HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1889-1-17, Page 1(The IVIolsoils
(alit SefvrEuIDD 13XPAIILTAlaDS T,1a35)
Pad Oapital ,„ sys,000,0
Beet an4 3,000,90
Bead. °Moe, MQnetl
fastaxasa, Mernma a
20 hianati offices in the Demi:elan. A germies
in the Doreinion,13,5,A,end Egrope,
Baaeter 13ra11011,
Open orrery lawful flay, from 10 m, to 3 p. ne
SATURBAYS,10 a. 0 I 1>,, ra•
al'orOent•peratartuta ,ellowedfor monee on
DePosit ,Reeeipte end Seviugs Par -01..
R. s 4.13oati3,
c) Tx -Tx: -
Goldsmith .`:," Hall!
0 T1. "nn 0 TT Istessn-sn
4barrereonal attention given to eepeirieg of
•watthes, clocks arid jewelry:
1 , a. DIORSON, Bstrrister, Soli -
..i.....4 • ottor of gnpreine CoArt,NotaryPublio
Oonveystneee Oniapaioaiouer Money t o
Office in Pfumen's13loon,11-setee,
li. 00.1elailaiS, .
13oister, Solititu, gonveyncu, Etc,,
lanTITIne , - ONT.
0 flio easenevell' a Block la airs old aloe.)
esescateitor its tb.e Supreme Count ot Oinario,
Conveyencer,Oommiseioneri &o„ &o , Sp eoial
attehtiou given to the coneetioa of &aims in
the 'United States: Patents procureca, in oney
to mau at lowest votes. 0 nee : Op wee nouse
r ..
VOL. XVI. NO, 25.
Buristus> Sdititgs, litayies
Conveyancers &c, &o.
eanaouey to Loan at Loweat liates of
Eyes Tested
A.. NIUBIR.,_k-NZ,
Grabate Otti.0 SC11.001
Enos tostosl ; defeetive sight restored by tho
aid ef fine gasses. Lane assortment of the
finest glasses on hand. A Nal Solicited.
ents in.iCinnmeconstan-sec, Termites,.
ne... S. neniernseZ.ene-2",
0 F F1C E : over 07..IT BIZ'S
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Exteection.
Pd in.st Exeter,
1E I
avids on Br orz.,
Builders a Contractors
L.1D .
Call on G. A... li, tor Groceries
,. Teas
(4 44 SpiCeS
Dashwood flour
" Petty Hams and
Smoking tobacco a
With every 3 plugs.
five cent piec,e
Shop one dam east of Parsons' Bleek-
smith Shop. lelanufiteturers of aashes, Doors
and Blieds. Buildings oontraetecl for. Plans,
estimates and sPeeifications furoished if re-
From teeir nest experience in the building
line they guarantee satiefaction. All work
done with promptness and dispateh. Season-
ed lumber alwans on hand,
t 11111411 114
SumWelj- h 'Ma With011t Vain,
g leek, ,
;18aFin_aag al'2fi:g_setaakbileoVtittoprora. gietladi
Entngs. and
ZIIRIcin Thureanyin
each month.
work the best possibie. G404311
LU'VZ , D. NI.,
• offlosathiscesidonee laxetey
ci ‘e, a W. BROWNING D . , 0
72.1•P. g ,Gxs,anateSTaateritataniveveithy.Ootfiece
se, ender esidence,Domeausenx
R. BNNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Enron. Once, opposite tar.
. Carling's store,Exetex.
0. 0 Mee ,Main teettnetex,olit.lt maiden
ee norm er ecently °canned by es.
EILBER, Licensed Aue-
By Our own Oeereepondente, Bninys.—Mr. aucl Mrs. jno, Andrews,
on Friday last celebrated their 251h year
Stephen of married life by a eilver wedding. There
were upwards of , 30 present and a good
atinual Mieaiotiery Sermons of the time wee svelte. The preeente were num-
he Metiesdiet Clioreh, 181,1). coo, was ennaehed argue and appropriate. ---The funeaal of
on. Suodity last by Rev, W. H. Fife a Miss Towl took place on Wedgesday lent
Oreaiton. The alisaiotiory meeting held awl was largely attended. The funeral
en Monday evg. was a etioceas. Aadressee sermon was, preaohea art Sundsty by Rev.
were delieeeed ba Rev, J, ileon U. A. of Mr. Perthell, The 'Oeceasea was highly
Exeter ilea Rev. W, W. Mesiodrewe ot esteemed by all, and her death was quite
Enron:11e. Tae colleations were' liberel. uneepected.
Rana Oler.
Gresvits .--Died. On lot 5, oon. 3, No- BuTtean-0 wing to the flexes storm
Through X-rnas and New
Cheap Store., Creaiton,
The Cheapest spot in TOWIll
For Felt 13oots, Rubbers end Overshoes
of all kinds—Men's wornen's and children's
is at
A. s loh's
As he re determaned to clear out u1:1
hiS S;t454. of
' '
At lessthan actual Cost
Sale to commence 1st Jan., and
'continue Until all is cleared out, as
mil going out of the abov alines .
N, B. All accounts must be settled
let January.
J. INE;TC1-12,17...n,
Market Square
. ,---,----,-1--.b.-4Aeta-4-----*
IVICG1111VraY .
QilliVrhY. oa the lath iost, IVIary Glavin, which prevailed ou Thursday last, the
relict of the leis Edward Giavin, who died London road; neer Devon, beertme totally
in Noaeanher 1887, aged 68 goers. Mrs. blockaded, so much eo that as a gentleman
Glavin, store Mr, and Mrs. John Barry on Isis way to Strathroy, was endetworing
was the last of the pioueets of the Sra con. to get throngh the mountain. a snow,
She was highly resoeeted, au d there our- B1=01841:4 whiffiletrees,'ana thus eves
'thee her three SODS and five daeghtera necessitated to ennain there, ensue a
seven of whom. ain =flied. Alla in. good farmernar by luau another pair for hien
oircume.ances. —A, few days ago while ' breanine in a
-----....-....-.....-......... 003, Mr. John Rephrase of Centralia, lost
beekward.—On. ' Wednesday !avg. of last
Bean'iosa At the annual meeting of week, viline Professor Rime of Exeter was
BlsaishardsAgrieultaral Society Mr. aWna, returning from Centralia, he mat with
Roger wag elected president tvad. Mr. W. what might have proved. to be a sextette
Hazlawfod vice president for the °Outage *caisson While driving alOug the f baa
nrear.—The remains ot Mr. J. Ototbets a near Mr. ,TaInee Snell's, the axle -tree of
'sell knowir resident of Blanshard for altann his buggy broke off near the wheel, thus
years ware interred on Sunday last at Kirk- precipitating Mr. Buse to the group& with
ton cetnetern—Mr, Wm. S. Tuffts was great force. Fortnnately the horse treed
oboe= iMperintenaent of thee Methodist 8.• itself from the buggy mad regale rapia
S. at tha manual meeting in Place of Mr. 3. strides for Eneter. Mr. Ruse then weut
Calleeder wins bus resignem—alr. S. Tants to the house of Mr. Snell, arotteeO them
hes retavned from Michigan, —Urea J. Bob- from sleep, aud on a little examination
Weep, ef Dakota now visiting friends here found, tbat Mr. Buse received eeveral blia
leaves for Boston during the present week. wound is on his forehead, besides a• severe
--------0-- . shalfing up. His baggy eves at once taken
Bialdailplst. into Mr. Snell's, who kindly droee the
---- gentleman to his hoixte in.Exeter.
• The following are the official resents of ------seeneene--
' 1 a 3 4 6 Total
Damrs..--.1(iss Pearl Bollixes of Eneter
has been visiting her f rieud, Mak Bettie
Trevettliele—aliss Roselle White of the
4th ,scoe, visited, friends in Crecliton
Monday lasta-Mr. Gottlob Morlocit is
eoterteining Moeda from. Morristoe, Ont
—Mr, Liman Smith, whe bass beep. ill for
some time ia now able to work
Wo re ere glad to bear that both Mr, WIlson
Anderson anel lala, Geo, afactlet Who Ual'a
beeo very sick, are recoverieg eleely.—The
storm of last week wee leery severe here,
bot dia. no geeions damage. It, however,
had. blockaded the ooncesaioria ia Meat
Planes Se as to mains there impagsable, ana
it wee neeessaty to shovel thorn open.
The bad roadshave greatly affected traffic!,
and it they roman" so, wood ‚will be a Somme
article here. -00. Sunday evg. last, Mx. J.
P. Clarae of Exeter, ocempied the pulpit in
the lalethediet Church, Next Sunday erg.
the congregative are to have the pleitsare
of bealing Rev. D. U. Kennedy, formerly
of here, who will preaoh a• missionary
serrrion,--Messrs. Brown, Wuertle 8t CM.
generel merehaets, of this village, bare
dissolved partnership, and the besiuess
wal in the Suture be catried on by Meaere.
Saml Brown, and D. Rieder of New et am-
burgi who have purchased the steelt.--On
Tuesday evg. last, by Rev. Mr. Staehler,
at the residence of the bride's parents.
Alio' Fannie Heist, daugh.ter of Jaccib,
Heist, to Kr. Gottfried Wein The happy
eoaple were serenaded by the band. iu the
eveeiug, and also had a _call from the
ebAdVad. boys, (who were bought off.) We
wieh them every amasses and happiness
for the future. --We are glad to see that at
last Steps are being ataken to have peane
and gaiietuess in the yillege, Rad hope that
the rittepeyers will now pnela the matter
and establisla bettenorder. A. public reeet •
Mg is called. for Friday evening at
'7.90 o'clock, p. in., to consider the advisa-
bility of incorporatittg Crediton aa a Police
Yillage which will not be much e:etra ex-
pellee and will besides impxove our sani-
apposite - Reynold' s - Hotel,
.11 ensall.
I am now offering the balance ofa my
winter stock at Greatly Reduced Prices,
and some at cost, and seine below cost, to
make room for my large etock of new
spring goods. The sale will continue for
Men's Felt Boots, worth a2.00 for 41.65
" Felts & Rubbers " 2.00 for 1.50
" Overshoes 1,50 for 1,30
Woman's Overehoes " 1.50 for 1.30
tioneer for gay, S tephen, anti leloGilli-
srararownships: tee es conducted pAraOtierat
NAOS. Ofnce—AtPost-oillomOrediton,ont,
OHN GILL, Ametioneer for the
Tewnships of gtephen, Ray and Ifsboene
send the Vinege ot EXElter. Alt sides promptly
aetendea, and satisfaction guanamteed. Same
err am ged at this office .
....----- -.,------,
..., _ nt
-ferment & Tennent
Cordigan OVershoes at cost prices.
KarktOtt. one by it taxying rearea up and f ailing
Woman's skating bals 1.75 for 1.50
Misses " 1,35 for 1A5
Felt Slippere 70 for 55
Meia's all -leather gaiters 1,75 for 1.25
Woman's " bale 1.25 for 1.00
Children's shoes from 25c upwa.rde.
Hasving such a large stock to run a
General Store
cau. fit all in. need of Beets do Shoes.
Repairing neatly done and promptly at-
tended to. Sewed work a, specialty. All
work guaranteed.
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Oviottas : 0 oe door South of Town Phial,
per cent,* a25,000 Private Ponds. Bea
L.11, DIOES0N,
ONE/ TO LOA -1T AT 6 AND 64r
tennis:1g Clonepenies represented.
The undersigned would inform the pub-
lie that he has 3nst received his
-.1-Ignsall Boller Mills.
TUB Undersigned would respectfally in-
form the coneinunity that he has leased the
above 3nills, and hes refitted sante with the
latest and most improved machinerr ; and will
A Large Stook of Flour and Feed
• Always Oil Hand.
Gristing Choppin g
Promptly Attended To.
.41.. Trial. Solt': itea,
Established. in insen
This eomeaav has been over tighteen.
Years instteeesegul operation in Western On -
Lan io,a,rtclz °utilities to insure ageinstloss Or
d &maga be Wire , gs ,Mercuati se ,ttau-
ufrteteri einesod otherdescrintioneotlineue-
able property. Intending insurers bavo the
option. et insuring on the Premium Note or
During elie past tau years this Oorenama
oasb System .
hes issaed 67,0oe oovering property
o thee tune tit 01:S40,872,038 ; ana p inlo ss •
AnseiS, Selosanoo.oen eonsisting of Oast
see loneg/00,751,60
U tSAWiti Gl-OVOTO.MoUt Del)osit,rold th manna -
es seats reraium Notes on hat a audio tor et), ,
.WArsonvM 1) ?): e§ideLt , 0 , et, Tenton,
1. B. Etrones,Inspector. OBAS.
NELL segetttfoe
'rho Great VirtglislIt Presterhstiva.
A. eueceesful Medieme teed over
30 years tri theasande of cases,
Corea Spermatorrhea, anneoue
Weakness, .Emiasions, hnnotenog
and all diseasee eaused by abuse,
ateirotzl indiscretion, or over-exertion, Demean
peekages Getaranteertto Cul•etolimiralt others
ttitt Fait, seek yoor Deuggiet for Tao aa'eat Elena&
Preeeriettee take no sebetitate, One package
31. Six are tatil. Write forintropinet. Addeees
remotest entical eion laetrcits Minks
the Into municipal elections :
Westmau 15 15 8 60 132 230 5peoial Services commeneed M the Meth.
tiodgies 108 1.1.7 83 60 a4 402
Beatscn , 71 57 41 38 105 312
Colabledick 30 81 20 25 72 228
Davis • 85 77 76 50 76 364
Dewar,. 59 33 .10 58 69 . 259
McGee 74 40 48 80 27 269
11(4,'Urll. of the births, marriages and
deaths for the township of Biddulph tor
the yeer 1888 :
First half year, births 36, roar 5, deaths, 9
Last half year, " 21, " 4, " 14
A fuIl line of Dry -Goods, Hats dc Caps, and
Craclrery,)3oots and Shoes.
Those wiehing anything in my line will
find it to their advauttage to eall and in
speet ray goods and prices.
Hie,hest prices paid for But-
ter and. Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
11-22-6-m. RENSALL,
Jewelr-y Store
Et-EiisALL, oNT.
You eve invitect to wine and ees
-mas Season 1
'Ot1111. BlrE1111t
Beenere•,-1'he, epomal services, beginning
with the week of prayer, in the Union Oh
are ati1t. in progre,ss, and him easing in in.
Serest and. number, trona nigkit to nightn-
Metiers. Beery & Tonaileon have started a
cbopping m the brick building owned
by anr Jas. Turner, on Queen. street. They
are enterprising, obliging and industrious
young men who will no doubt be liberally
patronized. We wish them every success.
—A grata literary and musical entertain-
ment will be given in Dixou'a hall, on Slat
int, the superinteadeuee of J. B.
'Jamieson, Esq,, Proceeds: for charitalsle
perposes,--Mr Wm Moffitt and his son
Andrew are both quite ill, though hopes
are entertained of their reeovery.
odist olaurah, here, on Wednesday
—The Odd VellOW'Il lodge.of Hensall intend
• ' bl tile with stores below lung 8 a.
tarp affairs. 'Let the ratepstyers attend,
"en realise and show that they are inter-
ested in the natter. --Ott IVIonday last Mr.
J W Grant shot a fine large rabbit in the
ewetoP wes o Th"
is the largeet we have seen.—The many
friends of Mr. Donald Patterson will be
glad, to beer that he was joined i a the holy
bonds of matrimony on Wednesday 16tb,
Your garibe also entends his congratula-
tions to the happy couple, Success Don-
ald.—Bev. Mr. Staebler is still continuing
his speoial serviees and a large number are
erecting a r
and hall above, in the spring.—We are
sorry to bean of the severe fib:wee of Mr.
Roedding, and hope he may goon Tecover to
Itia usual health.—The first serni-mouthly
meeting of the Young People'a Improve.
Meat SOO let y WAS held. the PreSbyteliall
church, on Monday evening last. The
audience was large and the programme
good.—' grand concert will be even in
Carmel PreabyteTian church on Monday
evening next, when a good time rase: be
expecte& as the hest home and. foreiga
talent Ilan been soured. for the occasionn-
Thetalusical and literary entertainment,
given in the Reiman Methodist church, by
Hensall Noeth circuit, was notwitlastauding
the hiclement weether and roinday roads,
s, succeas. The attendance was large, and
the entertainment excellent...) The pro -
ands, an behalf of the Rensell North per-
sonage furnishipg fund, amounted to $‘10.
Burars.—Parkbill couneil for 1889 ;
Mayor, 3 AL Gibbs : Reeve, W M Thora p-
eon ; Councillore, ward No, 1, McLeod
and W Fletcher ; ward No 2, W Baird. and
3.11 Duff; ward No 3, T. Magiadery and
Wm, Boyce ,--The principal eyeut ot the
eeasou, Imre, was the dedication. of the new
Presbytetian Church, last week. The body
of the church ie 60 ft long, and.40 ft wide.
At the rear of the edifice is a school room
45 It by 30 ft. There is a very zeat tower
which forms tbe main entrance to the
boildittg. eost is about $10,000.
Parkhill is now vrell stip; lied with churches
Itt stddition to the Preebyterian cburch,
there ist a handsome Methodist church
built a year ago, the Episcopalian, the R
and the Boptiet Churchea.—Bana Crees
B. A., of Bryanston, very ably filled the
Methodist pulpit on Sabbath last.
St. Marys'
Bamos.—Idr. H. Brown, soperintentient
of tbe Thomas Organ Factory, Wooastook,
spent Sunday, a gaest of W. H. Graham,
His son Bert, accomnanied hien—The
weddhag bells were rang three tiroes
Outing New Yearai week sna each time
they rang. they made two, min, Thom,
to Mise Fannie Follis Grana Bona.
Our Elegant Roliaay Stook
Barber Shop,i
FAN BON' 131.10.„
A. Hastings,,Frop
shoing and Ilair ont,ting in th.elateet etylee
taf the feet,
Evellattention paid 10 outting
WatCheSy Clocks, Sewelry, Silver.
Ware, Novelties), Fancy Geode, t5se,.
---------------- --------- Annie Color:sem of town ; said bit. Andy
Shona of Torooto. to Miss Greetfield of
e ar es
. to return dining the /reek. Thate , is
ou Saturday -front Witinipeg, and Inferels
town—jai:nes Plurapbria eettirnea. home
The annual meeting of the Ray township
Farmer's Mutual Fire Inearauce 0o. met at
the town ball here, on 'Monday last. The
Dira0t0T'S arinual report gives evidence of
last yette hosing been a very progressive
year with the conxpany. The year (nosed
with property to the amount of $1,955,192.
being insurea, for which they hold assets
to the amount of $52,696.63, showing a
handsome increase over the preceding
year's business. Two of the retiring dir-
ectors' were re.elected viz:—Sohn Torrance
and Daniel Surarus, while 'smut Stearus
was elected.vice Hy. Lippbardt.
Rentea.--The storm did oonsiderable
damage in this vicinity, on Wednesday evg
last. --The a'orestere are about to melte
preparations for another concert. Wait far
Lade McDonald. has started to learn
Colchester N 5 is asking sew a repeal
of the Scott Act.
Fire in Robertson's saw worke, Montreal,
Friday, did $6,000 damage. Insured.
Mr. 0. Seeger (examayor of Goderion),
has been appointed Clerk of the first div-
lekal Court, eicej. S McDougall, deceased.
It is reported that Mr. 'McPhee,
lumberman of Stephen townsbip has
left his abode unceremoniously.
Philip Bougard, who committed aaicide
on Friday at Ottawa, bag been_ d.eeoyed
Tato marrying a woman of loose bharactor.
Tbe Queen has decialed that the gifts
presented to her on the oecasion of her
jubilee shall go to the south Kensington
Museum after her aeath.
Mr. Twomey, receetly elected mayor •of
Windsor, says he is not an anneeatiouist,
but he desires the broadest possible recip-
rooal trade relations witb the United
ie. Partioulaes —11,0ViVal services are
CO.,whci were thus ioined are Mr. F, Cochran
. to Miss Eterne Butcher, all of St. Marten
E.117k€011. Mr. Cbas. Hollis of Ceicego, W
being condueted in the Emig. chnrch by
Revs. Ort vein & Ratunn—Dyer is back
again. -022 Monday laet Miss Rau left for
the Grand Bend to epend a fe:v WOok'S
oatiot with her sister, Mrs. , 13113DtION,
is a favorite in. town, and as she is
obliged to close her dressmaking business to
take A vacation, her many patrons will be
pleased to learn that she will be back again
in three or four weeke,--alr Lorimer our
Nary accommodating mail metier an.a stage
driver, passed a petition around last week
for, signatures to enable him to seeure the
oontract for careying the mail between herii
toed Hassell, We bope Bob is successfuin l
semitiog the contract, as he if reliable
and honest.
In conneet• ion with the arrival of tbe
Canadian Paeifie railway at Virindsor next
summer, it is rimmed that a line of steel
etertraships will be plaoed. on the route be-
tween Windsor and Chicago.
No other spring medicine has woo. for it-
self suet universal conaaence as Ayerat
Sarsaparilla,. It is the most powerfol
oorabination of vegetable alternatives ever
offered to tbe public, and. 13 aeknowlaged
by the medical profession to be the beat
blood partner. .
Nathaniel Currie, 3.1h, ex -al, P. P.,
died at Glencoe yesterday iri. the 61th year
is sapposed to have been palsy, but he has
pi bis age.Tbe inera_ediate cause of death.
been in ill health for years past. alr. Our -
greater part of bis life, aud Was oue of the
ry ha& lived in West Middlesex during the
booetktryt.own. residents of that section of the
TKS1,011..---4011 the 121h iesta the wife of
Mr. Debt. Taylor of 'Osborne, et a,
WeitaMeemr•pariserlir.allsia....iam Ammo
SOU118.--ANDunws.—At Lite Methodist par-
souage, Eliraville, on. Jan. ist. 18.8a by
Rev. Mn. Penball, Mr. Joshua Johns to
Masa Mary Ana, only daughter of Eliza.
Andrews, , , ,
Smentarn--Seemer—Ori the lete hist., bet
the Bev. 3, Downie, Rs D., at tbe xesi-
detee of Wm. E. Hooper, Eng., Lucite
William 11. Stanley, Esq., eltlest eou of
E i JiNt11, tO 'MISS
§ift5 for gytt
As$01,12mtvr. MOST, COMPLETE.
33.11.1 NICEST,
—Assortment of—
Coni etiouerir
13'7(3 ST IN, & 1-111.r121SH.
ANVa7 down in Price.
ItoPoivinP.:1Depax tan' t
Wet make a apoeialty odjotvel-
ry repeitieg. Onevielry Mended end ee,
polished so as 1661r like new. All work
()lir Motto I Neat, prOrupt and totir,ble.
Remerobee the stand, opposito alcDonell
& Waugh'el HaMWEtte 'Steve.
Ladies and Ohildren's Hair, a
• $wiTCIIVS 1VIADE TO opritn
eoraething fascinating m e p
vines. He again left for Winnipeg Mon.
a0.—Mt', W 13 Elaurison, the leading
spirit of the Argils, nag returned from his
late illness at orietehes,--Mr. Fleming ()he
of the oldest boot itua alio, denloy8 ia tbis
town, laet week cineeed the river of death.
ale. Muir has rented the store fotreeray ma-
cepied by Mr, jetnee Pickard, and ia now
engaged arranging his goods. Mr. M hopes
soon to inset his rot\ny irionds over big
owt entinier,—Miss linox, tbe far-fatited
eloetitiouiet, intends gleing' en entertain.
merit ie the operie hottee this weelt,—Sorno
"menthe ago sevetai buildings verb burned.
it this town, Ana suspiaion rsstaa upon 501'.
tsin,parties of int -ring atdd. them, Inc
Inontaiit of esmitement, one of Mt ownorti,
Mr 11 T Gilpin, it it elaireed, inede it per.
swing accuse:don againot ono IlArVOY, Who,
thereupore, entoted tea actioe entrintt Mr.
Gi yin for mender, aim tiial came on st
lio dots ou, Tuesday but vats postponed it)
order to allow the defendent to procare
en itapottant witness,
rie prc-
lareacl, Bette, Cakes, una alt lands of Peat.
rsn etin tele) tile load,
Bale:vs.—Messes Handford & s Walker,
our enterpriaing butchere, are having a very
Inc shoP enacted on Mannstreet. When
topepleted. it will present an irolsoidog aP-
pearaime and attract people to town, We
beapeak therm gentlemen an extensive pet.
reline, they are effable and industelotte
eitizens.-0 ter stone:table landlord, Mr,
tiodgies Wao surprised ou Tuesday evg, to
eadquar:bets for Confection-
ery at
hays Weddiug party of about coturLa
I in Lienerica, drive up to his bootleg. ' Barnard Stan a, ,
E Stamm both of L1104111.
Tom is NO* entertannegn-Ihe oye
socnal gotten up by the young men of the
Methodiet eh:troll, and whith eves beta last
Thuredey evg., WAS A deOldAd SLIOOGSS,
Owing tO the itaclemeecy of the weether
and bad condition of the royale, the mteild.
since was not so large as w�5 entielpated ;
but notwithetending thege drawbaelis A t/011
respecteble number Wet% anseent, The
receipts win:sabot:it $23. The oysters woro
exeellently prepared, ata the youtg men
are to bo oonstionded tbsiir attempts et
aerating. Tho eapper °Vet, the people were
tin:ens to the boas of the ehnt ob. whete they
wore to enjoy All intelleetatti fes,st, eompos-
tal of Mtn:marital mush!, reeitatione end
speeches. We hope that oer yonne Men
may eontintte to hold similar sottish; at
olorie intervals throughout Cho winter gee.
eora—nlesers. Manning & Hill of the, 0,11di
conoession, having bought a (dover mill
lately, are rushing business in the theeeli-
ing amen -Min filthier of Ciptal
City, Mati„ is ths guest of Mrs, Prtinalo
Chats, ItIotmeghlin, frost may
of Centralist, bat now of St aterne, paid to
s hying tuat ono day met Weeks..
As tetoilet Meade, Ayer's hair * Agor Stand a
unrivaled. It eleanotso the scalp anti r�'
moves dandreft. • curets Itobing humors,
test:sea the originfti color to faded Med gray
balti at't rotitotest its growth. ,
.;:ynlhlt Cry for Piteher's Castoria
53'1,17,M1N0—til St, 'Mary's, en t.11e Otb
James Fleiniog, aged ti" years.
Mori0ne-4n 'exeter on the 19 lust
-Morgan, egea' 16 years.
Slone/ones:Pm ---Le Exeter on the 15th bast
Mer", belevea wife of Mr, John Smalles
eombe aged 57 years 9 months,
..„—seseeen-sne, ssenes---------n—sseennee
Rev, R. *N2'. Thompson, bask et
Manitoba nothsge, Winn Tog, returfl.
ed frOM the Northwest a few daye ago
and on tLoiidity last Went to "torersto
to enter ort his unties as one or the
2rofessors or xiiox College. Res
teeny friends in Huron will be plossed
to know that his stay on the Paeifie
Coast and itt Witinepeg was Vary ben-
eficial to his health, and he fettle new
Muth otrOnger than when be Wont
Children Cry for Pitch.11 ttoriE