HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-1-17, Page 3HOUSEHOLD rotely trimmed, ehould be folded, everY fold and plait in place carefully pinned up in a sturge towel ond laid in a drawer this is Failures as %VW, !very important in order to keep dreeeee me conoanoyauoreaseng conviction ehano, or if preferred to hang them, JAIN that, efter tbe marriage vowa are taken. two- 1°°Ve ehould bo 8°978°1 on the 13neh of the thirds of the Power neoeetiary to the creation. 012°nIder, by whieh they ineY bang, of an enduringly happy home fles with the Cloalte, after being'brushed, may be laid Fife. It: therefore followa that two-thirds in a long drawer, or hung by a loop in the of the fault is hers where the home becomes back of the neck, Shea/vie 'should be °are- a failure, fully folded in the original cremes wrapped I know Oda etetement wUl nger and in a peper pr a uare oloth, before laying antagoniee my owa sex to an alarming ex- Way in a drawer, Glevee ehoillcl be pulled tent, bat it is my honest belief and muet be out lengthwise, folded in thin paper and expreesed, I la#3,g my Aster women to read laicl in a small box kept for the purpese ; thie article to the end before they condemn lactee should be smoothed out and placed where thoY will liertt clean and fresh Voile, ribbons, sashes, silk henclkerchiefs and silk stockings will keep in good condition much longer if folded in proper }live and laid under a weight. Shoes, if thrown around in the dust, will not laet as long or look as well as when stretched out of the wrinkles, well brindled and put carefully away. Bonnets and hats are more easily veiled by want of care than almost any artiole of dress. They should not, therefore, be Allowed to lie about on tablee or in dusty places tutprotected, but as soon ea taken form the head Should be brushed, the trimmings and feathers straigh- tened and laid in boxes. THE CAUSES OF FAILURE. I would classify the failures of wives in their &sty as follows: First. Talsoee who leek liberality of mind. Second. Those who complain and find fault. Third. Theme who are aelftshly wastefui and extravagant. Fourth. Those who are petty tyrants and "naggers." Fifth. Those who lack tact, a Now, if a Wife has love, patience, good temper, beauty and accomplishments, yet any one of thee° live faults above mentioned may serve to ruin her home and make he husband "wish he were single again." A wife's love should be as liberal as the love of God, She ehould study the daily habits of her lover before she marries him, and then the should allcw his life to run as nearly as it is possible in those old ohannele of plea- sure without trespassing upon the honor or purity �f the new relation. , I know a woman who always sits up until her husband's return at night when he goes to the club, He was fond of a skilful game of cards, and he hoe never been known to return home intoxicated. There is nothing for her to fear or condemn in his occasional visits to the club, but she destroys all his pleasure by "waiting up" for him, and if he Stays late he finds her with a eilent, but accusing, face at the door, and in the morning she complains of a headaohe and looks at him with the eyes of a martyr. She has destroyed his enjoyment in his old pleasure and given him no &Unman side of herself at home to lead him to aban- don it. It is foolish to expect a husband, who has entire access to his wiled sociecy, to make the same sacrifices to be with her for an evening that the lover makes, who is only admitted to the loved one a presence for an hour. It is no indication of any lessening of love if he sometimes goes out and leaves her at home. A jewel may be very precious to us, even if we do not alwaye wish to wear it in eight and gaze upon ite brilliancy. Some women seem to marry with the idea that "wife" means." interferer." They set themselves to Work at once to revolution- ize the man's whole life, and demand atten- tions which, if they exercised a little gentle patience, would be gladly given. woman who saves up her household woessies and her bodily pains and aches to entertain a husbamd with on his return home'drives a sure nail in the coffin of con- ' jugalh*piness. Ryon are ill enough to need specially considerate treatment or attention tell your husband, and he will bestow lb alinest invaeiably, for men are, as a rule, very I ifiderhearted and sympathetic toward a omen's suffering ; but the complaints that - ailia talked of every hour in the clay cease to excite any sympathy, and only Serve to weary and annoy the listener. 6 The Model Housewife. She kept her house with neatest care, No fleck of dirt was hidden there. Each day she walked the self -same route, And kept its corners well swept out. Her carpets, all, were in the shade, For fear their colors bright would fade. Dirt, she thought, was aeinortal orime, a. And so she fought it all the time. On tiles she daily made a raid, - Till none her household dared invade. What mice with her bried to contend Soon came to an untimely end. Her eyes contracted in a squint, She looked eo much for dust and lint. Her husband's life was full of woes, For she almost brushed him out of his olothes. When at rest in his easy chair, Lo and behold! his wife was there, Armed with the dust -brush and the pan, To sweep up ,round "that careless man.' No daughters fair or sturdy boys Disturbed her home with Mirthful noise. She scarce found time to dine or sup; How could she stop to bring them up? Thus was she thro' the walks of life Wedded to dirt, and a faithful wife. When at last, Death's angel came Into her home and 'called her name, He found her in the northwestroom. Still wielding hor beloved broom ! He told her that her time was nigh, That she must now prepare to die. She gravely answered with a frown: 4i dust let me sweep that cobweb down." Her apron strings she then untied, And calmly laid her down and died; But whispered with the last breath given "I—hope—there—is--no—dirt--in—hea• van." Some Serious Mistakes, It is a mistake to labour when you are not in a fit condition to do Flo. To think that the more a person eats :the healthier and stronger he will beoome. To go to bed at midnight and rise at daybreak, and imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gained. To imagine that if a little work or exercise is good, violent or prolonged exer- cise is better. To conclude that the smallest into the soup to give it the taste of oysters. room in the house is forge enough to sleep Pat in oleo a part a the salsify pressed in. To eat aii if you only had a minute to through a colander to thicken the soup. finish your meal in, or to eat veithout an ap. FISH BALLS..—TO one cupful of dry cod - petite, or continue after it hes been satisfied. fieh picked fine, add three cupfuls of pota- merely to satisfy the taste. To believe that ,toes, peeled and,otab in thick slices ; cook all ehildreft can do as mileh work as grown nee. together, putting the fish on top of the pd. ple, and that the more hours they 'study the tatoes, • 'When the potatoes are done, dram mere they learn. To imagine that whatever and mash the fish and potato together, remedy 'otsueee one to feel hnlned$otolY f'et' alwaye being careful to remove any bone ter (ao alcoholic stimulants) i good tor the sehfoh may be in the fish; add two table. System, without regard to the after.effeots, opoonfuis 4,;,f mine, a small oat spoonful of at To take off your proper clothing oa sea- white pepper and one tablespoonful of but. sen because you have become heated. ter; mix thoroughly, and when cool add one • •—• well beaten egg. They are very good with - Take Case of Your Clothes. out the egg but are rather more creamy Clothes which are well cored for will last with it, twice as long ad theme carelessly treated, and . lS Ow With 4 liberal expenditure of time and a itn Ligntrung, lit truo He tlisplay a taste can be remodelled and Neatly desoribee the position of a hard or mittleto do duty for a long time. Eternal soft corn when Putnam Painless Corn Ex - vigilance is the price of success for poor tractor is applied. It dote its work so people in dressing well, and it should be ex.. quickly and without pain that it seems (Veined, as nothing pays better. Gartnents magioal in salon. 'try it. Iteoellect the can be injured as much by carelees handling name—,Putnain's Painless Corn Extraotor. when not worn as when in use. Dresses Sold by ell druggists and dealers everywhere. thrown across a chair or hung in a crowded Wardrobe under other heavy articles will Dr. Tanner, the excitable member for he ererisei and injured. Locos, gloves and Cork, got himself suspended by the House ribbone tossed into a drawer with other or- of Caturnone least night by calling Secretary' tidos will not appear fresh and neat when Baifour a coward and a liAr, worn. Mr. Rider flaggards's frieede complain , his an caecneut rule to carefully pub that white he received only $250 for the away every article of apparel at3 soon as origirial edition of 'Xing Salontertli Mirtes " taken off, Dresses should be shekels and the pliblishere have made $60,600 (nit a the well brushed, and 11 handsomely and than). book. Danger in Being too Smut. It is all very well for the Canadian girl to Ise smart, but she wears herself out at it. It is the faelsion of her country. She knows too much: There le no particular necessity for any girl to be witty orsubtle or clever. She had much better, for her own sake be stupid and happy. If she has a clear :kin and good teeth she has all that is required. Feminine youth and purity have always ranked high as the most beautiful things on earth, and are nowise lessening in popnivity. Besides, stupid girls always have good fig- ures. Their blood is not incessantly dancing to the brain, and the arteries have time to make curves and dimples in the proper places. And when it comes to wasting twenty or thirty years under a tombstone, which might be most agreeably epassed in dinner parties, the value of stupidity is not to be gainsaid. Fisk:Chowder in Verse. Put in the pork, let it brown to a crisp, Take out the pieces and lay on a dish. Take the heart of an onion, potatoes and fish, Now cover with water—makes a good dish. Let it boil without stirring twenty minutes or 'more, With pulverized crackers now in the milk pour, Season it carefully, not forgetting the but- ter, As it goes to the table hot, Sit down to supper. • The 1413fs Sleep. A healthy infant ought to sleep twenty hours out of the twenty-four, during its first month, which it will do without rocking, and 11 10 a great pity it should be taught any- thing different, It is foolish to teach a ohild to expect you to work at the cradle when it gees to sleep ; it occupies time and does the child no 'good. Duringthe first few weeks of baby's existence it will fall asleep imine diately after having the breast. The next- habi, is even worse, th -13 is, teaching it to compel you to walk about with it till it chooses to fall asleep, and then to pnt it to bed wiehoue awakening it, which you may try to do five or six times without succeed- ing, then each time you have to begin your walk again. Begin as you intend to go on. Lay it down awake, and. if Nantre requires it, sleep will come, and, if not, no rocking can force it; but this must be taught from the very beginning.--EThe Family Doctor. Choioe Recipes. SUGAR COOKIES WITI1017T EGGS.—011e cup. le of butter, two cupfuls Of sugar, one oup- of sour milk, one teaspoonful of soda, stake and flour to roll thin. SUGAR COOMBS WITH EGGS. —One coffee- oupf ul of sugar, one-half of a coffee cup ful of butter, one-half of a coffee cupful of sour cream two eggs, one-half of & teaspoonful of sola and flour to roll. Dust them well with sugar' be 'ore baking and roll thin. GENERAL H.ARRISON'S SALAD DRESSING.— For each person four.teaspoonfuls of oil, and a little more, one and one-half of vinegar, a salt spoonful of salt one of black pepor, two of =stand, and a pinch of red peper. The ry materials mix lir- t, then put in the oil and least he vinegar ; add a shred of garlic and a pinch of • elery salt." ' BROWNED SWEET POTATOES. for half an hour six potatoes of medium size. Oa taking them from the water pare them. Now out them in two; lengthwise'and lay them in the pan under the beef. Season them with salt and let them cook for half an hour. Serve in a hot dish. Or the potatoes may be boiled for three- quarterof an hour; parted and split; then laid in a baking -pan, seasoned with salt, and finally spread with soft batter. It will take two teblespoonfula of butter for mix potatoes. Bake in allot oven for twenty minute's or half an hour. VEGETABLE OYSTER Sour.—Wash and serape about a quart of salsify, put it to boil immediately in boiling in without salt. Keep closely covered m a large quart of water. This will boil away, then at the last add a pint of 'milk or cream. lf milk is used put in a teaspoonful. of butter rolled smooth in a little flour. Pepper and gait to taste. Then take a piece of codfish the size of your hand, freshen it in, cold water and pound very fine with a potato pounder, Stir this LITERARY' AND ART. The Parisi trourstos/ des Debats wilt corn- plete its one hundredth year on thet29b13. of August next. Mr. Charters Dndley Warner hes been, vitiated Chairman of the Art Commiesion of �nticut. ou A Boston art loiter has established a trayvailing scholyship in connection with the museum of Fine Arts in- that city. The benefit to the successful applioant will be 8600 a year, conditioned on his being a re- aident of New agland, dependent on his own exertions and less than thirty y ears of 'The ‘, New York Graphic ", hpfli pissed into the bands .of Mr. Henri, L. Stoddard who represents a syndicate. of Republica, Mr. Stoddard was for years the New York correspondent ef the phpadelphia "Press,' and since Ise resigned that ridden has done much work of the first clam for a number of the most prominent newspapers of the coun- try. The Magazine of Poetry, a new monthly to be devoted exclustvely to poetry and the study of poetry, will make its appearance in January. Among the poets to be disown- ed in early numbers are Mr. Stedman, Mrs. Louise Chandler Moulton, T. B. Aldrich, Mr. Stoddard, Lowell, Iolmes,• Whittier, Boyle O'Reilly, Edgar Fawcett, and Edith Thomas. "21e Pearl Diver," a etatue modeled in Rome about 1857 by 1-)eul Akers, has been bought by publio subscription for the City of Portland, Me. For the last 30 years it has been ia Buffalo. Thirty gentlemen of Portland subscribed $100 each, and the owner, Mrs. Elizabeth Akere-Alleri, agreed to waive ,the additional sum above $3,000 whioh the statue is said to be worth. Paul ..tikeis died in 1861. Jean Mangold, the poet of Alone, who basjust died al Colmar at the age of seventy- two years was equally famous as a manu- facturer of pates de foes grecs and as a com. poser, in ,the Colinaaitui dialed of verses, satires comedies which found their watin- to every hamlet. Hie vaudeville, "La Triple Noce dans la Vallee des Betels," with music by Weckestin, counted its runs at 'Colmar and Strasburg by the hundred nights.1 The star of rare. Barrett Brovening seems curiously in the ascendant just now. It will be noticed in the figures of Messrs. 1 Routtedge'e sale that among the vol- umes in their Pocket Library Mr. Brovening'e " Poems " has sold second best of all. During the past twd years Messrs. Routledge have sold 14,250 copies. This total would be very I:mark- et:lie of itself; but it becomes still more so when ib is remembered that Messrs. Smith & Elder have also been selling a similar, bat authorized edition. Even if this latter sale has not been larger than Meagre. Routledge's we arrive at a total issue during twe years of 18,500 copies—or nearly 10,000 a year—a very remarkable record, surely, for any volume of verse whatever. Nor is this the only evidence of the appreciation of Mrs. Browning in these days. At the Col- lege of France the other day M. Guillaume Guizot began a course of lectures on the work of the English poetess in general and of her "Aurora Leigh" in particular. One has only to remember how very patriotic and 'protectionist thearange of French cul- ture is to understand how significant is this recognition. —[Pall Mall Gazette. WAS IT A TUDGMENT A Son Beats Ills ,Mother Almost to Death and then Becomes Paralyzed. A warrant was issued in Montreal the other day for the arrest of a young man nomed Higgins, of Cote St. Paul, charged with beatirg his aged mother with a flat- iron. The document was exeouted and the prisoner appeared next morning before the police magistrate. The accused also pre- sented a ghastly sight, his head and neck being terribly battered, and he was scarcely able to stand up while the charge was being read to him, When, however, Higgins was remanded and taken to his cell he fell heavily to the floor, and when the doctor was broaght he remarked that the poor fellow had been attacked by paralysis and that he was Halite to die at any moment. He was taken at once to the Norte Dame Hospital, and died a few hours after admis- sion to that institution. The mother of the unfortunate man is irreconcilable over the sad death of her son. LIGHT, SAFETY AND ECONOMY are matters of very great importance to every household. The use of inferior grades of coal oil shows a disregard of ali three of these. The care- ful housekeeper should use only Rogers' Car- bon Safety Oil. Sold by dealers everywhere. Interesting sketches of the leading men arid principal business places of the thriving town of Napanoe as well as much other good matter, appeared in the Christmas number of the Napanee Express. Goff No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in the world ler the throat and chest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters,R. & T. W. are stamped on each drop. A painting by Sassoferrato in the Church of S. Pietro del Casineni at.Perugia has been stolen. It is a very fine copy of a picture by Raphael. Consumption Surely Cured. To 'the Editor :— Please inform y our readers that I have a poeitive eemeely for the ebo'vensmect disease. By it timelyuse thousands of hopeless' caees have been permanently' cured. .1' shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consump- tion if they will send me their Express and P, 0. addeess. Rerip'y, T. A. SLOCUM, MX., 164 We'd:Adelaide St, Toronto, Ont. Wale Whitnian was a compositor. So were David R. Locke, Joaquin Miller, Bret Harte, Mark Twain, William D. Howells and Joel Chandler Harris. ITIMMNG PILES. SYMPTOMS Moisture : intense itching and atinginn most at night ; worse by scratching. if allowed to continue tumors form, whthh often bleed and tither - ate, becoming very sore. SwAVNa's OINTMENT 810138 the itching and bleeding, heala ulceration, and in many cases removes the turnours. 51 18 equally effi- caoloiia in curing all skin diseases. DR. WAYNE it SON, Proprietors, P11110411110. SWAYNB'S OINTMENT Can be obtained ef drug sta. Sent by mail tor 50 cente. A. P. 432. PAIDENTS prootired, Patent Attorneys, and experts. Est'd 1867. ilionA141 ti 'Indent ere co., Toronto, NOITTINS4:41,,r,troVAMAPIINES CANOESSand for III. Catalogue. Veg. EletteLlele, yeterboto, CANCERole,, cured permanently without TutfOftS, tYLCER,5, SCROFCLA, 1 the knife. Apply 10 B. W. L. SMITE, 124 queen Street Id, Torerito, an Tumors CUll.g1); no %mita • booalc free. MCMICHAEL; CANCER No. G3 Niagara St.. Buffalo. N.Y. One Foot in the Crave.". How often do we hear the a).nive said of some poor pilgrim o'er life's thorny path, whose tottering ittep, palIid faoe, unnatural glitter of the eye and hacking cough, and 118 Acoompanying involuntary pressure of the nand over the lunge, the Beet ef the dread disease—consumption —that causes the remark? Too frequently, alas I and in the interests of won unfortunates this is penned, to assure them that their steps need tend no longer toward that narrow !receptaele that awaits all—that is, untillife's allotted space is covered—from any Email cause, for the scientific researches ofDr, R. V. Pierce, re- sulting in the "Golden Medical Discovery," have wrested from Nature a remedy which never fails to cure this scourge of our race (which is really nothing more nor loss than Scrofula of the Lunge), it taken in time. Druggists sell it. Mr. Froud's Wok on Australia has given birth to a new word in the Afisembly House at Melbourne. It is " Froudaoity. For Ladies Only. Lediee—why is it, that when your husband or your children are ill, yon consult the best phsrsioian at once, care for them &goodnight, wear yourself out withitleepless watching, and never begrudge the heaviest doctor's bill, if only the near ones are restored to health; while day after day, week after week, you endure that dull pain in your back—that ter- rible "dragging -down" sensation—and do absolutely nothing to effect a euro? In a few years you will be,,a helpless invalid, and soon your brokenhearted husband and motherless children will follow you to the grave. Per- haps delicacy prevents you consulting a phy- sician—but even this is not necessary. Poor sufferer, tell your husbandhow miserably you feel—perhape you never did—and ask him to stop to -night and get you a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Persoription. It has cured thousands of women suffering from weaknesses .ued complaints peculiar to your sex. Austrian and Italian peasants are flocking to Brazil in large numbers. Dia Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures when every, other so-called remedy fails. A Western fakir is selling an adjustable engagement ring that ban be made to fit any finger. This is something that young men have been wanting for a long time. A Care tor Drunkenness.; The opium habit, deposmania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the nee of Tobacco wakefulnese.mental depression, softening of the brain, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over exertion of the brain, and lossof natural strength from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or mid. dle-aged—who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause not mentioned above, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of man. Books sent sealed and secure from obseryation, Address M. V. LIIBON, 47 We lington street East, Toronto, Ont. Lord Wolseley is seriously ill. a la Kla ORARINIKINIMIIMIIN 0 a USUAL INS TRUMENTS.—Send for our Large Illuatratee Catalogue of Band Instru- ments. violins, Guitars, Flutes, etc., and all kinds of Trimmings. Arent for Trenohe's and DeWitt Plays, RUTLAND'S MUSIC STORE, 37 Xing St. West, Toronto, Ont. 1131EAUTI7'UL STORY" AND GOLDEN' GEMS jut of Religious Thoueht. by J. W. Buel and T. De Wit Talmage, D.D.; beautiful, illustrations, color- ed and plain ; handsomely bound ; large quarto book: plain type and just such a book that takes the eye at a glance; terms to agents extra liberal. Mamma ikuoas, ublisher, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS. Th n Beautiful Biel,. The History of Canada The History of Me'hodi4m. Living words, Fifty Years 112 ths Churrk of Rome. The Cottage Phy- sician. PI tform Bohm. Hovel Pa'h of 141e Parallel and Pictorial Family Bibles, WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Torotto. 11j8g—se'88-New81AGE importations o CASINGS—Season Sheep% Finest American Hog Casings. Orders filled for any desired quantity. Write for prime. JAS. PARE et 8011. 41 to 17 Lawrence Mathet St.Toronto, ea. talosze=musamorn 'sr U MAY HAVE ONE 1! just send your name and address, and lua. for postage, and receive by Mail a HANDSOME SILK HANDICERCHEIF,and The Magic Needle! Astonishes everyone I Adciress.Whiton Novelty Co., Toronto, Out. gnia IMMIEWYBESia: "d655221 rin 0 RONTO CUTTING 'SCHOOL.—Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting should visit us. Soientifio and reliable systems taught whereby perfect fitting gar, meats are produced. Circular with full information on application, S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yonge st, Toronto. FINE HEADS OF HAIR ----- , IF Y U ARE BALD have i 4, GRAY . or THIN HAIR se, d 1 \ to A. DORE N.WEND, Tor- .... 1 ......5.::,,sn.it , and get; particulars of , ilFo.,WaAllsrli Ettaufetpoif _Troupe!: Switehea, en% stB:Afisi: (i) .. , tay Human Hair at natural Paris as l i t in. . BRENT/END, apir Wore s, 103 and 105 % Yiringe St. Toronto, Can. SCOTT4 CONSUMPTION SCROFULA EMULSION BRONCHITIS COUGHS nu COLDS ...,=,..""u. Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. ntranItig the stimulate g Hypophois- phites and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver oil, the potency of both beinglargely in- creased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. sou by all Druggists, 50e. and 40.00. eatherBeltin BES VALUE IR man DOMIliOn. F.E.DIXON &CO? MAKERS, 70 kin ST. E, TORONTO Send for Price Lists and Discattnte. Young Men SUFFERING from the effecte of early evil habits, the residt ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nerVOUS and exhansted; also Mumral-Acuib and OLD MEN, who are broken down from the efleate of abuse or over.work, and in advanced life feel the consequencee of youthful excess, send for and read M. V: Imben's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. Tho book will bo Beet sealed to any addreis on receipt of wo lo. starope. Address M V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto. Ont. --- Brilliant! Durable! Economical 1 Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets), Feathers, Ribbons, &c„ &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack. age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamonetand takt no other. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored Garments Renewed CENTS. A Child can use them! DrogOsts and Merchants, Dye Book tree. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO, r.. mRAPPERS. HUNTERS and Collectors of Baw Furs • Don't sell your Furs until you write to A. G. RAYMOND,85 Dundee Street.„London, Ont., for list of prices paid by him for all kinds of Raw Ski,. a. LADIES' Dress and Mantle Cutting by new and improved TAILORS' SQUARE Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies Ma full art of cutting all garments worn by ladies and children. PROF'. SMITH, 840i Queen St. W., Toronto, Agents Wanted. Brown Engines •'IRON AND STEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. TORONTO ENGINE WORKS, PRINCESS AND FRONT STS. J. Perkins Co, - Toronto, P. DAVIES/ s Successor to CHAS. ROBINSON" & CO, BUDCE & COLUMBIA BICYCLES, Boys' Velocipedes, Blizzard Toboggans, Showshoes Etc., at reduced peces. Ito tballs, Jerseys, sup. plied to mime at special discounts. SECOND HAND MACHINES AT REDUCED PRICE: 22 CHIJRCH ST., TORONTO. We are children mho cheerfullyjoin in the thorns When Breadmaker's Yeast u the subject before us— Mamma tried all the rest, So she knows it's the best,17igrhtes ' Caere her bread is the whitest, der buns are tr And we eat all the fiancakes she dare set beforeus. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 CENTS LADIES, LOOK: BERLIN WOOLS all colors Sc per oz.' QHETLAND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, So per fa oz. ; Saxony Wool, all colors, De per skein ; Ice Wocl, beat quality, 100 per ball ; Embroidery Silk, every shade, 10c dozen skeins;.Arrasene, all colors, 80c dozen skeins ; Filoselle, best quality, 480 and 85c dozen skeins : Macrame Cord, 15 colors, 100 ball; Felt, extra quality, 2 yards wide, 01,00 per yard; Woolen Java Canvas, all colors, 45c ard ; Always on hand newest materials for fancy work, at lowest prices. Letter orders hove prompt and care- ful attention. Goods can be sent to any part Canada by post. Write forprioe list. A trial solicit- ed. HENRY DAVIS ; Importer, 282 Yonge Strew, Toronto. Please mention this paper, DELtiYS ARE DANGEROUS. Don't wait lentil you are burnt out or robbed. Buy a Safe now and sleep easv, and be euro and get primate, etc., of the new New Champion Safe. S. S. KIMBALL, 577 Craig St., P. 0, Box 945, MONTREAL, P. Q PPJVTO LOAN 411jit 13All 4RODER as pilot Aafativt.Ou'Re cf,WMTARTM..r P,40MI.;.,t,t+0 Sop EL.4.6g1.N6 EAT n4,orn cTst..srsokstir,esiissr. /We Si,'S.r.vt Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, NNAUSLAND & SON 76 Ring St. W. Toronto. EMEMILF F0NC11511 'FRANCO • CANAGIEN. CAPITAL, 85,000,000? HEAD °MIMS, -111oNTREAL. Orront ONTARIO DWI8I011, PrrEGOT:2:-„dizzr FJ°1119rirriY0fieGrOr:II .c ARM PROPERTY at lowest enrrenaellr..to ot Itt MT:CZ f a vgiVillief oftrantlieOnaptrUtteAt2 Agents of the Company, or to W E. LONG Manager, Toronto, Ont. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshifs Sailing during winter from Portland every Tburseay and Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, and In sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,calIng at Londonderry to land mails and passengers ior Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hill, fax and St. John's, N.P., to Liverpool forthightly during summer menthe, The daemon; of the alas, golv Itnee sail during winter to and from rialenx, Portland, Boston and. Philadelphia And duringotm- met between ellugow and Montreal weekly' Glee, gow and Boston Weekly, and Glasgow and Philad el- I phia fortnightly. For freight, passage or other Information apply to A. Sohumaoher & Co. Baltimore ; S. Ounard (0., Bailtax; Shea & ao.,`811. John'el, Nfld., Wm, Theron. soh d; Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen 4 Co., 011ie earn Love le Alden, New York lloruller, Tore nto ; Aliens, Rao 4 Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philo del phia ; II. A. Allen Portland Bolton Montreal. arm Loans CREDIT FORCIER FRANCC-CANEDIEN. CAPITAL, - - 5$,000,000. HEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL. OFFICE ONTARIO DIVISION: WELLINGTON STREET, TORONTO. This Company lends on good farm property at low- est current rate of interest and on favorable terms For information apply to local sg.nts, or to W. E. LONG, Manager, I °route. CANADA PERMANENT Loan&Savings Company INCORPORATED 1855. Head Oise Toronto St., Toronto: ennserin.a capital, $ 4. Se 0,0011 Paid Ey Capital 2,5110,00* Totat Assets . 10.0e0,0110 The enlarged capital and resources of this Company, together with the increased facilities b has recent4 acquired for supplying land owners with clasa.p money, , enable the Directors to meet with promptness and at the lowest current rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Application may be made to either of the Com. parry's local Appraisers, or ta J. HERBERT MASON Manaregnirector. Toronto, PURITY' AND STRENGT11 COMBINED IN THE EMPIRE BAKING P W DER Manufactured by E11i Koiffloy - Toronto, E NTS When I say Crum I do not mean merely tc1 stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS .A. life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to OuRE the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reasonfor notnowreceivinga cure. Send at once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE of my INFALLIBLE BELLBOY. Give Express and l'ost Office. It costs yoti nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address R. G. BOOT, PLO., 164 West Adelaide St. , TORONTO, ONT. ENSISMINSIMINEINIONEMEMEMEMEI WANTED. EVERY MUSIC TEACHER in Canada to send for OUT SPECIAL CATALOGUER cf Sheet Muni° andkfustes Books, WE SELL ClIrAPEFt than any other house its tthe trade. Maaaradur. er of Bar d insa umente and Dealers in all kinds ot Musical Merchandise. WHALEY, ROYCE& CD., 288 Yonge St. TORONTO. STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS.. USESBESTFRENCHBURR MILLSTONES FLONAREIFSCIIIIKRISEDPREERAII:NTIptliiSE Drumm , LAsT A - LIEDTIME 2 ▪ 4 .tiZImas _ !tAnrro CIINA0A let 0 reQ' car. iativous G?- B R ARTFORIL CANADA.••••••••, • s. ftvellOn....161.114#1. 11.7,11 -TD 0116TONSFLUIP14EF MONEY delaY. Oorrespendetirglitielted6, 04te All Diseases of the xi! vomit on Farms. %lee lettOtiOSO. Fernald COrtApialittSs ..gatetbiishect .1866, 12 Kiiieat, 11, TOMO°. Stomtleh, SovVoto, DRUNKEN - o. ittriuu, Vitioneial Agh, SlOod, LiOON, kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervousness, SS war ,000 Reward paid fOe a case they will not el.40