HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-12-11, Page 6Luc Wingham Advance -Times. Thursday, Dec. 11, 1969 LONG LIST, But Short on Cas GET ACTION AND EXTRA CHRISTMAS SPENDING MONEY FOR UNUSED ARTICLES WITH AN INEXPENSIVE ADVANCE -TIMES CLASSIFIED FOR SALE PONY SADDLE for sale. See Cameron's Billiards. lib CUTTER for sale, fair condi- tion. Phone 357-1420. lip • SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES for sale. Royal T, 357.34ei. 4-11-18b HI-FI RECORD player for sale, in good condition. Phone 357- 3724. lib _ KENT ELECTRIC guitar for sale with beltone amplifier. Ph. Brussels 887-9079. lib POOL TABLE for ,sale, five foot, brand new, including balls, rack, cues, $35.00. Ph. 3572201 after six. lip COMBINATION Hi - Fi and radio for sale, cabinet model. • Phone 357-2780 after six. lib GUNS bought, sold. and ap- praised. ABC Sporting Goods, . B.. Jenkitis, Minnie •Street. Jne26prrb TYROL leather ski boots for sale, size 10, waterproof. 357- 2780 evenings. 11 b CHRISTMAS TREES — Scotch pines now on sale at the Royal uanadian Legion. Home on Vic- toria Street, Help the Legion serve by using a , Legion Christmas tree. 4-11.1Sb CUSTOM BUTCHERING: Beef, Pigs, Lama. "Let us fill your freezer -- Wholesale prices." Meyers Meats, phone 392-6827, Teeswater. 11-18-25-1-8-15b CAN AND BULK milk tanks for sale. Henry Seiling, 357- 3575 or Blyth 523-9412. even- ings. ven ings. limb ALL TYPES of used iron and piping for sale. Used oil burn- , ers and parts. Robert E. Ir- win Garage, Dungannon, ph. 529,7911, 11-.18.25p REGISTERED 'Samoyed pups for sale, 3% mos. old. Priced for quick sale. Blyth 523-9408. Mug. Campbell. 4-11p VACUUM CLE4R.` Sales; &' Service for air makes. R. Peck; Varna, Dial 1-262-5748. • D26rrb DRESSED GEESE for sale.. Get . your Christmas goose from Willard Peel & Sons; R. , • R. 2 Gorrie, phone through • Fordwich exchange.. 4-11b GIFT items at G .E. SCHUETT Showrooms, MILDMAY, in- cludes: Smaller gifth--Hamp- ers, lamps, etc., larger gifts— Elcctroholne stereos; new pi- anos. Select from a WIDE VARIETY OF LIVINGROOM 'SUITES. 11-18b EAVESTROU,GHING on house or barn. Metal. flashings. Roof repairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates. Morrison Bros., phone Lucknow 528-2546. ' F2Orrb CHRISTMAS TREES — Scotch • pines now on sale at the Royal Canadian Legion Home on Vic- toria Street. Help the Legion serve by using a Legion Christmas tree. 4-11-1Ub SEWING MACHINES — New and reconditioned. Prompt re- pairs to any make. Beware of the peddlers. 'Dick Buck, Smittys, Hanover, 364-3458 or 364-3800. 25rrb COLD STORAGE APPLES for sale- Spys. Macintosh. Delic- ious and Courtlands. Del -Mac Orchards. R. R. 2 Bayfield. Turn right at Clinton to Bay- feild Road, go 1 mile north on 5th and 6th con. Phone 482- 7289. D4-F5p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 6 -MONTH-OLD Pinto colt for sale. half Hackney. Phone 357- 1335. 1lb GET YOUR youngster a pony colt for Christmas. Very reas- onable. Percy Clark, phone 357-3080. 11-18b 10 PIGS for sale. Noah S. Eyler, R. R. 1 Wroxeter. lib 125 YORK CHUNKS for sale. Ralph Tompkins, Gorrie, 335- 3430. lip POULTRY FOR SALE CHINESE GEESE for sale; one Collie dog; one Coon hound, started. 357-2368, Ross Taylor. Beigrave. 1 l ,FOR RENT PRIME BUSINESS location for rent, in the former post office. Write Alice Legge, 141 8th ast, Owen S g fl. APARTMENT foment, suit- able for two peopl . Available immediately. Phone 357-2056 after 6 for appointment. lib 3 - BEDROOM apartment for rent, new kitchen, wall to wall rug in living room, laundry roo!l, sun deck, close to cehaols. Ph. 357-2433, lib FOR SALE FURNITURE—SCHUE1T'S of Muwmay and Mount r'orest ot- ter Recliner Chairs, $88.88. ea.; double pedestal Desks, $49.00 each. (:hoose from a LARGE STUCK ON HAND at the GODFREY SCHUETT FURNI- TURE STORES at MILDMAY and MOUNT FOREST (near theatre). 11-18b SNO-HAWK Sales & Service. Prices start $750. Ph. 433-5463 or 438-9589 or write Jno. Wool - cock, 344 Belfield St., Lon- don 25. Will be at farm, R. R. 2 Wingham week -ends. Free placeto snowmobile for sea- son with purchase of each ma- chine. 4-11p CHRISTMAS TREES — Cut your own. They are not so hot nut they are only $1,00. Sun- day, Dec. 7, 14 and 21. Turn east off Highway 4, three. con- cessions north of Clinton (Con, 6-7). trees on right l'% con. 4-llb STORE FIXTURES for sale: Two pipe dress racks, 6' long, 5' high; one sportswear rack, 2 bar, 5', long; one cabinet,8' long, .7' high with arborite counter top, adjustable glass shelves on top part and sliding doors on bottom. Jean's Fash- . ion Shoppe. Wroxeter, phone 335-3105. lib SEWING 'MACHINE --Slightly used Singer, automatic zig zag sewing machine, makes button- holes. Sews on buttons, blind hems, monograms, etc. Fully guaranteed. May be :seen and tried locally. Low prices terms arranged. To see ma- chine write to Credit Manager; 201 Grand Ave., East, Chat - ,ham. Ont. 11-18p • SALES HELP WANTED • . MILK :.SALESMAN wanted, ap- prox. $90.00 per week. Apply Sunrise Dairy. 4-1111 HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A BIG INCOME—MAIL TODAY ' THE W. T. RAWLEIGH H CQA;NY 4005 .Richelieu St., (Dept. L.453-HY) Montreal 207, P.Q. Gentlemen: I an interested in the World Famous Rawleigh Line on a Opt. time basis Ofull time basis 'lease send me FREE Cata logue with full. details. Name Address City 27&Dllb GOOD MAN OVER 40 for short trips surrounding Wingham. Man we want is worth up to $ 12,000 IN A YEAR Plus Regular Cash Bonus: Air mall President, Dept. DB, P.O. Box 70, Station R, Toronto 17; Ontario. lib HELP WANTED HOMEWORKERS Envelope -addressers wanted. Send stamped, self addressed • envelope to Henry Smith, Mail Order Service, Auburn, Ont., Canada. ' llrrb FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED — Furl or part-time. Must be 21 years or over. Apply Lee's Restaur ant. lib RESPONSIBLE GIRL or lady to live in and help with house- vork and look after seven - months -old baby. Two other children in high school. Good home with all conveniences. Apply Box 40, Advance -Times. 4rrb CONSUMER RESEARCH One of Canada's foremost Market Research companies has openings for women to conduct interviews (personal and telephone) and gather op- inions in connection _with con- sumer surveys. and public opinion polls. Positively no selling involved. Both daytime and evening work. Use 'of car desirable but not essential. Apply Canadian Facts Co. Limited 160 Bloor St. E. Tor- onto 5, Ont. 4-11b NOTICE Your new P.A.G. Seed Corn Deafer for this area is JOHN GAUNT R. R. 1. BELGRAVE TELEPHONE 357-2697 PLANT PFISTER for PROFIT lip EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOULD DO babysitting in my own home. Ph. 357-3786. l 1p WANTED OLD GUNS and rifles wanted. Cameron's Pool Room. 4rrb WANTED Pigs, chunks or wieners. Mac Willits, Gorrie, 335-6251. lip WANTED - Wooden storm windows: 47x22; 47x28; 55x34. Phone 357-1463. lip WANTED TO RENT -4 bed- • room rural home on small acreage. Will consider lease option to buy. Contact R. A. Robinson, 1416-449-1804 col- lect. 1lb WANTED — Good home for Labrador Retriever puppies. Ideal pet for children. Would make a good gift for Christ- mas. hristmas. Phone 392-6536, Tees - water. lib PERSONAL ANYONE INTERESTED in land for ski-dooing call Rolling Hills Ranch, 357-2000. 4 -lib To Wingham Golf Club Mem- bers—Tickets are now on sale for your gala New Year's party. For further details, see flyer mailed. lib 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE' . ESTATE OF DOR- OTHY WRIGHT, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. CREDITORS and others hav- ing claims against the Estate of the named deceased who died on or about the 5th day of November; 1969, are requir- ed to send full particulars of such claims to the undersign- ed on or before the 15th day of December, 1969, after which date the . assets Of the estate will be distributed, haying re gard } �,y- j� r�ns o ' which notice- a Mai`been reeetired.. DATED at Listowel, On- tario, this 21st ' day. of Nov- ember, , A.D. 1969.- • W. `M. Pratt, Q.C., Barrister and . Solicitor. Listowelf Ontario., Solicitor for the Executors. LOST. LOST—A black top coat at the Wingham .Legion, Friday, Nov. 28. Finder please • call Lev Balser, 357-3032. LOST—Green canvas window ccliirtain from Dunlop's Shoe Store. If anyone has found. it we would be grateful for its return to Dunlop's Store. CARDS OF,THANKS Mrs. Len Crawford would like to extend her thanks to. friends and neighbors for . the sympathy extended to her during her recent bereave- ment. lib We would like to express our thanks to all our neigh- bors, friends and relatives for their acts of kindness and sympathy shown to us •after the death of our sister and aunt Mrs. Nellie Harper. Sin- cereiy—The Harkness families. lip I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent cards and gifts, also to Dr. I:eahy and the nurses on second floor.— Bertha Henderson. 11p I wish to thank the electors of Culross for supporting me , at the polls. I will work in the best interests of ' the to*nship. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season.—Gerald Bap: tist. lip We would like to thank all those who sent cards, gifts and visited Jeffrey while he was in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. J. .McKim and Dr. M. Cor- rin and the nurses in paedi- atrics.—Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin. i lb I would like to thank all those who sent me flowers, cards and treats while a pa-. tient in the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Leahy, Dr. Tew, Dr. Mc- . Kim and for those assisting, and to the nurses in intensive care and on second floor who were so kind.—Marie Merkley. lib SERVICES WELDING, BLACKSMITHING REPAIR WORK Win reload 12 ga. shot shells Light or heavy loads—$3 box Bring your own cases YODER Repair Shop Box 12, R. R. 1 CLIFFORD, ONTARIO Known as the Herb Burchill faun, 3 miles west of Lakelet 4-11p Coming SILVER BELL TEA Salvation Army, Saturday. December 13, 2:30 p.m. Iib SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO Gorrie Community Hall on Friday, December 12, at 8:00 p.m. lib CHRISTMAS OLD TIME AND MODERN DANCE In Whitechurch Community Memorial Hall, December 26. Tiffin's orchestra: Sponsors W. W.I. Prizes. Adm. $1.00 each, • includes lunch. 11b. DANCE IN LUCKNOW A dance will be held in the Lucknow Legion Hall, Satur- day, December 13, from 10 to 1. Music by "The Twylites.d' Admission $1.25 per person. Admittance restricted to per- sons 21 and over. Sponsored by Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 309. lib BIRTHS BRUINSMA -- In .Alexandra Marine and General -Hospit- al, Goderich; on . Thursday, November . 27. 1969, to Mir. and Mrs. Charles Bruinsma, Bayfield (Lynda Green, for- merly of Wingham, a daughter, Kimberly Anna IRELAND — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs- day, December o 4, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ireland, Teeswater, a daughter. HUTCHISON i— In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, December 7, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. • William Hutchison, Brussels, a son. WILLIE - In Wingham and District Hospital, on Mon- day, December .8, 1969. to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Willie; Teeswater, a son. CARDS OF THANKS I would like .;le thank all those . who sent' cards, gifts and visited .me while I was in Wingham and District 'Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. McGregor, Dr. Nurse and the: nurses .on second floor.—John R. Sturdy. . - lip I would like to thank my friends for cards, flowers. visits and good wishes. Special thanks to Dr. Tew, Dr. Banner- Jee, Dr. Sails, and nurses, while I was' in Victoria Hos- pital, London. Also thanks to Rev. C. Jardine and Rev. B.1 Passmore. —Mrs. Lloyd Mont- gomery. lip I would like to express sin- cere incere thanks to everyone who remembered me with cards, flowers, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Bruce Coun- ty Hospital, Walkerton. Spec- ial thanks to all who helped our family at home and to Dr. R. J. Creighton, Dr. Hamilton, Dr. Arnold and Rev. Mr. Wet- tlaufer, also nurses on second floor.—Marie Wright. lib. IN MEMORIAM CAMPBELL — In loving mem- ory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Marilyn Camp- bell, who passed away one year ago, Dec. 11, 1968. Our lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our hearts cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how we miss her, In a home that is lonesome today. —Ever remembered . by Al- lan, Dean, Cindy and Craig.. 11p • CH.RIS.TMAS PLANTS MUMS, POINSETTIAS, CYCLAMENS Floral Arrangements Corsages Jouwsma Market Gardens 4-11-18b FAMILY AND SPORT ENTHUSIASTS PREFER Arkacij/e 70 The one they all rally 'round Authorized Dealer: Glenn McKERCHER 887.9058, Brussels Between Listowel and Wing - ham on Brussels .Road iib )pl llu 11.x1lllnil1l11 Evenfts„ 1muUgmem11 iul•u11,i1.„u1,,,uau TEESWATER HORTICUL. TURAL SOCIETY Is holding a tea `on Satur- day, December 13, in Tees - water Town Hall from 3-5. Adm. 35c. lib ESCAPE THE COLD DURING CHRISTMAS VACATION 15 -day bus tour to Florida. For itinerary phone 527-1222 or write Habkiirk Transit Ser- vice, Box 700, Seaforth, Ont. 030-.D18b WROXETER STORE HOURS Open 6 days week during December. Dec. 22=23-24, open until 9:30 p.m. Dec, 27, 9. a.m. to 6 p.m Santa will distribute candy to children at the Christmas Tree on Moihday, Dec. 22. at 2:30 p.m. Free skating in arena if ice avail- able. 11;48b REAL ESTATE FOR ' SALE - POOLROOM FOR SALE. Ap- ply Cameron's Poolroom. 4rrb FOR SALE -,-- Four - bedroom house located in Teeswater. Livingroom, dining room, kits Chen, alcove and two, baths. Wall to wall rug throughout. Large picture window -.looks. over river. Double lot, two -car garage and utility' barn. Pri- vate sale. Call 392.6548,.' Tees - water. - 2rrb 3 -BEDROOM brick ranch style home for sale, which is nearly new and .carries a large low interest` 1nortgage. Has large livingroom and separate din - ingrown, both with broadloom, large 4 pc. bathroom with full length vanity. Each bedroom has large double closet. Base- ment is partially finished, lo- cated on large lot. choice resi- dentigl.istrict.�, ;> . vlo apdd in ' �enls ! r-calru 4.357 '4: anytime. lib • WILLIAM S. REED Real Elitist' Broker and General Insurance Dial 3574174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE --- 3% ON HOUSES IN 111INGHAM Attractive 2 - storey brick home, large kitchen, living room and ' dining room, 4 spa- cious bedrooms, 3 piece ' bath up and two piece down; full basement, oil furnace, hot water heatinig. This home is immaculate throughout, close to schools, choice residential district. Possession 30 days. Situated on 12 acres of choice land at the edge of Wingham, is a 1% -storey 7 - room brick house; water on pressure, and a barn 24'x40'. ,Fall possession, with terms. MISCELLANEOUS THE DECOR �HOPPE Floor Covering Sales — Installation Harding Carpets • Draperies Murray Gordo 357.4002 Wingham INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING AND REMODELLING Truck Lettering and Sign Painting ALVIN SHAFER Phone 3574417 023-D18p FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- • bile. Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home . Protection Call your Co -Op Agent --- ' LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street Wingham Dial 3574739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. ' for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue STRATFORD Phone 271-6736 Collect DEAD $TOCK REMOVAL. $5,00 - 515.00 for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. For the most prompt and courteous service in this dis- trio PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 = Brussels. Ont. 24-hour sorvice-7 days a week 'i.icense Nod 390-C-85 Visitors during ,the ,week,. end with Mx, • and Mrs Coln Yobnston of Wingham were Mr, and Mrs. Ken iolnston of Clin- ton, Eaoknibhnston of $t.• Pains, Mr, and, Mrs. Woods and' via and ,Bill Woods of Seaforth, Bill wa3° iinlute!i in a car asci- dent recently and is now able to be borne fromhospital with injured leg in .a walking east. Mr. and Mrs. George Currie spent the week -end with theft relatives in London. They had been invited to attend an en- tertainrrient in Westminster Hospital. Their grandchildren, Jackie St. Marie did step danc- ing; Allan McConnell took part in the square dance, did .the highland fling and sword dance, and Jerry St. Marie's Orchestra furnished music for dancing at the entertainment; • Miss Janet Beecroft of Lon -- don spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gil- . beet" Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Tiffin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Clare Nier- garth of Turnberry. On the way home Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce called on Mr. and Mrs. Bevin Tiffin of Wing - ham. Miss Sharon Rintoul of Lon- don spentthe week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill` Rintoul. • This community extends congratulations to Robert Mc- Clenaghan of Goderich who on Sunday celebrated his 101st birthday at the nursing home there. We wish him continued good health in 1970. Jim Robinson expected to get his plane home_ on Saturday from Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrison were at Doom on Sunday where they visited with Cecil Fischer arid' Mrs. Dunlop. Misses Bernadette King of Teeswater and Valerie and Pa- tricia King of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr.' and Mrs. Walter Arscott and Andrea. Miss Diane Hicks of Palmer- ston was a Saturday, visitor with Mr.' and Mrs. Tom, Morrison and family. ' Mr. and Mrs.; Wayne Farrier and Kim of London spent'the week -end with his patents, Mr. 4. �stnxetarier. Wayne, whO is attending Althouse Col: 4lege, is this week p r a c t i.c e teaching in Sarnia. He special- izes in physical culture and music, •. • ' Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Beecroft of, Exeter spent the week -end with,his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKee. Charlie Robinson retired last Thursday from his duties at Hurbnview Home at Clinton, In his thank you speed} at • Christmas theme for Chalmers COC EF) WHITECHU RCH--Chalmers C.O. C. was held on Sunday during church service. The call to worship, the meaning of Christmas, was given by Cathy • Purdon. "Away in a Manger" was .sung. Cecil De Boer read ' the Scripture. Five members led in prayer. The minutes were read by Cecil De Boer. "The roll was called and answered with some- thing pertaining to the Birth of Jesus. Kendra Purdon received the offering and Debbie Rey- nolds gave the offering prayer. A thank you note was re - ceived for used stamps which had been sent to the Leprosy Mission. A reading, "Far Away in Bethlehem" was given by Douglas Ross and Murray Simp- son. Mrs. Simpson gave the story for the seniors and Mrs. Purdon; the juniors. A chapter was - read from The Open Door. Stories were told of Christmas hymns and one was sung at the close of the meeting. Wliar gorgeous big clunks of golden metal twisted into the Aries ram, the Taurus bull, em- phases is on your hands. First requirements, soft skin, thanks -to daily use of a hand and body lotion. Next, careful manicur- ing. Final glamourizing of a golden glace nail enamel in a tone to blend with the shade of . your skin. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of dairy cattle, farm implements, hay d grain will be held for J ames Rutter, lot 18, con. 3, . Kinloss Township, 21/2 miles north and 2 miles east of Lucknow on Saturday, Decem- ber 13, at 1:30. Terms: Cash. Farm sold. Allan McIntyre, Auctioneer, phone 528y3519. Lucknow. 1lb the reception, on Friday even ing Harvey •Craig itwited the gathering tr7 visit em at their home, The, friend chose to .rig, :fter thevisit dancethat a,,ndveil coed turned Upa.t the home_ Of Mr, .and Mrs, Craig . : u Whigharn 'or a eha4vari. Visitors during the week- end with Mo. Cecil Falconer and Mrs. 4. E, Purdonl .were ,Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pardon d family of M! and Mrs, Relison FalconerStrathr9yand andr' family of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Elliott and Mr, and Mrs, Russell Mc- Guire,.patrons of the United Dairy Producers Co-operative, Zone 3, attended the annual meeting and dinner on Satur- day at Guelph. The B l y t h Co-op arranged for the bus which took the members and °)atrons to Guelph. Rev. and Mrs, Tom Max - well of Kitchener were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gonion Wall and family, Rev. T. Maxwell had charge of the services on Sunday in the absence of Rev, Horace Braden, at Langside°and, Whitechurch. Sunday School scholars of Chalmers Presbyterian and the United Church held a practice Sunday afternoon in the United Church for a united concert on Sunday, December'21st at 8.15, in the Whitechurch hall. The, ladies will provide lunch. Rev. and Mrs. Horace Braden and her mother plan to be in attend- ance, 0 Whitechurch. Vicinity was represented :at Graduation. Exercises for Witnetam Fri- day evening, Congratulations to Miss Joann Laidlaw, a grade 13 graduate, and 'Dennis Scholtz, grade 12. and to others whose names we have not; received. Mr( and Mn, Cainer011 SIM* `mons of London .Were Sunday visitors with Mrs. , E4ra 'Scholtz. A ,stiff east wind by :noon on. Sunday brought along a sleet. storm which put a coating. of ice over everything, Qn MOP' day morning .school, buses had to drive cautiouslyonbackroad ,. where scnrie were stuck on. hills. The ,going on highways wasgooci because of facilities for remov- al of ice and snow. o • We are. pleased to report that Mrs. Orville Tiffin was able to return 'home after eye treat - 'rnent from Victoria- Hospital on Friday. The following young people from London spent the week- end at their homes here; Wayne Martin, Jim Robertson, 1`i rXi Morrison, Joann Laidlaw and Janette Johnston. Miss Alma' Conn of Guelph University spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. ' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Con- ley of Wingham visited Satur- day with his mother, Mrs. Jim' Conley of Durham, a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Baby Jason ,spent the week -end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn. f ° WH men %. lobe diet of last Thi tfor ee, 0111Stt In loll uetai em A,Sll' ' sue Qted 1 ear, Aft able yrho mersc vans, icr P,B,:Q, olm,, chola' rs. V rte rp ollan reside Guaranteed Investment Certificates are now pay- ing' a record ..interest of 9% per annum, payable half yearly. For further information write or telephone collect sTANDARc' TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto, • 363-5477 area code 416 for the name of your nearest agent MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Business and Professional Directory C. WCASLICK LIFE - HEALTH BUSINESS INSURANCE 50 Patrick Street East Wingham Representing IMPERIAL LIFE A27-lyr CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident. Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton CRAWFORD and MILL Barristers, Solicitor*, Inc J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.36330 Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 256 Centre Street Phone 357-1224 Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm�B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OP'i;OMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 HARRISTON - ONTARIO ,11011110111111111.0, J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357.1990 9