HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-2-7, Page 1OldtMitt) '+' Hall! JEWELRY, $ILVERWARE,- •-AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE. giergersonel atteution given to repelling of watches, clocks andjewelry: , R4ICIIENI3ACZE,• OPP9dtelhe Market, • PARICHILL. LEGAL. a. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli - 111, 41, eitor of Supreme Court,NotaryPublie iCouvsYanecZ CoMm.issioner, &c. Money to r400,11. 011icein Fanson's Block, I:Meter, R .11. COLLINS, Barrister, Solicitor, Bouveyancer, Etc,, HICETER, OT. •Ciao eSennivell'sBloek Rall's old 021e e. ) .ARMOITlir W. POIW, AlSolioitorio the Supreme Court of Ontario, onve yam° er, Commissioneri Sic. Special attentien given to the oollection of claims in the United States. patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates, (Moe: Opera; House B1"lr,g4f,IVEarYs, Ont. ,.., FILLIOt & ELLIOT, • Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries • Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. 1:111oney to Loan at Lowest Ratee•of Interest. , OFFICE, - MAIN- STREET, EXETER. E. v. zoLLIOT. J. ELLIOT. -DENTAL, E L L. BILLIN(S, ° 13MNTIST. OFFICE: oyez 07.41'1E11.1S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. 'Pr KINSMAN ,DENTIST.1.1.D.S JL.,1- • Samwell's Block, Main•st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings and all other dental work the best possible. Goes to ZERIOTE on last Thursday in each month. MEDICAL ri LUTZ , D. , • Officeat hisresidence Exeter T W. BliOWNING• U. D., M. 0 P. S ,Graduate ViotoriaUniversity.Ofiloe tudlfesidenee,Dort niortLaboratory, Exeter J)R. faNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr, . Carling's store, Exeter. TAR. J. A. ROLTINt), M.0. P. S o. Oce, Main Seeexeter,Ont.Reeiden • ce honsereeently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. T.TENEY EIL13ER, Licensed Am,- tioneer for fla.y, Stephen, and McGilli- Fray,Townships. So les oon duotcd at moderate rates. 0 Illce-At Post-office,Orediton,Ont TOEIN GILL, Auctioneer for the co, Towssmos of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promntly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales -arranged at this oftice. ••••.-.•• /VETERINARY. •Tennent & Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary college. °Fries : One door South of Town Hall. emprem....•••=monswomaxemammaramgramomema MONEY TO LOAN. ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6-.1 per cent, 325,000 Private Funds.. Best Loaning Companies represented. L. Et. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, ' INST./RANCE • 1111E WATERLOO MlJTUAL FLEE INSUBAN E O. Established In 1963. •HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. • This company has been over • tilighteen years in auccessful operation in Western On- tario andiontinuea to insure against' oss or clarao:ge ljV Illire,lluilding$,Meronandise,Man- tifactoriet)And 1i otherdeseriptioneof linsur- able property. intendini; insurers have the option of inauring on the Premium Note or o ash System, During the pest ten years this,CompanY has issued 57,008 Policies, covering prdporty o the I, mon nt or 240,872,038 ; and paid inl oas- es 9,1one .33700,712,00 Assets, 81.76,100.00, consisting of Cash /3 ak, Government Deposit,and the unties - eased Premium Notrn.on handand in force, J, W War,oux AI D. Preside t 0. A. Tamoit, Seeiatery. 3.0. Enorres, rnspeotor. CHAS. N•ELL Agontfor Nxeter and vioinity • The *Teat lErt,alisitlft3'reseripttic...41. anceesaful Medicine used over years in thousends of cases, • Iv_twee Sperezatorreem alert:ow enknese, Znyiseion*. Intpotency and all disenseS caused by abuse, rentrosel Mdiscretion, or over-exertion, fAirrita3 • Six packages Guaranteed to Cure tulten 8118g/tens 7c4i1, Ask your Druggist, for trite GreaVE110144 OrestelptIons take no enbatitnte. One package $1. Sit $5, by. mail, Write for Pamphlet. Addrigis There:Re& letieinteal Coss /Detroit. Mich. CENTRAL arber Shop, Hastings, ?rop hreving 0,11d Hair on t, itig ft t,holn.tosi, °styles of the art., ' • Everyottention paid to du :AND }ITJRON•dt. 7,V111)toL).E.S7EX....'' • "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY," VOL. XVI. NO, 28. • EXETER ONTARIO Eyes Tested PRElki —BY -- A. 8. MURRAY Practical Optician, Graduate Optic $chool 17:7, Byes tested; defective sight restored by the aid of fine glass $. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand. .A call solicited. A. S. aStiC0xMm01,T3D -ST, London. NEW FIRM. avidson, Bros., Builders d Contractors Shop one. door east of Parsons' Black- smith Shop, Manufacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds, Buildings contracted for. Plans, estimates and speeibeations furnished if re- quired, From their past exPerienoain the building line they guarantee satisfaction, All work tide with promptness and dispatch. Season- ed lumberalsvitys on hand. WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON. CLEARINI SitE, The Cheapest spot in Town • For Felt Boots, Rubbers and Overshoes of all kinds -men's Woman's and children's is at • A Weseloh's opposite - Reynold's - Hotel I am now offering the balance 04 my winter stock at Greatly Reduced Prices, and some at cost, and some below cost, to make room for my large stock of new spring goods. The sale will continue for 30 DAYS ONLY. Men's Felt Boots, worth $2.00 for $1.65 " Felts & Rubbers " 2.00 for 1.50 " Overshoes 1,50 for 1.30 Woman's Overshoes " 1.50 for 1,30 Corcligan Overshoes at cost prices. Woman's skating bals 1.75 for 1.50 Misses " 1.35 for 1.15 Felt Slippers , - , 70 for 55 Men's all -leather gaiters 1.75 for .25 Woman's " bals 1.25 for 1.00 Children's shoes from 25c upwards, Having such a large stock to run off I can fit all in need of Boots & Shoes Repairing neatly done and promptly at- tended to Sewed work a specialty. All work guaranteed. A. WESELOH, Jan'y 1st THE CHEAP STORE FAR IVIERS! Hensall Roller Mills. TEE Undersigned would respectfully in- form the community that he has leased the above mills, and has refitted same with the latest and most improved machinery; and will positively • GUARANTEE SATISFACT'N TO ALL. A Large Stock of Flour and Feed Always on Hand. Gristin.g & Chopin g Promptly Attended To. •A. Trial Scat •itecl. A. E.BANYARDI 11-22-6-m. 13ENSALL. —S9LION EMAN ' S_ Jewelry Store • HENSALL ONT. You are invited to memo and see Our Et legant Holiday Stock -00885851I86 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods &o• , lips ter id4 oupg, A.SSOBTAIBNI? MOST COMPLETE. Repo iri Wo make it spe iy repairiug. eriliebed so as to guaranteed. •Cur inottted X Remember the & Weetighhi Heed g Depa,1 t Jetty of watch and jewel- ewelry mended and l'e- mk like new, All work at, prompt and reliable. tand, opposite l'eleiDoeell are Stine. tottom niztsat, OT. 11 THURSDAY MORNING FEB. 7th 1889. 4.°11N WLEWE SONS rt(131.ishereandPeopatetors BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE. Any quantity of brick andtile of all sizes for sale et the MOA TZ BRICK YARD, Crediton. First-class brick, $4 per Thou - Sand.. Tile Correspondingly Cheap. __— The oreditors have empowered Mr. Moats: to look after the sale of the brick and tile, and he will be found in the yard at all times. Net t year the yard will be run by Mr. Moats as usual. Creditors, J inuary 15th,1885. 1111E7 1101171 IF YOU WAN/T.-TO-SAVE MONEY Through X -mo and NO) Years, BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, • 1300T Lt SHOES, HATS, CAPS, ETC., At lessthan actual Cost Sale to commence lst Jan., and ereetinue until all is cleared out, as I am going out of the above lines. TERMS - CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled lot January. J. 3VICITCZELL, Market Square General • Store The undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he has just received his WINTER „ 8T0C1< -IN °Litt DING - A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats k Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shoole Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and in spect my goods and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and a11 kinds of produce. J. P. Ross. CLEARING L ALL THIS MONTH. RED HOT BARigr &INS ! For Every Buyer. Note a few of our prices : Tea, 8o lb. up. Four 10c plugs of tobaotio 25o. Heavy shirting, 80 per yard Cotton 30 per yard, up Men's suits, 84 50, up Ladies' (mate, $1,50, up Fur leaps, • 25o, up Big Drives in all Depart- ments. DOUPE (.C6 CO., Kirkton. The Lar est THE BEST, THE NICEST, TEM SWEETEST -Aellortment of-- etiO IN TOWN. erv JUST I1T, & FRASH. AwaY down in Price. FOLLIOR'S Bread, Bente Oakes, and all kinds of Past- ry, still take the lead. Ilea quarters for Oonfeotion ery at E5 A5rOLLICE mitLsn, EXETE AMOIlinsellinirmillimizaarPO.NMAMM.amoinsionellwapMPIMMUN Us borne. -- Report of the stencil:15 of pupils in 8, S. No, 5. Ushoresh, Sr. Fifth Class, Ida Kydd, Gertie McCord, Ir, Fifth Class, Wesley Harvey, Albert Hodgson, Fourth Claes Thos. Ruseell, Edith Westcott, Sr. Third ("lase, Ida Westoott, Fred Willis Jr• Third, Blanche Westoott, Violet Rua. sell. Second Pleas, Ellie Biohardson, Lil- McDonald. Conduot:--lat Blanche West- ooet, 2n5, Ida Kydd, Ida Westcott, Thos. - Reseal. D. A, Fovslie, (Teethe* - -- • Blake. Basers.-Meases, Leslie & Manson have purchased Mr. john Reith's atore, IYIesm rs. Leslie 4 Manson now own all the mer- oantile property in Make. Their enter - pries deserves reward. Mr, Beith is giving up business and removes to a farm on the 2n5 conceesion of Hay, where he intends followleg agrioulture pursuits. --Mr. Alex Thompson has removed to the farm Mr. Reith has left. -Miss Styles now opcupies the houee vacated by Mr, Thompson.-, John Brennerman has already compl eted some of his large wood contrams, •.---_.•.e, • School Report. •• --.-- Niontitiv report, 3, S. No, 2. Hay, Tin; fojlowing is the Jany. report, based upon theoattendance, punctuality, conduct anUiligence of the papile. The nausea EtAlWorder of precedence. Fifth;--Jno. Olieptriane Albert Eaorett, Alfred Easrett Sen. Fourth:---Jno. Campbell, Horner Rus- sells Jas. Campbell. Jun. Forth -Da cid Blackwell, Willie Murray, Cecil Rees. Thirdi-Ohas, Chapman, has. Aldworth Ellen Shilray. Second -Henry Jackson, Kate Chapman, Fred Ewe ett. Senior Second Part: -Mary Jacksbn, Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien. Junior Second Part: - Mend Russell, Jessie Hawkins, Beatriee Warren. First Part: -Ralph Chapman, Joseph Northcott, Nellie Gould. • • Usbor_n.e _Council. The council met Feb. 2nd. All the members present. The minutes of pre- vious meeting read aud signed. The following doeuraents were laid on the table, viz (1) A petition from the trustees and 31 others of S. S. No. 10, .asking for inereased territory. (2) A cir- cular from the Central Bridge Works, re iron bridges. (3) A. letter from J Penhall jun., quoting prices of cedar. (4) A card from Wm. Aiming in regard to the account of gravel taken from the Easterbrook es- tate. (5) A circular from E, North with reference to tile machine. (6) A aercular from eeeillne, Hem, se auditors' and audit- idg accounts. (7) A letter from M Sam - well, London, asking for grant for olothing J. 'Hewitt and wite.-Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by J. Halls, that the petition of the trustees and others, of 3 S No. 10, be laid over till next meeting of counoil, and that the clerk write the said trustees, re- questing them or someone on their behalf, to meet council at next meeting to discuss the same. -Car. Moved by J. Shier sec by T Cameron that the collector's roll be re- ceived and collector delivered up his bond. -Carried. Moved by W. Kydd seconded by J. Halls that the auditors' report for 1888, as now read be adopted and 150 copies printed in pamphlet form for die- tribution.-Carried. Moved by J. Shier, secooded by T Camerop, that Wm. Rout- ley be paid 862.69, being $3.09 uncoiled able tax, $4.20 refunded tax, 555 salary, and Hots for repairing roll box. -Carried, Moved by W. Kydd seconded by T Camer- cn, that the offer of Wm. Milne of Ethel to furnish cedar for the municipality at $11 per kf, delivered at Exeter, be accepted. Carried. Moved by T Camerou, seconded by J Shier, that T. Brimaeombe reoeive $5, for keep of A. Carmichael, and G Fer- guson $6 for board of T. Bennent.-Oar- ried. Moved by J Halls sec. by W. Kydd, that the treasurer's bond for 1889 be ac- cepted and old one delivered up, --Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by W Kydd, tnat Wm. Routley be collector for 1889 at a salary of $55, and that he repew his bonds to this council in the sum of $12,000 signed by himself and two good and suffic- ient securities to the satisfaction of this council. -Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by T Cauieron, that by-laws No. 1 and 2 for 1889 appointing the iounicipal officers and fixing their salaries as now read a third time be paseed-Oarried. Meagre. L. Hunter, W. Quinton and W. Rowell& having appeared at the council meeting and expressed their willingness to Mose the 5th con, watercourse debenture account, it Wf413 moved by James Halls, seconded by W Xycid, that whereee the treasnrer of the municipality of Usborne has bob paid the full amount of the 5th concession Watercourse Debenture with interest thereon, be it resolved That the said Tear:surer be hereby authorized to cancel erticl Debenture and deliver it to the proper parties, II. That orders ehargeable to said accounts isseed on the Treasurer m favor of the interested par ties to the amount of 87.85, bin g the sur- plus received on said Debenture. III. That it bylaw be drafted repealtng by-law No. 4, 1876, meeting said debt, and pro Tiding the means for the payment of the sattieh-Carried, Oft enotion of 3 Halls emended by W Itydd, the following order were granted, viz :-T Brimacombe, $5; W Boutley, $62.50 • 11 Coates, 860; G Rutherford, 85 ; kiartin 85 ; L 'Hunter, $1.52 ; W Quinton, 836.7g ; W Roweliffe, 87ete ; P Behan 71st e ; W & It Quinton, 5.75; If Barnwell, 813 ; G Fermi in, 56 ; Thos. Veal, 2,5ote • G 110,111 54.49.On motion 01 J Shier seconded by T Cameron the normall adjonrinel to meet again tho brat Satueday iu April at 11 o'clock it re, The fellowing errors appeared in the pnb- Imbed minutes of the Jona try enamel' reeeting:-,) Hewitt 8100 inelead of 81 ; C Tufts, 51 per day instoad of $1 ; T Heywood, salary, $45 Malaita of $55 ; O. Coates' none omitted from list of fawn viewers. G. NV, Ilor.trAtt, MO trouble with Mr, Sol. Whits of GS/indoor, is that he will not ;mile his Jew Woe over to ,Dettoh without trying to take the rest of the tioentry with itirm Ent, the Oriente word go; Sol„ because it isn't built that war Stephen, Counc11. All the members present. Last minutes read and signed. Last April J. Teolor was changed teem 8 5 No. 1 to 5 ; and W Banes from No. 5 to No. 2, Moyed by Sherritt see by W White, that the motion making said allowance be reoinded.--Cse- Heel. Moved by H Either, seconded by Sherlitt, that the Star be Awarded the township printing at the tender price viz 048,25, not including ads, --Resolved that the oletk Bend notices through the town. - ship to the offset that At March meeting tho council will take into consideration the statute labor ecale with a view of improv. leg ib, -Mored by 11 Edber seconded by • 0 Eilber, that e171,64 be taken out of township Linde and added to sinking fund now available and loaned as per statutes. - Moved by H Eilber sec by 0 Eilber, that Mr. Bishop be requested to have that portion of the Municipal Act as relates to oritleotors callino‘ on eaoh ratepayer nettifye ing them of HA amount of tees due, but instead of so doing that it statement on back of assetrarnent notice stating to whom 'to be paid where and when, and the inter- est chargeable if not paid at time mention- ed. -Resolved that after passing the fellow ing orders the council adjeurn to meet again let Monday in March, The followine orders were granted :-Mr. Woods, gravel, 83,05 ; .W 3 Wilson, spikes $1.28 • li Eckstde, grovel, $1..54 ; Fred Hull, wor14 and gravel, 58.00,,, fo Hall, extra for side walk, 55.25; 3 Hogarth getting 'Matra - mane rep., $6.28 ; 0 Morrish, work 4th' concession, 55.50 e collector. $12 e0 Kuhn tile 0 R, 52.40; auditor, 520; H W Wentzel, cedar poste, $24.75. 0. PROlITT Clerk. ZUrloh. --.7- BRIEFS.-Last week our energetio wagon maker, Mr. Fred'k Hess, :nada oue of the finest displays of cutters to be found. west of Toronto. -One day laet week, Messrs Weingardner & Taylor, of the Bauble line, sawed through a beech log 16i inches thick in 33 seconds, They consider this quick work. Who can beat it ?-A breath from the lake on Tuesday of 'last week, one of those pleasant events that we all look for- ward to, took plaoe at the residence of Mr. Wm. Wihou, sauble line, the occasion be- ing the marriage of his niece, Miss E Cann to Mr. J. O'Brian, of the 2nd concession. The wedding was a genet one. only a few of the bride's relatives and more intimate friends being present. They were aseisted by Mr. Reddy and Miss Wilson, and Mr. Wilson and Mies Keddy, the ceremony be- ing performed by Rev. Ortwein., of .0ash Lizzie is well-known. in this vicinity and we all take greae pleasursee inwishin10,1" and Jim all tliii*lialininess that merrier; life can efford.-Rumor has it that a quiet and splendid affair took plaoe-somewhere on Tuesday. We have nothing definite at time of eriting, bnt probably your Centralia scribe is aware of the affair. Give us full particulars, brother. --The grand concert under the auTicea of Bismarck Lodgo,73e3 A 0 F. on Friday avg.., Feby 15th. This is to be the last concert of the kind for this season, and will be the best entertainment - that ever greeted a Zurich audience. The programme will commence with the comic drama, "Irish Emigrant or Temptation, followed by local and instrumental musio, readings and recitations, the hole to con- clude with a side splitting farce. "Paddy Miles the Limerick Boy.' Come one,00me all. The committee have spared no e idles to make this a genuine „treat. Tickets. adults, 25 ; children 15 reserved seats 100 extra. Wait for it. Friday, 15th inst. Promammes will be out next week. -'Phe Zuriela Deitohe Stretch Musik cher is adver- tised to famish music for the coneert un- der the auspices of the Parkhill H 9,1.1 A. to be hold on Friday evg next. -Your Crediton scribe says in an item last week, "we extend our sympathy to one of our young men in paying his attenzion to so old lady in Zurich, and who got left." We are not aware that any of our old ladys would permit me attentions of any Credi- ton young man, or of a young man of any other town, and if vioe versa, we would Bay ouraeyonng ladles" think that gray hairs are nonorable, and old age is—well, keep away from Zurich. No offence. &nom Rayon's -The following is a cor. red and impartial report of the pupils of the two higher rooms of our public school, for the month of January, based 011 a written examinetion :-Senior division, Marks obtainnbable, 975 ; fifth class Geo. Baohanan,643 ; fonrtli seuior, Wm Hess, 725, John Kibler 583, Effie Steinbaok 489 ; Rosa Mauch 476, Wm Johnstone 445, Em- ma Johnstone 4oe. Fourth junior, Laa a Williams 672, John Gies 622, Lydia Strempfer 614, Annie Lipphert lel, Flora Hees 363, Third class, Lydia Koehler 720, H Hardy 636, Elizabeth Becker 556, Nettie Well 538, Alf Moritz 531, Louisa Koehler 530, Emma Zimmerman 527, Milton Bnch• alum 475, Ernelie Res% 445, Ida Brill 440, Tillie Well 394, W Derstein 388, W 8ohoe !lig 309. E Sipnel 295', N Surat us 295, 16, Faust 270, R Becker 256, Al Demuth 132. Second divieion, mai kit obtainable 575 Se. oond seuioro-Allie johueon 445, Minnie Doan 428, W Demuth 417 2 Fleeted. 413. 0 Smith 405, Martha Hvempfer 375. L • ?ring 366, le Warne 366, L Benedict 865 Tillie Johnson 387, WI dureinell 323, 5, Faust 322, J Derstein 312, 12 Geiger 801, arus 301, ktery Randall 306. Auele Hess 302, Antis: Woolley 279, John Deiell- ert 274, W Duman 283, Ezra Solieuehter 272, L Kibler 240, P Randall 179, :11arir Zettle 161 F Herm 158 ; second jont Clara Sioplo 866 let Bender 306, G Stoin- leach 290, tie Well 275, L Wi1l15m4 270, Tr Engler 270, re Holtzman 213, L Dentine 191 5 Randall 229, 8 Zimin man 160, 11 Itupp 56; p.trt seeoini, senior, nieripi oh. tainable 425 R, ,Ici,loneen 360, 11; Mb Ranch 835, 3 Weber 318, NI, Kibler 291, a Johnsou 270, P, Schnell 251,0 Rupo 941, ki Rupp 296, It Lipp, dt 207, thaw, 203 W Geeb-103 '• Prei junior, L 1310n r 151, Sob welni 267, N Buchanan 232, P sr, 229, Calvin Nvidienee 183, L Defoe:or 101, /0 Moritz 173, A. Smith 177 re Pt ring 176, R 5 le:nettle 172, W Deieltort 165 1, Zimmerman 9.1, Tote flatter 55, W Dorn - el 1 45, The aviert 12 ettendruteo he 1110 month weil 110. elhif, 5Lurie aro, feeee. Iiehdte, tot:wholes, , • (CHAW.C'EltED P.A SLTAXENT, leao) Paid ep 0 epitel o. 5e,009,0 RestEmed „, 3,000,e1) Reed,Otlioe, Moetreel, F. WOIAPER,STAN '11110MAS, Esq., Gestates, MALtosa, • 20 branch officee in tee Dominion. Agencies' in the Dominion, U, S.A. and Europe- • Exeter Branch, Open every lawful fiAY, frOM10 it. an. to 3 p, m SATUEDAYS, 10 a.m., tat I p,re. 8 Per Cent. per annum eltowerlfer money on Deposit Receipts and Sa,vxnes Bank. R. H. ARCHER, Eanager. St. liarys, • Beners.--The annual meeting of the Blanshard Kauai Fire In, Co'y woo'helcl 021 'phis town last Thuradey afternoon. The auditors' report was read, showing an in-' , crease of business over last year. George- Mair was re-elected seeretary. -W. He Graham who has Frame on the staff of the. Brandon (Man) Sun for some months, re- turned to St, Marys last week. He Las. eince left foe Montreal, -,Messrs, Wen ,and Archie Bothwell, who have for the past week been visiting at S Bothwell's, Nother-' well, returned on Monday to their home in. Ffemilton.-Mr jareee /Haddock of Winnig peg, Mane, is at present the guest of Mr. 13. '11. Gilpin. • Brucetteld. • CEEMZER oheoker match was played last Thursday evg. at the residence et Mr- I. Grant, Granton, between Brace - field and (Ironton players ; resulting iff it tiee The return match is to be played in Brucefield on Thurscia,y ,hvg., Feb. 7tb. BRIEEs.--Miss Sadie McMillian ou • ' *opular dress and' mantle maker, and one teemed by ail, bas gone to her home in troknow for a few weeks to rest -ell :jlblla Jamieson, milliner, in Milbank, has 'ramped home for a few weeks, looking habe an& hearty, -A yoeng man in the eneighborhood a Brumfield, has left leis' borne eomewhat soddenly and unexpected- Iy, improper conduct la said to be the cause, -The specie' meetings in Union', Church closed last Friday, they were Well attended every night daring the three weeks of their continuators:a-kir. G• eo ' Baird jr. is somewhat better in hbalth thee when he first' returned home. --The lady members of the•Oounctil 01 13, T. of 'T. had a debate last Mondaer evts. ifl Hee Council. Subject, "Resolved flat Ladies should enter the learned profession" decision given in favor of the negative. - The musical. and literary entertainment given in Dixon's Hall last Thursday evg.. was of the highest order. The singing by • the Jameson family, and the choice readings of, Mr. Mete/ell= of Exeter, were highly appreciated.. The evg. being very stormy, the attendance was ernall.--Mr. James Bi Jameson, the popular ohoir leader of Union church, had his choir and a few friends at his place to teat Net week. The evg. after the sunaptaoue repast was very pleasantly passed, in. singing and at housenold amusements,, -It -is currently reported that MreAlex Forsythe,. whom it appears, attempted fraud and weeps, has A been captured, end is now in Goderioli jail 34-4- A young people's Society of, Christian. e eledeavor, has been organ4zegeeite-'47ei.ieueeeto. church by the popular pastor.-11eiss Lottie McGregor is visiting friends in Seaforth.-- Business rushing at the grist Mini. Clandebovel BRIEra.-The onao ardent elabers for snow may now take to their stiovels and brooms and satisfy their longings.- Mr E. 0. Jones, vice-gresident of the Bal Electric Light Company, and son of Mr. Frauds ,forees of this place is just recover- ing from a severe attack of Inflammation.- Tue rural oitizens around hero, gee taking advantage of the sleighing to get there teaming dene.-Mr. Richard Sinegeon has his new blacksmith ahop completed and is prepared to minister to the wants of his many customers, er rather to their hones. -Mr. John Gilmour, author of several well-known poems, lias returned from a Iwo months' trip south, where he has beeie visiting his. many friends.--eirs. john Murray, of. Granton is visiting her friend, Miss Alice Blackwell, of this place. -Our hunters were out last week in full costume. Mr. D. Shoff', postraaster,, was fortunate enough to bag a fux, which he shot at a distance of three hundred, yarde ; not bad for a man of sixty years. He fe thinking of taking a trip to his old hunting grounds in Muskoka, where in one seaeen, a num- ber' of years ago, he killed three bears, seventeen deer, and, fourteen wolverg-Onr olcl umghbors, the McCarty family, have unwed batik to town again after a sojonra of two years in a foreign Mime. So glad are the villagers to Bee the again that they intend giving theta a magnitioeat surprise party some fine night. -Kessre. /3. Blackwell & Son have comp; terl their large egg refrigerator. 13 12 sixey.five feet long, twenty.five feet wide and twenty-two feet hige. It is capable of holding aboet 40,000 dozen of eggs. They also have their coopers at work making barrels for next summer. They are turning ont about oue Imedred it dav.-The storekeepers around, here are xnaking a huge 'kick' against the cheap fares on Saturday, to London. A eertam class of farmers make it a point to go in every Saturday anti bring out great loads or merchaectise. Those game people, would go over to the United Stetes and buy, it they lived neer enoegli to the borders. Now, there is a town about ten miles north of here, crated Exeter, which, though at proeent is not as aoaa Loudon, in detained to become one of the loading towns in the proviuce. Here these people could buy jest aq oheao as in Loudon,if they only know it, ; or even itt Cheudeboye, Liman ot Ciente atilt they could do nearly as well, besides suporting the home market. --Clandoboye is vineries tieing from obecurity and despair, to lite and energy. We are going to nave eeveral new buildino.erested soon, 0, grist mil and fanning mill feotory being ehief among them CombinIng these with out splendid glide market, we will, etion have village large enough to ineurp wrath -Ay, D, lelelecuurin is dill tushiug the mai*, market here ; they have beau taking in from 800 to 1000bushels of wheo, don) tor some time book, Our grah: doalot PEW the highest priori for svbeat entl barley of any place mem here. P. is w.nth its. wolpht in oil," Is a otenencin ereetion, But, w!i)le the ledge or gold is easily affected, the wre of Ayor's S ?maxilla, as a 1)10,)a piwirvm never (kepi( ,liates. It will ormlicsato scrof. ula from l'-ievetent wIlett over ethiug elee 1aile.