HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-1-31, Page 811ISIIRANCE• FAIN ST ff:LLIOT, AGEN `1" FOR T}111 WESTEIS/il A8SUB4NOB COM, PANY, of Toronto ; also for the Pf:IGINIK FIBE ENS-GRA-NOE COMPANY, ot London, England, the 'ROYAL CANADIAN, of. men. trent, and the 9IUVXBH iiU?Irn1 LIVel, AS SU11ANCH COM:VAN:lel, of London, Nngland. etitablishisd 1647. 6.seete over $6,000.000; elairoe and bonuees pain. over SS10.000.000. &00.4L WEWS,—We shot/ beltapPy to re - ie at ail times, front any part of the County, items of loofa news, such de ac. cidents,er any interestine incident what- ever,front any of oar subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of publi Zlisv 0:tetvv Eimgo THURSDAY, TANTJARY 31st 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. -- Oysters, Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders' by the quart, or served up by the plate, cooked or raw. Just look at our stock of con- fectionery, and sporting goods, All fresh, new and first-olass. selling at Cost. Good bargains in Boots and Shoes and Harness, cen now be had at C. Eacrett's, as he intends giving up business and will sell at cost or under for the next 30 days. People Would do well to call and see him before purchasing elsewhere. C. EACRETT. The way to Boum a Town Goderich has 13oard of Trade—an active lively institution, whose every turn—and there are many of them— is to the utmost interest of Goderich.. They are continu- ally booming the place, and striving to have Goderich rank among the formost towps in the Dominion. At a recent ineeting of the Board a proposition was Made to hitve the local papers publish a full description of the town, its businesses, advantages etc., in a well illus- trated edition, and be paid for the same in the sum of $400. Pelsonal. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Ross leave for their home in Winnipeg in a few days,—Miss M. Graham, who has been visiting friends in town for the past few weeks, returned to her home in St. Marys Saturday.— Miss Brown, of London, has been visiting. Miss Maggie Spicer for the past, few days. —The Exeter band has issued invitations for a grand ball in the town hall at an early date. --Mr. W. Collins was in town the forepart of the week. Mr. C. and Mr. Robt. Pickard are conducting a general business in Londesboro—Mr. Wallace Brown of St. Marys was in town last week.—Mrs. McTavish of Detroit is the guest of Airs. John Hawkshaw.— EDITOR. —In reference to the letter in last week's TIMES, in which "Fmigrant" •complains that a ticket for passage to Manitoba can be purchased $1 cheaper in Hensel" than in Exeter, allow me to in- form "Emigrant" that such cannot be done. I have made inquiries and find what tickets have been sold at Hensall. The Grand Trunk agent said that he had sold no tickets for the last two montns, excepting for local passages, and in that time had no inquiries for tickets either for Manitoba or the United States. Tickets for these points cannot be bonght at Hen- sel" at a less rate than at which they are sold here, All rates are made ont on a joint tariff, from which agents cannot de- viate. Hope this will be satisfactory. Ono. KEMP, town agt G T Stray Stock. The law provides that a person taking up any stray stock, shall within fifteen days thereafter, give notice of taking up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly newspaper if one is published within the section where the estray was taken up; and. if the property is not called ' for within three weeks after the fist in- sertion of the notice, the finder shall go before a justice of the peace and make oath as to the finding and advertising. The justice then appoints three appraisers, and upon their report, advertises the property for three weeks more. The per- son claiming said property must pay all charges before receiving the same. If the property is not claimed within one year, and doe e not exceed fifty dollars in value, it then belongs to the party taking the same up, if over fifty dollars it shall be advertised by the justice and sold, and the excess of all expellees shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up an estray and neglecting to .cause the same to be advertised and ap- praised, shall be liable to a fine of twenty five dollars. The estray law applies also to any other personal property which may be found in like manner. A gentlemaa from Clinton will open a flour and feed store, here, shortly. R. M. Bacey, of Clinton will probably be appointed postmaster of Goclerich. The few days sleighing of late has re- vived busiuess considers lily' The C. 0. F. concert on Friday Feb. 8th promises to be a grand success. Messrs. Oke clz Co. shipper' on Monday another carload of choice cattle to Mont- real. Mr Harry S,smwell, we are sorry to state is confined to the house with an at- tack of sciatica. Lent opens this year on March 6th, Ash Wednesday, and closes April 2Ist, Easter Sunday-. A little son of Mr. A. Walters was run over yesterday by a sleigh laden with gravel. His foot was badly bruised. Mr Henry Reynolds of Sarepta, is the Sewner of'. etite which dropped a couple of littribs,"on Rowley 21.st. The first ot session. The Postmaster General has issued an order that money Orders and saving bank businees will be traneaeted en all holidays tIntil eleven o'clock it. m. The rurnor that Messrs. Swallow Bro. of this place bar" gone into litoidation is without foundation ; they have merely ,dissolved partnership. Mr. R. Ericrett and family have re - 'tuned to Exeter to reside. Mr. E. will take a position in the Verity Agl, works as painter. Farmers are taking advantage of the neighing and are having brick and other materiale drawn for the erection of netV tesidenete next summer. - • The entertainment 'under the atitipieee of the Young LadiesGuild of' the Teiyitt • Memorial church, in Deew's opera hieute loot eVening was a suecesi financially and •OtherWise. pattimilart next Week •The tehoggrin'' elide Wee opened Oa Thtirlitlity 1tt. tali iti the afternoon and eveting the attertrianee Wai Very fain, the 'Weather dentitrues faroerable, the Mein here itary lock f ()Mara to haying a gerld Ihildren 0ryf icheet Patfork xeter The inaugurel, meeting of the Munioipel coenoil for 1889, took place at the town hell on Monday, January 21st. The sev. oval members teok and subscribed to be declaretion of quelification and office in presence of the clerk. The Treasurer's receipt for amount of collector's roll for 1888, was presented. to the council. Moved by W G Bissett, goo. by Jas. Pickard, that the hoods of the col- lector be delivered Us him.—Carried. Moved by W G„ Bissett, seconded by T El. McCallum, that Messrs. Robt. Muir, John Eseery and John Taylor be a Board of Health for 1889.—Carried. Moved by T 13 Carling, seconded by T 11 McCallum, that the weigh scales at the market be let to the highest bidder, heating of the market house not consider- ed. Moyed in amendment by Jas Pickard, seconded by W G Bissett, that the heat- ing of the ina,rket house be considered. The amendment was declared carried. The band was granted free use of the town hall as per application. The Council met on Moncley evening, 2,8th inst., pursuant to a,djournment. All the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and con- firmed. Moved by T if McCallum, seconded by Jas Pickard, that orders be granted for the following sums :—S Handford, $1.25 labor ; W Creech, 0.63 do ; Jas Balsden $9, do ; Geo. Cuclmore, $2,18 do ; john Matheson, $3.47, charity to Mark Clarke; Snell Bros, 96e, do ; Jas Creech, $2, char- ity to Mrs. Clack; Jas Creech, $82.00, balance of salary ; Jas. Creech, $5.45,amt of various minor certified accounts ; John Gould, $7.90, ashes and lumber ; Wm. Sutton, $10, oharity to S. Ford for Janu- ary ; White & Sons, 538,80 printing to date.—Carried. Moved by T H McCallum, seconded by T B Carling, that the tender of Mr. John Hayes', for the weigh scales for the cur- rent year, be accepted, it being the highest, $40.37. --Carried. Rent to be collected quarterly. Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by Jas. Pickard, that the tender of White & Son's for the print- ing for 1889, be accepted, it being the low- est. --Carried. Moved by Jas Pickard, seconded by T. II McCallum, that the charitable allow- ance to Mrs. Clack be discontinued,— Carried. Moved by Jas. Pickard, seconded by T. B: Carling, that Mr. Jas. Creech be re -ap- pointed constable, etc., for the current year, at a salary of $325.00 per annum.— Curried.—Moved by T B Carling, second- ed by T 11 McCallum, that Jae Beer be as- sessor for 1889, at a salary of $50—Car- ried. Moved by T B Carling, sec. by W G. Bissett, that John Hayes be pound -keeper for the current year.—Carried. By-law No. 3, confirming the appoint- ment of assessor was duly read and passed on motion of Jas Pitskard and T 11 Mc- Callum. Several communications were reeeived and presented by the clerk ; but which were filed for the present The &Mimi' adjourned to ute,et on Mon- day evg, Feb'y 18th. Previous to Mr. Geo. Mace giving up his charge in connection with the Carling Brewing Co., in Ottawa, his friends pre- sented him with a valuable gold watch and chain. There is sleighing,' and wood is coming into town in large quantities The ruling prices de: --Green wood, $2 50; dry wood $2 75. Farmers would rather thaw dry woocl as it is lighter and mure easily handled. .A system of electric lighting is being de- vised, and whereby private lights can be supplied at $30 per year, and the cost to the town for street lightwill be practical- ly nothing. Jenkins of the Brussels Budget who villified one Grant of Brussels, and who was under trial and spent several weeks in the Goderich jail, has had to pay cost connected with the suit. The business men of Exeter intend holding a public meeting at an early date with a view to the formation of a Board of Trade, or a somewhat similar organization. While coasting, the other evening, Mr. Hegnander's toboggan, going a little too fast, he was thrown off ; injuries not sev- ere, his right leg only receiving an uncom- fortable wrench Rey. Dr. Burns, of Hamilton, preached two very acceptable sermons in the James - street church on Sunday last, in connec- tion with the missionary cause. The con. gtegation at both services was large and the hearers apparently appreciated the instructive discourses. Messrs. Sa,mwell & Pickard, one oi the ' oldest business houses in Exeter, and whose names are known far and wide'as being extensive general dealers, bare dis- solved partnership, Mr. Samwell retiring. The business will be carried on in all its usual magnitude by Mr Richard Pickard & Son. Several car loads of splendid looking horses have been shipped horn the Exeter station during the week for the Amerihan market. The buyers say that Canadian. horses are the best, and that Huron Co especially produces the better class of horses. A petition was presented to the council at its meeting Monday etg., requestin that the boys be prohibited skating an coasting on the sidewalks. The lads had better take warning lest they get in the elutches of the police. Many municipalities throughout the country are moving in the matter of dis- contineing the exemption from taxation to church property. A circular from the oity council of Ottawa has been re- ceived by the Exeter Board, urging that Exeter co-operate with them in memorial- izing the goveriament to bring about the desired ammendments • to ants relating thereto. The Carnival Number of Tx/a MONTREAL STAR is out and we hear it is a perfectly magnificent number, far delipi3ing all car - nivel pictorials of either the old or new world, a paper that will astonish people in all lands As a record of one of the great- est Carnivals of modern timee the Swat Numebr is simply incomparable. The price is thirty-five dents •a copy. The people of E,xeter and surrounding country will de well to keep in mind, the Canadian Stereoptican Co'a, panorania, to be given Motiday evg. Feb. 4th under the auepiees of the James S. Methodist choir, Reserve noat e are being taken up at Mr. Joseph Senior's, where piano of the heti can be seen. The entertainment promiseo to be a eiredess. • Hear what the St, Thomas Evenieg ,Iournal says• : "the beet equipped, most complete, 'magnificent and inetructive entertain, meht of this dellatiptieri ever preilented to the publief -here Sarnia Sun Speaks in full praise of it by addinf to the libt of itarilirare Otter "A dentin' eneeds. The *Were are the fined, that eeithh be eeleeted, a r re treat,. erewded honor'',• •14ipisterial Association. The Ministerial Association of 'South Huron hold its second meeting in the Methodist, Church, Hensall, on Monday the 28th hist, Bev, C. Fletcher occu- pied the chair and Rev, E, A. Fear, Sooty, The minutes of the former meeting were read and approved. The Regt,., Mr. Bridgeman ,read the report from the Committee on a constitution. After some, verbal corrections the con- stitution as proposed was adopted. The only points of public interest in it, are the aims of the Association, which are defined to be; -1. The mutual in:- proyement of its members by such means as may be approved by the Association, such as the reading of pap - erg on current topics,with general dis- cussion. 2. The fostering of a spirit of Christian unity. 3. Unitedly opposing forms of evil as are most (detrimental to the welfare of the church. 4. The consideration of such other matters as shall be for the glory of God and most conducive to the prosperity of the Church generally. It was decided to hold the meetings on the first Monday of each month and that any minister of any evangelical Church subscribing to the regulations of the Association shall be a member. Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows . --Pres. Rev C. Fletcher; vice-president Rev. 0. Bridgeman Hensel]; Secty-Treas. Rev. E. A. Fear, Hensall; Corresponding - Sooty. Rev. J. H. Simpson, Brucefield; Executive Committee the. above officers with Rev. B. Clement, Exeter; Rev. Jos: McCoy, Egmondville. and Rev. J. McConnell of Varna. The Rev J. Henderson was asked to prepare a paper op "The Bible and Civilization" and the Rev. W. Martin of Exeter one on "Objections to the "Morality of the Bible" to be read at next meeting. The Association adjourned after prayer to meet at Hensall and within St. Pauls Church Hall on the first Monday in March. Ten or twelve cords of good, green wood wanted at this office. The Loedoa boot and shoe dealers have decided not to display goods outside their doors, owing to the amount stoleu during the year. Sensible, says the Stratford Beaebne More than the boot ancl shoe dealers might do the same thing because the hanging of goeds outside does very little good now -a -days. People in this century know just what they are going to buy when they leave home, and generally —on account of judicious advertising— where to buy. The anniversary services of the Presby- terian church, Thames road are announced for Feb. 10th, and the tea -meeting for the Monday following. We are glad to learn that our friends out there have secured . the services of the Rev. Dr. Cochrane of Brantford, author Of "Future Punishment," etc. The Dr. preaches morning and evening, and lectures on Monday evening, after the tea is served. This is an opportunity that must not be missed, to hear the eloquent divine - Crediton. FOOT BALL.—On SlitIlralLY last the Cred- iton Rangers played the Ramrod Clippers a game of foot.ball on the tatters grounds in which the Rangers were victorione de- feating tbe Clippers by 3 goals to one. The Oiippers are nut satisfied and have challenged for a return match to he play- ed soon. Pensoxle.—Miss Beaver of Dashwood paid her friends here a flying vim on Sun- day last.—Miss Wood of Exeter was tbe guest of Mrs. S. Wood a few days during last week.—Miss E. Walker who has been visiting Mrs. Fife for some time past has returned to her home. Durieg her sojourn she made many warm friends who were sorry to see her leaye.—Mr. Elarry Deieh- ert, of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday and called. on his 1.111LOGEOUS friends. Har- ry looks well and says "ha's all right" "you bet".—Rev. Christian Brown is visit- ing friends here and on Tuesday eyg, preached an eloquent sermon in the Ger- Man Church. SNEAR Trunr,—It has just come to light that about two weeks ago some sneak thief entered Mr. August Hill's hotel stable and carried off about 40 bushels of oats, while the yillage was in peaceful slumbers. The loss was not discovered by Mr. Hill • until a few days ago, as he had,. no occas- ion to go up where this surplus stock of oats was. The thief evidently threw th e oats out of the mow door and had a con- veyance on the street ready to statt at a moments notice. Mr. Hill has no idea who the miscreant is but will punish him severely shot -A he discover hire. BRIEFS—During the Session of the County Council last week a by-law was passed granting the necessary stews to- wards converting this place into a Police village and the 15th of Feb. is set for elec- tion day.—The brick manufacturers aro at present anxious as most of them have nearly all their brick left and there is lit- • tle chance of any sales and thee() who have have sold at a ridiculously low figure. Some are holding for higher prices and un- less they sell they will not manufacture during the coming season.—We extend our sympathy to the young man from Orediton who was in the habit of late of calling on an old lady in Zurich, to by all appearances he has not been very successful. Money was no object.—Now since a Police Village has been so much talked about why not establieh a good system of fire protection, as a place like Crediton should not be without it; otir ratepayers should remember that after a fire has occurred it is too late. HunoN Menrcos.,--at the last meeting of the County Medical Association a very extraordinary ease was shown, A man, whose skin on hie lege and arms had be. come so hard abd tight that is Was difficalt to make any impression upon it with the ends of the fingere, and dbfeelored, The fine hair had all fallen out, and the surface was smooth and shone like glass, Tide hardneso was very slowly extending and will (eventually involve the whble surfaee and tieeue or flesh undor the skin. • The greater part of hie long beard had fallen out, and the finger nails are disappearing, Besides all this, hie flesh is gradually wast hag away, A deettyed dead bane, removed from the 'ergo bone of the leg; a case of compound fracture Of the large bonee of doe leg, treated by irrigation with weak Carbolic) add, which proved entirety elm - (maid!, A case of tionaumption war' pre- oented,with exteesive lueg disease, and a large cavity sepposed to be in the right lung, Election of offieers Was prolix:laded with; Er. Gunn, 011liter:wives elected Pres. •ident, Er, /eVirig, rieri-t,resident, and Dr, re-eleeted Seem Pary..TreaSurer, Tim not meeting will' be held in Clintqn en the time Tuoairty Apra bsolutelv Piire. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength andwholesomeuess. More econ- omical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in competition with the maltitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in ccs.—ROYAL BAK- ING -POWDER CC..108 Wallstreet N Y 11..11•00127211•1101•LIMIC ARM FOR SALE. Ninety aeres—Lot 6, con. 2. in Stephen township, Huron oo., over 70 acres cleared, of which 50 acres are in grass and. in first-class condition• Malfmite from Centralia. Good brick house and out. buildings. Must be sold. For further particulars apply to MATTHEW MORLOCK, 3 mos. Crediton P. 0. Notice to Creditors The creditors of Lavine Bealoy, late of the township of 'Osborne, in the county of Huron Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the st day of October, A. D., 1898, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, are, in pursuance et chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887 ,hereby notified and required to seed. on or before the lst day:of March, A D , 1888, by post or deliver,. to the undersigned Solicitors for tee A dmirnstratrix of the estate of the said deceased, their ales- tian and surnames, addresses and descriptions the particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts duly verified by statutory de- claration, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that immediately after the said 1st day of March, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, tind the said Administratrix shail not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or'persons of whose claims node° shall not have been received. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Solicitors for A dministratrix • Exeter. Dated at Exeter,151h January,1889. In the matter of the estate of MAR- SHALL POLLOCK, late of the vil- lege of Exeter in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, and in fib matter of Chapter 108 of the o Revised Statutes of Ontario, known as "The Devolution of Estates Act." There will be sold by Public) Auction en Friday, the ist day of February, 1889, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. at the Central Hotel in the Village' of Exeter, in the County ot Huron, by Mr. James Oke, Auctioneer. Subject to such conditions as shall then beproduced, the following valuable village property, viz : PARCEL, NO, 1.—A 11 that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Village of Hensall. in the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasure, ment one-flf th of an acre be the same more or less, being composed of Lot No. eight,on the north side of King street (otherwise the Zurich road) on the map or Plan of the sub- division of thessieuth half of Lot, No. twenty- onein the fireeconcessOM of the Township of Hay, prepared by II. C. Boulton, P. L. S. Dated the 28th day of Septeniber, 1875, and registered in the Registry office for the County of Huron, And PARCEL NO. 2.- All that parcel or tract of land and promises situate, lying an d beiegin the Village of Exeter in the said County of Huron, being composed of Lot No. fifty-one on the south side of John street west of Williatu street, in the said Village of Exeter, -Sanders' Survey.' surveyed by 11. 0. Boulton P L 3, and a map or plan thereof registere'd in the Registry Office for the said County of Huron, being part of Lot No. twenty-one in the let Concession of the Town- ship of Ste»lion. The said lands will be sold in two separate parcels subject to reserved bids to be fixed be the Official Guardian. On Parcel No. 1 there isa good frame store and dwelling house le stories, on the principal street, in the thriv- ing Village of Henson, and on Parcel No. 2 there is a comfortable brick veneered dwell- ing, 11 stories, with Frame kitchen and .good frame barn in central part of the thriving Village of Exeter. • TMRS.MS Ten per cent, cash, on day of saleand the balance to be paid into the Canadian Bank of Commerce to the joint credit of tho offieial Guardian and the Executor's within thirty days without interest. Conditions of sale will be produced at time of sale For.fetrther particulars apply to Jotter Ifoseres, Q.C.t*T to ELLIOT c45 ELLIOT, Toronto. Vendor's Solicitors, Dated 6th January 1689. Exeter. FALL 68384 a woll g Pickari Have juirt received direct from England a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jaek- ete, Dolmans, and lEster,s, also a rine As., sorbment of Sealettes, Imitation Lamb and Ulster Cloths. FULL LINES OF DRESS GOODS. Hosipty, GLOVES,, AND STAPLE ' EitY,Goor)s, ..1k1 8t00k."10.00,#P10.4 TOEIN MoOURDT, Kirktop, Iq. muer of Marriage Lieenses, Agent for elarteda Life Asserance and, other Lean Conr pewees, Agent fop Huron and Middlesex Fire Insurance CA Mnanv. Commissioner for Perth BRICK AND TILE FOR SALE, Any quantity of brick and tile of all sizes for sale at the • 4,10ATZ BRICK YARD, CredIton. First-ola,ss 'brick, $4 per Thon- sand. Tile Correspondingly Cheap. The creditors have empowered Mr. Moats to look after the sale of the brick and tile, and he • will be found in the yard at all times. Font year the yard will be run bY Mr. Moatz as usual. Crediton. J unary 1511 , 1888, CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the hest in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, C LUT. —EXETER— PHOTO STUDIO. For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 11x14 from life, try S ETIO17-R, He has also an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes : 8x10, hell and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES It wi 1 be to the advantage of those having pictures to frame to examine his stock of Picture Moulding. Get prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. SENIOR, Lrallery Opposite Post:Office. The Forest City llusinesslCollege re -opened January 3rd with the largest attendance ii iti 'history. This institution excels all ef the rest in attendance, thoroughness and equip, merit. Young num arid women desiring a first-elass training should enor a college which attracts patronage by the superiority of its course, not by low fees or the payment of railway fare. Catalogue free. Combinatiop Usefulness ! Beauty. and. Durability —IS AN ESSENTIAL IN- -SELECTING— An Article of Furniture GIDLEY Carries he largest stook of Furniture in Huron County, and has just added to his assortment a great many, pieces admirably adapted for the boudoir, sitting -room dining -room or kitchen An Inspection of Goods will ef- fect a purchase. Undertaking in all its Branches. S. GIDLEY; (Successor to O. & S. (3-idley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. THE TNTERCCLONIAL ILW OF CANADA, The royal mail, passenger and freight route between. Canada and Great ,Britain, —and— Direct route between the West and all the T points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Bate de Chalenr, also NOW 13runswick; Nova. ecotia,Prinee Edward Island, Cape Breton and New Ne andwo uni de nn d. t buffet sleeping and day Nears MO Oil through express trains. Psssengers for Groat Britain or the conti- nent by leaving Toronto' by 8' p. m. train on Thuisday will min outward mail steamer at cH,0 se .mlui mpf aeos e,,,o art. :tell ire dv maa ytt 0. r va iairf ax for ehipment of ehouse and dock ao- grain and general mi,,mhandise, Years of experiece have pr4ve a d•,.:,be Inter - colonial, in connection with steamsliin lines to and from London, Liverpool and Woe- gow to Halifax, to be the quiekerit trefoil route between Canada and Great Britain., . Information as to passenger and freight rates.can be had011application to 110B 0RT B.M0ODIE , Western Freight &Passenger Agent 051tossin House Block,/ork tit Torcnto D.POTTINGER, Chief ;Superintendent Railway offiee, monoton. N. I. Nov. 20, '88. $10 Reward. for the Conviction OF DEALERS WHO OFFER nil re", I1 1NEER1OR OIC OF OTHER AND SELL mck.,01s MANUFACTURE FOR L MACHIN P]OlE Eureka Cylinder' Bolt I I McColl Bros. St Co., Cuttiag (es WoodOils. For sale by all leadiIg dealers. I Toronto. .1•02 as 3:1=ku 13-31 irra =0,22 41=3D BISSETT BROS., Sole Agents, Exeter. GREAT SUMMER SALE ISA AC CARL1N IN ORDER TO CLEAR OET HIS SUMMER STOOK WILL SELL: Summer Silks, Dress Goods, Muslins,, Prints, Gingharas Laces, 'Ribbons, Hisiery, Gloves, -Underwear, Corset's, Pasasols, Millinery, Tximraings, etc At Greatly Reduced Prices. Irani Bargtins Bvory licilartmon ' WletAterisdesitodlo buy 9heati gOedei AN the aftisedeibiSitbA ratio of the flnefit ete0to imthelovh etitjeile fifeltn 0411 riii topay