HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-1-24, Page 8STIRAN,Q.E• BelliSP le TJ rAIOT, AGENT Tan wv,s5nz1izsrissuB4N4 cow.- PANV, of Toronto ; unto ear &1x&PesCENele FIRE, I:NM:lite-NCB 00311SANX, et Loudon, Zeeland, the Rs)VAL (1ANADIA.N, of aeon - treat, a'rd the BlageI8e1 LIVE AS SURANCE OtP.NY, of tendon; Euglauds establielted 180, Assets over e04100,000; elainis aust bonuses paid,. over $104000,000, L GOAL .ZsT e sheal behappy to re- ve at all times, front any part of the County , Items of Gooal new such KtS ac- oicients,.or any interesting incident 20/tat- ewer, front any of our suhseribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public Hon, 1314D 4sletve THURSDAY, JANUARY 24th 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Oyster. •Fresh oysters at Geo. Snarlers' by the quart, or eerved up by the plate, cooked, O1. raw Just look at our stock of con. fectionery, and sporting goods. All froth, new Etna first.class. 8e11ieg at cost, Good bargains in Boots and Shoes and Harness, can now be bad at 0, Eaorett's, as he intends giving up business and 'will • sell at cost or under for the next 30 deys., People would do well to call and -see him before purehaeing elsewhere. C. EACRETT. Dull Times. The opeu winter is playine havoc with besiness.. Merchealts are complaiuing loudly of the trade being dull, and the sales of winter goods have not been with- in fifty per cent. as good as last year It will prove a trying da3r for dry goods men throughout the country, especially thoee who bought heavy in the fall. Ifthis kind of weather continues it will elso be hare on the lambering men as tip to the present timeib has been next to impossible to do any swamping- . A. Narrow Escape, During the high wind which prevailed on Monday, a chimney ou. Alt. Geo. BEM - (lea's residence took fire, and the family being in another apartment dM not dis- cover the danger they were in of losing the property until the upper ceiling and the roof had caught fire and had destroy- ed a considerable part thereof. Fire Co. No. 2. was called out but happily the fire was under control when it arrived, and all that was necessary was to make things • perfectly safe. Mr. Ba,wden heartily thanks those who came to the rescue of his property. Agnes Knox. At an entertainmentheld in Exeter on Monday evg., under the aeatpices of the Independent older of Foresters,Miss Agnes Knox a graduate • of the. Philadelphia, sehool of elocution took a prominent part. • Mae Knox's powers as an elocutionist are great, her voice sweet and well-trained and her gestures most perfect. Her im- itation of the Bob o' Link was indeed imimical, and 'brought forth much applause Cialdledoon 1 rom Cotter's Saturday night • was well rendered, being heartily received by the audience. "How Ruby played" e„,,yeaasa e,ei.laan,,,,eicle effort, as was alse•sthe -scene from Macbeth, in Which the lady's elocutionary abilities were were well dis- played. The duets by the male quartette and the harmonica solos by Mr. D Tait , were highly appreciated and were ofthe first order. The entertainment, in all, was one of the best ever given in Exeter as all who were present can testify. • The proceeds ameunted to epwards of $60. Pea sonal, Mr. P. Bawden, druggist, who has re- cently been reenacting a drug store in Woodstock spent a''few days in town last week. Mr, 13awden has iiurchased a •drug store in Ridgetown and left on Mon- day to take charge of the same. The • people of Ridgetown will find iu Mr. 13. many good qualities; he possessing an affable disposition, being public spirited and having a thorough knowledge of the drug business will soon win many ma - touters and warm friends.—Mr. Wm. }Tracheae, an Exeter boy, has started a livery business in Regina. Will is a very agreeable and enterprising fellow, and eye wish him every succese.—We are pleased to learn that Mr. Wm. Folland who has been very ill for some time, is rapidly ois the mend.—Mr. A. E. Hind of Durham spent the last few days with his father, Mr. George Hind of Exeter.—Mr. -Same Essery, of LTsborne, who has been attending the funeral of a relative in Km- aardine returned home on Monday, —Mr, Wm. StanlakeS of Sand Beach, Michigan, who has been visiting his father in Step- hen returned home on Monday. ----Mr. -James Egan, baggage -master, spent Sun- day in St Marys. Dont forget the grea,t 30 day sale now on at the lig Bankrupt Store. Miss IVfellis of Kippen a the guest of Mrs. j. P. Ross - Mr. R. Monteith returned to Manitoba yesterday morning - Mrs. Archer of /sl'ew York is the gues; of Mrs R. 11. Archer. Geo, Griffin of London, a forrner resi- dent of Exeter is at present in town. H 13. Hungerford is at present assisting R. E. Huston in filling up policies. , Several w•eddings are about to take place in town. Mr. jas. Oke has sold his yourig stallion to a gentleman of lelyth for 41,000. Messrs. Sweet and D. Tait cantered SOOSt of the 'prizes at the Carnival at Lacan last week. Um John. Biesett of Manitoba, a for - riser resident of Exeter died one day last week, The epring -show of the Stephen & Us • borne Agl. Sooiety Will be held in Exeter • on April 10th next. Exeter is at present beseiged with eater - tenements of various hinds. All minds Call 'easily he satit lied. Mr. W. H. Graham, the importer of 'Clydesdale horse, of Si. Marys, was in t w e yesterday. Protracted meetings are in progress in the Main-st Methodist Chureh, &inducted by Rev, Mr, Wilson, • The hay packers Who hage been buying bay in this neighborhood lately here this eyeek made several large shipments. M.i WrnsXorrison and family letiVe in a fees slaye foe Owen Sound, Whete they • will loriete- Mr, end 'are, Htigh Rees returned to Exeter Saturday on their return from Nova Scotici, 16 Wineipeg. ' a‘l ens and boye overcolits and .ttitt;at tuilleatd of pieces; daring thegreat SO daye eele now going on et the Rig Bault, rupt Store, The toboggen sible Will be formally • ptped Oir Thirreday at 2,30 in the attOV. 1100il and it 7, eaeloek jO the eVg, Valagt1 Couto II The colateil for 1889 met at the Town Ralt Exeter,' on Monday the 21st at eleven o'clock in the forenoon and took and subscribed the deolmation of Qualifi- cation endMike in presence of the Clerk. Messrs, a, cluior and L 11, 1)ieltson were appointed auditors for 1889. Messr. John W. Taylor, John Essery, William Hoskin and the Reeve and Clerk were appointed a Board of Health for 1889. The Clerk to give notice of letting the Weigh Seales at the Market House, aleo to ask for tenders for printing for 1889, The council then adjourned until Monday the 28th hist, at 7.30 p. Mr. James Oke on Monday shipped a carloed of cattle to Montreal. Swallow Bros, pump makers, it is saidi heye made an assignment. Mr. Alex Colquhoun will leave in. Mareh for Manitoba, where he intends to permaneptly reside, While blowing a band instrument the other day. Harry Gielley had his lips poisoned, from the effects of which he is "laid. up". Big bargains in boots and shoes, over- shoes aad rubbers during the great 30 day sale now on at the Big BenIcrupt Store. Ladies rubbers only 3ec. Have you been to the greet 30 day sale slow on at the 03ig Bankrupt Store, if not get there getickly and secure some of the wonderful bargains: It is rumored. that M a Geo. Mace, a former resident of Exeter, will retura to town, build a grist mill ani 1,e -engage in the grocery business. The McDowell Co in "Dr Jekyll and alr Hyde" announced to appear in the opera house last • evening del not play, owing to the attendance being too meagre. The Farmers' Institute meeting held here last week was a success, and many valuable papers were read: The concert was a good one, and the ball was packea to the doors. We are in receipt of a telegram from Lincoln Neb., announcing the death of John MeConniff stip. Chicago • Burlington & Missouri R. R., who died Tueeday night at 9 p. nefrom hemorrhage of the stomach deceased. is Mrs. 3 Fanner's uncle. On Moaday last J. E. Hayes, reeve of McKillop, was cleated warden of Huron Co; Robert Boston, reeve of Lobo, war- den for Middlesex; W. B Freeborn, reeve • of Morniugton, wardeu of Perth; Dr. Douglas, reeve of Tara, wardenof Bruce Mr. John Russell, of Goderich will lec- ture in the town hall Exeter pn Wednes- day evg. next Mr. Russell was excom- municatecl from the church on what he • holds false grounds, and his lecture will be a resume of the incidents connected therewith from beginning to end. See adv. It is indeed an ill -wind that does not blow favorably to someone. With the scarity of snow this winter this corpora- tion has saved a considerable sum in the matter of snow -plowing, the walks hav- ing to be cleared but once thus far this season. Rev. Dr. Burns of the Wesleyan Ladies College, Hamilton, will preach missionary sermons in the ,Tames-st Methodist church next Sunday at '0:30 a, m. and 6.30, p. in. Dr. Burns stands in the front rank of pulpit oratorsiu our Dominion. Don't fail to !lease:Inn. Will 'the reieway agents of Exeter please explain .sv it is that people can buy rail- sva,y tickets for Manitoba for one dollar Yeas at Hensall than from Exeter and yet when going these, same people have to pass through Exeter on t'he train. Emigrant. A Connecticut inan proposes a law to provide that all owners of doge when hav- ing the canines registered shall file a bond for pocr as sto ety for damages which may be caused by the dogs He is called • a crank. Perhaps he is one. It is gener- ally believed that the man least able to pay damages keeps the 'Most worthless dogs. Wonderful, amusing and nestrnotive, positively original, absolutely superb. This is what everybody says of the Can- adian Sterioptioian company's panorama. The above panorama will be shown in opera house on :Monday evg. Feby 4th • undee the auspices of Jarnes•st Meth. choir. Press notices next Week. Wonderful values in factory and white cottons. at the Big Bankrupt store. Note the prices, 5c factory for 3c, 7e factory for6c•' flee factory for 1l; 90 factory for 7c and7c white cotton for 4c; Bic white cotton for 8c; 13c white cotton for 10c; heavy sheeting 2 yards wide for 19c' . this is by far the cheapest and choicest 6,ottons ester shown iu Exeter. There is a large amount of American silver in circulation in this district, con- siderable of which hears mutilation. Peo- ple should avoid mutilated coins, the valae of which, i. e., those with holes punched in them has been fixed by the United States treasury department as follows:—silver dollare, seventy five cents; half dollars, thirty-five cents; quarter dollars, eighteen cents; and. dimes five cuts. Armstrong vs. McDougall was an action by the executors of T. J. Armstrong, late of Exeter, to compel Peter McDougall, tenant, to viseete a farm occupied under covenant of a mortgage having, it was alleged, gonb into default, which was brought on at the London assizes. The defence eentendecl that Mn B. V. Elliott, of Exeter, one of the executors, drew the lease from the mortgagee, to him (Elliott) without informing the defendant of the existence of the mortgage and that therefore they could not repudiate the lease, JmIgement we reserved, W. R. Meredith, Q. C., for plaintiff, R. II. Collins for defendants. "When I came to my desk last Wednes- day morning," said John Wanemaker, the Philadelphia millionaire merchant, I was naturally thinking about the Christ- mas tiade which we had. We did a great deal of Christmas business in this • store this yew. During the 10 day previous to Christmas out• sales averaged about $100, 000 a day. The grand total for the ten cla,yt falls only a few dollars under a 1 spend•e6,000 a week its aver. tieing, and I pay a (skilful men --:a former newspaper editor, and a geed one— $14000 mcnith to do it for me, I make money by it. Advertising is the leverage with Which the store -has been raieed up. I do not see how any large and succeSsful business eau be done without liberal advertising. Continuous advertising, like tontinueus work, is the most effective, cereNaa has been made in the re- eetit order in council which in- deeeete the Oxporb duty on logs from $2 to $3 per 1,000 feet, nroviding, that loge cub encl ready for shipment at the date of bho passage of tlie order nifty be ehipped at the old rate, gle,, • BORN. Rose, --Tet EXeter, on the 1.711i inse, the evqe ofMr. 3 ? Rose of a eon, Children Cry for Pitcher's CasforiE 14, atesat Rambler. 13inees.-4 few day e ago 05 ale. W. 11111 of Fairfield, was engaged crushing grain for his sou -in-law, Mr. D, Manning, a large pieee of iron went through, Famish- ing the fly-wheol and guerieg, besides doing other petty darneges.---Special ser- vices will eonamenee in the Centralia Meth, cliuisih next Sunday evg, conducted by the Rev. G. Id. Thompson —Mr. J. Neil of Devon, is confined to his bed by a severe attiicit of sickness.—The Rev. Mr. Pile of Crediton, occapied the Devon ohurch pulpit on Sunday last, • Russeldale, SVIIODIgO leleees.—A very interesting event took place on Thursday, the 10th inst.. when Ilfr. Henry Balfour and Mies Sarah A urt Cornieh were united in mar- riAge by Rev. James Caswell, at the re'si- donne of the bride's father, whale a large number of friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. The preseets, which were numerous aud use- ful, showed the high esteem in which the young couple are field. The wise of their many friends is that their Imlay friends is that their jouruey through life may be happy and pi osperous. Blake. ------ II,ETuurroD,—Hr, John Reith has rettual- ed from the old couutry. • This was Mr. Iteith's that trip across the Atlantic and of course he eejoyed his visit, although he combined business with pleasure. He took over alma 1,100 barrels of apples with him, aud disposed of them very satisfactorily, He brought back with Wini two very fine three-year-old Clydesdale mares and one young stellico. hir. Reith bas removed from Blelte to Hensall, where he has lotnited on the old homestead farm near that village, which he putchased re- cently. The people of Blake are sorry to lose Mr, Beith, as be e as a most enter- prising resident of the place. 4, Hirkton. BEIErs.--ivir. R. Vickers lava returned from Mich. where he hau been workirig this scanner. Bob is one of oer best boys and received a hearty weloonse.—It is rumored that some of our stalwart young men intend joirting the N. W. 'Mounted Police.—Mr. ,Tobn Kirk has disposed of his farm to Mr. W. Kirk for the sum of e4,000. The forraer intends removing to Manitoba in the spring.—Mr. A. Breteour has pur- chased the house and lot situate in the village, belonging to Mrs. Conn,—The sae- rament of the Holy Eneharist will be ad- ministered on 3rd Sunday after Epiphany in St. Paul's Episcopal Church.—The Misses Sterrit who have bean successfully conductine a dressmakers 'shop in the -vil- lage during the east 3 years intend leaving here shortly. Their repetation as first class and fashionable dress raakers is well kuown, and Kh'kton's loss will be others gain. Chisel.hurst. BETEPS.—It is reported that Mr. Stewart has been left a considerable sura of money by a relative in Seotland.--Messrs. Latta, Connor and Mitchell are attending the Seafoith Collegiate Institute.—Kr. R. Dalrymple is busy crushing grain for his neighbors.—Jas. MeTaggart is taking charge of the store and post-oftice here,— Mr. A. Morrison has lately been united in • marriage to Miss McLaren of Hibbert. They have started house keeping in their new residencie—Mr. Marshall has tnoved to the "farm of J. MoTaggart, which he has rented.—The farmer's wives are plaining about the fall in the price of et4s and -the scarcity of quilting bees.—Mr. Arch Dalrymple and hie sister, are visiting friends in MoKillop.—Miss Bell of Mani. toba is visiting friends in this vicinity. -- Mr. John Hicks is attending Mitchell High School. Stanley, -- Goon Woine—A ta wood bee held on the farm of Mr. • Wilson Armstrong, Goshen line, on Wednesday of last week, W. H. Stephenson and Samuel Johnston cut a log lei inches in diameter inside tbe bark in 39 seconds. The sane work was also done in the same • tirae by Robert Nicholson and Wilson, • Armstrimg. The two latter also out one log 15 inches in diameter in 28 seconds. The Gr'oshen 1100 boys are hustlers with the saw. The annual meeting of the Stanley Braila Agricultural Society was held on Thursday of last week, The following officers and directors were appointed : Geo. Castle, president; Wm. Townsend, vicepresident ; James Armetrong, secre- tary and treasurer. .Disectors--Joim. Tor- rance, John Johnston, Joseph Wild, Alexander Granger, John Tough., R. Pen. hale, Walter Madge, John Park and Thos. Harrison- Henry Erwin and George Woods were appointed auditors. The Society commenced the year with a de- ficit of $17.66 and closed with a surplus of $2.19 in the treasury. es -ea • Ailsa Craig. BRIBPS.—lilvangelistie services are being held in the Enplish Church in Ansa Craig by Rev. ?VII% Taylor, of Mitchell, They commenced last Salurday, when a large congregatidn gathered. On Sunday night the church was thronged, end extra seatt had to he provided. In spite of the wes and changeable weather, the attendance has increased • and last bight chairs had againto be used. The whole place is moved, and there canbe no &Mit bf the reality of the work. The preachers in- tense earpestness, his vivid presentation of truth, and his loving enamor win the gYmaathy ef all, and, as is attested by the regneete tor prayer and the written exper. iences tent in, the work is proving a great blessing. Such gervicee, so well attended, co reverently conducted and so fruitful, were never before held here. The after. noon meetings are,exeellently attended and are very helpful. The Rev. Mt. Shore, the faitliftil clergyman here, is greatly eneour. aged and openly expresses his gratitude to God.—The annual meeting of the North. elm Fair Agricultural Society was held here Thuredny. The following officers were appointed for the year 1889, viz ; President, D. McArthur, Ailsa Craig ; first vice-president, John 'lord, East Williams; farmed vice.president, Alex, C. Stewart, East Williams ; anecters, A W. Smith, Dan leareey, :as 'Harvey, McGilli- vtay, 0 M. Shasteoue'G. W. Charlton, Wm. Welker, Lobo ; John Morgan, los. Rosser tma D, A, Stmvart, Mists Craig ; auditors, Win, Shoebottom lead J. T. Owen, Ailsa Craig.— Gee, F: Arneld, Mer- chant of this village, haft Sold his'hn sin oes to the Messrs. Shipley Bros., sees of Mr, Wm. G, Shipley, of this village. The Messrs'. Shipley tahe poseeseion et 01100i steresiseeta Cl' (5L0v ROYAL Potvat bselutell, Pure. Tilts pones er Dever varies A marvel ofpur- ity, strength and wholeeonsegees. More °colt- omiesathau the oydinary kinds 1115. oan.uot be sold in oompe titaenvrith. the multitudes of low test, short weight, aliuu or phosphate Powders, Sold ouly eans.-33,0yAL 33 AK. G kONDIall CC ..106 Wallstreet N matortaasamantatnuoreaurn.........meonneommorawm............ FARM FOR ALE. Ninety acres—Lot 6, eon. 2, in Stephen township, 13 uron 00., over 74 acres cleared, of whictiffil acres aro in • grass and in first-class condition- Half mile from, Centralia. Good brick house and out -buildings. Must be sold. For fertheiepertioulnes imply to MATTHEW MORLOOle, 3 mos. Crediton P. 0. Notice to Creditors Tho creditors of Lavina Bealey, late of the township of 'Osborne, in the county of Huron Spiester, deceased, who died ou or about the 2.1st day of October, A. D., 1828, and all persons having cleans against the said deoeased, are, in pursuenee or ehapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,1887, hereby notified and required to seedon or before the ist daysof March a 3) 1839 by post or- deliver, to the undersigned acheitors for tee Administratree of the estate of the said deceased, their chris- thin and surnames, addresses and descriptions the particulars of their claims, a statemeut of tbeir accounts duly verified by statutory de - aeration, and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them; and that immerliateiy after the said lst day of Maroh, the assets of the said deceased will be disttibuted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whichnotice shell heve been given,andthe said Administrateix shall not be liable for the saidassets or any part thereof to any person ogpersons of whose claims notice shall not have been received. ELLIOT &ELLIOT, • Solicitors for Administratrix Exeter. Dated at Exeter,15th January,1880. AIJCTION SALE,. In the matter of the estate of MAR- SHALL POLLOCK, late of the vil- lage of Exeter in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, and in the matter of Chapter 108 of , the • Revised Statutes of Ontario, knbwn as "The Devolution of Estates Act." There will be sold by Public Auction on • Friday, the 1st day of February, 1889, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. at the Central Hotel in the Village of Exeter, in the County et Baron, by air. James Oke, Auctioneer. SubJect to suoh conditions as shalt then be produce& the following valuable village property, vis: PAEOBL.NO. 1.—All that certain parcel or tricot of land aud premises situate lying and being in the Village of Bensall. in the Town- ship of Bay, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario,containing by admeasure- ment one-fifth of an acre be the same more or less, beingtomposed of Lot No. eight, on tho north side of King street (otherwise the Zurich yead) cm the map or tdau of the sub- division of the south half of Lot, No. twenty- one. in the first concession of the Township of Play, prepared ,by 11. C. Boulton, P. L. S. Dated the 28th day 01'September, 1875, and registered in the Registry office for the County of Huron, end PARCEL N0.2. -All that parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Exeter in the said County of Huron, being composed of Lot No. fifty-one on the south side of John street west of' :Williainstreet, in the said Village Exeter, -Sanders' Survey" surveyed by 11. 0. Boulton, P L S. and a map or plan thereof registered in the Registry Office for the said County, of Huron, being Part of Lot No. twenty-one in the 1st (impassion of the Town- ship of Steelier]. The said lands will be sold in two separate parcels subject to reserved bids to be fixed by the Official Guardian. On Parcel No, 1 there is a good frame store and dwelling house stories, on the principal street, in the thriv- ing Village of Ilensall, and on Parcel No. 2 there is a comfortable brick veneered dwell- ing, le stories, with Frame kitchen and good frame barn in central part of the thriving Village of Breton TM31.11VLS OM, Ten per cent, cash, on day of sale, and the balance to be paid into the Canadian Bank of Commerce to ths joint credit of the official Guardian and the Executor's within thirty days withont interest, Conditiceis of sale will bo produced at time of sale_ For further particulars apply tO JOHN' liOSICTNS, Q, 0. or to ELLIOT & likL1OT Tbronto. Vendor's Solicitors, Dated 5th eanuary 1339. Exeter. FALL 1;111 11383. artiwell, lid Pickard Have jest received direot from &gland a fine assortment of Ladies' Walkieg Jack. ets, Delineate, and Ulsters, also it Fine As- sortinent of Sealettes, Imitation Lamb and Ulstei: Cloths. FULL LINES OF DRESS GOODS. IN HOS1ERY,11LOVES4 AND STAPLE DRY -GOODS, Cry 'for r4onqrs t,astorm , , , Our Sto' k Complete OHN MoOTTRI)Y, Irkton, Is. suer of Marriage Tobeimees, Agent for Oanada Life A ssuranee and other Loan 00441 ponies, Agent for Huron and Middlesex Vire Xnsuranee Co =any. Com missimun f th 'BRICK .AND TILE FOR SAL,IFL Any cinantity of brick Apatite of all sizes for mile at the MATZ BRICK YARD,OredIton. First-class 'brick, $4 per Thou- sand. Tile Correspondingly Chea1). The reditors have empowered Mr, Moatz to look after the sale of the brick and tile, and he will be found hi tee yard at all times, Net year the yard will be run by mr. Moatz as usual. OreditomJegnary 151h, 1888. CETRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds oi Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, . constantly on hand. NVinan's Condition Powd- • ers the best in, tile et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug- Store Exeter. C i.UTZ* —EXE TER— piRm SEM For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, front small album size to 11x14 from life, try Ml\TIO He has also an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes 8x10, • 11x14 and 14x17. AT ALL PRICES It wi I be to the advantage of those having pictures to frame to examine his stock of Picture Moulding. Get prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOS SFNIOR 9 .I -alley Opposite Post -Office. „s*sesia The Forest City Business College has Just closed for vacation with the largsst attend- ance ever registered at this season eethe year, Young ' wee ,wanting a thorough training, sbould write tor our handsome catalogue. Our advantages aro unequalled. College re- opens January 3rd,1589. Address eS teryel t Sr York, London, Out, Combination Usefulness ! Beauty, and Durability —13 AN ESSENTIAL IN -- -SELECTING-- . An Article of r •arnitur'e GI L Carries the largest stook of Furniture in Huron County, Eu1(111119 just addedto his assortment a great many pieces adniirehly adapted for the boudoir, sitting -room dining7rooin or kitchen An Inspection of Goods will of- , feet a purchase. Undertaking in all its Brandies. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. & S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. THE IINTTERCOL01\TIA.L A L OF CANADA; The royal roan, nassenger and fright route between Canada and Great Britain. —and— Direct route between the West and all the points ou the Lower St. euevrence and Bate de Clialeur, also New Brunswick, Nova scotia,Prince lt/dmard Island, Cape Breton aniedellwee7tIalicxtilcilegattnised. buffet sleeping andertay carer= on through express trains. •t, Pessengers for Great Britain or the cot te- nant by leaving Toronto by 8 p. m. train on Thursdaywin Join outsvard mail steamer at Er• soluipfaegriSoarteulredvitayto. w ar e h ouse and dock' ac- commodation at Halifax for slaiproent of grain and general merchandise. Tears of experieu co liave proved the Inter- oolonial, in connection with steamship lines I to and trona London, Liverpool and Glas- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between C an ado, and G-reat Britain. , Informationas to passenger and freiglit rates can be had on application to ROB 8111T B.13.VJODIE, WesternIereight &Passenger Agent 93.1lossin House 1-31ock,Tork bt. Tcwouto D.POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent Railway office, Moncton, N. B.. Nov. 20, '88. $10 Reward for the Conviction 01' DEALERS WHO OFFER RA in. I 1NEER1OR OIO OF OTHER • - AND SELL IVg C 0 S MANUFA_OTURE FOR OIL Eureka Cylinder, Bolt I • I McColl Bros. & Co., Cuttiag & Wood Oils. I For sale by all leadilg 'dealers. I Toronto. BISSETT BROS. Sole Agents Exeter. 5 -111 ==a1 0-311 =la ti=10 ar,..0#211 orm CD LsD GREAT - SUMMER SALE ISAAC IN ORDER IC:CLEAR OUT HIS SUMMER STOOKWILL SELL: Summer Silks Dress Goods, 1Viuslins. Prints, Ginghams Laces, B:ibbons, Hisiery, Gloves, Underwear, Corsets, Pasasols, Millinery, l'ximmings, etc At Greatly Reduced PriC,es. rani Bargain: in Evory Dollariniont Fe'Ladiee, de hot Miss thiS opPOrttinity to buy ehertp geode, at the en scribe bas ono Of the lima etocke in the teem to ehoose frees, A call will repay yen.