The Exeter Times, 1889-1-31, Page 3OUSEIROLD.
A Lkrusekeeping Hint,
Down Where the pessionivitte
Rustling in tho be,
Whispers at the day's decline
Stories to the trees ;
Where the little chilly Sounds
That eteal woes the night,
Stir the hearb to amden b muds,
Only half affeight ;
Where the envoi. Mims pale
Set acroas the seci,
High above rheir letticeareil
Lean and gently nod:
There my pretty truelove goes,
Bluetit(' g like the blurthing rooe.
What o my truelove engage,
Down the garden's green wawa straying ?
" Marjoram and mint and siege,"
Hark ? I hear a soft voice saying,
"Mince them fine, and stir ebony,
Into foemiug batter;
Fry to brown, and then turn out,
Smoking, on a platter.
So I pluole leaves—one, Two, three,
Four, five, six—and roll chem lightly;
Spread them over -night to be
Blended well, and mix them rightly :
Thu e ahall my truelover know
Good housekeeping 1 cen show.
Down where the passion -vine
Rutting in the breeze,
Whispers at the day's decline
Stories to the trees,
With my little truelove here
Often I go straying
She has been cey wife a year,
And I'm led to sayingie
Poor housekeeping man abhors :
Fast as I am abie
I shall hint to bachelors—
If a girl her table
Neatly spreads, and can compound
A savory sweet mine fritter, 0
Don't delay I but ewe) around
And try if you can get her?
— [Good Housekeeping.
School Examinations.
It can not be too often insisted on that
examination is a good educational servant,
but a bad master. It is a useful inetrument
in the hand of a teacher to test his own work,
and to know how far his pupils have follow-
ed and profited by his teachine. But it
necessaelly exerts a, fatal influence whenever
it is made of such importance that teachers
simply conform to an external standard,
lose faith in themselves, sink into the po-
sition of their own text -books, and give but
little of their own personality to their work.
It is true thee it is ncessary to test the
work of teachers; but it is not necessary
for itle purpose of doing so to take the
whole soul out of teaching, If examinations
are to be defeaded on the ground that they
tope, the cadency of teachers, then we reply
that other and better ways of cloieg this
are to found, and met be fuund. We admit
quite frankly that they can only be found,
and pursued at the price of some trouble and
experiment on the part both of parents and
Aimee responeible for the conduce of teach-
ing; but if trouble and thought and ex-
Peennent are to be spared in this great
'matter, we had batter at once resign the
hope ot attaining any moral and intellectual
results of real value from what vve are do-
ing.—[Popular Science Monthly.
New Zork Loveliness.
$10 upwards. The salad Itnite and fork
with out-oryistal handles are $9.7.1a ee-
Rose •bowls for tabte deooration are still
shown in oryetal, but low bowls of silver are
preferred for this perpose by floral demerit -
tors. A tall, Blender yam or pitcher of oil -
ver or mystal eontaiaing a few rare roses
now eccumea the °enter of the table, where
an embroidered square of hernstitched linen
is also placed, and the pie:teen of flow -
era formerly seen there to no Imager used,
Caratles are little used; the newest pitcher te
take their place is a silver or crystal piteher
in low jug ahape which holds about a quart.
A eharming little pitcher of Japanese
porcelain is used by artistic) people for this
purpose. It is the rule of people of reflood
taste to serve all iced or frozen dishes in
clear, white orystal, never in colored glass,
however fine. Occasionally finger -bowls
are shown in Venetian glass but this is not
considered in the best taste. Fluted celery -
boats and knife -rests are especially pretty
in the new English crystals which are gut in
a variety of patterns, giving play to novel
prisMatic effects. Little bon -bon teethes are
shown in elaborate silver with open-work
borders or -borders ornamented in repousse
work or on crystal or old -rose or Sevres -
blue porcelain or the less expensive Royal
Dresden or Hagfish Coalport china, or any
one of an almost endless variety of fine
porcelains ia market. The only essential
feature of the bon -bon and dessert service is
that it shall be ornate. The dinner -plates
are always severe in decoration, a border of
some conventional design being all the
decoration allowed. It would be a relief to
housekeepers to know that the elaborately
decorated silver recently in vogue are being
superseded by old fluted English designs.
"Of late there has been a craze for exercise
here which has no parallel eleewhere in the
world. New York girls are the most per-
fectly groomed women to be found anywhere,
for they have inastered their hobby, even to
the smallest detail of attire. An English-
woman often has a strong, robust, and 'hor-
sey' look. The effect, in all likelihood, will
be marred by a pair of euge boots or ill-fit-
ting gloves. The typical New York girl
allows nono af these details to escape her.
Her boots aro triumphs of the shoemaker's
art, and she will spand as much time over
her gloves as an Englishwoman will on her
gowns. The result is to be found in a
series of beautiful, perfectly developed, and
thoroughly athletic girls, who are clad with
a degree of snugness and nicety that is ab-
solutely unrivalled.
"A New York girl of to-day*affects plain-
ness in dress just as her brothers of the dud-
ish type of a tow years ago affected a certain
'sombreness of attire. The bustles are small,
the skirts perfectly plain and alma fitting,
and the bodices look as though the girl had
been melted into thein. It is all the result
of the fitst and great effort in the direction
of distinction in the way of building up their
complexion. When a girl once es6hews
candy, sweetmeats, rich food, heavy dinners,
and late hours, end devotes herself to exer-
cise and athletics as a means ot building up
her complexion she sows the 'seeds of what
will eventually *Noe fiovver of beauty and
lovelinesa. These are my opinions, and I
spent a good many hours of my time obser-
ving the girls about whom I am talking."—
(New York Sun.
Cleaning Decanters,
There are several simple and effectual
ways to clean decanters. Chopped potatoes,
or tea leaves and water, allowed to stand in
the bottle& for a short time, and briskly
shaken round, will be found an excellent re-
cipe. Soda and water is another good
thing for the purpose. For port wine de-
canters, which are most liable to be encrust-
ed with sediments, use sand and water and
a long cloth. Lower the cloth into the
bottle, holding the upper end in the hand,
and then work it round with the sand and
water by quickly moving the decanter in a
Choice Receipts.
The banquet iof the Montreal Board :of
Trade Was a brilliant event.
A commeroial treaty has been oonoluded
between Switzerland and Italy.
blorrisburg, Ont., has now AD elecerio fire
Alarnri which works very satisfactorily,
M. de Leaeeps will be preaident and his
son Charles vim -president, of the new Pane -
ma cane/.
Rumours are current e at the dervishea
are mew:ling at Khartoum for an Advance on
Doppia, and that the Mahdi intende to in-
vade E ,ypt
Hon. Joseph Chemberlaia spoke in Bir-
mingham the other night on the fisheries
and Irish affairs.
The propeller Wisconsin left Elk Rapids,
Mich., the other day with a cargo of iron
for Chicago.
The Berlin "National Zeitung" denies
that either Samoa or Zenzlinte is ineneced
by Germany.
The election of Mr, J. S. le trke, of Oshawa,
as warden of Ontario county is a victory for
the Scott Act party.
The tabsl production of pia iron in the
Unitsd Stet sa lett year was tee ]arge; t on
record— 6,490,739 t nas.
Six hundred families have been driven
from Oklahoma, Indian Territery, by
United tatsSis troops.
The Prohibitery Alliance of thc- county
of Brum prefer the Scott Act to the pre-
sent license system.
The election to the wardonship of Lennox
was fought on political lines, and after a sharp
contest the Conservatives won.
Reinforcements for the German fleet, now
in Samoan waters, left Brenaerhaven yester-
day on the steamer Nuerenberg.
The Italian Government has deolded tn
augment the naval forces on the Red Sea
on account of the Aschinoff mission.,
New rules and regulations as to the in-
ternal management of the Toronto Customs
Department went into operation yester-
A Catholic colonizetion society, witb a
oe.pital of $100,000, has been formed at
Pittsburg to establish Catholic colonieern
the South.
) A report comes from Montreal that Pre-
mier Mercier has decided upon a wholesale
gerrymander and will appeal to the electors
in June.
PASTE FOR TART SHELLS.—Take one half 1 The New York papers have despatches
cup of rather thin sweet cream, which ha o saying that the Canadian Pacific railway in -
been placed on ice until very cold ; add to it tend building a bridge over the Niagara at
the stiffly beaten whites of two eggs, and Lewiston.
whip ail together briskly for ten minutes;
add suffieient flour to roll, cut into the re- 1 The Czerine is affected with a kind of
quired shape bake quickly but donot brown. a palsy, which is growing worse. She has
An Buglish Medical Authonty
affirms that the best regimen for preserving
health may be gummed up in the maxim,
" keep the head mete the feet warm, and
the howls active," There is a world of
eviedom in the obeervetion. Obstinate eon-
etiPatien, or costiveness, is an exciting cause
of other' diseases; and, with many persons
of sedentary hebite, or occupations, thie
lineation of she bowels is a source of con-
otarit enuoyance, producing piles,. prolapse
of the rectum, flotilla, and verious dyspep-
tic symptoms. All them are warded off,
and health is maintained, by the use of Dr.
Pierces Pleasant Purgative Penises.
The Ohio cabbage must has busted, It
poesibly laoleed a head.
" Like eunehine in a shady place,"
The poet called a woman's face
That gladden,d 411 who saw its beauty,
.A face, no doubt that beamed with health
That blueing which is more than wealth,
And lightene every daily duty.
0 hot can woman, whose hard life
With many wearing pain is rife,
Escape the grasp of Pueh affliction,
And be a power to bless and cheer 2
The enewer comes bath swift and clear—
Take Pierce Favorite Prescription.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the
only medicine for woman's peculiar weak-
nesses and alimouts, sold by ciruggirte, un-
der a positive guaran,ee from the manufac-
turers, of aatisfaction being given in every
case or money refunded. See guarantee
printed on bottle -wrapper.
Stockings made of two thicknesses, the
outer one of silk and the inner one of bad.
briggan, are popular. They will sewed altnosb
any amount of wear.
Don't disgust everybody by hawking, blow-
ing and apitting, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy and be cured.
The Germans are a mathematical race;
even the student things are lager mythms.
A Cure for Drunkenness.
The opium nabit, deposmania, the morphine habit,
nervous prostration caused by she use of Tobacco,
wakefulness.ntental depreesion,sof toning ofthe brain,
eto., premature old age, los.' of vitality caused by
over exertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength
from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or mid.
ale-n.ged—who are broken clown from any of the
above causes, or any cause not mmtionerl above, send
your address and 10 cents in stamps for Labon's
Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of man. Books
sent sealed and secure from observation. Addresa hi.
V. Loam 47 We.lington street East. Toronto, Ont
Tan of different shades is still the reigning
colour for evening gloves.
Coff No More.
Watson's cough drops are the best in the
world tor the throat and chest, for the voice
unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W.
are stamped on each drop.
It is expected that the forthcoming Russian
Baclget will show a surplus of from twenty
to twenty-five million dollars.
Fill after baking earth sweet prunes, prepar- been subject to trembling fite since the
ed by cooking in a small quantity of water, disas er,
and afterwards rubbed through a colander to The Freemasons of Paris have issued a
remove the skins and stones. pronunciamento against Gen. Boulanger, in-
PLUM-PCMDIteG—REALLY EXCELLENT.— viting members of the order to support M.
One pound raisins, one pound of suet chopped Jacques, his opponent.
fine, three quarters pound of stele bread- A boy in Kingston yesterday hitched his
crumbs, one.quarter pound of brown sugar, sled to a railroad train and was tat. -1 a
grated rind tot one lemon, one-quarter pound couple of miles at a 40 -miles an hour tete.
of flour, one pound of currants, one-half of a He -had enough of it.
nutmeg grated, five eggs, one-half pint of
orange.j aloe, one half pound of minced cand- Sir John List w -Kaye yeeterds,e paid, in
to the Interior . Department at Ottawa $i5,-
led peei. Clean, wash, and dry the currants, .,.
000, being the purchase money for 50,000
stone the raisins; mix all the dry ingred-
acres of Government land in the North-west.
ients well together; beat the eggs, add to
them the orange -juice, then pour them over Henry P. Marshall, cashier of the See-
the dry ingredients, and mix thoroughly. men's Bank, of New York, died in November
Pack intogreased small kettles or moulds laet, and an investigetion of his accounts
(this will make about six pounds), and boil shows that he embezzled missionary and
for six hours at the time of making, and eix other trust funds to the amount of $75,000.
hours when wanted for use. , The Btitish steamship Frin, from Bald-
AlirLe Pen.—Line a tin or granite plate more for Kingston, Jamaica, was abandoned
with a thin cruse. Cut sour apples in guar- off Cape Hatteras a few days ago with her
ters, remove the cores and shine, and. cut shaft broken. The crew were landed at
each 4narter in two pieces lengthwise. Fill Newleart-
the plate, putting tee pieces of apple round Prince Bismarck's newspaper denies the
the edge in regular order, and piling slight- existence of any treaty precluding European
ly in the middle. When the apples are not powers from seeking to obtain ascendancy in
juicy, add a little water. Cover with crust Samoa. The article causes some commotion
without wetting the edges, and bake about in British officiel circles,
half an hour. When nearly done, boil three
Gen, Poe, who is constructing a new than -
heaping tablespoonfuls of sugar and one of
neI for the United States through the St.
water live minutes. Add the grated rind of
Clair flats, eays that part of the chisnnel un -
one -quarter of a lemon, or one tablespoon-
doubtedly lies in Canadian waters, but he
ful ta lemon juice. When the pie is done,
anticipates no trouble between the ' two
remove to an earthen plate, pour the syrup
throu a cut in the toor raise the upperh p
Black-lieads and Freckles.
Black heaths are the orifices of obstructed
glands in the skin. The following is the
preper treatment: Upon going to bed at
night, rub some fine oil upon the affected
part, applying the oil very freely and tho-
roughly. In the morning, sponge the parts
with a of t spcmge saturated with a mixture
of one part of ether to two of alcohol. The
purpose of this is to dissolve and wash ',way
the fat which has been ooftened by the oil.
The skin ahould be gently squeezed so ae
to press out the contents of the distended
Freckles that are produced by exposure
to sun and wind may be easily removed by
the application of ouch remedies as grated
horse -radish, lemon juice and borax,—one
dram borax to one ounce lemon-juice—or
lemon -juice alone. Freckles which are pres-
ent at all times, whether there was expos-
ure or not, cannot be removed by +his means,
or by any other with which we are ac-
quainted. They are part of the skin, arid
are so deep that lotions applied to the sur-
face will not effect them.
and pour it over the fruit, or simply
sprinkle wrth sugar and bits of butter. Re-
place the crust; the steam will dissolve the
sugar and the pie will be sweeter and of bet-
ter flavor than if sweetened before baking.
0 0 f h
beef tongue, one bottle ot olives, two dozen
large, meo.n, bright, dry Chili peppers, one
teaempful (ordinary size) of best vinegar,
or, better still, squeeze the juice of DWO
lemons into the cup and fill with vinegar,
one teaspoonful of powdered summer savory,
two tablespoonfuls finely chopped onion
(should be small green onions, but dry
.411 do), salt and olive oil, as you like it.
Dissolve a half teacupful of salt in enough
boiling water to cover the tongue, cook until
done. and only done, or you will have rags.
When cool, remove the skin and cut into
very thin slices, and the tongue is °ready for
the justice. Cat open the peppers the long
way, take out every seed and vein, out off
the stem end, drop the skins into an agate
kettle of boiling salted water (half cupful of
salt). Press the skins under the water and
keep at boiline heat for two hours, but the
water must not even simmer, or you will
find both taws, I, color gone. Skim into
chopping bowl, o :sure all water is pressed
oue—ohop untii ,you have a glowing mass of
red pulp; press through a smile to remove
skins, and your sauce is ready to season.
Do not put in all the salt needed, as the
olives will add salt. Add oil and vinegar
by spoonful; no danger of curdling. Put
in olives last. Dip eanh slice of tongue into
the Baum, pile the slices into a deep dish
and pour over them the reniaining sauce ;
serve the next part of the butter thin and
lay it on the middle of the paste. Fold the
sides towards the middle, then the ends
over, and double again. at and roll out
again. Repeat this process with the re-
maining pieces of butter. When the butter
its all rolled in, the paste should be rolled
and folded till no streaks of butter can be
seen. After the last rolliug, place it on the
ice to harden, al it may be cut and shapdel
more easily.
The fancy for dishes and decoration of sil-
ver is a feature of the seaSon. krvery 181 dole
of dinner eetvice from the plait gouts -plate to
the ornate &inert -plate, outdo with a border
in open-work and often eatirely covered
with gilding, is made in silver. On elaborate
tables the untiro service will be represented
in crystal and silver. The beautiful porce-
lains which were in demand for differerit
courses and wera usually chosen in differenb
patterns, are not as aften chosen as some-
thing more showy. There is at preeenb an
increased demand for entire dinner Bete of
one pattern for regular use and it feehion-
able feria for china decorated in metals of
different kinds. ' The 13eleck china whieh is
now made with great success at Trenton, X,
beantifully decorated in metal work
and is cotoparatively- lees expensive than
fine ware. A pretty stilad bowl of 13elook
china mo,y be purchmed for 7,(h he egad
beWl ie more frequently chosen in crystal
and in a plainly <Mil piece may range froni
A religione impostor in New jereey has
been made to feel the pinch of one of those
old laws which the mini Puritans of a him-
dred gears ago thought necessary for the
defence of true religion egainet the machina-
tion of fraud and humbug. The inipostor is
charged with "impersonating our Saviour
Jesus Christ and permitting his followers to
worship or pay him divine honors, and for
deluding and abusing the people and for
&bad denundations of indgment," And if
fohna guilty, the penalty is 8ix menthe'
prison/rid:it Dta a $100 fine. It is too bad
that such obseloto methods of applying the
straight iacket of the State for aberrations
in theology should be enforced in an en-
lightened community like Xcew Artioyi The
men is evidently a "crank,' if not absolit-
tely inearley and it 8001118 a pity to Stilly the
crown of martyrdom by giving It to such.
Celina Metayee, a thirteen -year-old girl
who was confinegin a dark room at the back
of a Montreal barber's shop, and kept for
immoral purposes, has been sent to the
Reformatory for five years. Her seducer
has escaped to the States.
A StrictIv Business Basis.
A wretched -looking tramp went nto en
Austin saloon and begged with tears in his
eyes for the barkeeper to give him a nickel
with which to get something to eat. He got
it. As soon as he got it in his hand he slap-
ped it down on the bar and said in a loud,
vociferous, peremptory tone of voice:
"Beer 1"
It Was several minutes before the barkeep-
er could ce.tch his breath, and then he was
"Well, if that ain't gall, ' hope May never
live to see any. 'Why, you—you—you—"
"No speeches. Begging is my business
and beer -jerking is yours. Just you attend
to your business and I'll attend to mine. It
is going to be a cold winter, and if you want
to keep your job you had better attend to
said the mendicant.
The partially paralyzed barkeeper handed
out the schooner, the tramp downed it slow-
ly and drifted out, perfectly satisfied with
that little business transaction.
P. 434.
The Worst on Record.
Hans Van Spigen is notorious for the
quality, of his cider, and he is, furthermore,
notorious for being the meanest, stingiest
Dutchman in existence. Ile was never
known to give a living soul one drop of his
delicious beverage.
Now at the time of the following occur-
rence our friend John Barnes, being on a visit
and hearing of the excellent quality of Hans'
cider rode over to his farm one morning,
when the following conversation took place.
"Good morning ,Hans,"
"Coot morning', Zhon."
"Haus, you have a fine orchard ?"
"Oh, yes, 000t orchard."
"Fine press, that of yours ?"
"Yes, Vine oress, vine orchard."
"Hans, I fteat your cider is the best in
the country 2"
"Ghon,, (to his son), "go down and draw
us a mug of eider."
John broughb up the desired inug, and
Hens drained it to the bottom, the?, turning
rornd to the astonished Barnes, said:
"If you don't believe dot's goot cider,
smell de mug."—(Albany Argus,
The VictoT s Crowii
shima adorn the broW of the inventor of
the great corn cure, Putimins Painless Core
Bxtractorr 'Works quickly, never makes a
sore spot, and is lost the thing you want.
See that youget Putman's Painless Corn
Extractor, thesure safe and Painless cure
for orris.
After spending Ten Winters South,
was Cured. by Scott's Emulsion.
146 Centre St., 14evr York, 1
June 25th, 1988. J
The Winter after the great firs
in Chicago 1 contracted Bronchial
affections, and since then have
been obliged to spend nearly every
Winter South. Last hlovemberwas
advised to try Goott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver iI with inlypophosphites
and to my a u rp rise was relieved at
once, and by continuing its use
three months vvas entirely cured,
gained flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the Biiz-
zard and attend to business every
sofa by all Druggists, 50e. and, $1.00.
gliATENTA procured, Patent Attorneys, and experts.
Est'd 1867. Donald C Ritiout Co.. Toronto.
CANOES. wza.
and Tumors CURED ; no knife;
book free. Das. MCMICHAEL,
140, 63 Niagara St., Buffalo, N.Y.
. , crred perranln twiout
SMITH, 124 Queen Street E, Toronto.
mo.E 'TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates.
1No delay. Correspondence solicited.
n If E. W. ID. IDETLER, Financial Agt.,
ifietablisheet 1860. 70 Ring -at. E„ Toronto.
BA.118AGE LApsomi.03.-esorEnnzlis8b8.8SheNepews,
Fineet American Hog Casings.
Orders filled for any desired quantity. Write tor
prices. JAS. PARK .tt SON,
41 tu 47 Lawrence Market St. Toronto.
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness
None other are just as good. &-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be sure of
success, use only the DIAMOND
DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age forpackage, than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamonct and take no other.
A Dress Dyed
A Coat Colored
Garments Renewed
A Child can use them!
At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free
J. desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge
of garment cutting should visit us. Scientific and
reliable systems taught whereby perfect fitting gar-
ments are produced. Circular with full information
on application, S. CORRIGAN, Prop ,122 Yonge st.,
INSTRCHENTS.—Send for our
.1,31, Large Illustrate° Catalogue of Band Instru-
ments. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, etc., and all kinds
of Trimmings. Arent for Trenche's and DeWitt El
West, Toronto, Ont.
class security. Apply te
Barristers and Solicitors,
Wellington St., cor. Ohurch, (over Bank of Toronto)
• TO F.2o NT% NT.
LIMBS. For air.
Toronto, Ont
Stained Glass
'76 Ring St. W., T0rolOo.
rowli Engines
"11-fOrkuitSTEEL BOILERSANY dt.on
J. Perkins Co. -1 Toronto.
Young Men
SUFFERING trona tiro effeots of early evil habits, the
result ignorance and telly, who find themeeivea
Weak, nervous and exhilntited; also Minima -Atm and
Ohn Mari, who are broken down front the edeets of
abate) or overvork, and in advanced life feel the
oonsognoncee Of youthful execs% send fer and read
M. V. Lubon'S Treatise on the Diseaees of Men. The
book will he sent sealed to any addreeS On receipt of
wo 80. stamps. Andreas
el V. leelIoN, Wellington St. E., Toronto. Ont.
yam N6
Ter STF*4.61',PpR1's'r silp ST,:
The 11-i.utif al Story. The ttietery at Calai4,
The fitto,y ol sie hodiena. Living ward. "fifty 10 th. Char la of It me. Th. Cottsrt Phy•
r Woo, PI Morro .ho.e. Roval Path of
Pa, allel a. d Ptctrrel Family DMIss, WurtJAH
BRIGG3, Pablisher, Toroate.
Leather te1ting
Send for Price Lists and Dtecounte.
IF Y :U ARE BALI) have
to A. DORE* Tor.
' d «:et particulars of
his Wigs Toupees Swit,hee,
&a., also Prontpteces, Bangs.
tte. All a a -le of finest quail-
ty Rama Hair as natural
as life.
Paris Hair v+. on s,103 and 105
Yonge St _Torota, Can._
Far L ans
CAPITAL, - 5S,000,000.
This Company lends on good farm property at loVr
est current rate of interest and as favorable terms
For information apply to loeal agmts, or to
W., E. LON(. Itiaaager, Toronto.
Boys' 'Velocipedes, Blizzard Toboggans, Shotvshoes
Etc., at reduced prices. Footballs, Jerseys, sup-
plied to clubs at special discounts.
ST.. uroriONTO.
Don't wait until you are burnt out or robbed.
Buy a Safe neW and sleep easv, and be sure and get
prices, eto., of the new New Champion Safe.
577 Craig St, P. 0. Box 045, MONTREAL, P. Q
All Colors, 103 per dozen skeirs.
BERLIN WOOLS, an colors, Sc per oz.
r• -•P oz. ; Fleecy Wool, extra quality, 10c per skein;
Arrasene, all colors, No per dozen skeins Macrame
Cord, 15 colors, 100 per ball; Felt, best quality,
51.00 per yard ; Woolen Java Canvas, all shades,
45c per yard; Stamped Toilet Sets, 5 pieces, 85e
set Tidys, 25c each; Splashers, 40 ana 50 oent3.
each. A large stock of newest Spanned Goodsfor out-
lining, to band. Letter orders have prompt and
careful attentio. Goods ean be Aent by wet to anv
part of Canada. Writ .i for price list, RENE)/
DAVIS, Importer, 232 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont,
Please mention this paper.
Loan& avinCompany
i18c0uro815kTE10; 18515.
Head Office Toronto R„ Toronto,
Subscribed Capital, $ 4000,000
raid Up capital 2,580,000
Total Assets 110,040,000
The enlarged cap ye] and resources of this Company,
together with the increased faeilities it has recently
acquired for supplying landowners with cheap money,
enable the Directors to meet with promptness and a f
the lowest current rate of interest all requirement
for loans upon satisfactory real estate security.
Application may: be made to either of the lOona,
pany's local Appraisers, or to
J. ETERERRT MASON Manag'gDireotor, Toronto,
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamships
Dealers in all kinds o
Agents fa the BESSON ,
all0 IIIGHADI Band In-
rtrumente. tiZi* SHEET
BooKs. manufacturers
d the
Best in the world, Etat
Year ' Guarantee. Send
for Illimtrated catalogue
ma Testimonials.
283 Yonge St.,,
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, and in sum-
mer from Quebeo every Saturday to Liverpool,calling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Hali-
fax and St. John's, N,F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia :and during sum-
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Was.
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phtladel-
phia fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other information apply to
A. Schumacher a co., Baltimore •, S. Cunard As Co.,
Halifax ; Shea 6s Go., SC John's, Nfid., Wni. Thong,.
eon di Go., St, John, N. B.; Allen 8s Co. Obiegao ;
Love &Alden, Neve York ; H. 13orulter: Toronto ;
Auane, Rao Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel.
phia ; If. A. Allen vortiancii Boston Montreal.
en -ire FE EAT
it Fo THt sloti
'When 1 say CURE 1 do not mean merely to
stop them tor a time, and then have them re -
'turn again. 1 afF.A.Ir A RADICAL CURE.
I have mate the disease ot
A life long study. 1 wa.RRANT my remedy to
Conn the wors1 cases. Because others have
failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Send at onee f or a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE
and Post Office. et costs you nothing for a
trial, and it will cure you. Address
H. G. ROOT, M.C., 164 West Adelaide St.
v Wf.1
t Wee ee Waite
in Dakota or 1,3ontana, Broad Prararies, Fertile Val-
leys, Wood, Coal and clear mountain streams. Send
your address on Postal Cerd to J. M. HUCRINS, 4
Palmer House Mock, Toronto, or, F. I. WHITNEY,
Gen, Pass. Agt., St. Paul, Minn.
We are chila'ren who chearfit??,,doin isz the chorus
When Breadmaker's Yeast ZS the subject before
Aramma tried all the rest,
So she knowb
s it's the est, rlu
'Cause do. bread is the whitest, her buns are te
.4 nit we eat all the fiancakes she a'are set beforetts. I
FINEST CP.iNuEll wxee
WORLD 110551185150
t r• p/ROUS
Delicious Beef Tea
That contains all the NUTRITIOUS and STRENGTIEI-GIVING
propersies of meat is made from
Johnston's Fluid eef1
lt is recommended by the leading Dootore in EnOand and America
as being The Most Pellet rood, vastly superior in
airy way to any other reporation of meat. TRY IT.
'Cure Alf bleetioes Of the storna�h, EloWel$
StedialeSStiess. Fetriittie eoriVittintso DRAMKEN
eldod, Liverv Kldheyo Urintiry Op.gans, Nerouisheetto
MO -10000 leeward pald for a tase they rola hot 0%044