HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-11-06, Page 11ai RRIDGE. RESULTS 'TI a 1owe11 ►stem Was used.' l'. Mrs, F , A. parker and 1. MA in;. Min Yvon> Mc- Pherson and. - RI, ISI, i•Ioyd; 04, Oartlieb and 4. Hazel grovel 4« Mrs, F. >: orgie and C, ' Morrison,' Illi101113111.11111111111111111110110111111P111110 SHOW TIMES -- Friday and Saturday at 7:15 end 9:15. All other days, one show at 8:00, except where noted on the program. THUR,-FRI..SAT, NOV. 6•74 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 'MacKENNA'S COLD' CinemaScope-Color —t Starring: Gregory Peck • Omar Sharif This is an action -packed, star- studded Western. It's one of the best of the year. The second show on Friday and Saturday starts at 9:30. SAT. MATINEE NOV. 8 SPECIAL "The. Christmas That Almost Wasn't" • Colour r ALL SEATS -- 50c — COMING NEXT — THUR.-FRI.-SAT., NOV. 13.14.15 "SWISS ' FAMILY ROBINSON" • '4/Ili�lll�lll�lll�lli�lll�lll�lll�lll�lll�llll ti M woigp Recreation Report A new first for the Roma - tion Department took place when last Thursday we hosted a Hallowe'en Patty for the Second Mile Club Senior Citizens. We started with a dinner and had a sing -song, hat and mask making and two presentations by the Jannetta Mustard Singers* Ladies' curling club enjoys pot luck lunch The seventy -odd members of the Ladies' Curling Club ga- thered at the club rooms on Monday noon to enjoy a pot luck luncheon as an opener for their season of activities. The president', June Hafermehl, welcomed the members and several of them entertained with special curling lyrics sung" to old and familiar tunes. A general business ` meeting followed, when plans were made for the winter months. The club rooms have undergone an extensive face- lifting during the summer and the members were extremely pleased with the improvement. Wingham �, 011110, Lanes Now owned and operated by DOREEN AND EARL YOUNG OPEN BOWLING SATURDAY 7 - 11 p.m. PHONE 357-1940 {RADIO -TELEVISION COMMISSION • The Canadian Radio -Television Commission Will hold a Public Hearing at the Skyline Hotel in Ottawa, .Ontario, from Tuesday, November 25, 1969, in connection _with the following: BROADCASTING STATION LICENCES EXPIRING MARCH 31, 1970 CKNX-TV . Wingham, Ont. • For the proper conduct of the hearing it is imperative that the requirements of the . Board of Broadcast, Gov- ernors' Procedure Regulations be. strictly followed. Any comment or opposition in respect of the above mentioned applications should be filed with the Secretary on or be- fore November 13, 1969, in twenty (20) copies. Copies of the Regulations may be obtained from the Queen's 'Printer, Ottawa, Ontario.. • Persons wishing to inspect' briefs submitted with re- spect to the above. applications may do so during regular. office hours at the offices' of the Commission, 100 Met- calfe Street, Ottawa,. Ontario. Further copies of this Notice may be obtained by writ- ing. to the • undersigned. CRTC -69.42 ' F. K. Foster, Secretary. • ZY.{;4 ( � 4t\'.�4'rhti},fir,. {�.},y�`'.. •. ,.{�+:;.y_. CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH The evening ended Witheuchre . playing. Sixty --eight people attended the function. Al.. though only five of them actu- ally came in costume everyone seemed to enjoy themselves 'l'ha,rnks must.go out to many people who made the'party a success. Eight teenagers who were asked to help serve did so.: very willingly. Individuals cooked scalloped potatoes and made jellied salads. Other food, ham and desserts were do- nated by very generous com- munity -minded people. All in all, we hope that this is the start of a new type of organiza- tion of senior citizens. 0-- o- -o • • ARENA AND HOCKEY Many boys still have not registered for hockey. We urge that they register immediately so that we can organize the leagues. The arena should be open Friday night for skating, for the opening night. Saturday and Sunday skating will be under- way as well. Bill Innis is Ottawa goalie Bill 'inns who played with the Wingham Lions Midget hockey .ream has been selected -to' play ' goal for the Ottawa B tearn'and is stand-in goalie for ..the ''team. Bfllvas with the local Mid gets.latt-year,when they won the WOAA charitpfonship ar:d later became holders of the B Trophy at the Walter Lockridge Memorial Midget Tournament. He is the son of Mr. and ' Mrs Bill Innis of, Listowel, former residents of Winghar(a, andls at present attending St. Patrick's Colic,ge. p.QttawL,! .... r>., .. In speaking with Mrs.', Innis she mentioned that the quality • of hockey in•this area is tops • and credited Bill's success to the encouragement he received while playing here. She especially mentioned Doug and George Skfnn who spend: untold hours during the winter as coach and manager of Midget hockey. Mrs. Innis said that too often people who devote tine and ef- fort to youth activities do not receive the recognition they de- serve. It is hoped that George and Doug Sldnn, and others like them, will find satisfaction in knowing that. through their train- ing some of the boys get the op- portunity to go farther in this sport. ,0,.. BILL INNIS CASH BINGO. AUSPICES ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION, BRANCH MO WINGHAM LEGION °o7,;froi " Wednesday, Nov. 11 15-410.00 GAMES 2 --SHARE THE WEALTH 1 -SPECIAL $50.00 -MUST GO 0 7 JACKPOT LINE CALLS Club girls see needlecraft slides GQRR E*» Mrs. Susan, Wheat- ley,. Clinton, Huron. Horne EConomfst, showed. alide�c"on the present oourse, "Needle- craft", Needle-craft", in the Gorrie united, Church on Monday evening. Ogirls lead, from Molesworthver'7o, Lakeleland , Fordwiersch, Wroxeter and the four, Gpririt clubs enjoyed ,the Aide:: Lundh was served and the ,project discussed. Achieve- ment Day will be held' -Decem- ber in the Ho, wick Central. School, --Mr. and Mrs. ill{ Garniss of London visited one day last week with .her mother, Mrs. George Kerr of John. Street. 1110 THIS -SATURDAY NIG► T. JIM SCOTT ORCHESTRA `Country *1.Weshiri Dancing .9 1 B4riseupd" Spa! and -Sa* "crdk* SATURDAY' MOW A LARGE GROUP of well - 1rr ssed young- sters parade in front of the judges at the Lions Hallowe'en Frolic last Friday night. • Shown here is a small portion of the over 5 class of the costume contest. —Advance -Times. Photo. THURSDAY MIXED ' Keith. Moffat, is not going to let ,Map Ritchie `rppnopoiize the Men's high 'single:thi.s 'ear as' r Keith bowled a fine 2/5. Howl . ever, Mac's hanging onto thei. high triple. with 'a 755. } Shirley Storey took the.la- dies' honors all by herself with a high single of 2.42 and triple of 678. - Cecile and her Coolcats are still leading .the league with 30 • points followed by Fran `s Ty Cats. 2 8, Betty's Blackcats 21, Lorna's'•Hellcats 19,. Audrey's. Alleycats 15, and f n fast spot, Gail's. Go Cats., ° Thanks to our four spares, Laura Richardson, Jim Bain , • Ross Hastings and Barb Merkley. 0--0--0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Team standings: Comets 22, Geminis 13, Heroes 18, Jupiters 6, Lunars 35, Rockets 32. Ladies' high single, Dorothy Cameron 228, high triple, Rose Grove 561. Men's high single, Frank Burke 289 and high triple 617. Thanks to spares Harold Wild, John Finnigan, Jim Miller, Kay Gregg, Nora Finnigan, Vicki Wild, Leona Miller and J i m Bain. MIXED LEAGUE The Fordwich Mixed Bowling League recorded, the following high scores: Jack King 252, 240; Jack Schumacker 234,228; Nellie Allen 20 7, 20 7; Russel Behrns 235, 209; Blake Gibson 214; Audrey Schumacker 231., 214; Lyle Foerter 205, 207; Es- ther Icing 238; Gary Sothern 212, 211; Bonnie Wilson 215; Marian Behrns 219; Leone Foer- ter 218, 217; Doug_Browne 208; Earle King 237, 200, 206;Lorne Lambkin 270. MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE Team standings: Hawks 36, Bruins 25, Rangers 24, Red Wings 21, Maple Leafs 21, Ca- nadians 20. High single, Gord Fisher 303; high triple, 13111 Brown 733. Other good games bowled were: Don Rintoul 244, 558; Ken Saxton 277, 563; Jim Stef- fter 255, 671; Ian Maclaurin 253, 651; Bill Brown 2 75, 733; Bob Angus 2 62, 621. ' Thanks to spares Jim Swan Ross Hastings, Ken Zinn, Gord Fisher, Del Burkhart, Charlie Kerr, Garry Storey and Irvine Storey. GORRIE LEAGUE Mary Helen Thompson 258, 204; Alma Watson 229; Ron Livermore 220, 213; Jack Pipe 207; Bob Ferguson 246; Donna Spares 1Wallace 205 Brenda Ferguson 06; Roug Ferguson 265. 214, ll; Bill Strong 254, 210; Wil- , brd�rY.atrdni,�n,2,52p;Bp#t i'itpe. - .. 45. WR OXETER LEAGUE Win' McMichael 244, 236, %211 deiis DeBoer 224; Rickey Clarice Cl 238; Jack Burns 268; •Marg Galbraith 205; Malvin1 Riley 0; Dick DeBcer 2b3; Ed use 2 'Rouse 08, 230; Ken Galbraith- - 1; Jerry 24 Timm 201; Carol Ed- gar 201. , SAUCY SEVEN. LAKELET--The sixth Meet- ing was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Hohnstein with: a full' at- lendance. The minutes were read by Janice McComb'antl roll call was answered by uses for Roman and fly stitches. Cov- i ers for the record books were ' discussed. The giris practised the crewel stitch. SNIPPING SCISSO1RS . BELGRAVE--Roll call for the sixth meeting Monday after school was "Places where the fly and Roman stitches could be used" was answered by s i x members: Carob Waket read the Minutes. The girls looked at differ- ent designs in which the fly' stitch Was used. They discussed covers as Mrs. Clark Johnston • had a.,sample. Everyone did a sample, of the Roman stitch and crewel stitch. The leaders checked some of the record books. They were shown 'how to mount samples on the illus- tration sheets. At the seventh meeting roll call was "Why I chose my free choice article and my colour •, scheme", answered by seven members. Velma Fear read minutes and the girls learned how to make a twisted cord. They also worked on finishing their runners and covers. SALES and SERVICE 137 JOHN STREET ,W. WINGHAM Phone 357-2583 4 POPPY WEEK REMEMBER THE DEAD, HELP THE LIVING! POPPY WEEK-NOV. 3 TO NOV. 8 Activities to C�rnrnemorat� Remembrance Day SUNDAY; NOVEMBER 9th ,a Remembrance ' Day.. Solrvice will be ..hold in Bluevale United Church, at' 11:30 a.m:; All. Veterans of the area and members of the Ladies' Auxiliary are invited to take part. ,The church parade .will form op. in Bluevale. • Anyone from Wingham who needs ; transportation to Bluevale is asked to be at • the 'Armouries 'at 11;00' a.m., or leave your name with the Legion Steward, Grant Wall. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER llth Parade of all organizations taking part will assemble at the Armouries at 10:30 a.m. The service at the Cenotaph will ,be at 11:00 o'clock. The annual Remembrance Day Banquet will be held at the Legion Hall at 7:00 p.m. for all Veterans. DANCE TO FOLLOW Veterans unable to attend the dinner and the public are invited to: join us for the dance. • Music by Boyd's Orchestra Admission OM couple BRANCH 180 YAL CANADIAN LEGION