HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-11-06, Page 71► 1r a 4 Mr. and. M , S1 n Wel- wood el-w !d and Mr, and Mrs,, .John Crohn and children of Orange. v Ile, who had been here for returned home on Thursday. Mrs. Arthur �� s funeral. YOU CAN flELP US HELP YOU von .'customers were. .;disappointed last Christmas when. we were unable to. fill their .upholstering renovation prior to the festive season, because they failed to book far' enough ahead -PL.,EAsE HELP, . U$ .... if you are now considering work on your Living room pieces - arrange an ap- pointment immediately so we can plan our fall and pre -Christmas work load. 3541011 E.M.S. UPHOI$TERING 20. Water St., Wiuy ail "Old Time Knowhow --*-- New Time Ideas" live a IittIe! All you need is an automatic washer and electric dryer. With one setting' of a simple control, the washer fills itself, washes, drains, rinses, and .damp -dries.. Then the dryer takes over. Keeps your clean wash free from impurities in the air. Fluffs clothes into a natural shape for easier iron- ing. And takes special care of your permanent- press, garments. .There's no hard work. No watching. No Waiting. Your time's your own. You've banished your washday blues! With an , automatic washer and electric dryer, you don't have to do the whole family wash the same day. Do a little at a time. Whenever you feel like it. Even when it's pouring rain. Get yourself a new automatic washer and electric. dryer from your local major appliance dealer, and live a little. your hydro AVAILABLE AT STAINTON HARDWARE (Wingham) Limited r— PHONE 35T4910 • AVAILABLE AT BURKE ELECTRIC "QUALITY AND SERVICE GUARANTEED" PHONE 357-2450 immempiaris Hallowe'en assembly The grade seven. 'class, un- der the direction of Mn. s, Cross, premed the Hallowekn Asembly . October 31, The .we rated. with �y�►nasiurnrts d.. pumper seen and Hallowe'en .Males, CRAFTY CREW BLUEVALE--The 4 -fl C, raf!y crew met at the home of Mts. J. Armstrong, The roll call • was, "Other articles one would like to embroider. The rest of the .r neeting was spent on finishing the -free choice ar- ticles. On November 10 a work:, meeting will.be held at Mrs. Alex MacTavish's home. 0.1M. Nixon meted .m><n'and Mrs. Rodger at the per. After the Of V C a". the p. , re- cited the ':Scrit pasage:and .sang' T d,s... the � 'w";l'he Lai a ex". The class mag the hymn, ""Lor theBeauty of :the fat" Karen Currie and 'Glen N on entertained by playing piano, solos, '"Camptown Races" and "Sonatina Q. P. "' A Hallowe'en n play, "The Realistic Orean't ; (.0 was presented with all pupils taking part. Janet Haines played a pian] solo called "On the Ice atSweet,' Briar" followed by a g u i t a r selection given by John Scott, esioms,ssisummosumifiseswilmellefleMosims••0010•144"0“04. Mends gailier for 25th anniversary FORD WICH- =Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary, when their family entertained relatives, friends and neighbors at the.. Community hall on Saturday: night. The evening was spent play- ing cards and dancing. to Lime Lambkin's orchestra. Anson and Wilda have a fam- ily of three,Jack, Audrey. Mrs. Garfield Gibson and Janice and two grandchildren. The bride . and groom of 25 years received • - many lovely gifts and a buffet lunch at 12 midnight brought the evening to a close. Dedication. at McIntosh BELMORE--Sunday worship service was held in Knox Pres- byterian Church here with Rev. E. R. Hawkes in charge. He spoke on "Christ the •Lord ".. The Junior choir sang "Let There Be Peace", with Miss Evelyn Dick- son ickson at the organ. - Worship service was held in the Belrnore Unite4,Church. with Rev. K. Wettlaufer speaking on "Cour Stewardship of Life". Fol- lowing the sermon, the service moved to the McIntosh Ceme- tery Mortuary, whhre Carrick and Howxick Council.:members were present for the dedication service. The McIntosh Junior choir sang a number, and Miss Barbara Harkness played an ac cordion solo.' Regional meeting of B&PW held in Waikerion Mrs, Robert Ahara of Wing - ham, Business and Professional Women regional advisor, assist- ed Mrs. Trimble Saline in cut- ting the 20th anniversary cake .when the regional meeting for Region 8 B&PW was held in Walkerton. Approximately 75 -members were in attendance from Owen Sound, Wiarton, Wingham, Hanover, Durham and Walker- ton. Mrs. Baillie was the con- vener, and Mrs. Ahara chaired the meeting: Mrs. M. Hessor of Fort Erie, Provincial first vice-president, was guest speaker. She said that living in Canada is a privi- lege not to be taken for grant- ed. "We should work for it, sacrifice for it and keep it safe: She said Canadians have been handed a Bill of Responsibilities along with a Bill of Rights. • Shesaid there seems so much to do. Trouble and un- happiness are. everywhere. Head- lines read "Wo one would help" "Whatever has happened to brotherly love? Have we be- coine so hardened that these cultural, social and economic ills do not concern us? Have we lost that purity of mercy and charity?" Mrs. Hessor ask- ed. "They say there are three kinds of people- -the few who • make things happen, those who let things happen, and those who don't even know anything has happened. Perhaps we can- not be in the first group but surely we do not want to be in the last; " she said. Mrs. Hes- sor said B&PW has a responsi- bility to young associates to- wards education and training by setting an example, by giv- ing full measure, by co-oper- ate effort in remedying the world's ills. ,Mrs. W. C. Murray and Mrs. George Scott of Wingham ex- plained the meaning of the club's emblem. • Eight members of the Wing - ham club attended tike meeting. families attend WLU Convocalion: LAKELET--Those attending the Convocation exercises' fob :. Waterloo Lutheran University art the .Memorial Auditorium, Kitchener; on Sunday were Mr. • and Mrs. James Inglis and Jim, Mr. and Mrs.' Vernon Inglis and Miss Gail Hutcheon of Toronto. Mr: and Mrs. Lyle Murray and Judith Anne, Mr. and Mrs. • El- mer Giles of Arkona, Mr. aid Mrs. Bruce Giles and girls of Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Giles of Toronto and Mrs. 'Ar- thur thur Hossfeld of Walkerton. • Jim Inglis and Bruce Giles received their' Bachelor of Arts degrees' After the exercises each family held a dinner. . Sclooi. "George's Steel Cpuitar. " A" Hallowe'en poem, . llrlde- ded Punsp n" wain' tea i1 _ .arlene Coulter, Twospart' cho, We Come, Little Witches" and "Pumpkin Polka" were sung. ''she girls, dressed in costume, then danced the "Pumpkin Pol- ka". The assembly closed by singing "God Save the Queen". nrctiltisORONAIIRS GORRM-millse meeting of G40'4, 4- $tttehirt' Oran- ,. -was held November 1 at $35 ru. at Mrs,' !deo r,ge Brown's,home. Roil call, 1chose my free choice article andcolour scheme" was an- swered n-s rend. by five member. The members made a wailhang!ng cord, Next meeting will be held ,Saturday, November 8 at the sametime eat Mrs. L. Wat- son's home. %MIghrtm Advr at+c "T • ay, MRS. WILHEMINA GRAY, Vancouver, who lost two sons during World Wq r 11 `will represent Canadian Motherhood at the ,Legion'sNational Remembrance ceremony in Ot- tawa on November 11. She is left with a glittering array of 14 medals awarded to her airmen sons the 15th (left top) is her husband's South African medal. Robert Hampton Gray won the Victoria Cross, the Distinguished Service Cross and was mentioned in Dispatches as a Fleet Air Arm pilot. John Balfour Gray, RCAF, had completed one tour of operations on bombers before being killed in' 1942.—Royal Canadian Legion Photo. The W. M.S, of .St. A'ndrew's Presbyterian Chuirch convened in the Upper Room ,on Tuesday, at 2.30. First vice -,president,. Mrs. J. M e eson, presided., Mrs. William Ford was pianist, The program was under the Mr, colon of Miss Agnes William- son and Mss. 'Maugaret Hastings. Mrs. Aitcheson gave their:worm- dm. "Let us conte boldly unto the throne of Grace. and: the' opening prayer. Mrs: M, Deans read the minutes of the October meeting and gave the toll calla Mrs. G. Godkin'submitted the treasurer's report. St. Andrew's W. M. S. will assume responsibility for the cost of the Junior Groups' study books. Mrs. M. Murchison re- ported 52 calls made by the Friendship and Service. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. B. Holmes. Mrs. William Mac-, Kenzie gave the Scripture read- ing and Miss V. McLaughlin led in the, devotional prayer. The topic from the study book, entitled "Swinging", was pre- sented by Miss Agnes William- son, Mrs. M. Hastings, Mrs. M. McKinney, Mrs. M. Galbraith' and Miss L. Taylor. New fortes • of communication are finding their way into the church es- pecially -with the Teens and Twenties. They bring a variety of snarlca � _.. l uM+ts. Tbc., Sound , may deafen, but .thy a different. There is drama, a., and, in the native churches abroad, dancing and pantomn'he. At the coag of lige of OW Foran church dancing was the expression of worship used by Formosan women, beautiful- ly done to the glory of God, There is also the world-wide scope of television, people watching and listening to the. message of the Church, The coffeechapel WO - try, young people, talldng, coitus and social: ty, When, they arrive at the time of 4e- 0111911, and can, say in all truth, "Not my wilt but Thine be done', then they will .know they have. found their, way through to God, and to the very gates of heaven; A spirited discussion on this , topic followed. the. presentation; Mrs. Aitcheson closed the rtleet- ing with the benediction. Darcy Leesonand daughter Lynne of.Qttawa are spending this week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert OA - ley of Morris. Township, --Corp. and Mrs. Alan Ni- col and Kathy of Camp Borden spent the weekend' with his mother, Mrs. Amite Nicol of Minnie Street. rte}•r,:�:, FULL SLICED T-BONE, RIB ROUND STEAKS 'OR WING OR ROASTS STEAKS C 1 88.:i i.:r.rr..r..rr,rrrrrrrrr.rrrrr.rrrrrrrrrrrr• COLEMAN'S ;BEEF & PORK TOP VALU �(wtTH DRESSING), (By the Piece) ; FRESH ; SAUSAGE BOLOGNA s PICNIC ack 6 -Ib. Economy P 9!; � cAn Ib.. 2.00 Ib.i. BallatiaS1 FLORIDA ADA j V ICE itACANNCY MAC \�UUCEpRAt�GES APPOES 94.3 Hotta 3 3.11)• at 2 do:. .•� as O rev .t�• 4.'.. RC's i..is..rr.r.r..• TOP VALU 128 -oz. rmir..r.rrrr.rir.r r:.rr..r.r:rrrr.rrr.rrr ALLEN'S ASSORTED 'DRINKSFRUIT 48 -oz. c Tin t ..•r.rrm.*.rr.r.r.r.r r...r.rrr.rr.....r.. TOMATO OR VEGETABLE AYLMER 10 100 . SOUP Tin PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTII. CLOSING SAT., NOV. $ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES oa