HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-12-18, Page 15* • • • • r • . , vio;r::t ‘• .;‘ • ,„ • PIM 14ti$P141:! into alt 4 0 4 t• •4 t 1.4 • 1 p, ismosoloomoototoomomonsos• Friday and Sitnrdailt 7015,14 All ,ether.(10s, -one: Show SAO* arca !ham '0,014.- On th• rfY, or041,04.01.1440400,;*!ortor.orn,Airtmewieir DEC. 1$.1-20 P4.600im,ENTORTAINtsitrit. • "RACHEL RACHEL" • Colour - Starring •:Joann, Woodward • not Is the story of -thirtY',' five year old -school teacher who e, ropes her way out of self/ imposed lOneliness. 7 SATURDAY: MAT. DEC., 20, "Pinocchio jn Outer-,.' • -• „Space"'• •-• COMING. NIRO FR1.4AT. (2 days): DEC-, 26-.27. • "THOSE OARING. . YOUNG- MEN IN• THEIR :MAMMY JALOPIES" • 101111111111110111111,111116111411110 '4! 4 it takesa, good, team to bOunce back from a defeat', and such was 074e case as ;be Bair' tami eked out **win from 141,ey boys In a real. Scrambly4-, qPesmo, last fridarat'thelo. Wingha% hit the sqo'ries, P''0,10,4note 'ways than onein the flrst pertodi„.• getting the on' - goal 41110,all the - penalties. The lone goal ,came at 414,9, 1111Uute mark as PtiaruP9/10cit 410v*.14s Rimmtiiiends a real, 000Ep#*,100,10r4cloW up a :reboYnct 400.4•Telttockridge shot and whipped* into the . corner With, A, fine wristshot. Ripley came Out in the sec- ond period all fired up and tied the score in ,1011:than 30 Sec- onds aa'RoVillsionette scOred. an'„ *1st going to Mark:With., . At 9.40; the ladle two Ripley • boys gave a repeat perform anCe'10shoot Rip!efinto the • Coach Doug Doug Neil must have laidlhe 14W down. during the,. -lritetmission:for. the Wingharn boys' came ,out Aar* and fast. 'Detegninition,:saUd strong skat. Ing paid off In four unanswered goals, Jeff Lockridge getting. tWO ad Doug Leitch' and Tom Lee one apiece.' Final goal of the game was scored by Ripie Boyd Carruthers unassisted, SLAP 511QT$111014 THE BLVELINE.. ;Martin Page don nod the goal pads and came through ‘ ildth 41 win on• his first assignment between the pipes 0. .Glad to See two goals go to. 'the second line. it Means the team baring a betterhalanced attack at the foe, 1,1110,061,HIPIdlitoddiloddodondedddiodeddsds,ddiddldli.!040111!*. • Defeated b • Q11; Friday, night the Stone School Intermediates Jima 0:Quid not scem..togtroHthg.. Their: , passing was Yertpoor aPd mei, • didn't start to Pate ton the third pedod. • Scoring for Stone School • were Niel Edgar, Torn Black and Ron. PutdOn, Nice to see Ron out add playing great hOck- ey. The next game Play- ed in Blyth on Thursday' night • commolciAL, LEAGUE Team standings: comets a. Oeminh 32, Heroes 22, ATI. ters 26, Lonars172 , Rockets 50. • Ladies, high single. Dorothy • c4.0.10,11 252; high triple, Gwen MacLaurin 713; men's high. single, Frank Ourke'206; high triple, Lee Grove 617. Thanks fo spares Marion • liattiPpo R00$ Hagfngs, Bob 41440)30 Varela McKittriek and Gwen MacLaurin. • . • LADIES. LEAGUE. In first place Linda's LoJ1.I, pops 50 'Points; Sharon's Suckers HP'04,00,,I!,.HdirIPIddlladdirliddli0.".10.40110.40014111•0i#44414100 ' • • " 06d ;10" • -„ (tonight) against Kuttavilie at MO, ••Come out and ;tee the boys in action. • • 47; Bea's Ron Bons 45; Janette.* Jellybean* 41; Marrs mints Gert's Gumdrop* 32. High single and triple went to Sharon OOP with 209; 669, Turkey* went to Verna Stet!. ner Sharon Skinn for H. T. ; luck? draw* Joyce Owl., nerv-turkeys for bidden sole, Bea ShroPahall, Connie Hickey, Judi, Hickey, Mande Schiestel„ Rose Groves' Beth Barber. TOVini 4AcrUg: hi:n$11114:4:lentnit9 t 4611 etl* niaenr (111‘ • . 7 league bad its. 'my bowl. The, edWhalft6t52a. tt:Enakckeldllheth.o, f_.2t41;111;e„,.. 111)::1::'re$411' •,ScetitiCe', The $.04PDXIS of the turkeys,„ were' t' Wall 'Brian Carrier. on Ken ranirmn il • ldss, Al Carter -Larry Alto* o and munay McLennan Thanks to our good spaos BRIDGE RESULTS' Jim Bain and Ken Saxton Jr • , The Howell system was used, THURSDAY MIXED Mit: Nibs T. McPherson and lvir. F, Parker;secOnd; Mr,S.:,', •H. •Fisher and Mrs. C. liodgins;, thid, W. FrenCh and B. Ortr: leib; fourth, Mrs. J, . H. Craw- ford- and W. 'Whatry,r shitleytOry and Swatddge Captured the ladies' and men's honoislaStThursday as Shirley had and a 76Vtriple While flap bdwled a. 311 single and §91 tope, Fran'sTyears gill dminate, • the league ;with 05 Po** lowedby Cecile's COoicats '56; - • Gail's GO Cats 40 Betty's Black .” - cats 39, Audrey's Alleyeats.33 -.‘. and poortorna and her Hellcats in the basement With, 32 points. Thanks to our sptes, Barb ,Metkley, Terry Merkley, 8111 Hotchldss, Flo Vandnburz; •• .••••I. • ALEXANDER'S HARDWARE AND GIFT CENTRE BENNETT'S SC to $1.00 • BURKE ELECTRIC . CALL'S SHOES • CANADIAN 'TIRE ASSOCIATE • STORE. - • • CURRIE'S FURNITURE • THE DECOR SHOPPE DUNLOP SHOE 4TORE HAFERMEHL JEWELLERY HANNA'S MEN'S AND • BOYS' WEAR HARRIS STATIONERY HAYES FAMILY CLOTHING • JENNY WREN SHOPPE LEWIS FLOWERS. MAXWELL PHOTO STUDIO McDNALD'S LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR MILLER'S LADIES' WEAR READMAN CLEANERS AND MENS WEAR RED FRONT GROCERY REMINGTON'S IGA STitINTON HARDWARE (Wingham) LIMITED ,TRIANGLE DISCOUNT VANCE'S DRUG STORE • WALTER'S (Edighoffers Wingham Limited) • WALKER HOME FURNISHINGS WINGHAM DRIVE IN CLtANERS WINGHATV1 MEAT MARKET • 4,7;1' . • Si00 GRAND PRIZE • CHRISTMAS EVE TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE STORES LISTED HERE. They may be 'placed in • the Bonus Draw box in any of the participating stores, or in the box at the Advance -Times office. EACH WEDNESDAY UNTIL DEC. 24, four draws will be made worth $25.00 each. The winners will be notified by telephone. A L L TICKETS COLLECTED EACH WEEK GO INTO THE BOX FOR THE GRAND PRIZE,. WORTH 5100.00. THAT DRAW WILL BE MADE CHRISTMAS EVE. • READ THE ADS OF THE CHRISTMAS BONUS MERCHANTS IN THIS ISSUE Participating -merchants, Ad- vance -Times personnel and their immediate families are the only people dot eligibio to become winners. , • • r Hin • DoreenYoung, Michael /Ad- en, Bob Foxtori and Rick Ctad.=. ° See you all at the Turkey Roll Thursday, December -18th. FORDWICH LEAGUE The mixed bowling league recorded the following hi g •ACQM qkitr4111e. K9A:C17 iiieh Lanese 'Lorne Lambkin 222; Leone Foerter 206; Jack King 226, 217; Nellie Allan 224, 244; Mari Johnson 217; Audrey Schumacher 211, 228; Lyle Foerter 251; Esther King •04;• Alex Reld 217, 216, 218;, Mabel Gibson 226; Nellie Allan, high triple of 597; Alex Reid, high triple of 651. VVROXETER LEAGUE Ed Rouse 222, 200; ken Lock WoOd 265; Glenn McMichael • 220; Ran McMichael 221; Con nie Robinson 211; RickrClarke 206; Wendell Stamper 225; Marg Timm204; Mari Gal- braith 212; Wayne Sanderson .212; Jack Burns 237; Gail Burns 203; „Hank Haasnoot 2l4; Jack Clarke207. Bantams suffer first defeat Last Tnesdaythe Kinsmen Bantams journeyed to Kincard- ine, -"The Town Where You're A Stranger Only Once", and took it on the chin to the tune of 9 to 4. Kincardine jumped into an early lead, picking two goals In the first period while th e lone goal for the Wingham boys was fired by Jeff Lockridge. In the second period Kin- cardine picked up three more goals while Jeff Lockridge seem, ed to be the only one to find the dent in Kincardine goalie Brian Fry's armour as Jeff picked up two goah to give him the hat trick. The third period saw Kin- cardine fire four unanswered goals in the first ten minutes of the period. while Wingham were able to pick up only one goal as Doug Leitch tipped in a pass from Bill Brown at 17.40 mark. • Final score Kincardine 9, Wing ham 4. SLAP SHOTS FROM THE BLUELINE. .Despite the loss the bop feel it will be a different story when Kincardine comes to Winghstm... Would say the main difference in the final outcome was the fact Kincard- ine put up a better balanced team with no lets than seven .players sharing in the scoring, Whereas the Wingham attack was mainly confined to that Dynitudte tine of Brown, Lock,. ridge and Leitch. SAINO. HOCKEY Pita the 13t1s an414t14 woe end seven Detroit Minor Hoc, San* played inthlsarena. All teams Managed, 'to g 'garnet played 011 Saturday and Sunday. :Saturday afternoon at the Wingham Areni saw 4s '011.1101. team Aftewash th novice '9 and 1O -year-olds by a 10-0 sere. Most .of our hop; are firit'year 'boys coming up -from pot year's Tyke 4anks.' whereas most, of the pettoitoolt wereInthIrsecond-yeai of Play, Th0.0001040 their hosts all the** playing good positioned:Ockey, 0,00' year of hockey can do. With youngoer this apt have improved from the are* of the SeaSQ11, butnot enough'19 give their. Detroit 01114er:ruts • Indi of a genie. •:. . On7sundayafternoon the Rana! taros came through with an easy 62 *Wove; Detroit to help „ • make up for the Novice.loSson saturday, Elsewhere in the4a, per you will teed more about thatgnme. • To round mit the . header, on Sunday, Listowel • Midgets sdored, once At 9:10 ln .the secondperiod :and ended The scoring at the'14minnte • mirk * the third peiid to over-, Come the Detroit qUestS in a 2-6 battles. „There Were ls pen- alties in all with.eight 'being :handed Out to Detroit.• Osier 266were out to vie* the d9uble hea.der. :We hope • more fa sCan get out to see • these double headers each Fri- . dar night at the arena. The local Bantams and Midgets put on agood ihow and:plarn very. pleasing brand of hockey, • •BALL DIAMOND It. Was 'reported earlier in, this column that a drainagejob ntedondtrirfall. atutbe ball diamond. Well; we wre' fortunatein ccimpletbig it the • • day before this last snowfall • hit iis We are pretty well as- sured now that our drainage •• problem, or at least our puddle • problem, is ove.. - - The backstop was torn down and a new one is on order with, erection taldng place early in • May. It has been scheduled on the work sheets of Lundy • Fence. It will be erected in such* manner that if at a la- ter date the diamond was tO moved; then it would be ily.m..locatect, The Wad ence' company h&sa of this factor. • • AR* A 51414ng ll take place Ottsonas fsom 2.4• only. Skat. ing irlso on Monday, Tueiday •and ltdclay afternoons, 2•4P,,nt •• I • 4,4 ern Aiieleitanamantakencoretionetereteneettiteuteatatereaseut DIVJSJON GLASTRON BOAT COMPANY The Better Snowmobile COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU WHY SUITS, BOOTS, HELME: MITTS, •OIL, SPARK PLUGS, BRAND NEW SNOJETS from 699. fiNfijET Sales and Service 137 John Street West WINGHAM PH. 357.2583 OPEN EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS •