HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-1-17, Page 8INSTJEklgOE. ERNST -4i.4E410T. AGENT FOlt TRU WESTERN ASSURANCE COM. ANT, of Toxonte ; also for the PHIENIK ke-ItE INSURANCE COMPANX, ot ,Lonenti, gngland, the Re)CANADIAN, at etom, iivised, ati1 the ONITISII NelPIllE LIFE AB SURANCE COMVANYot t,00don. Elegland, eetahliehed 1847. &taste over 86,000,000; claims and bonuses paid, ever $10,004100. 140 0 414 NEW8,-grs s haN behaPey to re- ce.tve at all frotn any part of the Colwate, Items of local news, such as ac. cletents,or any Interestiny incident what- , aver,fnons any of oirr ealmeribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public otion. 11114 (53ettir Vara. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17th 1889 LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Oysters. Fresh oysters at Geo. -Sandersby the quart, or served up by the plate, cooked or raw. Just look at our stock of con. ectiopey, and sporting goods. All fresh, new and first-class, Selling at cost, Good bargains in Boots and Shoes veld Harness, esu now be had at 0, Eacrett's, as he intends giving, up business and will sell at cash or under for the next 30 days. People would do well to call and see him before purchasing elsewhere. C. EMMETT. Agricultural Meeting'. On Thursday last the annual meeting of the Stephen & Usborne Agl. Society ivas held, when the following officers ad directors wer& elected :-Pres, Jas B illan• tyne, ()Shorn° ; vice-president, Edward. Christie, Exeter ; directors -Hey, John -Willis, 11. Smith ; Osborne, Jhn Del - bridge, Jas. Westcott, John Hunter jr. ; Stephen, Sarni Senders, Chas Wolfe; Exeter, Jas Oke and R. Davis. At a meeting to be held next Saturday' the secretary and treasurer of the association will be appointed. Obituary, Iter many friends and acquaintances will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. John Smailacombe, of Huron -street Exe- ter, which event took place on Tuesday last. Deceased bad attained the en's of 57 years and 9 mos, and has for sometime been a sufferer from paralysis. She was not seriously :ill until about a week ago, when her condition became worse. and her spirit took its flight to that eternal abode, which dwells in mystery., She was a woman very much respeeted and and a wide circle of friends, all of whom extend their sympathies to the bereaved husband and family. The funeral will take place :this (Thuisclay) afternoon at 2 o'clock for the Exeter cemetery. The Great carnival. Tremendous interest is being taken in the approaching Carnival in Montreal. The Governor General is to inaugurate the festivities and give the entire week's pro- gramme his patronage. State Governors Lieut. -Governors and prominent people from all'partebf the world are to view the spectacles. Letters are pouring in to the Committee from Europe and the United States enquiring ;for particulars. The Committe are making extraordinary pre- parations for a magnificent Carnival. Those who cannot go to Montreal for s,. week' of wondrons merriment will, we hear, find the events in all their marvell- bus beauty reproduced in the Carnival Number of the Montreal Star, which it is said will be a perfectly stunning number. rfueprovements'to Dashwood, The citizens of Dashwood, now, no aceibt, since it is patent that their trade With the outside world is increesing, and Exeter being an important outpat, seethe need of closer relationship with Exeter; and to establish such closer connection, an agitation is on foot to have the inail conveyec1 daily from Dashwood to Exeter, as also to have counnunication in the meditun of the telephone system. In erder to obviate the objections as advanced isy opponents, to a, similar move some Months ago, it is proposed to have the mail carried to the Exeter railway station, direct. This will not necessitate the mail leaving Dashwood at so early an hour as it would otherwise be compelled to, and would permit of its receipt at Dashwood at a seasonable horn in the evening. Everything considered the advantages to the Dashwood peopm would be vastly greater than they are at present -the mail matter going and coming via Park - he 3Exeter Market Taking the Exeter market, generally, or iv . any singles matter of product, it stands at the head of the list for regular and substantial high pricee. Thab on other markets whe-e for mere spite and determination to outdo contemporaries_ no matter if money is thrown away -the pekes are sometimes in advance of those la Exeter, we do not assume to dispute; late for healthy, fair and consistent prices the Exeter market stands pre-eminently among others. Promptecl by an °aces - tonal complaint of the low prices paid in Exeter, we have for some time been watching events in this coaneetion, and • our diligence in thus traversing the com- mercial field has Peen aniply rewarded. Comparing the market quotations of Clin. ten, iSlitchell, St, Marys, Parkhill and Exeter, the latter invariably quotes as high if not higher than any. Taking last week for instance, as high a price as 81. 03 was paid for wheat in Exeter while the above named towns gave quotations at from 98 to $L00 The same with bar- ley --the prices in Exeter always coneis• tent with the rulings at the erain eenters. There is also an injustice done the Exeter market in the rumour that the buyers, having both come f9'om the same town to Exeter are in si18nt compact and that they buy only at prices on which they ceel rert.ize big margins. This is an erroneous impression -false in every setise, With such a ecincidence of both having come from the sameplace it does not follow that they mui must be n league with each other in buying grain. The fact that the yery •higheet prices consistent with the ruling trade are paid should dispel sub a false impression. Because men do not choose to buy themseleee into banlamptey„ entire- ly --although this season the Exeter buy- ers have lost large stuns of money -they Must not be aeoused of conniving to en- rich themselves at the expense and to the detriment of the farming community. Verniers disabuse your minds of stich con- victions -the results of reporte degignedly circulated. Miss Knox), tetteher of elomitien itt •Philadelphia, Will talte,part itt ati enter- tainment in Drew's hall Oil Monday evg,, Wider' the apices of the Independent ()eat ofPOrbst01,17, lftrevAtiee- The past eouple of days haye been busy epee ou the 'market, ' The new Government braidings at God, erich have been commenced. Don't 'forget the great 30 day sae now on et the big Bankrupt Store. Mr. ;Cohn klawWlaw hate purchased two more handsome drivers. The eltnents itt'present are ver' congenial to the lumbering iednetry, The ortlinty council of Hattie will Meet' at Goderitib. on 22,1m1 inst. Men's and bee's' overcoats and eilits at unheard of prices ,daring the great 30 day sale now on at tho.big Bankropt Store. . The toboggan slide opened last, week and is in full operation; many, avail them- , selves of the festive sport. • Miss; Sarah 'Ellen Urregoty Will leave on Monday Poxt for • Ottawa, whore she viU attend the Noland school.. Miss Mary Ann Gregory left a few:days, ago foe: Teeswater, where She .has been engaged to teach School. Mr. Wm. Howey has almost eOmpleted the erection of it frame house on main ht. opposite the market. 'The polltieal antuplexion of the Exeter coimeil is the same as last year-canserva-' tivo, The Rev. Dr, Burns of Hamilton Will preach in the jellies st. church on Sunday,' Jan, 27th, " Mr. Hutchins has got his barley cleaner erected and in operietion. Several oar loaclo of barley were lest week cleaned for buyers in Blyth. . . Big harpies in hoots aml Shoes, ovels. shoes and Rubbees dating the great 80 day sale nowen at the big Bankrupt store. Ladies' tnibbers ouly 35c. We would like to see something clone.at once towards the forthation of a Board of trade in Exeter. Who Will make the first move in the Matter. Mr. Harry Puddieombe, of London, (not Cox) has been engaged to play the organ in the Trivitt Memorial church, for some months. Have you been to the great 30 day sale now on at the big Benkeopt atom ; if not get there quickly, and secure some of those wonderful bargains. While operating a circular saw the other day, Mr. Thos. Swallow had • his heed cut by its corning in contact with the sew He carries his hand in it sling. An entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of the 'Trivitt Memorial church, will be held in• Drew's hall, on Wednesday ,evg• 30th inst. Particulars later. The annual meeting of the Central Fanners' Institute\ of Ontario will be held in the York Chambers, Toronto, on Feb. 5th, Oth, 71h next, Each local institute is entitled to send two delegates. The brethren of the Loyal Orange So- ciety of Exeter will endeavor to have the coming twelfth of July celebration, for the district of South Huron held in this place. The necessary funds have been subscribed. The repert that has gained currency during the past few days, of Mr. Thos. Trivitt's brother in the old comitry being dead, is fohndationless; or at least Mr. Trivitt has received no intelligence of such. Mr. R. Farmer's old and faithful shop cat died the other day from, the effects of poisoning, caused by eatiog rats she had caught, which must have eaten poison. Richard. laments its death, but is fast taking to the newcomer. . The other day Mr. W. J. Bissett came nearly being shot. He had. plaind loaded gun in his buggy and upon remov- ing it the hamnaer caught in a blanket causing the gun to discharge, the contents grazing Mr. B's arm. , A sample light of the Reliance system of electric lighting hes been erected in Clinton and was lit on Saturday evg. It gave satisfaction and the Company are now busy placing poles and apparatus at different points throughout the town. Farmers expenience at this season diffi- culties which they have not had to en- counter for many years -that of driving through snow four and five feet deep with waggons. On some of the highways the ground is bare, and, taking it generally wheeling is better than sleighing, Mr. Samuel Jamieson, son of Mr, Alex. Jamieson of Blanshard, has been appointed collector of customs for the city of Regina, N W. T. Sam is well and favorably known to a very large number of our readers, ,.ali of whom will be glad to hear of his richly deserved promotion. Regina is the capital of -the great North West. At a recent meeting of the Ladies' Guild, of the Trivitt Memorial Charch,held at the residence of Mr. B. 8. O'Neil, the following officers wereappointed for the ensuing year: -Hon. Pres. Mrs. Triyitt; Pres. Miss Mortlock; Vice -Pres. Miss Hyndman; Sec-Treas. Miss Lizzie Carling. A meeting of the young Conservatives, for the purpose of organization, was held ia Fanson's block on Thursday evening last The attendance was good. Together with other business transacted, the election of officers for the current year took place, as follows: Pres, L. H. Dickson; vicsepres. Sain'l Sweet. sec Win Sanders; tres Gregory Tom. Regular monthly meetings will be held for the discussion of current topics, • Messrs. W. H, Verity & Son have re- ceived and are erecting their new and powerful engine and boiler. • The ',engine house recently erected now compasses the most perfect, powerful and nicest speci- meus of machinery to be found in Western Ontario. It is said that -next section their new premises will he lighted by electricity; and many presage that Exeter streets will also be adorbecl by the electric light. , The seventh annual convention of the County of Huron 8. S, .Association will be held in ()lintori on Tuesday and Wednes- day, Jany. 29 30. A programme of the i proceedings has been ssued, froni which We learn several Exeteriteseare to pettici- pate in the exercises. J. P. Ross will introduce the' topic 'of "Older, anri. how to keep it "' Reis, J. Wilson, M. A,, "The church's elainis upon, and obliga- tions to its 8. 8. Department;” Rev, IL Cfement will delivee an address. me. w. j. Clarke is president and will preside over the meetings. Recently, a Couple of out IniSieeSS men, in a speculation, lost upwards of $1,800, Net so ntneh in a speculative sense did they lose the amount ; but throegh the culpable meanness of the commission 0101 chant with whom they ivers dealing, They had sold a large Shipment of. pork to a, Montreal dealer, Who, alien teeeipt of the consignment,' gave his Check on it certain bank, for the amount. They lid not get the paper cashed, it beieg safer and more easy to. earry then .ite airimint in currency. 13efore the a ent bad gone far on his way home„ it teegrtn was despatehed informing the persons who' had sold the. pork, that the Merchant had made an s,Seignrnentt-heetie their kiss of towards of -4)1,800. The Montreal merchant, Mist haVe beeri aware of his fitioneial denditieli Mid his dealingS With the Egeter 'Men ilear , berriblenee to intentional frail& Rex (tonal, Miss Butil and Miss Freleigh of St. Cathetinee are attests of Mrs. 1 Bowerman of Exeter, 1. Carling, jr,,, left Mon- day morning, for Toronto University to Pursue his studies. We wish Mir Young friend the gratifying success which has •attended his efforts in the past, -Mr. James Willis, who,'Setne weeks ago re. ceived injuries to his band has not skive had, the use of that inernbei.-Mrs. John Popplestone, who was severely injured by a fall upon the icy sidewalk h ik able to be around again. -Mrs. Wilson, wife of Rey. Wilson, ou Monday received intelligence of the death of her •mother, in Port Dover, and left on the morning train to attend the funeral. -Captain Walt Andrews left on Monday for the Military College, London. (rile storm, Oe Wednesday morning the rain fell in Orreries, and ere five o'clock in the after - neon a depression Set in and a storm of a most severe type commenced, continu- ing Until Thursday evg. The wind blew the strongest"' gale ever felt he Exeter, while the Snow was piled in , mammoth heaps upon the roads running north and south -impeding traffics for some hours Thursday., The ' • sideroads were left completely bare. NOserious damege reeulted iu this neighborhood. But in other sections of country, Partioularly in the east, •• nature's. wreath: 'wronght sad, havoc.- At Niagara Falls the great Sue. pension bridge was blo ten into Niagara's Angry waters, while Several buildings were blown down and 'others unroofed. At eittsburgh and Reading, Ra trains were derailed, horses killed, and factories and storeeAemoliehed, eesuleine in the death Of himdreds Of people. . Tatung rt: gener- ally the hurricane was the most severe hi the /Sine:I-dire/ice of the oldeetiehabitarits. A few seconds•prior to the week of the Suspension .bridge, e doctor had just com- pleted,: with great difficulty, his journey 'across, arriving on the American side to hear behind hien the crash of ,tbe mern. moth structure as it •erashed into the Water beneath. Presentation and Address. The following is a copy of the address read and presented. to Mr. Wm. Verity, on the occasion of the choir making its presentation of a library lamp last week, particulars of which appeared in last number of Times : To Mr. W J. Verity, Exeter Out A new Epoch is about, as we belieye to dawn upon your history. it is with p'easure that we learn of the change which you purpose makiug in your condition in lifer You have been for a number of years associa,tecl with us in our choir dur- ing which time you. have materially assi3- ted in advancing its interests. We trust therefore that this alteration in your cir- cumstances will not in any way incline you to sever your connection with us, but that as you are about to acquire (as we consider) very valuable help for the better harrying out of all that appertains to your own interests and those of the Church. Our choir shall continue to receive your assistancewith redoubled effect. We consider this a befitting occasion to express our regard for you and desire that you accept this Library Lamp 89 a slight tok- en of the esteem in which you are held by the members of our choir and of our ap- preciation of yoar services. Signed on behalf of the members of the Mani Street Methedist Choir. ' •• D. A. Ross, Leader. Exeter, Jan. 8th 1889. Mr. Verity who was taken by surprise, thanked the choir heartily, and while his services were of the most voluntary nature, he was pleased to know that they -were appreciated, inasmuch as to incite the members to an exhibition of their gratitude and of friendliness' in the pres- entation of such a beautifullibrary lamp. After the presentation had been made, the assemblage sat down to an oyoter supper. A very pleasant evening was spent and all enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Verity and family, immense- ly. -- Mr. R Davis is laicl up with a sore foot, the reeult of an injury sustained by one of the horses tramping upon that member. The eclipse of the sun was total at Brandon, Man, -the only place in Canada the totality being discernible. Special sermons • were preached in the Methodist Churches in Exeter on Sunday last, and collections in aid of the superan- nuation fund taken. The collections in the Main-st Church amounted to over $451: The letter of "Canadian's' was received' to late for insertion, this week. He deals with the remarks made by a cotem anent a letter which appeared a few weeks ago. The Presbyteries throughout Canada have cssued an order to each clergyman within their bounds to hold a prayer meeting every Sabbath evening during the month of January. The Middlesex Co. Council will convene on Tuesday 2911 inst. It is said that the contest :or the werclenship will he be tween Reeve Boston, of Lobo; Reeve Ros- ser of Ailsa Craig, and deputpreeve Rob- son, of London township. The year 1889 began with a total eclipse which astronomical event has not occurred before on January 1st for over 200 yeara and will not occur again on this date tor another :300 years. Superstitious people are worrying over the next twelve months The South Huron Farmer's Institute commenced its session in Exeter yester- day. The attendance at first day's meet. big was good, and the convention gives promise of being interesting and profitable to those who engage itt the various dis- cussions. At a meeting of the teaehers of the Presbyterian Sunday School, three were appointed to, attend the Huron County S. 8, convention to be held in the town of Clinton on Tnesday and Wednesday, 29th and 30th inst., viz : Mrs. Sam well, and Messrs. A. Whiteford and Wm, Grigg, jun, The proceeds of the entertainment held in aid of the Cavell S, , S.; on Tuesday evg 15111, amounted to about $16.30, The programme rendered by the school, ge&ve entire satisfaction, to a well filled house, Thos. Pasmore, recently of Exeter, is again In the neWspaper intsiness, bovine' started in London East, a publicatioa to be knOwn ais eThe Forest City." The Doherty Organ Coropany, of Clin. ton, is still diekering with the town of .13r0c1tville about removing their works there. Af the fieemen's supper lately Mayor Wea.therhead, of Broekville, stated that tho ocuripany is willing to ateept bonus...of S36,000, and he urged that/ the new eollticil Stffitnit a brlilaY td the pee.. v The Ontario Government hati,i cationg others, tiikdo the following &lief' tments .of license 00ffitnisaiorier-Mi dleset Xorth-,.L, C. MeLityr9,, Doltish Jelin atria g, D, AiIsit Craig; Alex. Smith, Lieury, J3titott S011.th."',...,Rebt' ' S. kohl EXOter; Petek. bouglitto, Blake, f Walker, trueefieirt. vaa. FlOVAL-ostvaty 4 arti P • Absolutely Pure,. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesommiesa. More corm- omioal than the ordinary hinds and cannot be sol d in ooumetitionwitla the multitudes of low test, short walghb, alum or phospbate powders. Sold ouly in cam -ROYAL B,AR- ING PO WDER 00-106 Wallstreet N FARM FOR SALE. Ninety aores-Dot 6, con. 2, in Stephen township, Huron oo.,' over 70 aCTOS cleared, of which 50 acres axe in grass and in first-class condition. Ralf mile from • Centralia, Good brick house and out -buildings. Must be sold. For further 'particulars apply to MATTHEW MORLOOK, 3 mos. Crediton P. 0. Notice to red oto rs The creditors of Levine Beaky, late of the township of *Cleburne, in the coaaty of Huron Spinster, deceased, who died on or about the list day of October, A. D.,1858, and all'persons having claims against the said deceased, are, in pursuance el chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887, hereby notified and required to seed, on or before the 1st dayl'of ltlarch 4 D , 1959, by post or deliver,. to the undersigned Solicitors for tae Admimstratrix of the estate of the said deceased, their chris- tian and surnames, addrasses and descriptions the. particulars of their claims, a statement of their acceuntS duly verified by statutory de- claration, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that immediatety after the said 1st day of March, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have boon given, and the said Administratrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or:persons of whose claims notioe shall not have been received. ELLIOT &ELLIOT. '• Solicitors for A dministratrix •, Exeter. Dated at Exeter,15th January,1889. AUCTRDN, SALL In the matter of the estate of MAR- SHALL POLLOCK, late of the vil- lage of Exeter in the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased, and in the matter of Chapter 108 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, known as uThe.„Devoltetion of Estates Act." - ----- There will be sold by Public Auction on Frida,y, the 1st day of February, 1889, at the hour of 3 o'clock in the afternoon. at the Central Rotel in the Village of Exeter, in the County ot Huron. by Mr. James Otte, Auctioneer. Subject to suck conditions ms shall then be produced, tile following valuable village property, viz : PARCEL:NO.1.-411 that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Village of Henson in the Town- ship of Hay, in the County of Buren and Province el Ontario,containing by adineasure- ment one-fifth of an acre be the same more or less, being composed of Lot No, eight,on tho north side of Ring street (otherwise the Zurich road) on the map or plan of the sub- division of the south half of Lot, No. twenty- one. in the first concession of the Township of Hay. premixed by II. 0. Boulton, P. L. S. Dated the 28th day of September, 1975, and registered in the Registry office for the County of Huron, And PARCEL NO. 2.-A 11 that parcel or tract of land and promises situato, lying and being in the Village of Exeter in the said County of Huron, being composed of Lot No. fifty-one on the south side of John street west of William street, in the said Village of , Exeter, 'Sanders' Survey" surveyed by IL 0. Boulton, P L S, and a map or plan thereof registered in the Registry Office for the said county of Huron, being part of Lot No. twenty -ono in the 1st Coneession of the Town- ship of Stephen. at The said lands will be sold in two separate excels subject to reserved bids to be fixed by the Official Guardian. On Parcel No. 1 there is s good frame store and dwelling house lf stories, on the principal street, in the thriv- ing 19.1fage of lIensall, and on Parcel No. 2 there is a comfortable brick veneered dwell- ing, If stories, with Frame kitchen and good frame barn in central part of the thriving Village of Exeter. , TMORIVIS OM'l SALE_ Ten per cent, cash, on clay of sale, and the balance to be naid into the Canadian Bank of Commerce to the, joint credit of' the official Guardian and the Executor's within thirty days without interest. Conditions of sale will be produced at time of,sale For further particulars apply to Jonx Hosxxxs, Q. C. Or to ELLIOT & ERMOT, Toronto. Ventior's Solicitors, Dated 5th January 1389. • Exeter. FALLis1888. 1 }lave just received. direct from England a fine assortment of Ladies' Walking Jack- ets, Dolmans, and Ulsters, also a Fine As- sortment of Sealettea, Imitation Lamb and titter Cleths. FULL LINES OF DESS GOODS. X 110S1ERY, GLOVFIS) A.ND 'STAPLE DitY.G00bs5 ' Our Stook le Complete llioOTTEDt, Hirkton, P,F ener of Merriage Licenses, Agent for Canada 141e Anorexia° and other Loan Com- panies, Agent for Huron and Middlesex Fire .ensuranee Company- Commissioner ter Perth BRICK AND TILE • FOR SALE, -1- - Any quantity of briek and tihs of elk, sizes for sale at the Firet -class brick, Cheap7 per Thou. sand. Tile Correspondingly MOA TZ BRICK YARD Crediton The oreditors have empowered Mr. Moats to look after the sale of tho brick aild tile, and he Will be found in the yard at all timoS, milotiOtKztasytio:urait,119... yard will be run hY Xr- Crclditon, January llith,1888. The Forest City nosiness College has just olospd for vacation withthe largest .atteink- once ever registered at this seasen of theyear. 'Young I men 'Arundel; 5 thorough training, should write for our handsone catalogue. Our advantages are unequalled, college' re - °Pens January 3rd, 1889. Address Westervelt & York, • London, Out. Usefulness• ! Beauty, and CENTRAL •Durability -IS AN ESSENTIAL IN- -SELECTING -- Dr ug Store An Article of rurniture GI LEY A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on. hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers • the best in. the Mar.k-* et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C —EXE TER— PHOT For Finely Finished Photos of all sizes, from small album size to 11x14 froiii life, try B iNT I 0 IR, He has also an elegant display of Photo- graph Frames. Sizes : Sx10, 11x11 and. 14x17. AT ALL PRICES It wiT he to the advantage of those having pictures to frame to examine his stock of Picture Moulding. Get prices before purchasing elsewhere. JOS. SENIOR, Crallery Opposite Pot-Offloe. Carries the largest • stook of Furniture in Huron County, and has just added to his assortment a great many pieces admirably adapted for the boudoir, sitting -room dining-romn or kitchen .An. Inspection of Goods will ef- fect a pu.rohase. Undertaking in all ts Bra,nohes. S. GIDLEY, (Successor to C. ..46 S. Gidley) ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. TELE INT'ERCOLONIAL OF CANADA; The royal mall, passenger and freight eoutee between Canada and Great Britain. -and-- Direct route between the West and all the points on the Lower Si. Lawrence and Baia de Chalenr, ale° New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfounellan 0. XeNY and elegant buffet sleeping and day cars run on through express trains. PleSeagers for Great B ritain or the conti- nent by leavipe Toronto by 9 p. m. train on Thursday win ioin outward/nail steamer at Halifax Saturday. - Superior elevator, warehouse aud dock ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and general merchandise. - Years of experience have proved. the Inter - colonial, in connection withateamship lines to and from London, Liverpool and Glas- gow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight rout e betw een Canada, and Gre 5Jt Britain. Information as to passenger and freight rates can be had on application to ROB hiRT B.MOODIE, Western Freight er Passenger Agent 98 Ressin House l3lock , 'York fit. Toronto D.POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent Railway office, Moncton. N. B., Nov, 20, '89. Utle4141,044•4•142{1.1.1M. '310 Reward for the Conviction OF DEALERS WHO OFFER M 13 01NEER1OR OIC OF OTHER AND SELL r" Co MANUFACTURE FOR • MACII IN FA, OIL. Eurelca,' Cylinder Bolt I McColl Bros. & Co., , Cutting & WoodOils. I For sale by all leadiTg dealers. I • Toronto„ BISSETT BROS., Sole Agents, Exeter. Ileseetteeci Nr...021 P -s 0 a • ri I c) occ9 1-3 i\D 1-1 GREAT ISA AC Su SUMMER SAL ART AN IN ORDER TO CLEAR OTJT HIS summt STOCK WILIA BELT: nmer Silks Dress Goods, Muslins Prints, Gringhams Laces, iiiibiocbs, initisiery, Gloves, unuerwear, 4 4.4. Corsets, Pasasols, Millinery, Tiimmings,' etc At Greatly Reduced Prices, rad Btrgain: in Bvcry Doll:1412Ni ,esSe t..41attletli. rib nots tloia oppottnity to buy Cheap goisAiloag tho St$Surlh r ha e the finest atooke in the town to Mloote frOM , •A oati will repay you. •