The Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-03-16, Page 3'p
It' be an angel when De** Is a bridge we must all
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ruffles year feathers;
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Obtain all the cash you need and reduce your payments
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PromptInvestment Corp., 330 Bay St., Toronto. Call collect
366.9586, evenings 231-8146.
A men was driving through the
country when his motor stopped.
the trouble. A voice behind, him
The Wingham Advance.
Wingharn, Ontario
Second Class Mail
Registration No. -0821
Return Postage Guaranteed.
said, "The trouble,* in the OW,
buretor." He turned around"
w onJyjn,A! Jul ismi,
you fietter cheek the carbiietor,*
repeated the horse. Rushing
the nearest farm house, the MO
related Ms experience to a 101.P'
mer. "Was it an old bay hen*
with a flop ear?" asked
farmer. "Yes, yes, that's the
one," babbled the man.
don't pay no attention to tiinb,"
said the farmer. "He don't knOW
nothing about automobileany,
The vilOghaM Advance -Times, l'hursdaY, March 16, 1074,10age 3
Datsun 1200 fastba. 235
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the more -for -your -money car
There is still a selection of '72 cars at this old price.
Hurry while they last.
PHONE 881-0740
THIS MASSED CHOIR, led by Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, im-
pressed the large audience as they presented the finale of
the public school concert Thursday night. —Staff Photo.
Personal Notes from Whitechurch'
Mrs. Bessie Mullis visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Cousins and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
Faw of Thorndale. On Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Faw brought her to
her home at Langside.
Mrs. Dorothy Proctor and Don-
ald of Morris Township visited op
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Jamieson of Wingham also
visited with his parents. •
our eyes
The best protective? 4 gtAk, a
equipment you can ever
own is already yours
– one pair of eyes. "hist,
knowing what's going
on around you helps
you avoid job accidents.
So it makes good
sense to look after your
'es — so they'll look
after you. It's a good
habit to protect
your eyes, if your job
makes it neccessary.
And if your eyesight's
not up to par – have
your eyes checked.
You need them.
Take care of your
eyes, and they'll see
you safely, through
the working day.
The sure
way to
safety is
Self -Defence.
. 14 00 it Vs, 0.4401,
Your Workmen's Compensation Board
and The Safety Associations, Ontario
• .
• •
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Gros-
korth arrived home. on Monday,
after a few weeks' holiday in
sunny Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jamie-
son, Lori, Gordon and Marilyn of
East Wawanosh _were. Sunday
visitors with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. McGowan of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gaunt
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Roy McInnes of Goderich. Other
visitors at the McInnes home
were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Case -
more and Miss Mae McInnes of
Wingham.- •
Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Campbell
of Listowel visited on Saturday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs: Bill Rintoul were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Mack Cardiff of Brussels.
Misses Ruth Ann and Carol Ann
Johnston and their friends of Lis-
towel and Wingham visited on
Saturday with the formers'
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
shorn Johnston of Wingham.
• W: 4P4 .W.4..:PrIens. Tiffin
• P -and nracX.thel.Stewart;
all of 'Wingham, Mrs. Orville!
Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Bevan Tiffin
and Stephen and .Mr: and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and
family to celebrate Dan's birth-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy' Adair and
Leslie Hilbert of Wingham were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Durnin.
• The meeting of Whitechurch 4-
H club Knifty Knits, postponed
last Saturday will be held. this
Saturday at the home of leader,
Mrs: John 'Gaunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon,
Kathy, Lori and Kendra were at
Kitchener on Saturday at the Ice
Capades to- celebrate Ken-
dra's birthday.
Chalmers WMS will meet this
Thursday afternoon, March 16, at
the home of .Mrs. Robert Ross.
On Tuesday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsville,
accompanied by -Mrs. J. C. McIn-
tyre of Sudbury, visited with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc-
Clenaghan and brother Carl and
Mrs. McClenaghan. Since going
to Sudbury Mrs. McIntyre has
talked to Charlie Moore, for-
merly of Whitechurch and to
Kenneth Weaver whose boyhood
days 'were spent On a 50 -acre
farm east of Whitechurch.
Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Elliott,
Ruth, Barry, David and Karen
and Mrs. Gordon Elliott of Wing -
ham visited Sunday with Mrs.,
Mitchell Elliott and family of
Ailsa Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt and
Janet of Centralia were Sunday
visitors with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Gaunt.
-Mr. and .Mrs. Larry Henderson
of Guelph visited on Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coultes
of Toronto spent the weekend
with his parents,Mr. arid Mrs.
Ronald Coultes.
Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw was ad-
mitted to Wingharn and District
Hospital lastmeekend. Mrs. Kerr
of Bluevale is at present with -the
family in her absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crows -
ton and Debbie of 'Chatham spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston of
Lucknow and with Ivan Laidlaw
and family. They also called on
his sister, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw in
Wingham and District Hospital
and Mr. and Mrs. Orland Irwin
and family of West Wawanosh.
Visitors on the weekend with
Mrs. Lillian McClenaghan were
Ted McClenaghan of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy McClena-
ghan and Gavin of Waterloo and
Miss Mildred McClenaghan of
Goderich. They also attended the
Saunders-McClenaghan wedding
reception held in Lucknow Legion
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn
spent the weekend at Guelph with
their daughter Alma, a student at
Guelph' University and on, Satur-
day attended the College Royal.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor of
East Wawanosh and Ms. Robert
Ross were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross.
Mrs. Jane McAllister and Mer-
vyn of Culross were Sunday
visitors with Mr. -and -Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes,
Debbie, Kevin and Blaine of Oak-
ville spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs., Mervyn
Pipe of, Belgrave and with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig
and Lana also visited at the Coul-
tes home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes,
were Friday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Biasing,
• Laurie' And 'Sheena Of NeustA4t
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Emerson.
?Mr. and Mrs. Russel McGuire
were- 'Sunday visitors with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc-
Guire of Thornbury.
Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs.. Dave
Gibb and Mrs. Russel Chapman
joined the senior citizens of Wing -
ham on their bus trip to the Ice
Capades in Kitchener ,on Thurs-
Garnet Farrier and H. Swat -
ridge of Wingham were in Toron-
to on Wednesday..
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans spent
the weekend with their son, Eric
Evans, Mrs. Evans and family of
Hyde Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Athol Bruce of
'East Wawanosh visited On Tues-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw,
attended the Farm Show at Lon-
don on Friday where they en-
joyed viewing all the latest in
farming equipment.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson,
Darlene, Sharon and Brenda of
St. Catharines were Saturday
visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Victor
Emerson and Spent the weekend
with Miss Lila Emerson,.
Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne Jamieson
of Belgrave visited Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Tomi;Japlift-,
son. ,
Mr. and Mrs: Leroy Rintoul,
Carol, ,Kimberley and Debbie of
Unionville were on a week's holi-
days and visited with his parents,.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Black
of • Belgrave.
CKNX executive speaks
at Institute meeting
of the IWomen's Institute held
.their March meeting last Wed-
,nesday afternoon. The theme was
"Public Relations".
First vice president, Miss
Merle Wilson, presided in the ab-
sence of Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Miss
Wilson welcomed all to the -meet-
ing which was held at the home of
Mrs. Frank Rciss.
The minutes were read by the
secretary, Mrs. Russel McGuire
who also read the correspon
dence including thank -you notes
from Mrs. Mary E. Chapman,
Misses Annie and Mary -Laidlaw,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin., The
roll call, "The last time I walked
a mile", was answered by 13.
Mrs, Don Ross, public relations
convener, had George Walling of
CKNX come to the meeting to tell
of CKNX activities. He was intro,
duced by Miss Merle Wilson.
Mr. Walling reminded the
ladies that it was ten years ago ono
that day that CKNX suffered the
loss by fire which destroyed the
old high school and necessitated
the building of the new structure
He said it has been the custom of
Young people meet
at Wybenga home
people held their regular meeting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic-
tor Wybengt,
Kathy Wybenga and Kathy
Purdon conducted the worship
'service. Janet Adams read the
minutes after which a few items
of business were discussed.
The topic for the evening cen-
tred around an evangelistic film
which some of the young people
had seen in Wingham. Mr. Wy-
benga pointed out although emo-
tional' otperience should never be
disregarded, the Christian faith
is communicated to man by
means of the Bible.
After a good discussion the
meeting was closed with prayer.
Mrs. Wybenga and Kathy
served lunch.
CKNX to hire inexperienced help
and train them. When they leave
the station many have been able
to accept top positions. '
Members of the WI asked
several interesting questions
which Mr. Walling answered. He
was thanked by Mrs.' McGuire
and presented with a gift.
Mrs. George Fisher gave an in-
teresting report on the Institute's
75th anniversary celebration
which she attended in Toronto.
She' told of the birthday cake on a
revolving pedestal and the ban-'
quet. The ACWW president, Mrs.
Olive Farquharson, in her ad-'
dress reminded the members
that the most important part of
what the WI is doing varies with
the countey. In Ghana they are
setting up Institutes to do what it
was founded to do 75 years ago.
The Women's Institute is the only
international .organization that
speaks up and works with rural
Mrs. James Currie, Mrs.
James McInnes and Mrs. John
Currie served lunch.
The April meeting will be the
annual meeting and curator's
meeting and all are reminded of
the donation of homemade candy
for the Wingham and District
Hospital booth.
OXFAM . . .a detergont?
Not exactly . . . but OXFAM -
sponsored projects are
cleaning up water supplies in
developing nations like Mali
and India where crops wither
and people die because they
haven't enough water. Please
97 Eglinton Ave., East
Toronto 915, Ontario