HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-11-06, Page 8P tarn Advance -Times, 'Thursday, Nov. 6, 1969 r. 0.3) —PAlaerrto t ' W'1 y. q(!U Rita big, M h. carr A113 1.A PY I tl yg .It w►OS! fun ar .""Par; , 64,‘" FOR SALE AUTOMATIC clothes dryer for sale. Good condition. Ph. 357-1583 after 5 o'clock. 6p 6 -PC. DINETTE SUITE for sale; table with two leaves. Ph. Wroxeter 285W. 6b PARTY ICE for sale, 10-14. bag 50c. Danny's Tavern. ph. 351-3114. 23rrb FOR *SALE -At Sunrise Dairy Bar: 3 -qt. jug Homo, 80c; 3 -qt. jug 2%, 75c; whipping cream, 35c. 6-13-20-27b GUNS bought, sold and ap- praised. ABC Sporting Goods, B. Jenkins, Minnie Street. Jne26prrb SELLING OUT PRO SIIOP. Cut prices on all golfing equipment and balls. Rental sets $25.00. ea. Wingham Golf Club, 357-1251. 30-6p CAN AND BULK milk tanks for sale. Henry Selling,. 357- 3575 or Blyth 523-9412 even- ings. llrrb FOX double-barrel 20 shotgun for sale, chambered 3" mag- num. May ag-num.May be seen at George Cameron's poolroom, or call 3574858. 23-30=6b VACUUM CLEANER Sales & Service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, Dial 1-262-5748. D26rrb a t EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashings. Roof repairs." CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates. Morrison Bros„ • phone Lucknow 528-2546. • F2Orrb 2 -BEDROOM mobile home for sale, 10'x42', completely furn- ished, in good condition, on own lot in Blyth. Low down- . payment; mortgage available. Phone 526.7725. 30-6p:• Spinrite ..Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY SALES STORE SAVINGS ON YARN CLEAR- ANCES and MILL ENDS Main Street, Listowel, Ont. 291.951 - 09 -N6 -J1 -J29 SEWING MACHINES - New •and reconditioned. Prompt re- pairs to any make. Beware of the Peddlers. Dick Buck, • Sntittys, Hanover, 364-3458 or 3643800. 25rrb PIANS,; Stereos, wide selec- Wongt t J OF 'FIU1tNIA TIME, at :the Mildmay Furni- ture Showrooms, (each side of main street, Mildmay). 30-6b BEAUTIFUL stainless steel cookware for sale, new 19 pcs., heavy 3 -ply, worth over $200, asking. $150. Phone Kitchener ' 579-0073, or write Box 35. Ad- vance -Times. 30-6p NOW AVAJLABLE IN THIS • AREA -- Dumont Aluminum windows, doors, aWntngs, sid Jigs. For free estimate call Roy Etnberlin,_ 528-2703, Luck - now, your ..local franchised dealer. •'•S18-N6p 'PAISLEY APPLE BUTTER mill reopens October 2, clos- ing/ November 15,,, operating each week Thursday and Sat- urday 6 o'clock; Friday night 10 p..m. Custom cooking Sat= urday only. Apple butter,. sweet cider, containers. bar- rels for sale. S25-N6b COME IN and see the New 1970 Sno-Commander on dis- play now. Also suits. boots, mitts and helmets. Tile new Trail -car trailers, singe and double unit sizes. Also Sim- plicity garden tractors and snow blowers. Wingham Lawn & Garden Center, 257 Shuter Street, 357.2683.. 28rrb. HILRAY FARMS LTD. ABATTOIR HOLYROOD The beat in home grown dry - fed, drug-free beef. As of November 1st we will no longer be doing Custom slaughtering. FREE DELIVERY Tb WING- HAM INGHAM on all orders over $10, Monday to Friday by Harry Brydges. Ph. 528-2132; nights 357-1887 or 528-2182. Owned and operated by RAYNARD and ERNEST J. ACKERT 16-23-30.6.13-20b FOR SALE 140 bus. spreader, new, $200 off;' JD Model R, like new, bargain; International 3 -fur- row, 3 -point hitch plow, tri bottom, good; 11% -ft. GW ,cul- tivator, 2 yrs. old; Massey 44 diesel, good, terms; 4 -furrow International plow, on rubber; Sandarum cultivators, guaran- teed 3 yrs., at discount prices; farm wagon; farrowing stalls and stabling; water bowls, will instal; snowblowers, , auger type., Tractors repaired and overhauled. All types of weld- ing. All work guaranteed to satisfy. J & W WELDING 392.6904, Teeswater, Ont. 16rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BLACK PONY for sale, six ye g old. Reasonable. Call REGISTERED and grade heif- ers for sale. Due November, December and January. Phone F'ordwich 37812, . 17 PIGS for sale. Noah Byter, R. R. 1 Wroxeter. 6b CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1968 CHEV. 90 van for sale, 12,000 actual miles. One own- er. Phone Wroxeter 118. 6b AUSTIN A-55 to be sold for spares. Two good snow tires. Almost new 12 volt battery. Seen any time. Ph. 367.2170. 6b 1966.CHEV %-ton truck for sale. Phone 357-1598. 6p CARS FOR SALE '67 Pontiac, full power, Lic. 275169. '67 Chev., auto., N57626. '65 Chev., auto., 30149. '63 Pontiac, auto., 682559. J. BROWN MOTORS Gorrie, Ontario. 6b FOR RENT. 4 - BEDROOM house for rent, close to town and schools. Phone 357-3114. 6b BRICK HOUSE for rent near Belgrave, 3 bedrooms, furnace and bath. Ph. 357-3229. 6p APARTMENT for rent. Im- mediate possession. Single gentleman or elderly couple. Phone 357-2875. 6b PRIME BUSINESS location for rent, in the former post office. Write Alice Legge, 141 8th East, Owen Sound. 28rrb 2 - BEDROOM apartment for rent, on main street, heated, $95.00 a month. Phone 357- 1014. 6b 100 -ACRE FARM 'for rent, 85 acres workable. Well drained. In grass or can be ploughed for crop. Bob Searson, 583W1, Wroxeter. 0 23-30-6p 2 -BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent in Teeswater. Possession immediately; 1 -bedroom apart- ment for rent, 1st December. Phone . 392-.6893 or contact Gottfried Nabrotsky, Teeswat- er. • • 6b SALES 'HELP WANTED' LADIES Holiday season is approaching. • If you need money to buy gifts, .etc., for Christmas, sell our Beautiful Line of Cosmetics and other Products. Large profit. Write . Rawleigh Dept. K-453-1, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, P.Q. • 6-13b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR PAINTING SUITE INTERIORS AT PARKVIEW APARTMENTS (TWin Pines) Edward Street, Wingham, Eleven Units. Sealed tenders will be re- "ceived by the undersigned until. TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, SATURDAY; NOVEM- BER 32, 1969. Specifications available at The Wingham Advance -Times 'Office, 192. Josephine Street, Wingham. Lowest or any tend- er not necessarily accepted. Twin Pines Apartments Lim- ited; c/o The Advance -Times, Wingham, Ontario. 6-13b MISCELLANEOUS THE DECOR SHOPPE Floor Covering Sales — Installation Larding Carpets - Draperies Murray Gerrie 357.2002 - Wingham DEAD ELMS ARE DANGER- OUS! Let us remove them and other trees safely. Also tree pruning and custom sawing. CaII ROY'S TREE SERVICE at Teeswater 3924069.. 1&3iemtillDc.p INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING AND REMODELLING Truck Lettering and Sign Painting ALVIN SHAFER Phone 3574417 023-D18p FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co -Op Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple . Street Wingham Dial 3574739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue STRATFORD Phone 2714736 Collect MISS IVA MAI SMITH L.R.C.T. Will present her piano pupils in recital at Wingham United Church Hall, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14th, at 8 p.m. Guests on the program will be Pchoral group from Wingham ublic School, directed by Mrs. Bruce MacDonald. 6b ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson Riley of Wingham announce the forthcoming inarriage of their daughter, Judith Anne, to Mr. Thomas Lorne Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ed- wards of R. R. 2 Teeswater. The marriage will take place on Saturday, November 22, 1969, at 3 o'clock in St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church. 6p Mr. and Mrs. Bert van Lam- meren of Blyth announce the engagement of their daughter, Emma Mary, to Mr. Harvey Larry Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor of Wing - ham. The wedding will take place in Blyth St. Michael's R. C. Church on Saturday, December 6, 1069, at 3 p.m. 6p • WANTED WOULD LIKE to purchase 1 to 10 acres of land, pref- erably with a barn, in Lower Wingham. Apply Box 37, Ad- vance -Times. 6-13b PRIVATE COLLECTOR pay- ing good prices for old fruit jars with odd names on; also • old coins, stamps, dolls, cast iron toys, etc. What have you? Write Box 36, Advance -Times. •30-6-13p WANTED DEAD STOCK Fresh dead stock; cows dead, $12. each; dead horses, $20. each, over 500 pounds, accord- ing to size. Collect 369-2410, Durham. • Lorenz Removal: Jnl6rrb'70 LOST LOST—Berry Door garage op- erator, white. Phone 357-2180. 6b LOST—On Saturday afternoon in Wingham, brown leather wallet containing cash and cheque: Finder please phone 392-6103, collect. Reward. 6p PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rohn of R. R. 2 Wingham, hereby give notice that their name is pro- nounced "Roan." Although we have lived here for three years we are still not being identi- fied as Rohn. - , 6b CARDS OF THANKS We would like to express our deepest thanks to allour friends and neighbors for all their kindness during our sud- den bereavement. Special thanks .to Dr. McGregor, Rev: B. Passmore, the UCW of Bluevale United Church, all who helped with the chores and . cared for the children and those who helped in our home. Your kindness will never be forgotten. — The Campbell family. . 6p The family of the late Peter G. Moffat wish to express their •thanks for the many kind- nesses shown during their father's . stay in hospital and at the time of his death. Spec- ial thanks .to Rev. Horace Braden. Drs. Corrin and McKim and the nurses on second floor at Wingham and District Hospital. All this thoughtful- ness was very much appreci- ated. 6p It is with grateful thoughts that we take this means of ex- pressing sincere •appreciation", to the directors , and staff of . the Belgrave Co -Op, the UCW, our friends and neighbors for their kindness in remembering us in so many ways. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes. — Lloyd, Marie and Dianne Freethy. • ,6p I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to all my friends who were so kind in sending me cards, flowers and gifts while I was .a patient in Wing - ham and District Hospital, also thanks to Dr. Crawford and nurses on first floor. — Ethel Day. 6b We would like to express our sincere thanks to our neighbors, friends and rela- tives for the lovely gifts re- ceived at our shower. We would especially Iike to thank everyone who helped in any way. It was greatly appreci- ated.—Steve and Evelyn . Pom- ery. 6b I would like to express my sincere appreciation; for all the kindness shown me with cards. treats and flowers while I was in Alexandra and Mar- ine Hospital, Goderich. Special. thanks to Drs. Walden and Flowers and. the nurses on second floor.—Bert Johnston. 6p May we thank our neigh- bors and friends Of Bluevale for their good wishes and Pifts. Bluevale now lives in embroke in the form of a Tiffany lamp. Sincerely—Cath- ie and Hugh Mundell. 6b Many thanks' to my friends who visited me and sent cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in 'Wingham and District Hospital and since coming home. Also to those who sent food to the house. Special thanks to Rev. R. 11. Armstrong, Drs. Wilkins and Bozyk, nurses and staff in ICU. All was verymuch ap- preciated.—Mrs. Eleen (Mon- ty) Bennett. 6b • LEGAL ,...lo.rA,,. BY-LAW NO. 10 • 1969 A By -Law for the Corpora- tion of the Township of Turn- berry to raise $150,000.00 to aid in the Construction of TO%, Stone or Timber Drains. The Council of the Township of Turnberry, pursuant to the Tile Drainage Act, enacts as. • follows: 1)—The Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this By -Law, bor- row on the credit of the cor- poration orporation of the Municipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $150,000.00 as may be determined by the Council, and may in manner hereinaf- ter provided, issue debentures of the corporation in such sums as the .Council may deem . proper for the amount so bor- rowed, with Coupons attached as provided in . section 4 of the Act. 2)—Subject to section 10 of the Tile Drainage Act, when the Council is of opinion that the application of any person to borrow money for the purr- pose of constructing a tile stone or timber dram should be granted in whole or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the • Reeve to issue de-. bentures as aforesaid ° and to borrow a sum not exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the same to the ap- plicant on the completion of • the drainage works. 3)—A special -annual rate shall be imposed, levied and collected over'and above all; other rates upon the land in respect 'of which 'the money is borrowed, sufficient for the payment. of the principal .and interest as provided 'by the • Act. Read a first and second' time this Tenth day of July 1969. .�A. D. SMITH, Reeve. JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk.' Read a third time and final- ly passed this 3rd of Novem- ber, 1969. A. D. SMITH, Reeve. . JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk. NOTICE Corporation of the Township of Turnberry. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a By -Law i ! passed by the Council of thea u Teyvnship of Turnberry on =thq-` � 3rd ,clay of. •None berg 1969,„ and, ' 'p`erSons' are rrequrr}ed. to - take notice that any .oneM who desires to apply to have -A the By -Law or any part, there- , of quashed, must serve notice ' of his application upon the Head or Clerk of this Muni- cipality within 20 days after the date of'the last publication of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month after the said - date. This notice was published -on the sixth day - of November, , 1969, and the _last publication will be on the twentieth day of November, 1969. • . JOHN V. FISCHER, Clerk. 6-13-20b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE — Four - bedroom house located in Teeswater. Livingroom, dining room, kit- chen, alcove and two baths. Wall to wall rug throughout. Large picture window looks over river. Double lot, two -car garage and utility barn. Pri- vate sale. and, 392-6548, Tees - water. 2rrb WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate. Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 WINGHAM, ONTARIO COMMISSION RATE -- 3% ON HOUSES IN WINGHAM Attractive 2 - storey brick home, large kitchen, living room and dining room, 4 spa-' cious bedrooms, 3 piece bath up and two piece down; full basement, oil furnace, hot water heatinig. This home is immaculate throughout, close to schools, choice residential district. Possession 30 days. Lovely, modern 3 -bedroom nearly new ranch style home, family size kitchen, large liv- ing room, 4 piece bath, full basement, oil heating, new residential district. Early pos- session. • Situated on 12 acres of choice land at the edge of Wingham, is a 1% -storey 7 - room brick house, water on pressure, and a barn 24'x40'. Fall possession, with terms. 125 -acre farm on highway, 6 -room house with bath, large oarn with straw shed, large implement shed, water on pressure, drilled well, 115 level, workable acres. Im- mediate possession. 138 -acre farm, 8 room brick house, large barn, implement shed, drilled well, clay loam tillable soil with 5 acres of hush. located 5 miles from Wingham in TurnbPrry Town- ship. Priced for ouick sale as owner has retired. Choice buntline lot for sale. frontage 76', fully serviced. 44.44444.444444444 Several houses for sale in Wingham and Lucknow. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE EDWARD A. ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE BROKER AND GENERAL INSURANCE WINGHAM -- Telephone: ,Bps. 357-1590; Res. 357.1555 - 1% - storey frame duplex home, three bedrooms in each with separate entrances. Ideal income home. Two bedroom 1%. - storey frame insul sided home, with an extra lot. Very reasonably priced with possession in 30 days. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE , TO CREDITORS • AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES NIEL CAMPBELL, late of the Town- ship of Morris in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that creditors and others hav- ing claims against the Estate of the late Charles Niel Camp- bell ampbell are required to send par- ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL; Solicitor for the Adminiatra- ntrix of the said Estate, on or before the 22nd day of Novem- ber, 1969, and that after such date the Administratrix will, proceed to distribute. the -as- sets •of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED --'at Wingham, On- tario, this 3rd day of Novem. ber, A.D. 1969. Mary Frances Campbell, •Administratrix 'of . the Estate, . $y her Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario. 6-13-20b NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN HYSLOP HOTSON. -'ALL • PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned, late . of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron, Farmer. who died on October 21, 1969, are 'required to file proof of Sallie with the undersigned on or before the 26th day of Nov- ember, ov- - ember,.;1969. - ,; After that date the Execu- tor will proceed to distribute' the estate having regard only to_ the' claims. of 4,• which she shat then 'have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario this 29th day of October, 1969. CRAWFORD AND MILL, Barristers and Solicitors. Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 6-13-20b • AUCTION SALES • AUCTION SALE of 47 head of beef cattle, hogs grain, farm implements, will be held for James E. Walsh, sh lot 39, con. 3, East Wawa - nosh Township, 11/4 miles north and 1V4 miles west of Blyth on SATURDAY, NOV. 8, at 1:30. - Terms—,Cash. Farm sold. See bills for list. Allan Maclntyre, . Auctioneer, phone 528-3519, Lucknow: . 30-6b ESTATE AUCTION SALE'" of importance and very worthy • of your attendance at ' ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES 20 Water Street, Wingham, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 11:00 a.m. Consisting of the very fine furnishings, vintage and per- - iod pieces of superior quality figurines, china, curios. glass, many pictures and three fine Lloyd Bros. prints. one Well - stood signed- print, several • fine oriental I carpets, general modern and recent houseware. A truly outstanding/ offering from the MRS. E.D. CAMERON ESTATE WALKERTON, ONTARIO. There will be no reserves all must be. sold. The sale will begin on Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m., with • a %-hour lunch break to 12:30. The sale should end about 5:45. PREVIEW TIMES • Thurs., Nov. 13—Noon- 6:00 Friday, Nov. 14—Noon- 6:00 7:00- 9:00 Satur., Nov. 15— 9:30-11:00 Jack Alexander will auction. E.M.S., Administrators for the Executrix. ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Administrators. Wingham — 357-1011 J. A. Currie, Mgr. "The only auction service of its kind in Western Ontario with a proven market." Of) DEDICATE GIDEON BIBLES AS A CONTINUING MEMORIAL May be donated through your local funeral director Pia ed In Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, Prisons aim! In Durham Hoa pital 1809, oto{ Mr end irt Mrs, Hut ton Port Fes►, -a ter, $tf chele Lee, tor Christine, FISCRER -" fn Wingham. and District Hospital, en Wed- nesday, October 29, 1999. t Mr. an d Mrs. Jack Fischer, Wingham, a son. RINTOUL-,-Juan and Jan Ritl- toul of Barbados, are happy to announce the birth of their son on Wednesday, October 29, 1969, HACKETT In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday October 31, 1969. to Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hackett, Lucknow; a soil. McLEAN — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Friday. October 31, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McLean, R. R. 2 Lucknow, a daughter. HARRISON — In Palmerston General . Hospital, on Mon-, day, November 3, 1969 .to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harrison of I•Iarriston, a son, a broth- er for Pamela, Valerie and Rebecca. CRAIG—In Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, on Tuesday, November 4. 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. William Craig, R. R. 2 Blyth, a daughter. DIED McKEE -- William Carter, • 126 Blair Road, Galt. At the South Waterloo Memorial Hos- pital, Galt, on Monday, Nov- ember 3, 1969,.Carter McKee, beloved husband of Margaret •Ballagh and dear father of Marion, (Mrs. James ' Pel1ow) of Woodstock, and Robert Car. ter 1kfcKee of Galt, and dear brother of Miss Elizabeth Mc- Kee of Toronto.. Jested at the Coutts and Son funeral home, 96 St. Andrew Street, Galt, for service on Wednesday, Nov- ember 5, .at • 2 p.m. Interment Mount View Cemetery, Galt. IN. MEMORIAM BOLT -In loving , memory ' of William Bolt, who passed away November 6, 1966. Years go by but memories stay • As near and dear as yesterday. —Ever remembered :by wife , Hilda, and family:. • s 6p rs larington •Wingham. native .. dies -ili-0c�I'e g A a r1 1' • c, f' a .Ari• ;, r, Mrs,. Therfen D. Yarington, the former Catherine (Kate)• Williamson, passed away re- cently in Portland, Oregon. She' had been a resident o€ Washing- ton State for over forty years. After the death of her husband at White Salmon, Washington, in 1964 she resided in Portland with her daughter, Mrs. M. - Foster. Also surviving is a granddaugh- ter Mrs. (Dr.) Bill Scharwatt of Seattle and two young -.great- granddaughters, Amy and Eryn Katherine Scharwatt. Four sisters also survive, Mrs. A. H. (Anne) Klug of La Mesa, California, Mrs. N. J. (Marg- aret) Amott of Ingersoll, Mrs. E. (Alice) Ziegler of Kitchener and Miss Agnes Williamson of Wingham. Burial was at White Salmon on October 2 5th. , DEAD $TOCK REMOVAL $5.00 - $15.00 for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. For the most prompt and courteous service in this dis- trict PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels. Ont. 24-hour service -7 days 1 week License No. 390-C-65 RHEUMATIC PAIN? Get fast relief the very first day! Rumacaps are specially formu- lated to give you fast relief—the very first day—from nagging rheumatic pains and aches. Also proven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica, headache and neuritic pains: Ask for new Rumacaps—a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing comfort—at your local druggist's. Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort! Pilr FOR RHEUMATIC AIN .MI,w� Y.l.i .�•C.Mw•♦/..p. H.•1• W'\NW\ NW w1N W,MKO macapi umacaps' ttlThOWIIN►IIRAMH,IA114WHJIHMIIRIAII,RI.#100100*“. EUCHRE Oddfellows Hall, 'Monday, November 10, et 8:10, sponsor- ed by Rebekah Lodge.. Eve - one welcome.gp BAZAAR, BAKE SALE TEA Women's titute Hall, Bel- grave, Saturday, November 8, at 3 p.m., sponsored by the T r i n i t y Anglican Church Guild. 6p THE BELL RINGERS Of St, Andrew's Presbyter - Ian Church, Wingham, will be at Knox Presbyterian, Garde, November 9th, 1969,at 7:30 p.m. Singing, old and new. All come, now! 6b FOWL .SUPPER Salvation Army Citadel, Wednesday, November 12, at 6:30 p.m. Adm. adults $1.75, children under. 12, 75c. Tickets available in advance. 30.6b THE CHILD HEALTH CONFERENCE Sponsored by the Huron County Health Unit will be held in the Medical and Dental Centre, Brussels, on Tuesday, 18th November, 1969, from. 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 6b HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, Nov: 7th, at 8:30 p.m, in Wroxeter Community Hall. Adm. $1.00. 12 regular games for $10; two "Share the Wealth"; one $25 Special; Jackpot of $85 in 60 calls; door prizes and lucky draws. 6b BIBLE LANDS PILGRIMAGE (And Athens), departing March 2, 1970. $62 down pay - spent only and take up to 24 months to pay balance (about $27 'per month!)—or pay total cost of an unprecedented low $620. For brochure phone 357- ,1072 or write P.O. Box 927, Wingham. Host: Rev. Barry Passmore. 6-13b THE CORNER STORE Closes November 15. Any- one nyone having articles, must have them picked up by November 13th or they become - property of Corner Store. - 6b LIVING FAITH Next telecast over CKNX-TV Ch. 8, will be this Saturday. November 8th 6 - 6:30 . p.m: The general theme .is "Christ. the Only Hope," and Port El- gin, Southampton, Glamis and Tiverton Baptist churches will take part in the telecast 6p ESCAPE THE COLD DURING CHRISTMAS VACATION 15 -day bus tour to Florida: For itinerary phone 527-1222 or write Habkirk Transit Ser-. vice, Box 700, Seaforth, Ont. 030-D18b -SPECIAL US TO GRANDE . OPRY . . ' Na hvil ' a "Ten'ri:; leaves Frit day evening; November 14. at 8 p.m.. returning Sunday even- ing, November 16th. Reserve your seat now. Habkirk Trans- it Service Ltd., Box 700, Sea - forth, or phone 527-1222. 2.916-23-304lb v., ,,, en IIII,I.I04,41110.01100HH!IR!M HRIPIIMOV NAMMmIft.� BAKE SALE The , es'. Auxiliary to the Royal Ca nadian Legion will hold a bake sale in the Odd- fellows lodge rooms on Nov' ember 8, at 3 p.m, 30-Obt WOMEN'S INSTITUTE . EUCHRE In the Council Chambers on Saturday, November 8, at 0:30 p.m. Good prizes. Everybody welcome. 6b FIGURE SKATING REGISTRATION -Registration for figure skat- ing will take place upstairs at the Wingham Arena on Satur- day, November 8, from 12 to 2 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. All new skaters are welcome. 6b WE HOPE IT WON'T HAPPEN- t TO YOU! a A BARN FIRE IS A TRAGIC THING. • The Toss often includes other buildings, stock, implements and the sea- son's crop. Think about it now! Are you sure your insurance coverage ' is adequate? Why not see us today to discuss your situation. W. B. Conran, CLU 357-2636 INSURANCE Complete Insuranee '.1., ,.0 r k#85-UV snail Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 5 John St. W. - Wingham 4 ,0 nterlaintnent at the Station Ho#el, Mildmay FRIDAY EVENING "41kIOflTrIo SATURDAY EVENING Country Gids Sparerib: Sauerkraut and Chicken served Friday and `Barbeeu Saturday Nights Business and Professional Directory . C. W. CASLICK LIFE - ,HEALTH , BUSINESS INSURANCE' 50 Patrick Street East Wingham Representing IMPERIAL LIFE A27-lyr CAVILLER & COMPANY (Charteed Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton CRAWFORD and MILL Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 Chiropractor R. BRAY, D.C. 256 Centre Street Phone 357-1224 Wingham WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and SaVe Bus. Ph. 35.7-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth; RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 HAR R I STON - ONTARIO J. T. GOOD!4LL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Office -- Meyer Block WINGHAM DIAL 357.1990 4