HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-10-30, Page 7Deboals, Orae, Ilan ter of 104103cten c Win and the late Mr, ,,C4011;i 'Stephenson *tealfe,,,On of Mr. and, Mrs. Leonard Met. oAlfe Pt& R. 1, ,Cilfro4•-elki,-, chArise$1.'marAt.ge vPwA:14. *eves. P,;e0yteriari, church' C41'October 11 Reit. R. H. :Armstrong aft* etate4 and 4rj, Pon Robertson VinfaS'ergatil:St.'Mrs, Carl 0our. las of Delmore, sang 'Weddhig Prayer"' and- 'HQ Perfeet; Love ,- Two 'lovely ferns raced the 1 Sto • .s REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector • , • MRS G. 'L. DAVIDSON, Organist. • . TRINITY 2* — SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd .1;00 e.m.+Morning Prayer' and Sermon. Broadcast Radio Station CKNX, Thursday, October 30th .8;00 p.m. --Service of Induction.. AH welcome. " • Preacher, Rev. Di Jones, Rector of St. James (Westminster) London. • '5 • r • Photo Stritite' tmed piece WM h$41 elbow -length 'Veil She carded a white Eti red roses, WWI lose bu into the vAtite atreagierS4 Mb* C Lin* roxton, sister of the bride; was maid _of hOnOt she wore 4 gown of linen Ve veteen wZtheeqnarter sleeves, the ediplre waist and sleeves trimmed, with•Yellour daisies. She carried,* hand.' bouquet of yellOW,Shap, datties. and wore yellow dales in her, hair. The flower w4slan FiA fogle. C01,1114 Of the bael.jan'S dress was 004401, to that of the maid of torior and she car - lied a similar b.Oncinit. Ale also wore flo%fer$ ,lrihertair. Dwight Metcalfe was hlaq brother's btst man and, Shaba. Foxton, iirothet of the'bride, , was usher, • The wedding dinner-wa$ held at the Blue Barn in Ustowel where the head table was cent- red with the wedding cake -of three tiers. PIO roses deCOrat- ed the guest and head tables.. The guests were 'received by the bride's mother who worea green lace dress anctjacket en- semble with, matching bead bow; and a corsageof Sweetheart roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother whose powder blue dress with matching coat was highlighted by a touch of silver woven through the ma- terial. She wore a matching pillbo* hat. black accessories and corsage of pink toses. Attending the wedding were . V • •••••i:',4:441...K.e.::4*•.41V.SS..,,,K. t. -,. "t•s ',,„11. ', •,,,i ,0:`1,:•14:. • ,.• v,".7.,.t. • ",,,•....., e.• k ''''''''....1. `•*.V. v'' i ,` ••••..•• .' '4. ' t.1 , • ts , ... .„ , T „ , ,' 441. , , f ..,.'", ....• " ....,r ' .4, • , ,,..f.'• • , • . . • .. • , v",it, c:'"*.,,,,, 11 , _. ' ., , . , • ..., . ,,,:,•••,' ' 14 ' . . • • N ' •- • ,t:*„ , :It.. . . • . •• , ci .... • ••• 4. ...erv. • V . ., irea',.... •• ... Ir. . 1. , ' , • irt ',,, '' ,• . ' .,,,. 1 1,1 — ev, • — SAVE a5c • j Family Pack j Boneless ! Tfie King of 1 (7-11 Chops) II ; All Roosts 1 II PORK . i Table Ready ; QUARTER t i • PORK I • BUTT I Trimmed , II•I: ° Prime Rib i WINS I ROAST I 1 ROAST 98 . lb. 7 lib. 69e iiii. 88' . . • COLEMAN'S (WITH DRESSING) BURN'S CAMPFIRE SLICED Boneless Picnic . lb, 69° SIDE BACON Poc 89° PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 27-NOV. 1 INCLUSIVE 25 -Ib. BAG • (Simi 1230 • ' ••• • .• : v . ..... ... ... . . ..... . . ... . . . . .... . .. • • • DEL M0NTi FANCY g 141 -oz. 88, FRUIT COCKTAIL • 3 Tins COLD CROWN RECONST. (ASST.!) 48-orr. „ FRUIT JUICES TOP VALU PEANUT BUTTER TOP VALU TOMATO KETCHUP TOPVALU CHOICE TOMATOES TOP VALU FANCY APPLE SAUCE , Tins IO"' 69$ f 2041. sone al g Mos. ) Ting e 14.. a Tin. 0 TOP VALU POWDERED BLUE DETERGENT ALL. PURPOSE TOP VALU FLOUR eTLS. OF 200 TABLETS BAYER ASPIRIN SCOTTIES ASSORTED FACIAL TISSUE HEINZ (TOM. SAUCE) SPAGHETTI VAN CAMP (TOM. $AUCI) BEANS WITH PORK SU, Poly gag tib. Bag 99° 69. Bottle 98• 41 Boxes si a of 100 I. E 14-61. O Tint 411 26 -ex. a Tins , SPANISH OR OLANCHED YORK PEANUTS KRAFT CANADIAN (SINGLES) CHEESE SLICES HIONLINER FROZEN OCEAN PERCH. FILLETS PEP (SPECIAL PACK) DOG FOOD TOP VALU plitozani ORANGE' JUICE A WIDE VARIETY FOR MoV$ AND GIRLS TOY SALE •,..„••• • • . 13 -oz. Pkgs. 8 -oz. Pkg. 2 "1. 88° Pkgs. r24,.*. Tins A 6.02, .1 This 111 1 39° %Ades tit tail) seek 1 1 1 I , • :44 At The Wfngham 410a$ will be xt in full force on Friday even - lend it helpirl hand to *Ind goblins on the 'Poe for Hallowe'en Night, llowever, they won't be soap- -any iv1n4ewsThey Are staging a monster parade for the youngsters whichls schedu1. ed to take off from the-b4Palk and wind up at the arena. There will be three prize, ,..,for best, costumes In the five and under class and another Or awards, for those 6 to 12, as well as goodies for all the 140$ who take part There will be entertainment 'for the youigOers, and for the Older folks game booths, Meeh counters anii, dancing, t� the mu- sic ,rtf,The Puhlication. Adult ,costOrnes,:, will be judged during ;he dance. The Lions ere hoping to make o Fridarevening a real fun night for the whole family, combined Wliththp raising of needed funds for the community- betterment programs ,in which they are en- gaged, , the bride% grandmother, 'Mrs. Margaret Fogel' of Wingham, and her grandfather.: Clayton Fryfogle of London. For • travelling Mrs. Metcalfe Wore a cranberry dress and. coat ensemble with angora trim touched with silver around the neckline. Her 'accessories were black and she wire a corsage of pink Sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe are living in Belmore. Personals --Mr. and ivir3. Gordon Mc- Clinchey and Mr.. Sidney Mc- clinchey of Auburn and their Mrs: J. C. Robinson of Shuter Street spent last week at Niagara. Falls and Toront9, and at the home of the latter's • daughter. Mrs. 'Herb Dainty of Petawawa; „ •-Mr. Alex ieaver wat able to return home from hospital one day last week. • --Mr. and Mrs. M. Bowron of Sussex, N. B. and Mr. and • Mrs.. Alan Nicol anct ;Kathy of Camp 13cirden, Master Timmy t. gentt▪ d Mrs. -iicovand tarn fly of Brampton spent the week- end with -Mrs. Annie Nkol, - Minnie Street.• • --Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc- LaChlin- of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan over the week -end. --Mrs.: Henrique Hedderick of Caracas, Veneiuela, isyisl- ting with her mother, .Mrs. R.' A. Currie and other relatives. --Miss Ann Henderson of To- ronto visited the past two week- ends at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hen- derson. Lieut. Chaulk, Cadets Cole and Isaac were also visi- tors at the same home. --Mrs. C. W. Lloyd turned home last Tuesday after spending seven weeks in West - 'ern Hospital, .Toronto. • --Mrs. H. Aitchison return- ed home last Wednesday after spending a month in Victoria, B. C.. with Capt. and Mrs. Fer- ris add family, formerly of Wingham. ,,She also visited with Mrs. C. A. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton and Mrs. A. Reading of Sidney. • --Mrs. William Drinkwater of London spent last week with Mrs. Gordon Elliott of Edward Street. • - -Mrs. Melville Bradbutn visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp of Bow- manville, returning home on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Ballagh. --ADMS Gordon McCann and Mike Fleury visited for the past week at the home of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roger West. They returned to. their ship, Nipigon, in Hali- fax on Sunday. --Mrs. Gordon Elliott of. Edward Street who had been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Don Campbell and Mr. Campbell and family in London returned home one day last week. --Mrs. Ezra Welwood of Ed- ward Street who had been visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. Marg- aret Stewart of Winnipeg for the past two weeks retumed home by tratn on Monday. - E. Lewis returned home last Friday after visiting with friends in Victoria and with her daughter. Ibsv. and Mrs. Doug Fry and family in Red Deer, Alta., for three 4. "tss 4.4 tts v• Issmz.-ArvassiOsiviewitoos,avv.....vs., •"•••,.. 17 • r • , r • 4 • • • .41 . , . UCWAEGIoNA4 .RALLY—Mrs. Harold 'DOW. Of -Pord*ii.i, left, North' Huron regional president, presided at the regional rally. held last week in Wroxeter 'United: Here she ,Cliscusses.,the financial report of the -UCW -with guest speaker, Mrs.. Harold Babensee of Stratford, r byterial, president—Banner. Photo. '.; • warm and cozy in all weather Blustery days are ahead but the young set enjoys the winter when 'warmly dressed. It's time now to get prepared. Trial Leotards ' TRIMFIT has proven to . be one of .our • most popular brands. Corn* in sizes 2 - 14. SNOWPANTS THERMO LINED SNOWPANTS FOR BOYS AND • .GIRLS. Great for cold weather fun in the snowbanks or on the stoma. Sizes 4 - 14. BOYS' and GIRLS' *SKATING SWEATERS *PULLOVERS *CARDIGANS GIRLS' FUR HATS Antron JACKETS Maximum warmth with minimum weight. Windproof with Fortrid fibrefill lining. Whiter Yard Goods For Skirts, Suits and Whiter Dresses • Support the Lions Hallowe'en Frolic .Friday, October 31 mcDonaidt ..eagade,,,,,„4")... • GOODS MIR SINGER SEWING CENTRE • •1