HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1969-10-30, Page 2P1
e 2 — Win ham Advance -Tyne., Thursday, Oct. 30, 1969
• Bible Lands; Piligrinrsage
2brochure phone 257.10 or writ* P. 0. Box
total cost of" an unprecedented low $420. For
to pay balance (about $27 per menth1)—Or pay
down payment only end take up to 24 months
927, Wingham.
Kos,: Rev. Barry Passmore
for the year ended Dacomber 31, 1%$
Business ....
Contributions from other governments
Payments in lieu of taxes
Other revenue
$ 118,014
$ 119,210
$ 77,204
$ 199,624
General government . . $ 9,439
Protection to persons and property 3,608
Public works . 67,691
Sanitation and waste removal 130
Social and family services 13,187
Recreation and community services 535
Financial expenses 21,450
County—share of expendiMre 34,349
Education—local contributions 57,206
Eircess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditure for
the year (7,971)
Surplus (deficit) at the beginning of the year 17,134
Surplus (deficit) at the end of the year 9,163
Get-together for
Mrs. T. Abraham
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Specializing in HOG and BEEF CONFINEMENT
PHONE 367-5353 • BOX 75,,
BaMORE—About 16 friends
and neighbours, among them
members of the Belmore United
Church Women, dropped in on
Mrs. Thomas Abraham last ,
Tuesday evening to honor her
before her departure from the
A social tire was enjoyed
and the ladies presented Mrs.
Abraham with a handbag, scarf,
gloves and a gift of money.
Lunch was served at the close
of the evening.
Mrs. Abraham leaves the
end of this month for George-
town where she has obtained an
Church Services
BELMORE- -Rev. E. R. Hawkes
spoke on the "Introduction to
the Apostles' Creed" at serv-
ices held in Knox Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. The male
members of the choir sang "He
Lifted Me", with Mrs. Alvin
Mundell presiding at the organ.
At services in McIntosh ,
United Church, Mr. Harry Bons,
of Meaford, representing the
work of the Alcohol and Drug
Concern Inc. , was the guest
speaker. The junior choir sang
an anthem, with Miss Laura
Inglis at the organ. The regu-.
lar pastor, Rev. K. Wettlaufer,
was preaching at anniversary
services in Atwood.
Next Sunday and for the
month of November, the serv-
ices will be held in Belmore
United Church for both -congre-
Bid 'farewell to
Mr., Mrs. Frostily
.BELGRAVE-- A pleasant
evening was spent at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coul-
tes on Tuesday when the dir-
ectors and staff 'of the Belgrave
Co-operatives Association held
a farewell party for Mr. and
Mrs: Lloyd Freethy, who gave
up his position as manager to
take over a petroleum business
in Stayner.
Progressive euchre was en-
joyed after which the ladies,
served a delicious lunch. '71!
The president, Bob toil -ties,
made a few remarks and pig-
sented Mr. and Mrs. Fre„ethy
with a tea wagon. Lloyd and
Marie thanked the directors
and staff for their thoughtful-
Lee Wenger will reside in (
Mary Lee. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Barry Wenger of Whig+
ham and Michael Franklin
Haskins of Galtson of Mr. And
Ws. Benjamin Haskins of the
same city, were married in St,
Paul's Anglican Church on Sat-
urday afternoon by Rev. T. K.
Hawthorn, rector of St.
Baskets and altar arrange -
ments of pink and white mums
decorated the church. Mrs.
Gordon Davidson was organist
and Frank Renwick, Teeswater„
sang "The Wedding Prayer" and
The bride .was given in mar-
riage by -lei father. (rShe wore
a traditional gown of chantilly
lace with fitted basque bodice,
sabrina neckline and long lily -
point sleeves. Panels of alter
natetiers of scalloped lace and
pleated. tulle enhanced the back
and front 'of the bouffant skirt.
A cluster of rosebuds held her
' shoulder -length veil of scallop-
ed illusion. She carried a cas-
cading bouquet of white mums.
Her only attendant was her
sister, Miss Catharine Wenger
who wore a floor -length gown
of Paris blue chiffon over taf-
feta with long full sleeves. She
wore a Matching organza floral
arrangement entwined in her
hair and blue shoes, and carried
a nosegay of pink and white
Jerry Dabrowski of Galt was
the best man and the ushers
were Gary Sippel of HeSpeler
and David Wenger of Wingham.
The reception 'was held at
Danny's Tavern where pink and
• white mums centred the gUe,st
-tables and the bride's table was.
centred with the wedding cake.
The bride's mother wore an
A-line dress and coat ensemble
of pink foxtrot with blown ac-
s?enor1011 and eentage of bronze
mums. The Wool's mother
chose an A-line green lacedress
with matching three -waiter
length Jacket and beige aces -
tortes, She as wore a corsage
of bronze ultimo.
• The WOO Izoottigte for trilVi,
aling woo an A-line Ores *04
coo of music ‘4001 with darn -
sen trim Her aceeSSelfes Yfere
black and he wore a (*oar of
pink Tea me*.
Mr. and Mrs. Has4Ini
live In Galt,
iltta6 and
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ordon Moir describes
work of county board
FORD WIC H - -The Women's
Institute held the October meet-
ing in the community hall. Mrs.
Scott Clarkson chaired the meet-
ing, .Mrs. Stanley Bride read
the minutes and Miss. Elva Fost-
er gave devotions. The motto,
"If you ale on the rocksbe a •
•llghth�fe",, was given by Miss
iiiiie'achlWain. •
She said in spite of our oft
rocky problems, we should help
others. She read a poem,
"Careless Words". It's not what
Woodstock minister guest
speaker at anniversary
GO RRIE- - Rev. Kenneth 0 ates
of Chalmers, Woodstock, was
the guest speaker it the Gorrie
United Church anniversary •
services on Sunday and was in-
troduced by Rev. G. W. Sach.
At the morning service he chose
Philippians 4, verse 8, as his
theme, pointing out our neces-
sity to think, "Where will you •
be when you get where you. are
heading?" and "What is your
big idea?"
Mrs. Ilene Bamford of Lon-
don was the guest sing-
ing, "House of God" and "Holy
City" at the morning service
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and "The Lord Is My Light" and
"Abide with Me" in the even-
ing. The choir sang the anth-
ems, "Love of God", "So Won-
derful'', "How Great Thou Art"
and in the evening "Praise the
Lord, 0 Jerusalein".
The evening service opened ,
with an old time sing -song led
by Rev. G. W. Sach and ,Rev.
J._ W. Hird offered prayer..
Rev. Oates gave a travelogue
on "Through the Bible" showing
pictures.of his trip in February
of this year throughout the Holy
Land. Large congregations at-
tended both services.
Mrs. Alex Sangster attended
the recent wedding of her grand-
niece, Miss Jennifer Sangster,
in St. Paul's Anglican Church,
. Our congratulations to T. P.
O'Malley of the 2nd, who com-
peted at the International Plow-
ing Match in Paris, again cap-
turing some prizes for his fine
Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Hask-
ins of Lions Head visited rela-
tives in the area during-lait
week. •
Congratulations to Mr. and.
Mrs. John Moffat of London on
the birth of a son on October
23rd, a brother for Sandra and
Michelle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Doubledee of our area are the
proud grandparents, Mrs. Mof-
fat being the former Mae Doub-
ledee. Michelle is spending
some time with her grandpar -
Well, sure and if it isn't an
early Christmas for us this yearl
By the looks of things last week,
either we or the weatherman
are confused. We were all go-
ing about in shock for a few
days. but had to admit the first
you say but how you say it.
An invitation was read. from
Clinton to attend the Cancer
Euchre winners
FORD WICH- -Twenty- one
„tables of progressive euchre
were in play at the 66rnnifiliity'
hall, sponsored by the Worne2s
institute. '
High and low scores were:
!high lady, Mrs. Annie Smith,
Kurtzville; low lady, Mrs. War-
ren Zurbrigg of Clifford; high
' gent, Ira Schaefer, Fordwich;
low gent, Scott Clarkson, tord-
wich; lucky hand, Clarke Ren-
• wick, Belmore; lucky tally card
Jim Warrell, Elmer Hakim and
i Francis lnglis.
snowfall surely looked pretty.
Speaking of October, this week
seen another Hallowe'en. Let's
be sensible, kid's, and have fun
without causing destruCtion or
anxiety for others.
A number. of area ladiesat-
tended a demonstration held at
the home of Mrs. Arnold Jef-
fray on Wednesday aftemoon of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Scott of
near Wingham were Saturday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Young people home for the
week -end were Miss Margaret
Jeffray from Guelph, Miss Phyl-
lis McKague from London and
Mr. William Jeffray from To-
Mr. and Mrs. William Soth-
em of Fosdwich were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Selah
Breckenridge in the village.
The spinster laughed at any-
one who suggested that it was
too bad she did not have a hus-
band. "I have a do gothat
grOwls. a parrot that swears, a
fireplace that smokes, and a
cat that stays out all night.
Why should I want a husband?"
Clinic. The 4-H leaders, Mrs.
Scott Clarkson and Miss Minnie
McElwain spoke on the' course
at Seaforth, "Fish, Meat and
Eggs In the Menu". Mrs. El-
mer Harding gave the report of
, the Guelph Area Convention.
The guest speaker, Gordon
MoIi .7rizetrib6f iffe 6'614 '
t'Oard' a eau ciTtod;
was inirci-
'duced by Mrs. Harold Pollock.
He very ably explained how the
county board operates, how one
board of 14 members does the
work of 23 former boards. How -
ick Central School has 658 chil-
dren attending and is one.of
the few which are getting con-
versational French;
A social half hour was en-
joyed over the tea caps.
We specitillze in a com late I1n of
ItAititt,_ —
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