HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-1-24, Page 1t'ffl4-777FT7'•'!.. ,--Q-co 2Q '1"..EX533_ 'Goldsmith Hall! WATCHES?-- CLOCKS,— JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE,- -AND SPECTACLES, • UNEQUALLED VALUE. iPersonal attention given to repairing of watches, Weeks and jewelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opti..t.c.t1=.=111,:r memos LEGAL. I DIO,K,S()N, B , arrister Soli - 4. • eitm ci.Suprome Court,NotaryPublie ConveyanceOeminlasioner, &c. Money to Loan. ' Office in Panson's Block, EN0t017 11,.. if, COLLIN S, • • • Barrister ,olicitor Conveyancer, Etc, 7 I ONT. OinceSsanwell'sBieek Eon's old office.) , RMQ,Ult W. FORD, FfSolioitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario, C onveyane or, �ouwJssioiio1i e.ikSpecial attentiongiven to the collection of cllainis 111 the United States. Patents procuredi, looney to loan at lowest rates. °dice: Operla ,House Block, St, Marys, Out. ELLIOT & E LLIOT, 4,T Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Phillip, Conveyancers &c, &c. ia-mouey to Loan .at Lowest Bates of interest. . OFFICE, - MAIN - STREET, EXETER - E. V. ELLIOT, S. ELLIOT. vENTAL. T:I L. BILLINGS, TIS OFFICE: otw 07.11rE1L'S Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. HK1NSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Sam:well's Block, Main-st,Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by 5i,ring Vegetable Vapor. Gold "Pllangs and all other dents,' work the best possible. Goes Go Zunameoulasbu8.'yin each month. MEDICAL LUTZ, 1). M.,• 4. cola eatlaisresidence 'Exeter T W.B1OWNINGM. D.;M. 1.1 • P. ,Graduate Victoria,IIniversity.Office indiresidence,Domirtio3)Lab0rato3'y.133xe ter I)E. RYNDMAN, coroner for the ..1." County of lauron. Office, oppotite Mr. . Carli:ag's store, Exeter, -FIR. J. A.ROLTLN, M.O. P. S o ofitesi,Main S..Exeter;Dmt.Residen co hone er ecently occupied by fe • mcPhillipe, AUCTIONEERS. T_TENEY EILBJE, Licensed lino- -IL -I- tioneer for gay, Stephen, and McGilii- vr ay:Townships. Sales ci on ducted et moderate rates. Creme—At Post-ofilee.Creditoneont. _TOIIN (31 -ILL, Apotioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Doter. All sales -promptly attended, audsatisfactioa guaranteed. Sales arrangea at this office. VETERINARY. Tennent & Tennent VE'TERINARY SURGEONS, - Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. Orrxen : One itoor South of Town Hall, MONEY TO LOAN. ONE' TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i Per cent, $21,000 Private Funda, Beat Loaning Companies reinesented. " L. H. DICKSON, • Uarrister,Exethr, mwa......momasaseertemramemes•••••• •••6•••••••••wm.,,.... INSURANCE . 91HIS' W.a.1.1.'ERLOO lVfliTTJAL FIRE INSURANCE 00.' . Established in 18 6 3. • NEAD 0.FFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT.. „ This °emptily has been over Eighteen Years insuceessful operation in Western On- . tario,apthrontinues to il1BM70 agaillEV.000 01' • damage be Vie° ,Buildings.,Merchan di se,tians ufactori es,and ell other description Ref lineur able property. Entending insures have the oPtioe of insuring °natio Premium Note ox • c ash System.. . s During' the 'pest ten years tbis Company bee issued e7,0ee Policies, coveeing property o thesanount olatt0,872,088 ;aerie:lid inloss- es alonoit700,752,00 AseetS, ie1le,100.60, consisting of Cash n tvikk, GovernmeniDeposit,and-the turas:r- • eseed Premium Notes ou ban deed. in force. Oa WAVDEN M D. I.'±esideL t 0. Gt.Tmo1o, Secaotary, J, B. Haroutts,inspector. cEAS, NULL agentkor enteter arid vicinity, , The Great English Prescription. • successful efecticine, used over fle years id thousands of eases. Oures Spermaterrime, aVeettere 'Irealoness,•• Emissions, Impotency all diseases caused by abuse. . 'isevatel Indiscretion, Or over-exertion, ?ramie ' ix packageseaueranteed to Cure when a others Aak. your Druggist for The reat EnglIt41t • 1?1•0001.10100, take no substitute. One packege Si. six 65, by mail, Write for Pamphlet, Address lglirelka Chemical Co.; ,Detroit. Nicht, • CENTRAL Barber Shop FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop 'Shaving and Hair cutting in theleteet etyles ,Of the art. 1Tlveryetten0on paid to °Sitting Ladies ana 0 dren' s Hair. ZWITCHES :MADE TO ORDER ;F1116"7!10,11'.._ rw,„,•44..,175 471110,777=4616 :AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XVI. NO, 25. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 24th 1889. 40fIr1V WHITE 8c SON Publisher andProprietor Eyes Tested 14-73,E 1-1; A S. MITR13, A.-17" = Practical Optician, GracluateOlotio 11.Y • Eyes tested defective sight restored by tho aid of fine glass^s. Large assortment of the finest glasses on hand,. A call solicited. s. wermeme.A.-i-ea 419 MICI-MIX.0P31-7D-S,X, 1011d00. 1 EW JEIBI DEOPielson Builders d Contractors - Shop one door east of Parsons' Black- smith Shop. Manefacturers of Sashes, Doors and Blinds. Buildings contracted for. Plans, estimates and nmeifications furnished if' re- quired, -From their past experience in the building line they guarantee satisfaction. All work done with promptness and dispatch. Season- ed lumber always on hand. WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON, galls The Cheapest spot in Town For Felt Boots, Rubbers and Overshoes of all kimis—men's woman's and children's is at, 15'P eseloh's Opposite - Reynold's - Hotel, Hensali. I an, now offering the balance of my winter stock at Greatly Reduced Prices, and some at cost, a,nd some below cost, to make room, for my large stock of new spring goods. The sale will continue for 30 DAYS ONLY. Men's Felt Boots, worth 62.00 for 61.65 " Felts It Rubbers " 2.00 for 1..50 " Overshoes 1,50 for 1,30 Woman's Overshoes " • 1.50 for 1.30 Cordigan Overshoes at cost prices. Woman's skating ...bale Misses " Felt Slippers Men's all -leather gaiters " bals .175 kr LTA, •''1.35"for 1.15 70 for 55 1.75 for 3.25 1.25 for 1.00 Children's shoes from 25c upwards, Haying such a large stock to run off I can fit all in need of Boots & Shoes Repairing neatly done and 'Promptly at- tended to. Sewed work a specialty. All vvorktuaravteed. A. WESEL011, jan'y lst • THE CHEAP STORE FARIVIE',RS! Ilensall Roller • Mills. THE Undersigned would respectfully in- form the community that he bas leased the above ruins, and has refitted same with the latest and most improvedinachinery ; and will positively GUAR.A.NTE.B1 SATISFACT N TO ALL. A Large Stock of Flour and Feed Always 6/1 Hand. Gristing & Chopping • Promptlsr Attended To. A, Trial So1i7ited. A. E BANYARD, 11-22---6-m. HENSALL • —sToi\TEmmg,s__ Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. You ere invited to some and ne Otir Elegant Holiday Stook —00NOISTING O3— Watches, O1ock8, Jewelry, Silver- ware, Novelties, Fancy Goods,. &e„ . ij/tij/or (Oid egOnnee ASSORTMENT MOST COMPLETE. Repairing Depax tut' t We make a specialty of \retell and jewel- ry repairing, .7ewelry mended and re, polished GO as to look like new. All work guaranteed, "• Our motto : Neat, pronapt and relieble. Remember the Stand, opposite Mel/open & Waugh'e Hardware Store, T. C, Stortomaz. 3 HE,WRATAL, OXT,, Gs L EIRMAIL Call on G. A. H. for Groceries) Teas • Spices " Dashwood flour, 44 •" Petty Rams and Bacon Smoking tobacco a five cent piece with every. 3 plugs. MiET! DIEV0 IF YOU WANT TO S.A.VE MONEY Through Xmg.1V;ew Years, BUY YOUR GOODS FROM THE Cheap Store, 'Crediton As he is determined to clear out all his stock of DRY GOODS, ' 1300T & SHOES, • HATS, • CAPS, ETC., At lessthan actual Cost Sale to commence lst Jan., ,and continue until all is cleared out, as I am going out of the above lines. TERMS — CASH. N. B. All accounts must be settled lst January. j.'AZITOZELL, Market Square General Store, .The undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he has just received his •MlN-TER STOCK 4 —INCLUDING— A full line of Dry -Goods, fiats & Caps, and Crockery, Boots and Shoes. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and in spect my goods and prices. Highest prices paid'for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. OSS. X-mas Season ! Spoomi Bargains —IN_ Every Departmit ALL THIS YEAR. COMPETITION NOWHERE CAN" COMPETE WITH OUR PRICES CALL AND BE CONVINCED DOUPE CO., The Largest THE BEST, TRE NICEST, THE SWEETEST -Asset cment of-- COnfeetiOnerV IN TOWN. JUSIII MT) & FRESH. Away clown in Price. •ElOrearsT_OK3S ' Breed, Buns, (lakes, and all kinds of Past- • ry, s011take the lead, Headquarters foi. Confection erytit E A11 OLLICE'Ss MAIN••liT., Pall= Stephen Mr, John Lewis the late Treasurer of this townetrip, ,tieted as oollector for a part of the township for the year 1861, and up to the present time he has been either collect- or or treasurer. 1ie was appointed Treas- urer in 1883, succeeding Dr. &lithe who resigned. During all his official career, he was always the ertme—obliging, kind and ever ready to do a good turn, Hie absenee at the commil board will be felt. Re ten - dared his resignation, and the council oon- sicleriug tee oirculamtanoes accepted it, and released him from the duties lie ,so feats - fully performed in the past. His suoceseor 0 Brown is endowed with good financial ability and will no doubt make a good bffi- eial. Green -way. consequence of the lumber - camps breaking up a number of the young nren of thia neighborhood have returneds, --Rev. P VV Jones is holding speoial meet- ings at the Boston Methodist chureln—W, Wilson and family have returned from their visit up north.—Mr Win Nethem, of 13ervie, and Miss Eachael, eldest daughter of Mr Andrew Stinson, of Ripley, co. Brace were recently united in marriage. The wedding was a brilliant affair, there being oyer 100 invited guests. The present:4 were numerous, consisting in the main of silver- ware, among the collection being a silver • watch ---The Boston house is beiug improv- ed.—The finder of the hay fork lost bet- ween Exeter and the riyer 'Bauble, on town dine, will be rewarded on •the delivery of the same to W J Wilson of this place. •Flay. -- Al the annual meedug of theAnembers of the Hay Branch Agrioulture.1 Society, held on Thursday of last week, the follow- ing officers and directors were appointed for the ensuing year; Dr. Buchanan, president ; Henry Ileyrock, vice-president D. S. Faust, secretary, treasurer. Direc- tors—Alexander McEwen, Robert MoAllis. ter, John Voelker, Henry Lippert, John H. Snell, Aaron Karcher, Wm, Buchanan, 3. Broderick, Dayid •Weismiller, Messrs. 3. A. Williams and Fred. Hess were ap- pointed auditors, The society commenbed the year with a surplus of $137:88 in the, treasury and closed with $151.66, having thus gained 613.83 on the year's tra,us- • actions. Beliers.—The other day while:Mr. Alex. McEwen, councillor, was among his swine, a vicious boar attacked him and lacerated his tight leg Most 'seriously. It is with much difficulty that Mr. M. moves about, crutches being necessary to is leackwailda locornotion.-e-Mr. Bonthron, who, for is great many years has held the office of assessor of the township, and with credit we believe, was retired at the last meeting of the council by Mr. Wm. Caldwell, who dna the work for 55. less, being appointed. Mr. Caldwell is aa lutelligent man and will do the work without favor, The Council HamyetCo_no_munoticail. ay pursuant to Statute. • The members made and subscrib ecl to the declaration of qualification and office. • Minutes read and approved. The officers were all re -appointed, with the ex- ception of assessor, as follows : 8 Foster, clerk ; D 3 Foust antl le johnston, aud- itors ; M Zeiler. trees ; W Caldw1l, aeses. sor ; H Lipphardt, collector; Mrs. Kein- hardt, caretaker of hall. The following gentlemen were appointed members of the Board of Health fur 1889 Dr. MeLearmid of Ilensall ; D Steinbach, Zurich ; E. Cook, Dashwood •, the reeve and clerk, Dr. Buchanan of &rich, was appointed medical Health Offices. and H. Grab, sanitary inspecton—Moved by Mr. G, MeEwen, sec by Mr. _Hess, that the . time for reeeivrug tenders for lumber he extended until Jan 26th, and that said tenders be sent to 'the reeve, sealed, not later than 8 o'clook, p. nr. • The following accounts were passed': - 1.1. Schmidt, printing, $4; 11 Happel, - goods for an indigent, $5 ; Hannah Gal - tor, charity, $3,00 ; J Jackson, boarding and lodging an indigent, 53.00; W Came - bell, surface damage, 53.00 ; L Extein, gravel andsurface damage, $8.86 ; White and Sons, printing, 53.76 ; 'Economical Mutual Eire insurance co., 58145. The council then adjourned to meet on Saturday, March 16th at 10 a. EL Belays. -A farmers' institute was held here ou Friday ancl Saturday, Jan. 22, There was a large attendance at eaoh of the sessions, especially the one in the evg.. when the town hall was crowded to it Utmost eapacity. Ifossrs. A. 11, Pettit, Prof Mills and J. Kerniglian of the Guelph Agricultural college, aud several leading local agzioulturists delivered practical ad- dresees on farming. At the evening ses- sion Prof. Mills gave an excellent addrest ois education, strongly advising a thor- ough teaching of only dim subjects in our public echeels, which will be useful in atter life etch as reading, writing, smelling arithineao, grammar, and composition, together with the principles of agricultute onr rinel schoels. Mr. John Waters, M. P, P. gave an eloquent address in which be strongly upheld our present 00111100don lith greet Britain in preference to either Canadian Independence er an- nexation to the U. S.—Revival services are being conducted in the Methodiet olthreh by Mr. J. Chapman • and wife, evangelists.—Statien nanster Thalami), our reeve, and Werclee McLeed are attend.. ing the session of the county council, Rev. J. G. Manly, agent of the bible society, delivered it lecture in the Presby. terian church on ildbyllni,--111.185 Sarah Turney �l Exeter, is spending a few weelia with her friends Geo. Down and wife, of Detroit, are visiting his mother, Thoy will Von:lain here the greater part of the winter. --Mr. Dennis and family lino ternoveci to Exeter, where he will follow his tort -nation of carriage metuesaaaee, 5, S, Jaime, dforni5r student Of our high school eltd lately principal of Granton public sehool, has been appoitted aceistant Master of the Georgetewn high tehOol Grand Bend. RaxEyS..—Our shoemaker was taken very ill last week.—We have this week to ?nerd the death of Mr. Chas. Greaten of the B. line. Deoeaeed was only a few aaa's ad had reached the age of 35 years, He left a wife and sia little children to mourn their loss. Their many friends join in their hearts deepest syrnrathy,-- Miss Minnie Rowe, now of Zurich, has returned for a few weeks.—Mr. James Ingram has sold his blacksmith shop to 1Vir. W. Patterson, who wes tied by the holy bonds of mataintony, and who .bas settled right down to business. We hope to see the young, enterprising blaeltsmith prosper,—A quiet, yet a pleasant event, tools place at residence of bride's father On Wednesday evening at five o'clock The occasion was the marriage of Mr. Donald Patterson and Miss Finnie Faille. The ceremony was performed by the Bev. .7. .A. Carriers, and only a few of the more immediate friends of the contracting partiee were there. The presents were handsome. Our citizens generally, and their many friends will unite with us in the usual cougratulations on such oceasions and in wishing them all the joys in their future home.—On Friday night a soci- able dance at Mr. Zaffes, tailor, at which place gathered mu.te a crowd to join them- selves in the merry dance ; but some of the boys were too merry—they were rather previous. "Might was the only right" there. Tim small boys bad to stand back and talk love in the dark. While long John K. half frighted to death, stood back weeping in the cornee—Onr great, runner Mr. L. Revlon, challenges any man within a distanceof five miles to run a foot -race of one hundred yards for 5100. • Our mayor is fitting himself up for the occasion I think it will be a keenly contested match. Hurrah for John.—Skating is the order of the day.—Mr. John Cornellis no r busy getting out ties. He is hewing them and preparing them to take to Thedford sta. • Stephen Council. • The newly elected council being all pres- ent and having taken the oaths of office 813d taken. their seats, C. Prouty was re- appointed Clerk, and C. Christie assessor, C. Brown treiteurer, at $75 after Mr. Lewis having tendered his resignation; NI. Finkbiner, caretaker; S, Brown and Tr. Doyle, auditors. Moved by H. Eilber, sec by 3 Sherritt, that the council of Me- Gillivray, Bosenquet and W Williams, be again requeeted to pass By-laws and • pay over theamount oeninonies awarded by la Goad engiVer' oiefthe G. B. Chit to the municimilitY*48tephen as soon as possible; and that'atticlm,onies be fiet apart and,not used except fo4rnnz,poset intended, or until the liabilities ol said'ibwrkhir Be. tested. Moved bi...HEilber seo by J Sher • itt that whereas .1- Lewis late Treasurer of tiiis township has resigusli his position as Treasurer, the councii do hereby tender Mr Lewis their thanks for his past services as stroll officer, and they wish him a long, happy and prosperous life. Moved by E. Eilber no by 7 Sherritt that the Clerk and Reeve men:iodize the Lientenaut Governer, requesting per nission to depose the annual sinking fund in Molson's Bank Exeter, until requested to be used for the purpose intended. Tbe following orders were granted:—A. Warner work Crediton road $10; 8 Davis D E 0 and booth $8; Star P printing 51.75; 11 Arm- strong damages $5 R Mebane dog tax re - fancied $1; Garrow amd Proudfoot $10 for G B Out; Collector alteration in Roll 514; S NV Hawkins 75ets G -ravel R interest $300; J Hawker lumber $4.50; Mrs. Ran- som 6.25; I Smith rep hammer $1.25; ,T Gamlen D R 0 $4; W Holt house for elec- tion $4.00; 0 Zwiker spjkes 51.60; 3 Stnith work 10th con $2; M. Winer rep culvert 50cts; R. ICilpatrick dog tax refunded $1.•, W Brenner 60cte; 0 Brown D 13 0 and booth 58; W Fulton D 11 0 and booth $8; 15 MOOlinehey D R 0 and booth $8; C Prouty as Returning Officer and D R 0 and expenses in connection, with election $15.40; J Lewis additional work 615.00. Council meet again first Monday in Feby. (h*editon. • Buinrs.—Mesers. William and John Sc:huarr, sons of the late W. Schnarr, for- merly of Creditors are visiting friends and acquaintances • here. Will. is living rib Killarney, Man., and is in the raunioipal council there. Ile likes the prairie prov- ince and is a great adherent of the Green- way administration. John is it tinsmith and is working in Berlin Ont. --Rev. D. IVf. Kennedy of Birr, preached a miesionary sermon in the Methodist church on Sim - day evg. last.—Our reeves:all left for God- erieh on Tuesday morning to at`tend oortaty coaucil.—During the past WORE a great deal ot moving has beim going ou 111 the village. Me 0. Trick has exchanged shops with Messrs. Sims and Brockenshire, butchers, and Mr. Samnel Wood has moved into the dwelling lately occupied by Mr. lona Sims,—At the nom:toil meeting on Monday last, Mr. Chas, Browe, J. P. roe'd the appointment of township treas. urer in place of Mr. John Lewis who re. signed. Mr, Christie was re.engaged as atieeseor.—On Friday evg, last according to previous notice, a inaes psi:oder; este held in the town hall in reference to es- tablishing Creditors as a police villager, The attendance was large, which shows that our aeeple intend to do what they eau to further this projeet. The meeting was called to order aucl Mr. Win. H, Wenzel eleeted as hairrean, after which Mr El, lilulber addressed the meeting ancl -explained the neeessary steps to bo taken in the matter, The ratepayers present were ahhost unanimously in favor Of incorpora. ting fuel if the comity council give power, an election will be held ou February 15th next, to appoint officer:a—A number from here went to Exeter on 'Monday evg. lost to bc:ar Miss Knox, the great elooritionist, —On Shturday lest a number at ere' everts visited the swanip, end eunceeded in enuring seven tine rabbits ; but note of them weighed "8 lbs.'''—At the manna' tinting of the motribers of the brass band ce Tuesday evg last, they elected as soey Mr. Samuel Either, awl as leeder, Mr, 07. W, Grant OM% Bon gilber having re, eighed both Officee,—Mt, Tait is diligently employe" arranging tor his sdhool outer., tainmont, tind promisea 113 MU ii bettor one than last year. The IViolsons Bank (011AEtTERED 137 PA Ri.LAMEN 18015) Paid up flapital SS,000,0 Rest Pand. •1,000,00 iroad Otalco, Montreal, WOI,PERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERAL MANAGER 20 branch offices in the Dominion. Agencies in the Doinimon, ti, S. A. and' Europe. Exeter Branch, Open every lawful day, from10 a. Ia. to 3 p.ro SATURDAYS, 10 a. rn. to 1 p.m. 3 Per Cent. per annum allewed for 400007 00 Deposit ltecoipts and Savings Bank, • R. H. ARCHER, Manager. Itommonnatoorisearanstresomaienvemmrammoorwasms • Zurich. BnIzr0.—Miss O'Blien of the Sanble Line, has been spending the last four weelte with relatives iD. n flanailten.--Mrs.'"' Weingarcluer of Miehigan, is, visiting relatives on the Sanble Lioe.—Miss Wil- son le awaY for a. few weeks en her holi- days.—Nit much iee on the lake at present. At this season of the year, we generally look fon fish vendors, but prospects are not favorable at present. --At the last ' regular conenaunioation of Zurich lodge 224 A. F & A. 154, the following officers were installed :W, bro. la M. Benedict ; W M, Bro. Melewett ; S W, bre Greb :3 W. bro Agtrew ; 3 D, bro Mere '- D, bre 'Moffat tyler, bro, Deymouth ; JG, bro Zeller ; chaplain, Bro Bodgins ; trees, bro. Bon. thron ; sec, bro Dan Dyer.—.H. 0. Doan, our popular V, S. has purchased a fine Clydesdale stellion, which arrived in our village last Thursday evening. It is a fine bay fonr years eld. Harry is a therou,gh horseman, and we wish him success in his enterprise.--Prties are the order of the day, (veiling I mean') A, number of paring people enjoyed themselves im- mensely at 8. Foster's,. Babylon Line, Wednesday p. zn. of last week, aud another party of villagers tripped the light fmatastio at Ili', D. Sipple's, whieh was followed up the next Thursday evg., at Ale C. 13encelices--next 1 , Brar,ra.—The society meeting called or • lass Thursday evg., was very poorly attend- ed and was discouraging to the pastor and • trustees. The °hunk needa considerable repairing and it was decider' 'that inetead of having a tea the menibers of the soaiety be invited to subscribe the amount re,. quired. A financial statement was pre- sented showing the monies raised and' expeoded by the trustee board ceveriug several years, and a committee was ap- pointed to make an assessment, so that each may know what their proportion is. An attempt will be made to carry on the business of the church on a cash basisnue' it is hoped the members will /heartily it - spend to the call.—Mr. Michtel'Elford ' has been laid up,for several days with lumbago.--& hot air furnace has been put in the Winchelsea public school. :Kr. Thomas Smale was the excavator and Mr. B. Spicer the mason, ,Bissett Bro& put in the furnace.—An attempt ls being made to form a company and start a cheese factory in this community. Delegates visited the farmers and called is public meeting, but the result we have not learned as yet. Wheat growing is very nnprofitable and farmers must turn their attention to stock Taittfing%•,,Ancl not the 'union- lobbed.» housir''be purchaeed and fitted up as a factory. One thing that is against the formation of if company is that similar organizations have failed here in the past. But let that not bs an obstacle. St. Marys. BRIEFS. The new council niet for the first time on Monday evening.—Last Tues- day was a lively day in the curling rink. For different matches were playeu, viz ; St Marys against Bright ; Sarnia :against Waterloo ; London against Seafortla ; St. Marys against Waterloo ; St, Marys win • Mug by four.—Mrs. Wm. Johnston of Woodham, spent last week visiting friends in town.—The house of Mr. CnaseeDickm- son. was made lively one nisght last .week, by a few of his well.wishers. who, preeented him with a suitable address eaid a silver watch. ---Mr. Geo Moir left on Tuesday last to take port in the election campaign now going orrlin Halton county.—The Rey. Mr. Smith of London, conducted the anniver- sary services in the Methodist olatuch on Sunday last.—Mr. Joseph Aiken of South Africa has returned to Canadato spend winter, Joe steams to prefer Canada's zero weather to the intense heat of the Dark Continent.—At the inaugural xneeting of the town council, the following officers were appointed for the current year t—olerk, W. 'Williams ; Treas. 15 Long ; assessors Win Barbour, jas. Thompson and N. E. Birch; constable. Adana Mitchell ;' Mght•watch, Jas lioness. Some of the members say that the council is a progressive one; and that the citizens svell soon realize is radical ' ,nhange for the better, amongst other im- provements being the adoption ot tbe elee- trie-lighting system, at an early date ; we hope so, at least. --The Maxwell works are ir operation, there being about 25 hands ecaployed.--The Blaushard council at its first meeting appointed John Jamiseon to clerkship, vice Wm Johnston, whb has fil- led the office for some years, and who is the most eminently qualified man in the township to fill the same, Apropos of the remarks of the ex reeve, Alr, Lawton, st.,t the Domination, the St Marys cliqne have accomplished their:, purposes --firstly in the election of a suitable council ; and secondly, with the aid of whom, the ousting Gi JOIthSt011. These avarieious wire. millers may look upou the change with satisfaction, Masi:ouch as it gratifies certain selfish desires, and, to their minds, lessons that envied popularity which Mr. Johustou euitays atnong the electors of the township ana elsewhere. But they reietake LLIA popular feeling ; —tho people of Blau shard are intelligent, and if they au by it some. what united political party vote elect a council who have played into the hands of it few tatorites, they will not countenance such petty acts as have marked the doings of the first coancil meeting with orliam, Mr. Johnston is the moat popular inau in the township, and will continue to be until some valid charge of incempeteny in public matters is preferred ,tgainst him '• and this fact the St Merys cliqte and the commit who have been so easily hoodwinked,- will ere long discover, possibly to their Borrow. The council's udair were never more eeree fully and correctly managed, as during 11/r, ,Tohnston's term of office, Wo preaume it WISA nOt UP, Johnston's desire to again seek the clerkship ;—only accept it if tendered hisn ; but it did lools Paiabh ai3d eXbibitt.X1 an animena spirit on the part of the pre, meters of the discord, to establish free' the beginning ef the eleation is motive having for its Object the diamiStial of Mr, Johnston , and which W11,111101tOti franl OftrOlY j),1101:0 instindts, —The Orangemen of Perth intend celebrating tlfe coining P2th illy by a , • grand eti.eoratlart re tias soWa,