HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-12-11, Page 10Page 2 4Vingharnl Advance -Times, Thursday, Dec. 11. 1969 Report from Queen's Park MURRAY GAUNT, M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE The rising cost of education this year is not expected to out- pace last year's rate of increase, despite the introduction of the county school system, Educa-g.. tion Minister William Davis said In the Legislature while speaking during the final House consideration of his S1 billion department estimates. Opposition critics said pub- lic concern over education costs had reached the point where the Government must establish priorities and can no longer ex- pect a virtually free hand in ed- ucational spending. It is esti- mated1 be mated that the province it ESTABLISHED IN 1936 We specialize in a complete line of FARM EQUIPMENT McGAVIN'S FARM EQUIPMENT Sales anti Service -- WALTON, ONT. Phone 365-W-6 Brussels or 527-0245 . Seaforth S19rrb Thank You 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to the voters of Turnberry Township who elected me to council on December 6th. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. „llp Jackson Dunkin THANKS 1 wish • to thank the ratepayers . of Turnberry Township for their support at ` the polls . on. Saturday.' Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. HARRY MULV(Y. My Thanks NIB 1 would like to express my sincere appreciation to the `ratepayers of Turnberry Township who sup- ported be so loyally at thepolls on .Saturday. As your reeve for 1970 ,1 will serve you to the stnst of my ability. ' • My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year are extended to everyone. Ken McMichael ti JOHN. WOOLCOCK SNOW -HAWK - FORNEY WELDERS 344 BELFIELD STREET 438-9569 -LONDON 25, ONTARIO SNO-HA WK TRAIL R.R. #2 - WIHGIIAM, ONTARIO the sporty one for winter fun spending nearly 84 billion on education by 1978. The ex- penditure for education in 1969 in Ontario, including munici- pal as well as provincial. will be S2.4 billion. The Agriculture Standing Committee this week approved a bill restricting the powers of the Ontario Humane Society. Attorney General Arthur Wis- hart told the Committee that the bill would eliminate a situ- ation in which the Society has greater powers than the police and will ensure that Society of- ficials conform to the proced - ures necessary to protect human rights. Agriculture Minister .William Stewart accused the Society of many abuses of its authority, under which Society inspectors can enter private property with- out warrant, seize animals, and remove them to be cared for elsewhere, and bill the owner for the costs. Mr. Stewart said the. amendments will provide a reasonable and common sense approach, so that animals can be protected against cruelty without abuse of their owners' rights.. Ontario will collect about S5 million more a year in rev- enue as a result of legislation introduced to require life insur- ance companies to pay income tax. Up to now life insurance companies have been paying a very small amount of income tax based on the amount of money transferred to an account • from which dividends are paid to shareholders, according to Revenue Minister John White. Wawanosh; cou agreesto share fire truck tost. By mot .Qf ,passed at tie Dei cernbeic meeting of last. Wawa osh Townships council, forma agreement Was made to share in the purchase of a new fire truck by the Winghani fire Mea, Other sharing municipalities ate wingham, Morris, Turnberry and Howick. Reeve Roy Patti* son presided. James Walsh was appointed to take charge of a drain pro ject and to see that an. agree-, ment previously made with prop* erty owners on Lot 42, Con. 2, is carried out. In other business a grant of $50.00 was approved for the Blyth Municipal Recreation Committee. The annual meet- ing of council was set for De- cember e-cember 15, at which time the engineer's report on the Carrick Municipal Drain will be read. Inaugural meeting for 1970 will be held January 12. Vacation remuneration to employees will be paid on De- cember 15.. Road accounts _in the amount of $7,489.63 and: general accounts of $19,960.0$ were approved. The second figure includes $17, 755 for the school debenture. West Wawanosh donates X5,000 At the December meeting of West Wawanosh township council a letter from the Vil- lage of Lucknow was read, ac- cepting and expressing #ppreea- ation for a donation of $5,000, Two applications for tile drainage loans were accepted from Bakker Brothers and Mrs. Gerritje Bakker. General and road accounts were passed for payment. Jim Currie reports from Buenos Aires i Buenos Ares �► 2 `b 5r .hd�Y•. A L� :Y . another way this morning. On the way to this ranch . we drove through very flat country, most- ly in grass. -Some of it is fen- ced with various materials bnt mostly barbed wire. The ranch consists of 14,000 acres carry- ing 5,00G milk cows and alto- gether about 16,000 cattle: The cows are run in units of 70 each and handled by an in- dividnal.family. Average pro- duction is: only 4400 lbs. per cow. Price at the farm is 14 pesos a litre-- retail price 35, pesos.. Milk is cheaper than coke. "They showed us their calf feeding layout where they feed about 3,000 a year. They are fed in individual bowls --1 lb. to start, increased to 10 lbs. , They claim it takes 6,000 kilos of milk to finish a calf. The bull barn had a battery of 14 Holstein bulls, huge fel- lows. As I'm not a Holstein breeder I don't stick around for the discussions. They did say they planted about 800 acres of sorghum and 200 acres of corn. We drove back to the main ranch house for a barbecue din- ner. First we were presented • with a whole armful of food presents, cheese, yogurt,sweet milk and 2 or 3 small packages of martolin made from milk and sugar boiled for 4 hours. It's real sweet, 'For dinner at picnic tables in a tree shaded park we were served red wine (not very good), soda water and mineral water; a meat pie with buns, finger- tips and bread chips; yogurt with spice sauce. Then thebar- be:cucd meats, beef, sausage, kidney and ham. Buenos Aires Nov, 28 Just came back from dinner at La Cabana Restaurant, an enjoyable evening. Had dinner with the Smiths and McGills. They are good company. We had conserves, white wine, then several kinds of (neat with buns and butter. Then salad and steaks well done and good. The steaks here are tender. They kill them at night and deliver them to the restaurants the same day. We had red wine, i c e cream, cake and coffee. We went from the Cloridcya to Ca- bana by taxi and home again the same way. The fare for five was about 500. We leave for the airport about 7 a.m. I let my watch fall at noon and put it out of ,business a This afternoon EI n a ,- iu wnt' e thmeto a store where tight r 9 =4 -vetch a for $38, a self winner and I hope it ,mss the bill. We got up early this morning to go to the stock yards to see them selling cattle. The auc- tioneer walks along a eat walk above the, pensand the buyers ride the alleys on horseback. They do the selling and buying. from there. When they are sold an attendant climbs on the fence and, marks the cattle with the • mark or insignia of the buyer with colored paint. One bunch sola for 8e, bought by a Jew who has a ranch near B, A. He came over to greet us. They had 1700 cattle for sale about half coming by train, the rest by truck. Good or choice brought 10¢. The top at 100 were a load of Herefords weighing 960 lbs. We also went to the pig section. They sold for around 200 live weight. This afternoon we went for a boat ride on a tributary of the Platti, awfully dirty but was lined with beautiful summer homes. Prices are scandalous for most things. Except for watch am buying nothing. Temperature is good. No coat or sweater yet. Wish I had left them in Toronto. One member phoned home and said the temperature was around 50 degrees in Ontario. Reeve entertains council, employees BELGRAVE--On Saturday Morris Township councillors and employees with their wives were entertained at the home of Reeve William and Mrs. El- ston. Following a sumptuous turkey dinner at 7 p. m. an en- joyable evening was spent play- ing laying cards. James Mair expres- sed the appreciation of the ga- thering and Ross Smith present- ed Reeve and Mrs. Elston with a gift. Euchre winners BELGRAVE--Tliere were nine tables of euchre in play in the 13clgrave community rooms last Wednesday evening. The win- ners were: high lady, Mrs. Rob, ert Higgins; high man, George Mitchell; low lady. Mrs. Elsie Gardner; low man, JamesOake$ novelty lady. Mrs. Jean Cruinp; novelty man, C. R. Coulees. Hend 11511 W :XETERroMeM si Qf e Hawick Lion' Club hof their annual Christmasparty on Monday evening, December 1st in Kurtzville community. centre, 'when 12 Lint*,; braes and guests enjoyed a turkey banquet, an evening a of fun and) a social tiros. 14Q11 President ,Lloyd Felker presided,and welcomed the guests* The banquetvegan with the singing of "0 Canada followed by grace byRev. .J C. Brush of Molesworth Presbyteri-. an Church. Lion.lienry Lackner tntrocluc- ed the following head table guests: bion President Lloyd and Mrs. Felker, Past District Governor, Lion Ken and Mrs. Henderson, Past Deputy tisrict Governor, Lion Warren and Mrs. Zurbrigg, Past President Lion - Alex and Mrs, Grahame, Lion Rev. G. W. and Mrs. $al c h, Lion Secretary Wray and Mrs. Co aper, Program Chairman, Lion Gordon and Mrs. Hislop. During the roll call each Lion introduced his lady and guests. A toast was proposed to the Queen, and one to the ladies, proposed by Lion Bill Keil, was replied to by Mrs. Alex Gra- ham. The guest speaker, Lion Kea Henderson of Palmerston, :kept' Ills audience greatly amused With, his Mai ready wit and any number of ft►nny stories,, as well at impressing .everyone w i th some w"ohwhiie thought's dor* ing his •hrief talk. Dealing with the 41010 and work of the i<ion's Ciub, he stressed especially the: word "Involve rnent". • He said,, , "By becoming involved s man makesgood, Lion ebei Vic. r MHenderson a.lso remind- ed all present that they should. greatly appreciate the fact they are so very fortunate 'to live what he termed "the garden of the world", surrounded by so many blessings, when through- out the world there is sbmuch strife, and so many people who • are much less fortunate than ourselves. Volunteers were called for to attend and assist at,the bingo which the Howick Lion's are sponsoring for the patients at the Ontario Hospital at Goderich on Wednesday night. The program consisted of tap dancing by the three little Scott Sisters of Britton, and read ings by `ors. Derbecker of Clif- ford. They were presented with gifts in appreciation of their services by Lion Peter Keil. Everyone joined in the carol singing, led by Rev . H. D. Jenkins, rector of St. Stephen's —Anglican Church, Gorri', with v,. 0, W, Saeh of 0oxe United;Church at the piano 'This was followed by :ak few words by, Rev, W, C,, Parrott, of the Ford wieh 'united Church. Santa ;paid hit Visits, presenting each lady :with. * gift from'. the tree,. The Club's ;taiitwis,t,er,, Lion gen Edgar, was, alb the, 'recipient of several gifts. • The remainder of the even» in was spent in dancing t4 the ` music .01 Mr. :and MO, S,.a m Ti,mrof Listowel and Mr, tire- corn ,Smith of Ktntzville, Pn • 'iolin .bath , :piano, and' ac- cordton. TO MY SU TNS TU, N5ERRY AND COW*, TWATIONS TO HE NEI COUNC110, iEA!N'S. !T1NGS '1 ill To the ratepaWeis a Turnberry •Township d,. 1 would like to, thank all those who voted .for ms In returning. me to council, I was •glad to eee such • an interest taken in this electlon. Wishing . you all the Compliments of the Season, and thanking you again. . WENDELL STAMPER 4 STEAM & DRY IRON Teflon non-stick coat- ing takes the "push" out of ironing-- makes ironing easier! Stay • cool handle with thumb -tip spray. Special heat setting for- permanent press touch up. Colour coded temperature and fabric dials withaccurate thermostat. W ter Jeel inicatr, a• Price . $ 2Q 98` . • SLiCING� KNIFE Chef Styteperformance everytimet You guide. •the knife does the work. Complete with two sets of blades' — 9' regular for carving ini and slicing plus �• D 6 utility bladesfor paring, , rinm inrvf aa�.nrtet f••Vt� Wia #r t, 49' ' HAIR- SETTE Quick, on anyy safe— type .o hair. Compact carousel stores twelve 'tan g l e• tree rollers (84 small). Red light sir nals:and accurate t er- mostat holds roller at .proper teMPeratlltt► —Pricei $4R^a ALUMINUM SNOW SHOVEL SNOW WON'T STICK TO IT! Silicone finish harps to keep heavy, wet snow from sticking to shovel. Makes snow removal easier: Regutat Value $5.85 Special Price $4.49 ri;(671. •14/4,"4 • .v� Deluxe whits handle STAINLESS STEEL ELECTRIC KETTLE No M Gbsh I no scalding n� the ksg, a o avFd Winning Spout esi4n. A at :lightweighteih pa al "o " hen _011 watt etpetReplerValue $3 Special Pike '$�g 9 16OZ. HAMMER WITH FIBREGLASS HANDLE Tough sturdy, will not rust, rot "Regular corrode. orr i3.Molded rubber grip handle. Special Pr"ice $319 BLACK & DECKER PORTABLE SAW ATTACHMENT Zips through wood up to 1g." thick. Complete with combination rip and cross cut 5" blade. Regular Value $12.95 Special Price $ O.4y . Special Price $9.49 BLACK & DECKER JIGSAW ATTACHMENT Complete with 'blades to cut wood and non-ferrous metal. Will cut 1" in softwood 3/4" in hardwood. Regular Value $12:95 Special Price•s8.491 BLACK & DECKER SANDER ATTACHMENT Sands without. leaving swirl marks. Complete with six sheets of abrasive paper, Regular Value $12.95 HOOVER WASHER SPiN DRYER Compact combination washer -spin dryer cin be used and stored right in the kitchen. Using only 9 gallons hot. water, stainless steel tub with pulsating action washes 6 lbs. 01 clothes in 4 minutes and shuts oft automatically. Transfer washed clothes to spin dryer for final rime and spin drying. Your choice of Copper- tone or White at one low pricer Price $•159.95 /4514401.1.1.1y HOOVER CLEANER tightiveightl Portable! Sweeps and whisks up crumbs, mud — in seconds, Efficient, easy to store, easy io chane — hands never touch dirt. Weighs only 3 lbs. Price $29;95 HOOVER CLEANER ATTACHMENTS Makes your cleaner even more useful! Attachment tool fel available at reason- able cost. Consists of flexi- ble hose, dusting brush, fabric mule, crevice tool, One Winston Wend, plus shoulder strap. Price $13895 Perfect balance with 20% more power thap tegutar Black a Decker )K' drill. Premium quality and "job tested' for dependable service bicomes weir more useful with accessories. Drills Yo" Steel, agular Value $24.9S" in wood, " in masonry, Value $24.95 special Price 829.95, BeIgrave Co-operative Assoc. HELGRAVE ONTARIO PR()MP1 IWMI f)RDF Ft SF PiVI( Ii !TIP cissa; you require are rent available In VIP Cf)r1rmu,oy '1Y f• w'i 1)1. GIPa'YPd til r)rtiP; It1P'11 PHONE: BRUSSELS 3$$ W6 WINGHAM 357.2711 II.Pse value packed items are dlstrlbuled by L,;, IUlIItt)•CO OPERIITIVIS OF ONTARIO)