HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-04-06, Page 6I, Advance -Times, Thu day. April 6.1972 f • \Lt -, , John Sr. atl 114101.44 Imam. Raw un,06 sty • OW , ar tilan �• 11A will train res s nd reallle al. 1432 r,mca. For Sale GUNS BOUGHT, sold and re- paired. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street. Jan.prrb PICTURE FRAMING our spe- ciality — in wood and metal. Snyder Studio, phone 357-1851. - J15rrb MILK FILTERS— 6r2" plain are still selling for 95c . package at Alexander's Hardware and Gift. rrb JUST. ARRIVED! A shipment of. saddles. Take advantage of special pre -season prices. Every- thing for the horse—even the horse, 28 to pick from. Cunning - ham's Tack House, 20 Brown Street, Walkerton. 8814153 phone and we will be home. 16-23-30-6 SNOWMOBILE BELTS for42 off regular price; snowmobile oil at $8 a case; 1971 VW stationwagon in excellent condition ; 1969 Ford. Custom, two -door, excellent con- dition; 1966 Corvair hardtop; 1967 Ford hardtop, two -door Fairlane 500; 1965 Pontiac Parisienne, 283; convertible, power brakes and steering, radio; 24 -inch bicycle like new. Tape players and com- bination radios. Greatly reduced prices. Wilken's Garage and Snack Bar, Whitechurch. 30-6 SEED FOR SALE: Mixture No. 1-8 lbs. Alfalfa, 4lbs. Timothy, 2 lbs. Red, 4 lbs. Brome, 2 lbs. Meadow Fescue, 20 lbs. per acre at $8.34 per acre. Mixture .No. 2- 9 lbs. -9lbs. Trefoil, 2 -lbs. Timothy, $7.70 • per acre. Short term hay mix- tures 10 lbs. Alfalfa, 4 lbs. Timothy, 2Ibs. red $7.20 per acre. Special— Trefoil with 3 per cent red, .65c .lb, All see& gov't graded 111o: 1. Mixed and inocu- lated free. No. 1 Gary oats $1.95 bu., keystone, .herta barley $1.50 bu., Gary, herta mixture— $5.10 per 85 lbs. Dealer for Pride and Stewart corn. Four row corn planter available. Grain and seed cleaned by appointment. For yob�,complete segdr,equirements coact Don Cramm, Seed and Grain; merchant, Pinkerton. Phone 366-2394 or 353-5333. rrb Livestock For Sale PUREBRED JERSEY cow, fresh *two months. Phone 357-1655. TWO REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls. Phone 887-9349. FEED -AND SEED RESISTS EVERYTHING , • BUT PROFIT! PRIDE proven hybrids have unusual resistance to 'drought, disease and insects." Results: more profit for you. Be sure of maximum income from your corn acreage—order PRIDE hy- brid corn now! ROY WORMINGTON, RR 1, BLUEVALE Phone 357-3617 Miscellaneous KASTER'S FOOD MARKET 4th anniversary sale, April 1st to 30th. Many instore specials. 6-13-20-27 • MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Miss Mary Scott, 357-2365 or Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. rr DO YOU HAVE,. the Spring-clean- ing blues? Watch lint, hair, threads; dust and sand disappear with fingertip ease!! Have your rug .power cleaned free of ,charge with no obligation to buy.. Phone or write ELECTROLUX, Elmor Parrish, RR 2,Listowel. Phone 291-1479. rrmyl6p ARTICLES FOR RENT, dustless floor sanders,. Dustless belt sand- er: Vibrating sander. Alexan- der's Gift and Hardware. rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automobile, Farm Liability, Accide�jjnt and 't Sickness Home Pr-otek tion Call Your Co -Op Agent,— LLOYD MONTGOMERY • '53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 Aw IAA Wanted To Buy GOOD STANDING timber, bush - lots, logs, well timbered proper- ty. For more information contact Wm. J. Sills Lumber Co. Ltd., 338 Pannell Lane, Strathroy ; phone 293-3352 or 2454)966. rrb SAP FOR CENTRAL evaporator in Belmore. Also all grades of syrup in drums. Wehave tubing, drums and various other supplies on hand, so if you have a problem or need equipment or supplies or you have sap or syrup to sell, give us a call. Belmore Maple Prod- ucts, Walter Renwick, RR 1, Clif- ford or phone 367-2504. rrbApr.6 HOUSE BY JUNE 30 within 20 mile radius of Wingham ; three bedrooms; reasonable condition; good water supply; small acre- age; preferably on stream. Can put $2,500 down. Send particulars and location to Box 179, Advance - Times. rrb THE WINGHAM Lions' Club would like to buy a good used piano for the town hall. Phone Gordon Walter, 357-2822. rrb' WANTED week-old Holstein or Holstein Cross calves. Phone 392- 6070 Teeswater. 6-13 .HIGHEST, PRICES paid for scrap metals, steel and iron. Phone 357-1052 or 357-3816. LOG HOUSE to move, Logs must be in good condition. Phone 665- 7573. - Wanted GOOD HOME for a small brown .. dog, female, spayed; all' shots; likes children. Phone 357-3092 after 4:00 p.m. Wanted To Rent 'SCISSORS SHARPENED. 500 • a ' A ROUSE to rent in or near Wing - pair. Alexander Gift and Hard - P.m. Phone 3572038 .Fret} .9:00 ware Store. rrb p'm. WILL BUILD' cabinets, kitchen 1969 HONDA, 250 c.c.; excellent cupboards, remodel houses and condition; reasonable. Apply Box repair. work. $2.00 an ' hour. Con 180, Advance -Times. .. tact Henry'Poels, RR 1, .Wing- • ham, (forrner Gilmore. School) . SET OF registered golf clubs and golf cart in good condition. Phone 357-3008 after 6:00 p.m. 510 JOHN ' DEERE tractor. 900 ars.; , A-1 shape; 1962 half -ton Chev. pickup; six cylinder" ; standard. Phone Wingham 357- 2569 after 5:00 p.m. NIAGARA CYCLO Massage chair with moving heat; beige leather, like new; late model. Post Office Box 16, Teeswater. STARCRAFT and Ride -Lite' • Trailers. See them at Jewel Trailer Sales and Rentals, High- way 86 East, Listowel. Financing available and now booking sum- mer rentals. Phone 291-1158. 6-13.20-27 ((-BALED STRAW for sale. Phone `\.- 335-3957. qui _ 1971 HONDA, 350c.c.; 1971 Honda 300 c.c Both in excellent condi- tion. Phone Larry Elliott, 357- 1777. MAPLE SYRUP— gallons, half gallons, quarts. Will deliver. One and a quarter miles south and one and a quarter Miles east of Wing - ham. Glen Casemore,,, 357-1498. 6-13-20 Cars & Trucks For Sale 1966 GM half ton, safety checked. Cameron's Sunoco, Wingham. 1959 TWO -TON Stake Truck, four -speed transmission, two - speed rear end, with 12 ft. stock rack. Would sell rack separate. Phone 357-1279. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, WROXETER on II'ighway 88 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS Phone LISTOWEL 2914159 GORRIE 335-3314 8rrb 100 ACRES PASTURE lease plus 70 acres hay. Lucknow , area. Write Box '178, Advance -Times. • 23-30-6-13 GOLDEN FALCON, CITATION, Flyte Travel Trailers; Baron Tent Trailers; ., Crestliner, Springbok, Chrysler boats and motors; trailer parts; hitches; tents; sleeping bags. Camp -Out, Sales, Service, Rentals. Highway 8, West Stratford. rrbJn29. GROW CUCUMBERS FOR BICK'S For contracts and seed, call Morris Cronin, Teeswater,' 392- 6290. 30-6 GIBSON UPHOLSTERING Furniture, car and tryck seats recovered, rebuilt. Phone 357- 1217. rrb ANYONE wishing •to have hand- saws, circular saws, tools, etc. sharpened call 357-3644. rrb KASTER'S FOOD MARKET 4th anniversary sale. Free ticket for every $3.00 purchase. Free week- ly draw. Grand prize - $50.00 food voucher. SEE YOUR CO-OP Quality seed grain, custom mixed hay,or pasture seed Co -Op seed corn developed in Ontario for Ontario farmers. Custom blend fertilizer mixed to your re- quirements. Pickup or delivered bulks or in 4 -ton spreaders. Bagged fertillzei\44ll popular analysis. Farm delivery 'gas or diesel oil. Co -Op quality oil and grease. Universal. milker equipment and repairs. Complete line of. sanitation products. Animal health products. Co -Op feed bulk or bagged. Pickup or deliver. Ask for field service consulta- tion for crop or feed planning. United Co-operatives of Ontario BELGRAVE BRANCH 357-2711 887-6453 23-30-6-13 Work Wanted DOMESTIC WORK wanted, two or three days a Wee -lc. Call 392- 6613. WILL BABYSIT in my home, Ex- cellent care. Phone 357-3145. WOMAN WITH TWO children,, 10 and 6 years, would like house- keeping job. Prefers country liv- ing. Write to Mrs. Agnes Rose, Shakespeare, Ontario. 30-6-13 Help Wanted SALES HLP WANTED. . ABOVE AVERAGE earnings. Sales representatives needed in Brussels and Blyth, Grey and Morris Townships. For more in- formation call 357-2355. 16-23-30-6 HELP WANTED SUPERVISOR Applications are invited for the position of Supervisor of the Wingham Day Care Centre. Ap- plicant must have completed a -course in Child Care Manage- ment and have had practical ex- perience. Applications will be re- ceived until •April 15, 1972. WILLIAM RENWICK, Town Clerk. 6-13 (Of Interest to Women ) HURON COUNTY Public Library requires supervisor for Brussels Branch Library May 1st. Apply in writing, stating age, education and experiencew,to Miss Ethel. De- war, County Librarian, 60 Light- house Street, Goderich. CLERK -STENOGRAPHER Position available immediately for a clerk -stenographer. Apply in writing to: Mrs. I. E. Morrey, Administrator, Wingham and District Hospital. PART-TIME WORKERS WANTED All persons, i.e. housewives, stu- dents, men with free time, etc. desiring to earn additional money in their spare time as sales repre- sentatives in Wingham or Brus- sels and surrounding area for a new company starting in Ontario. For further details phone collect to Listowel, 291 -1863 -after 6°p.m. 19500+ *sum! tnL, Help Wanted SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS wanted. Apply Russel Chapman, White- church. Phone 357-3899. For Rent PART-TIME service station em- ployment, summer or otherwise. Apply Box 786, Wingham, in writ- ing. BED -SITTING ROOM• apart- ment, with ' kitchen land bath. Stove, refrigerator, rugs and drapes included. Heated and an utilities paid. Available April 1. Rent !►75.00 per month. Aliply Crawford & Mill, 357-3630. rrb APARTMENT for rent in Wing - ham ; heated, fridge and stove supplied.' Laundry facilities. Available immediately. John Walters 392-6986 or 392-6982. . rrb MODERN UNFURNISHED one - bedroom apartment located on the main street for shopping con- venience. Broadloo , three- piece colored bathroom;- exhaust fan; electric heat; thermo- statically controlled; automatic laundry facilities; front and rear entrances; free parking. , Phone 357-1015 or 357-2870. , rrb 100 ACRES OF grass land for rent. Spring water. Apply Harvey Godbolt, RR- 3, Brussels. Phone 887-6316. 30-6 Real Estate HOUSE FOR SALE SIX ROOM insul brick house for sale on main street of Teeswater. All conveniences. Phone . Mrs. Reg Weishar, 567-2067. 30-6 FOR. SALE TWO BEDROOM brick house in Blyth with oil furnace; three- piece bath; built-in cupboards; good location. Contact Jim Wil- son, Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523- 9530. 6-13 WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO - COMMISSION. RATE 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM 3 bedroom family home with large kitchen, dining room and living room, sun porch, oil fur- nace, large lot, excellent loca- tion, situated close to schools, priced for quick sale. Must be sold to settle an estate. Imme- diate possession. Offered for quick sale to settle an estate, a 11/2 storey, seven room brick home with new sun room, four piece bath, oil fur- nace, good barn, 24 acres of choice, self -drained land, situated close to Wingham. ' Featuring a 132' x.165' lot. Per- fect setting for this attractive home witharport. Comfortable living room Iwith stone fireplace, bright dining room, four spacious bedrooms, two bathrooms, two car garage, excellent . location, immediate possession, must be sold to settle an estate.' Beautiful new brick ranch style residence, spacious living room, dining room, modern kitchen, 3 piece wash room, 4 piece bath- room, all electrically heated, full basement, garage. Priced for quick sale. Newly* renovated, fully elec- tricaly heated family home, living room with fireplace, dining room, 4 -piece bath, modern kitchen, excellent location, mortgage available. A well situated, ne ly reno- vated family home. Modern con- venients. Propane furnace,, early possession. jr.. archeriCe • 4? NW. Real Estate EDWARD A. ELLIOTE REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 357.1590 and 357.1555 WINGHAM, .ONTARIO Mmm0, +1- SSM 1' 2 storey frame, insul-sided, home, 3 bedrooms, attached gar- age, handyman's special, priced to close an estate. One storey, 4 bedroom, brick veneer home in new condition; all electric, with completed recrea- tion room, patio, paved drive, re- duced to sell. Two bedroom, rug brick veneer bungalow, living room, dining room, oak flooring throughout, with attached garage. This is an excellent retirement home, 10 years old and in new condition.. Possession 30 days. FOR SALE f1,500 DOWN FOUR -ROOM BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE ANGUS STREET, WINGHAM Lot Size. -.86' x 134' Vendor will hold first mortgage CALL ROYGOODHEART, IN KITCHENER AT 743-2712 or 744-6531 Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM SWITZER EADIE ALL PERSONS having claims • against the Estate of the above- mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who-. died on February 17•, 1972, are re- quired to file proof of same with the ,undersigned on or before the 10th day of •April, 1972. - AFTER that date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the Estate having -regard only to the claims of which she shall then Nye had notice. DATED at Wingham, ,Ontario, this 14th day of. March, 1972. CRAWFORD & MILL, Wingham,, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. 23-30-6 rep Notice To Creditors THE BANKRUPTCY ACT NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING In the matter of the Bankruptcy of James Toth, of the City of Kit- chener, in the County" of Water- loo, in the Province of Ontario, Drywall sub -contractor. — NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that James Toth of the City of Kitchener, Ontario, made an as- signment on the 29th day of March, 1972, that the first Meet- ing of Creditors . will be held .on the 20th day of April 1972, at the hour of 2;00 o'clock in the after- noon,_ at the office of Harold W. Wagner, the Official Receiver, at .the Police. Building, 40 Albert Street, Waterloo, Ontario, and that to be eligible to vote, Credit- ors must file with me prior to the meeting, Proofs of Claim and, where necessary, proxies. DATED at Kitchener, Ontario, this 3rd, day of April, 1972. GLENN B. DIEGEL, C.A. TRUSTEE:, WINE MAKING and LIQUEUR KITS Do it yourself and have fun. Product quality, 'a sure thing. Build your, fall stock. NOW EXCLUSIVELY WAXWORKS AT mei 20 Water St., Wingham Thorne, Gunn, Helliwell & Christenson• CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 5 JOHN ST. — ABOVE P.U.C. OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY APRIL 6 and 7 PHONE 357-1211 pcy,120W42 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JERIMA ROULSTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate Of the above- mentioned,- late of the Town of Wingham, in the County .of Huron, Housewife, who died on Mareh 24th,.1972, are requited to file•proof of same with. the under- signed on or before the 22nd day • of April, 1972: AFTER that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the Es- tate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then ' have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 3rd day of April, A.D. 1972. CRAWFORD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 6-13-20 Traders Wanted TENDERS TOWN OF WINGHAM SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived until 12:00 Noon, April 19, 1972 for renovations to Armouries Gun Shed. Plans and specifica- tions may be obtained at the Clerk's office. LOWEST or any tender not necessarily accepted WILLIAM RENWICK, • Clerk -Treasurer. MORTGAGES IF 'YOU NEED A FIRST MORTGAGE Try "THE MUNICIPAL" First 90 PER CENT LOANS - Prime Rate 91/4 Per Cent - Fast Service ' The only Corporation under the Loan & Trust Corporations Act having its HEAD OFFICE in Simcoe County. .„ - We also purchase existing first mortgages Contact: Mr. Doug Cherry (705) 726-7200 - Office (705) 728-1396 - Home The Municipal Savings & Ioah►' Corporation, 88 Dunlop Street, East, P.O. Box 147, ' BARRIE, ONTARIO. tf Auction Sale CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR ENOS MILLER LOT 7, CONC. 14, HOWICK TOWNSHIP' 4 Miles north of Gorrie ON SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1972 AT 1:00 P.M. FEED— 1,000'bales hay; 20 ton mixed grain; IMPLEMENTS—. George White No. 6 threshing ,mac)iine, 100 ft. endless belt; Cockshutt '13 run seed drill; Cockshutt manure spreader, double disc ; Easy -trail wagon and rack; 'hay. rake; .Fair- banks -Morse hammermill; land roller ;, two seat top buggy on rub- ber;' open buggy;` two sets buggy) wheels; bob sleigh; two sets har- ness; sap pan buckets and spiels; brooder house on skids; milk cans, pails and strainers; gas and oil drums; 200 gal. oil tank; 24 ft. extension ladder; 12 gauge shot- gun; plus marry other farm items too numerous to mention. FURNITURE— Maytag wash- ing, machine; china cabinet; vinyl davenport; wood stove'; Riteway heater;` three beds; one crib; five dressers; chairs and many other household items. — TERMS CASH — NO RESERVE William R. Boyd, Auctioneer Gorrie, 335-6151 AUCTION SALE ANNUAL SALE WESTERN ONTARIO HEREFORD ZONE, SATURDAY, APRIL 8 AT 1:30 p.m. LISTOWEL SALES BARN, LISTOWEL Parade of cattle. Performance tested bulls, foundation females, fourteen 4-H calves. Auction Sale AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CA7 " 1'LE, HOGS, FEED, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS WILL BE. HELD FOR ALBERT HERTZLER LOT 19, CONC, 11, KINLOSS TOWNSHIP 7% Miles North of Lucknow Or 2 Miles East of Kinlo • ON THURSDAY, APRIL 20 AT 1:00 P.M. TERMSCASH FARM RENTED Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow 6-13-20 " CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK, MACHINERY AND SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS WILL BE HELD.,FOR RUSSEL GAUNT LOT 29, CONC. 2, KINLOSS TOWNSHIP 12/4 Miles north and 11/2 miles west of Whitechurch ON SATURDAY, APRIL 22 AT 12:00 NOON — TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer 6-13 AUCTION SALE OF BEEF CATTLE, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND SOME HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Will Be Held For LORNE WALL, South Half of Lotsa27 and 28, Concession 1, KINLOSS TOWNSHIP, 41/2 Miles East of Lucknow On Highway 86 ON SATURDAY; APRIL 15. 1:30 P.M. . -- TERMS CASH — FARM SOLD ALLAN MacINTYRE Auctioneer, Lucknow 2340-6 AUCTION SALE ' .n Of Property, Livestock and Machinery WILL BE HELD FOR DAVID W11ARTON LOT 8, CON. 10 TURN BERRY TOWNSHIP Five Miles North-East of Wingham ON SATURDAY, APRIL 15 AT 1:30 P.M'. TERMS CASH Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer 30-6 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of valuable furniture., furnish- ings, good appliances and house- hold effects which' include many good and desirable items, of an antique nature. The entire offer- ing of some 465 lots are the con- tents from two Brussels resi- dences and are being sold on be- half of the owners through the fa- cilities of : ESTATE MARKETING • SERVICES Auction Centre • 20' Water St., Wingham SATURDAY, APRIL 15TH AT 10:30 A.M. Please arrange to preview all items before sale time on Friday, April 14th, Noon till 9:00 p.m:; Saturday 9:00 a.m. till sale time. AUCTIONEER, Jack Alexander ` For Information Call 357-1011 ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES J. A. Currie, Manager R. W. BELL. OPTOMETRIST GODERICH The Square 524-7661 IRy Auction Sale AUCTION SALE QF LIVESTOCK, MOD FARA'1 IMPLEMERNENTS, WILL BEAND HELHAYD FOR ROBERT McALLISTER WEST HALF LOT 21, CON. 7, WESTWpi,WANOSH TOWNSHIP Six Mlles south and three miles East of'Lucknow, or two miles' West,of St. Augustine ON TUESDAY, APRIL 11 AT 1:30 P.M. LIVESTOCK-- 7 Holstein steers, 1150 lbs.; 9 Hereford steers, 1050 lbs.; 16 Yearling Hereford steers; (Cattle sold by weight) ; HOGS— 54 hogs,- 100 lbs.; 20 hogs, 170 lbs.; HAY— 1000 bales of hay; 1000 bales of straw; IMPLEMENTS— Massey Fer- guson 180 diesel tractor, in good condition; Massey Ferguson 12 ft., 40 plate wheel disc; Massey Ferguson 13 ft. chisel plow with narrow and wide teeth; Massey Ferguson 14" semi -mounted 4 - furrow plow; Massey Ferguson 17 run seed drill, like new; Calso weed sprayer with atrazine noz- zles, 32 ft. boom; 13 ft. land packer new, chain harrows; bia-' mond harrows, chain saw; Mas- sey Harris 4 -bar side rake; Mas- sey Ferguson 7 ft. trail mower; Massey Ferguson No. 9 baler; Kewanee 32 ft: hay or grain ele- vator -with 1 h.p. motor; Cobey wagon andflat rack; Owantanna No. 100 mix mill, as new; 3 Dion self -unloading forage boxes with heavy duty wagons; Dion one - row. forage harvester with hay • head; Dion 60" forage blower and 50 ft. pipes; Dior blower and pipes, some small tools, etc. TERMS CASH This is a good offering of modern farm implements in like new con- dition. Robt. McAllister, Proprietor Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer " Box 209, Lucknow, Ont. Phone 528-3519 M r i p.e "w `,Fa Rlotic The. Nearly New Store •will open onWednesday, April 12 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and every Wed- nesday,' Thursday, Friday and Saturday until further notice, in the curling rink, on Josephine Street, Wingham. ' The Wingham Day Care Centre will open approximately July 1, 1972 and persons wishing tO use the services of the centre are re- quested to notify the Town .Clerk as soon as possible as the first 25 children between the ages of 2 and 6 will be accepted. Please state the hours you will need the centre care. • • WILLIAM RENWICK, Towii Clerk, '6-13 WHEN YOU ARE THINKING OF INSURANCE ON YOUR AUTO, HOME. OR BUSINESS OR When your present coverage is due for renewal callus fora com- parison of rates, premiums and coverage. There is no obligation. WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General' Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO rrb (*) DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A • CONTINUING MEMORIAL May be donated through your local funeral director Placed in Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons Look Who's Ta/king... BILL ROMAHN WITH FARM NEWS CKNX RAD0920 0 0 44