HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-7, Page 4Established 1877.1 DOMINION PARLIAMENT. Opening of the Third Session& of the Sixth parliament. OTTAWA, Ont, Jan. 3L -To -day at 3 caolook his exeellency the Governor General proceeded in state to the parliament house, and the members of the commons having beau summoned to the chamber of the senate, his excellency was pleased. to open the third seseion a the sixth par" liament of Dominion a Canada in the following speech; Honorable gentlemen of the senate, gentlemen of the house of commons; In addressing the perliament of Canada for the firet time on the falfillment of the important trust which ha e been committed to me as her majesty's representative, I desire to express the satiefactioe with which I resort to your advice and assist- ance. I am conscious of the honor whiah attends my association with your labors for the welfare of the Dominion, and it will be my earnest endeavor to co-operate with you to the utmost of my power ia all that may promote the prosperity of the people of the country, the deve'op• ment of her material resources and the maintenance of the constitutional ties which uuite her provinces It is to be regretted that the treaty oonoluded be. sTiiiiniL, BANKER, EXETER, - ONT. Transacts a geueralho,nking buainesa. Reoeives the .000,mt8 a merohants and others ou favorable terms. Offers every aceonnuodation consistent with Safe and cora Servative hankie g p rineiples. Five per sent. interest allowed on deposits. Drafts issued payable at auy office of the Merehants Bank. NOTES DISCOUNTED, & MONEY TO LOAN ON NOTEb‘ AND MORTGAGES 011g (EX.Ottr gink/O. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, ISM For polluting the river Thames with • sewage, the city of London. was Mouthy flned one thonsand dollars. Tian Crown Prince, Rudolph, of • Austria, was shot, while , in bed, the other morning, The act it is supposed was committed byone of the greatest nobles of the empire. Mr. Sol. White, in a letter to the editor of the Windsor Clarion, reply- ing to an anonymous scribbler, says :- I explained that I was not an annexe tionist, but that in the event of a change preferred political union to Imperial federation or commercial union. Though not discontented with our pres- ent state, I thought political union would present greater advantages to our country than the other schemes propoundecl for our future welfare. --- Woemes Unrestricted Reciprocity cure the evil of high prices for manufactured goods? Let us see how it would affect sugar. Last Saturday, at Montreal, granulated sugar was quoted at 7t ; in New York granulated sugar was 7, and crushed 8. The Canadian sugar is better then the American. Wherein could there be anything gained by Un- restricted Reciprocity in this matter we fail to see ; the A mericans, however • would have the advantage of procuring our good. sugar at a lower price than at present. Ir has been predicted by many pro- phetic writers that with the twentieth • century the millennial glory will dawn. We are now within eleven years of the twentieth century, but a comprehensive glance at the condition of the nations of the earth does not reveal any cheer- • ing harbingers of the wished -for period when swords will be beaten into plow- • shares and spears into pruning -hooks. Still, it may be that this very gloomy i outlook is n itself a hopeful sign, since the darkest hour ;s that before the dawn. LOOK OUT FOR IT. If you are troubled with a cold or ough, ha:cover light the attack, look out for it) do not allow it to settle on the lunget break up the cough by loosening the tough phlegm with fiagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Montreal is eontemplating harbor im- provements which will cost in the neighbor. hood of $0,000.000. FARM FOR SALE. Ninety acres -Lot 6, con. 2, in Stephen townshm, Huron eo,, over 7c agree cleared, of which 50 acres are in grass and in first-class condition, Half mile trona Centralia Good brick house and out buildings. Artist be sold For further partioulars apply to MATTHEW MORLOCK, 3 mos. Crediton P. 0. IIIIMICIAMMIMINOMMAP.P1 N OTICE TO THE PUBLIC. John Skinner, of Mitchell, is no longer rep- resentative of The Lion Provident Life and Live Stook Association, Toronto, or authorized to transact any business on our account W K. JONES, Jan 31st, '89. Managing Di rector. INK BOA LOST. Between Hensel] and Exeter on January 31st a mink boa. The 'tinder will be suitably re- warded by leaving it at R. Eultons, Hensall, or at John Treble's shoe and harness shop, tenher majesty and the president ofExeter. Exeter. JOHN IREBLE, the United States for the adjustment of. "• - the questions which have arisen with reference to the fisheries has not been sane Monett by the United States senate, in whom the power of ratification is vested, that our legislation of •the last year on the subject is therefore, in a great measui 0 inoperative. It now only remains for Canada to continue to continue to main tain her rights, as prescribed by the con- vention of 1818, until sotne satisfactory readjnstment is arranged by treaty be - tweet] the two nations. A mea-ure will again be submitted to you to amend the ads respecting the electoral franchise for the purpose of simplifying the law and lessening the cost of its °potation. It is expedient in the interests of commerce to assimulate, and in some particulars to amend, the laws of the Dominion relating to bills of exchange ch ques and promis- sory notes. and a bill with this object will be laid before you. A bill will also be provided for making uniform !throughout the Dominion the laws relating to bills of lading. During the recess my govern- ment has carefully considered the subject of ocean steam seance, and you will be asked to provide the subsidies for the improvement of the Atlantic mail ser vice and for the 'estab ishment, in concert with her majesty's government, of a line of fast steamers between British Columbia and China and Japan. Year attention evglealso be invited to the best mode of developing our trade and securing direct communication by steam with Australia,. the West Indies and South America. A bill will be submitted for your consider- ation for the prevention of certain offences in connection with municipal conncils, and to give greater faci.ities for malting inquires •as to such matters. Several measures will also be presented to you for improving the law of procedure in criminal cases. Among those will be a bill to permit the release on probation of persons convicted of first offences; a bill authorizinulations to be made for m the ractice in cases partaking of the notate of criminal proceedings, and a, bill to make the speedy trials act ap- plicable throughout Caneda Bills relat- ing to the inspection of timber and lum- ber, for the improvement of the postel system. and for increasing the efficency of the Northwest mounted police will also be submitted for your considertiou. The royal commissioners of laboi having con- cluded their enquiries. I hope to be able to lay before you at an early date their report with the important evidence collect. ed by them in various parts of Caned% . Gentlemen of the 'house of commons: The accounts for the past and the estim- ates for the ensuing year will be laid be- fore you. These estinates have been pre- pared with a due regal d to economy and the efficiency of the public service. Honorable gentlemen of the senate, gentlemen of the house of commons: I now commend these several subjects and others which may be brought before you to your earnest consideration. I trust that the retult of your deliberations may, nnder the divine blessing. tend to promote the well...being and prosperity of Canada. Upon the commons' return to the cham- ber, the following members, elected during recess, were introduced: Hon. C. H. Tupper, re.elected on acceptance of portfulio of marine and fisheries. intro- duced by Sir John Macdonald end Sir John Thompson. Mr, l3oisvert, repre- senting Nicolet place ot Gaudet, de. ceased, introduced by Sir Hector Lan- gevin and IVfr. Vanasse. Hon. Jno. 'Hag. gart, re -e ected on taking portfolio of postmaster -general, introduced by Sir John Macdonald and Hon. Mackenzie Howell Hon. Edgar Dewdney, on tak- ing portfolio of. minister of the interior, elected for Eastern A.stiniboia in place of Mr. Peney, called to the senate, intro- duced by Sir John Macdonald and Von. Hon. Geo. Foster. Sir Adam rs Archibald who succeeds Hon. A. W. McLelan for Colchester, introduced by Sir John Macdonald and Sir John Thompson. Mr Lepibe, Montreal ea.st, in place of Mr. Coursol, deceased, introduced by Sir. Hec:tor Langevin and Mr. Curran. R- S. White, sucteechog hie father, Hon, Thos White, in Cardwell, ititroduced by Sh John Macdonald and N 0 Wa lace. Sir Dickey, who succeeds Sir Charles Tupper for Cumber and, introduced by Sir John lVfacclonald and Sir John Thompson. Mr. Neven (R form), succeeding Mr. Gui bault (Conservative) tins( Merl in Joliette'intro ducecl by Hon, M Lawler and Mr. Beauso eil Mr W,) th newly e ec ed member fel flatten was no, preseu. to be introdnced. neither was Mr Coulter, flaldimontre choice, IMIPP Ell MILLS. NEW IMPROVEMENTS. D. B. McLean in thanking his customers for their liberal patronage wishes to inform them and the nubile in general that he has re- fitted the Grist Mill and put in new improve- ments, and having seourecl the eervioes ole thoroughly competent miller, is now bettor prepared than ever before to turn out a good quvlity or Flour. Flour and Feed. Cornmeal and Oatmeal kept constantly on hand. Chop- ping only 5o per bag. Don't forget the old stand. I will also be prepared to attend to all CustomSawing. D. B, MoLEAN. Kippen. Dissolution of PartnershiP BORN. GLAvnsc-In Biddulph, on the second hist - the wife of Mr. Ed Glavin, of a son. MoixTosa -Iu Exeter en Feb. lel, the wife of Zechariah McIntoeh, of a sou. • MARRIED. DAvnt.--STzniliaonx.-At Wainer S Rotel Exeter Noith, on Wednesday Sealy. 23rd by the Rev. S. F. Robineon, Mr, Joseph E Davis to Sophia eldest daughter of Mr Charles Steinhagen of DashWeiod. O'BRIAN. -Utica -At the Lake Shore on the 30th inst at the residence of the bride's uncle, Kr. Wm. Wilson, by the Rev, J. W, Ortwein of Dashwood, Mr. James J. RI, H, O'Brian of the seoond. line Hey townehip, to Miss Elizabeth Cann of Port Hope, Durham County) Ont. Mirznn..-Vcronnug.-At the residence of the bride's fatbot, January 30th, by the Rev. Mr. Bridgemen, Mr john 1V1il- lor to Miss Elizabeth Worden both of Efibbert. • Roceerts.-Retagir.-In Fullerton, on the 80th of January, at the residence of the bride's uncle, Mr. A. Bb.hwell, by the Rev, R. Hamilton Mr. Robert Rogers to Miss Lizzie Ramsay. In the matter of George Samwell and Richard Pickard, doing business's as gen- eral merchants, in the village of Exeter, in the county of Huron, under the nettle style and firm of `‘Samwell & Pickard." Notice is 'hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between us, ihe undersign-, ed, as general merchants, in the said village of Exeter, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said perm r - ship are to be paid to B, W. Grigg, at Exeter, 'eforesaid, and all claims againot the said part- nership are to be presented to the said B. . Grigg bY whom the se me will be settled. Dated at Exeter, the 25th day of January A.D.. 1889. Signed S GEORGE SAMWELL. RICHARD PICKARD. Witness Sianed R.. H. COLLINS. Notice to Creditors g reg • DR. BROQK used to say that his right In the atter of the estate of THOMAS • hand had much p to do in. keeping to- WILSON, of the village of Exeter in gether his church. And he was not, as a pastor, alone in that experience. " Fe notice," says the Christian Ietelli- gencer, "the formation of a "Hand- shaking Society" in connection with some Western churches. The mem- bers pledge themselves to shake hands with at least one person in connection with each public service. The object aimed at is well worth the heedful consideration of Christian people. A cordial hand -shake has often settled not only the religious home of a church attendant, but retained -under Christian influence many a one for whom Satan ' has spread his net." • Teceet,B seems to be considerable dis- .satisfaction throughout Ontario, solely amongst the laymen of the Methodist church, regarding the arbitrary charac- ter of the Stationing Committee of the Conference in assigning ministers to °hates contrary to the wishes of the congregations, and ignoring the request of congregations that ministers of their choice shall be sent them. With this end in view the laymen have adopted a • platform which provides that the sta. tioning committe, all conference com- mittees and church courts be composer' of ministers and laymen equally, that the right of quarterly boards to invite and of ministers to accept calls be fully recognized, that ministers and repre- sentatives of quarterly boards shall have a right to personal hearing before the Stationing Committee in reference to their own case, and that elections to all church offices shall be by ballot. In the Stationing Committee exercising almost its sole power iri the assigning of ministers to the different charges, there is considerable complaining, and •often serious discord where a congre- gation is averse to the appointment ; but we imagine that were the "call" system adopted there would be trouble -general and more serious. Too many congregations would be after the ssame minister. The other changes proposed may be practicable. THE result of Wednesday's election • in Elaldimand was a surprise to •the • Reformers. Dr. 1Viontague, who had beeri elected twice, hut twice unseated • (the latter instance being on very petil grounds) was defeated by Mr. Coulter (Reform) by a majority og 39. Mt. • Coulter will. take a seat in Parliament ; but perhaps the recount and legal pro- ceedings, which seena to be inseparab'e from an eleetion in the county, may rob,Mr. Coulter of the honor before • the session has well begun. If pluclt • and. determination deserved reward Dr. • Montague should have the seat. Many of the newspapers of adverse polities aro enthusiastic in claiming a victory for Commerciel Union. This is wrong. Seare3ly anything touching upon this • matter was said during, the short Cann paign. Two years ago, Mr. Laurier waved the Commercial'. Union banner,, and the result was net gratifyina • unsatisfactory, in fact that ona engage. • Merit was eufficient, andhis services wore nob nought for the late •cieoteet. Mr. Coulter and spetikere on his behalf woro very careful regarding annotation- st 41vowah, but no doubt now since the election is oast -and victory on their • sido they wi1 loudly shout that the Mr. MichealC1lins(vale dealer of annotation sentiment is arong., ot her election however,,- , 'put a l'ogfinv 4)611n ifillv or the tiitme otth 00) • t1o,y,1011 011 •inwnskifp, hang Aegigited. Lese year the duty was retnoved from American nursery stock and fruit entering Canada, As a consequence, in the former article, we find Canadian torritor,y flooded with Yankee Nursery. men, who take much money out of the Country and leave no practical value behind save a few treee and vines, • whieh may prOve worthless, or no better than Canadian etock, arid which ate no cheaper. In the matter of fruit, by the removal of the duty, the Amer- icans IlaVe a decided athantave over Canadian fruit.arowers. Owing to climatic cowl ton§ the AilleriCan fruit ripeoe earlier than. Canadian fruit end tonsequen tly the A me ricans mo- nopolize the Canadian early market, when fruit i high, leaving Canadian fruit growers to make out as best they can, and allowing them to get nothing but thty low lam.factory prices. the county of Huron, Gentleman, de' ceased. Pureuant to _Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 110, 'notice is hereby given that all creditors, and other persons haVing_elaiMS or demands against the mid Thomas Wilson de- ceased, are to send their Christian names:Sur- names. addresses and descriptions, -with full Particulars of their accounts. and. the nature of the securities (if any) held by them to R. Fl Collins. Exeter P. 0., Ont ; Solicitor for Archi- bald Bishop, the Executor of the last will and testament of the said Thomas Wilson, deeeas- ed on or before the lst day of April, 1889; after whieh date the said Executor wilt distribute the assets of the said deceased among the' parties entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims.of which notice shall then bo,ve been given, arid the said Executor will not be responsible for the said assets or any part there of to any person: of -whose claim notice shall not have been received, at the time of the dis- tribution. R. H. COLLINS, Exeter, Ont., !Solicitor for Executor. Dated at Exeter, 5th day of February, 1889. To Let. STATION HOTEL TO LET. Easy Terms, Apply to the undersigned. June 14.- • I. CARLING. e 16 grand Love Stories, a package of goods worth two dollars to man- ufactureand a large 190p picture book, that will surely put you on the road to a handsome fortune. 'Write quicklyand send 5o silver to • help nay postage. A. W. KINNEY, eirmouth, N FOR SALE. Any quantity of cedar posts and rails, swamped out on to a 'good road. Posts, S10 per 100; rails, 6125 per 1000. Apply at his residence, Exeter. JAS. Howe RD. Dress -Making. Mrs. Dickey, of Crediton, begs to inform the Public that she has moved her business, and will now be found one door west tt Mitchell's Store, Dress -making donein the very latest styles. Cuttingand Fittirg by the new tailor system. • .. MRS. DICKEY, Crediton QALESMEN Wanted. -Good L.) salaries or commistion 'mid to the right men to sell our Choice and hardy varieties of nursery stook. Now is the time of the year to engage. None but honest and upright men needapply, do not delay you deeide to join us, as delays are dangerous. Apply with re- ferences, MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Reehester, N. Y. Notice to Creditors ----a- 2 - Pursuant to ettapter 110, section 36. R 0 1887,notthe is hereby given that milt, ereditors end other persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM GILDERS, late of the Village of Crediton, in the aunty of Huron gentleman, deceased, who died on or about 21st of September A 9 1888, at the said Vill- age of Crediton, are required to sena by post prepaid to Messieurs Macdonald & Dignanof the city of London, in tbe County of Middle- sex,solicitors forSarni Gi ders the executor of the said decetteed on or before the twentieth day of March, A D 1889, statements of their names, addresses and deacriptions and full particulars of their respective claims mad de- mands duly (verified, and of the securities, if any. h, Id by them After the said twentieth day of March, A. D.1889. the executor of the said estate will proceed to distribute the as sets of the said William Gilders among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the olefins of which notice shall have been given as above required, And the said exe- cutor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at tb e time of such distribu- tion. MACDONALD de DIGNAN, Solicitors for the Executor. Dated tlais second day of February, A D 1889, C b.um 1te olli 011 Usefulness ! Beauty, and • Durability 1 -IS AN ESSENTIAL IN- • -SELECTING-- An Article of Furniture GIDLEY Carries the largest stock of Furniture in Huron' County, and JUU3 jnst added to his assortment a great many plebes ittimitably adapted for the botukgr, sittingmoom din in g.roorn or ki tehen An Inspection of Goode will e feet a purchase. V 1 To Advertisers. A. list of 1000 newspapers divided into States and Sections will be sent on application - FREE. To those who want their advertising to pay, We can offer no bettor medium for thorough and effedtivework than the various aerations of our Solent Local List. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau. 10 Spruce street New York. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between Emanuel Rothaer- Mel and Charles Dartleib the younger doing business as wagonmakers arm black- smiths at Dashwood under the name and style of Rothaermel & Hartleib was on the First dny of January, A D. 1889, dissolved by mut- ual consent,. All accounts due to the Com- pany must be paid to Emanuel Rothivermel on or before March 1st A.D. 1889. E, ROTHAERMEL, C. EARTLICTII. Witness, Jos. Snell. Dated at Dashwood Jan. 21st,1889. 11rib:taking in all its Pranches. S. ODDFELLOW'S DLOOIL GIDLEY, (Bum sor to 0 er, 8. OidleY) FACTS WORTH KNOWING. Where You (Ian Get The cheapest Prints and Cottons, Tha best and cheapest Dress -goods, The best and cheapest Flannels, The best and cheapest Corsets and (Hosiery The best and cheapest Boots & Shoes, The best and. oheapest Teas for the money If You want the Best Goods —AT ME— LO WEST PRICES PARKINSON'8 STOCK Ladies' and Gentlemens' Underclothing as exceptional value. We are determined to sell our goods at RIGHT PRICES. Everything marked in plain figures. NO OLD or TRASHY GOODS. Everything new and of First Quality. Our goods sell and we went you to know it. We want you to exame our stock and compare prices with quality. No trouble to show goods. Buying and selling for cash, as we do, •defy competition. Ulster cloths and Jersey Jackets very cheap. Farm Produce taken at market prices. Remember the place : First door north of the Totin Hall, Exeter. J. PARKINSON. kin To ranter: -CALL AT THE- Montreal General Store lam wanting any amount of turkey and geese tail and wing quills. -FOR SALE :- Ladies' and Children's Boots & Shoes. Ladies' and Children's Rubbers, Ladies' linbbers and Hosiery com- bined. Ready-made clothing, Flannels, Underwear Top Shirts and Cardigans. Organs and Pianos, Sewing Machines Dwelling house for sale or to rent, oppos- ite town hall. Give me a call Before purchasing else- where. ' T. DBARIN'G. Elizabeth street, south of James-st Meth church. attosamemeeeasenot=masamantstiosapuoinimenewenexes THIS YEAR'S Provoirroozing --CAIL AT TELE— Iftratle CUT and PLUG Smoking Tobacco FINER THAN EVER. See T., & IN BRONZE, On each PLUG and PACKAGE. When I say Omen I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, Bud then have them re- turn again. r WRAY A RADICA.I. CURB. I have made the disease of PITS, NPILEPSY N'.11.1.,LING SIC NESS A. lifelong study. L HAMMITT my remedy to MBE the worst oases. Because others have failedis no reason for not no w receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a FEE a BOTTIgi Of MY nize.Antannn REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing or B, trial, and it win cure you. .A.ddress Dr. H. G. ROOT. 37 'Kongo St., Toronto, Ont. ' -ellItaustat mimeeo-v-mmimi•TT mazDef —AND— ' Live Stock Association (Incorporated-) Home Office -Room D, - Arcade, Toronto.' In the life department this Association pro -- vides indemnity for sickness and accident, and substantial assistance to the relatives of de- ceased naembers at terms available to all. In the live stock department two thirds in- demnity for loss ofilve Stook of its members. Applications for Agencies invited. Send...tat prospectuses, claims Paid, &o. WILLIAM JONES, Managing Director- • THE KEY TU HEALTH. DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM S OF ALL KINDS IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND PANNOT-HARM THE MOST OEL-ICATM CHILD A SURE CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OP THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO Buknock BLOOD BITTEFIS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. TIE Ti N Just Received at the "FAMILY GIZOOEBY" A Fresh Stock of OYSTERS, HADDIES,:SISCOES, BOLOGNA, HAMS, BACON, SPICED ROLL and LARD. • ----Also a good Stook of— TEAS, Ste -Alta, COFFEES, SPICES, and all kinds of canned goods on hand. Flour (roller) for sale. Fresh bread and buns. G-, A. ElYNOMAN. EvereSt's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and he convinced of tits wonderful ourative properties. Pries 25 ette (Tradom,06;,) Try �vorests ,LIVER REGULei 011, 1.,orDi405ntyk0f the Liver, lelatioya es hard Purifying nigtho Blood. l'Ci,l1, 01n bottles, 1N:r sale be ell deug- giets, menurnentrog may by ring- CVErle TI, (ThiRt, voroprt, OREDITON- Stove and lia,rdware Denot And examine the Large Assortment of Cook, Parlor, Hall and Coal Stoves. As large and fine an assortment as is to be found in Huron Co,, and at prices slightly,, above cost, - Tinware of All Kinds, Lamps and Lamp Goods, always on hand. (Joal oil and Machine >il at low prices. Sole agent for this locality for Lewrence's celebratedSpectacces. All grades ; all sights. It is the Best Spectacle in the Market to -day. Call and get a Surprise. Produce taken as Cash. 1701 -IN a. IrOTTNC, CREDITON. OUR - NEW • -FALL AND- liday Goods Coming In. The following are a few of the lines in : Toy Hooke, Christmas, Books, People's Edition Standard Fiction, Poets, Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Photograph Al bunas, Stamp Albums, Playing Card s, Cheolters, Dominoes, Anthems, Combination Gaines, Chess, Wallets, Pocket 13noks, and the finest assortment of an the Very Latest Styles of Ledies' Purse ever shown in tzeter, BIBLES AND- -PRAYER BOOKS IN ENDLESS VARIETY, And a Voll List of Miscellaneous Peaks, Writing Papers, ItInvelopes. Ink, P008, Pencils, MbOittge, Ribber 13ands, •;Motu°. 130o1c8, tttt kinds of-. Stat1onet'e4 Sttndries tge-- TIT1,1 'DOMINION LA 1..101tAT011Y, j. VST )3r0 JAN ING, P raj', 'Unlocks allthe dogged avenuei of the, Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrY- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul. humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the. Stomach, curing Biliousness, bys. pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, .Heartbarn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Eluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and. Gen.. eral Debility.; all these and. many other similar Complaints yield. to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. 8: CO. PronTintars, Terme& DR. Washington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, E.A.T. Feb. 1eth7. All Day. Catarrh ,Bronchitis, Aoth a., Consumption. etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures: Mr/3.3'0bn McKay, Kingston, Ont.,. Catarrh and Consumption. John MoKelVy, Kingston, Ont., eata.rrli Mrs. A. Homing, Kingston, Ont., Broncho Contuin pti on. Mr.E Scott, Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh, head ' and throat Read W. 11, Storey's Original, Testimonial, Catarrh Throat ) Listen to W II Storey, Boo ,, of the firm of W TI Stoyey & Son , A eton Glove M anufaetur- erre else Presiden t Man unotarers' Asoeiation of Canada. nit, WASHINGTON, 215 Vonge-st.,,Toron Dean 811t. - 1 assure you 1 feel grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble, ivnd though 1 dislike having my iuiine appear in corm eeti on wi tli the Ms thn °Mal bus- iness yet, having regard for those who aro afteetod as well as having a desire to roeognizo the tomtits r your treatment I make a departure In thio . Prior to my acquaint- ance with yru, r 1., suffered for two years from eepeeted lcb8 of catarrhal sere throat, each succectIn • &tack being more prolonged and violont'ut T 0)10 former. At these tjril Oa X had violent 05 0.1 coughing, and would dis- eherge large ties oi DiDc0118, Feeling alarmed 5 sougin 011 ellost toadied skill avail - able,ineludika 1 ne,b-no red Speus cio1, and took almost otorything known to amdioine wttbou 1 experioneini; a particle of relief, Laitt spring 1 wont tt. Ettroitei I he change did olo good. but on toy rotary tilt old trouble \v.'s ye o owed. Cecina' yon Wel •ortised to visit this 1315 001 tbouglifT would e on stil t Yon alp °ugh I eonfints with not m &Mb 1o,ro of re,' „ring any boilers t- TrOwd.ver, 1 wls fil coral)? represoed treatment 0 trial. tio , 10 witn p005 mintier, aril raimileea your inform yon is a coin r§r p_iv v1 nki "Ise to Din rked in its chermatei ten- Iserid) it M, oeif and tor friends, Prow tuo t voto• Med- loin° a 0 em eil adapted tt tuv ti n d ee ee lief- In two mos. t wa on r ro I 3t won .onr) bave se continued thro,pith toe most unfavorable • fftvVitetli,111ts'orgerholitagotroni'll'S I rrifli)oeil,,t17titit6r .630:r10,17 be -pleased to FITISWCFloly ohottirichv ",titi to ; inref0SO. YOnT5 Vory W. 11. STOTtEV. Aeton, jet, 100,1887, ' ifelPOONSITTICATroN rk'r...ositt