HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-12-24, Page 14My. name is Nancy Gray 4P4 Am eight years old. My best Ghristma was year 1968 as I got a tinkerdoll and clothes, dishes, knivesand forks, and a hitch kit and lots of other things. 1. was. playing with my doll when the, telephone rang and Monrrity answered it and she said it was for me and to my surprise it was the man at the IGA and he told me I had won the large candy ne full of candies. So my ters and my brothers aur, I went and got. it and then MQ:» _y let me have some candies.out of the candy cane and 1 was quite hap- py for it was the first time I had, won anything. So that was my best Christmas. Nancy Gray Wingham; Ont. My best, Christmas was when my aunt. uncle, brother,, sis- tern, Mom and dad were eating Christmas dinner. We had just Today, jcice! as in His. -tame, let .us rejoice and renew, faith at this Holy Season..Thtank you. NIGAN'S GROCERY DIAGONAL ' ROAD PHONE . 357-3180 eat � 4i sh s .for h ippiness rl oo health in this, holiday season, s well : as •our grateful thanks to all. finished and my, aunt was drink - higher teawhen our old table started to go to the middle. My aunt Catherine said, Arthur, look k what you did ! " Everyone started to laugh. That was my best Christmas. • . ' Susie Powell R. R.. I, Wingham My best. Christmas was last year. We had a• lovely tree which I helped to decorate. On Christmas Eve my brother and I, each put up one of dad's old stockings, .hoping to find'it fir-, led in the morning. That night I could hardly get to sleep with excitement but I. must ha v e dropped off because the next thing I knew it was morning. 1 rushed out to the livingroom to see what had been left for me. My stocking was all bu m p y looking. I stuck my hand in and pulled out three colored pencils. Next came some chocolate covered cookies some jewellery. some water and REAL.,ESTATE ;STATE • • . rime bell time, and time to say thanks for your friendship. Quest: wishes for a marvelous holiday. RISSTAT1ONERY paints, gloves and in the top was a tangerine and some nuts. All this time my little brother was ripping open the presents under the tree and as he couldn't read nobody would get to open their very own. I rescued three gifts with my name on them and ws so pleased to discover a white blouse'in one, a game in another and and a pair of slacks ' in the third. Mom and D ad' Were missing all the fun so I raced in to wake them up.. They joined. us in the livingrciom and 'we finished opening all our sur- prises. There were even two games for the family-4hockey and croldnole. After a hurried breakfast which Dad helped to make we°rushed off to church for an hour. Now came one of the besttimes when we would. go to our Grandma's for goose dinner and more gift. exchang- 'ng.. Even better than one Christmas dinner was having two Christmas dinners because . the next day we went to my other Grandma's. It really was my best Christmas because my whole family could be together. Heather McKay ;Wingham, �rOn*t. • beautiful turfy dinner °with ,an the trirnmingt then I played with my doll and clothes for,. awhile, then I went to bed and' that is the best Ciiristtna$ I ev,es. had. Kimberly Gray Wingham. Ontarte R Y realxly don`t flame a bz e s t ;, • Christmas but when I was 7 years old, I. lad's best Christ- mas. I got a girl teddy bear and my brother got one to, And my sister-in-law and my broth- er got me a pretty doll: And my dad got me a'rerrie Dearie and my brother, got the a Thurnbelina and a.Swinger.don and a Timex watch and my sis- ters got mea paii of slippers. And mom' got me a skirt and a, juniper. And we had a ':big tut— key supper. And after my Dad got me a easy bake oven. Cathy .Skins Wingham, Ont. My name is Kimberly Gray and I am ten -years old. My best Christmas was in 1367 be- cause that is when I got my white,figure skates and a barb - ie doll with lots of clothes and lots of other things but I enjoy- ed it the most as I skated all day then came home and had a One stormy ChrIstxnas day m ' wewere invited out to my, Ant and Uncle's farm for dinner, While we got dress, while ou Dad warmed up the car. We hurried out to get our presents off the kitchen table. Patsy asked, "When are we going?" Dad said. "As soon as your motri comes out. " Here she comes shouted David with excitement': Let's go now saki Patsy.. In the car Terry said I can't wait! As.. soon as we got there we ran in, gave our presents to our "A nt and Uncle. We got our pres- ents and said "Thank you". 'Af ter a bigdinner we said "Good— bye", nd went home. eke had.; a good time said Ricky. .. Corrine Nesbitt Wingham, Ontario d s5 Joe was a boy about twelve years old, he had long wished for an axe, apple and a buck- skin jacket. But his family hadn't had much time to think about Christmas for father had to cut down a lot of trees and pull up the stumps. • One day his maw and paw - went to the general store. Be- . fore they went they asked .him if he wanted to go but he had, said no, because he wanted to stay and plan a way to surprise his maw and paw for Christmas, He though and though and. though and finally it came to May the rafters of your . home ring with warm laughter and cheer of loved ones at this season. Thanks for your confidence. Ron Wingfield -General Contractor - 6 "Oh thanit youpg "Was . a pry." HIM* W !* aWatch, toys, clothes, eiterythlig.thiS my best OtOstglaait tnlr v best! Pebble Qrtlicb 13h4eyale, Ont,. "Oh inn hear it* a beautiful watch, "!. . as 1• opened t c watch tto case. 1� tau hardly war. .o pts the rest.. * The' other presenta got were a new'dress, two' pair of leotards, at'jewele , bot and+ a doll. After we opened: our presents we went. to church. When we came home le/e all tat down Ito eats The dinner was made. up of potatoes`t turkey, cranberry sauce, *vegetables and straw- • ' berry shortcake. ' 'After dinner' we did the dish- es and played with ourtcys for awhile, Then it was time to: go to bed and now I relixe that this was my .best Christmas: • Ann. Marie Mahe. Bluevale, Ont. He would cut down a Christ-,� mas -tree and surprise them with:1 it. He did and dicorated it to when his maw and p a w got home he was asleep but thay thought ie was the nicest Christ- mas tree they ever did see. In the morning,he found thrcegifts'T, under the tree, the first wa> wrapped in red''paper, the se and •felt ' ikeea -shirt# t iters a bu I on. fgA,44, My best Christmas was when I was. five, 1 had goten a box of marbles, a huge teddy bear, a box of candy and a toy truck. . That day" 1 had turkey 'salad and to top it off plum pudding, How I wish all. my _Christmases were like that. 0 well,, I hope you have a Merry Christmas. Frank Sanders R. R. 9, Brussels was and he .tree waS with Ogg lights. Finally ourgueStS. arsiVed and We all sat down to a lovely gooSe,dinner. °When we were tnislted eating we went for a e and adrnlred the decors dons, on the how . and then ;TO"' turned bone to ,► and g ' what some: of the packages drat were already► Under the tree !contained, Before.1 knew it, it was. time to gay to bed, so.I left some hot chocolate and hake for Santa. When I had p ed Santa's sna"ck'1 bid, geed night to our guests and went to bed very exhausted. ,It took, me a hong time to go tb sleep. My name is Yvonne Gray and I am six years old. My best Christmas was last y� ar 19:68: . I woke up on Christmas Morning midi found my stock- ing full of goodies and lots of presents under the tree forme. .;The first one was a beautiful • doll 'sitting in a little chair and the next one was a barbie doll with :a case fill of clothes, mini dresses riding breeches. and an. Then, I had a turkey dinner and Yallahq runnings Christ mss cake and it waswith really good hat.... as the best .Christmas I ad. , , • `Y'vpritte` Gtray 4 Cjnt• mer. butit was an axe, Now: can help you `clear away the trees said Joe and he did,(4. Carol, Brophy.:: • Wingham, Ont. "I can't wait, can you Deb- bie?" said Jane. Who can't". I said with exitment. "Is it the 19th?" said Jane wonderingly: "Yes", I answered. For r five whole days. we waited impa- tiently. . "Only 1 single day, 1" said Jane. 'That's enough and it sure is a long enough time, especially when your waiting anxiously. " "I gu es $ your right. "Children, it's time for bed" That night Jane and I just couldn't get to sleep until I started to dream of all the things I wanted, .. I wanted! • _ That, morning blight and ' early, Jane and.I°got up, and started to gather our presents. Just then Mom, came downstairs, •"/N•/// •N/"N••N•/"/HN/ Mt,rest Christmas was.two years ague and we had no ani- *maLs bur:chickens. I called it 'My best Christmas because we Chad no chores and- we went to my grama's place and got a present each. There are ten in ,our family so that would- cost quite a bit of money. My birthday is the night before pChristtnas and I got three pres- entsMthen the others did. Have a Merry Christmas. Perry Ranuneloo R iljc 3, Walton .Quickly jumping out of bed 1I .pulled on my clothes and hur- ried downstairs. It was Christ- mas Eve and my favourite aunt and uncle were coining for •-Christmas. h was very excited and could hardly wait until Christmas Day. I s c u r r i ed ',around tidying up the house. Early the next ,morning 1 tip -teed to the top of thestairs and stood. there astonifl ed.. Thee before me sat as, new bluekbicycic. 1, was. ,real- ly surprised Wt. happy.. 1 r cad the rest*of the way.dowttairs and then opened qty presents,„ a� Some of the:packages I re-. ceived contained' a watch, sup- er spirograph, socks, chocor- lates-, hankies, a sweater, and many other nice gifts. • The gifts were all nice but best of all I liked the new bluer bicycle Debbie Hull Wingham, out, • When I woke up one Christ- mas morning Iwondered what dad, mom and S a n t a ,lead brought me. • The''} I ran down- ;stairs as fast as I could go. I saw a Johnny express, power , shovel. truck and 'a toboggan .and many other toys. I went to my stockings; there was. can-, dy and' a little kitten. That was my very best Christmas. • . - Stanley Stepleton • Wingham, Ontario PUPILS WHO TOOK LEAD parts in the operetta, ''Country of Never Mind," were, back row, left to right: Vicki Jeffrey, Bonnie Askes, Nancy Darling, Kathy Under- wood, Julie Melton, Heather Brent, Tracy Lee, Kim Foxton, Sandra Hogg; middle One Christmas two years ago it was my best Christmas be- cause e-cause I got a Baby's Hu n g r% Don. I spent all my time look- ing ooking at our beautiful new Christ• mas tree, l played with my doll till lunch. After lunch we watched a show 'calle51 AChriste ipas car Ma F4 my doll. I'loved all my. prey- ents. I.11 'lame a"few , Baby's Hungry Doll, barrel of monkeys scarf and a purse and lots more. That was my best Christmas. Lori Kopas Wingham, Ont. row: Corey McInnes, Aileen Underwood, Denise Walker, .Klaas Jorritsrna, Brenda Horsburgh, Warren Wray, Debbie Sjaarda; front: David Ryan, Wendy Armstrong, Dan- ny McKay. .•--.AdvancerTimes Photo. 91, faoned wish .from' us to you, . ieai frienis. May your joys be pony. And, special thanks. �AnAOIAnrcrinnoinn TIRE *1+ Y t TIRE i'! tYYlay the. beautiful Meaning of Christmas ... 117ing, living,thro�}gh the trees to' 'aspire' men eye �"herO.. • u to- ► your R heart hristinas ,. 4t this festive time of year it is our tragition to express the gratitude we feel` for the privilege of serving our fine customers and friends. Last Minute Special JENNY LIND BOXED CHOCOLATES Assorted S • Ibs. 3•99 HOLIDAY HOURS CLOSE at 6 p.m, on CHRISTMAS EVE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY OPEN BOXING DAY Noon to Six TRIANGLE PATENT Ale/CINES , cos/wives TOSA CCOS