and on Monday, when vice-pree; R. Butclunson, C. Bothwick,
the slipping was rendered better by a G Mitchell, directors; E. Patching sec.
slight thaw and a freeze up, 2,600:brioks Mr. E. Patching acted chairtnan dur-
weMe drawn at one load by parties its Hay ing- the electing of officers. After which
township. he gave the cl.air to • Mr. 3, Corlett, to
The Canadian Stereopticsat Co. present- which he responded in a good speech,
ed its retnorama: "The Atlantic to the setting forth the welfare and success of
Pacifio" Drew's opera house,. on Mon- the factory- The speeches of the direct
day evening, under the auspices of the ors were very short, and the meeting
James street Methodist choir. The at-
tendance was large, end the entertain- closed about 4 o'clock, A noticeble
event took place in the electing of office s.
ment fair. The views Presented were agr. Taylor made a motion -that Mr.
original and Canadian scenes, and must 'Writing be a director but got no eccontler
have proved interesting to the audience. __Jur. Willis from Exeter paid a visit to
Among the best and most iuteresting were: our burg on Monday last He is baying
Rook of, ages; Winnipeg; Niagara rallP/ horses for shipment.
Thousand Islands; wreck of the Algoma.
last week under heading of "Sons of
Rest" is a slur on some of our most r 131"Fs.--Sieighing "°°4 and farriler3
Fred W Johnston will be the next
postmaster of Cloderiela iustead of Hr
Barmy, 44 announcd.
A fierce sterol raged Lore yesterday
and last ni.ght. Trains vvere blocked.
The anniversary servieee of tbe Cavan
Presbyterian church, were condaeted, 00
Sunday not, by Be". air. Meca,dain, of
Strathroy. Sundity two sermons were
preaehed by the rev, geutlernan above
mentioned, in his usually highly inter-
esting and instructive manner. The con.
gregations were large. Owing to the
esual yeerly tea having been dispensed
with, a special collection was teken up,
whieb. amounted to $104.
Chief Ceill, of Exeter, wee in Mitchell
one dots' last week; The chief had had no
diusinees there for some years, and WeE1
pleased to note the various improvements
that have taken place He was not strucle
with t polies force, however. He saws
that the corporation pays their constable
over $300, attires him in handsome police
uniform, and sapplies him with a dude's
cane. Out' chief says he has seen -simper -
looking police; and if the person who
metes the oorporation clothes, is, the best
Mitchell can pi educe whet must the re-
mainder of the population bey
The Annual meeting of the South 1111V011
Co. L. 0. L was held in the Orange Hall
Exeter on Tuesday last, After the regu-
lar business of the lodge was transacted
the following, officers were elected. Co,
Maater, Bro. Fleetly; Dept. Co. Master,
13re. Miners; Co, Sect., Bro. Sanders;
Financial Sect., Bro. Dupee; Co. Treas.,
Bro, 13accan; Co Dir. of Ceremonies, Bro.
Tisbourn; Co. Lecturer, Bro, F. Davis jr.;
Dept Co. Lecturers Bros. Howley and
Henley. The rext annual meeting to he
held in Exeter, the first Tuesday in Feb.
1890. The annual celebration of the
Battle of the Boyne will be celebrated in
Exeter, July 12th, 1889.
The advantage of newspaper advertis-
ing was clearly shown by an incident that
came tuider our observation the other
day. A gentleman entered our office, and
aaked if we would show bins a copy of the
Strathroy Age, or Despatch. We gave
bine a copy of each. He wanted to see
who were the lumber dealers in that town,
and what brenches of that business each
ooniuoted. The enquirer turned from
tbe papers whose advertising columns he
had scanned closely—with a look of dis-
appointment, for none of the Strathroy
lumber dealers, thought it worth while to
tell the publie through the excellent local
journals of that town, that they were do-
ing business there.—Parkhill Review.
BRIM—Annual meeting of the British
and Foreign Bible Society will be held in
Eliinville Methodist church on Thursday
evening, Feb. 13th, when J. G. Manley,
the society's agent, will deliver an address
on Babylon and Israel Collection at the
close to aid in spreading the word of Gd.
—Rev W. Penhall is holdiug special meet -
meetings at Sunshine.—Four uoble youths
armed. Pith one gun, two cow bells, and a
mouth organ, made Saturday night hid-
eous in this immediate vicinity.—Those
who intend building next summer are
making the most of the sleighing. Many
loads of material pass here daily --The
Sunday School convention will be held
here on Feb. 2Ist, when a good time is ex
pected. The programme is'a good one,
and ample provision will be made for visit-
BRIBPS.—Mr. Robert Love's sale under
the management of Mr. H. Eilber, last
week, was one of the best of the season.
All the chattels brought good prices.
The farm WILS' sold for $2500.00 to Mr.
Charles Stone.—Messrs. Jeff. Turner and.
Win, Sherritt insured their lives in the
McGillivray home circle last week. A.
number are talking of Mau ring in the
Orange Society and some in the Foresters
- Mr Isaac A Wilson has been offered a
very lucrative position in Washington.
Not in the White House ; but to take
charge of a tailoring establishment. His
sister, Miss n Wilson is talking of going
with him.—Rev. M. G. Freeman, pastor
of Gtace church, was very happily sur-
prised one night last week A largenumber
of the congregation a quantity of good gath-
ered things, amongst them a load of oats,
about eixty bushels. They drove to the
parsonage at Parkhill and spent a very
pleasant evening.
Blum—Mr. Wm. Crowley paid. our
tow -n a visit on Saturday last. We think
that there must be smile ettraction that
draws Bill to T 80 often. Billy was our
late cheese-rnaker.—Mr. W. Simpson, of
Seaforth, paid our town a visit on Mon-
day —The annual meeting of the stook
'holders and atrons of the Corbett Cheese
The item in the Huron Expositor of
are making good tete of it—Great quanta.
table citizens. The inference wo draw
ft OM the title is that the members of the ties of hark' wood, grain &° are bthin.°
new society are supposed to be lazy and, brought into our statin yard —Our but
hate work ender anY circumstenees, i
chore have their shop fi shed and base a
supply of meat on heed always, Those in
11ereim comes the slur. Many of the pe -
need of meat will find ie to their advan-
sons whose names are mentioned, are any,
tap to patrouize Cern ralie. Good value
thing but lazy, are willing to work and do
worg hard, ef the writer wished to for your money is their motto —Mr. Wind
ereate a little aaviusement, end was wont s°r °11.' rcn°wrIed tree agent 18 having
the material for a new house laid on the
to choose nob items for GO doing, he could
grouitds. He has been lateY lately digg.
have foiled sufficient reatetial for a ''Sons
ing the cellar. X ) doubt he finds it A
of Red" Society without associating the
little differeet from his general husinees.
names of reepectable citizene with those
who erg gggewgag igeggeg to be shiggish. —Ma, Wm. Elliott who has been very
tick ef late le rapidly improving mid able
Lag week conetable Gill went to Nlit-
to be out. The Revival Services whieli
obeli and arrested orie Skinner, who had
going on in the aletbodiet Chereh are
recent'y been couneeted with the Lion ale
Life atid Live Stock
Providewell attended, and we, hope La ate great
nt Meech...tato
oh h ebsgge of rigeswropriating the c„ot good necomp ished Isairliela F.?lehool
pany,a moneys. it„ppaata that he immeg bostets of a very wed organized foot bell
great gig" horses io the gigioity ang °lab and are prepared to receive (Avai1-.
engee f am the neighboring schools.--
neglected forward:Me the amount of policy
to heath:matte s, A lose oecaered to one
of the members Mel when app imdion for
item mice money Was made ho Wee infor-
med that the Company 1104 reeeived no
word of his Ileing a Metribcr, Aft inves-
tigar,ion was commenced, which load to
the arrest of Skinner, vhi afterwaras
aettlea everythime, earlus diepelled
/rem the Co of,.
The e °utile men of tilt village should
otganize adehstitig Societe and employ
the evenings in f.emething that would be
edifying to themselves se yeti) as to the
tNett ly every Ade ectuutry vil-
la 'go hat ite litmerst or deb Aim; society,
Why not time'? Come leer eel adee hold.
Of the Work atel eee, ter tee
labor we
Having dissolved partnership, the business in the future will be continued by
IZIO1-1.A.,r) PICT A..:ER..#1)
Wiao, in order to reduce the stock will offer Imrneriss Bargains for the next
30 DAYS,
1 "ices Paralyzedm
Don't fail to see the UNPRECEDENTED VALUES offered in Dry -goods, Boots ‘Xs„
Shoes, Mantles Ready-made Clothing Hats Caps Furs Groceries, Crockery, Sze..
, I )
Ladies Astrachan Jackets formerly sold for $37.00 ; now offered at $25.00
•' Ladies English Walking Jackets as low ne - - - 3,25
Ladies Cloth Mantles formerly considered cheap at $18.00 ; now 13.75
Ladies and Children's Gloves from 5c upwards
$1.00 Gloves for 40 cts
Ladies Corsets from 20e upwards, Grey Cotton 3cts and upwards.
Men's Felt Boots (new stock
Men's Overcoats from $4 upwards
$5 Persian Laanb Caps for
12 lbs Tea for $1.00. Fine colored 44 piece Tea Setts
BIG RED1:YCTIO;\1S will be offered in all departments. Come and seefor yourselves.
'Samwell & Pickard's old stand.
Absolutelv Pure.
This powder never varies A. marvel ofpur-
Hy, strength and wholesomeness. More 00011.
omical than the ordinary kind ndeannot
be sold in competition with the multitudes of
low test, short weight, alum or phosphate
powders. Sold only in oars.—ROYLL BAK-
ING POWDEM CO .106 Wall street N Y
Canada's Birthday.
To no Editor of the Exeter Times
SIR. —For the last two or three years
Exeter has had a celebration on the 24th
of May. To that I have no objection to
offer. But would it not be just as be-
coming to oelebrate Camada/s birthday
as the Queen's'? Canada's birthday has
never, so fax as I can remember, been
celebrated in Exeter, only by a horse
Why not hare a good rousing cele-
bration of July lat, for once, and con-
tinue to observe that day in future. It
is a public holiday. I can easily imagine
how old associations, old memories, per-
sonal love for the Queen, &c., should
influence British born people to prefer
24th May. But the vast majority of.
Ontario people are now Canadian born
and have no connection withthese, old
associations. • Surely they • cannot he
blamed for loving the country of their
birth above albother countries on earth.
I tell you, sir, that the young and mid-
dle g.eneration-arc distinctively Canad-
ian, In feeling and in sentiment. No
disrespect to the Queen is meant, in
celebrating Canada's natal day. It is
simply showing our love of, and pride
in, Canada, It is time, sir, as Canada
is now of age, for Canadians to awake
to the glorious future in Store for us,
and fittingly recognize the formation of
the great Dominian.
Cenadian national sentiment will
thereby be intensified and Canadian
sentiment fostered in our children .
The old flag has not and. should not
have the same interest of native-born
Canadians as the Canadian flag.
And sir, it is almost solely on accia'unt
of the non -cultivation of this very sen-
timent that we evee hear of annexation
in this country. A enexationiats are few
in number now, but they would be an
unknown thing on Canadian soil, were
due and proper attention devoted to the
cultivation of purelyeanadian sentiment
A. eertain proportion of Canadian
young men of limited eduoatien, on
visiting the United States, become rabid
partisans of Yankeeclom Why ? 1st.
13ecause Yankees are 80 enthusiastically
loyal and never stop sounding the
prairies of their eountry ; and, 2nd.
Because this class of Canadians have
never been educated to regard their
own country in the smile enthusiastic
way The duty ot so educatiag this
clam of young mon devolves on the
Indere of 'popular sentiment over the
Then why do the citizens of Eeeter
so far fail in their Manifest day 1 It is
time this Subject was thoroughly discus-
sed and understood, You have num-
bers of progressive, loyal, shrewd men
in filxeter, What are they doing all
these years 1 Why not wake up and at
• tend to their duty 1 Canada's bugle is
calling them, and all others of the right
stamp, to put on their armor and fight
for Canada's glorious future, The pres-
sing dut=, of the hour is to educate the
young in 01.11 flhIdSt to be loyal to Canada
first, not and always,
Hoping, sir, that these sentiments
will find responsive echoes in many
breasts, and hoping also thab txtter
people will rouse to the necessities of
the hour, 1 reenairi$ yonrs trttly,
lIay, Jelly ,t tch, 1889.
Drug' Stor:p! 20 P
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the raark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes,
from small album size to 11x14
from life, try
He has also an elegant display of Photo-
• graph Frames. Sizes : Sx19,
11x14 and 14x17.
It wi I be to the advantage of those
having pictures to frame to exatagne his
stock of Picture Moulding.
Get prices before purchasing eiliewhere.
ltallery Opposite Post -Office.
Raw Sugar
12 Lbss
White Sugar
FOR $100.
Ex ter North )11''
R 1 WA
The royal mall, passenger and freights route
between Canada and Great Brit8A41.,
• Direct route between the West and all the
pahrts ou the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale
de Chalenr, also New Brunswick, Nova
• Scotia,Prince Edward Islende ceps Breton
Nwa. buffet sleeping and day
cag9711311I1g°enirfro°r1iGgrileaetxBPrreit8asittmanirngtla. e conti-
nent by leaving Toronto by 0 p. m. train on
Thursday will Ain outward mail steamer at
Ba• SuiplexriSoIrtern7ledvaaYtOr,warehonse and dock ac-
• commodation at Halifax tor shipment of
graill and general merchandise..
Inars of expene ,ce have proved theanter-,
colonial, in connection with steamship lines
to and from London, Liverpool and Glas-
gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight
route between Canada and Great Britain.
Information as to passenger and freight
rates can be had on application to
• B.013 Fa2 B.DIJODIE ,
• Western Freight &Pawing e r Agent '
93Ressin House Block,York Idt. Toronto
Chief SIM erintandent
' Railway office, eaonoton. W. Ft,..,Nov, 20, Id.
$10 Reward for the Corrviotion.
Eurelcp Cylinder, Bolt I - I McCol Bros. & Co.,
• Cutting & Wood Oils. For sale by all leacliIg dealers. Toronto.
BISSETT BRO., Sole Agents, Exeter.
M=1"3: WM:Ea-C.