HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-7, Page 5• DiSTRIC11'150INGS. CIOGUV1110,00 of the r net %mat Through out tlit, NolOblnerhood in a Ooneitse rorns, • At it Special meeting of the Luottn • COUnoil tbe Reeve appointed VV, Porte as auditor and D' Fox was appointed • by the Board. Dr, diossaele is the Mettleal health officer for 1889. Parkhill 01 without a police - Miss Mary Buohonan died at the reaiderfoe of her father, Mr. Duncan Buchanan, town line of Lobo and Beat Williams, last Saturday morning, and Was .1auried at Nalrn cemetry last Sun- drOy /Everest's Cough Ss ru o is the best in the country -Duncan Pureed, Forest Kain, near Embro, when chop- ping a hollow tree last week, came across eleven coons in its interior, eight of them were immediately killed, • the other three making their esoape. A fi e occurred in Buffalo on Satur- day morning last. The total loss is placed at$1,939,750; total insurance, $6,370,000. One thousand people are thrown out of employment. In all some twenty persona were more or leas injured by falling bricks, etc. A covv belonging to Mo. M ionamarit, of Hamlet ward Stratford, 'died unex- pectedly a day or twp ago, and when op ned to ascertain the cause of her death, about a pound of spikes and several small bottles were found in her stomach. "Everest's Extract of Wild Black- berry never tails to care diarrhoea, dysentery, &c." --the statements of scores who have tried it. 25o per bot for sale by all druggists. Tbe lostowel fire fiend keeps op his accursed work with •more regular.ty than his WhetechaPple contemporary. So far he has caused about a dozen tires, in which about a score of horses, cows and pigs were burned. The Im- perial Hotel stables were the last to go. Miss Me Noble, of Parkhill, met with a serious accident while coming from church last Thursday evening. Her foot went through, between the bars of the grating on the sidewalk, and Bpreined the limb so badly that she had to be assisted along thestreets. Her doctor advised her that she must give the limb absolute rest tor at least a month. ' About one o'clock Sunday morning the frame dwelling house ot a widow, Mrs. Williscraft, of Paisley, was com- pletely gutted by fire. Mrs. Willis - craft, aged about 70, escaped in her night clothes with two grown daugh- • ters, and told her grandson, aged 11, to follow them down the stairs, He failed to do so, and the fire spread so rapidly that no one dared venture into the house. After the fire his charred trunk was recovered. Cause °Hire unknown. Loes, $500; no inaur- ance. I had tried many doctors and was • given up by them as far gone into con- sbmption, but was permanently cured by u-ing Eveeest's Cough Syrup. -Jas The annual meeting of ttie Devizes Cheese Co. was held at the factory on Friday, 1 lth ult. The old Board of Directors were unanimoualy re-elected as given :-J. B. Bisbee, President ; R. W. Flayes, treasurer and salesman ; D. Weir, Secretary, and Messrs. T. Parkinson, W. Riddle and S. White. The auditor's report, showing a bal- ance on hand at '31st of December, 1888, of $41.66, was adopted. The following items of a prosperous season's work: -Number of pounds of cheese manufactured and sold, 117, 136, for which there was received $11, 625,67; number of pounds of milk de. livered at factory, 1,278,416, number of pounds of milk to one pound of cheese, 10.92, average price of cheese for season, 9.92c, number of stendard cows, 426. The general disburse- • ments were as follows: -Patrons, $9,- 281; milk drawers, $1,103.01; cheese make, $1,030,76; miscellaneous, $414. 34; total, $11,829.11 -Com. The farmers of South Perth met in the Town Hall, St. Marys, on Jan. 26th and organized a Farmers' Insti- tute. Seventy-five members were secured m a few minutes. The foll- owing officers were elected: -Geo. Leversage, Fullerton, President; m, Johnston, Blansharri, Vice -President, P. S. Armstrong, Secretary -Treasurer Two directors were appointed for each municipality, and trom East and West Nissouri, in Oxford and Middle- sex; Blanshard, G. D. Lawrie, T. 0. •Robson, St. Marys, John Legge, Jos. Meighan; .Downie, Wtn. Long, Robert Porter; Fullartoto H. Heal, Wm Ilan son; Hibbert, Alex. McLaren, Duncan McLaren; South Easthope, John Sch- aefer, John Miller; Machell, John Skinner, T. H. Race; Blab Nissouro E. H. Brown, Alex. Wood; West Nissouri Jas. Henderson, Robt 'Matheson, Prof. Sluice, from the Ontario ISIorlel Farm, was present, end assisted with the work of organization, To the Editor of the Exetee Times. Apologizing to , you, Mr. Editor, for occupying any space in your ve,lueble paper for so insigeiacant a purpose, I wouol like to know if the evil disposed scoreme of sedition who oontribeted that "Sons of Rest" ertiele to the Seaforth Expositor is elill alive, 1 conceive that if he lived to see his ungrammitical anti idiotic production in prints he week' sur- ely not wish to exist afterwarde 1 like a good joke but the silly attempt of this mendacious lampooh at practical jekieg is enworthy of a street Arab of five years of age, sold only recoils upon himself who is too iguorant to know the distinction be. tweeu proper and improper ridicelo If Ilia character is still olive I would like to etioure him for Barnum. He would be sure to win fameand dietinctinoon for lo self withie the preginete of a oircits tent either es e type • of the lower order of eroation or as a firSt.clasS churlish. clown, Yews &c, Gr.°. Cuoi,rour. 11x01.,31`, Eel). fith 1889, When. Baby was sick, we gave liot OnsMria, Whotx eke was a OhIld, the ortied for Castoritt, WeCii sho besame Mies, alio clung to °Werke 'Whim elle 'bail:Children, she eadeetlions COstorlo. Beizrs.-Mr, George Down has gone te Philadelphia, where hie brother, Dr. Ned Down, is a leading pllysidan. He ba$ ee- cured, a luorative position es pattern maker ink a large locomotive engine factory, Both these gentlemen are well known to nanny in Exeter, having spent their boyhoed days on a farm be the towaship of Stephen, -A large number of persons attended the Presbyterian church on Thursday last to witness the Rev, J. S. Loobead perform the naarriago notes for Mr. Fred McLeod, merchaut, and Mies Anna Einuester, The happy couple left for an extended tour to Mottreal and other eitotern poiats -Mrs. R, Phippen is visiting friends in Montreal aed Cobourg.-Mr. J. Hall aud wife are visiting friends in Exeter this week. - Mrs, Guest of St Maryn, was in town 011 Tuesday. -Advertisements are out calling for tenders for the erection of the new high school building. --At the reeent session of the oouuty council, Mr. Gibbs was re- appointed high school trustee, and Mr. May, of our high school. was re -appointed a member of the County Board of examin- ers for public schoolteachers. The county printing was given to the Review. Our town connoll has decided to dispense with the services of Mr. Manes'who has been acting as town constable. M. Manes has done his work faithfully, but it wtot thought that no regular police constable is needed. -Our sti eats have presented a very lively appearance for the past few days, caused by good sleighing. -A very large number attended the quarterly meeting services in the Methodist church on Sunday. Over 125 partook of the sacrament. -Division covert was held here on Tuesday.-N1r. Palmer formerly jeweller here, has moved with his family to Waterford, where he has prnohased a basiness.-The concert on Friday evening, under the auspiees of the P. H 3 L A. promises to be a success. Splendid talent has been secured for the oecasion.-Several oreneeiten from this town attended the South Heron ledge's annual meeting at Exeter on Tuesday. Crediton. MAR -RIM -Oa Tuesday eve, last, by Rev. Mr. Staebler, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Lizzie S waltzer, daughter of Mr. Jacob Sweitzer to Mr. Wm. Winer. We extend our congratula. tions to the youthful pair an5 wish them every success in life. STILL ANOTHER. --OU Tuesday last a very pleasing event transpired at the resi- dence of Airs. John Brown, the occasion being the marriage of Miss hill of Zurich to Mr. Jacob Brown; of Centralia. The ceremony was performed by Rey. Mr Staebler, in a pleasing manner, before a few friends. Jake says he was tired of living alone, and so doubled up. A grand musical and literary entertain. went will be held at Orediton on Friday evening, February 15th, in the town hall under the ;auspices of the public school of Crediton. The programme will consist of readiugs, dialogues and recitations by the school. Crediton brass band and string band will be in attendance. E. M. Bigg, M. A.., Head Master of Parkhill High School, will add to the evening's entertain- ment by giving a great number of Stomp- tican views. V. Rate, Esq., reeve of Stephen, will occupy the °hair. BRIEFS. -Miss Lydia Brown, who lots been visiting friends for the last few months has returned home and is amnia- penied by Miss George. -Rev, Mr. Fife, who has been suffering from a severe attack of bronchitis for some time, finds himself unable to perform his clerical duties and bas decided to take a three weeks' yacatiou in order to regain health and vigor. Dar- ing his absence the local ministers of Exe- ter will officiateffe wish him a speedy recovery and hope to welcome him hack again with renewed sfrength.-Some of our eports were out hunting on Thursday last and secured seven fine rabbits. There ap- pears to be large numbers of them in the swamp, but they are hard to get withont the aid of dogs ----On Tuesday last Mr. G. K. B, owe, tax-colleotor, seized some of the goods and chattels of Mr. Wm. Gower for taxes. They will be sold on Tuesday next. -Mr. B. Brown, one of our most enterprising business men, speaks ot erecting a weigh scale in the village. This is what we need very badly and it will prove of great convenience to the farmers in the vicinity. -On Sunday last the usaal quarterly srovices were held in the Eng- lish (Methodist( church and a number from a distance attended. On Monday the Board met for business -In consequence of the good sleighing large quantities of brick and tile are being sold, and some large loads have been drawn. One team- ster, we understand, hauled 2300 brick- on one load which would weigh about 5 tons, There is still a large quantity to be sold. - The Chppers played the rangers a return game of football on Saturday last, and were again defeated by 3 goals to hone. They had better bury themselves or go to the river: -and Bay here goes nothing, and then jump in. A BOON AND A BLESSING-. . A bom and ble4sing to mankind is Hag yard's Yellow Oil. the great pain destroyer and healing remedy for external and inter- nal use. Yellow Oil curiae all aches and pains, rheumatism, lame baok, sore throat, croup, deafness, cramps, contracted cords and lameness. Procure it of your druggist. • MIRACULOUS. "My Minim:mous Cline was that I had Buffeted from kidney disease for about two years, was off work all that time. A friend told me of B. B. 13 , I tried it, and em happy to say that 1 was cured by two bot- tles." Wm. Tier, St. Marys, Out. The Salvation Army etatistics for the last year show that the sensaVointl religious body is man:Mille forward. The n amber of oorps hen eased it 1888 from 2,267 to 2.587 the number of outposts from 558 to 653, and die number of offieers from 5,687 to 7,107, A GREAT SUFFERER. That person who is afflicted with rime - pietism is is gieat ttufferer and greatly to bo pitied if they cannot so °cure Hagyard's Yellow Oil. This remedy is a certain enro not only for rheumatism but for all exter- nal aohee raid internel pains. - The C. P. lt. Telegraph Company has completed direct commonicatiou irons °roan to ocsan, IN Dm TTER HUMOUR NOW. "My son aged eleven, was cured of art ertiPtiVe litutour that enVered his heed and ewe with Ores, by two betties of Durdoek Bide 1 Bitters and Palo" testifies Mrs. Mary rulford � Port Hope, Ont, Rev. Father Cornyn, of Strathroy, was fognil Oval in his study Thursday with a bullet hole in his bead, but whether it WaS Stlieide Or a.,oulent is tot known. Montero who have delieate chilrleen in • Aec them daily hoptoye end gain in .flesh and strength by giving them thet perfeet fool and mediae°, Soott's Emulsion. of Ood Linor 001, with Itypophosphites. Dr, \V, A, ntitbert, of S:tlislutry, X118., Says: "/ 11it1Si need fiaott's Pintlinien iGRh8nS Of Scrofula and Debility. tiseeits ;nog grd. ifying. OlolitIbe pallente toko • it with pleasere.' Sold by all clrugaist.4 'Plo. and Childrari) Cry for Pitch$A/ t ri CONSUMPTION f3URELY CUBED, To TUB EAXTOU Please inform yeur readers that I have a positive remedy fop the above named dis ease. By its timely use thoesauds of hopeless oases have been permanently cured. I ehall be glad to send two bottles of my rernede FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send, me their Express and P. 0, address. Respectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM, Toronto, rent. 37 Youge street SAL 0 REGISTER. Tuesdsy Feb. 12t1a.-Farrn, stook and im- plements and household effents, the pro. perty of Root Ogilvie,! lot 10, con, 14, Ip. of Fullerton, Sale at one o'clock, H Brown, agotioneer. Tuesday Feb 26th--Farin stook, imple- ments and household furniture, the pro. pertp of George Baleden, lot 32, eon. 2 tp, of 'Osborne. •Salo at one o'clock. Jas. Oke, auctioneer. ADVICE TO MOTIIMAS.-Are you disturbed ae night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so sond at once and get a bottle of"Mrs.Winstavr's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. 11 willrelieve the poor little sufferer lin ntediately .'..meend upon it, mothers: there is uo mistake about it, It cures Dysentery and Diarrheea, regulates the Stomaon and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, eofteim the Gums. reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tlae whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription o one of the oldeat and best female jWiysloiaus and nurses in the 'United States, and is for sale byall druggists throughout the world, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. B6 sure and ask for"Mns. Wrisseow's oenennlo seurre "end no otherkind. CONSUMPTION* CURED: Anold physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands ay an East Indian missionary the formula of a einaple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure 'of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical Cure for Neryous Debility andall Nervous Com. plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofoases, has felt it his du.ty to =keit known 'to his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tuts motive and a desire to relieve num an sufferinE„ I w_.,1 Bend free of charge, to all who desirett, this recipe,in German,French or English, with full directionsfer preparing and using. Sonti mail by address:ng w ith stamp, naming this Dap el% syes, .Noyne 149 Power's Bloat* cohestev N 7 JOHN MoCURDY, Kirltton, Is- suer of Marriage Licenses, Agent for Canada Life Assurance and other Loan Coins prbnies. Agent for Huron and Middlesex Fire Insurance Co mnany. Commissioner for Perth 21/1.131EBT itEPORT$. EXExEn (0 orrected at5 o'clooli pan, Wedueeday loallWne et ,.. ... , ... 90 00 96 Spring WIIpat... ... ,,,. 90 t0 1 06 Oldies. , . ... ... ,.. 45 to Se ... 0 26 1g 27 CloPar $ ied .. ••• ... 4 50 00 4 75 Timothy " ' oo, or. a.. 2 50 so 300 Pea& ... ..., 0 55 to 0 67 corn • , .,. 0 40 to 0 00 83035 . , ... . ,... 0 15 tO 0 15 Sattel•,.. 10 so 0 17 Plourp siesta/ . ::: ... 00 t o 6 65 Potatoes,per bustle]. . e. 25 to 35 Applee,per bag ' ... ... 00 10 tO 50 DrIedAppleepr b ,, .., 0 4 t o 0 04 Geese per lb. ... ... 0 00 to 0 06 Turkey per lb, ... ,.'. 0 07 be 08 DuckS perpr ... 0 50 to 0 60 Chickens per pr • .., 0 25 to 0 30 Efoge,dresse6per10 ... 6,00 to 6 25 Beef ...- ... 4 00 to 5 00 Hidesrough, ... .„ 4 50 to 5 01, ‘' dressed. ... ... 0 00 10 6 00 Sheepskins each ... ... 0 4010 74 °oilskins ... ... 0 60 to 0 76 Wool peril:.... „, 0 1810 020 Hay per ton .. .,. 1000 10 11 00 onionsnerbust; . ... 0 50 to 0 75 Wo6dper cord ... 25 to 3 00 ST: IIARYS rail wheat . .'.... . ...... .,............. ....... op to 96 Spring Wheat ..... ............. . . ....... ... 90 95 Bar,ey 45 51 Oats... --.., .. ... . ..... 20 27 Olover"Seed....,....... ........ ,'.. ........... ........ 460 47 Tirnottio „, .. ... ,..1. 50 2 Of Peas.. ............... -,..., ........ . ...... ......... 55 50 Eggs ... , . 15 15 Butter 10 16 c Potatoes per bag 35 40 Apples perbush.... ..... .......,..,25 30 Wool perlb 00 18 Hay pei•ton.. 10 00 11 00 Bran per ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts " " . . .... 20 00 20 00 Oatmeal per bbl .... ....... 6 00 7 00 The Forest City Business College re -opened January 3rd with the largest attendance in its history. This institution excels all of the rest in attendance, thoroughness and equip- ment. Young men and women deBiring first-class training should enter a college which,attraets patronage by the superiority of its course, not by low fees or the payment of railway fare. Catalogue free. CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. E. W. GILLETT, "Rgirarliz. eftee CELEBRA TED 307AL Man r 3 ()C)0.00 OF DRY -GOODS —AND— Boots & Shoe --TO BE— SLAUGHTERED FOR CASH! -AT DULIVIGE'S JOHN BRAWN TIIIDERTAILER & CAPINE:11-MAICtR, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets Arm Corms or EvianlY Dcsonirrun., A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings A I MVO 011 rorttraAris FUANISkIED CON DrOTED AT Low BITES. My stook of l'u.rniture ••ex.eelled. reW°GTVE MEI A Cs'ALIs LONDON Wheat, 96e. to 970. per bushel, Oats. 300 to 31c per bushel, Peas. 57e to 59c Per bushel. Barley. malting 48e to 55e per bus Barley, feed, 380 to 451c per bushel. TORONTO Toluene), Pay. 5.-WMOIT-fal1, No. 2, el .03 to $105; spring, No.2, $1.05 to 01 06 ; red 'win- ter, No 2. $1.17 to $1.20; No 1, Manitoba. hard, $1 20 to 01.24. BArcr.nr. No. 1 57e to 53o No, 2.520 to 55e; No. 3, 44e to 48e; No 3, extra 45e to 48e. PRAS. No 2,570 to 60o. OATS. No. 2,3130 to 37c. FLoUR extra, $4.50 to $4,60; strong bakers. 64.90 to $5.75. Market. quiet. Sales were made of No 2 red winter and No 2 fall wheat, outside, at equalto 01 8; No 2 barley at 57e; oats, to arrive at 37e. BRITISH GRAIN TRADE. Loudon, Feb'y 5 -The Mark Lane Express in its weekly review of the British grain trade, says: -English wheat is depressed. Prices show an average decline of ls. Sales Er glish wheat during past vcceek were 52,790 cps, at 29s 9d against 60,744prs. at 301 85 dur- ing corresponding week last year. Teen is a poor trade in flour at prices 95 per sack low- er. American flour made ot '87 wheat sells at a fair orioe but chat made a '85 wheat is in disfavor. Foreign wneat dropped is, part. ly owing to the weakness in English wheat anclpertly to the thew that occurred in Odessa, enabling freighted steamers to get away. Barley is 65 lower. Corn is firra TORONTO LIVE STOCK. The supply of cattle at the local market to- day rnAS in excess of the demand, and if any- thing prices axe trate NVOP ker. Thereovere about twen y car 1 oads, but the majoritycon- sisted of inferior „beasts, which are hard to sell. A. few beads were shipped out Good sbippingsseeris are g noted e.t cents pound. Miloh cows range from 011 00 10 555 Oo a hood and bulb, are from aiats th 3 cents por pound. Good butchers' cattle sold at 31e to3ie, ordinary at 30 to 31 and common at; 2Ito 21. Sheep in.fair demand and steady, with very fair offering; the best sell at $5 to $6,00 per head; inferior to medium at $4.00 to $4.50 and rams 3e to 3.113 per pound- Lambs in tair demand and firm, choice bringing$450 to 55, and inferior to raedium $3 75 to 0425 Calves dull and steady, Choice beasts, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at 70 to 9c dressed weight; rough calves, $3 to $5, ahead, Hogs are steadYt choice light fat st la at Sc to 5e, store hogs at 43e to4',1e. and stags at 30 to 31e. Ewa -sines Crreen.-A. very interesting 132 page Illustrated. Book on Deafness. Noises in the head. How they may be cured at your home. Post free 6c.- -Ad dress Dr. Nronoesois, 30, St. John Street, Montreal . 11:1=12111.1.11.01111M1.........61•411= WO WO One Door South • of Post Office —HE HAS -- A NEW AND COM.PiLJETE '---STOCK OF-- . oots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. G -EO. MANSON, rashionallo Style: T. 0 0 THE BESTYET THE CI-IMPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET !I Overecatings t. cats,- price; • inge at any price ; Pariting8 vvb an.sr price. Bost Orderoti Clothing pi °hood in Exeter Goroamtoit I leave yonr ordere etuly, for with the best stag of Tailors ; the best sleek of Vine Trimmings, and , the best Cutting iii TOWLI, you are sure of satisfae. 11*33, e Neieekowessnoe. ••O' for Infants and Children. ' "Castorlais So well adapted to children that CestOrbii eUres Colic, COnstIpatibm I recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stonaaeh, Diarrheas, Eructation, Kills Worms, gine sleett.. ep, and promoteS .-" knon H. wto me," A, Anossa, 85. D., gestion, ' 1,11 So, Oxford St„ Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injuriOuS medication. Tem OFARTAUR Cooreirx, 77 Murray Street, N. Te eie leOlOOOON17.0eSesfaereigess sseesee.- sseesese,,, see" se. xeter Lumber Ya loo• The Untlrsloned wishes to inform th epublic in general the,. he keep -constantly in stock - All Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. Bell Stuff, Flooring, Siding, dressed -inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a, half and two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Materiel Lath, &c. SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. -Competition challenged. The best and goo largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. All dressed lumber thoroughly seasoned and ready for use. No shrinkagp assured. A call will bear out the above. THE OLD ESTABLISHED. Jas. Willis, Main -s GIM1611.1111b sp-c . st,4401,00S. N!'ese . •Cie„cfi' .1''''''eCC:e 8:, eb..;\ O°...%;;e: ';'... \e'• 'CP '4V.c..b• ..N.56'st\cP ,6>" e.:•' "•.-'•0 ,,,,0 cp 4- ,b. e? ,iec, se,•cc` _ -.9 ,c, c,,,,, ,,,, „tee, z),Oce b..,'S. e, "Z.C''''' '. 4 'b' e c5.t ceS• b• • ez,.*41 4C c) -eo° No 2.•• .A1 N• 4; sec' 4N 09 ,rs, es" 41) ° tite. tc° co' 4- -.4'. 4°. 4c •-ss'' N o .Q. 4,1„. do's" e op ,) 0 , 4Vo pi efo' <0, \ • ,s 60- Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford, Stre.e., „ • late 533, Oxford Strset, London. 1 tar Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pot$: rf the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. re You, —FOR— Loo not The cheapest spbt in to-vc n. for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &c., do., if you are, ie -O calrol BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balanoe of our stook of Axes, Cress -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lantern, 1. 30 ID.A.S • 01\TIYM- We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :-- A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, $2 50s A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design , $1 00' A Good Tubular Laetern - $0 50 A Good Axe and Handle - $1 00" An.5. 1 Manure [FLA - - O0 807 And everythiug at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. A fall stock of the following lines always on band. -.-Barb wire, Plain Galvanized; calent and 'Piled wire, and Buekthorn Fencing Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to suppi at the lc Nee I possi ble p.ice. A full stows of tinware of all kinds alwa stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a epeo laity. Agents for the B & R Metalic Shin Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents ,M3 celebrated Raymond Sewing Machine. wen* BISSETT 'BROS, Exeter., FALL 1888 FAL Carnets. Curtains. IJA P 1 S - Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we -invite your in- speetion to our BEG stook of Carpets, Curtains, and thost. Fancy Window Blinds, &e. When buying Wall Paper don't for.,Yet that the aid Estalo1w1ed carries the Biggest ,Stook aria Latest Ar. el:jean Patterns. 'Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers •• Corners to match5 dow ltas v A A a AMES 1431C.K.6,