The Exeter Times, 1889-1-24, Page 5sari•,�^ss+gdr A9htk'tN11°Y4',�'6t+ G7171ir'ti 0 • J1 6 •i�d�`S-„A''' 'Mtt4R[bW�'iitl'L�'.Walt'8u' 'W'4 YP7!�1" z l.T :'rcT DoiNcrs Messrs. T dd Zi. Collins acid rants Q,utg. e. 1 ley left Liman Monday to New Mex, (7oou t thea oe of the Past we,olt Through lea,, wrists they have secured employ. out the Neighborhood' in Concise Lorne, meet. Everest's Cough Syrue is the..: best Mr. E. S. Cuinmer, Supreme Seers- in'the country --Duncan Pnrcel, Forest tory of the Cridepenclent Order of Mr. P. Curtain, Adair, has sold his Foresters, wilt shortly remove to imported Clydesdale stallion to Q. C. Toronto in consequence of the I3ee, Spr!iisg,Lload, Minnesota, for a decision recently arrived at to trans - h dBerne sum, afl fey the headquarters to that oily„ ' ^ - •s Dr. Cole- The Directors of the Southern One. day last Neel,. Mee. ( ) meet. Fair tatlon at the man of Seaforth, slipped, and falling Counties Assoc. on the icy. sidewalk, broke nor arm. ing at St. 'Phomas on. Wednesday, Mi•. S. Murray, of the second con -discussed the advisability of either' in. cession of Mullett, has also sold his fusing new life into the Fair ,and°Don• fo rmid tor the ducting it upon a more extensive scale SU1fl to Mr, Angus M De or allowing it to dwindle to gibe pro - The ot 0 6 �show d townshipsl n only 1'hq Granton Oddfellowp llavb ds- portions 01 a i sided t9. build an immense hall in the cor,duot it for a couple of days. The ills of Granton and thus meet a Probability is that the Southern village Counties' Fair will in future be but a Fon(; lt want, r. Wm. Long a prominent lawyer two days' district show. of Mlinni e Land a frmer licCillivary At the Christmas e;camr„nation . of hay, is dangerously ill' of typhoid at'the Ontario Agricultural College, 1). his parents in the township. Buchanan, Id ensall, Ie. Elliott, Sea - Mr. Robt, McLean, of the .Central forth among others, „past the first Hotel Luean,'has sold his thorough- year examination, And El. B. -Lin- bred stallion Montezuma to an Ameri- field, of Dunlop; W, A. McCallum, can buyer for a largexfleuee. Also Craig; S. Mont -dila; Fairview, The necessary number of names Perth Co,; among others, passed their e sal' of the Soots' Act 2nd year examination. Elliott took asking for the i p honors in the agricultural and arith- inMiddlesex will be takene beasisecured, metio Buchan an. took and a_vota will be as. soon ,as classes; bl posse t , honors ' in all glasses excepting. h been received English literature. For the second. A telegram :is aunouncing the death of Mr. Alfred Year Linfield,,; took honors, in all McBride, son of Mr: Alex. McBride, classes as did MoCallum aud Monteith. formerly of London, at Calgary, N. W. At a meeting of the South Huron agt. society held at Bruoeiield on Mon - At I' • m- day last; the e(ollowing officers were the recent Civil.. Service Exam- enation at London, Thomas' -Manes, elected:-Wci'. Cooper, Tuckersmith, Fred Griffith, David Murrey and P. • President; John Ketchen, Stanley, MParkhill wore successful first vice-president; Leonard Hunter, inolntleg of Pa Usborne, second Vice,President. Di - passing. rectors. -A.. Thompson, Stanley;; Robt. i had tried many doctors and wns McAllister, Hay; John Willis, Stanley; given up , but was permanently far gone cure .James Pickard, Exeter; Thos, Russell, sbniption, was cured by using Everest's 'Cough Syrup. -Jas Usborne: Hugh Me0artneY, •Tucker- Simson Aberarder smith; 11. Beacom, txoderich 'Town elute Josiah Irwin bas sold the north, ship; Dr. Coleman, Seaforth, and Lino. fifty acres of hos farm on the 2nd con- Murdock. Bruoefield , The society ,cession'of ldullett, near Alma, to Mr. is in a flourishing condition, there AlexanderJainison, of the Huron road, being a balance of over $400 in the for the suns of 13,300-, treasury. The Review reports several petty At the December session the Town- thefts 1'own- f s in Parkhill of late. The neees- ship Council, of East Williams, voted sershe t items amountin,g.to $82.82 as a Dom - endof arehogprincipal am; wheat ensation to owners for two-thirds of and wood among the p articles stolen. -. the value ot sheep, belied or torn by Mr. Thoma Gilbert, teacher in S. S. dogs, the remaining third of the darn. No. 8 McGllliyary was'the recipient of age amounting to $41.41 is lost by the a ma ntficent robe, on Tuesday eveee owners of the sheep. That Riddell to g the sem, paid bythe council will make 9th grist. in recognition of hie services , ,� h otal footingof the loss in connection with the Sabbath Baboon $144.23 as the The ratepayers :n S. S. No.,8,,�n3lans- incurred to the people - of Eaat p and which was involved in and (Mclistire's corners), have de- Williams, �•ided to build a new school house this ithe claims presented at that one coup. oil reetm alone. It would be use year. The present one is the: poorest g in the township. A structure is much fur• and interesting to know if the. needed: dog tax in the Province suffices to 'Everest's Extract of Wild Black- meet the cost of collecting and the' berry never tails to cure:, diarrhoea, damages done to sheep. dysentery, &c," --the statements of '1'heLucan and, Biddulph Aaricul- t.scores who have tried it. 25c per bot tural Societyheld their annual meet t for sale by all druggists. ing on Saturday last, when the follow. The trustees of union school sennen ing officers'' were- elected for the, 3, Ellice, Fullerton and Downie, ensuing year:• --President, Thomas H. county of Perth, have fired the Ross Conrsey, re-elected; Wellington :Hod - Bible out of the echoed. Two-thirds of gals, Vice President; W. E. Stanley, the ratepayers are, German Lutherans. Secretary -Treasurer; Directors, Messrs. M. Wm. Sproat of Tuckersrnith, W . McCloud, Luuean; Thomas Course}, bas sold bis farm on the Kien read Biddultehr M. Rosser, London town - to Mr. FI. M. Chesney for the sum of ship; James Marr, le c(3-illivary; WM. $7,550. .The f 1rm contains one bun- Welker Ilderton; ,Auditors, C. U. Hod- dred acres: is pleasantly located, hue gins, Reeve of Biddulph; Wm. Endi- good buildings and is in gond eon- coat, Lncan. The soc'ety have secured clition. - larger grounds for exhibition <pur- Mr John Thorp has sold his'farm on 'poses, whereon they purpose building the 2nd cotieession of Tuckersmith, to a half, mile track' for speeding pur- Mr. Thomas Curter, of -Huron Road, poses, a for the sum of X3,700. This farm con. Frank Leslie's. Foptlar.Monthly tains one hundred acres, but there are FOR s Popll ar. F no stook farm, on it. ,1t will be used' as a The number and names of the new States stock fnrm . shortly to be admitted into the Union is Among another batch of appoint• tiie subject of every odes thoughts, and deices ,we find. the . following to t- Ausburn Towner on "Our would be States,' offices ; of License Commissioners.- 13rs, in F ANscl,i snit's POPu9AR VIoe nxs for : Huron '(west) -Hynes Young, T31j'th; February, gives us much valuable in - Samuel Sloan, Goderich; .James Stevens formation about Daeota, montane, Idaho, Clinton., 'Perth .(South)-Thnmas H. Wyoming, Washington, Asizonit and New i.ace, James Prindiville, Mitchell. Mexico. "The Prima Donna." by Souther - john 5. McIntyre, St. Marys. laud Edwards, is filled with aunecdotes,' The following officers of the Gorier-, and portraits are given,of the most cele lob Liberal Club have been elected:-brated. ,Tames Se Whitman contributes a Presidont._W;m..Proudl'oot; 1st Vice- valuable article ou:"The (shilliau Capital," President, W. F. Foot; 2nd do.,D. Mo and "Animals that are Vanishing will bd Giliicudd; Recording Secretry, G. read with mach interest. ; "A. Deeade in F. Blair, Cor Secretary, 3. Straiton, C0re6 q History" is a y pagenutno ferof e story of' t' Trees.. R.y P :Wilkinson: Nation. • "Quinine audits Romance" and ' e' Harry Johnston, a na of the 18th con. "flow "electricit is pleasured" affords ,Nther11fvary, had a narrow escape the study for the lover of science, Ties) stories other day. While tearing down a of the number' are excellent, and the 'Straw stack with the team the clevice illustrations beautiful. brolre and one'end of the w iifllatreee struck him in the abdomen with very Every body needs a spring medicine. severe force, and barely missing the, *By using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the blood'is vital part of his body. thoroughly cleansed and invigorated, the The annual meeting of the Fullerton appetite stimulated, and the system pie - agricultural' society, held on the 10th pared. to resist the diseases peeuliat to the inst. The-folio•wing officers were summer months. Ask for Ayer's See- elacted for the current year: Pres. sapariila. Take no other. Capt. Francis; vice-president. , Thos, Rev. N. Paterson, Presbyteriau minister Currelley; sec-trsas, R. H. Pomeroy; of H'auoyer, Ont., broke his leg Friday by. directors, Geo. Leversage,. Wm. Taylor falling on the ice. • R. H. Bain, G. 0111, James Woodley, It 1s a good rule to accept only such of jr. T. Nanson, A. Bothwell; J , w confidence. ncedicines ns are known to be It rias been the experience of Woodley and • L. Goodwin; auditors, l. thousands that Ayer's Cherry . Pectoral is 7, H•. Keeler and Angus Campbell. the best medicine ever used for threat. and. At the Division Court held in Strat. , lung disease. . Ord recently, there was'a large crowd A German named Wm; Madder,: said to of ycemanry present. His Honor have formerly lived at •Eiamiltou, has been Tudge Woods disposed of twenty-three murdered et Van Buren, Missowi. easels, mostly trivial ones. A case that VERY VALUABLI arcused.some interest was an action "Having used B. B. B. for billiousnose brought by the Macdonald Mfg: Ca. and torpid liver, with the very best results against Robt. Shore, of the City hall, .I would reeoinnemd it to ell thus troubled. to recover a ' horse undet a chattle The medicine le worth its weight is gold. mortgage Riven by Diment Bros, to Tillie White, itfauitowaniva Ont. plan tiffs. The Dirnents after matting In the Quebec Assembly Friday Mr. the mortgage traded the hotse to }lidoaic ean'oduced a bill to piovide.for the Shoe Who refused to give the animal punislnnent of minors who obtain liquor, up. + Judgment ror the plantiffs tor' as well as those ivbo sell it to them. 1j1PHT ILEBIA return of the horse or $80 casts, At the annual meeting of the South " Last jannary," says 3 N. Toople, of Perth abl. society, held in St. Marys on ' Orwell, Ont, "there appeared diphtheria in n t n' tern night and Wednesday sae o owrogo Der eight Yellow were elected for1110 Clark; year:- nit incl mon:Ant my enustien thruumii all president, ,lames Clark; vice•pi'ete, right," Yellow Oil ernes all painful eom- ilainea Henderson; 2nd do., R, Idedley: plaints' and in;jiv'ie8' Directors; R, 130x, G. Spoarin, 3, Pick. «•apenae, Ont., itau,,19,- -Albert Defoe, ard, P Armstrong, W. -Lang, J. Mc- a young man, 20 years old, ,was drowned Vittie, t . Leel, A, Wood and J. R. to -day an attempting to cross Hay Bay. Roger. Representatives to Western . A FATAL ATTACK Fair Asmociatinn r'ot' 1889: Thus. Evans A fatal attack of Croup is. ft frequent and Janies BetdoeoMl,' The auditors' acourreuae among Children. Every hooses report showed a halanee in favor of the Iola slionld be enema/. by keeping }tag- 1'SFiurn +r4'Y,:.li97'YAYfCFL? �-IHA✓iy :%�•+�?,1%.=.56SS�•YX,K. w"pLtgJlJ 4.34 •a' OONaS:iJM1'TION S UlfEL 0111 EI) i TO 'cal' ntnf'roii z • the a Please anf0rrii. your reactors that J: h � positiio remedy for Ilia above named cies naso. By its lirnoly use thousands of hocared. t'I shall belave l lad tett©st d twperoanently bottles, of my rented}, rose to any of your readers Poaa who have oonetunptinu if they will send Gorn me. their Express and '1', 0, address. [,gb MEl.EI 1~ T E '4RTS. repine (Oorreetetleuteo oloekse, .Wednesday Fail)vlze a t 98 to 1 CO Spring? Whoai:. 90 Do 1 00 Harley 48 to G.5 Oavts • , 0 29 to 30 Glover S led 4 6e to ,1 5J Timothy , 2 5O Go 0 00 64to95u .. 0 40 to 0 60 . O 18 to. 018 1710017. Do to s 50 20 to 95 CO to 0 5o ,.. 0 4t0004. 000to000 Iloepeotfully, Do. '1. A, SL(>f,(JD2, Toronto, Ont. "' 97 Yongo street Oaf, Jan: 3 0,-rms St. Catharines, On , Burtch, a young lad fourteen yoar•s old, was drowned at 12 o'clock to -day while skittles on 'tile Sixiean ilzile Creek, GIBEEATL'Y E'XCInniD People ere apt to get greatly excited in p case of sudden accident and injury, It is well, to be prepared for snob emergencies. Hagyai'd's Yellow 011 is the handiest remedy known for burns, scalds. bruises, laruucess, pain anti wounds of the flesh, It is used internally and externally, A. BUS.11v.CSS LE'CTIt 1I T. Milburn cdd 0o., She, -Please ship at °nee three doe; 13. B, Bitters. Best selliaag medicine iu the shop. Sold, seven bottles to -day, Yours truly, 0, Thompson. Tilsonbnrg, Mar', 15th. '87 The ,have sample Ie but one of hundreds of sisnihn,r expressions regarding B. B. B. n e i'iour'pei•bb1, . i'otatoes,pei' bushel A i Les iorba dp .r. r l)rlecIApplospr b (*ease peril). Turkey per lb Ducks per pr Chickens per pr E9ogs,dreesedpert 0 Beef 911110s7Ough, '' :dressed Sheepskins each Goatskins Wool per 1.1) l•Iayporton 0niousnerbustn� Wooduer cord Sr irARF5 Pall Wheat 98 to 100 Spring Wheat , 00 100 13ar.eY 48 98 Oats- ,,,. ,., D SO Glover Geed,,... .4 60 4 6r Timothy •,.. .1 50 2 00 Peas.. 5Q 56 , 900 15 Better.••••, ., . 16 r>D 007 to 08 059to 005 026 to 080 640to650 400 10500 45010500 0 000to00 ,- 0 50 10 0 7• 0 40 Go 0 018 to 020 ::. 1200 toll fit 08010075 • 2'5 to 3 00 . YOt4GOezr icer Dag. : 3 One: of the reasons `vby Scott's Enndsion ., piesperbush 20 . fool erre.:.,.•. ....:::: ......... has such n lar6.e sale is, because it is the p 12 o 00 zu ITay porton 00 13 00 best; Dr. W. H. Cameron, Iialifax, N. S., Bran per tow.....,, 14 00 14 00 says; "Ihave prescribed Scott's Emulsion 'shorts' °' 20 00 .20 00 of Cod Liver Oil, with HeeepJtospltites, for Oatmeal per bbl ,,, . • 6 00 7 OO the past two years, • and found it more agreeable to the stomach and .Bayo better j3lt'[TIS�T_4I1AINFaTRA Dare 1 xprOEs results from its use than any other prepay- London, 0' i, (1l Q e Mark Da 1e g ation of tbe kind I have ever used. Sold by all druggists, 500, end e1.00. MARRIED EoxaizS.--JA.ousoN.-At the residence of tbe bride's parents, East Williams, on Tuesday, Jan. 14th, 1889 by •Flex • A. G. Harris, l Ir. Jno. Emery, of Moneili- vary, to Miss Annie, daughter of S. Jackson, Esq. IITOSNnx-ConaiI'N.--c\t the residence of the bride's father; on the 9th fust„ by the Rev. T, W, lvlagahv, Rector of St. Thomas' 'church, Seaforth, Fred 31, Keeney, merchant, of New York State, to TI• Coleman, youngest claughtef Miss J. of 001 T. T. Coleman, M. D. or Seaforth. BAaro0R-CoRxisn.-At the residence of the brides father, Fullerton on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. Castwell, Henry Balfour, to Miss Saran Ann Cornish - ADviUA TONIOTEIEEs.--A1.0 you th tnrbed a4. night and broken of your rest by a Molt child suffering and crying with pain' of Outtine Teeth? If so Bond ,at once and get a ;bottle of"Atrs.WinsIOW'S Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teeth10g. Its 'value is incalculable. It willrelieve the poor Little sufferer im mediately Lteueudu on it, mothers there is uo mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarr)oea, regulates the Stomaoh and Bowels, cures. Wind Colic, softens the Gums: reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and whole system. Airs. Winelow's e• tothoy energy gy Soothing Syrup" for °children teething. is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the, oldest and best female physioians and narOOs in the United States, and, is for sale by all druggists throughout the, world, 'Pxf00 twenty-five cents a bottle. 13e sure and ask for "ham Wxasre0w'6 P^r)TIIING' $QBt1' "and no otherkind.{ their in its weekly' i a tai tr.de,says:-Sounclwheat maintained values. The large proportion of inferior grades offered. gives the market the appea•r- anoe of greater depression /teen actually - bets_ The sales of 0tnglisla . wheat during the past week were 62'059 qrs et 80s 2d per or.. against 61,609 gra at SOs ld per qqx for the corresponding week' last year. Flour was dull, the fall of one fraro for Pyench flour depressing the English market. Foreign wheat was weak. Corn was improved intone though there is n largo Anieaican surplus. „ LONDON Wheat, 21.00 to $1.03;' per bushel, Oats. SOIo to 30te per bushel. ' Peas, 57e to 590 Per bushel. Barley, malting,48eto 580 per bus I3arlcy, feed,. 41e to 15),:c per ushel. TOII.ONTO Toaoxio. Jan, 22.-1915EAT-fall, TTo. 2, 'fit A to, $1.07;`spriug, No. 2, $1.10 to $1.10; red win- ter, No 2; 91.06 to $1.07; No 1, Manitoba hard, $1 23 to 11.25. lliittev. No. 1 650 to 66e No. 2.61c to 62c; No. 3, 53e to 54o; NO 3: extra 57c to 58c, Psas, No 2, 56o to 600. Oars. No. 2,330 to 3i}0• FaoIIR extra, $4,60 to $4,65; stroug bakers. $4.90 to 95.75. Market very dull. Sales -Oats at 84c ` an track; Meas at equal to 560 TORONTO LIV13 STOOK. syXwa"..oNrxfi.•a::x r5r r, for Infants and Children. ``"Castorieoisso,welledaptedtochildrenthat Cadorla cures Colic, Constipation, 1' rgoommend it as superior to any prescriptions Sour Stomae ti,. Diarrhoea, ksuotetion, lulls Wo s ves. n rorootes dt� , rm .Slee and to b`i P, p e. knownIi. It iu ,A.. Axcirnn eti l' s Pn 1 Bo.81.,Rroakl q 2 2N. i ou m ' yn 'P4'tii 'tiri edi ' a t 7u PUS patron, Tri CENTAL , O it COMPANY, 77 Murray Street, i1', Y. CONSUMPTION CURED: ilnold physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands nyan East Indian missionary the formula of a'simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- neut cure !of Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and a•11 throat and lung for 1Neryouslso Debilityau alositive l and Col m - plaints, atter having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands ofeases, has felt it his duty to make it known to'. his suffering; fellows. Actuatedby bilis motive andadesire to relieve num an suiTerinb; I send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe,in German,Fren0h or_English, with fnlldireetionsfer preparing and using. Sent + mail by addressing w ith stamp, naming this uaper.W.A,Nosns 149 Power's MJtock Rrclte,tsv bl F reins , 3;'. ul a ✓"rd. � M f7,+ yli L. w • tai•e The olIerings of cattle Wednesday at the Weal marke, were fail, and there are no changes iu quotations; .ablut 23 car, loads otftered, and the demand was mod- erate- A great many were of inferior quality. Shippers are purely nominal; rnloh cows range from $" SC 00 to $50 Go a bead and bulla are from 3its to *cents per pound.' Goo.cl butchers' cattle sold at 310 i 2 to nand common on at ., 'n r a t Sato l talc,ordinary 2.heen in�fair demand and, stood}, with very few offering; the best sell at 95 -1 to $6,25 per bead; inferior to medium at $-600 to 3450 and rams 80 to 33o per pound- Lambs in tair demand and firm, choice bringin $450 -to 95,,. and inferior to medium 33 75 to el 25. Calves dull and steady. Choice beasts, of 125 to 150 lbs., sell at 70 to 90` dressed weight;- rough calves, 83 to 95, a.' head, Hogs are 9toady; ohoice light fat sold' at 5o to 51e, store hogs at 410 to 4;c. and stags at 30 to 31c. DEAFNESS Orem ,-l1.,: very interesting.. 132 page Illustrated Book on Deafness.• Noises in the head. How they may be cured at yoiu home. Post free .6c. --Ad dress Dr. Nraooaso0, 30, 5t. John Street, Montreal. The L7nderslenecl wishes to inform th epublio in general tlia he keeps 1 --constantly tai stock - Ali Kinds of BUILDING , ATERlAL DRESSED OR UNDRESSED. loorie g Siding, dressed-inoh, ineh-and-a-quarter, inch -and -a Bell Stuff, I+' g, o two inch. Sash Doors, Blinds, Mouldings aud all Finishing Material half and Lath, cue. CIALTY.-Gane etitin SHINGLES A SPE � p largest stock, ancl,at lowest prices. Shtugl largest dressed lumber thoroughly sesi;sene assured. A. call will bear out the above. ED, Ja THE OLD ESTABLISHED, We lost, thef it ffi e 0010 veigoborliood. D c o s g day, but I kept ,'k ht to ITagya, d s Y o +association of $106.96.: Repo['tt3 Prong yard's Pectoral Balsam et head. It breaks secretaries of ' the several bronrh sooiettes were read and showAd their fleabeiel stitivi SP tr, be ae frvllows 131anslsard, b,lanoe in hand, $2&7, Fut* lOrton, tdta,i $352; ,South Basthope,.do., i me any relief, until I Intel Bunter:k Blood up colds, clugos, creep, asthiva and boon. dentis in a remarkable manner, 13. ,13, 13, STOOD Tut TEST. I ta-iod every' land0'tt remedy I could thielc.of foe'” rliniematiStn, without (giving $49.al'ie Mitchell Ilortfeel ture:l, ,tlo,, il,t`ers"which remedy I Caw highly ter,• �$14o.67 gibbers d$ticft S3ii,t1Q: ommeud to all afflicted as I was:" Henry Ch'lldren Py. for Pitt her+rs'. Ciastorta' Siui h, -I' 1, Ont: ,OOQ.00 OF---- DRY-GOODS —AND— Boots & Shoo8 TO BE— SLAUGHTERED FOR CASH ! -- AT "ittwi KIRKTON. E'S One Door South. of Post Office jOHN B AWN UNDEMR, & 0 {,NES- ,A , Walnut: & Rosewood Caskets Anso Cforiirne on, 19YNON',',, Dmsonr2/000,. HE HAS— A NitOW AND C)ONIPLi ET1 --STOCK OF -- Dots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Phnab ty1! A Complete Stook of 1tabes & Trimmings Always on hand, T'UNEERALS Ful�lvxSE� 1 ._ " CON - :DUCTED AT' Low E lis, .Mystock alFurniture tr `t reIsun- exeollo;d. k:�`' (41,11714egE ?t CALL J 0 H 0 °tion' - es �o a v 'No 4$' S i5� �, ea 03 c z ro- i ''t°9 °e r' i1t o ct pCCV-- �ti' ; O �0 'S .g Cjop 1.' S.- 0 1 • *y 4¢+ ,c, 9 yam' 1V. manufactured only by Tho late 533, 0 ar Purchasers should look to If the address is not 533, Oxfor re ® :_ a --^ °o The cheapest s Hardware, Stoves. and Tinware, Paints, Oils ax BISSET Weave now offering the balance of our stock of Cross -cut saw 30 We would. call your attention to a few of our A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp, now desigi A Good Tubular Laatern A Good Axe and Handle An A 1 Manure t'urk And everything at hock 13 A. full stock of the following lines always. calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fence Having purchased our supply of Binder at the le wee 1 possible price. A full stoo,c of tinware of all kinds alwa ialty.:, Agents fcr the B c$ R Itetalic Shin celebrated Rayroud Sewing Maclaine. FALL THE BEST YET ! THE CT-IEA3EST YET THE BIGGEST YET 1 Overooatings at any price ; Suit- ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. Oraere. Clothing rodueed in l�xetet Best a Gentleman f leave year otders eafly, for with' the 'boat staff of Trainee; the host stools of Fine Trimmings, and the beet Outtiug in nowt, yeti titre stir() of flathead - tier). p adery . reA tio weremotasnotetwarnenascammmentiat Caruets. r) Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in- spection to our 13IG- stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy Window Blinds, &c. Curtains.; 8 When buying Wall Raper don't, forget that •the Old Established crLIries the Iliti{ri'st Stock aid Latest-A.r. OricOtn Patterns. Lots- of Fano r .:�.; Pepe • Ooria rs tC ' .a to y. E a wraaovir .w ofcr �pir9t` _.. .' Y:..Vax sM1rlYvuglAtiXntl'nrT •.n v e. .uC+a.uw4mntli....^,4:1016 NW3:M§m1C2_