HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-06-08, Page 4Page 4—The Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, June 8, 1972
--features frim ---
--The World of Women
Golden wedding
is celebrated
with open house
Surrounded by members of the
family, friends and neighbors,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mont-
gomery of Wingham were honor-
ed on their golden wedding anni-
versary when they were at honfe
to guests at the Catherine Street
residence of their son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery
were married in Wingham by
Rev. Horace Snell, rector of St.
Paul's Anglican Church in Aug-
ust of 1922. Mrs. Montgomery
was a native of England and had
resided in Canada since 1913. Mr.
Montgomery is a native of How-
' ick Township and for some years
worked as a teamster and was in
the dray business, later •-farming
in Turnberry Township. They re-
tired to Wingham three years
Mrs. Montgomery was active
for years in the Anglican Church
Women, as well as the Mary
Hastings Club. Mr. Montgomery
was active in the Loyal Orange
They have two sons, Harry and
Don. A third son died 25 years.
ago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ,Mont-.
gomery have six children, the
Don Montgomerys . three. There
are four great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Montgomery has two sis-
ters, Mrs. Marjorie Selling and
Mrs. Percy Hogg ,of Wingham.
Mr. Montgomery has two sisters,
Mrs. Elsie Hazlitt, Wingham, and
Jennie 'Montgomery, Brussels,
also a brother Archie in Blyth and
two brothers, Lloyd and Bob in
.Rent A Hearing Aid
Try a Philips unit on a rental
basis for 3 months. The
whole world of sound may be
yours again. Then purchase if
Yaurlike;• continue rental or
return; Phone today for: a
—free hearing evaluation test.
663 King West, Kitchener
Dial 579.6200 Collect
Redecorating a room?
Rent our Warner Lectric
Wallpaper steamer for
quick, easy wall prepara-
tion. Complete with hose,
pan and full instructions.
',ie D4C S Cs'a i ie
ome a
MR. AND MRS..JOSEPH MONTGOMERY of Wingham were honored on the occasion of
their 50th wedding anniversary at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Montgomery,.
dCatherine Street, Thursday afternoon. (Staff Photo)
Health nurse outlines new program
At the meeting of Huron Unit of
the Canadian Cancer Society in
Seaforth, Mrs. Nelson Cardno,
Huron County health nurse and
administrator of the new Home
Care Program recently in-
stituted, outlined the purposes of
the program and some of its
Primarily it is .a means of
relieving the hospital bed situa-
tion by allowing many patients to
be cared for at home, either after
hospitalization or in place of it.
Included are such serves as
home care as needed five days a
week, prenatal nursing visits,
Calorie counters
report progress
The Calorie Counters Club of
Wingham, formerly known as
TOPS, has gained ground while
losing weight. Last month the 14
niiemhers lost a total of 511/2
The club meets every Tuesday
morning in the basement of the
United Church where they en-
gage iah the sensible reduction of
excess weight through group
therapy and sound nutrition. All
follow prescribed programs hav-
ing "a doctor's approval,
Lois Coleman of Preston was
crowned 1972 Queen of the Cana-
dian Coast to Coast Calorie
Counters at the sixth annual con-
vention at Toronto May 26 and 27.
This mother of two lost 72 pounds
during 12 months. Five members
of the Wingham group attended
the corivention.
During freshening up periods,
don't feverishly apply poywder
and lipstick. Do Biot any excess
moisture or oiliness on your skin
with a tissue. This will pick up
any dust, also. Then lightly apply
translucent powder so that you
are not adding layerafterlayer
of tinted powder to your skin.
This can result in a sunset glow
that is grotesque.
Some people find that their na-
tural color drains outwith excite-
ment or fatigue. Others flush up.
Guide yo>F rself accordingly. If
you need a little more color, use a
blushing powder; lightly stroked
on your cheeks, forehead and
chin (if you like) with its own lit-
tle brush.
Wte Blue
Phone loran appointment.
No prices quoted on phone
The Place of Excellent '
Cuisine and Service
May we help you? We specialize in -
and just GOOD FOOD
Luncheon Specials
1 1: 00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Family Dinners
Try our delightful salad table
Hwy..No. 23'N.
Phone 291-1580
physiotherapy, transportation
and drugs. Ordinarily there is a
30-90 day time care limit depend-
ing on need in individual cases,
but no limit on terminal cancer
patients. She has a medical ad-
visor and is presently training
nurses to help in the referral pro=
Musical numbers were pro-
vided by students, Charlene de -
Miss .Gloria Marilyn 'Reed,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam S. Reed, Wingham, re-
ceived her Honours Bachelor
of Arts degree (mathematics
and economics major) from
the UniversityWestern On-
tario at spring nvocation in
Alumni Hall on June 1. Gloria
received a University Gold
Medal Award and is on, the
Dean's Honour Roll. She has
accepted a position with the
Dominion Government,
Statistics Canada Division, in
Jong, accordion, and Joanne and
Marian Jordan on their guitars.
During the business segment
most encouraging reports were
presented. The campaign chair-
man reported $25,493 received to
date, proceeds of the recent coun-
ty canvass.
A most gratifying presentation
to the society of a cheque for $500
was made by Gordon Richardson
on behalf of the Huron Co-opera-
tive Medical Services. Monies not
required under the terms of
amalgamation when Huron and
Bruce .membership lists were
combined was• divided and is
being Aonated to nine different
organizations in the county.
Regret was expressed at the
resignation of Lorne Salzman' as
Unit Treasurer, and Mrs. Saiz --
man, assistant service to patients
chairman, due to their departure
from Clinton Harry G. Merri-
man is succeeding Mr. Salzman
as treasurer.
A short resume of a meeting
held at Walkerton in April for ser-
vice to patients chairman was')
given by Mrs. Harvey Johnston;
and Mr. Johnston reported on the
recent district meeting in Listo-
Plans were finalized for the
annual dinner meetingin Sep-
tember, at which Bill Brady,
radio and television personality,
will be guest speaker. Tickets
were distributed to the five
branches for sale.
—Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ostrom
have just returned from a
month's vacation in Europe. Two
weeks were -spent in England and
two weeks in Sweden.
—Eleven pupils from Wingham
were among those enterf'aining at
a piano recital held in Londes-/
boro on Tuesday evening. All are
students . of Mrs. `Harry Lear,
Two leaders honored
at Achievement Day
(Intended for last week)
There was an excellent turnout
of members of Wingham and dis-
trict 4-H Clubs for Achievement
Day held at F. E. Madill Second-
ary School Saturday morning and
afternoon when • fashion shows,
exhibits and presentation of
awards highlighted the day.
Two„ outstanding leaders were
honored- Friday afternoon vyhen
Mrs. Jane McDonald of Brussels
was presented with the Advanced
Honor Certificate and a pie
server and Mrs. Gordon McPher-
son, RR 2, Lucknow, received a
Leader's Certificate, her second
five-year award in the course of
many years of dedicated service.
Provincial Honor Certificates
and pins were awarded to Cathy
Culbert of Dungannon, Marian
McGee, RR 3, Wingham and
Karen Rivett of Dungannon.
• County Honors
Winners of County Honor Certi-
ficates and pins were Wingham
and district girls, Elizabeth
Nethery, June Leishman, Bar-
bara Culbert, Leone Cranston,
Joan Black, Charlene Adams,
Mary Norman, Cathy Dunbar
Shower held for
Miss Beth Scott
BELGRAVE — A miscellan-
eous shower was held in Knot
United Church Sunday school
rooms last Monday evening in
honor of Beth Scott, bride-to-be of
this month. A contest conducted
by Mrs. Harold Vincent. and Mrs.
Murray Vincent were enjoyed.
Seated with the bride -elect in
decorated 'chairs were her
mother, Mrs. Kenneth Scbtt and
Mrs. Herman de Bruyn, mother
of the groom -elect.
Mrs. Harold Vincent read the
address and gifts werepresented
to the bride. Beth thanked every-
one for her -lovely gifts and in-
vited them all to. her trousseau
tea' on Saturday at the home of
'Ther parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken:
neth Scott.
Members meet
at Sutcliffe home
The St. Andrew's Couples' Club
met last Tuesday eveningat the
bowling alley for an evening of •
fun. High prizes were won by Mr.
• and Mrs. 'Len Phillips.
Following the- bowling the club
returned to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe who were
in charge of a brief devotional
period. Mr. Sutcliffe read scrip-
ture and Mrs. Sutcliffe delivered
a meditation.
Following the worship service
lunch was served and an hour of
Ottawa. Londesboro. : • fellowship enjoyed.
JohnstonConns celebrate
45th. wedding anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn of
Minnie Street, Wingham, quietly
observed their 45th wedding an-
niversary here Thursday when a
private reception was held at
Danny's Tavern and a social eve-
ning 'enjoyed at their home.
Residents of Wingham for the
past four years, the Conns were
married at the bride's home at
Whitechurch. Mrs. Conn is the
former Annie Armstrong, „ augh-
ter of the late Mr. and M . John
Armstrong, Whitechurch. Rev.
John Pollock, then minister of
Whitechurch Presbyterian
Church performed the ceremony.
The Conns farmed on the 4th of
Scouts, Cubs plan
church parade
Boy Scouts and Cubs of Wing -
ham will attend a church parade
Sunday, June 18, at St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church. The minis-
ter, Rev. R. H. Armstrong, is a
member of the Wingham Scout
The groups will form up outside
the church at 10:45 a.m. and led
„by Cubs carrying the flags, will
parade into the church, after
which the flags *ill be placed on
the altar.
This Sunday, the Scouts and
Cubs will go to the cemetery to
participate in the Decoration Day
ceremony. .
Kinloss until retirement,here four
years ago: They have one daugh-
ter, Mrs. Janes (Ruby) Keene,
who in turn has three daughters,
Betty, Kendra and Penny.
Mr. Conn has a brother Wallace
at Whitechurch and Mrs. Conn
has one sister, Mrs. Gordon Malt-
by at Guelph.
Mrs. Conn was recently honor-
ed on her retirement after 40
years as organist at Whitechurch
Presbyterian Church where they
continue as active members.
and Marian Verstoep.
Fourteen clubs were rep-
resented in the program when
fashion shows were presented by.
the individual clubs, providing
their o n commentators to des-
cribe th items shown.. The shows
were p esented by Wingham II,
Karen rrie ; Wingham I; Wing -
ham III, Heather Smith; Brus-
sels, Beth Vallance; MQncrieff,
Beverly Smith; St. Helens I; St.
Helens II, Lynda Lyons.
A second series of fashion
shows was presented after a brief
intermission, by the following:
Trinity Club, Darlene Hackett,
Rosalea Hackett; Dungannon I,
Peggy Young; Dungannon II,
Lisa Gunby; Dungannon III,
Charlene Adams; Belgrave I,
Joyce Nethery; Belgrave II,
Helen Chandler; Belgrave ' III,
Joan Black.
Exhibits on the "sleepwear"
topic which was the theme for the
day were presented by Brussels,
trims and finishes; Moncrieff,
variety; Trinity, trims and
finishes; Wingham I, styles;
Dungannon II, trims and
finishes; Belgrave I, trims and
finishes; Wingham 11, variety;
St. Helens II, trims and finishes.
Morning Program
The morning program was
topped off with colored slides
showing smart clothing styles for
fall, With commentary by MisS
Catherine Hunt, hone economist
from the Clinton office. Mis§
Hunt also introduced the next
food topic "The Third Meal"
dealing with light summer meals
and snacks for picnic and patio
eating. Having seen`the delicious,
items portrayed in full color, the
morning session was promptly
adjourned for lunch.
A discussion of the fashion
shows was conducted by Home
Economist, Mrs. S. McAllister,
Zurich, while the exhibits were
discussed by Home Economist,
Mrs. Jean Lawless, Harriston.
Spoons and Certificates of
Achievement were presented by
the Various club leaders.
BRENDA GARNISS. of•Wro.xeter displays her talent ,as a
sign painter at'a store on Josephine Street Friday, after-
noon. Things were looking .up for girl watchers and sidewalk
superintendents. —Staff Photo.
�t N�thr Uwe
BELGRAVE — The June meet.
ing of the Anglican Church Wo-
men wasteld at the hone of IVIrs.
Alex Nethery with 14 in attend-
ance. The opening hymn was,
"The Church's One Foundation";
Mrs. Robert Procter led in pray-
er and read thea scripture. The
.Lord's prayer was repeated in
Minutes of the last meeting and
the correspondence were read by
the secretary, Mrs. Clare Van
Camp. Dues were paid and the
apron and birthday box passed.
The raffle was won by Mrs.
Robert Higgins.
Rev. Keith Stokes told of a play
"Godspell" based on the gospel of
St. Matthew, which is playing at
the Royal Alexander Theatre in
Toronto.. He also announced that
a parish service will be held at St.
John's Church, Brussels on July
2nd to celebrate their 112th an-
An exchange of plants and
bulbs was held. Miss Marx Isabel
Nethery acted as auctioneer for a
sale of home baking.
The meeting closed with pray-
er, grace was sung and lunch
served by the hostess.
70th Auiv.rss'y
Wingham United Church
JUNE 15, 12.30 '
Tickets :1.75
Everyone Welcome
Now open
Saturday. -
Ly1a Ann
Wingham 357-2322
•.Ttetrrl i •
?�1 rJr%rr?ri:• rrri•ri f J.?fril./Nrr
Walnut Cabinet
Reg. $499.00
Bahama finish, triple dresser with shadow
box mirror, chest, 4/6 panel bed, night
Tuxedo styling, rich nylon covering, choice
of covering and colour
Covered in quality vinyl - makes for extra
keg. $289.00
Solid Elm construction 72" Extension
Table„ 3 Side Chairs, 1 Arm Chair,
Buffet, Hutch
Win this Admiral
Portable Radio at
our anniversary draw.
$4 1 r
$529.00 s439°0
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