HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1972-01-06, Page 1.1) .11 14 ;VI • 1, ONE SECTION THIS WEEK • •i,"•• . • II BORN EARLY Sunday morning and was the first baby born at mother, Mrs. Robert Broome of Jeannette Joyce Broome weighed five. pound i 12 ounces Wingham & District Hospital in 1972. She is held by her RR 3, Lucknow. —Advance -Times photo. New county level system for administering welfare Social p4Vice in respect to assisting those in need of welfare in Huron County underwent a change which became effective January. 2, bringing the operation under the supervision ' of John MacKinnon, director of , Huron County Social Services. Under the new system the known method of handling wel- fare is removed from the muni- cipal level where formerly clerks were usually thelocal welfare of- ficers. It -actually replaces 26 kietg ()Mawr . •,- - .• . - Working with Mr. MacKinnon • will be -two field workers., Howard Hack -well at. Walton and Charles Hay at Hensall. Those seeking • assistance should now contact I ,,ii , any of these three. A personal call, a letter or telephone call will generally suffice. , In the event of an emergency case, the former local welfare of- -V. Gibson brothers _ , receive !wards Brothers Douglas and Robert J. Gibson, sons of Mr and Mrs. ' Robert Gibson of Gorrie, were re- cently awarded educational honors. * Douglas of Toronto won three awards at the 1971 Award Pra- • gram of Ftyerson Potytechnical Institute. He received awards for architectural work, construction theory and for the high standing . for third year students of Ryer- * son. Robert J., a first year student at Guelph University, *was .granted a Huron County bursary. • ALONG THE MAIN DRAG By The Pedestrian •SICK BAY REPORT— Mayor DeWitt Miller has re- turned home from hospital and is on the upswing and hopes to at- tend 'next Monday's council meeting. Alex Corrigan of Blue - vale, past president of the Cana- dian Legion, Branch 180, is a pa- tient in Wingham and District $ Hospital. • ?F'XTEND VISIT— rwo robins visited the Len 1\ Phillips residence On Diagonal Road just before Christmas and evidently liked the hospitality -shown them. Mrs: • Phillips re- ports they are still there and are being fed bread crumbs. 0-0--0 itMAY FORM GROUP— A dinner planned for this Wed- nesday night at Lee's Tavern may be the starting point for the.. formation of a male chorus to sing with musical accompani- Merit. 0--0-0 :PUBLICITY FOR TOWN— Bill Henderson and his barber- shop on Josephine Street were the *subjects of -an article in the clir- rent issue of The, War qd. Mr. Henderson is well ktitiliattit, an active member 6f the Wingham Corps of the Salvation Army. ficer •may issue temporary as- sistance, but any action taken must have the approval of head. office at Goderich. Mr. MacKinnon . said Tuesday that under the county system, the issuing of assistance will prove more equitable to all recipients. He said that a few of the counties • in Ontario have adopted this sys- tem and found it very satisfac- tory. The change in the system will not have any affect on the basis of assistance available. Under the General Welfare Assistance Act, the amounts remain the same re- gardless'of how and -from where the applications come. • ret Elliott is re-elected • CLINTON — R. M. Elliott of RR 3, Clinton, was.re-elected by acclamation as chairman of the Huron County Board of Educa- tionat the 1972 inaugural meeting here Monday night. • .Mr. Elliott has represented the Townships of Goderich and Col- borne since the board's inception tee years ago. , • In ' nominating him, trustee Molly Kunder of Seaforth thank- ed Mr. Elliott for .his efforts in 197.1. "He has taken us through a very stormy year and he has done a.„Very creditable job," she said. Mrs. Kund'er was referring to the mass resignations ,of the board's 269 secOndary school teachers May 31. The salary dis- pute was settled with a two-year contract only 21/2 weeks before the .county's five secondary schools opened for the fall term. Mr. Elliott, following his re- election, thanked the board for the confidence its members placed in him. John Broadfoot of RR 1, Bruce - field, was re-elected as vice chairman. He defeated Cayley Hill. of Goderich, in a secret bal- lot. The tally was not announced., Mr. Broadfoot represents the Townships .of Tuckersmith and Stanley, the Town of Seaforth and the Village of Bayfield. , Serving with Mr. Elliott on the striking committee, will be,: Clar- -ence McDonald of Exeter, John 'Taylor.of RR 1, Belgrave and Dr. J. A. Addison' of Clinton. Celebrate Anniversary BELGRAyE — The Bosman family held a surprise party in the Women's Institute Hall last Monday evening, December 27, •in honor of their parents, Mr. and Mks. Gordon Bosman who cele- brated their 25th wedding anni- versary. • An evening .of euchre was en- joyed by relatives and friends, followed by a lunch. . RieHER BY$2S0, Karen Kieffer of RR 1, Bluevale holds the cheque she received as winner of the grand draw of hifhe Goedwill Season stores held Christmas Eve. She said rthe 'placed only two tickets in the containers in the stares. A stu- dent at Huron Park College, Mits Kieffer plans to use the money to repay a student loan. —Advance -Times photo sin tIrsdaY: January 6, 1972 ce in jeopardy as number MearsTon Wheels drops Single Copy Not Over 25c FOB 41.14t1(0VB BI 11124N9:1Es e:41:1 4- 070 ,70 charges,i Um CITOWinflt Hot meals delivered to homes are literally. going a -begging and those responsible for the sPeCia service, "Meals on' Wheels", are wondering why. - Instigated some 18 months agg by the Wingham Ministerial Association, public health nurses, and hospital food supervisor and a few other interested persons', the service was to ensure that - elderly people, especially. those living alone, might have one Ng. meal .each day, Monday to Fri; day-. The number being served has varied, sometimes reaching a high of 13 at dropping to five. The low ebb 6 w experienced has New Year's baby girl, born Sunday Glowing with good health, Jeannette Joyce Broome arrived - at the Wingham and District Hos- pital at 7 a.m. Sunday to claim - the distinction of being the hospi- tal's New Year baby. She was five pounds 12 ounces, one ounce lighter than her' brother Michael.was when he was born. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broome of RR 3, Lucknow. Mr. Broome is em- ployed at Lucknow Furniture as a spray painter. ' Little Jeannette Joyce Brootne displayed °her pink cheeks and lively interest in what was • bappehing around her on Monday' afternoon as she was held b31 her mother. Mrs. K. M. MacLennan, presi- dent of the Auxiliary to the Wing - ham and District Hospital, visit- ed Mrs. • Broome and presented her with a blanket for the baby. New pastor at Berean Chapel Mr. and: Mrs. Len Fex and family have purchased the home, 263 Shuter Street, formerly owned by Mr. and'Mrs. K. Peder- sen. The Fex family came here from Timmins in mid-December. There are four children, Winna, the eldest, at home; Beth and Tim in high school and, Lois in public school., Mr. Fex took over as pastor at ' the Berea' n Bible Chapel on December 15. the group of workers almost talk- ing to themselves as they ponder hy the total most days is only two. 11 is felt that as winter ap- proached, some of those served earlier are now residents of nurs- ing homes 'or are spending the winter months with relatives. This is understandable and, is accepted as the reason for the definite drop in meal recipients. However, ,the question has arisen, "What °about others who w‘kre not registered in the orig- inal grouping? What are they do- ing about meals?" Perhaps lack of information has a bearing so it will not be amiss to detail the service. The meals are delivered to the home • WORKING AT THE steam table, Mrs. L. Statia, food supervisor at the hospital,.and Mrs. Evelyn Hart and Mrs Jessie France, serve the dinners intended for the Meals on Wheels service. —Advance -Times photo. PART OF THE food serving team at the hospital are Mrs: Janet Hall at the coffee -tea sta- tion, ani Miss Marilyn Bushell seen serving soup. Both participate in the Meals on Wheels service. —Advance -Times IChoto. Two burned, store destroyed when leaking gas explodes Two persons were admitted to Wingham and District Hospital last Wednesday suffering froni serious burns received when an explosion 'occurred at Arnold's store, RR 7, Lucknow; on Conces- sion 10 of Ashfield Township. ' William Chisholm, 20, of Luck - now s'as filling the gagoline tank at the store whei he noticed gaso- line going into the basement. He ran to the basement to turn off the furnace when the gas and fumes ignited causing the•explo- 0 ,sion. He received first degree burns to the face, first and second .degree burns to both hands and suffered shock. Mrs. *Violet Arnold, 59, who with•her husband James operates the store; received burns to both' legs and her right arm. Both she and Mr. Chisholm are reported to be in satisfactory condition. Fire resulting from the ex- plosion gutted the building, leav- ing little besides the chimney standing. Lions shy oUtalenthunt entries As chairman , of the proposed The procedure is simple. Just Lions -sponsored- Talent 1.-junt, call him and say you are pre - Jim Gregg sits nibbling at a pen- pared to do your thing—whether cil, wishing he could use it to list it be singing, 'dancing, telling entrants for the January show jokes or carrying the .piano ac - rather than attempting, to, gain ross the stage. Mr. Gregg will lisb some little known vitamins from you as a possible prize winner. his -careful consumption of the wooden writing implement. He admits dolefully that the number of would-be entertainers lined up for the series df talent competitions is skimpy and there is room for a few morefor this month's show. Should this result in sufficient entrants, Mr. ^Gregg thinks the show will really be on the road and master of ceremonies Jim Swan will practise his ready smile. It has been reported that Mrs. Gregg may be one of several Lion members' wives to be catapulted . into an appearance behind' the glowing footlights to offset the possible shortage of "rea4" talent. This is a situation which Mr. Gregg would face with ill - concealed horror, so it is in the hands df the populace to rush to his rescue. N.. Two people are injured in falls Two people were hospitalized last week after being injured in falls either on the street or in pri- Vale homes. Mrs. Verna Wilson of Wingham was taken to hospital via am- bulance last Wednesday after she received hip injuries in a fall in front of the Salvation Arrny cita- del. Her condition is now satis- factory. In•only fair condition is Joseph Wall- of RR 1, Lucknow, who re- ceived a lacerated face when he fell in his home and struck a wood box. Following the mishap which occurred last Wednesday, he also was transported lo the local hos- pital via ambulance. • PREPARING THE ."Meals on Wheels" wagon for the Mon- day evening delivery of meals to shut-ins, Brad Mackay shows the type of individual insulated cbntainer used to • transport the hot meal. —Advance:Times photo. Brussels Post has new owner The Brussels Post, which has operated under the ownership of Roy W. Kennedy for 40 years, has been sold to McLean Bros. Pub- lishing Company of Seaforth, 'publishers of the Huron Expesi- tor. . Mr. Kennedy, who has been in ill health, relinquishes his post as publisher of the Brussels Post this week but Mrs. Kennedy will remain as editor. Both she and Mr. 'Kennedy will continue to servtce local accounts and sub- scribers •and he will 'retain the commercial printing division of the operation. Before coming to Brussels- to acquire the newspaper, Mr.•Ken- nedy was associated with the Stratford Beacon -Herald for Several years. Andy McLean of Seaforth said Tuesday that his organization would start publishing im- mediately, retaining the same format and tabloid size but would be printed offset at Goderich. by volunteer drivers and there arech18alrisgteepern listed. Thetealme413is 75are pre of pared in the hospital kitchen and the which the hospital .recovers 65 centswithopertheatedbymmn.on balance goingeinto afund Wheels for the payment of dis- posable dishes. The service is offered to anyone in Wingham not able to prepare a • hot meal. Payment is not requir- ed if the circumstances are such that the committee in charge considers it could be a hardship to the person.. This service could be helpful to those who require special diets suchetics.as .a low-fat diet or the type considered most suitable for dia- The committee and .the volun- teer drivers are anxious to have the number ofcustorners In - se. 'Anyone who could usethe Mals on Wheels service, or who would like detailed information may call Mrs. H. L. SherbOndy, 357-2552; Miss Mary Scott, 357- 2365 or! MiSs Wilion at 357-1773. There is a feeling that Hie ser- vice which has proved to be well worthwhile, may have to be yvith- drawn if the number availing themselves of it does not increase_ beyond the present two. This is a situation the committee does not Want. Hopefully the next week or two will their calls commence toct • Passengers hurt area accidents Motor vehicle accidents last week resulted in two people being • admitted to the Wingham and District Hospital with 'serious -in- juries. - • Last Wednesday: evening a truck owned by ArthUr Lemas, 57, Of RR 1, Wingham and -driven by • Elmer Stanley, 28, of the same address,slidthrough;anintersec-- tion at the 12th concession of East ,Wawanosir and • No. 22 county road and struck an uprooted tree stump: Mr. Stanley receive multiple abrasions and lacerations; he Wasgiven emergency treatment and later released. Detained in hospital was his passenger, Mr. Lewis, Who sUf- fered lung injuries, a fractured sternum and abrasions when he struck the trtick's-windshield. His condition was described as fair early this week. . On New Year's.Day a fun ride on a snowmobile proved dis- astrous for 18 -year-old Rosalea Hackett, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Donald Hackett of RR 7, Lucknow. Miss Hackett ap- parenq fell from the .moving machine and was admitted to hospital with' back injuries and a fractured wrist.* Both accidents were investi- gated by Prov. Const. Ron Bell of die Wingham detachment of the OntarioProvincial Police. James Morris heads separate • school board SEAFORTH — James Morris of Stratford was elected chair- • man of the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate Rho()) Board at its first meeting of the year Monday night. Mr. Morris won 8-6 -on the first ballot over the only other midi, - date, Joseph Looby of Dublin. He succeeds Howard Shantz. John McCann of Ailsa Craig was elected over Francis Hick.' nell of Seaforth for the vice chair- man's post. Namea to standing committees are finance and insurance, chair- man It J. (Mickey) Vere, Mich- ael Connolly, Francis tlieknell; property and builgings, chair- man Vincent Young, Patrick Carty, Joseph Looby, Howard Shantz; transportation, chair- man ArthurIlaid, Oscar Kieffer,, Chris Walraven; and personnel and salary negotiating; chair- man Ted .Geoffrey, David Pea- hen, Michael Connolly. - Mr. and Mrs. Gil Tourigny of Toronto spent the weekend with he'?), mother, Mrs. K. M. Mac- Lennan. New Year's Day guestt at the same home were Mr. and • Mrs. Eldon Badley �f Atnberley, Mr. and Mrs. David Todd of Han- over and ,Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mac- Lennan„ of Ripley: • • 4*.tn.