HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-01-20, Page 16Page 6, ---The Adva a -'des, Thursday, January 20, 11
Personal Notes from Whitechurch
Mrs- & U Rintoul, i .rs Da w son
Craig and Mrs. Johns :or Conn
atlien4edMalt/and Presbe ternai
held East Tesd- at S: Andrew s
Presbyteria.n Church IA .rigtam
Rte Ritchie ea as a b:e to re-
turn owe on Thursday from
Winghaatt, and District Hospital
Perin McQlenaghan of Kitch-
ener was a Saturday % isitor with
Mrs. Lillian McCienaghan
Lee and Elmer McGuire
arrived home from Toronto on
Saturday evening to spend the
w kend with tear parents,, Mr
and Mrs McGuire
Mr and Mrs Douglas Conley
and Jaasan of W:ngham were Sun-
day visitors with her pareses. Mr
and Mrs _Waliac^e Conn. -
Chalmers Presby- t er- earn %VMS
:eeting will be held this Thurs-
day of to on . January 0. at the
r me of Mrs Wesley Tiffin
Services at the United Church
Were withdrawn sin account of the
road conditions.
The annual meeting of Chal-
mers Presbyterian Church w .�
be held on Friday Janua.ry 21. a:
1 SOpm .
On Tuesday of last week Mrs
Wallace Conn accompanied Mrs
Herb Hunter and Trevor to Lon-
don where she visited until
John Gibb of Walkerton spent
the weekend with has parets
Mr and Mrs Da e e Gibb and
;Sympathy is extended to Mrs
Eunice Gillespie who on Saturday
recei v ed ward that her sister
Mrs Fred Neighbor the forme:-
ormerMillie Peddie age 84. had passed
• away at the lodge in Tisdale
Saslsa' the w an She lea % es . to
inoUrn six daughters and one seri
. Owing to weather conditions
very fey, members of Wh.:e-
ch urch 'tPS arrayed at :he li p rre
of Mr and Mrs Victor Wvber.ia
for :he :a.e+e:.rg on Sundae even -
Oi S .rLd.ay a: Lar side Pres-
by ter.ar. C ..irk.°t. Rey Glyn
N tt le ,_at JLui LSnov% assisted by
Victor 0ttiberga had charge of
tare ser, tee Peter , DeBoer and
Dao e M,_,ifa:. wereordained as
eiders T* ch...ret aminal meet -
_'"g t)e ;mud OM Saturday
Th .:: � :ciiool pupils and
scl pupils in
ccx : ^: aad a holiday on
'�l t1C{:cL t :o . ea threr aid road
arsyfl+�ss Jo ni Laidlaw nurse at
Goder:,,1: Genera; and Ma4-ine
Htcsp::al spent the weekend with
r r parents ..Mr and Mrs Elroy
L d aw and /family .
airy .Aber: Coulter who un-
deremer.: surgery on Friday at
-,,b_r.,ghiarn. and District Hosp.:al .
:s as well as, car: be expected
M- arAi Mrs Angus MacDon-
a.d of S: Heens took Jamieson
Pettapiece to Wingham and Dis-
trict Hospital on Sunday
can and Barbara Lyons
of Brampton spent the' weekend
with his parents Mr and • Mrs.
Cliff Laidlaw
Frank Ross of Winghacn was
admitted un ttednesdab to Wing-
harta and District Hospital He is
w led a speedy rete % er by this
CUM inn c:r.;
The ConArne-rs Association of
Canada reports that the Mani-
toba Ge err.rnen' recently
enacted a Personal Investaga-
t►ors Act ty deal w: t the problem
of credit and personal privacy.
No credit in est:gat:on can now
be r dui:ed:n Manituba without
the written consent of the subject
of :he :n‘ estiga:nor. E‘ ery. per-
son has :he r:gh::o see his own
file and protest ar.e information it
°s now at
Mrs Luther of Hensall led the
song service on Sunday evening
pro% ►ded by the Chrtstann Wo-
men s Crab of South Huron. with
%o al and instrumental numbers
by Mr Hall and Mr and Mrs.
The Family. Night program
V, n:ch w as to feature the Keith
G.ngerich faintly of Zurich was
cancelled due to weather con-
�i ins It will be rescheduled at a
:a:er date The next Family Night
program %vd i be on January 27th
w r.n Jim Laurie of Blyth in -
charge of the Bobby•Burns night
Hans have been made with the
Brucefield Centennial School to
nae a full-length movie. "Run
Wild Rtin Fre" on Thursday
e% ening February 10th
Su ianmuig classes for disabled
adults: sometimes Eombined wrth
remedial exercises. is one of the
ser%t4es of The Ability Fund
'larch of Dimes in many On-
tario communities.
THE FIREMEN were all set to view a special fitn a on fires they had attended at their
meeting Monday night, but projector trouble upset their plans. -Chief Dave Crothers and
Deputy Chief Jim Carr try to get the machine operating. —Staff Photo.
.Aylmer Fancy
Product. of Honduras Chiquita
Golden- Bananas.
U.S. Sunkist 113's
Navel Oran ges
U.S. 125's
.Temple Oranges U.S. Marsh White or Pink
Seedless Grapefruit...
U.S. No, 1 Iceberg
Head Lettuce
New Crop Cabbage
U.S. No. 1
Rosebud Radish:.. 6 o,;.
Ont. No. 1 Small
Cooking Onion!
Ont. Not
Washed C�rots
SCHNEIDER'S Mini Sizzler
SCHNEIDER'S -. Pkg. of 8
M'1cCorm tele s
Weston' s 2
COOKS ••••• Fam. see.
O13READ16.�y^'sRaspb•errY 1.Ot
S'4\SS 1
A 3U�N
To,ast,•r, aster B's
..�� BRE
TAIWAN �•• •
Raspberry or Strawberry