HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-06-08, Page 3DEERE , ' ON'TO'PONE , May
Election officers. of the.tio , were dMectingo the efe owing wi ,tt
Ladies Auxiliary to Wingham contingent of the Auxiliary at,
a� o, Royal :md� as -.t n tall n e`? i8 �
gion will be held June 26, corms, at the Jiowick Branch, Corrie,
penting secretary Barbara Tarr Installation of Auxiliary of-
hitt advises. Usually held, at the Tigers will be June ,27,
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The Wingha n, Advance=' y, .June E,1
Ian Edward, a Navy veteran
active,n Legion affairs for years,
was4lecte4, president of Wing-
, barn Branch 1.80, Royal Canadian
Legion at the regulaneral
meeting, sugceeding Don Adams.
Other officers. elected who will
be officially installed in their of-
fices with appropriate ceremony
June 22 are Don Adams-, past
president ; Ted Elliott, first vice
president ; Dave Hynes, second
vice president ; Doug Rathbun,
treasurer; Ken Simmons, secre-
tary,; Willis Hall, sgt.-at-arms;
Bugh McKague, assistant sgt.-at-
arms; Harry Montgomery, fi-
nancial secretary; Bob Hickey,
Bill Renwick, Alvin Higgins, V..
"Dutch" Ducharme, Harold
Remington, Don Farnell and
Charles Coultes, executive com-
mittee; Lloyd Carter, service of-
ficer; Willis Hall, public relations
Rev. Barry Passmore, pastor
of Wingham United Church, was
re -appointed honorary chaplain
of the branch.
In a general' business session
conducted under the chairman-
ship of Ian Edward, in the un-
avoidable absence of the. presi-
dent who is in Europe, the mem-
bership chairman „reported 132
regular members Olus ten fra-
ternal members.
The meeting agreed to have a
concrete slab constructed as a
base for the fieldgun which
stands in front of the building, to.
facilitate grass cutting and neat-
. The subject of insurance on the
Legion building and cotat004.4
discussed at a recent executive
meeting, was dealt with by th+
general meeting and present
coverage was left unchanged -as
the concensus was that *wag
It was reported that a sign 01
$3,000 has been paid _non. ,the
branch 's mortgage indebtedness,
reducing it to about $2,000. The
payment was made out of general
Announcement was made of
the forthcoming decoration day
at the .cemetery, June 11, when a
service of remembrance will be
held. The Legion members will
est Hump WI members
The West Huron Women's 1h*
stitute held its 72nd district ,ani-
nual meeting in St. Paul's Angle'
can Church, Wingham, on Wed,
nesd_ ay of last week. Registration
was at 9:30 a.rn. with the morning,.
session beginning fifteen minutes
later. In the absence of MS.'
William Elston, president of, "the.
local branch, the vice president,
Mrs. Q. Holmes, greeted the
guests. `' '
Following the opening exer-
cises, minutes of last year's..
meeting and the year's corres-
pondence were read. Auditors'
and treasurer's reports were elmo
given. Mrs. H. Gaunt of Lucknow,
president of the district, spoke
and this was followed by a
fashion parade by the Auburn
branch and ratification of district
The treasurer of each branch
presented pennies to the treas-
urer of the Tiger Dunlop branch,
to be placed in the Pennies for
Friendship fund. This money is
sent to the ACWW, the.world or •
ganization of women, to be used
for their work, and last year
amounted to more than $100 from
the local district.
Board member MrS. 4 nne
Coulthard spoke, as did Miss
Catherine Hunt, home economist.
Resolutions convener Mrs. B.
• Craig of Auburn gave a report of
the officers' conference. Re-
cently formed is a new Institute
branch in Holmesville.
• Dinner was served in the
church at noon. Rev. T. K. Haw-
thorn asked the blessing and Mrs.
Ivan Wightman of Belgrave in-
troduced the head table guests.
'Greetings were extended by Mrs.
,(Munroe, president of the London
1area. DeWitt Miller, mayor of
::Wingham; welcomed the guests.
The speaker was Marvin Streich,
field representative of Com-
munity and Social Services of
The afternoon session began
with the singing of the Convention
Song, led by Mrs. Weber of
Bloomingdale. Mrs. George
Guest of Wingham led a sing-
song. Mrs. W. Lockridge of the
Belgrave Personal Notes
Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler attend-
ed the United Church Women's
conference at Westminster Col-
lege, London, on the weekend.
Visitors on Tuesday with Mrs.
Marshall Stonehouse were Mrs.
Maitland Henry of Blyth and Mr.
and Mrs: William Pinning of Clin-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes,
Mt' and Mrs. James Coultes,
Miss Irene Paton and Mrs. Roy
Moran of Wingham attended the
funeral of the late George Pocock
in Lambeth last Wednesday.
James Spivey 'of Brussels was
at London on Wednesday and •
attended his- brother John's;
graduation at which he received
his Bachelor of Arts degree.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Armstrong
of London and Mike Foran of To-
ronto visited 'one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arm-
strong. .
Mrs. Harold Procter attended
It may
iost you
your life
See McGEE for
front end alignment
and wheel balancing
We have complete facilities
for wheel -balancing and
front-end alignment, etc.
Complete line of
Seiberling Tires
in stock for furtker safety
355 Josephine St. '357-1416
the Convocation at University of visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Western Ontario, London on
Wednesday, at which her son-in-
law, John Spivey of Ingersoll
received his Bachelor of Arts
degree. •
Mrs. George Cook spent a few
days last week with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Green and .family near.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
attended the 8th annual Boehler
family reunion at Elma Com-
mtfhity Centre in Atwood on Sun-
day and visited with Mrs. Edgar
Wahl in 'Listowel.
Mrs. Helen Birtwhistle, Nor-
man Vincent. •and'.Ira of :Grand
Bend. were Sunday. visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent.
Mr.. and Mrs. Keith Pletch,
,Kerry and Jeffrey visited on Sun- ,
day with her father, Charles.
Fraser, and with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Fraser and family of
Armow and' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Bushell of Kinloss.
•Miss Ruth Ann Pletcli of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam,
Mrs. Telford Cook and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Cook were Sunday
Slessor of Glamis.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les
Shaw and family of London were
weekend visitors with their
mother, Mrs. Jack Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of
Seaforth visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent.
Mrs. James Taylor and Miss
Lilla Taylor of Wingham, Mr. and
Mrs. John. Campbell of Exeter
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helm of
Ashfield visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Van Camp on • the
Mrs. Edwin Ansley of Thessa-
lon is visiting with her 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell.
Mrs. Olive Campbell is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Jardin
of London .
We wish to welcome to our
community Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Pegg, newlyweds, who are living
in the former William Van Camp
home. Mr. Pegg is employed by
the • Department 9f Lands and
Forests. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of Thorn -
be joined at the cemetery at 2:30
p.m. by outer Wingham groups,
including Legion Auxiliary,
1.O:O.F., Rebekahs, Scouts and
Cubs, Catholic Women's League
and Wingham Fire Department
as well as civic officials and the
general public.
hold annual
Wingham .brantch called for a roll
call of the various branches and
St. Helens, members conducted
the In Memoriam service.
Mrs. W. Bradnock then intro-
duced the guest speaker, Mrs.
Weber of Bloomingdale,. secre=
tarda of the Women's Institute of
Ontario. Londesboro members
collected the offering. Reports of
standing committees were given
and the public relations officer,
Mrs. Bradnock gave her annual
report. Mrs. Guest sang two
solos, "Faith of Our Fathers"
and "How , Great Thou Art".
Curator's report was given by
Mrs. Clark and a report of Huron -
view by Mrs. W. Colclough.
New officers were then in-
stalled for the coming year. Mrs.
Harold Gaunt of RR 2, Lucknow,
was re-elected president; vice
president is Mrs. Donald Haines
of Auburn; Mrs. Ivan Wightman
of RR 1, Belgrave is secretary-
treasurer and her assistant is
Mrs. Graham McNee of Dun-
Other officers are Mrs. Rich-
ard Buchanan of RR 6, Goderich,
Mrs. Luella McGowan of Blyth,
Mrs. Robert Wilson of .RR 5,
Goderich; Mrs. Bradnock, Mrs.
Bert Craig, Mrs. Celia Taylor, all
of Auburn; Mrs. Lloyd Pipe of
Committee conveners include
Mrs. William Porter of RR 3,
Goderich, Mrs, W. Elston of
Wingham; Mrs. Ben Walsh of.
Blyth and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook of
Londesboro. .
Members of the Dungannon WI
extended an invitation to the
group. to hold. the 1973 annual
meeting in that village.
—Monday visitors with Mrs. D.
S. MacNaughton were her cou-
sins, Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Eg-
'gertson of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
—Miss' Irene Paton has , re-
turned to her home on Minnie
Street following a three-week
tour, of Holland, England and the
JerseyIslands. Miss, Paton was
one of a group of retired school
teachers who ehjoyed the
European holiday.
—Mt: ' and Mrs. Rowland
Ballagh attended worship service
in St. John United Church, Ham-
ilton, on Sunday morning when
their grandson., Steven Clark,
was christened. Following the
christening, family gathering
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Clark. . •
Ways to worship theme of St. Paul's ACW
The June meeting of St. Paul's
ACW was held at -the rectory.
Mrs. D. Connell, president,
opened the meeting with prayers.
Roll call was answered by ;nam-
ing a woman of the Bible and an
outstanding fact about her. •
Mrs, W. H. French, gave a very
interesting and informative talk
on "Ways to Worship". Site con-
cluded with the following story :
"Among the guests at a large
social gathering were an aged
clergyman and a famous actor.
One of those present requested
the actor to give a recitation. The
clergyman suggested he read the
23rd Psalm. The actor agreed
and proceeded to read in such a
perfect manner that the audience
was delighted and heartily ex-
pressed appreciation.
The actor then turned to the
clergyman and said mis-
chievously, "Now, sir, you read
it!". The aged saint took the
Bible and as his voice, tremulous
with emotion and mellowed by a
ripe and deep experience; re-
peated the words of that beloved
psalm, his audience was spell-
bound and sat in a -great silence,
MAKING SUITABLE remarks before presenting gifts to
two members of th Teen -Age Girls nf-St. Paul's, Mrs. Ken
Hawthorn has Mr`: A ,, Parker (hidden) and Karen Ritter
as part of her audience. - Staff Photo.
deeply moved. When the reading
ended, the actor rose and coming
over to the old man, he said,
"Forgive me, sir. I know the
psalm but you know the. Shep-
The business portion of the
meeting followed. The secretary
reported five bales of used cloth-
ing had been sent to a mission
centre in Northern Ontario: Since
this is the last meeting until Sep-
tember, the ladies voted to plan
for a bake sale on Friday, Sep-
tember 22 and the annual' fowl
supper Wednesday, October 18.
Two local members now serve
on the Deanery -executive of
ACW; Mrs. D. Farnell is vice
president and Mrs. V. Coates is a
Mrs. Coates and Miss Myrtle
Johnson reported on the spring
Deanery meeting held at Trivitt
Memorial 'Church, Exeter. Mrs.
Pilgrim, past president of Dean-
ery, took as her topic "Why Go To
Church?" and Mrs. Lloy Mc-
Fadden, a former Wingham girl,
told of ACW work in the Diocese
of MacKenzie. 'The special
speaker was Bishop Cook of that
The diocese is comprised of
whites, Eskimos and Indians.
Unemployment is high and gas
costs $2.50 a gallon. Before the
war English people financed the
missionary work in Northern
Canada ; now the ACW take an
active part in it. The churches
m built hospitals there 30 years be-
fore the government took over.
There are many native doctors,
nurses, teachers and engineers.
The natives' way of living has
changed but they still want their
treaty -promised rights. .
Anne Rokeby Thomas has
written a book about the north en-
titled "Igloo World".
Following the business Rev. T.
K. Hawthorn pronounced the
benediction. The next meeting
will be Thursday, September 7, at
the home of Mrs. W. H. French.
RECIPIENTS OF gifts from fellow members of"the Teen-
Age Girls of St. Paul's at the Mother and Daughter banquet
Monday night, Heather Farnell, left, and Patti King,ex-
treme right, are shown with Rev. T. K. Hawthorn, who .
made the presentation, and Julie Foxton, president of the
organization: —Staff Photo.
Owrn. Sound band
to present concert
The Owen Sound Salvation
Army Band, under the direction
of Bandmaster Harold Stuck, will
present a concert of sacred music
at the Wingham Bandshell at
Riverside Park this Sunday even-
ing at 7.
t, _
Free bus service to and from
the park is being offered by. the
Salvation Army and is available
by calling 357-1951. The bits will
automatically . call on the senior
citizens' residences on Edward Ik
Street, Bristol Terrace, and Al-
fred Street. Captain Fearnall of
the local corps has suggested that
there may be those who would
like to hear their favorite hymns
played by the band, and would
ask those with such requests to
arrive early and make them
.—Mr. and Mrs. Gary Watcher
were received into the, member,,,
ship of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church at Sunday morning com-
munion service. They are trans-
ferring their membership from
St. George's Presbyterian
• Church in London.
—Visiting at the home of Mrs.
Gertrude Allen on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunbar,
"Kathy, Susan and Karen of
Chatsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Orwell
Allen and sons Michael and Dan-
ny, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green' and
Jennifer all of London. While
here they attended the 25th wed-
ding anniversary celebrations
held, for Mr. and • Mrs. James
Casemore at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Smith and family,
Boland Street. ,
-Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton was
in Milton for the weekend, where
she attended the Flynn -Caputo
wedding on Saturday. . •
Fund adds $500,
In their- door-to-door "blitz"
last week Wingham firemen col-
lected about $500 for the Muscu-
lar - Dystrophy. Association,
equalling the amount collected in
recent years, Lynn Hickey re-
ports. The drive is an annual pro-
ject of the firemen here and else-
where across Canada.
Most of the local firefighters
were involved in the campaign,
with collection- teams allocated to
sections of . the town for a •
thorough canvass.
Get yours
today at:..
' Listowel, Ontario
The 'firm of CRAWFORb AND MILL, Barristers 'and
Solicitors, WINGHAM, Ontario, are pleased to announce
the opening of an office for the practice of law in Gorrie,
Ontario. This office will be located in the Keil Insurance
Building. Mr. boss Davies, B.A.; L.L.B.,. of the firm of
Crawford and /dill will be in attendance at the Gorrie
Office on Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 12' noon, com-
mencing the 19th of June, 1972.
Barristers and Solicitors
Wingham, Ontario
357-3630 •
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Reg.- $5.00 to $8.00
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Cordially . Invites You to' Our
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JUNE. 9th and 10th, 1972
Snack Table and Coffee
Open 10:00 a.m. to .8:00 p.m. ,
The Wingha n, Advance=' y, .June E,1
Ian Edward, a Navy veteran
active,n Legion affairs for years,
was4lecte4, president of Wing-
, barn Branch 1.80, Royal Canadian
Legion at the regulaneral
meeting, sugceeding Don Adams.
Other officers. elected who will
be officially installed in their of-
fices with appropriate ceremony
June 22 are Don Adams-, past
president ; Ted Elliott, first vice
president ; Dave Hynes, second
vice president ; Doug Rathbun,
treasurer; Ken Simmons, secre-
tary,; Willis Hall, sgt.-at-arms;
Bugh McKague, assistant sgt.-at-
arms; Harry Montgomery, fi-
nancial secretary; Bob Hickey,
Bill Renwick, Alvin Higgins, V..
"Dutch" Ducharme, Harold
Remington, Don Farnell and
Charles Coultes, executive com-
mittee; Lloyd Carter, service of-
ficer; Willis Hall, public relations
Rev. Barry Passmore, pastor
of Wingham United Church, was
re -appointed honorary chaplain
of the branch.
In a general' business session
conducted under the chairman-
ship of Ian Edward, in the un-
avoidable absence of the. presi-
dent who is in Europe, the mem-
bership chairman „reported 132
regular members Olus ten fra-
ternal members.
The meeting agreed to have a
concrete slab constructed as a
base for the fieldgun which
stands in front of the building, to.
facilitate grass cutting and neat-
. The subject of insurance on the
Legion building and cotat004.4
discussed at a recent executive
meeting, was dealt with by th+
general meeting and present
coverage was left unchanged -as
the concensus was that *wag
It was reported that a sign 01
$3,000 has been paid _non. ,the
branch 's mortgage indebtedness,
reducing it to about $2,000. The
payment was made out of general
Announcement was made of
the forthcoming decoration day
at the .cemetery, June 11, when a
service of remembrance will be
held. The Legion members will
est Hump WI members
The West Huron Women's 1h*
stitute held its 72nd district ,ani-
nual meeting in St. Paul's Angle'
can Church, Wingham, on Wed,
nesd_ ay of last week. Registration
was at 9:30 a.rn. with the morning,.
session beginning fifteen minutes
later. In the absence of MS.'
William Elston, president of, "the.
local branch, the vice president,
Mrs. Q. Holmes, greeted the
guests. `' '
Following the opening exer-
cises, minutes of last year's..
meeting and the year's corres-
pondence were read. Auditors'
and treasurer's reports were elmo
given. Mrs. H. Gaunt of Lucknow,
president of the district, spoke
and this was followed by a
fashion parade by the Auburn
branch and ratification of district
The treasurer of each branch
presented pennies to the treas-
urer of the Tiger Dunlop branch,
to be placed in the Pennies for
Friendship fund. This money is
sent to the ACWW, the.world or •
ganization of women, to be used
for their work, and last year
amounted to more than $100 from
the local district.
Board member MrS. 4 nne
Coulthard spoke, as did Miss
Catherine Hunt, home economist.
Resolutions convener Mrs. B.
• Craig of Auburn gave a report of
the officers' conference. Re-
cently formed is a new Institute
branch in Holmesville.
• Dinner was served in the
church at noon. Rev. T. K. Haw-
thorn asked the blessing and Mrs.
Ivan Wightman of Belgrave in-
troduced the head table guests.
'Greetings were extended by Mrs.
,(Munroe, president of the London
1area. DeWitt Miller, mayor of
::Wingham; welcomed the guests.
The speaker was Marvin Streich,
field representative of Com-
munity and Social Services of
The afternoon session began
with the singing of the Convention
Song, led by Mrs. Weber of
Bloomingdale. Mrs. George
Guest of Wingham led a sing-
song. Mrs. W. Lockridge of the
Belgrave Personal Notes
Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler attend-
ed the United Church Women's
conference at Westminster Col-
lege, London, on the weekend.
Visitors on Tuesday with Mrs.
Marshall Stonehouse were Mrs.
Maitland Henry of Blyth and Mr.
and Mrs: William Pinning of Clin-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes,
Mt' and Mrs. James Coultes,
Miss Irene Paton and Mrs. Roy
Moran of Wingham attended the
funeral of the late George Pocock
in Lambeth last Wednesday.
James Spivey 'of Brussels was
at London on Wednesday and •
attended his- brother John's;
graduation at which he received
his Bachelor of Arts degree.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Armstrong
of London and Mike Foran of To-
ronto visited 'one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arm-
strong. .
Mrs. Harold Procter attended
It may
iost you
your life
See McGEE for
front end alignment
and wheel balancing
We have complete facilities
for wheel -balancing and
front-end alignment, etc.
Complete line of
Seiberling Tires
in stock for furtker safety
355 Josephine St. '357-1416
the Convocation at University of visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Western Ontario, London on
Wednesday, at which her son-in-
law, John Spivey of Ingersoll
received his Bachelor of Arts
degree. •
Mrs. George Cook spent a few
days last week with her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Green and .family near.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
attended the 8th annual Boehler
family reunion at Elma Com-
mtfhity Centre in Atwood on Sun-
day and visited with Mrs. Edgar
Wahl in 'Listowel.
Mrs. Helen Birtwhistle, Nor-
man Vincent. •and'.Ira of :Grand
Bend. were Sunday. visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent.
Mr.. and Mrs. Keith Pletch,
,Kerry and Jeffrey visited on Sun- ,
day with her father, Charles.
Fraser, and with 'Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Fraser and family of
Armow and' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Bushell of Kinloss.
•Miss Ruth Ann Pletcli of Lon-
don spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam,
Mrs. Telford Cook and Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Cook were Sunday
Slessor of Glamis.
• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Anderson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les
Shaw and family of London were
weekend visitors with their
mother, Mrs. Jack Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of
Seaforth visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent.
Mrs. James Taylor and Miss
Lilla Taylor of Wingham, Mr. and
Mrs. John. Campbell of Exeter
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Helm of
Ashfield visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Van Camp on • the
Mrs. Edwin Ansley of Thessa-
lon is visiting with her 'parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Campbell.
Mrs. Olive Campbell is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Jardin
of London .
We wish to welcome to our
community Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Pegg, newlyweds, who are living
in the former William Van Camp
home. Mr. Pegg is employed by
the • Department 9f Lands and
Forests. .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of Thorn -
be joined at the cemetery at 2:30
p.m. by outer Wingham groups,
including Legion Auxiliary,
1.O:O.F., Rebekahs, Scouts and
Cubs, Catholic Women's League
and Wingham Fire Department
as well as civic officials and the
general public.
hold annual
Wingham .brantch called for a roll
call of the various branches and
St. Helens, members conducted
the In Memoriam service.
Mrs. W. Bradnock then intro-
duced the guest speaker, Mrs.
Weber of Bloomingdale,. secre=
tarda of the Women's Institute of
Ontario. Londesboro members
collected the offering. Reports of
standing committees were given
and the public relations officer,
Mrs. Bradnock gave her annual
report. Mrs. Guest sang two
solos, "Faith of Our Fathers"
and "How , Great Thou Art".
Curator's report was given by
Mrs. Clark and a report of Huron -
view by Mrs. W. Colclough.
New officers were then in-
stalled for the coming year. Mrs.
Harold Gaunt of RR 2, Lucknow,
was re-elected president; vice
president is Mrs. Donald Haines
of Auburn; Mrs. Ivan Wightman
of RR 1, Belgrave is secretary-
treasurer and her assistant is
Mrs. Graham McNee of Dun-
Other officers are Mrs. Rich-
ard Buchanan of RR 6, Goderich,
Mrs. Luella McGowan of Blyth,
Mrs. Robert Wilson of .RR 5,
Goderich; Mrs. Bradnock, Mrs.
Bert Craig, Mrs. Celia Taylor, all
of Auburn; Mrs. Lloyd Pipe of
Committee conveners include
Mrs. William Porter of RR 3,
Goderich, Mrs, W. Elston of
Wingham; Mrs. Ben Walsh of.
Blyth and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook of
Londesboro. .
Members of the Dungannon WI
extended an invitation to the
group. to hold. the 1973 annual
meeting in that village.
—Monday visitors with Mrs. D.
S. MacNaughton were her cou-
sins, Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Eg-
'gertson of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
—Miss' Irene Paton has , re-
turned to her home on Minnie
Street following a three-week
tour, of Holland, England and the
JerseyIslands. Miss, Paton was
one of a group of retired school
teachers who ehjoyed the
European holiday.
—Mt: ' and Mrs. Rowland
Ballagh attended worship service
in St. John United Church, Ham-
ilton, on Sunday morning when
their grandson., Steven Clark,
was christened. Following the
christening, family gathering
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Clark. . •
Ways to worship theme of St. Paul's ACW
The June meeting of St. Paul's
ACW was held at -the rectory.
Mrs. D. Connell, president,
opened the meeting with prayers.
Roll call was answered by ;nam-
ing a woman of the Bible and an
outstanding fact about her. •
Mrs, W. H. French, gave a very
interesting and informative talk
on "Ways to Worship". Site con-
cluded with the following story :
"Among the guests at a large
social gathering were an aged
clergyman and a famous actor.
One of those present requested
the actor to give a recitation. The
clergyman suggested he read the
23rd Psalm. The actor agreed
and proceeded to read in such a
perfect manner that the audience
was delighted and heartily ex-
pressed appreciation.
The actor then turned to the
clergyman and said mis-
chievously, "Now, sir, you read
it!". The aged saint took the
Bible and as his voice, tremulous
with emotion and mellowed by a
ripe and deep experience; re-
peated the words of that beloved
psalm, his audience was spell-
bound and sat in a -great silence,
MAKING SUITABLE remarks before presenting gifts to
two members of th Teen -Age Girls nf-St. Paul's, Mrs. Ken
Hawthorn has Mr`: A ,, Parker (hidden) and Karen Ritter
as part of her audience. - Staff Photo.
deeply moved. When the reading
ended, the actor rose and coming
over to the old man, he said,
"Forgive me, sir. I know the
psalm but you know the. Shep-
The business portion of the
meeting followed. The secretary
reported five bales of used cloth-
ing had been sent to a mission
centre in Northern Ontario: Since
this is the last meeting until Sep-
tember, the ladies voted to plan
for a bake sale on Friday, Sep-
tember 22 and the annual' fowl
supper Wednesday, October 18.
Two local members now serve
on the Deanery -executive of
ACW; Mrs. D. Farnell is vice
president and Mrs. V. Coates is a
Mrs. Coates and Miss Myrtle
Johnson reported on the spring
Deanery meeting held at Trivitt
Memorial 'Church, Exeter. Mrs.
Pilgrim, past president of Dean-
ery, took as her topic "Why Go To
Church?" and Mrs. Lloy Mc-
Fadden, a former Wingham girl,
told of ACW work in the Diocese
of MacKenzie. 'The special
speaker was Bishop Cook of that
The diocese is comprised of
whites, Eskimos and Indians.
Unemployment is high and gas
costs $2.50 a gallon. Before the
war English people financed the
missionary work in Northern
Canada ; now the ACW take an
active part in it. The churches
m built hospitals there 30 years be-
fore the government took over.
There are many native doctors,
nurses, teachers and engineers.
The natives' way of living has
changed but they still want their
treaty -promised rights. .
Anne Rokeby Thomas has
written a book about the north en-
titled "Igloo World".
Following the business Rev. T.
K. Hawthorn pronounced the
benediction. The next meeting
will be Thursday, September 7, at
the home of Mrs. W. H. French.
RECIPIENTS OF gifts from fellow members of"the Teen-
Age Girls of St. Paul's at the Mother and Daughter banquet
Monday night, Heather Farnell, left, and Patti King,ex-
treme right, are shown with Rev. T. K. Hawthorn, who .
made the presentation, and Julie Foxton, president of the
organization: —Staff Photo.
Owrn. Sound band
to present concert
The Owen Sound Salvation
Army Band, under the direction
of Bandmaster Harold Stuck, will
present a concert of sacred music
at the Wingham Bandshell at
Riverside Park this Sunday even-
ing at 7.
t, _
Free bus service to and from
the park is being offered by. the
Salvation Army and is available
by calling 357-1951. The bits will
automatically . call on the senior
citizens' residences on Edward Ik
Street, Bristol Terrace, and Al-
fred Street. Captain Fearnall of
the local corps has suggested that
there may be those who would
like to hear their favorite hymns
played by the band, and would
ask those with such requests to
arrive early and make them
.—Mr. and Mrs. Gary Watcher
were received into the, member,,,
ship of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church at Sunday morning com-
munion service. They are trans-
ferring their membership from
St. George's Presbyterian
• Church in London.
—Visiting at the home of Mrs.
Gertrude Allen on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunbar,
"Kathy, Susan and Karen of
Chatsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Orwell
Allen and sons Michael and Dan-
ny, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Green' and
Jennifer all of London. While
here they attended the 25th wed-
ding anniversary celebrations
held, for Mr. and • Mrs. James
Casemore at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Smith and family,
Boland Street. ,
-Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton was
in Milton for the weekend, where
she attended the Flynn -Caputo
wedding on Saturday. . •
Fund adds $500,
In their- door-to-door "blitz"
last week Wingham firemen col-
lected about $500 for the Muscu-
lar - Dystrophy. Association,
equalling the amount collected in
recent years, Lynn Hickey re-
ports. The drive is an annual pro-
ject of the firemen here and else-
where across Canada.
Most of the local firefighters
were involved in the campaign,
with collection- teams allocated to
sections of . the town for a •
thorough canvass.
Get yours
today at:..
' Listowel, Ontario
The 'firm of CRAWFORb AND MILL, Barristers 'and
Solicitors, WINGHAM, Ontario, are pleased to announce
the opening of an office for the practice of law in Gorrie,
Ontario. This office will be located in the Keil Insurance
Building. Mr. boss Davies, B.A.; L.L.B.,. of the firm of
Crawford and /dill will be in attendance at the Gorrie
Office on Monday from 10:00 a.m. to 12' noon, com-
mencing the 19th of June, 1972.
Barristers and Solicitors
Wingham, Ontario
357-3630 •
8, 15
Reg.- $5.00 to $8.00
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