The Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-12-18, Page 8Christmas decorations are
displayed at W.I. rneeting
BELGMVE-•The Christmas Mrs. Norman Coultes pre -
meeting of the Belgrave Wo- sidedfor the business. The min -
men's Institute washeld on utes, financial report and cor-
Tuesday afternoon. December respondence was read by the
9th. with Mrs. Leslie Bolt as secretary. Mrs, Stan Hopper.
convener, The meeting open- It was decided to cater t
ed with the Institute Ode, the Belgrave Credit Union banquet
Mary Stewart Collect and a in February. It was
Huron owl
"Arise, shine.
Christmas carol. The motto send $15.00 to
the for your ty Children's Aid Society.
light has come and the gloryofThis was Summary Day for
the Lord has risen upon you. the short course, "The Main
Mrs. Bolt read a Christmas Dish Makes the Meal", so those
story entitled "Never TellYour women who attended the course
Wish". All enjoyed a medley answered by naming recipes
of Christmas songs which Mrs. they had tried in their own
John Nixon played on the pi- homes and. how their families
aro. Mrs. Bolt gave a very had
Lunch wased servedby Mrs.
interesting demonstration
the making of Christmas decor w� Procter.
Gordon Hgs
and Mrs.
Harold Procter.
ations, a door spray, a Christ-
mas tree. tree made of nylon
net, and she told of the origin
of many of the trimmings. She --Mr. Muir McLaughlin of
had several other table centres Sarnia spent the me of his mother,
on display which were very at- the
e T � McLaughlin.
esassu.liMN"NY.NN..W.N assem
PresenitatiOflS :made
at hospital staff,
Brownlie, Mrs. G. MacDonald,
Elwood Shortreed, Albert Kitclr
en and Mis. Betty Finlayson.
Barry Wenger. chairman of
the board of directors, expres-
sed appreciation to R. B. Cous-
ins, who has been a member of
theboard for 21 years, and last
March ended a nine-year term
as chairman. Similarly honor-
ed was Miss Merle Wilson, who
recently retired after 27 years
on the nursing staff. Gifts were
presented to Mr. Cousins and
Miss Wilson.,
Members of the staff and a
past, chairman of the Wingham
and District:Hospital were the
recipients of honors at the atr,
:Mal staff Christmas party lathe
Legion Halton Saturday even-
ing. Pinner at 7 .p. in. .served
by the Legion Auxiliary, was
enioyed• by well over 200 ,staff
_members and their guests. Rob-.
ertHollenbeck acted as master
of ceremonies.' ,
Earl Tapp asked the blessing ,
ant ^parols weresung under the
►dership of'Amold Taylor
with Reg .O'Hagan: at the piano,.
ldis. ',I. E. Money, the hospi-
tal's a administrator, 9eittended .
testings tothe staff and presets
long service pins to the .fol-
: Five Years, Mrs. Mon-,
Edna .Mae Arm-.
" O'Haga t, Clifford.
Y �•
felines. Ten-year pins. Nits.
an+et' Fielding:, Mrs: Trapp,Mrs
If Ile Slips,
Ton Could .Be
in Trouble
Liability insurance
is our business ..
to protect yours.
W. B. Conon, CLU
Complete Insurance
—Agent for
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S John St. W. • Wingham
in Huron -
Continued from Page One
said that members Qf the beard
would be expected to act as
commissionaire: in case of a
large-scale emergency and
some would have to .act as liai-
son officers. to contact the dir-
ectors of other essential services
in the community when neces-
It was agreed that the board
members who reside in Wing-
ham would have the prime du-
ties in any emergency because
they would be able to reach the
hospital with the least delay.
The chairman and vice-chair-
man (if residents of the town ,a.5
is the case at present time) will
act as co-ordinators and tele-
phone contacts.
In order to clarify the status
of the former nurses' residence -
training school building on Ca-
therine Street the board moved
that the official name will
henceforth be the Hospital Clin-
ic Building, in reference to its
future -function in the hospital
The administrator described.
the recent visit of a hos ital
assessment team from the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons.
The team included several doc-
tors and a hospital administra-
tor who had spent the better
part. of .a day here going over
the ,physical facilities of the
hospital and all records and pro-
cedures. She said that they
were apparently surprised bythe
high.standards maintained here
and commended• all td a p.a r t
ments for their efficiency.
doted in particular was the hos-
pital-based ambulance service.
The chairman read a letter
from the Ontario Hospital Serv-
ices Commission which inform-
ed the board that if doctors on.
the staff of the local hospitalin-
tend to perform therapeutic
abortions under the revised fed-
eral statutes, an abortion com-
mittee of medical staff must
be established, Dr. R. D. Wil-
kins said the matter will be
brought before the medicalstaff
meeting at the first opportunity.
Mrs. ' Morrey expressed some
concern over the lower than
average' number of patients in
care during the summer and fall.
.months, explaining that the sit-
uation could adversely affect
the budget program: The hos-
pital receives its function sup-
port from OHSC on the basis of
patients under care so that low-
er hospital population means
lower income.. Overhead costs,
however, remain unchanged
and a deficit is then inevitable.
J. T. Goodall, , chairman of
the management committee,
reported on a meeting held the
previous week, as well as the
report on nursing; dietary and
'ambulance departments.. The
ambulances made 40 trips in
Miss Gwenda ineNorris, of
Port Stanley, who has excellent
qualifications after training in
England and experience in sev-
eral Canadian hospitals, .will
be engaged .as director of nurs-
ing, to succeed Miss Z. L. Hop-
wood, who intendsto retire at
the end of Januafy. a Miss Nortis
will commence her duties here
on January 12.
It was also reported that Mrs.
McKenzie and Mrs; Marks,
both members of the nursing
staff have tried and successfully
passed their registration exam-
inations. Congratulations were
extended to both. .
Mrs. Morrey said that per-
manent staff now numbers 196,
plus several part-time employ-
ees. Efforts are continuing to
secure an assistant physiothera'